Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily Apr 2 2017

This week Joe Biden spoke to a crowd gathered at the University of Pennsylvania where he

dropped an unfortunate truth bomb on the crowd that most Democrats in this country don't

seem to want to get just yet, and that truth bomb was that, according to Biden, the Democrats

lost in 2016 because they ignored middle-class Americans.

Now I know a bunch of Hillary supporters out there are still bitter and they think, "Nope,

nope, nope, no.

We lost it because of James Comey.

We lost it because of the Russians.

We lost it because of the Bernie bruise.

We lost it because of Jill Stein.

We lost it because of Gary Johnson.

We lost it because of I don't know what, but it wasn't because we ran a bad campaign."


Joe Biden is 100% right.

You lost it, not just because you ignored the middle class, but because you ignored


Those are the things that the middle class cares about.

That's what Joe Biden's getting at.

According to analysis conducted post-election, you talked about issues 25% of the time.

During ads, during speeches, during debates, only 25% of your time was spent talking about


75% of it was spent attacking Republicans specifically, most of the time Donald Trump.

Americans were tired of it.

They did understand that he was a horrible piece of crap of a human, but why were you


That's the question you never answered.

Why were you better?

I will say it now.

I've said it in the past.

I did vote for Hillary Clinton.

I did.

I voted for Bernie in the primary, Hillary in the general.

But they weren't out there talking to the swing voters.

We know the Democrats are always going to vote Democrats.

The hardcore Republican's always going to vote Republican.

But it's the swing voters, the middle class, the people out there who really have no opinion

one way or another.

They just want to vote for somebody who's going to help them.

Well they were conned by Donald Trump, but they weren't told anything by Hillary Clinton,

so what choice did they have?

If they didn't want to take the time to research and look through the lies and all that or

go to Hillary's website like her supporters always told us to do.

Just go to the website.

Her issues are there.


That's really actually not our job, okay?

I did.

I understood it, but I was going to vote for the Democratic anyway most likely.

But those other people didn't.

It's your job to educate them, Democrats.

Another thing that's bothering me right now is this whole talk about Russia.

They're using this as a crutch and suppose something comes out and we find out that the

Trump campaign was colluding with Russia, Trump gets impeached, whatever.

The Democrats are going to use that as a fallback to continue pushing these middle-of-the-road,

idiot candidates with the same idiot advisors and we're going to run into the same problem

in 2020, just because they refuse to look in the mirror and say, "Maybe we were the


Maybe we screwed up."

You did screw up and everyone living in reality right now understands that.

There are studies.

There are polls.

There are analysis that have been done that show that it wasn't Russia, it wasn't James

Comey or the FBI, it wasn't Bernie.

It was you and that's all Joe Biden was trying to say this week.

For more infomation >> Joe Biden Says Democrats Lost 2016 Election Because They Ignored Middle Class - Duration: 3:48.


Simontive 5 Episode 41 - Duration: 1:29.

Title: Simontive 5 Episode 41 1st episode of Simontive 5 Part 3

Simon: Find a way to re attack them.

Mr. Dinosaur: Why would people attack? They must be warned at.

Yi: We must help them somehow?

Green Pig: This must be awesome. They must be dumb.

Dog: What's the IQ?

Tiger: *roar* Yes, go attack. I will try to remove my Dogland citizenship. *roar*

Simon: (Off Screen): You should. X-ray time.

Kimon: Time to stop them now! What makes you so bad at invading?

Tanks: We are the leader under the communist of China.

Simon: Got you. Where is the rest?

Tanks: They are here soon.

For more infomation >> Simontive 5 Episode 41 - Duration: 1:29.


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- This must be Chansey's egg.

This thing is...



It didn't crack!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Leonhart.

We're more than a channel, we're a community.

And welcome to my Easter Egg Skull-Breaking

Pokemon Card Hunting Video Extravaganza.

Otherwise, confetti Easter eggs

have been laid across my grass

and Pokemon Sun and Moon booster packs

have been laid by several eggs,

however not every egg has a Pokemon booster pack.

The name of the game is I have one minute

to get to each egg, find out if it has a booster pack,

and I must collect two ultra rare Pokemon cards

from a pack overall, then I win the game.

If not, I have to crack the rest of the eggs on my head,

but let's get to it.

Alright, the eggs have been laid out.

Let's do this.

Alright, so I'm filming this on my own,

so this is gonna be very difficult

and I don't think I can do this in one minute,

but hey, let's see what we can do.

The timer is set at one minute.

Here we go.

Alright, first egg right here.

There is nothing in it,

so I'm gonna have to crack this on my head.



It's a Jigglypuff party over here.

Okay, next one is right here.

There's a booster pack.

There's a booster pack in this one right here.

I need to set this down.

Make sure that goes on.

I'm so not gonna get this.

You have a nice view of my leg,

I'm not even in the picture right now.

Here we go.

Checking it.

It's getting everywhere, it's getting everywhere.

Can we see it?

Oh my gosh, we already are one for one.

A Tauros EX.

Alright, that was that egg.

We need to go to this egg.

There's an egg right there.

Alright, coming on.

This is not as intense as I'm making it out to be.

There's nothing in this one,

so I have to crack this against my head.

Right on top, oh!

Yay, it's party time!

It's party time!

Okay, this one has one right here.

This one has one.

This blue one.


Let's see what we can do in this one.

Gotta get low.

Gotta get low to the ground.

Will we get?

We got this one, this one, this one, this one, this one,

oh my gosh, we already won the game!

(children cheering)

Oh, and it's going off!

It's going off.

Where is it?

It's going off right here.

Hopefully that wasn't in the background.

We just beat one minute,

but we still have several more eggs to go to.

You can see them on the ground right here.

There's a yellow one right here.

There's nothing in this yellow one,

so we're gonna go ahead

and crack the rest of these eggs on my head

just because that was such a mess,

but I hope you enjoyed it.

Ready? (grunts)

It didn't even crack!

This must be Chansey's egg.

This thing is... (grunts)

(dopey brass music)

It didn't crack!

One more time.



Okay, there's a few more eggs.

Alright, there's another right here.

There's nothing in this.

Oh gosh, here we go again.

Ow, do I have a mark there?

I think I do.


This stuff is everywhere.

Can you see it?

Aw man, that's gonna be a pain to clean up.

Next one, there is a booster pack in this one,

so we're gonna go ahead.

This is this yellow one, there is a booster pack.

Let's go ahead and open it and so what we can get.

And we're gonna go through.

Oh, and just a Parasect rare,

so nothing too special in that one.

You know, we're gonna go ahead...

Oh, there's still glitter on my head right now!


Oh my gosh...

These things are not meant to be hit on somebody.

Don't do this at home!

Alright, we have two more eggs lined up right over here.

Let's see, I wanna set this up so you can see both of them.

There is another booster pack in this red one.

Okay, there's a booster pack in this red one.

Let's see what can be in this pack right here.


Hey look, there's a code.

Now we're not in a rush, since we already won the game.

And we got...

Oh my gosh!


It sparks in the sun!

It's so nice!

A full art trainer card!

Oh my gosh, that was amazing.

And then we have..

We have another one!

And it has a booster pack in it.

Oh my gosh, this is awesome.

But wait, this red one is very jealous.


Oh, that hurt.

Look, there's literally pieces of it on the ground.

Alright, so we have this one.

I think that's all of them.

I think that's all of them, so...

I did not set this up.

Of course, my mom set this up

and then she went back inside

'cause I said, "Oh, I go this.

"I can film this all by myself."

Obviously I couldn't film it, but here we go.

We got the Dewpider, Growlithe, Great Ball, and Toucan Sam.

He's coming for your Froot Loops.

So, and then that's it right there.

So we got this one final egg right here.

Let's smash it!

(cheerful Pokemon music)

Top of my head.

Well that was a big mess,

but I hope everybody has a good Easter.

Find those eggs.

We got some amazing pulls in this video.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed this.

My name is Leonhart.

Stay awesome, stay positive, and as always,

I'll see ya'll in my next video.

For more infomation >> INTENSE POKEMON EASTER EGG HUNT! - Opening Pokemon Cards and SURPRISE EGGS With MYSTERY CONFETTI! - Duration: 5:19.


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