Today I will introduce the CX-10-WD TX
Big brother of the CX-10 family
That I have presented you in other videos do not hesitate to see them
To compare them.
The CX-10 WD TX
Is an absolutely brilliant product and I explain why in this Video
For the unboxing, the drone is delivered in a fairly imposing box content for
the size of the micro drone
In the box we have a remote control different from the other CX-10,
it poses notably an interesting protection for the
transport and storage of the micro drone.
Here is the CX-10WD TX.
In the box we also find an adjustable support
for the phone,
a recharging plug,
the user manual
and 4 additional propellers
To make the comparison between the CX-10WD and the CX-10W
with regard to the dimensions the width and the length are identical
We just notice that the CX-10WD makes an additional 3 millimeters
in height compared to the CX-10W
Side weight the CX-10WD makes 19 grams a little heavier than the CX-10W,
which makes it 17 grams. This time the increase in weight does not lose for maneuverability.
The camera always has a resolution of 0.3 megapixels for both drones.
The 150 mAh battery,
recharge time of 30 minutes,
and flight time of 3 to 4 minutes are also identical
for the CX-10W and CX-10WD
The propellers
are identical for all CX-10.
The CX-10WD TX comes with a remote control control and a phone holder,
You must have two 2 batteries LR03
The CX-10W, which is delivered
alone without a remote control
the range is slightly higher than 15-30 meters, the CX-10W to a range
of 15 to 18 meters.
Like the CX-10W, the CX-10WD does not have an SD card,
the registration will be on the phone. For commissioning
with the application you can follow the Steps in my CX-10W video as
they both use the same application so
I let you go see the video.
The CX-10WD TX can be used only with the remote control
and only with the phone or both. For commands most people
use mode 2 but you can change the mode on the application
or on the radio remote control here.
For commissioning with the remote control, turn on.
A beep is heard, the led flashes
One will then unlock the drone by putting the gases to the top another beep
Then lower at the bottom them one last beep
The drone is ready to fly. For mode 2 the TROTTLE here to go up
and down
Here we find the YAW
which allows the drone to rotate on itself
For the right joystick the PITCH allows to make go the drone
back and forth
And the ROLL allows to go left and right
By clicking on the button of the gases one changes the reactivity and the power
of the drone
30, 60 and 100% by clicking on the left button, we can make flips.
Click and oriented the joystick in the direction in which the flip is to be made.
front flip
back flip
right flip
And left flip. For take-off and landing
the drone uses its two mode by default, the buttons is located here
for take-off
And here for the landing. On the application the only difference
with the CX-10W is the take-off and landing icons that are
here for take-off and here for landing
The CX-10WD as the CX10w works of course on android and IOS
As usual we will pass the tests, we will fix the phone on the remote control
The support really keeps it very well. The remote control control is
Adjustable in width for comfort. For the take off we have the choice
where the remote control or the telephone. This is a test of height hold, We see
that the drone reacts very well and returns to the altitude defined
this function is innovative compared to other CX-10. The drone uses
the hand function on the altitude, absolutely great for beginners and for
taking pictures videos
In summary this product really got me a lot more, I will be able to try
this new toy with my family and my friends
and make them discover the fpv thanks to the maintenance of altitude which is really
As the CX-10W, the CX-10WD can be used with the
The phone only, with the command on the phone using
the accelerometer, with remote control and fpv return on the screen,
with remote control and VR glasses
I hope you enjoyed this video
Please leave me a blue thumb and a comment to help me to you new products.
I would also like to announce that I will
organize a contest in the coming days do not hesitate
to subscribe to be informed.
If you want to see more you can check my YouTube channel or
click on the links to the screen. Thank you for watching.
Subscribe !
see you !
For more infomation >> CX 10WD World's smallest FPV drone with altitude hold or height hold CX 10 WD TX CX 10WD - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
Trump's Labor Secretary Pick Believes Workers Are "Overprotected" - Duration: 4:49.
This week, an interview with Andrew Puzder from the year 2009 surfaced where Puzder said,
American workers are overprotected.'
During that same interview, Puzder went as far as to suggest that American workers should
not have mandated break times from either state or federal laws.
He doesn't want workers, basically, to be able to take a break.
He doesn't want anybody stepping in to tell us that workers need a little rest every now
and then, so why is this important?
Well, Andrew Puzder, as most of you know, is Donald Trump's pick to be the new Secretary
of Labor for the United States, and this is a man who doesn't believe that workers in
the workplace should be protected by federal or state regulations.
Now and I know that's a dirty word.
Republicans hate to hear it democrats hate to say it, but let me tell you something.
Regulations are in place in this country because they are necessary.
They're created from a need.
When too many workers begin getting killed in mine accidents, we came up with regulations.
When workers were getting killed in factories because there were no safety precautions,
we came up with regulations.
Regulations save lives.
Regulations ensure the health and safety of American workers and that's both the physically
and financially, and Puzder as recently as two years ago said that, "He is completely
opposed to any form of minimum wage," and of course, this is a guy who is a CEO of Carl's
Junior and Hardee's, a fast food chain that loves to pay workers minimum wage, and this
man is basically telling his workers, 'If I could legally pay you less, I wouldn't hesitate
to do it, and if I ever get the chance to get in power, you can damn sure bet that I'm
going to try to do it,' and now he's getting that power from Donald Trump.
Puzder is a disaster for American workers.
He's going to be a disaster for the American economy and that's not just me saying that.
That's also coming from former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, Robert Reich.
Reich knows quite a bit.
In fact, he knows enough that he didn't even support Hillary Clinton during her primary
He supported Bernie Sanders, because Reich understood that workers are the ones who need
Not the top 1%.
Not the CEOs.
They have enough protections.
They have enough benefits in the form of tax breaks from the federal government, but Puzder
wants to undo all of that, and give everything back to the CEOs, because that's the only
reason to ever oppose regulations.
Is because you want the owners of those companies to get all the benefits, all those federal
perks, and you don't want to do a damn thing to help the American workers.
That's what this is about, folks.
There is no good reason why anyone should ever want to do away with a federal safety
regulation for American workers, unless they're trying to make a buck off it, or they're trying
to help their friend make a buck off it.
That's what Puzder's doing, not only for himself, but for all his buddies out there in corporate
America, and once again, who gets screwed?
Average American workers, who are already not getting paid enough for the jobs that
they do.
Puzder's an economic disaster waiting for happen.
Waiting to happen, and the worst part is, if he repeals these safety regulations, he
could end up getting people killed, and that's the worst part of all of this.
CEO greed in the United States is going to get people killed, because they don't want
to spend a couple extra dollars to make sure that your workplace is completely safe, and
that's why Trump picked this guy, Andrew Puzder, to be Secretary of Labor, because he's going
to hand everything to the CEOs, while taking everything away from the average workers.
Things I Like: Mortal Instruments, Pokemon, Makeup, Vegan Food, Leuchtturm1917 + Bullet Journals - Duration: 9:29.
Okay, it is the end of December and that means,
because I have nothing else to film right now,
because I am so behind on everything work related,
in multiple jobs.
Let's do a favourites video.
The last one I did was all the way in August.
And I said I was gonna keep up with it.
Yeah, but okay, okay.
I actually have favourites this month,
so I guess that works out,
rather than forcing a video with nothing.
First thing, not pictured,
because I don't have a DVD or anything.
But, the movie, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.
Now, I know that people really dislike the movie.
The movie was a flop.
Honestly, I loved it, but I have some criticisms.
I will say, I have not read the book.
It was originally a book series
and then it was made into a movie
and then it was made into a TV show
which I am currently watching as well.
I would love to read the book
but I can't tell you anything about the book right now.
Not yet.
The one thing I did not like.
Actually, I'm gonna tell you what I did like.
I prefer the movie cast over the TV show cast.
Except, if you took Isabelle from the TV show,
and put her into the movie instead of the movie Isabelle,
then I think that would have been absolutely perfect.
I am not much of a fan of the TV cast at all.
I don't know, it's weird to me.
I like the concept of Mortal Instruments,
I love the cast in the movie.
I thought everybody had a lot more chemistry.
The acting was tons better, honestly.
One thing I did not like,
and here's the spoilers right here,
we'll have a timestamp somewhere
so you know where to skip to.
Now, again, I don't know how it is in the books,
I tried to google some stuff,
and apparently, this is not the way
that it happens in the movie,
or this is not the way it happens in the book.
But, in the movie, Jace is Clary's brother.
So, they were getting ready to have sex
with each other at one point.
But then they find out that they're siblings,
and that is like the strangest twist to me.
And I don't know if that's the way that it happened in the book,
but I've been trying to watch the TV show
and see if they say, that's what actually happens.
Then, and eventually read the book
because, I am like:
No, this is so weird to me, I don't like it,
I don't like that twist at all in the movie.
But other than that, I was a fan of the movie
and I wanna watch it again.
And I wish they would have just moved movie cast into the TV cast
because you can't change Godfrey Gao also, moving on.
I have a food item.
And this is the, I feel like this is gonna sound funny.
This is the Gay Lea Real Coconut Whipped Cream.
It's a vegan whipped cream
and it actually comes out of the thing.
Which is great because I have some soy whip,
that I bought in Charlotte, when I came back from LA
at one point.
It doesn't come out.
It was stuck in there.
You let it warm up for a bit, no it doesn't.
Everything comes out,
and it tastes like actual coconut.
Which is kinda weird at first,
but after a while, I started really liking it.
But then it just has more flavour to it
than regular whipped cream.
Although, I would like a regular vegan whipped cream
that doesn't have any fancy coconut in it.
But, I don't know if this is in the U.S.
But if you live in Canada, go to Metro.
And that's where they sell this.
I don't know if they sell it anywhere else in Canada.
Right now, it's two for four.
$1.99 and I got two because regular price was four bucks.
So, it's on sale.
Get it.
Great vegan whipped cream.
And to go with that,
I have this cute little Pikachu mug from Hot Topic.
It has, you know, Pikachu's face, obviously,
and the little ears, that are, right here.
So cute.
The only thing I don't like
is that it's actually more difficult to drink out of
because it's got, you know,
all these holes and grooves in there.
It's just very difficult.
You can't drink it.
I kind have to like do it in the corner right here
and make sure it doesn't fall.
And then you'll see this Pikachu here
and the Eevee back here.
You won't be able to tell too much
cause the lighting will darken it up,
but they're Christmas Eevees
from the official Pokemon website.
Christmas Pikachus and Eevees from the Pokemon website.
And I bought these, cause they're adorable
and they were perfect for Christmas videos
while I'm here in Toronto for the time being.
They're just so cute.
I love themed Pikachu plushies and Eevee plushies now
because I have so many regular ones.
Why not spice things up?
Speaking of Pikachu.
Hoping I'm not out of focus now,
My boyfriend surprised me
with this gigantic, ginormous Pikachu- look.
Compared to me, this thing is gigantic.
And this was sitting on this bed when I came in,
after my flight.
Which was a horrible flight.
And, to see this, was fantastic.
It arrived the day that I arrived.
So, that was great.
I don't know how
I'm gonna take him back to North Carolina with me.
But, we'll figure it out.
Because I don't want to leave him here.
I won't be here for six months
so I don't want to go without him.
Thank you, Devon.
He's so cute.
Here, why don't you - you can just join me.
Talking about more Pokemon.
I've been liking Pokemon Sun.
Now, I'm still behind most people
that have gotten the game by now
or have had the game for a while.
I don't know where I am.
I was just on that bus to get up that one mountain.
That's pretty much around where I am currently.
Oh, and I never showed you,
I've been meaning to take a picture of this on Instagram,
but I never showed you what the actual DS looks like.
This is the Animal Crossing DS, 3DS
with the changeable plate.
And I got this Eeveelution, I don't know if it will show up.
I can't see it very well in the viewfinder.
But, I got this from Etsy
and I think it's called NekoNinja or NinjaNekoStore.
I'll put the name right here
and I'll put a link down below.
I originally had the Pokemon 20th anniversary
but it broke somehow.
Just like two days after having it.
Ink went into the screen, it was terrible.
And nobody had any more.
It was very sad day for me
because I really really liked it, I really really wanted it.
But, I can't complain.
I have an Eeveelution 3DS which was more expensive
than the Pokemon Anniversary itself.
Because the case is 40 bucks.
I have my own, like, personalised 3DS.
It's great.
And, in case you're wondering,
this is a Sailer Mars charm and a Sailer Venus charm.
You get these at Hot Topic.
They still sell them.
I have some makeup to show you.
No, this is not me going back into being a beauty vlogger,
still, it's been, what, two years now?
I've been tempted to make a video
talking about if I would ever go back to it.
like how my feelings have been about quitting that.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
You tell me.
Anastasia's So Hollywood Illuminator.
I have been trying to find a new highlighter
and eyeshadow palette.
Which I will show you in a second.
Because I just wanted to add a little bit more
to my makeup routine.
I just got kinda bored with just the eyeliner.
I wanted to add, like, eyeshadows and stuff with it.
I wanted a more like, everyday, full-face kind of thing.
Still a minimalist collection. Nothing extravagant.
I'm not going back to buying new products every month.
But, this is what it looks like.
It's gold.
It's just a straight-up gold highlighter.
This is my first time trying Anastasia.
And they were having a great Cyber Monday,
Black Friday sale.
This was only about 10 or 20 percent off,
but I wanted a highlighter.
It beats TheBalm's highlighter, which I love.
But every time you go on the website
during the sale, it crashes.
So, no thank you.
And this is the Anastasia eyeshadow quad.
Now this is a quad that you can make on your own.
There's a bunch of eyeshadow shingles.
Eyeshadow singles.
There's a bunch of eyeshadow singles.
When you buy four, you get a free quad palette thing.
When you buy eight, you get a free eight palette.
Yeah, but I just got something very simple
that I could wear every single day
and not have to fuss with it.
I don't want anything extravagant
with my makeup, it's too much time
and I'm not into makeup that much anymore to really care.
So, I have like two blending shades.
You know, give me some definition in my eyeballs
and then like two different lid colours
instead of just one.
In case I get bored.
There's a copper and there's a taupe.
It's very very simple.
That's how my makeup life is now.
It's very simple.
And, last but not least.
This is the way I want to say it,
because of the German in me.
But the Leuchturrm Neunzehn und Siebenzehn
Yeah, Neuzehn Siebzehn
I haven't spoke any German in so long.
It's very difficult.
Leuchturrm Neunzehn Siebenzehn.
Anyway, the Leuchtturm1917.
Those that are actually more fluent in German than I am,
will probably name it something completely different,
those that actually live there.
This is my fifth one.
It's still wrapped up.
This is gonna be my 2017 planner
and I'm gonna use the rest of my black one
that I used for 2016.
I wanna use that to practise the layouts
that I want to put in here.
Instead of like buying notebook paper.
Because, that's how I roll.
But, I love these. I have five.
I have one for a book I'm writing.
I have one for YouTube planning,
which is on the floor right now.
I have my news job, I keep track of the reports
that we do, that I write there.
I have the black one that I use for 2016 and whatever.
And now I have this for 2017.
I am that person that has to start anew
for a new year.
And, I got the white one.
And I have a Pikachu, black and clear sticker
to put on this.
I don't have it with me.
It's back in the States.
So, when I get back there in January,
I'm just gonna put that in there.
So, I believe that's it.
I can't think of anything else.
If you have anything that you liked this month,
feel free to let me know down below.
Let's talk about Mortal Instruments.
At least, from what you can see from the movie
and like the first couple of episodes
of season one of the show.
(laughs) I'm not that far into it yet.
If you wanna follow me on all my social media,
links to that will be down below.
If you wanna help support my content on Patreon or ko-fi,
links to that will also be down below.
Patreon you get perks like letters and stuff
which will go back to normal in January
if you are the penpal perk.
And ko-fi is a tip jar.
I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated.
And I will see you later
in this flipping Canadian winter cold.
That's why I look like this.
So cold I can't be bothered. Brr!
Jeep Wrangler RedRock 4x4 Front Bumper w/ Grille Guard - Winch Mount (2007-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 6:24.
I'm Ryan from and this is my review and installation of RedRock 4X4
Front Bumper with Grille Guard and Winch Mount, fitting all 2007 and up JKs.
Today we're gonna talk through the installation of this bumper which is a very simple one
out of three wrenches.
Like most other aftermarket front bumpers, this will bolt directly in place of your factory
bumper without the need to drill or cut anything.
We're also gonna talk through some of the features and the construction of this bumper.
This bumper is for those of you who want to upgrade the plastic factory front bumper on
your JK to one that has more features and will offer some more protection to your Jeep.
And this will also save you some money over those top tier bumpers on the market.
So if you're looking for a sub-$500 bumper that has a ton of features and, in my opinion,
looks pretty good, this is a great place to look.
This bumper is built from eighth-inch steel and tube on the top is 2-inch round, 0.12
inch wall thickness steel tubing.
The whole bumper is of course covered in a textured black powder coat finish which does
a really nice job of protecting the bumper against rust and corrosion, but also looks
good with the factory plastic black accents on your JK, and will also match a lot of the
other aftermarket accessories you might bolt onto your Jeep.
Now, the fact that this is eighth-inch steel is one of the ways RedRock is able to keep
the cost of this bumper down a little bit.
Some of the other bumpers on the market will be three-sixteenths or even a little bit heavier.
However, a heavy front bumper can also cause the front suspension on your Jeep to sag a
little bit.
So it really comes down to what you want on your Jeep.
This bumper weighs in at 99 pounds, has a bunch of features, and will offer some great
If you are willing to spend a little bit more money and you're not as concerned about the
additional weight, there are some bumpers that are built of a little bit of a heavier
material if that's what you're looking for.
As far as features go, as I mentioned, this bumper has quite a few of them that I really
do like.
Of course, right up on front here, you do have a couple of D-ring mounts that are welded
into the bumper and bolt directly into the frame horns of your JK, making them a very
strong recovery point.
You of course have this grille guard that I mentioned that bolts right on top of the
bumper which does add a little bit of additional style and will do a nice job of protecting
the grille and the winch against any brush on those narrow trails.
Now, the grille guard does not have any light mount tabs welded onto it, which is one area
that I think is a little bit lacking with this bumper.
But overall, again, I think it is a really well put together piece.
Finally, right up front here, you do have a winch mount that comes in the box with the
bumper, ready to hold up to a 12,000-pound winch.
Now, anytime you have a winch mount that just bolts right on top of the bumper like this,
I personally don't like the look of it as much as a sunken winch.
However, again, for the price of this bumper you are getting a ton of features.
If you are looking for one of those sunken winch mounts or something that looks a little
bit more finished than this, of course, the options are available.
However, you are going to have to spend a little bit more money.
One of the other features that this bumper has that I really do like, is the fact that
it will accept your factory fog lights or any aftermarket fog light that fits in a factory
fog light location.
You already have the wiring, the switch, and in most cases the light, so the fact that
this allows you to utilize those is a really nice feature.
You're not having to go out and buy any lights to fit in any holes, this will accept those
factory fog lights.
And as far as styling goes, this bumper actually mimics your factory bumper a good bit by having
these bump outs right over the frame horns.
So while it is absolutely an aftermarket bumper that has a lot more features, adds a lot more
protection, and does look a lot more rugged, it still follows those factory styling cues,
so it matches the rest of the lines on your Jeep really well.
As I said before, the installation of this bumper is a very simple one out of three wrenches.
The first step is of course removing your factory bumper which you'll do by removing
your splash shield if you still have one in place, and the framed cover up on top.
Finally, you'll unsnap your fog light wiring harness from the crash bar and remove the
fog light bulbs from the housings themselves.
After that, it's just a matter of removing the eight nuts that are holding your factory
bumper in place and pulling it off the front of the Jeep.
From there you'll remove the eight screws that are holding your two fog lights in your
factory bumper and mount them in your new bumper.
After that, you can set the new bumper over the frame horns and attach it using the hardware
that's included.
Now, if you are going to be mounting a winch on your new bumper and using the included
winch plate, I would recommend bolting the winch and plate onto the bumper before you
put the bumper onto the Jeep.
Now, that is going to make this package a little bit heavier and a little bit more cumbersome
to lift onto the Jeep, however, it's a lot easier to get to those winch mounting bolts
and make sure you get them good and tight, with the bumper on the ground instead of on
the Jeep.
I would also recommend that you mount this grille guard onto the bumper before putting
the bumper on the Jeep as well.
It will make the installation process that much easier for you.
All in all, I would say this installation shouldn't take you more than an hour to get
done, and you won't need any specialty tools, just some traditional hand tools.
As I said before, there are a couple of ways that RedRock keeps the cost of this bumper
down a little bit.
And this whole thing comes in at around $475, which in my opinion, for a bumper that has
all the features this one does, is a great buy.
Now again, some of you may look at the material being eighth-inch and say that it doesn't
offer quite as much protection as some of those heavier bumpers on the market, and that
may be true.
But eighth-inch steel also helps to keep the weight down a little bit which will decrease
any suspension sag up front, so you won't be putting money into stiffer springs or spacers.
So again, it's really down to what you want for your Jeep.
If you're looking for a sub-$500 bumper that has a lot of features, I really like this
If you want one of those heavier-duty bumpers and you have the budget for it, we have those
options as well.
So if you're looking to upgrade that factory plastic front bumper on your JK to a steel
bumper that has a ton of features, still matches all of the lines of your Jeep, and keeps weight
down a good bit, this is going to be a really nice option to take a look at.
So that's my review of the RedRock 4X4 Front Bumper with Grille Guard and Winch Mount,
fitting all 2007 and up JKs, that you can find right here at
How Do Koreans React When I Say I'm American? / 어디 나라 사람이에요? - Duration: 5:19.
Hello everyone.
It's Nessy, and I am experimenting with voiceover videos, so let me know down below
in the comments what you think.
GoodLuckMel asked, "Do (Koreans) bring up where you are from, ethnicity, and/or confuse
you for something else you are not?"
For those of you who are new to my channel, I am a brown girl.
There are Indians in Korea.
There are Americans in Korea.
But there aren't many Indian Americans such as myself.
That being said, I never had any major issues with telling people that I am American.
I would say that 90% of the time, Koreans seemed to respond positively to me saying,
"I am American."
Sometimes, they were curious about the color of my skin.
So I would say something like... *speaks Korean* It means, my parents were born and raised
in India, but went to America as immigrants.
So, I was born in America, which is why I'm American.
And once I explained that, they would respond, Ah, *speaks Korean*, which basically means,
"I see."
Mind you, I didn't live in Seoul.
I lived in the outskirts of a city called Cheongju.
But, I have been to Seoul at least 20 times.
I've also been to Daejeon, Busan, Sejong, Cheonan, and Jeju.
So, I've been around Korea.
These responses were typical for me regardless of where I went within Korea.
So on a superficial level, just talking about my nationality and ethnicity, I haven't
really experienced any situation where someone was like, "You're not American!"
Or something like that.
I have had funny situations where people confused India with Indonesia.
One time, I explained to a local cashier that I am American, but my parents are Indian.
And she responded, "Oh, that's why your skin is black."
Now, I don't even know why we use terms like "white" and "black" in The States
to describe skin tone.
Anyway, she referred to my skin as black.
But I knew she wasn't trying to be rude.
She was just genuinely curious about me because of my appearance.
And especially in that area where I was living, I was probably one of the very few people
that she met with such dark skin.
So, I didn't take offense to it.
I just explained to her my roots.
That being said, there are instances where you deal with people who are just plain ignorant.
These people exist all over the world, unfortunately, Sooo… just keep that in mind.
I did have a few racist encounters, mostly with taxi drivers.
And there were a few times where I've had conversations with people, and they weren't
being racist towards me, but they were being ignorant or racist about other cultures.
But we can get into that another time.
The most times that I've experienced ignorance in terms of my
nationality or ethnicity is when dealing with people who were NOT native Koreans in Korea.
Surprise, huh?
Well, I used to take Korean classes at a local welfare center.
So obviously, the people taking these classes were NOT Koreans.
So sometimes when I became closer with these classmates, some of them would introduce me
to other people as being Indian.
But I actually preferred to be introduced as American, or as Indian American.
Just so you understand where I'm coming from, it's not that I'm embarrassed about
my Indian ethnicity.
It's just that I barely know my parent's native tongue, and although I understand the
culture and some Indian traditions, some Indian foods, some Indian clothes, etc., I don't
think it's enough to introduce myself as Indian to someone else.
If someone is looking to learn about Indian culture at a deeper level, I don't think
that I would be the best teacher.
But if you ask me about American culture, I can tell you about that.
So honestly, it got to the point where it was annoying when foreign friends would introduce
me to other people as being Indian.
I always felt the need to step in and clarify that I'm actually American.
Anyway, I feel like I've fully answered the question, so I will leave it at that.
If you guys enjoyed this video, you know what to do.
Let me know if you prefer face-to-face videos or faceless videos such as this one.
I won't take offense if you don't want to see my beautiful face.
But actually, the reason I created it this way is because I don't have a proper filming
setup still.
So, I wanted to experiment with this type of video.
Thank you all for watching.
Talk to you soon.
Responsabilidades legales de hacer una fiesta en casa | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:10.
and home remedies on how to make your
eyelashes grow longer and thicker castor
oil amazingly one of the best home
remedies and tips on how to make your
eyelashes grow longer is pure and simple
organic castor oil it can make your
eyelashes ticker stronger and make them
grow faster to avoid getting a thickness
in your eyes apply castor oil with a
brush to your lashes and eyebrows when
you go to bed and leave on and it will
moisturize and encourage growth
naturally castor oil is also excellent
for softening the lips so if your lips
are dry and chappy don't forget to dab
what's left on your fingers straight to
your lips vitamin E another trick on how
to make your eyelashes grow longer is
using vitamin E you know that vitamin E
is good for treating blemishes on your
skin but did you know it will help your
lashes to grow thicker to just break
open a couple of vitamin E and apply it
to your lashes with a brush to nourish
them and picking them up
natural oils natural oils can also help
on how to make your eyelashes grow
longer you can moisturize your lashes
with one of these natural oils olive oil
coconut oil avocado oil sweet almond oil
lemon oil sesame oil rosette oil argan
oil or burdock root oil just soak some
oil or oil blend on a cotton wool ball
and wipe over your lashes before you go
to bed wash off in the morning and the
natural oil will nourish moisturize
improve the growth and keep your lashes
strong and healthy green tea green tea
can be used on your lashes as well make
some green tea let it cool and then
swipe it over your lashes with some
cotton wool the caffeine and flavonoids
found in green tea will help maintain
the growth of existing lashes and
stimulate new growth too
aloe vera aloe vera is a wonderful home
remedy that can be used for various
purposes if you want to nourish your
eyelashes and make them grow apply some
fresh aloe vera gel straight to your
lashes before going to bed using a clean
mascara wand the same way as you apply
mascara thanks to vitamins and powerful
nutrients aloe vera gel will improve the
growth of your eyelashes and make them
avoid using fake eyelashes another tip
on how to make your eyelashes grow
longer and thicker is avoid fake lashes
using fake lashes or eyelashes
extensions might be a quick fix to the
problem but longer term it will only
damage your lashes further when you take
them off you are likely to remove some
of your real lashes as well so it is
best to avoid fake lashes altogether or
use them only when it's absolutely
remove all make up at night
the longer your lashes are free from
makeup then the better they will grow
always remove all your eye makeup at
night time to give your lashes a chance
to breathe or even better remove it as
soon as you get home
eat healthily eating healthy and
balanced diet is another important tip
on how to make your eyelashes grow
longer thicker and stronger just like
your hair your lashes need a good supply
of vitamins and minerals to grow so be
sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables
and fruit include lean protein in your
diet as well as whole grains to nourish
your lashes and help them to grow
brush your lashes brushing your lashes
will clean out any dust and dirt
particles and encourage a good blood
supply to the lashes you can buy little
lash combs made specifically for the job
and a daily brush really can help to
make your eyelashes grow longer and
thicker leave your lashes alone always
be gentle with lashes they don't like
being treated harshly avoid rubbing your
eyes or pulling on your lashes when you
are removing makeup or you'll not only
get premature under eye wrinkles and
fine lines but you'll also pull some
lashes out and stunt the growth of the
other ones that stay in massage your
eyelids and finally another easy tip on
how to make your eyelashes grow longer
and stronger is eyelid massage you can
stimulate the hair follicles of your
lashes by gently massaging your eyelids
if you do this regularly you will see a
real difference in your lashes quickly
just be careful not to be too rough
though when you massage or you will do
more harm than good
Two Questions with Chris Hoeffel, CFO - Duration: 3:32.
Welcome to Two Questions with Colony
American Finance, where we ask team
members two questions about what they do
and real estate finance.
With me here today is Chris Hoeffel, CFO
of Colony American Finance, who is a leader in the
finance industry and former president of CREFC.
Chris, what trends do you see in
the market that you think rental
investors should be taking a closer look at?
We're at a point in time where we've seen many
years of home price appreciation, and
there's concern among some that home
prices aren't going to continue to grow
for very much longer.
The nice thing though for investors in
rental housing is that the demographic
trends supporting rental growth are
pretty significant. We anticipate that
even in places where home prices may not
continue to grow, rental prices will
continue to grow over a long period of
time. A lot of our investors are really
focused on yield. The most solid growth
and the most solid occupancy has been in
the lower to mid-tier home values. So,
instead of investing in very high-end
homes which tend to be more volatile and may
fluctuate in terms of performance based
on housing prices, the lower to mid-tier
homes are really generating pretty
consistent returns.
Why should mortgage professionals
consider this asset class?
Well, I liken the SFR market today to
the commercial mortgage business back in
the early nineties, that was a time when
the CMBS industry was really getting
started, I was fortunate enough to be
part of that industry at the time and at
that time the commercial mortgage
securities market was in its nascent
stages, they were trying to win market
shares from insurance companies and
banks and people weren't sure how much
growth there was in the business.
It turned out to be a hundred billion
dollar-a-year business. Pretty
significant. Today
SFR is a brand new asset class and I think
there's incredible blue sky for growth
because it's a product that didn't exist
yet there are people all across the
country that need financing for their
assets, so as a mortgage professional
looking for an opportunity for increased
and more transactions, I think the SFR
space is pretty interesting. I think
anyone in the real estate business
whether on the residential side or the
commercial side knows people that have
portfolios or single family rental
properties and they often need financing.
This product didn't exist a few years
ago and so people don't even know that
the financing opportunities are there. So,
a mortgage professional can really
generate a lot of revenue by seeking out
these investors, many of whom they know
already, and helping them find financing
and boosting their returns. The
interesting thing also is that once
somebody drinks from the well, they get
financing and they realized what their
return opportunities are on a leveraged
property they go out and buy more. And so,
a mortgage professional can help a small
investor become a very large investor.
We've seen that happen over and over
again. I think particularly for people
who are newer to the real estate
the SFR industry creates a lot of
opportunity because they can help small
investors grow into larger investors and
they can really create some interesting
market share.
Colony American finances is a
specialty lender that provides loans to
residential real estate investors. For
more information about our portfolio
term loans, single asset term loans, or
acquisition credit lines, visit
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