Hey everyone!
JAYSTEPHER with a complete tutorial
on a Deluxe Gourmet Kitchen
complete with double oven,
and refrigerator.
Let's get started!
Let's start the base of the kitchen
with an 8 by 16 plate and a 16 by 16 plate.
Set them side-by-side.
Skip one stud from the top-left.
Place down a 1 by 8 plate.
Let's set a 1 by 6 plate in the middle
followed by another 1 by 8 plate on the right.
Let's take a 2 by 10 plate.
Place it on the top-right
right below the 1 by 8 plate.
Set down a 2 by 3 plate
followed by a 2 by 2 plate on the right.
Let's finish up this side with two 1 by 8 plates.
This is going to be the foundation for the cabinets and walls.
Let's place another 2 by 10 plate on the top.
Making sure everything is pressed down firm,
and another 2 by 10 plate
on the left-hand side.
Take two more 1 by 8 plates,
place them on the left.
On the bottom-left,
let's set down a 1 by 2 plate.
Let's add a tile floor to the kitchen.
You can use any design you wish.
I'm just going to fill in this box with several tiles.
I'm going to be using a 2 by 2 checker pattern.
Here is the tile floor all installed.
In the center, there a 2 by 8 opening for an island.
On the bottom-left,
a 2 by 4 opening for a double oven.
On the right,
a 3 by 8 opening for a refrigerator.
Let's start the first row of wall.
Let's start on the bottom-left
with a 1 by 6 brick.
Let's place a 1 by 2 brick
on the top part of the 2 by 4 opening
and another 1 by 2 brick on the bottom portion.
Set down a 1 by 8 brick.
on the left-hand side.
Let's wrap around the corner with a 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick.
Let's set down a 1 by 6 brick on the top.
Place a 2 by 3 brick on the top-left.
This opening is going to be for the stove.
Place a 1 by 8 brick in the center
followed by a 1 by 6 brick on the right.
Let's wrap around this corner with another 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick.
Let's place a 1 by 8 brick on the right
followed by a 1 by 6 brick.
In the top-right,
place a 2 by 3 brick
and a 1 by 2 brick.
Skip three studs.
Set down a 1 by 2 brick.
On the left-hand side of the 2 by 3 brick,
skip four studs.
Place down a 1 by 2 brick.
Let's start the second row with two 1 by 8 bricks
on the left-hand side.
Set two 1 by 2 bricks
on the previous 1 by 2 bricks.
Place a 1 by 8 brick on the top-left
followed by a 2 by 3 brick
Set down a 1 by 6 brick in the center
and a 1 by 8 brick on the top-right.
Let's finish up the right-hand side with two 1 by 8 bricks.
Place a 2 by 3 brick on the top-right.
Set down two 1 by 2 bricks as shown
followed by a 1 by 2 brick
right on top of the previous 1 by 2 brick on the right.
Take two 2 by 3 by 2 cupboards.
Place them on the back wall
on the top-left.
Take another 2 by 3 by 2 cupboard.
Place it on the right wall.
Take six drawers.
Set them inside the cupboards.
These look nice.
The reason why I pulled the drawers out
is so I can press down on the bottom of the cupboard
for a nice snug fit.
Now let's build our stove,
and dishwasher.
Let's start the stove with a 2 by 6 plate.
Place a 1 by 6 brick in the back.
Take two 1 by 2 bricks.
Place them in the front
where we have one stud on the left and right-hand sides.
Now take three studs.
Place them on top of one another.
Set this assembly on the left.
The same for the right-hand side with three more studs.
Let's crown off the top with a 2 by 6 plate.
Place a 2 by 2 plate right in the center
followed by a 1 by 2 plate in the front.
Take a 2 by 2 by 2/3 plate with two knobs on the front.
Place it on the left.
Take another 2 by 2 by 2/3 plate with two knobs.
Place that on the right.
In the back, let's set down a 1 by 6 plate.
Take two radiator grills.
Place them right in the center.
Set down two 1 by 2 jumper plates
on the left-hand side for burners.
Two more 1 by 2 jumper plates
on the right-hand side.
On the front,
take four 1 by 1 round tiles.
Place them on the knobs.
These are going to be the control knobs
for the stove.
Let's start the bottom of the sink
with a 2 by 6 plate.
Place a 2 by 2 plate on the left-hand side
where we have a 1 by 2 opening.
Take another 2 by 2 plate.
Place it on the right-hand side.
Place two studs on the left
and two studs on the right.
Let's repeat the same process again
starting with two 2 by 2 plates
followed by four studs.
Two on the left
and two on the right.
Let's lock in the top with a 2 by 6 plate.
Let's place a 1 by 2 brick in the back
Take a 1 by 2 wall element.
Place it in the front of the 1 by 2 brick.
Take two 1 by 2 triple wall element.
Place two on the right-hand side.
Take two 1 by 2 triple wall element.
Place them on the left.
Finally a tap on top of the 1 by 2 brick.
There's our triple basin sink.
Let's build a simple dishwasher
starting with a 2 by 4 plate.
Set down a 2 by 4 brick
on top of the 2 by 4 plate.
Place a 2 by 4 plate
on top of the 2 by 4 brick.
Take a 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Place it on the left
followed by another 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate on the right.
Finally let's finish this spot
with a 1 by 2 plate with stick
for a handle.
There is the simple dishwasher.
Let's set the stove on the left wall.
You have to press down firm on this one!
Let's set the sink in the center
and our simple dishwasher.
Let's construct the island.
Let's begin the construction of the island
with two 2 by 3 by 2 cupboards.
Flip them upside down.
Place a 1 by 4 plate in the back.
Now set down a 1 by 8 plate in the front
to lock the base together.
Take a 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Place it on the left-hand side.
Take another 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Place it on the right-hand side.
Let's flip the assembly over.
Let's add some sides to the island
starting with two 1 by 3 plates.
Let's set down two 1 by 1 plates
in the center of the 1 by 3 plates.
Let's take two studs.
Place them on the left assembly,
and two studs on the right assembly.
Now set down two 1 by 1 bricks
right on top of the 1 by 1 plates.
Let's set down a couple of 1 by 1 nose cones
on top of the studs.
Take two more 1 by 1 plates.
Place them on top of the 1 by 1 bricks.
Finally crown off the top of the nose cones
with some studs.
Let's lay the flat and press down.
So we can line up all the bricks and plates together.
Let's place one assembly on the left-hand side
and one on the right side.
Take four drawers.
Set them inside the cupboards.
So there will be four drawers in total.
There we have our center island.
Let's drop the island in this opening.
Let's tile our kitchen counters
starting with a 1 by 2 flat tile
right next to the stove.
Now place four 2 by 2 flat tiles
on top of the cupboards.
On the right-hand side.
let's set down five 2 by 2 flat tiles.
Place a 1 by 2 flat tile on the right
followed by a 2 by 2 flat tile.
Let's tile the island.
Start with a 2by 4 flat tile.
Place it where it's flush with the drawers
and hanging over on the front.
Set down a 1 by 4 flat tile,
a 2 by 4 flat tile,
another 1 by 4 flat tile,
followed by a 2 by 4 flat tile.
We have a nice overhang on the island.
Let's start the third row of bricks
on the bottom-left starting with a 1 by 6 brick.
Place two 1 by 2 bricks
on the previous 1 by 2 bricks.
A 1 by 8 brick right behind the stove.
A 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick
to lock in the top-left corner.
Set down a 1 by 8 brick on the left-hand side.
Another 1 by 8 brick on the right-hand side
where we skip four studs.
Place a 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick
On the top-right
followed by a1 by 8 brick
and a 1 by 6 brick.
Let's set down two 1 by 8 bricks
on the left-hand side.
This will start our fourth row.
Set down two 1 by 2 bricks
on the previous 1 by 2 bricks.
Take two 1 by 8 plates.
Place them on top of one another.
Set down a 2 by 8 plate
right on top of the 1 by 8 plates.
Set this assembly on the left-hand side.
This is going to be a lip to hold up the upper cabinets.
Let's fill in this area with a 1 by 1 brick.
Take another 1 by 1 brick.
Place it as shown.
This opening is going to be for a window.
Now place a 1 by 8 plate.
Set down another 1 by 8 plate
on the right-hand side.
Let's build up another layer
starting with a 1 by 4 plate
and a 1 by 3 plate.
Let's lock int his corner with a 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Finally a 1 by 6 plate
to level off this area.
Now let's build our lip starting with a 2 by 3 plate,
and two 2 by 6 plates
to complete our corner cabinet lip assembly.
On the right, let's set down a 1 by 8 brick
to finish up this wall.
Let's start the fifth row with a 1 by 6 brick
and two 1 by 2 bricks
on the bottom-left.
Place these on the previous 1 by 2 bricks.
Let's set a 1 by 8 brick right by the stove.
A 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick
to lock in the corner.
Set a 1 by 8 brick in the back.
Let's place another 1 by 8 brick
on the right-hand side.
Now a 1 by 2 by 2 corner brick,
a 1 by 8 brick,
and a 1 by 6 brick
to finish up the right-hand side.
Let's take two 1 by 2 by 3 windows with pane.
Set them inside the opening.
This will let some natural light into the kitchen.
Let's start the sixth row with a 1 by 3 brick
and a 1 by 4 brick.
Take two 1 by 2 bricks.
Place them on the previous 1 by 2 bricks.
Those are the last 1 by 2 bricks we'll see in that area.
I promise.
Skip four studs.
Set down a 1 by 2 brick
and a 1 by 3 brick.
Place a 1 by 4 brick on the top-left.
Take a 1 by 1 brick with one knob,
a 1 by 1 brick,
another 1 by 1 brick with one knob,
and a 1 by 1 brick in this area.
These two bricks with knobs
will be used to hold in the microwave.
Let's skip six studs.
Pace down a 1 by 8 brick.
Finally two 1 by 8 bricks
on the right-hand side.
Let's construct the upper cabinets.
Start with two 2 by 3 bricks.
Place them as shown.
Let's place a 1 by 2 brick on the top
and another 1 by 2 brick on the bottom.
Let's set this assembly on the top-left.
Place a 2 by 4 flat tile on the lip.
This will finish up the bottom of the microwave.
Take two 1 by 2 bricks.
Place them on top of one another,
and set them on the right-hand side of the 2 by 4 flat tile.
Now grab two 2 by 3 by 2 cupboards.
Place them on top of the lip.
Take two 2 by 3 bricks.
Place them on top of one another,
and place it in the top right-hand side.
Take another 2 by 3 by 2 cupboard.
Place it on the lip,
and two 1 by 2 bricks on top of one another.
Set this assembly on the right-hand side of the cupboards
to fill in this area.
Now let's construct the double oven,
the hood,
and the microwave.
Let's construct the double oven starting with a 2 by 4 plate.
Let's place three 1 by 2 flat tiles
along the bottom portion
and left and right sides of the 2 by 4 plate.
Let's place a 1 by 2 brick in the back
followed by two 1 by 1 angular bricks.
Let's attach two 1 by 1 plates
on the angular bricks.
Let's construct the sides for the bottom oven.
Take two 2 by 2 plates
and two 2 by 2 flat tiles.
Place the flat tiles on the plates.
Let's take the left-hand side.
Set down a transparent 1 by 1 brick on the top
and a standard 1 by 1 brick on the bottom.
Same goes for the right-hand side.
Take another 1 by 1 transparent brick
and a 1 by 1 standard brick.
To keep everything lined up,
take a two stud long cross axle.
Place it in like so.
It will snap in place.
These two areas will be lined up.
Let's place the left and right-hand sides
on the 1 by 1 plates.
Take a 1 by 2 plate with stick
and a 1 by 4 flat tile.
Place the flat tile on top of the 1 by 2 plate with stick.
Let's take a 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Place it on the left
where it wraps around towards the back
The same goes for the right-hand side
with another 1 by 2 by 2 corner plate.
Take a 1 by 1 flat tile.
Place it on the top-left
and another 1 by 1 flat tile on the top-right.
Let's set the handle assembly
on top of the angular bricks.
Place a 1 by 2 brick in this opening
followed by two 1 by 1 angular bricks.
Let's finish off the angular bricks
with two 1 by 1 plates
on both left and right-hand side.
Let's construct the sides for the top oven
starting with two 2 by 2 plates
and two 2 by 2 flat tiles.
Place the flat tiles on the plates.
Starting with the left-hand side,
take a 1 by 1 transparent brick.
Place it on the top,
and a 1 by 1 standard brick on the bottom.
The same goes for the right-hand side
with another 1 by 1 transparent brick
and a 1 by 1 standard brick.
Let's slip a two stud long cross axle
in the standard brick.
Place the left and right-hand sides on the 1 by 1 plates.
Let's build the controls and the handle assembly
for the top portion of the oven
starting with a 2 by 4 plate.
Flip it upside down.
Place a 1 by 4 brick on the back.
Take a 1 by 1 angular brick
and a 1 by 1 tile that has a gauge print.
Slip the gauge on the angular brick.
Place it as shown.
Let's make another one
with another 1 by 1 angular brick
and a 1 by 1 flat tile with a gauge print.
Flip it upside down,
and set it on the left.
Take two 1 by 1 bricks with one knob.
Let's place one on the left
and one on the right
followed by two 1 by 1 round flat tiles for knobs.
Take a 1 by 2 plate with stick.
Place it right underneath the angular bricks.
To finish off the bottom,
take two 1 by 2 by 2 corner plates.
One on the left, and one on the right
to wrap around the 1 by 2 plate with stick.
Place the top assembly
on top of the top oven.
Make sure everything is lined up.
There is our double oven.
Let's start the hood with a 2 by 6 by 2/3 plate with four knobs.
Let's set a 1 by 2 plate on the left
and another 1 by 2 plate on the right-hand side.
Place a 2 by 4 plate in the back.
Flip it over.
Set down a 1 by 4 plate
in this area.
Flip it over again.
Set down a 1 by 4 plate in the back.
Place a 2 by 2 slope in the center.
Let's finish up these two corners
with two double slopes.
Place a 1 by 4 plate on top of the slopes
followed by a 1 by 4 flat tile.
Now take four 1 by 1 round flat tiles.
Place them on the knobs
for control knobs.
There's the hood.
Let's construct the microwave oven
starting with a 1 by 2 by 2 frame.
Slip a piece of glass inside the frame.
Next take a 2 by 2 flat tile.
Place it on the left-hand side.
Take a 1 by 2 by 1 by 2 angle plate
and a 1 by 2 plate.
Place the 1 by 2 plate on these set of studs.
Let's fill in this area with a 1 by 2 flat tile.
Let's attach this assembly
on this portion of the 2 by 2 flat tile.
Next take a 1by 2 by 2 by 2 angle plate
and a 1 by 2 plate.
Place the 1 by 2 plate
on these two studs.
Let's cap off the studs
with a 1 by 2 flat tile.
Let's place this assembly
on the right-hand side of the window.
Let's set down a 1 by 2 brick
on these two studs
followed by a 1 by 2 flat tile with graphical print
for a control panel.
There we have a microwave oven.
Let's install the double oven
right in between 1 by 2 brick assemblies.
This has to be pressed down firm to get it snug.
Next is the hood assembly.
This has to be wiggled in a bit,
and our microwave.
It just slides in the slot.
Let's start the seventh and final row
with a 1 by 2 brick in the bottom-left.
Place another 1 by 2 brick
right next to the previous 1 by 2 brick.
Place a 2 by 2 brick
right on top of the double oven.
Place a 1 by 4 brick right here.
Now let's set down a 1 by 2 brick
on the other side of the 2 by 2 brick.
Let's lock everything together
with a 1 by 6 brick.
Place it right above the oven.
Now place this 1 by 6 brick
right behind the hood.
Let's set down a 2 by 3 brick
in the top left corner
to lock that joint together.
Now set down a 2 by 2 brick
to fill in this side of the hood.
Let's place three 1 by 6 bricks in this area.
This will frame in the microwave.
Now let's take a 1 by 4 window with arch.
Place it right above the 1 by 2 by 3 windows.
Take a 1 by 6 by 2 brick with bow.
Place it right above the window.
Let's take three more 1 by 6 bricks.
Place them right above the cabinets.
Make sure you hold down the cabinets while you're pressing down
on the bricks.
Place a 2 by 3 brick in the top-right.
Let's set down two 1 by 6 bricks
right above the upper cabinets.
Place a 1 by 8 brick in this area
followed by a 1 by 6 brick.
Let's set some cupboard doors
inside the cupboards.
Sometimes they are a bit of a challenge to get in.
They don't want to cooperate.
This one's being extra stubborn. [Laughs]
It doesn't want to go in.
Let's set the last cupboard door in this area.
Now let's build the refrigerator.
Let's start the construction of the refrigerator
with a 2 by 8 plate
and a 1 by 3 brick.
Place the 1 by 3 brick on the left-hand side.
Let's slip in a 1 by 8 plate
right underneath the 1 by 3 brick.
Next, take three 1 by 6 flat tiles.
Place them in the center
followed by a 1 by 3 brick on the right-hand side.
Let's place two more 1 by 3 bricks
right on top of the previous 1 by 3 bricks.
Let's set down this 1 by 8 plate
right in the back
and a 2 by 8 plate in the front.
This slot is going to be for the pullout drawer for the freezer.
Take two 1 by 3 bricks.
Place them on top of one anther,
and set this assembly on the left.
Take two more 1 by 3 bricks.
Place them on top of one another,
and place this assembly on the right-hand side.
Let's set down three 1 by 2 by 2 wall elements
on top of the 1 by 8 plate in the back.
Let's set down a 2 by 6 plate
on top of the wall elements.
This is going to be our shelf.
Take two more 1 by 3 bricks.
Set them on top of one another,
and set them on the left.
The same goes for the right-hand side
with two more 1 by 3 bricks on top of one another.
Set this assembly on the right-hand side.
Take three more 1 by 2 by 2 wall elements.
Place them right on top of the 2 by 6 plate in the back.
Take a 1 by 1 plate.
Place it in the top-left corner.
Another 1 by 1 plate
in the top-right corner.
Now take a left-handed 1 by 3 by 4 door.
Place it on the left.
Take a 1 by 3 by 4 right-hand door.
Place it on the right.
Let's lock the doors in with a 2 by 8 plate.
You may have to wiggle the doors a bit
to get them to line up.
Let's set down a 1 by 8 plate in the front
followed by a 2 by 8 plate in the back.
to lock in the sides and the wall elements.
Make sure everything is locked in nice and snug.
Let's build the freezer drawer.
Let's start the drawer with a 1 by 2 by 2 by 2 corner plate
and a 2 by 4 flat tile.
Place the tile in the center
on the bottom lip.
Take anther 1 by 2 by 2 by 2 angle plate.
Place it on the opposite side.
Take two more 1 by 2 by 2 by 2 angle plates.
Place them in the rear,
and two more 1 by 2 by 2 by 2 angle plates in the front.
Now take a 1 by 2 plate
and a 1 by 2 wall element.
Place the wall element on top of the 1 by 2 plate.
Set this assembly on the left.
Let's make another one for the right
with another 1 by 2 plate
and a 1 by 2 wall element.
Place this one on the right.
For the front of the drawer,
Let's start with a 1 by 6 flat tile.
Place it on the bottom.
Take a 1 by 2 jumper plate.
Place it in the middle.
A 1 by 2 flat tile on the left
and a 1 by 2 flat tile on the right.
Finally, take a 1 by 1 round flat tile.
Place it on the jumper plate for a knob.
Let's set the drawer in the opening.
Now we have a drawer to store our frozen food in.
Before we can install the refrigerator,
let's pull out the drawer.
Set it in this area.
Press down firm.
You also want to press down inside as well
where the drawer goes in.
Slip the drawer inside.
Perfect fit!
Let's crown off the top with flat tiles.
Let's start with a 2 by 4 flat tile
on the bottom-left.
The tiles will lock all the cabinets together.
Place a 1 by 6 flat tile on the front of the double oven.
A 2 by 2 flat tile.
A 1 by 6 flat tile.
A 2 by 4 flat tile
to finish up the left-hand side.
Place a 2 by 4 flat tile on the top-left.
A 1 by 6 flat tile
and a 1 by 1 flat tile.
Let's wrap up this area with a 2 by 2 flat tile.
Place a 1 by 8 flat tile above the window
to lock the brick with bow in.
Set a 1 by 2 flat tile on the left-hand side,
and another 1 by 2 flat tile on the right-hand side.
Place a 2 by 2 flat tile,
a 2 by 4 flat tile,
and a 1 by 6 flat tile for the top.
Now for the right-hand side,
let's set down four 2 by 4 flat tiles.
These will lock in the cupboards and the refrigerator.
Let's finish above the cabinets with two 1 by 2 flat tiles,
a 1 by 1 flat tile,
and two 2 by 4 flat tiles.
Now the top of the kitchen is finished off.
This concludes the tutorial for the Deluxe Gourmet Kitchen.
It is the perfect height for minifigures.
Jay the Surfer seems to like it.
Now he can fix meals
after a long day of surfing.
I hope this tutorial helped everyone out.
Thank you for watching!
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