Hitler in decouver ki in fer Google code-in - Duration: 1:48.**Fouff ! fer mari chaud dan Providence**
Bonzour boss.
ban zenfan lekol in repren encore. kan to pu grandi twa ?
Boss, pu digital Night, la salle ti vide. Zeness nepli interesser pu colle stickers Linux lor laptop.
Nu ti pe fer bouffon laba.
Eoula president pu vini la ! to pu koner la gro soular !
Boss, mo pan ressli install opensuse lor ban zeness zot laptop.
Eta vilain. Stickers to pa kon partager, ki installation to pe rod fer.
sa President bagett la ? Apart kouyonner li pa kon nanien
Mon plein. mo al spam lor fb trankil
to pu degrader r mwa ti-tiger .
Tou kout mo mem ki bizin calculer
Kouma pu couyonn ban zeness !
Be ava montrer zot ls. Lanner vini, lanner aler, ls mem !
**President bagett rentrer**
To kav al boire dan to bibron aster in montrer zeness Linux.
Zot in gagne prix r google.
Kouma sa possib ?
1 paker membre nu ti pren lor papier. Ki zot pe fer ?
Ban zenfan pu remarker ki nu pa kon bel zafer dan Linux.
2017, in met nu touni !
Zeness pe suiv zot. Ester twa ki pu koner r mwa !
Mo pu Blok sa dan lexpress.
Mon Plein !
Mon Plein !
Kura Jajodajka - Nauka liczenia dla dzieci - Piosenki dla dzieci - Duration: 31:40.-------------------------------------------
Tractor-trailer carrying bananas rolls over on I-95 - Duration: 0:30.SCENE?
ON 89.
My Father is Strange | 아버지가 이상해 – Ep.7 [Eng Sub / 2017.04.01] - Duration: 1:06:16.(Episode 7)
I'm your son. Me.
I said I'm your son.
You don't understand?
Well, I think you've had a bit too much to drink.
Oh, this is crazy.
- Look here. / - You know Ms. An Sujin, don't you?
You must know Ms. An Sujin.
You don't?
I guess you had a lot of girlfriends, huh?
Although you don't look like you did.
Ms. An Sujin?
Yes, An Sujin.
I'm her son, Mr. Byeon Hansu.
Now you remember?
It's not like I expected sobbing with tears
and nose running and stuff like that.
But I had no idea you'd feign ignorance.
A-Are y-you...
N-No, wait...
Okay, w-why don't you sit down first?
Why would I sit down?
I didn't come here to catch up.
I came to let you know. I thought you should know.
That An Sujin had a son
and that he's alive and well.
Mr. Byeon Hansu,
you probably enjoyed your life, right?
Every day, with no concern, right?
I had a really awful day today.
So I thought you should feel a bit awful, too.
Lose some sleep
and maybe lose your appetite, too. Okay?
This is crazy.
How do you still have that expression on your face?
When your son has come to see you after 35 years?
Shouldn't you at least ask for my name?
If not about where and how I lived all these years?
Can we please talk?
Get your hands off me!
Let's never see each other ever again.
Excuse me!
Wait, just a second.
Star Palace in Mapo-gu, please.
Can we please talk?
Just for a second! Please!
What are you doing?
Are you shooting a tearjerker?
You're not doing "Oh, My Boss" anymore.
This doesn't suit you at all.
(Park Chanwung)
(Delete message)
So we're not going on that cruise.
Why don't you at least go by yourself?
I can't do that when your father's not going.
Jeonghwan, I am so depressed.
Your father's like a teenager in puberty.
But he's too old to be in puberty.
I talk to him, but he won't answer.
And when he does, he gets irritated
and lashes out at me.
He does things he's never done before
and pushes my buttons.
Two days ago, without a word,
he moved his bed from our bedroom to his study.
Mom, a man and a woman
meet as they are and live together as humans.
But a married couple should share a room together,
even if you have separate beds.
Oh, mom, I guess you still love father deeply.
Yeah right.
But son, this is really serious.
Your dad makes me so upset,
but he's too smart for me to argue with.
Oh, mom, you're really upset, aren't you?
Gosh, father was too harsh on you, right?
Grandfather didn't like him at all,
but you married him out of love, didn't you?
I know. My father couldn't understand
why I was in love with that stiff country boy.
Right. It's okay.
Huh? What is it?
Are you wearing cologne?
Uh, yes. It's nice, isn't it?
I got it as a present, so I thought I'd wear it.
I have to go. I'll be late.
It smells so nice.
Oh, I really love it when men wear perfume.
No, mom, I have to go.
So hot.
I asked for milk instead of yogurt.
Oh, you did. I'm sorry.
I'll get it.
Dad, you did the same thing yesterday.
I'm sorry.
When you get old, you'll be forgetful, too.
But why are you going to work so early?
I have so much work.
I don't have time. Put it in my tumbler.
So bossy.
- Honey. / - Yes?
Mom, does your back hurt? Why are you holding it?
Huh? It doesn't.
I have an itch.
On top of working late,
you have to go to work early, too?
Dad, I'll do it.
Mom, why don't you call my boss and complain?
Come again?
Some law firm hired a junior associate,
and his mother called the partner to complain.
Asking why he gives her son so much work,
saying her son's really tired when he comes home.
See you later.
I heard there are moms like that these days.
- You're coming home late again? / - Yes.
- Have a good day. / - See you later.
Honey, I'm going down to my shop.
I didn't do much prep work last night.
You didn't?
But you came home late last night.
I know.
I had some other things to do.
See you later.
Okay. But eat something, okay?
What are you doing?
Nut is on her way to work already.
If I'm going out tonight,
I have to go in early and get some work done.
How about you, Cracker?
Cracker is watching Nut.
What's going on?
I came to drive you to work
because it's so hard to see you.
Get in, My Queen.
Good job, Eunuch Cha.
I thought treating you as queen would make me king,
but I'm a eunuch.
Yes, Your Highness.
- Did you have breakfast? / - No.
My dad made me a banana smoothie. Want some?
I'd love some.
But why are you so busy these days?
I'm on a real estate fraud case,
and there are hundreds of files.
That reminds me of someone's hundreds of girls.
I thought we called a truce on that.
Okay. I'll let it go today.
Thank you.
(Im Yeonji)
It's Im Yeonji.
Why is she calling you so early?
It's because of the script. Excuse me.
Hi, Yeonji.
Jeonghwan, are you on your way?
When are you getting here?
Did you finish the script?
No, I'm working on it right now.
I'm on my way to the coffee shop,
so if you're on your way, I'll get you one, too.
Cafe mocha with extra whipped cream.
Would you like a small or a large?
No, I won't be there for a while.
Oh, it's your bluetooth, right?
You're driving?
You're very sharp.
He is driving.
Who is this?
This is Byeon Hyeyeong. How have you been?
Hi, you seem to be working hard.
I'll see you at the office, Jeonghwan.
Wow, this is delicious.
Are you still in bed?
Blood, blood...
Junghui, wake up!
Junghui, you can't leave me!
You're dead!
I thought you were dead!
I thought I lost my job!
Get away from me.
What's with all the fuss? Are you crazy?
Junghui, so this is just wine?
Oh, man... I thought...
Why are you here?
Because you haven't answered my calls for days.
I know you're disappointed about "Oh, My Boss,"
but if you keep drinking like this...
Be quiet. You're stressing me out,
and my stomach hurts even more.
It's not like this was your first time.
I guess the image is more serious.
You finally seem like yourself.
Why don't you get up and take a shower?
You're getting new photos taken,
so you need to get a haircut.
Don't touch me.
I don't want to be bothered. Wait.
- Let go of me. / - Come.
I don't want to. I really don't.
Let go. Let go of me.
You don't have to look like a celebrity.
Just look like a normal human being.
Open this door.
Okay. I'll take a shower.
So get me some food. Like pho.
Okay. Take a shower.
You have to take a shower.
The Rav loafer, brown.
And two hoodies for the airport photo.
Thank you.
And finally, suit no. 11 from the Daor Collection.
Yes, here's the suit. Be careful with that.
Are you sure this is Daor no. 11?
Yes, it is.
I don't think so.
What do you know?
This isn't it. Let me go to Wardrobe real quick.
What? Hey, Intern!
There's no time. Intern!
Sir, we have to go.
Just a second.
Here, Daor no. 11.
- Is this it? / - Yes.
I guess I mixed it up with the last season's.
That was close. We're ready now, right?
- Go. / - Okay.
Thank you.
That was nothing. I got lucky.
I've been studying the look book,
and that Daor suit caught my eye.
Good job.
You're not sleeping in the bathroom, are you?
Just a second. If you open it, I'll kill you.
What are you doing?
Junghui, no...
The threshold. Watch out for the threshold.
- My legs. / - Okay.
Make an appointment. With a doctor.
For today?
You think it's for tomorrow?
I want to make an appointment. It's hemorrhoids.
What? You're fully booked?
Well, it's for An Junghui, the actor, so can...
You want to see my hemorrhoids in a tabloid?
Oh, no. What am I doing?
Sir, something's burning.
Oh, boy.
I should've done anything to stop him from leaving.
I should've gotten his number at least.
Sir, I want to pay.
- Here you go. / - Thanks.
- Goodbye. / - Bye.
Huh? It's An Junghui. You're An Junghui, right?
Oh, it's An Junghui.
He said An something.
Hi, uncle.
A celebrity?
The young man who was eating ramen here,
you said he was a celebrity.
An something, right?
Oh, An Junghui?
An Junghui? His name is An Junghui?
Is he famous?
He's famous for bad acting.
His name was trending a while ago
for his bad acting clip when he first debuted.
So he's an actor?
I think he started out as a singer.
Just a second.
An Junghui.
Right, Steel Heart. He debuted in an idol band.
He's a former idol star, but he's now an actor.
He was in a daily drama recently.
101, Happy Village?
What's NHST?
"Never heard of or seen that."
It means he didn't make much of an impression.
Whoa, what a fraud.
He didn't look like he was 181cm.
He definitely added 2 or 3cm to his height.
He did. I'm sure.
Whoa, Yeongsil...
You're cleaning again?
Yes, I should sweep at least once a day.
You're going to the bathhouse?
Just mother.
I'm babysitting again, so I'm on my way there.
Don't try to clean too well, Yeongsil.
Or you'll get sick.
She can't do that. Whatever Yeongsil does,
she gives it all she's got and moves the gods.
That's how everyone should be.
That's why she's so blessed.
There goes my mother again.
If she had in-laws,
she would've been great to her mother-in-law.
Right, mother.
You were so blessed that you don't have in-laws.
Huh? What was that?
Mom, go and take a bath.
Bomi, you'll be late. Go.
See you later. Bye, mother.
Hey, don't work too hard.
You have to think about your health. Okay?
I'm not working too hard.
Mom, make sure your hair's fully dried.
Or you'll catch a cold.
Don't worry. I will.
Now that it's clean, it looks nice.
Yeah. Since it's my job, I should do it happily.
Isn't it great? I'm making money and exercising.
It's the landlord, the one mightier than the Lord.
Are you here to check on my homework?
You're here?
Yes, I'm doing it, and I'm almost done.
I did a good job, so come and check it out.
Which floor?
Just how confident is she about it?
(Grand Opening special, 10% Discount)
Did you check it on your way up?
I mopped every floor, including the entrance.
You should've cleaned every nook and cranny.
It looks like you just pretended to mop.
That's not true.
I swept and mopped every nook and cranny.
Did you remove the gum, too?
There was none. You can check, if you want.
Oh, okay. I'll believe you.
Do you know the convenience store?
Go there and hand these out to the pedestrians.
What's that?
It's my cafe's grand opening flyer.
It's only a few days away, so hurry along and start.
Why do I have to do that?
They're your cafe's flyers.
That's why I'm asking you.
The part-timer starts tomorrow, so I need help.
I'm going to do it later, too.
Why? You don't want to?
I'm disappointed.
I was really good to Dad's Snack Bar.
But you won't do this one thing for me?
We're opening a new cafe.
We're opening a new cafe.
Thank you.
It's a grand opening.
It's a grand opening.
What are you doing?
- Hi, mom. / - What's that?
These are the flyers for the landlord's cafe.
But why are you handing these out?
That's what I'm saying.
Now that I'm cleaning the building,
she's using me like her part-time worker.
Why, that awful woman! She thinks you're a doormat?
Mom, mom.
Let go of me.
You gave her an inch, and she's trying to take a mile.
I'm going to nip it in the bud and make sure
it never happens again.
I'll nip it in the bud if I have to.
If you get involved, what will that make me?
You'll embarrass your own daughter,
Ms. Kim Malbun of Mokcheok market.
I told her I'd do it for her, so let it go.
Just for today.
After today, I'll tell her no from the start.
Are you sure?
- Huh? / - Yes.
If you act like a doormat again,
you're not my daughter.
I didn't give you life to do this!
You think I endured life-threatening labor pain
so you'd grow up to do this?
I didn't work at Mokcheok Market in rain or snow
without anyone to rely on and put you through
college for you to do things like this.
I know. It's just for today.
Let me have some. I'll help you.
No, it's cold. So go home.
No, you had to clean the building, too.
I'll help you. Let me have some.
What if you catch a cold?
Did you dry your hair completely?
My hair?
Oh, of course I did.
It won't be on our electricity bill. Let's go.
Sir. It's over there.
Here. It's down there.
We're opening a new cafe.
This is unbelievable.
He's got some nerve.
(Ex-boyfriend / Wedding invitation) What should I do?
You're going!
Should I go and make a scene?
No, that'll make you a loser.
We can't let that happen.
You must look sizzling hot.
You've gained weight.
Really? I have?
Darn it. It's all Yeon Taesu's fault.
I've been so stressed out lately
that I've had too many sweets.
If you're going, lose weight.
And cover yourself in luxury brands.
And bring a really handsome man.
Where can I find one?
Pick one from your admirers.
No more eating.
I'm so stressed out. All my admirers look like Shrek.
What do I do?
You don't have any friends who are guys?
Men and women can't be friends.
There are men you've dated and men you will date.
That's very you.
So what are you going to do?
Who are you going to bring?
Oh, how annoying!
Oh! There is one who looks decent on the outside.
Hello, mother.
I'm eating right now.
Of course I'm eating well.
Don't worry.
My tuition? I got a student loan.
Yes, I'm okay.
Is father still angry?
Okay. I'll call you often.
(Part-timer needed)
♪ I feel good today ♪
Jeonghwan, are you and Hyeyeong dating?
The woman who hurt you once can hurt
you again, over and over. You don't know that?
That's something I have to deal with.
What about me?
I'm out?
You were never in.
How can you be so cold?
You just badmouthed my girlfriend and your elder.
But that was a fact.
Is our show going to be cancelled?
What are you talking about?
There's a list of shows being cancelled,
and I heard our show is on it.
You haven't heard anything?
It's not like this is the first time.
If these rumors are right,
we should've gotten cancelled years ago.
Stop talking nonsense.
Call Jongbeom.
Let's finish our meeting.
Guess where I am right now.
The lobby.
It's a surprise from Nut.
I was at the Western District Court, so I dropped by.
Can you come down for five minutes?
What do you think about this?
He's not here right now.
He was summoned by the director.
Who am I talking to right now and
why did you answer my boyfriend's phone?
I'm Im Yeonji.
Oh, you're now directly answering his phone?
Jeonghwan's facing cancellation,
so he's having a very hard time.
He needs to focus on work now more than ever,
so he has no time to go out with you.
You seem to be a bit clueless,
so I'm just letting you know.
I need to see you.
I'm in the lobby right now.
So how about I come up instead?
Do you know the rate of success for couples
who have broken up and gotten back together?
It's 3%.
It's only 3%.
So you've seen that movie. Rules of Dating.
I like statistics, so I've always known it.
In other words, the chances of you and Jeonghwan
ending up together is less than 3%.
And you have dumped Jeonghwan once,
like a pair of broken flip-flops.
Do you know the percentage of a first-time offender
committing another crime?
Gosh, Yeonji, you really do love statistics.
Okay, let's think about this.
What is the college graduation rate worldwide?
It's 1%.
Oh, let's narrow it down to Korea's population.
What percentage of South Koreans are college graduates?
It's more. 18%. Education is important in Korea.
And of them, lawyers make up 0.004%.
And of them, female lawyers make up 0.000536%.
And I am one of the 0.000536%.
And of those female lawyers,
I am pretty, deadly charming
and incredibly smart.
And my personality is like velvet.
Do I need to explain further?
But you already hurt Jeonghwan badly.
Maybe that doesn't matter for now.
That's something Jeonghwan and I will deal with.
I am the Byeon Hyeyeong.
I have a crush on Jeonghwan.
You keep making me repeat myself, Yeonji.
But there are ethics, right?
It's okay to desire someone available,
but when he's taken, you shouldn't.
Jeonghwan isn't taken.
It's not like you two are married.
Oh, I do get it.
Like you said, you are pretty,
charming and smart.
And you're one of the 0.000536%.
And you have so much that I don't have.
But there's one thing of mine that you can never have,
no matter how hard you try.
I am...
So I'm going to give it more time.
The game's not over yet.
Excuse me.
Who is it?
It's me.
What do you need?
I was really concentrating on my studies,
so I don't want to be disturbed.
Take a five-minute break.
I'll just stay for five minutes.
Watching you study so hard makes me feel so proud.
I am studying hard,
but to be honest, I don't feel confident.
At least I had confidence last year.
Dear nephew, even if you're covered with dust,
you're still you.
You're just temporarily covered by a bit of dust.
I'm sure you'll make it.
Uncle Yeongsik,
if I become successful
and have something like an interview,
I will say this.
"My uncle was the man who helped me get here."
Sure. Go for it.
The five minutes are up. Go back in.
Go, go.
- Good luck. / - Thank you.
Honey, what are you doing?
Would you like to have dinner with me?
I'm dying to see her.
For a future with My Ju...
I'm sorry.
I think I should study tonight.
Your pretty face is in my head,
but let's wait until this weekend.
I miss you so, so much, but I guess we have no choice.
You're studying, so I'll be cheering you on.
It can't be, can it?
This has happened a few times before.
It's just late.
(An Junghui)
This is really great. I can fart whenever I want.
I should've kicked him out sooner.
You think I let you stay here because I wanted to?
Wait a minute. I should get a bigger bed.
What's he doing? He's cooking?
After moving out and saying such mean things...
I guess he felt bad about it.
Why did he have to be so mean?
What are you doing?
You never cooked anything before.
Chico, enjoy.
Good boy. Here you go.
Chew carefully. Oh...
His vitamins.
A balanced diet is very important.
Chico, enjoy your meal.
He's having cup noodles, but he cooked for the dog?
When he never cooked for me? Not even noodles?
Honey, what's that chair by the door?
Why did you leave it out there?
When I called you, you told me not to throw it out
and to put it in the living room.
Then you should've put it against the wall
or in one of the corners.
It's like you left it there on your way out.
Then you should've been clearer.
How come you never say what you want
and change your story afterwards?
You're doing this on purpose to infuriate me!
Why would I waste my energy on such nonsense?
I don't care about you anymore.
So you should take your mind off me
and go live your own life.
- Is everything here? / - Yes.
- Did you check the list? / - Yes.
We're missing a hat and two pairs of shoes.
Oh, I asked the intern to bring them.
Where is she?
Ms. Byeon Miyeong!
Where did she go?
Oh, why did I hide?
It'd be weird if I went out now.
Byeon Miyeong!
Why in the world did I say such a thing
when I'm not even able to deal with the aftermath?
Where is she?
Let's go.
If I get yelled at early on...
It'd be more painful.
I should let things die down first.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
Right now?
I'm at the studio.
Okay. I'll be right up.
Find the intern and get the rest of these.
Ms. Byeon Miyeong!
Where did she go?
What the... Where have you been?
I had to run to the restroom.
- Right here? / - Yes, hurry up and put them out.
This is today's schedule.
An Junghui is this afternoon,
and Jin Seongjun is this evening.
Mr. An Junghui will be here soon.
Junghui, we're here.
Hide that so people won't see it.
Junghui, nobody thinks this is a hemorrhoid pillow.
You're being too self-conscious.
I'm not self-conscious!
Oh, wait...
It hurts so much.
Taebu, is having hemorrhoids a sin?
It's not.
I am not self-conscious at all.
I am f-f-f-fine with it.
- Junghui, it's okay. / - Let's hurry up.
- Hello. / - Hi.
Is Mr. An feeling sick today?
He doesn't look comfortable at all.
Bring him the clothes.
These are what you'll be wearing today.
What's that? They're not the ones I picked.
Where's the Daor suit?
Mr. Jin Seongjun took them.
I picked it first, so why did he take it?
Daor asked for Jin Seongjun to be the sponsor.
To make sure he wears it.
You're image suits warm tones, like the fall,
so this color will look great on you.
And this shirt isn't completely formal,
so it'll make you look younger.
Daor is a foreign brand,
so their suits don't fit the Korean body type well.
But this Wudy suit was designed for Asian men...
Get her out of here.
Junghui, these are what Ms. Kim picked out for you.
You know she has great taste.
Your photos last year were well-received.
I'm so angry that I must become famous.
Just watch me.
If you're ready, let's do this.
That's great. Amazing. Okay.
Scary. Yes, good. Great.
Okay. Good.
The woman you love is leaving. Stop her.
You must chase after her and stop her. Yes.
She's getting away. You must run. Run.
You have to stop your girlfriend. Yes.
She's getting away. Good.
Faster. With your head up.
You're running.
Oh, boy...
Just a few more.
This way. Good.
No, go back.
I love that one.
Let's have you sit down now.
Bring me that chair.
Get this cable out of the way.
I can do this.
I can do this. I can sit down. I can.
I really can do this. I can sit down.
Who moved the chair?
Junghui! Did it pop?
It was me...
Go away. Go.
Go. Go away!
Oh, you idiot!
Which one's better? This or this?
- The right one. / - The left one.
You gained weight, so no colors.
Black is the answer.
No, you need colors for your ex-boyfriend's wedding.
Go with the hot pink one.
What are you trying to say?
Just get both!
Are you mad? Do you know much they are?
You're going to your ex-boyfriend's wedding.
I'll take them both.
It's $2,110.
- Make it 12 monthly installments, please. / - Sure.
Everyone must be off work, right?
Nobody's here?
(Night Duty Room / Off limits / Closed Down)
If I brought these home
and mom caught me, she'd kill me.
Who left the shower on?
There are so many inconsiderate people.
It's probably just late because of all the stress.
I've been extra busy these days.
Please, just one line.
You came on time.
I heard you're busy with the new season.
I pulled three all-nighters back-to-back.
But how did you know?
Im Yeonji told me. She even answered your phone.
She did?
I had no idea. Man...
Don't leave your phone around from now on.
That way, I can reach you at any time.
If some tramp picks it up again, you're dead.
Okay. I'll take it everywhere from now on.
Are you going to keep working with Im Yeonji?
She's diligent and really good at her job.
Oh, I see.
You have no clue, do you?
Are you tired?
You have huge dark circles under your eyes.
And your makeup is melting away.
Why did I decide to go out with this guy again?
I missed two nights of sleep so I could see you.
Really? So you were looking forward to our date?
Oh, I'm so happy.
It's time. Let's go.
Sir, sir.
I'm sorry.
It's over.
Why did we come to the movies?
I know.
I must be old.
I only missed two nights of sleep,
but I nodded off throughout the whole movie.
Let's go. We should eat.
All I want to do is to lie down somewhere.
In that case...
Want to come to my apartment?
For some instant noodles?
Come in.
Come in.
When did you get your own place?
About a year ago. The commute was too long.
This is your first time here, right?
Yes. It's cleaner than I expected.
It's because I cleaned it recently.
It hasn't turned into a pigsty just yet.
Sit down. You want something to drink?
No, I'm fine.
I have a bed in there,
so why don't you take a nap? I'll whip something up.
No, I don't want to be on a bed.
I'll sit over there.
Sure thing.
If you want to watch TV.
You can relax.
Hyeyeong, wake up. Let's eat.
Let's eat.
I must have fallen asleep.
You think? You were snoring, too.
That's absurd.
Jeonghwan, what's that smell?
I'm so touched.
You can cook?
It's nothing.
Have a seat.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Let's eat first.
That's not what I was thinking about.
Yes, you did.
I wonder where you get that kind of confidence.
My apartment?
It's so nice here.
It's cozy and comfortable.
Maybe I should get an apartment and move out, too.
How much was this?
Why would you?
Just move in here.
What does that mean?
Exactly what you're thinking right now.
(Training log)
It's me, friend.
I wanted to have a drink with you.
I was wondering why you came to see
me in my dream after 10 years.
Was it because of this?
Did you see that?
Your son came to see me.
He's an actor.
He's tall and handsome.
He looks just like you.
Why didn't you tell me I had such a handsome son?
Do you know how shocked I was?
At first, I couldn't understand what he was saying,
and I made him really angry.
I was thinking...
I don't think I should just do nothing.
About your son...
Can I make him mine?
Can I?
You said too much work and not hemorrhoids, right?
Fire than intern right now.
What can I do to make Mr. An feel better?
I want the kind of romance I didn't have
when I was in my twenties.
You might as well just get married.
Are you crazy?
Aren't you being too mean to mother?
I can't believe I'm married to this man...
What happened? Why did I have a baby dream?
It's five weeks.
I'm pregnant.
How am I supposed to find him?
Can I find him if I go here?
I want to see an actor.
How To Get The Subtitles On Your Videos and Why They Are Important! - Duration: 8:10.Hi there, Louisa here! Today I wanted
to give you a really good tip on how to
get your videos working with Google so
that YouTube and Google rank your blogs
and videos better so when you make your
videos you need to get the you know the
captions the subtitles at the bottom you
need them on your videos so that you
know that YouTube understands what
your video is about sometimes it puts
the wrong things in and then it doesn't
quite understand what it's about which
means it ranks it wrong or puts it put
puts it up to the wrong people it
doesn't it doesn't find the right people
so when you go through your subtitles
get them right and then YouTube will
rank it better because it likes videos
with the captions in then you can
download those captions and transcribe
them into a blog so exactly what you say
because it's a nice way to put a blogger
because it's really conversational
because it's exactly how you're talking
as if you're talking to someone and so
it comes across some reads really well
as well so some people prefer to watch
videos some people prefer to watch, to
read things so you're catering for
everybody but more importantly you're
catering to Google as well so the
biggest search engine out there is
Google but the second biggest search
engine surprisingly is YouTube so and
you google owns YouTube so when you can
get the two working together like that
when you can get text into your videos
that Google can then read the spiders
love it and they they can see that the
videos there the transcribe there and
they'd go whoa this is important and
they rank it all so it's a great way of
getting your material ranked really well
so I can show you how to do it, it's a
little bit fiddly and a little bit
annoying; share screen, this is the
program I use to do the tutorials on,
it's great so what you do is you go into
your YouTube channel and find
your video manager and then you'll have
all your videos come up I've done it on
a few already so i can see that I've got
a cc there so my my subtitle subtitles
are already on that one but they're not
on this one so i'll show you how to do
on here it's really no just don't talk
over me it's rude so what should we do
what do we do I'll move my screen over
this down there down there there what we
do is you go to you things and then you
go up here to your subtitles and click
that, so do set your language, I set it
to english and then click default
because i am always going to be English
that is not ever going to change even if
I learn another language I would still
be English don't talk okay so one way to
do it is to write your captions by
yourself up here in add new subtitles
but it does take a while and it is a bit
boring and it's really time intensive so
don't do that come down here to english
automatic really big key I found this
all by myself and and it makes a huge
difference click that big difference and
then you will see what (please don't talk)
Google thinks you said what YouTube
thought you said first of all I can
straightaway see it calls me Louise
which is a perfectly fine name it's just
not my name so magic button up here edit
and you go into edit and you think about
it and then you can change anything you
need and put a capital in Louisa so you
can change that and you can go through
and sometimes it just has some hilarious
things in it thinks you said and you
really didn't so go through all that and
there it is and you don't have to write
it all out that's the main thing so I'm
going to pretend that it's fine I'm sure
it is maybe it isn't who knows I'm going
to publish that publish edits
and and then that should come up by
press play I'm still thinking about it
it takes a lot to it put it all on go
back into not being this automatic go
back into English because that's the one
you've just done and then hmmm hmmm hmmm!
(please dont talk) go to actions download
the SRT file you need this to be able to
transcribe to take it takes all of the
words off and then put it into a notepad
and then you will also be able to then
upload this on to facebook I will tell
you how to do that in a minute because
you do not want to be sharing your
videos from YouTube on to your Facebook
page because YouTube and Facebook do not
like each other and YouTube will then
down rank your YouTube videos don't do
that you want to upload your videos
directly to Facebook so that when
they're on there directly that how when
you're scrolling through you know when
videos start playing automatically
that's because they've been uploaded
directly onto Facebook and then you can
use this SRT file to then put your
subtitles on to Facebook and that a lot
of people like to watch videos but
silently if they're sort of in a quiet
place and they'll just read what you're
saying and watch the video rather than
putting the sound on and it really makes
a massive difference to how long your
videos are watched for and whether
they're watched at all so at the do that
in another video for you though so SRT
that is your file there download Balalalaling!
and then I've told my computer
already to read this as a sr as a
notepad in the notepad so when it says
when you open it and it says "I dont know how to read that"
you just say yeah you do
you open it in note notebook oh you
can't see that on your window sorry
about that so there it all is you have
to trust me on that and then I will put
this video I'll put the link to this
website in my
description and what you do is you
openly notepad you can see copy from
notepad and put it into this box here
send it to do the job and bada-bing bada
boom! You have a full blog post here
now so you can now copy and paste that
into your blog now and put your video
into your blog because that's a really
nice thing to do anyway gives us a
double value and then post paste that
transcript underneath your video and
make it a bit pretty you might have to
change a few things to make it a bit
more readable definitely have to change
the format as it's just ugly but then
when you post it you can even use the
same tags I'll teach you how to do tags
as well because I've got a really good
trick for that use the tags from your
YouTube video and then you can then put
it all together and then Google will go
Wow! YouTube will go wow! And it will just rank
it all! So a lot of the time when people
put searches into Google sometimes
videos come up because they've got the
captions on and they know exactly that
that those keywords are answering that
question and you would just rank a lot
better so I hope that helps and leave
any comments below on here if it's
helped you or if you've got any thoughts
as well so PHEW! I'll see you in the next
one! Bye!
Plan with Me // APRIL 2017 // Veronica Marie - Duration: 10:43.Hey guys what's up, its Veronica. So today
I'm going to be doing another plan with
me video and this one is going to be for
the month of April. I know a lot of you
guys said you really liked the video I
did for last month, so I kind of was
thinking of doing just as a regular
monthly thing. If you guys like that idea
then make sure to give this video a big
thumbs up. So that being said let's just
get right on into the video. So I'm going
to be starting off with doing a monthly
page and a monthly calendar. So first I
wanted to make a little logo circle. So I
just took the bottom of my plants and
kind of trace around it for a circle.
Then I also doodled on little leaves
just to decorate this a little bit. Then
since the circle was black I also
decided to outline the leaves with black
as well.
Then inside the circle I just wrote
April 2017. So I'm not really sure what
I'm going to do with this page, when I
first did this I wanted to leave a lot
of extra space around the logo and then
I was going to add photos that had taken
throughout the month, and kind of post
them on that page like a cork board,
which I still think would be a really cool
idea. So then I moved on to making my
monthly log which this is just a big
calendar that I use to kind of keep
track of everything in the month, like
birthdays and anniversaries and those
kind of things. So then I just went in
and also numbered all these days of the
month, And then I just added each day of
the week. So since I messed up on top and
I'm not going to be using that space
anyway, so I took some washi tape and
covered that up and then I took some
paper and some Elmer's sticky tape to
make a little spot where I could write
monthly log, and this is actually a
really cool idea because I feel like you
can hide a lot of mistakes by doing this,
and it also looks kind of cool looking.
So then once I was finished with my
monthly log I kind of went back to my
page with April on it, and wanted to put
more on it. So I just kind of started
randomly adding stops and hearts to kind
of fill one half of the page, which
actually ended up taking me a while. So
then I also wanted to make a little spot
where I could keep notes and thing so I took
a piece of paper and some washi tape and
I was going to make a envelope. So I just
kind of ran the washi tape over the
piece of paper, and then let it hang over
the edges so that it would stick down.
And then at the top part I didn't have
any tape so that it wouldn't stick and
there would be an opening there. So now
I'm just going to kind of seal that down
and then you can put things in it.
Then I also wanted to make it look more
like an envelope so I took some white
scrap piece of paper and made a little
triangle to stick down above it.
So then I also decided to add some
pictures in the corner, and I'm actually
going to cut out this little succulent,
and then I'm going to paste both of
these onto the page. And as you guys
probably will notice this video is a
little bit more in-depth compared to the
last one, because I recently just started
adding photos and washi tape and more
things to my bullet journal. So if you
guys haven't seen my video from March
you could check that out too, if you
wanted more of a simpler bullet journal
set up, because I noticed a lots
throughout this whole video I
experimented on different things that I
don't normally do. So then that is it for
my first two pages for the month of
April. Then for the next two pages
I'm going to do some goals and trackers.
So for the first page I really want to
do a habit tracker and I'm really not
going to change it that much from what
I've been doing because it's been
working pretty well. So if you guys have
seen my last video then this might get a
little repetitive, but for those of you
who have not seen me set up my tracker I
usually just start up on making dots for
the spaces, and then I will number each
day for each day of the month. Then
depending on how many habits I want to
start trying to do I make that many
rows in dots, which takes quite a lot
of time so I'm just going to skip ahead.
So you guys don't have to watch me do
Then I just add kind of each goal or
habit by the side, where I will fill in
check marks all the way throughout the
month. So yeah that's about it for my
tracker this usually works pretty good
so I tried not to change it too much. Oh
and yeah I have to fill in the lettering
with rainbow colors to kind of correlate
with the tracker. So now on the other
page I decided that I was going to have
the first two days of April on this
because it's not technically a full week
and I wasn't going to make a full page
for that, so I figured I'd have the first
two days on this page. And I'm just going
to do this like I usually do. I'd like to
make a box where I can kind of have my
tasks and then two smaller boxes to keep
track of my water intake and my workout.
Then I'm just going to kind of separate
that with some washi tape and I'm going
to make a box where I can add goals for
the month of April. and I just usually
like filling this with you know a few
ideas of things I want to accomplish, and
then I usually check them off throughout
the month. So now since I had some extra
space I kind of wanted to make a spot
where I could put a fitness challenge
that I want to start doing every day of
the month. And once again I'm using the
washi tape and some paper to kind of
make a little box to write in, and then
I'm just going to kind of write down my
fitness challenge.
So then that's it for these two pages I
have my two days, my goals, my tracker, and
then my fitness challenge. So now I'm going
to show you guys how I plan out my week.
So I started doing this very differently
than I did in my last video because I
feel like this went way quicker than the
old way I used to do it. So I'm going to
start out by kind of adding a banner on
top that's just April and then it shows
the dates of the week. So basically how I
do this is I write the day of the week
in cursive and then I will finish out
the cursive line with a ruler to kind of
separate each day, and then since I
usually have less to do on Sunday and
Saturday I fit those both into one
section. And like I used to I still like
to keep track of my water intake and my
workout. So I usually have the hydrate
kind of spot on each day and then I will
fill in the water drops for each bottle
of water that I drink. Then for my
workout I stopped writing that because
some days I didn't work out or sometimes
I be more space to kind of write down
what I did for my workout so I just
leave it blank and then if I do work out
I write it below hydrate kind of what I
did. So then moving on to the next page I
like to start out by writing a small
calendar in the corner, and this just
kind of helps me to kind of see what's
coming up in the month and where I am in
the week, month, kind of area. Then I'm
going to make two boxes and one of these
is going to be for goals, and one of
these is going to be for meal planning.
So I didn't like how weekly goals looked
so I added some to united tape and some
paper and kind of tack that down and
then I took some washi tape and made it
look like I was tacking it down with the
washi tape.
And I think I changed this later too
because I don't really like how it looks.
So then I'm going to move on to the meal
planning, and I try and make a little
spot for each day is a week and then I
also write on the side each day of week.
So now I actually go back in and fix the
goals and I'm just going to do the same
method I've been doing kind of threw out
the journal where I take washi tape and
then I put paper on top and right on top
of that.
So then the only other thing that I like
on this page is at the bottom I usually
will put a spot for notes for the next
week. Like maybe tasks I want to do the
next week or just ideas of things that
are coming up, just a spot in case I
don't have my journal set up for the
next week. Then I'm just going to add to
kind of inspirational pictures up in the
corner and that's it. So I have my weekly
planning, my goals, my meal planning, my
next week, and then my small calendar. And
then I have my fitness challenge, my
goals, my two first days, my habit tracker,
and then of course we have the month of
April. So that is it for this video. I
hope you guys liked it, if you did don't
forget to give it a big thumbs up. And I
will see you guys in my next video, bye.
DIY ANIME: Kit de PÁSCOA KAWAII da MY MELODY e KUROMI + Amigo Secreto | #AmigoDePáscoaDIY - Duration: 15:42.-------------------------------------------
How to draw ICE CREAM CONE - Duration: 3:42.How to draw ICE CREAM CONE
Fankar - Duration: 0:36.Please subscribe our Channel
Wenn Autofahrern rote Ampeln egal sind | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
New Lego Batman Killer Croc Tail Gator Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World 70907 Speed Build Unboxing - Duration: 15:46.Wow guys welcome back I'm so glad you
guys came back because I'm super excited
today New Lego Batman Killer Croc Tail Gator Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World 70907 Speed Build Unboxing
lego batman movie set this looks like
it's going to be one of my favorite you
got killer croc tailgater croc Wow and
this set includes killer clock killer
croc tarantulas eber man and batman
awesome boy that looks like a lot of fun
and I like Killer Croc a lot a guy is
like totally nasty I mean here you can
see his jumping on Batman's little likes
qmobile ah the other guys are like in
the truck like throwing dynamite and
stuff looks like here's some of the
options of the set you got the little
scheme little feel will fire missiles
the truck will carry Killer Croc tranche
Allah fights with blade looks like the
truck has like adjustable shocks you can
move draw rocks arms to attack that man
here are you can throw like sex dynamite
out of the truck so awesome if you guys
enjoyed the animation in the speed build
off that I did at the beginning of the
video please click like and drop me
comments I mean I really want to know
what you guys think I love doing these
lego speed builds in animations I use
dragon frames software now which is
professional animation software so i am
just starting so it's something i really
love doing and you guys like it go ahead
click like I will keep making
more for you guys so anyways let's see
what was in this step before you go
ahead walk you seen it put together if
you watch the beginning of this video
but here's what's in there you got bag
number one and we've got bag number four
got a bunch more we've got bag number
two looks like killer croc's body over
here is a head must be a one of the bags
and you've got bag number three you've
got all the stickers you're going to go
ahead and put on here you've got book
number two and you've got book number
one and i think is i like about these
books too is they show the other set so
here is some of the other sets i put
together the joke joker mobile one the
clay face one i also made fun stuff time
stop motion animation movies of them i
did not do the big play set yet or this
other Batman one yet so if you guys do
like it i mean i would love to do all of
the batman ones so like i said if you do
like it you want to see them click like
and drop me comment okay i'm going to go
ahead and put this together and we're
going to have some fun okay now that
you've seen this beat build let's go
ahead and check this truck up because it
is totally awesome i love the way they
put this truck together first of all
adjustable shock so if you push down
here truck goes down and it pops back up
because it's got a rubber bands on the
shocks back there and then I'll let's
let's just check this off from the back
to the front so here you've got crates
if you turn this dial here it throws the
crate off one of the crates has like
dynamite so it will throw the crates off
maybe the Batmobile is
doing them then I you've got key file up
there really good like wood and mud and
effects like that to make the truck look
like it's just like a throwing together
truck I mean they hammered like pieces
of wood on there to keep it from falling
apart you've got an awesome like a skull
from like a upload their that rotates up
and goes up and down rotate side to side
real rubber tires are oversized tires in
the back like I said I mean this truck
is quality I mean it rolls really nicely
in the front you can see the license
plate says me by haha bunch of lights
and everything on the front and then
let's check out the other side so the
other side is pretty similar to the
other side and then you've got like the
mirrors the rubber tires the Moodle the
doors you've got like a bowl back there
it says danger danger on the side this
side has a crate to with dynamite in it
so you could throw out the crate full of
dynamite and blow up pursuers or
whoever's coming up next to you and then
this back area is really cool too
because back here you have a giant stick
shift here so you can shift that all
over the place and you have an extended
steering wheel here that turns and you
can move it up and down the reason for
that is croc is too big to get in the
trucks so he drives the truck from the
back so they make it tall enough to
where he could grab this shift the truck
then with this other hand you could
drive the truck from the back well then
if you pop the top off you got seating
inside for I would say one character
inside there
it's pretty tight you got the extended
steering wheel and everything so i'll
say one character inside and maybe
another character hanging off the side
or the back my man here's a look at the
bottom you got a dual rubber bands here
that gives it to the movement on shocks
of the truck and then i really like the
killer croc that came with this one of
course if you watched any of the killer
croc he's got a tiny little head and a
very muscular to her body ah great
movement here his head will go all the
while not all the way down about that
much and up about that much so you got
good movement on the head the arms I
like because they click into all
different positions so you've got 360
degree movement on the arm ah his two
front fingers here come out way out so
you could open his arm way up there to
have like really cool battles and then
you could close it all the way up and it
could hold like a mini figure in it his
arms and then he's got like the
handcuffs he's got his regular to blue
jeans there so like I said a really cool
character and then we've got tranche
Allah with dual blades but you know i
thot Tran challo woods a guy but looking
at this minifig it looks like tranche
Allah as a girl so I mean I don't know
did it change at some point I mean did
maybe the father died the daughter take
over and then you got zebra man he's got
a blade and bone so I'm not really sure
both of those belong to him he's got a
mohawk he doesn't have another face on
the back it's just like stripes on the
back there so this guy's pretty cool
looking too and then of course you got
Batman you actually get this mini figure
with a lot of the Batman's
but he's got like oh my look there and
then like a serious type look in the
back he's got two batarangs and he comes
with a really cool fat back Jim so this
thing's cool it's a nice addition to the
set staring moves back and forth it has
a place back here to hold one of his
batter rings he fits right in there he
could hold on to the steering if you
want him to if you push these little
this little button on the side it does
fire those little missiles back there it
smooths on the bottom so you could roll
it almost like it has tires and then
it's got these bat wings on the back
that move all the way in and out it's
got a little all like jet engine on the
back there so they did a really great
job on this like I said really nice
audition to the set and if you want you
could even put this on to the back of
the truck so maybe killer croc will try
to steal it and guys if you do enjoy
this video please click like give me a
thumbs off and let me know what other
Lego videos you want to see I love doing
these lego speed builds for you guys in
the Lego stop-motion videos and I just
want to know if you guys are interested
because if you know if you're not I'm
gonna have to move on to other type of
videos but like I said I mean I love
doing these speed builds and if you do
like him please click like and also guys
if you do like this set I'll have a link
below my video where you could buy it I
do get a small Commission from that so I
do appreciate it and it costs you the
same it connects you to Amazon it cost
you the same whether you buy it through
the link or
you just go there and purchase it
Wow guys that was a lot of fun and if
you enjoyed the video make sure you
click Subscribe and the thumbs up button
down below the video in today's secret
word is the word go ahead and put that
in the comments section below the video
on those you remember my club go to the
video ends there's an awesome and curves
off for lunch with you click the boxes
below for a lot more fun videos and if
you want to see even more go ahead and
click the subscribe button
Unsung Producers 3 - Duration: 5:20.what's up for everybody
I'm just leaning back on what's up
everybody its JFilt from
how to make very sick beats dot com if this
is your first time welcome and welcome
to episode number three of unsung
producers so let's get into it in the
comments below right down your city where
you from where you represent and the
reason why I say this is because we are
community connect you know I'm saying
anyway as you can see today we're talking
about Jon Brion which is another dude
that's slept on in my personal opinion he
actually is a composer you know he's a
he's a multi-instrumentalist plays mass
instruments I mean that's what that
means obviously and he scores for films
now if you've heard of the guy named
Kanye West this man has done a lot of
stuff with Kanye West I want y'all to
hear a track that he worked on
co-produced with Kanye West let's go
okay that's all I need I don't even need
that sample part I just need it I just
want to talk about that first part okay
so what I'm going to do is show you a
chord that you can use for your own beat
this is it right here all right this is
called a minor 7 added nine okay minor 7
add ninth chord ok now we're not gonna talk even
talk about why it's called that we
just I'm just showing you would it is
alright so I'm going to play along with
it real quick with the guitar you know
Jon is playing the guitar but I'm on
this keyboard sound right here ok so
here we go ok so i don't know if y'all were
able to hear when i was in any way so
here's the technique this chord let
me play each note so you can get it all
right I gotta c sharp so II a flat a B
and the Eflat alright so there's five
notes all together one two three four
here is a technique so what you're going
to do is you want to take out the fourth
note 1 2 3 4 take these now you
have just this I'll take four out and
then for the next chord the next step
you're going to move one way the third
note of that chord over to the right one
half step how you go from here here
notice the only thing that's moving is
this note right here okay so this works
for any key but for any for any it
doesn't matter what key you're in so I
was working on beat and I'm in a whole
different key here it is okay so how did I
come up with that first of all I've got
to find the chord which will be this the
a flat minor seven added ninth oh and if
you don't know how to figure that out
there's tons of tutorials and you could
just look up minor 7th added 9 okay look
it up one online ok so anyway next thing
I had to do was pick out which note 1 2
3 4 5 take out the 4 right
next step take this note which is one
two three take the third note and move
it over a half step to the right do that and you have a
whole different song use your own rhythm
and you have the vocabulary use it try it
if you have any questions let me know
peace and positive energy so if you like
this video hit that thumbs up button
more videos are on the way subscribe if
you haven't already check out the links
down below this video and feel free to
check out the website a lot of good
stuff over there I will see you guys on
the next one just in case you don't know
i'm uploading videos every wednesday and
every saturday until further notice but
stop on through peace
Ms office 2016 - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
المدينة المنورة عاصمة السياحة الإسلامية 2017 م - Duration: 4:31.Celebrating Medina as the capital of Islamic tourism for 2017
On this occasion we present
project development of Hejaz railway station Entertainment - Tourist - Commercial
Project elements that have been added
area Crafts, textiles and productive families
Various sales area
City Art
General seating area
Area Food Trucks
Tour with a visiting lens
I wish you a happy time
1 Non Nước Ngọt Có Thể Tàn Phá Cơ Thể Bạn Như Thế Nào - Duration: 12:09.-------------------------------------------
فيلم كرتون الابطال الخارقين مارفيل LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Walkthrough بالعربي HD كامل - Duration: 20:18.down here welcome young Marvel artists
down here I'm the famous iron man and
this is your own wonderous workspace you
are going to be the Super Hero Squad new
secret weapon pretty cool huh every hero
has a power and yours is a powerful
power Pam PE mmm personal evil
neutralizer let's go super hero city
needs your help Maureen Oh stay on this
yet go north charlotte which come with
me and we'll take out that thunder doom
super hero you're lining mudar can get
on with the plan I'll be right behind
well I don't see you anywhere Wow look
at the whole communication on your risk
I was speaking metaphorically sir what
is so fantastic about this place anyway
the FF boys went on a bonding camping
trip without me our weekend free of
exploiting science experiments peace and
quiet fantastic flawless like
Thunderdome plan MODOK so much the peace
and quiet I have to inform the squad why
don't you answer my calls if you're out
give me some time i'll make you ah your
mom is way more frightening than you
I'll call you back
now that you have snuck into the
building I'm the texture I'll deal with
you Selena
secrets ye when dunes cloud platform
blew up I detected a stretch in the
time-space continuum he is after you in
your alternate dimension alternate
dimensions will foundnext want me to
believe in far-off places where mythic
deities reside I can play a note that in
dimension doctors who hold purple not
green another bode I've never really
sure what dimension you're in halt what
the FF 0 book status has gone from gone
camping to beating attack it's MODOK he
broke into the Baxter building I already
reached the door knobs are those tiny
arms Falcon Thor bring the secret
squatty to the Baxter building and see
what's going on yeah and do not like us
but none hero book we have to save the
Baxter building from doom and it's big
brain grow by Heimdall's hairy hamster
young damsel in distress guys let's talk
it more healthier and don't call me
damsel window in eq secret squatty
perhaps to approve the pen is mightier
than the sword
Gloria but you found a portal device i
sent you to find yet ah stupid hero sure
they're always getting in my way tell me
about whoa how did he get in here so
easily did the security system go
camping to their security to this week
as mine brother Loki self-control hmm
our security system is fantastic this is
the last time I let Johnny said the
password to one two three four five
doomed you are here is that a
metaphysical sense or up number T 10
oh no he found the portalab hurry let's
cut through the laser defense hallway
laser defense hallway that doesn't sound
space it's just a little defenseless
what are you chicken what a foul joke
sorry boo-boo yield all right the portal
device is mine all the legwork dude your
leg you almost no work you haven't
gotten a dose wow we can work something
fine I don't know what a dome lamp I
don't keep us calendar okay sometimes I
hear but all those you turkeys doing
Barry rhythm please re not going to Oh a
bitter person anyway come out come out
don't recruit his old Red friend of the
evo veg stall to attack the mouth red
skull that creepy red menace what would
do mavin doing
this mission culture a secret a lie this
is a job for whoa girl so I hear you
defeated dr. Jim once that is pretty
cool everybody's on here my tea please
ah i have a tail too wanna see iron man
say we were supposed to meet up with
Captain America we can compare tails
later we have to save cap gilja what
kind of a joke see what a blue talks
never mind
mm across dr. Berman you force me into
the height very well I will take out my
anger on the open zeros in talking to
the bad doctor have we Rouge rogue hmm I
doom for how do you work this newfangled
thing I'm a man out of time hey this
bone took my picture well at least now
you have something to remember me by yes
but I don't know I guess your captain
lost in the past said the guy with the
sunburn organ do you know how painting
is those old American super cute in my
kitchen counters co-locating just fine
jeweler I'm still busy no what are you
such a villain
my third locating drop-in device is
almost done prepare yourself to be from
do good friend money kids what did I
tell you no spider
it's not the occupant domination hello
I'm selling each other is a statue me
he's hurting one door is certain doom
and the train the other is safety ask me
one question if you don't wish to die
remember I will always always why did
this happen my face Wow a little wrapped
in an enigma stuffed with strangeness I
like it ohh okk hold still doing game
which one is it I was doing it told me
what it looks like well well it looks
like our friend here is trying to find
the mystic mini-vac of- so we should
find smart first that's so fun like the
Duchess them just make sure he doesn't
get it
why we have to pretend stink you'd be a
trick we'll get up and follow
abomination to see what he's up to
little bother with a missing mini back
when the toe ring of dimensional
domination is right over there no dr. do
watch it which means we can't let them
have it right well time to play pretend
I hope he buys it oh okay yes I god this
is day we're Hulk all week and sneaky
whatever helps you stay in character oh
we are defeated Oh defeated food quiet
wow I must've actually beat them there
are so weak didn't you want with them
yes I let them walk back I can never get
a cab when I want one now that is funny
follow that stitch this is the secret
Doombot factory because I brought the
vacuum sucker thingy you know
wrong answer yes again oh you still
there secrets party oh good we're going
to need you well well mr. a bomb looks
like we followed you home but you guys
is it your strong suit you never tell me
what the plan is how can I be ruining it
okay squaddies we've got to follow him
into villainville and take them out stay
ready secret squatty will need you to
even bad guys need a long time
interested in progress finally keep it
strategy secrets lie
okay abomination give it up there's no
place to go Oh what I'm so scared of the
Super Hero Squad in their new secret
Scotty be afraid bub be very afraid oh
god I did dumb stuff you'll holographic
abomination trick hell for it again we
fell right into dudes trap oh dude
database so nice of you to make it super
weirdos yeah I may be dumb but they're
much okay squaddies time to hero up it
all makes perfect sense doom can link
the negative zone portal with the time
couplers and that Sentinel hand with
some of your power pants ain't he'll be
able to open a portal to your reality
secret swathi in fact I bet that's dooms
target your Syria does make my domed
noggin akin to died Oh totally did it
man you lost me look whole girlfriend up
there to help us where'd you guys been
uh not stopping by the villain dough ice
down those cones we've got a couple of
dimensions to save you might be right
iron pants that's right the ink from the
artists quarry is a vital piece I needed
to draw so that's what a mythic mini-vac
was for the ink was the final piece in
two dimensional portal
wow that's so weird it just might work
yes I will be victorious I'm turn it you
mean his comics are not to scale but my
ego is so big the game is done for the
doom overturn this to doc strange bub
thanks for all your help dooms plans
were doomed from the start how many
times already Michael it's me this time
I have an idea though it may be a bit
jarring well artist extraordinaire
you've used your powerful power pen
powerfully must be kissing that piecing
from cab now how about I seal this
portal tight and draw this episode your
just nice to see the city safe once more
where pray tell did now put all ferrous
face oh we found a nice safe place in
another reality to hide him he put me in
a jar on the disk nearly me this mess I
would never let you keep your room like
this come on don't tow it to me and stop
hogging up the glass with young every
breathing I'm so glad i am not doom
right now not that I'm not usually glad
I'm sorry my boy my dropping device is
only one way the size now we have hey if
we leave him in there we could go back
to secret evil headquarters and play
video games all night you're really
should spend more time again my way the
board was closed how do we get back to
the base yeah Fred you think yes we're
on the credits already
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