Hi everyone, I'm Krista Seiden,
Analytics Advocate at Google, and today I'm joined
by Jon Mesh, who is a product manager on
Google Optimize. In this Quick Tip video
Jon is going to show us how to use
Google Analytics Audiences in Optimize
to help you target a test to an audience
that has done a specific action already
on your website. So with that I'm going
to go ahead and hand it over to John.
Great. Thanks Krista.
So audience is coming
over from Google Analytics are one of
our most exciting features that's a part
of our Analytics 360, excuse me, our
Optimize 360 offering.
And I'm going to show you a little bit about how to
set those up today. So I've got a test that's kind
of just started right here.
What I want to show you is exactly what
we're going to do, how to create that
audience and bring that into Optimize.
So we're going to set up a test in an
audience that would change this
particular page, this homepage of this
demo e-commerce store, but we're going to
look at a real simple example of an
audience, and that's people who go to
this hammock page.
We might use that to change
maybe this title text, or the image, or
something like that. So we're going to
click on that image, and we're going to
grab a little portion of this URL right here
Heavenly Haven, and from there
we're going to go into Analytics 360 Admin.
Now I need to be a Property Edit User
in this particular Analytics property.
But once I do that, and I've
actually linked up Optimize 360 to
Analytics correctly, you'll see that when
you come in here we're going to go into
Audience Definitions, and then Audiences
that I can go ahead and create a New
Audience, and we'll send that to Optimize.
So I've created the Audience and I can
choose the view that I want to source that from.
I only have one in this case.
Select the Destination account.
Now you can also send these to AdWords with
remarketing, but in this case we're going
to send it over to Optimize.
Let's go ahead and continue on here, and I'm going
to create a new Audience definition here.
And in this particular case I'm going to make an
Advanced Condition where I use the page
to trigger that audience membership.
Now this test is that I'm creating, this
audience that I'm creating is very simple.
And I'm just going to paste that in here,
and apply this, and name it.
But you can see through that Audience
Builder that I have a lot of different
options of audiences to create. I can do
things like look at state-based
audiences, so people who have put
something in their cart but haven't yet
checked out, people who have been five
times in the last week but haven't
bought anything yet,
stuff like that it's really really powerful.
So let's go ahead and save that audience,
and we're going to go right back over to Optimize.
So I've come down to my
targeting section here and I'm going to
go ahead and create a rule,
and we're going to check out in the audience lists section.
Hammock Interest.
So that's the audience that I just created.
I'm going to go ahead and add that, and once I've set up
all my variants, and any other
targeting rules, and objectives that I want,
I can run this test, and those users
will be included, and only those users
who have actually seen that hammock page
will see the test when they come back to
the site on the very first hit.
So that's a quick overview
Great. Thanks Jon
for showing us how easy it is to set up a GA
Audience and use it in Optimize, and how
real time that action really can be.
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