Vicente is a great guy, okay?
He's trying to make something of himself.
He's in school studying business administration.
Oh! Business administration.
Does he own a company or does he want me to give him one?
You don't need to.
They do very, very well at the fish market.
They like living a simple life. That's different.
A simple life.
Is that the kind of life you want?
A simple life?
Tell me something.
Did you not marry Andres because of that guy?
Answer me!
No, I didn't marry Andres
because I realized I didn't love him.
I understand that very well.
My question was, did you not marry Andres
because of that fishmonger apprentice?
That doesn't change anything. Listen to me!
It changes everything!
Did you forget I convinced you to not get married?
And I'll be forever grateful.
So did you read the article I sent you?
The one on protocols for acute malnutrition cases?
Yeah, but I think that not all cases apply.
Sure, chronic conditions.
Exactly, I feel like they would need to be supplemented
with other protocols.
Yes, I agree.
-Lucha. -Hmm?
There was something about some network
that helps college students
by providing them with medication, materials...
Do you know about them?
Yes, and if you're interested,
speak with the university president.
Tell him I sent you. He'll help you.
Yes, Professor.
So the doctor can pull a few strings.
Well, that's your flight.
All that's left is to pass the checkpoint.
You have everything?
Yep, boarding pass, passport...
Take good care of yourself.
Drop me a line later and tell me how it's going, okay?
-Take care. -Bye.
I love you, Andres.
I know it'd be unfair if I asked you to stay,
but I'll be waiting for you though.
No, don't. I don't know when I'll be back.
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Find someone here, someone who loves you.
Who cares about that?
We've overcome so many obstacles.
What matters is what you feel and what I...
What matters is that I love you...
so I will wait for you, okay?
You're amazing.
You always get your way. You love putting up a fight.
That's not true. Don't say that.
-Now go. -Okay.
Call me, okay?
I'll call you all the time.
I know you're sad, but you don't need to make this harder
or more complicated for everyone else.
I thought we'd already talked about this
and that you understood.
Can you two calm down?
I honestly think that you don't know me at all.
-I don't like fighting. -You don't?
-I don't. -Okay.
Can I tell you something?
I wish you two good luck.
I hope you last a very long time together.
Because Lady and the Tramp,
you know, the dogs in love and all that,
that's just a fairytale.
It's fiction.
Did that just happen?
Wow. I totally don't get it.
Me neither.
Where's your mom? Didn't she come?
There she is.
She's probably looking for my dad.
Look at her.
You threw a lengthy and strong relationship out the window
for a broke guy?
For goodness sake!
Stop talking about Vicente that way.
I say whatever I please.
Please listen to me. Look at me, please.
Vicente is a good human being. He's a good person.
So now he's a good person?
The world is filled with good people.
Andres was a good person,
but you didn't marry him for a stupid reason.
Look, I didn't marry him
because I realized, before it was too late,
that I was never going to be happy with him.
It has nothing to do with me being with Vicente or not.
I just wasn't in love, period!
You're all going to kill me from a heart attack.
What will you all say then?
You're mopping the floor with me.
-Where are you going? -To get some fresh air.
I can't stand this house anymore.
And I don't know who my daughters are anymore,
especially you!
This is a total lack of respect,
consideration and good manners.
Your bride is taking way too long.
Not even Stella took this long.
I'm so sorry. I'm talking nonsense.
What's the matter? Why are you so worried?
Why do you look nervous?
Because... I'm going to get married.
It's normal to be nervous.
Besides, Stella isn't here yet.
Oh, no... I totally forgot.
-I'm fearing the worst. -Like what?
What she's going to do.
I got myself in this and no one can help me get out of it.
Lord, I've watched every soap opera
and every Almodovar movie, but I'm not ready for this.
I only hope nothing weird happens.
Let's go, Mrs. Trini.
Sure, but it's impossible to live in a city
with this kind of weather.
How dreadful! Respectable people...
Try to be more discreet.
Look at the bride.
What a horrendous dress!
You can tell the poor thing
couldn't even afford a middle-class dress.
I think she looks hot.
She's got so many curves,
anything would look great on her.
Excuse me.
I don't think I follow, but you need to be a lot more discreet.
That dress looks horrible on her.
She looks like a tamale tightly wrapped in a corn husk.
I think she looks very pretty.
Poncho got lucky with her.
Stop looking at her so much!
You knocked spit out of my mouth.
I only have eyes for you.
Sure you do.
Play me for a fool, why don't you?
I'd rather we just played.
Why do you always stop me from being upset?
You're so saucy.
Here comes the bride!
I want to see you walk in with a happy face, okay?
Let's go, Poncho.
I love you, Andres.
I know it'd be unfair if I asked you to stay,
but I'll be waiting for you though.
No, don't. I don't know when I'll be back.
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Find someone here, someone who loves you.
Who cares about that?
We've overcome obstacles,
and what matters is what we both feel.
Oh, Lucha...
What was that?
Dearly beloved, this joyful occasion asks
that we remember a very important man today,
a man who left us a message of love,
who when he preached, his words were poetry and faith.
Praise the Lord!
He was followed by many and feared by cowards.
Do you see where we are now?
God keeps toying with us
by taking us here and there and back and forth...
Stop, Mom.
How can we forget his name...?
What was his name?
The guy who sang "Light My Fire."
You mean Jim Morrison?
That's it! Jim Morrison!
I had all his records.
First I had the vinyls, then the CDs...
then I downloaded the MP3s.
You could even have him on your cell phone.
There was a blonde too. She sang...
-Yes? -Our wedding.
Yes, I almost forgot.
There is love in here...
Poncho, you're acting strange. What's wrong?
Aren't you happy?
No. I mean, yes.
You seem distracted.
No, umm...
it's normal to be nervous when you're getting married.
The bride and groom are a bit nervous.
They're talking amongst themselves.
No, Dad. Nothing's wrong.
Please continue.
It mustn't be an easy thing
to be married by your father-in-law.
Don't worry, Fluffy.
Dad will help us out of this problem when he gets home.
Hopefully the police won't get here first
and put me in jail for kidnapping.
You know that I'm innocent though, right?
Where'd that dog come from?
I... this is Paco Javo... I mean, Fluffy.
Sorry, Fluffy.
-Fluffy? -Yeah.
First and foremost, my brothers and sisters,
I'd like to welcome you all and thank you for being here
to witness this ceremony celebrating the union
of these two young people in love.
This union is similar to the union
we all have with the Lord, which...
Look happier...
It's that psycho again!
How can you interrupt like this?
This is a formal ceremony, ma'am.
You mean was.
I'm here to stop this wedding.
1, 2, 3, I'm dead.
For more infomation >> Rich In Love | Episode 110 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:02.-------------------------------------------
Dildo en las entrañas | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:30.
We're back
and ready to welcome our next case of the day
with this quote by Spanish writer
Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas.
It reads,
<i>"The wisest man is not the one </i>
<i>who knows where the treasure is.</i>
<i> It's the one who</i> <i> works to extract it."</i>
Bring out the litigants.
You can keep something secret and hide it wherever you want
but at the end of the day, the truth always comes out.
It's my body.
I'll decide what I do with it.
It's that simple.
Good afternoon and welcome.
-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon, ma'am.
Rodolfo, you're the plaintiff
Tell me who Lizete is, why you're suing her,
and what you demand to settle this case.
Thank you, ma'am.
Lizete is my ex-wife.
I'm here because I need your help.
I demand that she return what's mine.
I saved up all my life to acquire it
and she stole it from me.
She has something that belongs to me
and she has it stashed inside her vagina.
It's a dildo I obtained at an auction.
I'm a businessman.
We both obtained it!
Wait a minute.
It's a vibrator?
Yes, a vibrator.
How long has she had it inside her vagina?
Over two and a half years now.
I know it sounds strange, ma'am...
Give me all the details.
I need an explanation
because this is starting to sound absurd.
Sadly so, but this is real.
Look, I'm a businessman.
I buy and sell things.
I buy them cheap and sell them for twice as much.
I met my ex-wife approximately three years ago.
We dated for about six months
and decided to get married.
Unfortunately so.
We got married and we were so happy at first...
I wasn't happy.
Wait a minute.
It was great.
We were in love; we had a great sex life and money.
We had sex whenever you weren't away on business.
That was for our own good, baby!
It was for our own good.
I'd travel to auctions to buy things on the cheap
in order to sell them here in Miami.
Our relationship started out quite nicely.
I figured it was time to have kids.
We both agreed to conceive.
We got down to business as all couples do.
Apparently, things turned out fine,
because 20 days later she called me.
I was out of town at an auction at the time.
She told me we were going to be parents.
I left the auction because I was so moved
and delighted at news that I was becoming a father.
I came right back and took her to the gynecologist.
The gynecologist told us it was a high-risk pregnancy.
I bought her everything she needed so she'd be okay.
I had her rest up so nothing would happen to my son...
To our son.
Since she was okay, I went off on another business trip.
I was working to find more things to re-sell.
She called me halfway through one of those trips
to tell me that she felt bad.
So, I came back.
Turns out we lost our child.
It was very painful.
I became depressed.
He knows I had a lot of complications.
That's exactly why I invited her
to spend New Year's Eve with me in Amsterdam.
We had a great time.
We left all our troubles behind.
It's like we started anew.
After having celebrated the new year,
a rather odd auction came up.
That's the auction where we acquired the dildo.
It was a sex toy auction.
You can't imagine the things we saw there.
So you bought this vibrator at an auction in Amsterdam.
-How much did you pay? -$30,000.
Why is that dildo worth $30,000?
It's made of gold.
Oh, it's made of gold.
18-karat gold.
It's approximately 10 centimeters long.
Do you have pictures?
Yes, I gave them to Production.
Let's see it.
That's my missing dildo.
After buying it, we came back to Miami
and started using it.
Oh, so you tried it out.
Gold prices were in decline,
so we decided to safe keep it.
Gold prices were bound to go back up.
We stored it away, but ended up using it.
We had a party one night.
We had to use it.
His penis never satisfied me.
Not in the very least.
We had a party one night.
There was alcohol, food... the works.
We were all having a great time.
My guests ended up staying over with their dates.
We went back to our room
and like any drunk couple, we ended up having sex
and falling asleep.
To our surprise, the next day my dildo went missing.
I woke her up.
"My dildo! Where's my dildo?"
We searched the whole house and asked all our guests.
No one had anything or said anything.
I said, "No one's leaving until I get my dildo back."
We searched everywhere to no avail.
We even filed a claim.
Show me.
So the police came and investigated.
Give me the entire folder.
We pressed charges against all our guests.
Here's a police report
for a missing 18-karat gold vibrator worth $30,000.
And here is...
the invoice from the auction where you bought the vibrator.
It's under both your names, as you can see.
Very well.
Eventually, you two divorced.
After the dildo went missing,
our relationship went downhill.
She wouldn't see me or talk to me...
She wouldn't even kiss me good morning!
He was very distraught after losing the dildo
because it was so expensive.
How'd you find out she had the dildo?
So we divorced and a year went by.
Just three months ago,
I realized my dildo never went missing.
I nearly killed my friends after accusing them
of having stolen my dildo.
One of the guests who'd attended the party
called me up to tell me who had the dildo.
Turns out my ex-wife has my dildo.
She has it shoved up her vagina.
For about a year now, too.
That's the amazing part about all this.
How do you respond, Lizet?
First of all, I also demand justice.
He hasn't stopped harassing me since he found out.
He shows up at my house yelling
so all my neighbors can hear him.
Let me talk.
He shows up at my house, calls me non-stop...
he won't leave me alone!
I'm afraid.
I'd like a restraining order.
What if he manages to catch me on the street
and forces it out of me?
Don't you think it's more important
How did you not realize
you had that thing inside of you for so long?
I never felt discomfort.
I didn't feel anything.
I did notice increased pleasure during sex,
but I never felt anything that bothered me.
Until three months ago when I felt sharp pain in my abdomen.
I even started bleeding.
I went in for a check-up.
Turns out I had some ovarian cysts.
I managed to treat them with some medication,
so they're gone now.
However, in the scans I had done of my vagina
you can clearly see the dildo lodged in my vagina.
My uterus is tilted back.
That's where the dildo is now.
I never realized it because I never felt discomfort.
On the contrary, it was amazingly pleasurable.
I loved it.
It never occurred to me that I had that thing inside me.
ended up inside yousomehow
that night of the party and it never came out.
I never went in for a check up, so...
You never went to the doctor or to the gynecologist
for your annual check-up?
No, ma'am.
I work really hard, so I never had time to go.
Nor did I have the need.
After your gynecologist discovered this,
what'd they suggest?
Are you to have it removed?
I have the medical report right here.
The doctor said there's no risk in keeping it there.
It's become a part of my body.
There's no way it can harm me or cause any issues.
This report states,
"The patient Lizet Gonzalez appears to have an object
trapped inside her pelvis.
To our knowledge, the object does not pose a threat
to the patient's life or state of health."
There isn't a problem here.
He wants me to undergo surgery to have it extracted
so he can sell it.
All he cares about is money.
My health is at stake!
I want my money back.
I've had a miscarriage before.
The doctor said surgery would be risky.
I only have one ovary.
I managed to conceive, but things didn't work out.
Okay, understood.
Now, when you got divorced,
was there a separation of assets?
Yes, ma'am.
At the time, we rented a house
and had a car that we still owed $1,000 on.
I decided to give her the car.
Didn't you have any other assets?
What about furniture?
Didn't you have furniture?
The furniture came with the house, ma'am.
Oh, it was fully furnished.
We only had $40,000 in capital.
What about jewelry or valuables?
We each kept our own belongings.
We split everything evenly.
Okay, understood.
We each went our own ways.
Now, I demand...
Who brought witnesses?
I did, ma'am.
Bring out the plaintiff's witness.
Very well...
You bought this item while still married, correct?
With my money.
What do you mean? You were married.
She never worked.
You were still married, so it doesn't matter if she worked.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
My name is Elsa.
I used to be friends with this bitch a few years back.
We were never friends.
The day her dildo went missing, she blamed me.
I was the main suspect. She sent cops to my house!
You weren't the only one. We charged everyone else, too.
The cops arrived at my house and interrogated me.
It was humiliating,
but thankfully they managed to prove that it wasn't me.
That was the end of that.
Now that I know she has it inside of her,
I'm pissed off.
I'm here to vindicate myself.
-And that's not all. -There's more?
I found out through some friends of mine
that she's been she's been looking to borrow money
for a flight to Spain.
What does that have to do with this?
You're running away with my dildo!
She wants to go to Spain.
Come on!
Rodolfo... she's taking it.
I know. That's why I'm here.
Ma'am, I can't undergo surgery!
Please welcome Dr. Moises Irizarry,
sexologist Williams Lucena, and attorney Lizette Sierra.
Why'd you have to meddle, huh?
Neither of you has a say about what I do with my body.
Dr. Irizarry.
Through the scans,
you can see this woman has a vibrator lodged in her pelvis.
There's a doctor that claims this poses no threat.
Is that true?
It's still a foreign object inside her vagina.
As with all foreign objects, she runs the risk of sepsis,
which is a severe infection that can enter the bloodstream
and cause further complications.
Now, just because there's a foreign object inside of her
the more complicated the extraction will be.
There could be scar tissue formed around the area
and it may get stuck to that tissue.
Does this entail invasive surgery
or can a vaginal extraction be performed instead?
It can be performed as a vaginal extraction.
Now, if complications arise,
invasive surgery will be necessary.
It'll be like a cesarean
where they cut into the lower pelvis.
Now, Mr. Lucena.
She claims to be experiencing heightened levels of pleasure
since the incident.
She has a foreign object in her vagina
and she's experiencing greater pleasure.
Is that plausible?
Not consistently,
but if she's experiencing stronger orgasms,
then it does make sense.
She's experiencing cervical orgasm.
Cervical orgasm is different from clitoral orgasm.
Cervical orgasm is felt throughout the body.
The sensation emanates throughout
whereas a clitoral orgasm
mainly stimulates the pelvic region.
There's a stark similarity to a penile orgasm.
Okay, cool.
So she has heightened sensation.
Yes, apparently.
Let's talk about the important part.
These two people have been divorced.
I've yet to see their divorce papers,
but they claim there weren't all that many assets
to split besides a car.
Divorce papers usually specify
if there's a piece of property
that's currently missing.
They probably should've mentioned the missing item.
Even if it was missing.
He's doing the right thing by filing a civil claim
to demand his half.
He has the right to his share.
Legally, you could argue that she was trying to hide it.
There could be repercussions for that.
He might end up receiving more of the item's worth
if they manage to prove this.
Under different circumstances,
I'd probably do that...
but in this case I truly believe it was lost.
They called the cops, filed charges...
I think they just got so drunk
they forgot they'd been fooling around with it.
God knows.
She had this planned out!
That may be true,
but I'm not convinced she was trying to steal it.
I don't think so.
I'm no doctor,
but it's odd that she didn't feel anything
over the span of an entire year.
Curiously enough...
The deeper regions of the vagina
actually don't have many nerve endings,
so things can actually get lost in there.
You can lose a diaphragm, a condom...
You can lose tampons.
That's fairly common.
I've seen cases where it happens.
So it really could've gotten lost.
I have no evidence
that she was actively trying to steal it.
My ruling...
This is a valuable that was bought in wedlock.
He claims it was bought with his money,
but under marriage, that money belonged to you both.
There was no prenuptial agreement
and no separate accounts were ever set up.
I consider the money you spent
was part of your joint marital funds.
Therefore, you have a right to half
of what that dildo is worth.
Listen up!
Depending on its worth, you owe him $25,000.
I think it needs to be evaluated first,
but if you also think it's worth $50,000,
you're to pay him half that amount in a matter of 30 days.
That's it.
If you don't have that kind of money,
have it extracted, sold, and then split the earnings.
That's my ruling.
It's final. Case closed.
Be kind, be careful, get educated,
respect others so you'll be respected,
and may God help us.
See you next time. Thanks for joining me.
<font color="#ffff00"> CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK</font> <font color="#ffff00"></font> <font color="#ffff00"> (305) 887-3060</font>
La Doña | Capítulo 23 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:01.
Man arrested in connection to 6-week-old boy's death - Duration: 1:37.
Chema | Episode 18 | Telemundo English - Duration: 17:00.
See ya!
That idiot Red is out of line.
He's just a servant. He's going to pay.
You've already showed them the difference
between boss and servant,
which benefitted my son, much to Chema's dismay.
Chema knows his place. Besides, I have plans for him.
Now the other one, he's the one who needs to be careful.
Tell me something, Ricardo.
Was there anything between Chema and Amanda?
We're going to be family. You can tell me.
Precisely because we're going to be family,
you shouldn't ask.
Your son is going to marry Amanda,
so stop worrying about it.
You dummy!
You're going to scare him.
It's not like you're going riding right now.
Are you ready, future wife of mine?
Ready for what? What are you planning?
Didn't you say you wanted to do it in a bed?
Well, you know I can't turn down a challenge,
especially when it's that.
So what'd you get?
I have a key to the best room in the best hotel in the U.S.
Isn't that what you wanted?
That's my boy!
They were right about Chema.
That kid's going to make it far in this business.
Watch it, though.
You have to keep him under control.
He's nuts!
You okay, Chema?
Oh, yeah.
Laugh it up.
Damn, kid.
Watch and learn.
You're going to have to suck it.
Yeah! Let's go.
Perfect. I think that's great.
Alright, keep me posted.
Who was that?
That idiot Centeno.
He's going to get the people investigating me off my back.
Now I'll be able to work in peace.
Well, look who it is.
Hello, Mr. Ricardo.
Hi, Martita.
This is Mr. Ricardo, another one of the owners.
Yes, I already know him. Thank you.
-How are you? -A pleasure to see you.
Why does this woman have bodyguards?
How much do you think she's traveling with?
Maybe she doesn't even have anything
and she's just going to Phoenix with Torres
so her husband won't catch her.
Why stop in Nogales first though?
I don't like this at all.
Damn it!
What's the matter, Colonel?
Some hangover, huh?
Look at this.
This came back from the crime lab.
I asked you for a beer, not coffee.
I'll get you your beer. Don't worry.
That's a 9mm Walther PPK.
Col. Oteyza was killed with an identical gun.
We need to find it.
Hopefully someone in Nogales is in possession of it.
Listen to me carefully.
Investigating equals patience.
What's wrong, honey? Don't you like the bed?
Teach me everything you learned with all those whores.
What the...?
Who told you I've been with whores?
Stop playing dumb.
You told me and Chema told me.
We used to be friends and tell each other everything.
We used to be friends.
And what are we now?
In front of everyone?
We're a couple engaged to be married.
In private, you're my teacher...
and I'm your student.
An outstanding student.
I don't want to be jealous of anyone.
What'd you think?
That I would be some prude? Huh?
Besides your wife,
I also want to be the best lover you've ever had,
the best sex you've ever known.
Will you teach me?
We sure were cut out for this work,
especially you, Bull.
You're a natural.
It's the first time I've ever shot one of these things.
I'm not going to lie. I liked it.
That was way too risky, man.
You're f---ing crazy!
It was such an adrenaline rush. It totally blinded me.
This is only the beginning too.
A heck of a beginning!
This lady has an awesome house, unlike where we're staying.
Hey, Bull, from now on, you're in charge of training.
You have great aim, man. You always hit your target.
Red, give some money to the families of the guys we lost.
-We can't abandon them. -You got it.
First we're going to talk business with these people.
Hey! How's it going?
[Se saludan]
-What's up? -Hey, Red.
Mission accomplished.
Good Lord, you've turned this city upside down
after the bloodbath you caused.
Sorry, but we had to exterminate them
or they would've multiplied like roaches.
You were right, Cadena.
He's young, but capable.
Come sit right here.
Well, now that we got rid of that problem, Imelda,
we should start discussing business.
We'll have time for that later.
Would you be interested in working for me here in Miami?
I'll pay you double whatever you're making now.
Well, dear?
What will get you to come work for me?
I mean...
I really appreciate the offer,
but I'm loyal to Mr. Ricardo Almenar.
I'm sure you understand.
Of course I do. That speaks highly of you.
I thought you wanted to grow though.
Who doesn't want to grow?
I think I'm more useful to you and to everyone else
if I stick with Mr. Ricardo.
My boss and my countrymates here
are very interested in the product you're bringing in.
That's what I'm interested in.
You always know just what to say, huh?
You're cute.
Abuelo, bring 10 kilos.
Move it, damn it!
That's a gift for you.
Take it to your boss.
Tell him that I'm very grateful
and that, starting today, we're partners,
and that I hope to meet him soon.
Okay. Deal.
You earned it all on your own.
Cadena, we're going to go into business
with your Mexican friends.
Cheers to that.
Thank you for believing in us, ma'am.
We won't let you down, word of honor.
As for you, Chemita...
the doors to my home will always be open for you...
<i> That's when I made</i> <i> a big leap.</i>
<i> I was officially in, and I'd</i> <i> gotten in triumphantly.</i>
<i> Things couldn't</i> <i> have been better.</i>
<i> As for Amanda, the first woman</i> <i> I ever fell in love with,</i>
<i> I had to give her up to Saul,</i> <i> much to her dismay.</i>
<i> No way was I going to</i> <i> stick around to watch them,</i>
<i> crying in every corner.</i>
<i> I'm not made of stone.</i>
<i> So I immediately moved in</i> <i> with my chick,</i>
<i> who looked just like her.</i>
Put the sofa over there and the lamp too.
Hurry up! My boyfriend's going to come.
Look at you! What a sight!
Surrounded by men ready and willing.
-How'd it go? -Great.
-Were you a good boy? -I'm always a good boy, baby.
What the f--- are you all looking at?
F---ing move it!
What she said! Bring everything in already!
<i> I had no clue as to what</i> <i> the authorities</i>
<i> were actually planning</i> <i> against me,</i>
<i> but I knew</i> <i> something was up</i>
<i> and I wasn't going to make it</i> <i> easy for those f---ers.</i>
<i> Red and Bull helped me build</i> <i> a badass army for Mr. Ricardo.</i>
<i> He himself couldn't have</i> <i> imagined how big we'd get.</i>
<i> We were bringing in merch</i> <i> for the Robleses,</i>
<i> Feyo Aguilera</i> <i> and many others</i>
<i> while doing business with</i> <i>Imelda, the Colombian in Miami.</i>
<i> Mr. Ricardo's gringo partners</i> <i> as well.</i>
<i> I knew the ones on this side</i> <i> of the border,</i>
<i> but I hadn't met anyone</i> <i> on the American side yet.</i>
<i>They didn't have anything on us.</i>
<i> Meanwhile, we kept smuggling</i> <i> more and more product </i>
<i> into the U.S.</i>
<i> We were kicking</i> <i> those gringos' asses.</i>
<i> Mr. Ricardo was in heaven.</i>
<i> He had no idea Red</i> <i> was stabbing him in the back.</i>
Hi, baby.
I was missing you, baby.
What's wrong?
Aren't you happy to see me?
I was dying to see you, Red.
That's the problem.
I like you and a lot, baby.
So then?
I want you to stop seeing Mr. Ricardo.
<i> It kept getting worse</i> <i> for Mr. Ricardo.</i>
<i> Even Mrs. Blanca</i> <i> was cheating on him.</i>
Hey, boss.
Our shipment from Colombia should be getting here soon.
That's not why I had you come.
I don't give a crap about that right now.
I want you take Red out of the game,
and if you need to kill him, kill the f---er.
-Red? -That's right.
Why though? He's doing a great job.
Listen to this f---ing guy.
Who the hell do you think you are questioning my orders?
You think you're so big now that you're above me, f---er?
ART SALE. SAFE. - Duration: 9:46.
Star Conflict Lesson: 2016 Year In Review - Duration: 5:27.
Hi and welcome back to Star Conflict tutorials! This year is coming a close, which means it is time to look back at all the major updates of this year.
January was full of exciting stuff. This is when the game introduces a whole new class of craft- the mighty destroyers.
Each of the warring factions got a rank eight ship:Invincible for the Empire,Procyon for the Federation and Archon for the pilots of Jericho.
Alongside those ships, we saw a new range of weapons and modules appear as well. Plus new open space locations: Ydra system, complex Naberia-392and Northstar Crash Site.
The major surprise of the January was the new game mode, which favored those players prone to practicing their skills before real battle.Naturally, we are talking about the versus AI game mode.
February brought even MORE destroyers. Among those came some of rank eleven: the Empire's Brave, the Federation's Antares and the Jericho's Sybil.
Naturally, all ships introduced some new modules and guns.
In order to improve experience of players, the game launched resonating crystals, which deal increased damage versus Alien ships.
Later in March the destroyers got their very own repair drones - a great alternative to standard shields.Since that month, rare resources can also be acquired in PvP, PvE and cooperative modes.
Plus, the rewards for Conquest mode were overhauled.
In April Star Conflict introduced free premium ships: the Empire's Brokk engineering craft, the Federation's Archelon guard frigate and the Stingray, a gunship fighter.
In addition to the new mission Star Marathon from Arthur Gage, for completing which the player received parts required for constructing new craft.
Throughout May the devs have reworked some of the existing craft, such as the Phoenix engineering frigateand the Reaper guard frigate.
Not only they got some new and improved visuals, but also some new modules…plus they were part of the Star Marathon, thanks to which these ships could be acquired free of charge.
To speed-up the construction process, the game offered the item calledLucky Container, which can be purchased exclusively for credits.
Finally in May, the game brought forth new party and matchmaking system.
June invited us to discover the mysterious Alien technology. Broker got some new missions, while pilots equipped their first-ever alien gun, the Dag'tnith launcher.
This is when the game brought back the squads of up to four players into PvP mode.
The month of July was full of surprises, too. The devs have completely redesigned four ships:the Jericho's Karudand Palom, the Federation's Kite-E, as well as the Imperial Ghost.
Again, it wasn't just the visual that got re-done. All of the mentioned spacecraft got new unique modules and guns,
Kite-E and Ghost even got a rank increase, but the most important thing is that they all got included in the list of premium craft, which can be build without spending premium currency.
That very same month the game launched the so-called Baron's Elite. Since then, all teams that proved their mastery in team combat, got new extra missions and extra rewards.
In the meanwhile, the research on Alien technology was coming along nicely.Fighters got their Thi'LithBeams,while the interceptors have gotten the Sk'Rah launcher.
Later in August we witnessed some completely redone verisonsof the Imperial Styx engineering craft, the Federation's Hyena tacklerand the Jericho's Sword S command fighter.
Meanwhile the corporations got their very own dreadnoughts of tech level five and some corresponding locations for Conquest mode.
October stood apart from other months. Because precisely in October the battles across space were joined by the Sirius, the first rank fourteen destroyer in the game.
Alongside it came numerous unique modules!The same month brought us the Nightingale, the slippery interceptor of the Federation at rank eight.
Alien researches have finally got their hands on some destroyersand offered G'Thar'Ducannon to anyone able to wield it.
The devs have also simplified and improved the module upgrade system via loyalty and credits.
In November, the pilots expanded their collectionsvia Jericho's rank fourteen ship, the Tyrant.
Late in the month came turn of the Empire's Vigilant, which was the last destroyer of the year.Same as with the Sirius, all new ships came packaged with unique modules and weaponry.
As the final touch for the 2016, the game now has one of the most unusual crafts to date, the Thar'ga.
This new and unique fighter was made by the Ellydium faction, using reverse-engineered Alien technology.
Thar'ga is different from all its predecessors, since you can change virtually everything on this craft: from its rank to visuals, weapons and modules.
This is it for this episode, see you in space!
Here are ways to save Internet data while listening to music on Youtube - Duration: 4:45.
see you again in this simple channel
I will share tricks on how to listen to music from youtube without having to play video
use application Youtube Music
it could be to save the use of the internet and your android battery
but YouTube Music app is not available in all countries
but I have a trick that you can try to use the application Youtube Music
first you need to download the apk Youtube music
address to download, please see this video description field
You also need to download Hotspot Shield application in PlayStore
after the application is successfully installed, you must open the first Hotspot Shield
click connect
after application of Hotspot Shield has been connected, please open the application Youtube Music
This is the application main view Youtube Music
for application settings, please set yourself
I will demonstrate using this app
You must select several singers
as a condition of using the application Youtube music
I will try to listen to a song
eg songs from Bruno Mars
select top results
and click on one of the songs from Bruno Mars
Now you're listening to music on Youtube
without having to play video
This way can save the use of the internet and your android battery
I need to explain a little of the features of the application Youtube Music
The first you can listen to millions of songs
because it connects directly to Youtube
second, you can choose a mode for listening to a song, such as the use of the previous sound
or listen to songs with music videos
like that examples of songs with video clips
and earlier
song without video clips
You can combine all three songs you like in a playlist
and many other features that you will understand when using this application
like that my tricks, may be useful and helpful
do not forget to like and subscribe to this channel
for further tips and tricks
thank you
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'Ai cũng ứa lệ' khi thấy MC Kỳ Duyên làm điều này với mẹ - Duration: 1:35.
Danh ca Bảo Yến mặc gợi cảm trên sân khâu dù gần 60 tuổi - Duration: 2:55.
10 Celebrities Who're Obsessed With Waist Trainer and Set a Terrible Example for Fans - Duration: 2:06.
10 Celebrities Who're Obsessed With Waist Trainer and Set a Terrible Example for Fans
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