Is she really Doyun's child?
I heard she's Choi Jeongu's child!
(Episode 85)
Where's Hyerin?
She's at her lesson and isn't home yet.
Was it you, mother?
Who cares?
Does that matter?
Yes, it does.
Even mother was fine with it.
I don't know why you're making it an issue.
Is it fine as long as she knows?
What about me?
She's my grandchild.
My grandchild is someone else's child.
Mother, didn't you tell him that Doyun knows
and that he knew before we got married?
What? Doyun knows?
What's this?
Doyun knows?
Yes, he does.
Did you hear that?
So what?
Who cares if he knows?
Why you wench. How dare you?
How dare you try to toy with me?
If Doyun knows,
it's okay to fool me?
Are you saying it's okay that you lied
about my blood because he was in it too?
Get out of this house right now.
- Father. / - Get out!
What's wrong? Who was that?
My dad.
It's a secret from dad and grandma that I see you,
but I forgot.
Let me talk to him for a minute.
This is Choi Jeongu.
I think we should meet.
Where's Hyerin right now?
She's at my office.
The one at Black Pearl?
I'll pick her up right now.
No! I refuse.
This is my house.
Shall I have you dragged out?
Yes. Go ahead.
You must've forgotten that all the workers here
listen to me more than to you.
I don't believe this.
- Father. Let go! / - Goodness.
- Father. / - Chairman.
You have no right to do this to me!
You would've had us marry
even if you knew back then!
We'll send Hyerin to your house for a few days,
so leave.
No, I can't leave.
This is Hyerin's home and my home.
The recording that you keep insisting
to be a fake.
It's real.
You put my child in a coma.
How much longer must I put up with you?
I want to kill you right now,
but I'm holding back for Hyerin's sake.
I feel sorry for her since she did nothing wrong,
but whenever I look at you, I hate her too!
Why are you tormenting me?
You know you'll be punished for all you have done.
It isn't true.
Let's see how much longer you lie.
- Dad. / - Hi, Hyerin.
Then the media won't get involved?
As long as there's no clear proof
that the company was scammed
and incurred a loss,
no reporter will be willing to write about it.
Plus, within the company, they'll try to cover it up.
Okay. Thank you.
You look scary.
You just made a very scary face.
I'm smiling. See?
Now, it's your pretty face.
Did I look scary just before?
Did it look bad?
You looked very angry, so it was scary,
but not anymore.
I'm glad to see you healthy.
I heard...
You're completely recovered.
How long has it been?
Since you've started seeing Hyerin. No.
How long ago did you find out about her?
You could just ask directly,
but you're roundabout as always.
If you're asking how long ago I found out
that she's my daughter,
it wasn't that long ago.
Does it make a difference to you...
That she's my daughter?
Does it?
No, it does not.
She's still my daughter
and my mother's granddaughter.
It makes a difference to you.
It's offensive to me that you meet with her like this.
Can you keep her at that house?
I know generally how you feel
about Minhui.
Do you think it's good for her
to keep her in that house?
Rather than living with a stranger
she sees once a week,
it would be better for her
to continue living the way she has been.
Thank you...
For being good to Hyerin.
Let's talk about Hajin later.
I know about what happened.
I appreciate you helping her as well.
What is it?
What? Nothing.
It's nothing.
Is it because Gaon won't call you mom yet?
Yes. It's strange, isn't it?
Before, he said he wished I was his mom,
so I thought he'd accept me pretty easily.
Do I have to keep waiting?
It can't be the same as when he thought
you were a stranger.
He just isn't used to calling you mom.
You said the adoption was dissolved.
Once he's in your family registry,
it'll feel real
and he'll be able to call you mom.
- Right? / - Of course.
He said I looked scary.
I thought that was why he couldn't call me mom.
You? Scary? How?
You still look nice and naive.
I've been thinking about so many negative things lately.
I'm afraid that negative energy
will be transferred to him.
You can't let that woman get away with it.
I wouldn't sit still either.
I'm holding back because mom would lose it
and go after her.
What can't I know?
You're whispering behind my back again.
No, mom. No.
You're home late.
Why are you outside?
It's cold. Let's go in.
Did your mother call?
I brought Hyerin here because
she wanted to come home.
She didn't want to go to your parents' house.
Hyerin, go in.
What about you?
I need to go somewhere because of work.
Hyerin, listen to me.
You're LK's grandchild no matter what anyone says.
Don't listen to anything else
and live here as you always have.
- It's cold. Go inside. / - Okay.
I'm home, grandma and grandpa.
Okay. Let's wash up and go to sleep.
How can she still adore her after knowing everything?
Malsun is so kind-hearted.
That foolish woman.
I guess you saw Jeongu,
seeing how you brought Hyerin home.
I won't make excuses.
It doesn't matter to you
whose daughter Hyerin is.
That's right. It doesn't matter.
I'm glad.
Where will you go? To your mother's?
I don't know.
Could you go to your mother's on a day like this?
Would your mother take in
her daughter who society judges?
Or will she lead the way and abandon you?
Hey. You crazy fool.
Good going.
How could you raise someone else's child?
8 years ago,
if you had known Minhui was pregnant
with another man's child,
would you not have made me marry her?
Do you think I would have if I'd known?
You would've had us get married even if you did know.
Hey. Are you blaming me?
After the mess you created?
I'm saying you have no right to be angry.
Everyone on the investment team?
Tell them they're being fired for the investment scam.
If you put the blame on them,
it may become a problem.
Someone must take the blame.
I can't, can I?
My father-in-law found out
that Hyerin is Jeongu's child.
He did?
I was kicked out of the house.
He kicked you out?
I'll go back.
I can't be kicked out of my own house.
I'll make him take me back himself.
Is there anything you want to do?
Do you want to go toy shopping?
Don't you like robots?
No, I don't.
Then what do you like to do?
How about an amusement park or bike riding?
I like to read.
You like to read?
Maybe we can read together next time...
Will that be weird?
Yes, you're supposed to read alone.
Isn't there anything else you want to do?
Do you want to do that?
Wait right here.
I brought a couple of different sizes.
One of them should fit.
I don't know how to blade.
I'll hold onto you.
It's scary.
It won't be scary if I hold you.
Still, what if I fall?
That's right. They don't rent out protective gear.
Well... You can't fall, so...
Hi, Hajin. We're still at the park.
Okay. We'll go to the entrance.
Hajin is almost here.
I'll ask her to buy me the protective gear.
Next time.
Okay. Let's ride together next time.
Let's go.
Did Doyun say anything?
About finding out that you're Hyerin's father?
Is that why you're here?
Are you hoping I'd get divorced because of it?
That wouldn't be bad. Will you get a divorce?
Why would I do that?
I guess you'd like that.
You could take Hyerin easily then.
I know Cha Doyun is a good father.
I know how cruel it is to
tell Hyerin that he isn't her real dad.
That's why I'm not saying anything.
So end it well so that she doesn't get hurt.
Hi, father.
Did you find out where Jang Yeongsu
had been staying?
That blog about seeing Gaon in Namhae
keeps nagging at me.
Keep looking in secret.
I'm sure he left the kid
with someone he knows and turned himself in.
That kid is the only way to get Hajin on her knees.
What did you do with Gaon?
Did you just sit together again?
Yes. We're going to go rollerblading together next time.
You are?
I was worried because he doesn't like sports.
I'm glad.
- Doyun. / - Yes?
Jang Yeongsu...
Turned himself in.
But Minhui is still out and free.
He said he'd pay for the crimes by himself.
I think he really plans to.
I can't let him.
He'll bear the blame alone?
I don't know what deal he and Minhui made,
but that isn't right.
If he turned himself in and decided to do that,
it won't be easy
to make him change his testimony.
Still, I have to do it.
Just a minute.
She's making the entire investment team resign?
She's dumping her fault onto others.
That's good.
They'll make an issue of it themselves for us.
Okay. I'll see you soon.
How far do you plan to go with Minhui?
I'll remove her from the chairman seat
and make her stand trial for what she did to Gaon.
Right now,
removing her from her office
and having her removed from society...
That's all.
What if I say to stop?
If I tell you to focus on Gaon...
Why are you saying that?
I don't like you getting involved in this anymore.
While you were in a coma,
when I didn't know where Gaon was...
I begged Jeongu for help to get this far.
Because I know too well that unless I drag her down,
nothing will change.
Even if I found Gaon... Even if you woke up,
as long as she's around,
she will keep taking and taking from me.
Even if I stop, it won't end.
As long as you and Gaon are with me,
she will not stop.
If she finds out that Gaon is back...
We don't know what she might do.
Where's my new bag?
Where is it?
Where are you?
Where else? I'm with Seyeon.
You're openly disobeying now.
That's right. I get hit regardless of
seeing her.
Whatever. I'm busy with Seyeon.
Losing your car and credit cards
aren't enough to make you break up.
Maybe I should just kick him out.
You didn't need to get me this.
You gave me the doll. I should reciprocate.
It isn't expensive. You wouldn't like it if it was.
Return it.
You lost your credit cards.
How will you survive until you get paid?
It's okay.
There are plenty of bags in the house.
Chairman Cha found out about Hyerin?
It was bound to happen.
I heard you haven't been going home.
I'm busy with work,
so I won't be going home for a while.
Sure. It's best to focus on work when you're busy.
I'll settle things with your father-in-law,
so you fix the company matter.
Being scammed is a fatal blow for you.
I know.
I fired the entire investment team for what happened.
I made them all resign.
You should make them take responsibility.
Get Chairman Baek Minhui out here!
Chairman Baek Minhui must repent!
Chairman Baek Minhui must step down!
Let go.
(Why blame the employees for your failure?)
You're the one who made us enter into that deal.
Why must we be fired?
Let go!
Let go!
Are you okay, Madam Chairman?
Did you not expect this
when you fired them?
You're so simple.
Get your dirty hand off me!
I'm sorry.
People are watching.
You should maintain your dignity.
Why did the chairman have to overhear us talking?
Did you run your mouth not expecting this to happen?
Did you forget how strongly he feels about blood?
What's wrong with him?
If he had gone after Minhui and
her family about Jeongu,
he could've gotten his chairman seat back.
Shut your mouth.
You were home.
I should watch what I say
before Malsun tries to eat me alive.
- Let's go into my room. / - Okay.
Why are grandpa and Hwaran avoiding me?
They aren't avoiding you. You're mistaken.
I am not.
Is it because I lied about taking harp lessons
and hung out with Mr. Jeongu instead?
Dad said I did nothing wrong,
but I did since I lied, right?
I really didn't want to learn the harp.
And I liked seeing Mr. Jeongu.
Did you meet Jeongu?
Did you know that Hyerin was seeing him?
Why? For what reason?
Forget it. I'll have to meet him.
What do you plan to do?
I'll make it clear to him.
Why does he keep seeing her?
What if Hyerin finds out?
If he were going to tell her, he would've already.
What will you do about Minhui?
Will you keep living like this
without filing your divorce papers?
Will you live in the same house, monitoring each other?
That's no way to live.
When will you split up?
I don't know what you're thinking.
I'm too nervous. I can't stand it.
Please wait a while longer.
Wait. Wait.
Never mind.
I know you're holding back
until you find your child.
That's why...
I'm being careful and haven't called Hajin in a while.
Come to think of it,
why aren't you looking for him anymore?
We've found Gaon.
- You have? / - Yes.
You should've told me that you found him!
Why didn't you tell me?
Lead the way.
Let me see him.
Please let him be for now.
Why? I won't hurt him.
Are you afraid I'll say something?
I've been walking on egg shells. I've been careful.
You should've told me that you found him.
- Mother. / - Let's go.
He's with Hajin, right?
- I'll go and... / - Mother.
This is why I didn't tell you.
He just came back.
You can meet him when he's settled in.
When will that be?
How can I wait until then?
Chairman Cha. We need to meet.
I'll be going into the hospital soon.
Shall we meet there?
Or you may come to my house if you wish.
Who do you think you are ordering around?
You put someone else's child into my family.
And what? Come to your house?
Just go to the hospital already.
You're out on sick bail. If you keep freewheeling,
I'll call the prosecutor on you myself.
Honey. It won't be easy this time.
You're right. It'll be very difficult to calm this fool.
Minhui, where are you?
I've called an emergency meeting of
the Korean Women Entrepreneurs.
If I get them to invest, I can cover for the scam.
Good. Your credibility will be a problem,
so fix it right away.
It'll take some time to fix the matter
with your father-in-law.
I didn't think it would be easy.
I'm here for the Korean Women Entrepreneurs.
You can't go in.
Chairman Yu. I'm here.
She said I can't go in. What is this about?
You're so dense.
Don't ever come to our gatherings again.
You've been expelled.
I'm the chairman of this association.
Open the door.
You were removed by unanimous vote.
- Open the door. / - I'm sorry.
I said to open the door!
How dare you remove me and stop me?
Open the door!
She won't be able to ask for help
from the associations or organizations anymore.
Thank you, Chairman Yu.
This is nothing.
I was saved thanks to you.
If you hadn't told me, my company,
Samu Foods, would've been scammed as well.
What are you doing in my office?
I wanted to discuss something with you,
but let's talk later. I suddenly had a meeting schedule.
LK is said to have been scammed
out of tens of millions of dollars.
The scammers approached them as
a foreign franchise brand which was difficult to bring in.
They were bold enough to have them compete
for their contract with a competitor.
Whereas people tried to stop it saying it was too risky,
Chairman Baek Minhui apparently pushed it through.
People are waiting to see what she does
to fix the matter.
That was in Hajin's office?
Yes. I saw it for myself.
It was an investment analysis from Dream Gold.
Then Dream Gold conducted an investment analysis,
and she knew it but kept it to herself.
Gave me an interesting gift.
What perfect timing too.
You need to fix this soon.
It isn't a small sum.
The employees are complaining
about the mass layoffs.
Then what?
Are you telling me to take out my private property?
If that will resolve it, that's what you should do.
So that's what you want. Without any alternatives.
I'll personally compensate the company with my funds.
Get out.
Do you have that much money?
I have marital assets that Doyun transferred to me.
That'll be enough.
Your marital assets are that much?
Thank goodness. At least there's a way.
Then I'll calm down the directors.
Hello, sir. It's been a while.
I want a summary of my accounts
and real estate at the bank...
What was that?
Doyun did what?
What will you do?
Dream Gold is demanding an explanation.
It was to be expected.
That's why I tried to stop you.
You said you had a way to protect yourself.
That's why I helped Hajin.
You're so naive.
Don't tell me you did that, expecting this.
Dream Gold invested a lot of money in LK.
They wouldn't let it slide.
Forget it. I'm going to report
that Hajin did this all on her own.
Then she will bear the blame
and it will end there.
Come on.
She'll feel better that way too.
She won't want to harm you anymore.
Then her life is over too.
For her, bringing Minhui down
is more important than her own life.
I'm sure she expected that
in order to achieve her goal.
You like her too.
You're so cruel.
Did you make up with my father?
How did you get in here?
Our marital assets.
Strictly speaking, they are my assets.
You transferred them to me.
Did I?
I heard my accounts were frozen.
I need your consent.
If you need my consent,
that means they are our joint assets.
They're mine. You gave them to me
when we signed the divorce papers.
I remember signing divorce papers.
Yes, I did.
I had agreed to give you our joint assets
in exchange for the divorce.
We had a provision that said I'd transfer
the assets to you once the divorce was finalized.
You must've forgotten that part.
Will you divorce me?
You can have it all if we get a divorce.
I agreed to give them to you
in exchange for the divorce after all.
Stop acting in front of me!
Don't you think I know you're acting?
I left you alone
because you're no threat to me anymore.
So just what
are you up to?
(First Love Again)
If I say I'll take her, will you let me?
Sign a forfeiture of inheritance for Hyerin.
Please investigate the accident again.
My brother caused the accident.
Mr. Nam requested they investigate the accident?
Did you forget what relationship we have?
- We need to meet. / - Yes, we do.
Hajin put everything on the line to fight Minhui.
That means there's that much for Minhui to attack.
Whatever you do, end it quickly.
Or Hajin may get hurt during that time.
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