Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily Apr 2 2017

What's up guys welcome back to the Money

Mike show today I want to tell you guys

about the top 4 benefits of investing

and why you should start investing today

I want you guys to be mindful about what

an investor is. An investor is somebody

who manages risk for profit. Now this

could be risking your time or your money

to reap a greater reward like more money.

Now the first benefit of investing is

that investing can help provide a

regular source of income this can be

some cash flow from some rental property

that you own or this can be a dividend

paid out quarterly or annually from some

stocks ETS or mutual funds that you own

having an extra source of income can

help pay off some debt, serve as a down

payment for your first home purchase or

even help send your kids to college the

second benefit of investing is having a

stream of passive income. Passive income

is by far one of the most important yet

commonly overlooked parts of investing.

For example as a real estate investor, I

make money every single month when my

tenants pay me rent on the properties that I own.

Do you know how important it is to have

a stream of passive income coming in

aside from your full-time job or

part-time hustle. Passive income is what

can help you reach a financially free future

over time. Number three investing can help

provide long-term returns at a much

higher rate of return than a savings

account ever could. This is because the

interest rate on a savings account is so

low most of the time under half a

percent that it wouldn't even keep up with

the cost of inflation. For example if you

were to save ten thousand dollars for

ten consecutive years by the end of the

tenth year you would have a modest

$100,000. On the flip side if you were to

invest that same ten thousand dollars

for ten consecutive years at an average

rate of return of ten percent by the end

of the tenth year you would have 175

thousand three hundred and twelve

dollars and seventy-eight cents that's

the difference of over 75 thousand

dollars. Last but not least by investing

you can fight off and outperform

inflation you have to understand that

every single year prices slowly start to

creep up. If you can have a higher

average rate of return from your

investments than inflation is able to

creep up then you are on track to

reaching a financially free future. In

summary investing is important for 4 main


Number one it can help provide a regular

source of income whether through cash

flow or dividends. Number two investing can

help provide a passive stream of income.

Number three investing can help provide

long-term returns that can be used to

pay other expenses and number for

investing can help you fight off

inflation. If you found this video

helpful make sure to LIKE this video

share it with your friends and subscribe

to the Money Mike Show for more helpful

personal finance videos. I'm Money Mike

helping you reach a financially free



For more infomation >> Top 4 Benefits of Investing | Investing 101 - Duration: 3:51.


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#AskMeOnMonday Episode 5 | My Two Biggest Lessons of 2017 - Duration: 10:22.

Hey guys, I'm Angeline from Peer Business

Consulting and this is #AskMeOnMonday.

So this week I wanted to do

something a little bit different from

previous videos. Instead of answering

a question from a business owner, I

wanted to talk to you guys about a

personal challenge that I've recently

been facing and talk to you

about my realizations and

lessons that I've learned from this

challenge and how I'm dealing

with it and handling it going forward.

Now I know that I have some clients who

have actually been through this before.

And if this applies to you

as well then I hope this video resonates

for you. And if it does that you can pick

up some tips along the way. And if

nothing else, just for you to know that

you're not alone in your struggles as a

business owner and that all of us face

struggles from time to time. So let's get

into it.

For those of you who know me well,

you'll probably have noticed that I've

been fairly stressed lately.

I've had a fair bit on - I've got

a bunch of clients that I'm trying to

manage, I've got a bunch of new

products that I'm launching, as

well as the normal commitments that most

of us have, including family,

friends, health and fitness,

sleep - all those things. But when I really

sat down to think about where my stress

was coming from, I realized that actually

being busy wasn't the issue. In fact

busyness tends to motivate me and it's

actually something I normally thrive on.

What it is, is worry over my cash flow

situation. Now I'm sure a lot of you have

just heard that and gone "Aha! Ange, I hear

you!" Because it's such a

typical business problem that

many of us face, particularly in your

first few years of business, which I am

in. So yes we are talking about that

dreaded issue of lumpy cash flows, which

is exactly what I'm going through right

now. I suppose for me it's a little

bit of a shock to the system.

Number one because I'm a coach and I

talk about you know so many ways to

avoid this very situation, so I guess I

should know better. But number two

because I came from a corporate

background so I've always had - I've been

lucky enough to have - fairly

high paying jobs. Money has

never really been an issue. So

this is actually the first time in my

life I am facing

financial pressures. So I'm actually

going to drill down for you what the

last two and a half, two and

three-quarter years have looked like for

me in my business. So I am laying it all

on the line and I'm being completely

transparent to you. So here is what my

cash flows year-by-year looked like for

the last two and three-quarter years.

You can see from the chart that my year

1 revenues were pretty low, but I

wasn't worried at that stage because

I knew I was starting up a new

business so I had a bunch of savings

that I was going to use as my

startup capital. And I didn't

have an expectation that I'd be earning

much in the first year, simply because no

business ever does really. So that was

the first year. Now the second year I had

a bumper year. You can see I'm

almost $150 k in sales revenue

and that was a fantastic year.

My name was getting out there, I had a

massive increase in new

clients. I had a few clients

that were giving me a lot of repeat

business, which was fantastic. I

had a lot of activity happening - I was

writing blogs, I was networking. Great

year. And then year 3 came along.

Basically I began the year with a

family holiday and the holiday

was fairly challenging for various

reasons. I get as a result of that I

came back and I went into a little bit

of a depression. And nothing I

did could snap me out of

that feeling of depression, so I'd lost

motivation to do much work with the

business, I wasn't really networking

much. The clients that I'd been

servicing had a little bit of a low

period as well but generally I wasn't

really looking for the work. So as a

result, the first half of 2016/2017

wasn't great and didn't look good for me

revenue wise. So then 2017 calendar year

began and I was lucky enough to have

another holiday - this time in Mexico - and

this was a happy holiday. I had a wonderful

time, and I got back with a new lease of

life, the depression had seemed to pass,

and I was really excited to finish 2017

financial year with a bang. However

this was a case of the

external market having an

adverse effect on my business and what

happened was that my two biggest clients that

I had relied on for work we're having a

fairly slow year themselves so as a

result of this over-reliance I guess I

was in a pretty bad predicament.

So this has basically now forced to me to

sit down and really look at

what went wrong, what should I have done

to avoid the situation and what lessons

have I learned as a result of this

situation. I worked out that there are

two main reasons why this has all

happened -1) is that I've almost

depleted my savings buffer and

2) is that I'm relying at the moment (or

I have been relying) on one or two

clients for almost 90% percent of my

revenues. So how to fix this going

forward and prevent it from happening

again? So the first thing is to "make hay

while the sun shines". Now i know that's a

cliche but what I mean by it is this

idea of a savings buffer. I advocate

this to all startups that I advise

that you need to have access to funds in

case of economic or financial downturn.

This basically means some savings,

or some borrowings or maybe even friends

and relatives that you can draw money

from if need be. Now it should be

available fairly quickly when and if you

need it, and it should be for a fairly

lengthy period of time. I had this

but because I was not

earning enough income for almost nine

months I guess what had happened is the

buffer wasn't enough to sustain me

over this whole period so where I've

made my mistake in this last year has

been that number one I probably got a

little bit too cocky in year 2 and

didn't put aside enough savings in

that year when i was having a

good year. And the second

thing was that I didn't I guess envisage

that I would have nine months of

hardship. This was probably a

lot longer than I expected so

what I'd say there is assume

the worst and make sure that you have a

few options in regards

to funds that you can draw on.

The second

way to prevent this from happening again

is to ensure that you have diversified

your income sources. In my case

I've been relying on one or two

clients for most of my income.

There's actually three ways you can

diversify income. 1) is to diversify

your clients, so that means have

a number of clients

on which you can rely for income

not just one or two like I was.

The second way is to diversify your

products and services so what that

means is to have a range of different

types of products and different types of

services that if one particular product

or service isn't selling at a particular

time due to whatever factors you can

rely on the others to still bring in

income for you. And the third way to

diversify is to have a

variety of both active and passive

income sources. Passive income

is income that's coming in that doesn't

require any extra time or resource

effort from yourself or your staff.

I'm sure that I will come out of my cashflow funk

very soon. I've got a range of

products I'm looking to launch which

will go a long way to increasing my

passive income. I'm also reviewing my

product and service offering in general

to make sure that I'm spending

time and effort in the areas that have

the highest earning potential. And also

I'm heightening my sales and

marketing efforts so as to win new

business and reduce reliance on my top

two clients. So lots happening.

I do hope that today's video has been useful for

you and you've had a bit of a

look into my personal situation.

And I guess it tells you that even business

consultants don't always get it

right for themselves and

we all struggle. But the key is not

to let it get you down - at least for too

long! - review what's happened, try

and assess where the issues are,

make a plan and then stick to the plan.

That's #AskMeOnMonday for this week.

As usual if you liked the video please

hit Like below, Share it with your

networks and don't forget to Subscribe

to my YouTube channel so that you don't

miss out on future videos. Thank you so

much for watching. I will see you next Monday!

Cheers guys.

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