[Car approaching on a dusty path] [Heart beating slowly]
[Car pulling over] [Heart beating slowly]
[Heart beating slowly]
"Come on, come on, le't go" [Doors slamming]
[Music fading in quietly] [Footstep sounds on stone surface]
[Footstep sounds on wooden surface]
[Flashbang bouncing, exploding]
[Sniper rifle being shot] [Music kicks in]
♫We take the spotlight♫
♫We are the ones, we're the champions♫
♫Looking smarter, beating harder♫
♫We play to win, we're the champions♫
♫We're inspired, reaching higher♫
♫Second to none, champions!♫
♫We're in control, body and soul♫
♫We're moving on to the maximum♫
♫The champions, the champions!♫
For more infomation >> Win Again: Road to Global - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Blockbuster Diabetes Drug Invokana Produces Adverse Effect - Duration: 7:29.
David, Invokana, a blockbuster diabetes type two drug, we're finding out now it has a lot
of negative side effects, as often happens with some of these blockbuster drugs.
Before we get into those, real quick, just give us an overview of what Invokana is specifically
used for as far as the diagnosis and things of that nature.
This is another Johnson and Johnson product which has become incredibly popular.
They've put a lot of money behind it.
It is a drug to deal with the control of diabetes, which of course is a condition that millions
of people have.
Diabetes has a lot to do with the acid levels in a particular patient, and this is an inhibitor
of some of those issues and has helped to control the diabetes issues, but what we're
seeing is again, with real safety concerns with Johnson and Johnson being raised, and
very serious concerns and a lot of very serious adverse side effects for these patients, where
it appears that Johnson and Johnson has not properly tested this blockbuster drug before
bringing it to market, and putting millions and millions of dollars behind their advertising
instead of more clinical trials prior to pushing it out nationwide.
What's really interesting is that Invokana commercials are very common on television,
obviously because type two diabetes is becoming more and more common these days.
In these commercials, as we've often seen, they show the happy people.
Once they're on the medication, they're living their lives.
They're out there having fun.
They're barbecuing.
They're exercising.
Then, in the real professional speak, they start giving all these, 'Invokana may cause
yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda.'
That's what they do.
There is a difference.
The side effects are spoken at a high school grade level.
The benefits of the drugs are always spoken at a grade school level.
Study after study has shown that this is the way that these drugs are marketed.
When we're talking about a drug like Invokana, we're looking at something that is causing
kidney failure, heart attacks, ketoacidosis, and this is a drug that is meant to help excrete
blood sugar from the bloodstream through the kidneys.
Those were just the first side effects we knew of.
Now we're starting to see things where people are losing limbs as a result of taking this
Yeah, that's right.
That's the latest FDA advisory that's come out, is that there are a number of cases of
Of course, diabetes patients can be prone to risk for amputation and loss of limb, loss
of toes.
A lot of times that's where it starts, so if you have a serious diabetes condition,
you have to always be cognizant of that, but the information that's coming out in this
recent clinical trial test, which the FDA has issued an advisory about and said that
they're going to be checking into further, is that the Invokana drug is greatly increasing
the propensity for these types of amputations.
First, this is how the pattern for a lot of these drugs unfortunately has played out.
Information keeps on seeping out about some of the concerns here, first starting with
heart attacks, stroke, bone fracture, and things like that.
Last year, those were the advisories that were coming out, and now more recently the
amputation risk.
The issue is that with a lot of these drugs there are side effects, of course, but the
issue is whether the manufacturer, in this case Johnson and Johnson, have properly warned
about the potential side effects so that the physician and the patient can make an educated
decision about whether or not the drug's pros outweigh the potential cons and the risk.
Johnson and Johnson has not properly warned of these risks, which now are only coming
out after the fact, and that is really the disconcerting thing.
Johnson and Johnson, who we think of it as such a household product and the baby to baby
shower and talcum powder, which we're learning a lot about cervical cancer there unfortunately,
but it's a household name.
Obviously, with the systemic problems at Johnson and Johnson, it certainly appears that advertising
and profit is a primary motive here, perhaps over patient safety.
You pointed out something very interesting there, and I want to expand on that just a
little bit.
That's the fact that it's not that the drug, or any drugs, cause side effects.
Even ibuprofen and Tylenol can cause side effects.
A lot of it has to do with the risk benefit analysis, the side effect of it versus what
it does, but the most important thing, and this is where lawsuits come from, is what
did the company know, did they hide it, did they properly deliver this information to
physicians and patients.
It's when there is a cover-up, or when they did not disclose, that they face liability.
It's not just because their product isn't doing everything it says.
It's because they knew it wouldn't, and they hid the dangers.
I think that's something that the public needs to understand.
People don't just get sued for no reason.
It's because there was a cover-up, because there was no warning.
That's correct.
The warnings, and we see the fine print and so forth, but you wonder how much consumers
really understand, as you say with the TV commercials, or you look in the weekly periodicals
and things, and you've got all this fine print which of course goes over everyone's head.
A lot of it is education of the physicians as well.
Instead, Johnson and Johnson is paying tens of millions of dollars in marketing the products
for medical consultants, literally wining and dining a lot of physicians to the tune
of a couple of million dollars in food and beverage expenditures for this particular
drug, and so they're glossing over a lot of these issues.
Either they knew of the problems and they haven't given proper warnings, or they didn't
do sufficient medical and clinical trials to determine what the side effects were.
If a black box warning goes on a particular drug, studies have shown that the prescriptions
of that drug may go down by about 40%.
That's what these manufacturers don't want, and so they're making an oftentimes ... Unfortunately,
they're making calculated decisions about whether it's better to avoid the black box
warning and take their chances on the liability side, and deal with the lawsuits that come
as a result of the various injuries, amputation, stroke, heart attack, or death, versus having
their drug, which they are talking about on their quarterly Wall Street conference calls,
that this is great, 'We're getting great market share in this huge patient population
for diabetes.'
That is the issue.
Is the black box warnings appropriate warnings to the patients?
The patients need that.
Johnson and Johnson is a very sophisticated company.
They need to be putting out all of the information that they have about these drugs so patients
can make informed decisions.
As we've seen too many times, it always comes down to profits over patients, and that's
why people like you, the trial lawyers, Mike Papantonio, Howard and Michael Burg, all a
part of this show, that's why you guys are out there doing what you do every day, to
help protect American consumers.
We appreciate your work both in the courtroom and on this show, so David, thank you very
much for talking with us today.
Thank you, Farron.
It's my pleasure.
10 Surprising Predictions For 2017 : You Will Be Shocked! - Duration: 10:21.
10 Terrifying Predictions For 2017.
2016 was a bad year.
Beloved celebrities died, terrorists massacred dozens, Aleppo was devastated, Yemen went
to Hell, North Korea detonated two nukes, and the US was divided by the nastiest election
in living memory.
Well, we've got some bad news: 2017 could be even worse.
Here's how: 10.
Italy's Banking System Collapses.
In a list of "boring-sounding things you should be worried about," an Italian banking
crisis would be number one.
For years, Italy's lenders have been chucking money at people like 2008 never happened.
Now, experts thinks those banks could finally fall.
Italy is the world's eighth largest economy.
It's also a Eurozone country, so it could bring the whole EU crashing down.
The Greek debt crisis nearly collapsed the Euro, and Greece barely edges into the top
50 global economies.
Italy going down would be like sticking a block of Semtex under the Euro and pressing
the button marked "Kaboom."
As a single entity, the EU has an economy larger than China.
If it goes, the effects on the world would be enormous.
US consumers would be hurting faster than you can say "global depression."
The US And China Engage In A Trade War.
US president-elect Trump has made no bones about his plans regarding China.
He wants to slap tariffs on Chinese goods and square off against Beijing over trade.
While Beijing may back down, things could go the other way.
The US and China could wind up embroiled in a painful trade war.
This would be . . . interesting, to say the least.
China and the US trade nearly $600 billion worth of goods.
While China imports more from the US than vise-versa, the goods the US imports are harder
to source elsewhere.
So China would face bigger immediate problems, but US consumers would find themselves paying
an enormous "tax" on consumer electronics, a worrying proposition in the digital age.
Then there's the fact that China imports, assembles, and then reexports goods all over
A damaging trade war would spill over onto Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan and mess things
up for millions.
The Taliban Take Over Afghanistan (Again).
Remember the Taliban?
Like an unwanted Marvel sequel, the fanatical Islamist group has returned with an even bigger
Only instead of targeting the summer schedules, they're on the verge of overrunning all
of Afghanistan.
Nearly 150 of Afghanistan's 400 districts are already totally or partially under Taliban
There's fighting in 50 more.
These are the highest numbers since 2001 and are being fueled by soaring Afghan military
and police defections.
In a manner eerily reminiscent of ISIS's 2014 rampage across Iraq and Syria, the Taliban
are recruiting their own disaffected "enemies" en masse, gaining piles of new equipment in
the process.
Currently, the US has 10,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan, but they're making very
little difference.
Unless the tide turns, it's almost certain that 2017 will be the year the Taliban retake
Afghanistan, as though that whole War on Terror thing never even happened.
Marine Le Pen Is Elected President Of France.
Marine Le Pen's Front National party is currently leading in polls for France's
2017 elections.
That's not good.
Front National is a party so far right that they make General Franco look like a social
justice warrior.
The party's founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has repeatedly denied the Holocaust.
His earliest members were French collaborators from World War II.
He used to publish Nazi songs.
As for the charge that his party is "fascist," in 2012, his daughter, Marine, sued a socialist
politician who described Front National that way.
A French court ruled that "fascist" was a literal description of their politics.
If Le Pen becomes leader of France, it would be like Brexit on steroids.
Not only would a major European country be ruled by a neo-Nazi, but Le Pen has promised
to yank France out of the European Union.
The result—a total collapse of the EU and economic shock waves that will rock the world.
North Korea Goes Full Nuclear.
North Korea is the gag nation.
While Iranian nukes worry us, North Korea acts as a punchline in Seth Rogen movies.
In truth, we may be underestimating the DPRK.
2017 could see their nuclear capability go from "scary background noise" to "terrifying
In 2016, Pyongyang carried out two nuclear tests, bringing its grand total to five.
No other nation in history has made it to five tests without perfecting a device it
can attach to a missile.
Kim has made ramping up rocket research a priority.
Crazy as it sounds, North Korea might be closer to a working, ready-to-deploy nuclear missile
than we realize.
Conservative estimates put mid-2018 as the point that North Korea reaches full nuclear
capability, but there's a chance it could be earlier.
Kim already has 20 nukes, a fleet of missiles, and a fragile ego.
For the pudgy tyrant, entering the nuclear club early would be worth any number of his
people starving.
ISIS Unleashes Carnage In Europe.
In the 13 months since November 2015, ISIS and IS-inspired terrorists have killed over
260 innocent people in Europe and more if you include attacks in Turkey.
(Turkey sits in both Europe and Asia.)
Horrific as this is, it could merely be a taster of what is to come.
With ISIS's Iraq and Syria strongholds collapsing, Western jihadists are being sent back home
by the thousands, all with only one goal: to cause maximum casualties to civilians.
According to Europol, these returning fighters have been briefed to try to launch attacks
in European countries, with France, Germany, and Britain the top targets.
Scarily, it's thought that these attacks may well involve weapons of mass destruction
like sarin and anthrax.
Although many will be foiled, it would just take one successful attack to cause untold
A Crippling Cyber Attack.
On December 23, 2015, a group of hackers infiltrated and disabled three major power stations in
Western Ukraine, leaving 230,000 homes without power in the middle of a freezing winter.
It was the first major cyber attack on a power grid in history.
Scarily, far from being soft targets, those Ukrainian power stations had better cyber
protection than most US ones.
Foreign policy experts have been warning about a crippling cyber attack on vital US infrastructure
for years, but after the Ukrainian attack, those warnings have become deadly serious.
In Ukraine, power was restored after six hours by using manual backups—which US substations
If a similar attack hit the US, the power could stay out for months on end.
Such attacks are increasing in number.
In mid-2015, France's TV5 was almost destroyed by Russian hackers.
In winter 2016, Ukraine's power grid was hit again.
It may only be a matter of time before the US is targeted.
Genocide In Africa And Asia.
Right now, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria are vast killing zones.
Parts of Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are engulfed in violence, and people are still
dying in Ukraine, Mexico, and Somalia.
To this dispiriting list, 2017 may add two more countries: Myanmar (aka Burma) and the
Central African Republic (CAR).
The CAR is an ethnically divided, failing state with armed gangs roaming its countryside
and has been at boiling point for the last two years.
Observers are worried it will spill over into ethnic violence, if not outright genocide,
any day.
Myanmar, on the other hand, was meant to be a success story.
After the country transitioned to democracy after 60 years of dictatorship, it was supposed
to become a beacon of the free world.
Instead, security forces began destroying villages belonging to the Rohingya minority
and ethnically cleansing their populations.
Frighteningly, all the indicators for a potential genocide to unfold in 2017 are already in
A Major War.
Is 2016 the new 1913?
There are signs out there that major powers could be sucked into horrifying collisions
if things don't immediately change course.
Depending on those involved, this war could be anywhere on the scale from "locally devastating"
to "World War III."
China is one potential worry.
In recent weeks, China and the US have been squaring off over both the South China Sea
and Taiwan.
While China would be insane to directly engage the US in a war, there's nothing to stop
them from attacking minor US allies.
This could then suck in the US and NATO, much as the assassination of one middle-aged dude
in 1913 wound up sending the entire world to war.
Then there's Russia.
One former NATO deputy commander has already predicted that Moscow will annex the Baltic
states in 2017, leaving the US and EU treaty-bound to protect them.
Or maybe the recent assassination of a Russian diplomat in Turkey will bring Ankara and Moscow
toe-to-toe, a conflict that, once again, the US would be treaty-bound to get involved in.
A US Insurgency.
It sounds ridiculous.
The idea that a group in the United States would arm itself and begin a violent insurgency
sounds like something from a dystopian sci-fi story.
But it's scarily plausible.
US politics are more polarized than ever.
Pew Research shows that Americans no longer trust their countrymen from the other side
of the political spectrum.
Extreme left and right groups are stirring their followers into a violent frenzy on social
media, everyone thinks the system is rigged against their group, and both sides are arming
Throw in a super-divisive election and a president many are convinced is illegitimate, and you've
got the stage set for another civil war.
We're not saying this will definitely happen in 2017 or even at all.
Most likely, none of this will come to pass, and we'll look extremely foolish.
But the US right now is a divided, angry, and worried place.
And unless someone works to break this cycle, it could lead down a very dark path indeed.
Best #AbrahamHicks § Beyond boundaries of what is § Daily #LawofAttraction Video Sessions #Vibration - Duration: 4:24.
Unsuccessful demonstration launch fireworks ,, Chemical attack "- a step away from tragedy 2016/2017 - Duration: 0:27.
How To Make Pizza Dough At Home Easy | Pizza Dough Recipe | FOODIS - Duration: 3:52.
Hello friends I am back with my new video How To Make Pizza Dough At Home Easy .Some people ask me to create video about How To Make Pizza Dough . so I make a video recipe How To Make Pizza Dough At Home Easy and easiest way .hope you will enjoy my new video how to make piza .if you like my video please like,comment and share. We here at The Kitchn are pretty passionate about our pizza. This recipe for everyday pizza dough is one we've all worked on together over the years, tweaking something here and adding something there, until finally coming to a consensus. That makes it sound like this recipe might be tricky — it's not. In fact, keeping it simple was one of our biggest requirements. This is the dough for your weeknight pizza, and it's the one that went into The Kitchn Cookbook. It's easy to make, either over a lazy afternoon at home or to stash in your fridge for later, and it's super easy to roll out. Top it with sauce and cheese, bake until bubbly, and awesome homemade pizza is yours. How To Make Pizza Dough Makes 1 pound of dough (enough for 2 10-inch pizzas) What You Need Ingredients 1 teaspoon active-dry yeast 3/4 cup lukewarm water (not hot) 2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more if needed 1 1/2 teaspoons salt Equipment Stand mixer with dough hook attachment, or medium mixing bowl and muscle power Stiff spatula Plastic wrap or other covering for the bowl Instructions Dissolve the yeast in the water: Pour the water into the bowl of a stand mixer or a medium-sized mixing bowl. Sprinkle the yeast over the water, and let stand until the yeast has dissolved. Stir in the flour and salt to form a shaggy dough: Add all of the flour and salt to the bowl with the water and yeast. Stir with a stiff spatula until you've formed a floury, shaggy dough. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes: Using the dough hook on a stand mixer, or kneading by hand against the counter, knead the dough until it forms a smooth, slightly tacky ball that springs back when you poke it, 5 to 8 minutes. If the dough sticks to the bowl or your hands like bubblegum, add a tablespoon of flour at a time until it's easier to work with; avoid adding too much flour if possible. Option 1 — Use the dough right away: If you're in a hurry, skip the rise and make the pizza right now. It will make a thin-crusted pizza with a cracker-like flavor. Option 2 — Let the dough rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours: If you're planning to make pizza today, then give the dough a rise. Clean out the mixing bowl, film it with a little oil, and transfer the dough back inside. Cover the bowl and let the dough rise until doubled in bulk, 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Option 3 — Store the dough in the fridge: If you're planning to make pizza in the next few days, cover the bowl and store it in the fridge. If you have time, let it rise for about a half an hour before you put it in the fridge to get things going, but it will also be find if you need to store it right away. Prepare the oven for baking: If your dough has been in the fridge, take it out and let it warm on the counter while the oven heats. Heat the oven as hot as it will go, or at least 500°F; put a baking stone or upside-down, heavy sheet pan in the bottom third of the oven. Prepare the pizzas: Divide the dough in half, and pat or roll one of the pieces into a 10-inch round. Transfer the round of dough to a floured baking peel, the back of a sheet pan, or a piece of parchment paper. Top with about 1/4 cup of sauce, some cheese and any other toppings. Bake the pizza for 5 to 10 minutes: Slide the pizza into the oven on top of the baking stone or upside-down sheet pan. Bake until the cheese is melted, the crust golden, and you see a some charred bits on the top and edges. Baking time will vary depending on the heat of your oven and how thick or thin you rolled your pizza. Cool (briefly!) and eat: Let your pizza cool just enough so it won't burn your mouth when you take a bite. Meanwhile, top your other round of dough and get it baking. Recipe Notes Freezing pizza dough: Your pizza dough can also be frozen for up to three months. Thaw it in the fridge for at least 12 hours before you plan to bake it. Get the full instructions here: How To Freeze Pizza Dough.
How To Make Pizza Dough At Home Easy
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