Elliot - Hi there. Welcome to myABCdad.
My name is Craig and this here is...
Elliot - Elliot.
And today, Elliot and I are going to be working with the Word Graph.
And we're going to be working with an Action Leaf that I wrote to Elliot.
Just the other day we went on an Easter egg hunt.
Before leaving, we had to load the car up for an outdoor afternoon.
We also had to make sure everyone was ready to go.
Without being asked, Elliot, you helped your little brother Gabriel, age 2, with his jacket and shoes.
You sat him down and with great patience and care, helped him get ready.
This was fantastic action and your mom and I thank you.
You can also be really proud of yourself for being a responsible, caring big brother.
Way to go!
So we're going to be working on the Word Graph with that message and we hope you join us.
So let's get...
Elliot - Started.
Are you a thumb now too?
Elliot - Or like this?
With two... like I'm two.
Here's Elliot's Action Leaf and we're going to put that aside for him to draw, colour in later.
And right now we are going to take a look at the Word Graph.
Just the other day, we went on an Easter egg hunt...
Now we need to decide which words we are going to try and find and graph.
So the words are...
You can point to these ones and read them with me.
Big voice!
Elliot - 'the'...
'the'... 'to'...
Elliot - 'to'...
Elliot - 'you'...
Elliot - 'go'...
Elliot - 'of'...
Elliot - 'and'...
Elliot - 'we'...
And 'for'...
Elliot - And 'for'...
Which should we choose?
Elliot - 'for'...
'for'... okay.
So that is this one here.
We'll just trace the word... trace over the dashed lines.
And then that gives us an idea... of what we need to write in this first column here at the bottom.
So we start with an 'f'.
And then we have...What's the next letter after 'f' in 'for'?
Elliot - 'o'...
And then the last letter...
Elliot - 'r'...
...is 'r'.
Okay, so let me read this again and every time you see the word 'for' then we'll stop and circle it.
...the car up for...
There we go.
You can also be really proud of yourself for...
So, how many times did we find 'for'?
Elliot - Two.
So the first 'for'... goes in number 1.
So I'm going to choose the word 'and', 'a'...
Okay, so let's scan this and read this again.
And every time we come across the word 'and' we'll stop and circle it.
So how many 'and' do we have Elliot?
Elliot - Five.
Five, let's check.
Elliot - One...
Elliot - Two...
Elliot - Three...
Elliot - Five...
Let's first print the word 'the' so we get a good idea of what the word looks like.
'The' starts with a 't' and then we have an 'h' and the 'e'.
So how many times did the word 'the' appear in the message?
Elliot - Two.
Now, which of the three words that we chose, 'for', 'and' and 'the'...
Which one appeared the most in our message?
Elliot - 'and'...
'and'... How many times did 'and' appear?
Elliot - 'Five.'
Elliot - There... we go.
Elliot - Look!
Okay, so that concludes this video session today where Elliot and I...
What did we do today Elliot?
Elliot - The Word Graph.
We worked on the Word Graph and I wrote a message, a special Action Leaf for you...
What was the message about again?
Elliot - I helped Gabriel put his shoes and his jacket on.
Before we went for our Easter egg hunt and it was fantastic, so well done!
We hope you enjoyed that and...
Elliot - We'll see you soon.
We'll see you soon.
Elliot - Bye.
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