Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily Apr 3 2017

We will counsel you on your unspeakable concerns.


- Competition on Worries! / - Competition on Worries!

We have some very special guests today.

- It's good to see them. / - They reunited as a group

after a long time. It's Girl's Day!

- Every day is Girl's Day! / - Girl's Day!

- Hello, we're Girl's Day. / - Hello, we're Girl's Day.

(Welcome to the show!)

Since Dongyeop is sitting in the middle,

they can't be a whole group.

- Remove your face from there. / - Two girls

from each side were saying hello, so I joined them.

Greet the viewers once again as a whole group.

- Every day is Girl's Day! / - Girl's Day!

- Hello, we're Girl's Day. / - Hello, we're Girl's Day.

(Hello, we're Girl's Day.)

(I'm the core member, Dongyeop.)

You fit just right in.

The fact that Girl's Day came as a whole group

makes it feel like a holiday.

How long has it been since you came as a group, Hyeri?

- As a whole group. / - About one year and nine months.

- Almost 2 years. / - We released an album in 2 years.

All four of you worked individually.

Is there anything you're particularly good at

compared to the other members?

I have excellent teeth.

- Teeth. / - Teeth.

- You have healthy teeth? / - I do.

That's why I have a great smile.

- I also have thick hair. / - You have thick hair.

I envy you.

I'm known for my beautiful skin.

- Your skin. / - Your skin.

- You have healthy skin. / - I'm confident of my skin.

- You have the best skin here. / - She has great skin.

It's dazzling.

- Is that so? / - I'm confident without any makeup on.


love my monolids.

(Minah is proud of her monolids.)

- Monolids are popular these days. / - Monolids

- are hot right now. / - They're popular.

Being pretty without double eyelids is true beauty.

- He's right. / - That's right.

- I'm serious. / - What are you doing?

(Acting cute)

- What was that suddenly? / - Why extend your legs?

It's because I'm embarrassed.

My merit

is the fact that I'm the youngest among them.

You're the youngest member.

- This never changes. / - Exactly.

I'm the youngest member of my team too.

- Is that so? / - I'm the youngest of Cultwo.

(He'll be the youngest member of Cultwo forever.)

- Incredible. / - He's the youngest one in Cultwo.

I'm 46 years old.

(When you're 46, you're very cute.)

Since you're on Hello Counselor,

share your worries even if they may be trivial.

- Having too many concerns is my worry. / - Is that so?

Before coming to the show,

I worried about looking puffy from the food yesterday.

"What if I look so fat?"

"Oh, my. What if people call me a pig online?"

"Dear goodness, what should I do?" Like this.

- My worries continue. / - That happens every day?

(She keeps worrying about things nonstop.)

You keep thinking about your worries.

- Hyeri, do you have any worries? / - Any concerns?

Not so much.

- She's an icon of positivity. / - She's so positive.

- I don't really / - Hyeri

made a lot of money last year.

Do you worry about financial investments?

I'm trying to borrow some money from you.

- I see. / - What should I do?

(How should I invest?)

(Are you asking me?)

Ask me for advice if you want to lose it all.

(Don't you know who I am?)

Your choreography has been joyful with key dance moves.

Girl's Day is charming.

There are chairs just for us at a jjimdak place.

- Jjimdak? / - You'll see a very familiar chair.

- Jjimdak place? / - Jjimdak?

- Will you show us? / - What's the name of the song?

- "I'll Be Yours". / - "I'll Be Yours".

- "I'll Be Yours". / - Let's see their performance.

(Please perform your new song!)

Start the music.

("I'll Be Yours" by Girl's Day)

- "I'll Be Yours". / - Nice, nice.

- "I'll Be Yours". / - It's very original.

(There are chairs you can find at jjimdak places.)

You look great!

(Their performance is sexy and sophisticated!)


(They're perfectly in sync.)

Yura, turn your body to the side.

(They're enchanting and sexy.)

(Their dance moves captivate the audience.)

You're doing a great job!

It was perfect. Wrap up your performance now.

(They came back looking soft yet powerful!)

(This album will be yet another success.)

We have three worries for today.

Show us the keywords please.

"Don't Worry".

"Where's My House?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A girl in grade 12 sent us her story saying

- that she might collapse / - It must be tough.

from living like this.

Hello, I'm a senior in high school who's struggling

so much because of my mom who packs all the time.

She's packing?

She packs and unpacks. She'd pack and unpack again.

My mom is seriously addicted to moving.

- A moving addiction? / - Moving?

"Pack your stuff."

"I'm so sick of this house. Let's move."

"Pack your stuff. Let's move."

"There was a cockroach in the house."

"What are you talking about? I don't want to move."

"I'm never going to move."

"You can stay, then. I've already signed the papers."

"We're moving next week."

She decides to move and informs it arbitrarily.

We've moved 14 times because of her.

She's only in high school.

When I was in grade five...

"Mom, I became a vice president of my school!"

"Congratulations, but you must change your school."

"Pack your stuff."

- My goodness. / - By the time I memorized my address,

I had to move again.

- A new problem rises once we move. / - My gosh.

"Not a single strand of hair should be on the floor."

"You might spill water on the table. Be careful!"

- Is it her mom or dad? / - It's her mom.

Are there two moms or what?

(He was impersonating a mom from Gyeongsang Province.)

The house is the only precious thing for my mom.

She doesn't care about her family at all.

Nothing works even if my dad, my sister, or I stop her.

The only place I can trust now is Hello Counselor.

Please help us.

This is one serious case of moving addiction.

- Incredible. / - They moved...

- 14 times. / - 14 times.

Many people often decide not to move

because it's such a hassle.

- That's right. / - They find it too troublesome.

- That's right. / - They move when they have no choice.

Among her 19 years of life, she moved 14 times.

- She moved almost every year. / - That's right.

- Her friends would change every time. / - Exactly.

That's so tough.

She moves by the time she makes friends. It'd be tough.

- I'd hate that. / - Let's hear why she keeps

packing and unpacking. Please come on out.

(Who worries about her mom that's addicted to moving?)

(Park Nahyeon)

(Welcome to the show.)

- Welcome to the show. / - She's so cute.

She has beautiful skin.

Seriously, you've moved 14 times

- in your 19 years of life? / - Yes.

How short was the shortest period of time in one place?

Four months.

Four months.

- What? / - Four months?

- Four months? / - You moved out after four months

just because she was sick of the place?


- You move only because of your mom? / - Yes.

Four months wouldn't be enough to unpack everything.

We sometimes move before we unpack everything.

I knew it.

We move even before I memorize the new address,

- so I once got lost. / - Oh, dear.

My mom's now planning to move for the 15th time.

- Again? / - Yes.

Why does she keep moving?

Sometimes she wants to move

to a lower apartment.

Then she wants to move to a higher one again.

- She wants to move to a smaller place. / - Really?

- We've moved within the complex. / - How stressful.

- Within the apartment complex? / - Within the complex?

- We'd move to the next block. / - To the next block.

- To the next block. / - Within the apartment complex.

If your father likes drinking alcohol,

it'd be tough to go home every time.

- He'd go to different houses every time. / - Exactly.

For you, what's the hardest part about moving?

I'm quite timid,

so it's hard for me to make friends.

However, I move by the time I become close with them,

- so it's hard. / - Do you have close friends?

- Best friends. / - I don't think so.

How many times did you change schools?

I've attended five different elementary schools.

- Five times? / - For elementary school only?

- Just for elementary school... / - Is that possible?

I'll have to say goodbye anyway, so I stay quiet.

- Since you might say goodbye in a while... / - Oh, my.

- She gets ready to say bye right away. / - Five times.

- That's so sad. / - Haven't you ever told her

seriously that you don't want to move

because it's difficult for you?

Even when I do, she'd say, "You should"

"adjust yourself to the new surroundings."

- Or / - It'd be nice if you moved near your school.

she'd say, "Will you live with your grandma?"

Does she discuss with your family in advance?

She announces that we're moving a week before.

She announces that we're moving a week before.

- One week in advance. / - She just announces it?

She's already signed the contract.

Doesn't your father say anything?

- Your father. / - They always argue.

- They argue because of moving? / - Yes.

Why does her mother keep moving so often?

- It arouses our curiosity. / - I'm so curious.

- Let's ask her directly. Hello. / - She's so unique.


(Who is the mysterious mom that moves often?)

- Is there a special reason? / - There must be one.

There isn't a special reason. My husband enjoys

drinking alcohol, so he goes out three times a week.

For me, moving is my hobby.

For me, moving is my hobby.

- You want them to understand you. / - It's because

there are many things I get to do that I enjoy.

- Can you give me an example? / - For example,

hanging wallpapers and painting walls.

- She relieves her stress through those. / - I like

buying couches, changing curtains

- and so forth. / - You can do those in the same house.

It doesn't feel the same.

- It doesn't feel the same. You can't tell. / - No.

It's difficult to move even once.

Wasn't it tough to move 14 times?

You could say that it is a big task,

- but it's my hobby. Was it ever tough / - A hobby.

- to enjoy your hobby? I guess not. / - A hobby...

- I've never seen anyone who enjoys moving. / - It's

- a rare hobby. / - I've never seen anyone

- whose hobby is moving. / - The thing is, it's a house

- where your whole family lives. / - Exactly.

It's my house.

(Is she claiming her ownership now?)

- Is it under your name? / - Is it under your name?

Yes, it's my house. During my lifetime, it's my house,

- so my opinion matters the most. / - She's powerful.

- If one doesn't agree, he must move out. / - Exactly.

Does your family agree with you on moving so often?

I don't see why I must seek consent for my hobby.

- I don't listen to them anyway. / - Ma'am.

- That's how I am. / - Or,

- it may be for an investment. / - To make some money.

No, enjoying a hobby isn't a financial investment.

She's so firm.

- It's just her hobby. / - However...

- How could it be a hobby? / - Even if it's a hobby...

You may have fun, but she must change schools.

- She suffers. / - Anyone can struggle at a young age.

It's not just about struggling. She can't make friends.

I don't see my friends from elementary school.

- She'll meet friends later when she works. / - She

- only thinks about herself. / - Even if she doesn't

meet them, the memories she made with them last.

I transferred to another school once,

and I cried for about a week.

- It's because of your personality. / - Personality.

There's something wrong with Yura's personality?

I knew Yura would be criticized at one point.

Yura cried for a week.

I think you won't cry even if you move.

At first, I cried a lot. However, I got used to it.

- You got used to it. / - I become depressed alone.

Moving has been so hard for you.

- She can't make friends. / - She doesn't talk

to her friends because she'll part anyway. Even we

feel bad for her. How does it make you feel?

My personality isn't like hers.

- You blame it on her personality. / - Yes.

I think she'll get used to it later.

- She's stubborn. / - Did you change schools often

- when you grew up? / - Yes, I moved a lot.

I also moved about 20 times with my mom.

Does moving run in your family?

She learned after her mom.

Moving never stressed me out as a child.

Are you really planning to move for the 15th time

- even though she's a high school senior? / - Yes.

- You better leave her alone. / - Just this year.

We'll move once the decision is made.

We asked her to bring an extract of their resident

- registration in advance. / - It has all the records.

To see if this story is true.

- If the story is true. / - It's not a single page.

- This story is true. / - It's not a single page.

Not this one. This is where I was born.

They kept moving, and Nahyeon was born

when they were residing in the residence number 20.

- Number 20? / - It's...

- You're from Daegu. / - I am from Daegu.

- Dalseong-gun, Daegu... / - Dalseong-gun is...

I go to your school.

- What? / - She's your junior.

I see.

After that, she went to Wondae-dong in Seo-gu,

then Guam-dong in Buk-gu.

- My gosh. / - After that was Jungmi-dong in Seo-gu.

You attended the school when you lived in Jungmi-dong.

She'd meet many alumni since she went to many schools.

- That's nice. / - When she works later on,

- she'll see friends everywhere. / - She'll meet often.

"I also went to that school."

Her mother saw the big picture for her.

- It's because of her school ties. / - She felt proud.

- Her dream came true. / - You even moved

within the same apartment complex three times.

They were their 32nd, 33rd and 34th residence.

Within the complex, the apartments vary in size.

- My goodness. / - That's why I wanted

to live in all the apartments of different sizes.

- I wanted to live in all of them. / - It's a hobby.

It's really uncomfortable to live in a small house

- from a big house. / - It feels really uncomfortable.

Doesn't it apply to you?

When I read articles on how to decorate

small houses on magazines of interior design,

I felt like moving. However, due to my kids' stuff,

their legs were sticking out as they grew.

- Their legs were sticking out of the room? / - Yes.

- Why did you live in that house? / - Was it a studio?

- Wasn't it a small storage? / - No.

What's another absurd story involving moving?

Yes, as I wrote on my story, after moving 3 to 4 times,

we moved back to the house we used to live before.

- The same house? / - The old place you used to live?

We went back to the very same apartment.

- When did you move after that? / - I can't hide

- my feelings. / - We lived there for about a year.

Why did you go back to the same apartment?

We moved because I was fed up with the place,

but after moving several times, it was the best place.

- It's... / - However, you moved after a year again.

I think there must be a sign in front of her apartment.

- It's like a rental house. / - The sign for rentals.

- The rental house. / - "Unit 201 is for rent."

- You moved after a year again. / - Exactly.

- You moved to your old place. / - Like my first love,

it was the first house I bought.

- "The first house was the best." / - Like first love.

Exactly. I moved in with expectation,

but after living there, it wasn't

- as nice as I expected. / - That's right.

After breaking up with your first love, you date

many people. Thinking that your first love

was the best, you date him again only to realize

why you broke up.

- The same reason. / - It's better to meet someone new.

That's right. Your husband's here, right?

- Let's meet him. Hello. / - Let's meet her husband.

Isn't it frustrating to move?

It makes me angry.

You should stop her, then.

We argued a lot. I even considered a divorce,

but I held my idea because of my kids.

How could you agree every time and move?

She makes a decision arbitrarily and announces

- that we're moving. / - I see.

What makes you struggle specifically?

Throwing a housewarming party

and inviting your coworkers was common before.

- Right. / - They threw housewarming 14 times.

- All the time? / - It was common.

- They'll call you crazy. / - They'll come

to the housewarming party up to three times.

Now, they don't care if I tell them I move.

Sir, what about mails?

- That's right. / - You must update the new address,

- change your information... / - That's annoying.

- Your resident registration too. / - I was upset.

I was worrying about how you find your way home

- after drinking alcohol. / - When I'm about to ring

the bell, I realize that it's not my house.

Among all the times of moving, was there

any time in particular that you cannot forget?

My wife sold the house before we moved.

- What happened then? / - The timing was off,

so we had to stay in the in-laws' place.

We stayed there for about three to six months.

- Six months? / - Not several days?

We had to live in her parents' house.

That could happen.

- That's right. / - It's usually a matter of days

- or a week at most. / - Most people arrange the time.

I'll ask something everyone's curious about.

Does she buy all those houses?

I think she bought most of them.

Do you move after she buys them with her money?

- No, it's my money. / - "It's my money."

- She insisted that they're hers. / - She buys them

with a loan and severance pay. It's my job after all.

If I make 2,000 dollars a month, a half of it is gone.

- That's right. / - To pay off the interest.

Why do you buy houses if you will keep moving?

- Rent it instead. / - When I buy them, I plan on

- living there for a long time. / - Unbelievable.

However, you can't reside there for a long time?


- Real estate agents charge a lot. / - Definitely.

Could you tell us how much you've spent so far?

- Real estate agents... / - Property tax too.

The realtor fees and hiring a moving company

only cost about 2,000 dollars together.

- "Only 2,000 dollars"? / - "Only"?

- What's that times 14? / - Altogether?

- The problem is the property tax. / - Exactly.

When you sell a house, you have to pay transfer tax.

We end up making money even after paying it.

- You make money? / - You don't lose money?

I guess the price went up compared

- to when you bought it. / - Yes, it always goes up.

- It's never a losing deal. / - How much, exactly?

- How much in property tax? / - About 3,000 to 5,000.

- That times 14 is about 60,000. / - 60,000 dollars.

You also spent money on realtor fees and hiring movers,

- 2,000 each time. / - Yes, about 20,000 in total.

- Exactly. / - So far, at least 70,000.

- And also... / - The transfer tax too.

- It'll add up to 100,000 dollars. / - You're right.

She has spent 100,000 dollars on moving.

It takes most people at least ten years to save up

that amount even if they use tax-free savings accounts.

- Exactly. / - You sound very savvy.

- This is driving me crazy. / - Ma'am, do you move

intentionally because of all of these factors?

Do you monitor price increases?

- No, I don't... / - Are you a real estate expert?

(Are you a real estate expert?)

- A real estate guru. / - No, I'm not an expert.

That's not why I move.

Let's talk to Nahyeon's sister. Is she your sister?

- Hello. / - Hello.

Do you empathize with Nahyeon?

Yes, I do understand how she feels.

Our personalities are so different. She's very fussy.

It must be really stressful for her.

What about you? Does moving not stress you out?

I just go along with whatever Mom wants to do.

- She's just like her mom. / - She takes after her mom.

Have you seen Nahyeon and your mom fighting about it?

Yes, but their personalities clash to begin with.

- Is that right? / - Yes.

Who are the gentlemen beside your father?

- Did they come with you too? / - Yes.

- Who are they? / - The moving company...

- Earlier, your sister said... / - Pardon me?

He's the owner of the moving company.

- The moving company? / - He's the owner?

Ma'am, please introduce them to us.

They're from the moving company I always work with.

- Are you their VIP client? / - I've moved a lot.

- She must be a VIP. / - I also have a legal advisor

and a realtor whom I always work with.

- A moving company and a legal advisor. / - Exactly.

I've recruited experts who can help me.

- They're Moving Titans. / - That's right.

Moving Titans.

Please introduce yourselves to us.

I own the moving company she exclusively works with.

I'm Yoon Taejong.

- Welcome! / - These are my employees.

You brought your employees too.

Today is Sunday.

- Aren't you busy today? / - Isn't it the busiest day?

I would make a bit of money if I take on a job or two,

but she's my VIP client.

Of course she is.

- She's planning her 15th move. / - Exactly.

How many times have you helped her move?

- In total. / - Over ten times.

- Once, I helped her move twice in a year. / - My gosh.

Is the 11th move free if she hires you 10 times?

I actually said that as kind of a joke

after she moved two or three times.

"If you hire us 10 times, the 11th time will be on us."

Is that free offer what made her move so many times?

(Was it all to get the free offer?)

- So what happened? / - It's motivating.

I did tell her that,

- but I didn't think that she'd / - He had no idea.

- actually move 10 times. / - She's hired you 10 times.

Will you not charge her next time she moves?

I should do it for free, of course.

(He generously promised her a free move!)

- It's seriously... / - We shouldn't be applauding.

There's something I really want to know.

Does your new home always look nice?

- I'm really curious too. / - I always love it.

- It must look nice. / - We have photos.

- Do we? / - I'm so curious.

- Of her place. / - Let's see.

- I really hope it looks nice. / - Look at the screen.

- Ma'am, you're very good. / - It looks amazing.

(This is her hobby.)

- It looks lovely. / - She is good at it.

- It looks very nice. / - She has a talent for it.

- Look at that. / - Oh, my.

(The decor looks stylish and elegant.)

- I want that. / - Ma'am, you have a great eye.

- Could you decorate my place? / - The blue cabinets...

- It looks like... / - My gosh.

(These look like they're from fairy tales.)

- They're all vintage. / - They're gorgeous.

Forget the property tax and transfer tax.

- She's been changing the decor too. / - That's right.

- The furniture pieces. / - It must've been so costly.

- You buy new furniture. / - Yes, it's so expensive.

- Because it's your hobby? / - You must invest in...

I'm so sick of that word.

(You must invest in your hobby.)

It makes me think of playing with a dollhouse.

Yes, she's treating her real home like a dollhouse.

- I know, right? / - "Let's change up the decor."

- It's like those home decor games. / - Exactly.

- How about you don't do it to your own home? / - Yes.

You can become a home decorator.

Then you'll be able to decorate various styles

of homes from small spaces to big houses.

I already have a job. I studied flute,

and that's my career. My hobby

can't be my job.

- Ma'am, but... / - Please stop saying "hobby"!

- By any chance... / - Your saliva got on my face!

Do you have a blog by any chance?

No, I don't use computers.

Does your mom invite people

- to your place often? / - I don't think she'd do that.

- She invites people so often. / - She does?

- Often? / - To show off the decor.

- Her mom / - To show people.

wants to show the decor to those people.

The satisfaction she gets from hearing compliments

from those people is what keeps her going.

Our place looks like a model home.

It's uncomfortable because we have to follow her rules.

- There are rules? / - Yes.

- Like what? / - We can't drink water on the couch.

- On the couch... / - You can't drink water?

Cushions naturally get out of arrangement, you know.

Because of it, she tells us to never sit on the couch.

- Why does she do that? / - What's the couch for, then?

Water gets on the sink when I wash my face.

I always have to wipe it.

- It really is a model home. / - What else?

Even when we eat,

she scolds me if I spill any food.

- Your house comes before anything else. / - Yes.

We can't touch anything.

- There are these plates. / - Plates?

They're earthenware. She has about 200 of them.

(She has 200 of them.)

We also have about 30 framed artworks on the walls.

- All of it is meaningless. / - It sounds like

she's addicted to home decoration, not moving itself.

She wants to keep revamping the home decor.

- Does she value your stuff as much as her own? / - No.

She throws out whatever she thinks look untidy.

- I've been keeping a journal. / - She threw it out?

- No way. / - Yes, she threw them out.

- That's so mean! / - Why?

- Unbelievable. / - Why did she do that?

- That's crazy. / - She said it looked messy.

- Why did you throw them out? / - They're priceless.

They were ruining the decor.

They were just piled up. They made her room look messy.

I didn't know how important they were to her.

(Her feelings are hurt.)

Your daughter had 30 books of them.

Because people might think they look messy,

you threw them out without even getting her approval.

How is your daughter supposed to understand that?

What's the ultimate reason you decorate your home?

Is it for when other people visit your place?

Do you want to hear compliments from them?

Getting compliments is nice,

but I think it's more for self-satisfaction.

You don't even let your family members relax at home.

- It sounds so uncomfortable. / - It's not that hard.

If they just follow the rules I made...

- They're orders, not rules. / - That's right.

- It's my home, so I think... / - No.

- It's your family's home. / - It's not yours.

- How can you think it's yours? / - Just live alone.

It's your family's nest.

Sir, are there rules that you have to follow

- at home? / - There must be.

- I can't lie on the bed before sleep. / - Pardon me?

- Are you serious? / - Because it gets disheveled?

Please list all the rules.

- Cushions can't be used as pillows. / - Goodness.

- It's so comfortable. / - They must stay in place.

- Ma'am, I must say... / - You said they're easy rules.

It's so hard to not lie down on a couch.

- Couches are for lying down. / - Seriously.

Also, don't you think not being allowed to lie down

on the bed before sleep is too harsh?

- Why did you... / - Because of that,

I made a room just for resting and relaxing.

- There's a resting lounge? / - Yes, there's a bed.

- Is it a resting lounge? / - Yes.

I'd hate to be in that room.

I bet the entire family is in that room until bedtime.

"Kids, it's time to go to bed!"

(It's finally time for bed.)

"Let's go to bed!"

(They can't laugh because it's true.)

They can't even sit on the couch.

She's at an age where she can be emotionally sensitive.

It's an important phase, so you should be considerate.

- She's in 12th grade. / - I wanted her to study music,

but she wanted to study dance.

I want her to achieve her dream,

- so I'm being supportive of it. / - That's good.

She's happy with it. My younger daughter

doesn't get stressed out from moving.

I think Nahyeon takes after her dad.

- Nahyeon? / - Yes.

- Then your husband is to blame. / - 12th grade...


She killed 2 birds with 1 stone. It's the dad's fault.

My younger daughter responds when I crack jokes,

but Nahyeon always ignores me when I talk to her.

(She always ignores me.)

Is she not responsive?

One day, I said it straight out.

"Please answer me, will you?"

But she still ignored me.

Would you say you and your mom talk a lot?

No, I don't think we do.

Moms usually have high expectations

for the oldest child.

I think such expectations have discouraged Nahyeon.

When she gets frustrated, she kicks Nahyeon out

in her pajamas and punishes her.

She's given physical punishment too.

That's why Nahyeon is discouraged.

Has she said anything that hurt your feelings?

- She told me to move out. / - Sorry?

She told me to move out as soon as I turn 20.

She told you to live alone.

She really meant it. It sounded like she doesn't

want to live with me.

- Were you shocked by it? / - Yes. I kept crying.

Nahyeon wants to have warm conversations with you.

She wants to feel that her mom loves her.

You won't even need to say much. It's not about moving.

It comes down to communication.

That's what's been lacking.

Do you have someone you can talk to

when you're stressed out?

Not really.

I found it hard to even talk to the show's writer.

You've never had candid conversations with anyone.

Yes, it felt very awkward and strange.

I couldn't even answer all the questions properly.

Do you feel very lonely?

I don't eat school lunches

because I'm trying to lose weight.

I felt very lonely when I was in an empty classroom.

- That's really sad. / - My goodness.

How do you alleviate loneliness and stress?

I think to myself. I think and swallow words.

It must have accumulated since childhood.

- It can create deficiency. / - You can't make friends.

I talk to friends when they approach me first.

- You can't approach them first. / - It's hard.

She finds it hard to have a conversation

because she is not used to it.

What do you think about that?

I thought she expressed everything through dance.

That's different.

She may be your child, but you need to respect her

and treat her as a human being. Even if you move again,

there needs to be a process of persuasion.

She needs to grow up as a member of a society.

I am worried it will become harder for her.

Would it be too hard to have some time

to consult your family? Can you do that?

I can't tell you

that I will never move again since I will turn 50 soon.

Your logic is strange. You will move again

since you will turn 50 soon.

You have many years left.

One time, I visited Jeju Island and found that

there are still so many houses I want to live in.

When you turn 50, you should throw a party

- instead of moving. / - Can you promise us this?

Can you tell us that you won't have guests

even after you move and decorate the house?

- Only you enjoy it. / - You should

decorate the house for you and your family.

Don't think about what the others will say.

Finding happiness only through the others' eyes

is truly unfortunate. That shouldn't be everything.

Ma'am, don't get addicted to that taste.

Say what you want to your mom.

It's good that you are doing something you like,

but I hope you would think about the family.

I want to eat comfortably.

- I want to lie on the sofa when I watch TV. / - Right.

That's what home should be like.

I want to be comfortable at home.

Let your husband lie on the bed whenever he wants.

- Seriously. / - All right.

- Let's start with Minah. / - Minah.

I hope her mom would express her love from now on.

- That's right. / - She needs compliments

to produce beautiful and impressive art.

- Please do that for her. / - You think it's a worry.

I think it's a worry.

Think of it as "Our home", not "My home".

- Bingo. / - It's "Our home".

I hope your family will live happily with you.

You should be the only happy one. I think it's a worry.

I feel like I will lose hair from hearing her story.

- Do you think it's a worry? / - I think it's a worry.

- All right. / - I also think it's a worry.

Would you like to befriend my 19-year-old brother?

- Your brother? / - Yes. I see. That's a good idea.

- Say yes. / - She doesn't need your sister.

Your brother is good.

If you think it's a worry,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

- In five, four, / - In five, four,

- three, two, one. / - three, two, one.

Time's up.

Please say a few words to your daughter.

Even though I am bad at expressing it,

- I do love you. / - That's right.

Now that I know you have problems,

I will try to change my ways.

I hope you would be more understanding

and help me out.

Your husband is allowed to lie on the bed, right?


All right.

How many votes did it get? Show us the result.

"Where's My House?"

I am sure it got more than 100 votes.

- Of course. / - "Where's My House?" is a nice title.

Did it get 154 votes? It got 144 votes.

(144 votes)

There is a role for Hyeri.

- You still have acting skills, right? / - Of course.

- Please play the sister. / - Okay.

Hello, I am a woman in my 30s who lives in Gwangju.

I am writing this story to expose my sister.

"Are you going to live in the bathroom? Come on out."

"Wait a minute. Let me use it for a bit longer."

Every day, my sister

scrubs dead skin in the bathroom.

She does it for hours a day.

- Doesn't it hurt? / - Hours.

Here is the problem.

"Would you scrub my back?"

- "Here?" / - "That's not the spot."

- "Where?" / - "Here."

"Gosh, you are so bad at it."

- My goodness. / - She is good.

Her bath only ends when someone scrubs her back.

This is what happens when I am outside.

"Would you scrub my back?"

"Are you out of your mind? I am hanging up."

It's a ridiculous cause for stress.

She asks her sister to scrub her back.

Please help my sister stop scrubbing dead skin.

This is the story.

- It can't be good to scrub every day. / - It's bad.

It's bad for skin. Women only shower these days.

- They use body scrubs. / - Body scrubs.

That's better.

Let's talk to the person who sent us the worry.

Please come on in.

(Whose worry involves a sister who asks for a scrub?)

(Yoo Jinah)

(Welcome to the show.)

Welcome, Jinah.

Does your sister ask for a scrub every day?

Yes, she asks for a scrub every day.

She calls me over.

That's how she asks for a back scrub.

She gives me a scrub towel in a squatting position.

Since when did she start to scrub?

It must have been about ten years.

She is 29 years old now. Since her high school days,

she would spend hours to scrub her body.

Sometimes, she did it two or three times a day.

I once scrubbed her back more than ten times a week.

I am surprised she still has a back.


Are you the only one she asks?

No. She usually asks me because I am an easy target.

If there are other people at home, she asks our mom

- and the eldest sister. / - The eldest sister.

Her bath only ends when someone scrubs her back.

You should refuse to do it.

- "You shouldn't scrub every day." / - That's right.

If no one scrubs her back, she stays in the bathroom.

- Why does she do that? / - For how long?

- She stays there for two to three hours. / - What?

- Two to three hours? / - She's protesting

to get a back scrub.

Yes. When no one is home,

she calls people and asks when they will come back

so that she can get a back scrub.

She asks for a back scrub even when it's late at night.

- She is addicted. / - Seriously.

Do you live with her?

- No, I got married two years ago. / - What?

- You don't live with her. / - No.

And you still go and scrub her back?

I live nearby. That's why she calls me.

You travel to scrub her back.

Have you tried getting mad at her?

- Seriously. / - The family scolded and failed

to persuade her. She smiles and asks for a back scrub.

The family is tired.

I am here as a representative because I want to fix it.

- She is a scrubber. / - Seriously.

Shall we go ahead and meet the scrubber?

Please raise your hand.

It feels like a program for children's education.

Perhaps because you scrub a lot, your face is bright.

- Do I look pretty? / - What?

- My goodness. / - She startled me.

Why did you say that when we have just met?

Why do you scrub so much? It's hard to understand.

It's well-known around the world

- that Koreans enjoy bathing. / - Right.

What's wrong with taking a bath often?

I am here because I am frustrated.

In that case, please tell us

how you scrub your body.

I fill the tub with hot water.

Then I soak my body for about 20 minutes.

When my body is soaked, I take a scrub towel

and scrub my arms, face

- and legs. / - What?

I take a bath to scrub my face.

Isn't it bad for your skin?

- There is an adverse effect. / - She has nice skin.

When I go out after taking a bath,

people tell me that I have nice skin.

That's why I don't think it's bad.

We are not saying it's bad to take a bath.

However, you have nagged your sister for ten years.

It's the easiest to ask a family member.

- I only have family members at home. / - Right.

After you scrub your front,

- someone must scrub your back. / - Yes.

- Then your bath ends. / - It's the last step.

- You don't come out otherwise. / - I can't do that.

- It feels unpleasant. / - It feels unpleasant.

- You feel dirty. / - If I don't get a back scrub,

I need to take another bath.

(They don't understand.)

Her entire family is here.

The entire family is here, right?

My brother didn't come.

He said it's embarrassing.

Let's meet the eldest sister. Hello.

Hello. It's nice to meet you.

Does she ask you to scrub her back?

- When I got married, / - She is cute.

I thought I would be freed from scrubbing her back.

However, because I needed my mom's help in childcare,

I moved into an apartment in front of the house.

"You are home. Please scrub my back."

- She demands I do that. / - She still does that.

Yes. She even asks my daughter to scrub her back.

- What? / - How old is she?

She is six. She did it since she was five.

- My goodness. / - What's your name?

Kim Songyeon.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- She can speak well. / - Why did you scrub her back?

She said she will buy me stickers.

- She said she will buy you stickers. / - Steak?

(Youngja heard it as "steak".)

- I heard it as "steak". / - She did it for stickers.

You heard it as "steak".

(It's a dish she wants to eat.)

Which family member suffers the most?

Jinah and I are married.

We try not to run into her at our parents' place.

I think Mom suffers the most.

(Mom suffers the most.)

I shouldn't say this as her mom,

but she seems like she is mentally ill.

(She seems like she is mentally ill.)

- Really? / - Yes.

(My goodness.)

- You shouldn't say that. / - I know.

As I scrub her back, I think to myself,

"What a crazy girl!"

"Is she possessed by a ghost who died while scrubbing?"

Please tell us when you feel like swearing.

When I am looking after my granddaughter,

she calls me.

She asks me to scrub her back.

So I just tell her to do it on her own.

But when I go home after an hour or two,

she is still in the bathroom.

(Her daughter waits in the bathroom.)

She often takes a bath at 11 p.m. or 12 a.m.

- At night? / - Yes.

When I am sleeping alone,

she brings over a scrub towel

and puts her back towards me.

Half-asleep, I scrub her back.

- You do that in the room. / - Yes.

(She gets a scrub in the room.)

Does she come inside the room?

(Is this for real?)

The body needs to be moist for scrubbing.

She comes in with water dripping from her body.

What is this?

I scrub her back with my eyes closed.

She asks me to do it harder.

I have no strength in my arm because I am old.

But she still asks me to scrub here and there.

- She feels itchy. / - It's a psychological thing.

- I think that's what it is. / - Just like scratching.

- My back suddenly feels itchy. / - I know.

I want to scrub my back suddenly.

- It must be a struggle. / - It really is.

She even asks her niece. It must be a big problem.

Is she thankful for her family's help?

No, she isn't.

When my niece's diaper is changed in her room,

she says her body feels dirty and goes to take a bath.

(I will go and take a bath again.)

Is she a germaphobe?

But we clean up after she takes a bath.

- What? / - Why?

That's not fair.

- She should clean up after herself. / - How strange!

We won't let you lie on a sofa if you don't clean up.

(We won't let you lie on a sofa if you don't clean up.)

That seems like the biggest punishment.

Taking a bath every day can be a matter of preference,

but you should clean up after yourself.

I need to come out after I take a bath.

When I clean up the bathroom,

it feels like my body is becoming dirty again.

Then I will have to take another bath.

Who should clean up after you?

Even if I don't clean up, my family does it.

Only because they do it for you,

you enjoy it as if it's your right.

Your mom probably ends up cleaning the bathroom.

I wouldn't mind if that was the only thing,

but I must wash her duvet once a week.

- Once a week? / - Yes.

- That's too much. / - I do it once or twice a month.

When I take out the duvet,

she washes it for me.

I became used to it.

- I am confident that Mom will do it. / - In that case,

you must give her money

- for living expenses. / - That's right.

I have never done that.

I do give her allowances.

How are you mean in so many ways?

- You make her do everything. / - She washes the duvet.

We are family.

(We are family.)

She is not making any sense.

We can relate this to the previous problem.

(My head hurts.)

-My gosh. / - Her father is here, too.

- You must be upset / - He must be upset.

from hearing the story. You are not smiling at me.

My family is here with fragrance of spring

from the warm south.

We'll spread happy fragrance to everyone. Thank you.

(We'll spread happy fragrance to everyone. Thank you.)

(My goodness.)


- Sir. / - I smell the fragrance.

- Sir. / - He smiled brightly for the first time.

Tell your dad that he did a good job.

Sir, you practiced the line a lot, right?

- Yes, we left home at twilight. / - At twilight.

- When we stopped at a rest area, / - Is he a writer?

yellow light shined upon us.

Yellow forsythia

smiled at us.

Is he a poet?

The moment

forsythia told me

that it has the meaning of hope,

magnolia in the distance also talked to me.

(His story is never-ending.)

The flower buds had yet to bloom.

- There's another problem. / - Magnolia and forsythia.

It told me that it also has

a nickname of "Flower of the north".

- It smiled. / - Ma'am, it must be hard for you.

(Ma'am, it must be hard for you.)

- Ma'am. / - "Magnolia talked to me."

Ma'am, you are incredible.

Come on down. You will win if you come down.

(You will win if you come down.)

Please wrap it up.

(Please wrap up your self-introduction.)

I saw bright smiles...

(They still have a long way to go.)

from the flowers.

To Yeongja, Dongyeop,

- Chanwoo. I will exclude the guests. / - Okay.

- Taegyun. / - Taegyun.

- And Taejoon. / - Taejoon.

- Girl's Day. / - Then there is audience.

- You missed Girl's Day. / - The flowers asked me

to wish you a healthy year.

Thank you.

(It feels like being in a literary event.)

It must feel like a war

because your youngest daughter asks for a back scrub.

They claim to be the biggest victims,

but I am the biggest victim.

- You are? / - Why is that?

- Why? / - Why are you the biggest victim?

You came from the warm south.

I scrub her back the most.

(I scrub her back the most.)

- I am like her personal scrubber. / - You are?

(He scrubs her 29-year-old daughter's back.)

She covers her body,

puts her back towards me,

and asks me to scrub her back.

Since she liked how I scrubbed, / - Since you're good.

ever since that day,

- Sir. / - she even makes me clean up after her.

When my dad is the only person at home,

- she asks him to do it. / - What if no one is home?

She asks her brother, too.

Does she ask her brother?

- That's ridiculous. / - How old is he?

He is 24 years old. He refuses her firmly.

- Of course he would. / - Of course.

- He didn't even come. / - He told me not to tell

embarrassing stories.

- My goodness. / - Aren't you embarrassed?

Your brother is a grown-up.

I wear pants and cover the front.

- I only expose my back at the door. / - At the door.

- It's embarrassing. / - You shouldn't ask your dad.

Men have more power.

Mom scrubs my back very gently.

Feeling refreshed comes before embarrassment.

Yes, I am used to getting my back scrubbed.

It comes first.

(Can't you tell your dad is struggling?)


there must be times you don't want to do it.

I drive taxi all day.

- There are rude people / - Yes, of course.

who makes me upset.

I'm sure you are all aware of that.

- Yes. / - That's right.

You are right.

When I go home with a heavy heart,

she opens the door to the bathroom with a smile.

I can't help but to scrub her back.

You must understand that it's frustrating.

(You must understand that it's frustrating.)

- A smile makes you weak. / - Sir, you're...

Even though I am smiling,

I hope she will understand

that I'm not smiling inside.

- Your smile isn't sincere. / - Sir.

You are smiling involuntarily.

You should scold your daughter.

You should tell her to stop taking bath so many times.

I thought removing the tub

might stop her from taking bath so many times.

I called for a family meeting.

She agreed to removing the bathtub.

- The bathtub? / - That's right.

- We spent 2,000 dollars to remove it. / - Really?

- That's a drastic measure. / - She had agreed to it.

After a few days, she began to use

the plastic container for making kimchi.

- My gosh. / - That's the container.

(She occupied the container instead of napa cabbage.)

- That's the situation. / - What should they do?

- They spend 2,000 dollars. / - My goodness.

- The image makes it / - Did she put it there?

- look like a flower pot. / - Yes.

(The image makes it look like a flower pot.)

It's like a decorative item.

- It's like a decorative item. / - I know.

(I want it.)

I thought I might change without the bathtub.

However, I am used to taking a bath.

I have to take a bath no matter what.

I looked for a container I can soak my body in.

That was the only thing available.

- Is it for kimchi? / - Do you go inside it?

- It's for making kimchi. / - She just goes in there.

Was it actually used for making kimchi?

(She burst out laughing.)

The family spend 2,000 dollars.

Get it together.

Every time my brother-in-law comes home,

he says a woman shouldn't use a container like that.

- He bought me a new container. / - Really?

- Yes. / - This one is better.

(My goodness.)

(The container for making kimchi...)

(was exchanged for a small bathtub.)

Isn't it a bathtub for babies?

- What is going on? / - It's better.

- That's right. / - Sir.

How did you feel

when the new bathtub entered the bathroom?

Instead of bringing improvements,

the change only brought despair.

(The change only brought despair.)

"The change only brought despair."

Hope turned into despair.

(The family couldn't smile.)

(Please understand.)

Everyone must be wondering

about the condition of her skin

since she scrubs her body 14 times a week.

- She has atopic dermatitis on her legs. / - Right.

- She has that. / - Her skin must be dry.

She scrubs her face too.

- Yes, her face. / - And she got water warts.

- They spread all over her face. / - Goodness.

And she had to get treated at a dermatology clinic.

The dermatologist told her not to do that,

but she keeps doing it, and it worries me a lot.

We took her sister to a dermatologist.

We asked about her skin condition.

You went there, but you don't know the diagnosis.

- I don't know. / - I'll tell you later.

Let's meet the dermatologist.

(What would the dermatologist say?)

(He checks the moisture level of her skin.)

He tested her skin.

(Transepidermal water loss test)

- I didn't know there was such thing. / - It's cool.

Her face, back of her hands, her inner wrist,

and her inner arm are overall very dry.

- I'm sure. / - There are milia on her face,

and this is probably caused by her scrubbing habit.

Milia. She has a lot of milia.

You heard the doctor just now.

- What do you think? / - People ask me

if I don't feel dry. But I've always been like this,

so it doesn't worry me much.

- You got milia because of that. / - Yes.

It seems like she doesn't seem to take it seriously.

- The dermatologist gave his opinion. / - Okay.

- Let's watch it. / - Okay.

If you scrub your body often like her,

your body becomes dry.

Because the outermost layer of the skin is removed,

moisture in your body can't be kept inside.

As time passes, your body becomes itchy,

and it causes eczema.

You might end up with dry or chronic eczema.

You might end up with dry or chronic eczema.

That might happen.

- That's it. That's exactly it. / - Right.

It's a vicious cycle.

Because your body is dry, it's itchy.

- That's why she wants to scrub her body. / - Right.

I didn't think it was a serious problem

because I didn't feel the pain.

But that video made me realize that it's bad.

I am aware of the danger now. However,

I don't think I can stop.

- You can't stop. / - You can't stop.

- She can't do it alone. / - So

I used to do it every day,

but I will try to reduce it to five times a week.

- I'll try. / - You'll reduce it by two days.

You should put a picture of eczema in the bathroom.

- It's like a cigarette box. / - That's a good advice.

If you have a warning sign like that,

you will be shocked each time. You're still young,

- but as years pass, your skin will get drier / - Yes.

- and you will feel your skin deteriorating. / - Yes.

- You will age quicker too. / - Yes.

Most importantly, she needs to be aware of it.

It's not nothing.

It's a problem.

Okay. I got it.

Is there anything you want to say to your daughter?

I hope she will buy a back scrubber

and scrub her body by herself.

- I want to get out of it. / - Right.

- She should buy a scrubber. / - Yes.

Is there anything you want from your daughter, sir?

I hope she will use this as a chance to realize

that her way was wrong.

And I hope our family will continue

to smile brightly.

(They give him loud cheers.)

(Well said.)

Is it a worry or not?

I think coming here today

they must help her control her habit.

I hope she will start to clean

the bathroom after taking a shower

- and to do the laundry. / - Do your own laundry.

I hope she will make her mother's life easier.

I will vote it as a worry so that you can

- make your skin healthy again. / - It's a worry.

She's going to benefit from lessening it too.

So I will vote it as a worry too.

If you think it's a worry, please vote.

(What does the audience think?)

There are 200 people here.

- In five, four, / - In five, four,

- three, two, one. / - three, two, one.

- Stop. / - Stop.

Let's see how many votes we got.

- Let's see. / - Out of 200...

(There are many clicks.)

Is it over 100?

- It's over 100. / - It's over 100.

More than half voted that it's a worry.

- It's 108. / - That's a lot.

This is good.

I expected it.

I can't believe there's a worry like this.

It's titled as "Don't Worry".

Hello. I am a housewife in her 20s

who's been married for a year.

My husband is 188cm tall.

He's a handsome man with a big build.

But he's such a chicken.

"What if this building collapses?"

"What if this elevator drops?"

My husband has a lot of useless worries.

"Honey, I'm going to meet my friends."


"What if your bus gets into an accident?"

- "I'm going to ride a subway." / - "No."

(Why not?)

"What if trains collide or fire breaks out?"

- "I will walk, then." / - "No."

"What if a car hits you while you're walking?"

What should I do with him?

- No way. / - My husband thinks

transportations like cars, subway and buses

are all very dangerous.

"Honey, please stop worrying for no reason."

"What do you mean?"

"What will I do if something happens to you"

"and my daughter, and I end up all by myself?"

I might actually die of anger.

Please make my husband stop worrying.

- Why is he so worried? / - What do you think?

I'm not as worried as him, but I am slightly like him.

Do you worry before things happen?

When I fly, I always imagine the airplane crashing.

Doesn't everyone do that?

- No. / - Is it just me?

Airplanes are very safe.

I'm going to be the only survivor if it happens.

- You know? / - And a handsome man.

- A handsome man. / - That's a positive thought.

I feel like I'd be able to survive

if I go up the handle if the elevator falls.

- You know that, right? / - Or

- you can jump in the end. / - You can jump.

(It's like "Emergency Escape Number 1".)

I always think about those things.

It's from a lady whose husband worries ahead of time.

Let's bring in the lady. It's not the lady, is it?

We have to bring the lady in.

Right. Let's bring her in.

- Who else will we bring in? / - I know.

I'm worried about him.

- I think I'm nervous because of Girl's Day. / - Right.

He's never been this nervous.

He must like Girl's Day.

- Do you like someone here? / - Who is it?

- Tell us. / - Who is it among them?

- Still, / - Pick one.

- who do you like the best? / - His ears are red.

- Tell us. / - Your ears are as red as your top.

I don't know where to look.

What did you think about to make your ears red?

Let's bring in the lady.

Please come on out.

(Who is the lady with a husband who worries too much?)

(Kim Minjeong)



- Hello. / - Hello.

What is your husband so worried about?

Let's introduce her first.

(What are you so worried about?)

- What's wrong? Calm down. / - What's wrong?

- What's wrong with you? / - Let her do it.

Please introduce yourself.


I'm 24 and I'm from Seoul. My name is Kim Minjeong.


You can ask her now.

Taejoon is shy because of Girl's Day,

and he's very lost right now.

- It began when he sat next to Hyeri. / - It's Hyeri.

- Taejoon. / - Goodness.

(Was it me?)

- It's not me. / - Is it not you?

- Is it not you? / - All right.

What is your husband so worried about?

When we're inside a tall building,

he worries that it might collapse.

He worries about an elevator suddenly falling.

- Why? / - When we're on a bus,

he worries that it will get into an accident.

He worries that the trains might collide

or a fire might break out in the subway.

Do you only ride a taxi, then?

- I can't ride a taxi either. / - Why not?

- You can get into an accident? / - That's a car too.

- How do you get around, then? / - How do you live?

- Is he imagining it? / - How does he live?

I don't know why he does that.

You wouldn't be here if you knew.

- Right. / - Has he always been like that?

No, he wasn't like that when we were dating.

Did he either get into or witness a big accident?

Right. That might have happened.

When we just had our baby,

the news covered all sorts of accidents.

- Many things happened. / - Many bad things happened.

I think that's when he started getting worse.

What's the most stressful thing

your husband does?

When are you stressed the most?

I am the most stressed when we go somewhere.

He only trusts himself when it comes to driving.

He thinks it's safe when he drives.

- He thinks it's safer. / - It's safer.

- Does he drive the bus too? / - And he...

"Sir, can I drive?"

- Perhaps he drives a train too. / - He almost

- got the license to drive a bus. / - Really?

- Did he? / - No way.

Does he drive long distances too?

When we travel long distances, we don't ride a car.

- What do you ride, then? / - We ride a train.

We had to go to a province

for my father-in-law's death anniversary.

- And he booked train tickets on the day. / - Right.

- But all the tickets were sold out, / - It's too late.

So only the standing rooms were available.

Did you stand the whole time?

- Yes. / - Where did you go?

- But you had a car. / - We live in Naju.

You traveled from Naju to Seoul while standing up.

And she had to carry the baby.

- The baby was with us too. / - How did you come here?

- There's no train here. / - We

drove here.

- They offered us to be picked up. / - Right.

But he wanted to drive himself.

(He volunteered to drive here.)

Let's meet her husband, who is excessively worried.


(Who is her excessively worried husband?)


- Hello. Your wife told us a lot of things. / - Right.

Is it all true?

Yes, I am worried.

She said nothing special happened

and it all started when your baby came.

I didn't become like this when the baby came.

I once got into an accident while riding a bike.

My legs broke, and I got hospitalized for three months.

That must've been tough.

- That was one. / - Okay.

One time, I was changing a lane on a big road,

and my car spun.

Fortunately, I didn't get into an accident.

- It was winter then. / - And your car slipped.

- My car spun around. / - So

it sounds like you're the most dangerous person.



I understand you are traumatized by those incidents.

But you have to ride transportations.

I work as a parcel delivery man.

- You deliver parcels. / - Yes.

- Did you say you deliver parcels? / - Yes.

This is unbelievable.

- Aren't you too worried? / - Aren't you too worried?

Whenever I enter a building,

I worry about useless things.

I worry about the building collapsing.

Right. You can't stop thinking once you start.

And my palms sweat.

Then what do you ride

when your husband's not there?

I don't go outside when he's not there.

- Do you not go out? / - Is it because he stops you?

If I tell him ten times that I'm going somewhere,

he stops me eight times.

- And he allows me two times. / - He simply refuses it?

Why don't you

ignore him and leave?

- You could just leave. / - You could tell him.

One time, we didn't talk after a fight.

I told him I'm going to my hometown.

And he offered me a ride to the train station.

- But you had a fight. / - Even when you had a fight.

- Goodness. / - That's so uncomfortable.

So I told him I was going alone,

and he said it wasn't for me but for the baby.

He gave you a ride because of the baby.

When I told him I'm going to visit his mother,

he asked me why I would take a subway to go there.

He told me I should ask her to come to our place.

But I am the daughter-in-law.

- So I can't do that. / - Of course.

Is it okay if your mother gets into an accident?

(Is it okay if your mother gets into an accident?)

It's better than the baby getting into an accident.

(It's better than the baby getting into an accident.)

- Goodness. / - No way.

- I'm so shocked. / - You

- are so bad. / - People are going to curse at you.

She would be so sad.

Do you think you'd be less worried

- if you didn't have a baby? / - Yes.

- It's the baby. / - I would've been fine.

Is that your baby?

- The one who keeps eating? / - She's so cute.

- She's so cute. / - She's so adorable.

- She's so adorable. / - Look at her.

- She's so lovely. / - Isn't she like a fairy?

- What are you eating? / - She's so lovely.

- She drank the juice really well too. / - She's cute.

If you can't even go to your in-law's house,

I guess you can't go anywhere.

Right. I can't even dare to go anywhere.

I ran away from home several days ago because of that.

Did you?

I was supposed to go to a cafe for kids...

- with other moms. / - Right.

We wanted to go somewhere that has a lot to do.

And it was 30 minutes away by subway.

- Honestly, it's not that far, right? / - Right.

He wasn't happy why I had to go so far.

He said, "I'll look after the baby. Get lost."

(Get lost!)

- What's wrong with him? / - So what happened?

- So you got lost. / - So I left home.

Did you tell your wife to get lost?

- Yes. / - No way.

But I didn't know she'd actually go.

(But I didn't know she'd actually go.)

How can you tell your wife to get lost?

Your wife left home because of what you said.

Doesn't it mean there's a lot of harbored feelings?

It's fine if she leaves alone.

(It's fine if she leaves alone.)

I don't mean it in a bad way.

Get lost!

(Shut your mouth!)

(That felt good.)

Let me ask you something.

Do you think all husbands in this world

have to be worried like you?

- No. / - Do you think it's just you?


But don't a lot of people think like me?

- You should trust her. / - We are all worried too.

But I think the problem is something else.

"My baby can't get hurt, but you can. Get lost."

That hurts her feelings. You shouldn't say that.

That's so hurtful. Why do you talk like that?

What if you leave the baby to a babysitter

and go out for a while?

I want to do that too, but he won't let me.

Both of our parents and my friends live nearby,

so there are a lot of people to watch our baby.

So I could ask them, but he never lets me do that.

Why not?

I have to be the one to look after the baby.

- Why is that? / - That's really strange.

I just don't like it.

I want my wife to be the one to take care of her.

But she's doing perfectly fine with another person.

It's okay because I'm next to her.

Your mother raised you

- since you were young. / - Right.

- So.. / - Right, but...

When I was a little boy in second grade,

my father passed away,

I lived away from mom for three years with my grandma.

You don't have a strong bond with your mother.

I don't, even until now.

(That's why he became more obsessive with his child.)

- You two married earlier than other people. / - Yes.

- Your wife is only... / - I'm 24.

She's only 24.

- Are you the same age as her, Hyeri? / - Yes.

You should be friends. Say hello.

- Say hello. / - But my birthday is really early.

Her birthday is early.

- Her birthday is early. / - Let's say we're friends.

- Her birthday is early. / - Does it matter?

(You care about these things at 24.)

- She's so young. / - Yes.

Don't you think she needs her friends?

But isn't this the life of a mother?

- No. These days... / - That's not true.

She's upset. Say it.

I think I'd be upset.

I'd be upset if my dad's obsessed about me.

- It would be so hard if my dad was like that. / - Yes.

(Why would it be upsetting?)

- I think he'd watch the baby well. / - Right.

If he loves her that much, he'd watch her well.

His actions don't match his words.

He doesn't act up to his words, does he?

He only watches the baby for about 5 to 10 minutes.

He loves her so much, yet he doesn't watch her.

- Does he change the diaper? / - He doesn't...

- Doesn't he know it? / - know how to do it.


- What's that? / - He can't get her changed.

- Does he bathe her? / - He's never done it.

(He hasn't done anything for their daughter.)

- Why do you do that? / - You love her dearly.

But she has her mom.

(Why would I do it?)

Are you saying it's only her job?

- Well... / - That's crazy.

Don't you want to know how she pees

and try changing the diapers?

I feel too lazy to do that.

- How can you... / - I am sorry.

- I want to stitch his mouth. / - Really.

Everything he says is bad.

(He told her to get lost,)

(But he didn't know she'd actually go.)

(He's beyond our understanding and shameless.)

(We don't want to hear him anymore.)

Do you think your wife has to do all the chores?

(Do you think your wife has to do all the chores?)

- Yes. / - Do you not do anything?

He once pressed a button of a rice cooker.

He pressed a button.

- He pressed a button? / - He pressed a button.

- That's... / - You could do that while passing by.

Some people are just not used to doing chores.

But I can't understand him not watching the baby.

Why don't you try holding the baby?

Yes. Let's see.

- He doesn't look at her. / - Try holding her.

The outfit is adorable.

- He's awkward. / - She's so lovely.

She's wearing a ballerina outfit.

The baby is looking at him as if she's never seen him.

The baby is not close to him.

(They are very awkward.)

- She's avoiding his eyes. / - Did you see her?

- She thinks, / - Why?

"What's wrong with him today?"

(It looks like she doesn't understand him today.)

- She's cute. / - It's because he seldom holds her.

Since you have to talk, I'll take her for a while.

I've been wanting to hold her.

- She's so adorable. / - Baby.

- She's really cute. / - It's okay.

She's not a scary man. She's okay.

(She's not a scary man.)

You held this heavy baby

and travelled for three hours while standing up.

I want to hug her.

- Three hours. / - Three hours.

- She's so adorable. / - Look at her.

Her eyes changed.

She's lovely.

Her eyes have gone teary.

- Her friends are here too. / - Yes.

Let's meet her friends.


- Hello. / - Hello.

(They each brought a friend.)

When you drink,

does he keep worrying?

The other time, I went to his place to eat.

(They were eating by themselves.)

Minjeong was out.

And he called her every ten minutes

to check where she is and what she rode.

He kept checking her.

One time, she answered a little late,

and he got really upset.

As his friend, what do you want to tell him?

I want to tell him to get a grip.

- "Get a grip." / - Don't overdo it.

He should help her with the chores and the baby.

- I agree with you. / - He should loosen up a little.

(Did you hear that, Dad?)

Who is the person next to you?

- Hello. / - I am Minjeong's close friend.

- You can't understand her husband. / - I can't.

We've been close for two years.

And I am still not close to him.

(That's strange.)

I first knew her when I was in middle school.

She was thin and she used to dress nicely.

But because she's so busy taking care of her family,

she's becoming a different person, and I feel bad.

How do you feel? Don't you feel ashamed?

Maybe I should do better.

(Did you say "maybe"?)

Does he respect your work at home?

Does he acknowledge

how hard you work? Does he acknowledge it?

- No way. / - He said I don't do anything at home.

- What? / - "What do you do at home?"

He's the worst husband.

- Did he ask what you do at home? / - You see,

you must have clean towels

and your clothes are all folded. That's all her work.

Nicely said, Hyerim.

- You're bad. / - You're unbelievable.

You don't have time for the baby. You're too busy

to do the chores. How did you find time for piercing?

(How did you find time for piercing?)

How did you find time for that?

(That felt good.)

- It's been a while. / - Then you should listen well.

(If they are pierced, you'd be able to listen well.)

He's right.

If you keep going like this,

your wife might get tired

and leave you. Have you ever thought about that?

My daughter should come first.

- But... / - But when the baby starts walking...

Let's say that she's old enough to take public transit.

- What will you do? / - I'm curious too.

It'd be great if I can always drive her

- and pick her up. / - Now, it's only on your wife.

But when your daughter is older,

it'll be solely on her, which means

she'll be under a thousand times more stress.

Try thinking that she might grow up to be incapable

of riding buses or trains. Isn't it horrible?

She might get brainwashed by you. She'll always

be anxious thinking that she might get into accidents.

- She doesn't know anything yet. / - Pardon?

- Can you change when she's older? / - She knows.

I should.

(Will it be possible?)

We heard from experts

that depression or trauma caused by accidents

can be accompanied by such anxiety symptoms.

But it can affect your family in a very negative way.

Please don't let your paranoia and anxiety

make your family suffer.

(He's been stressing his family out unknowingly.)

Let's think about it again. You love your baby, right?

- Yes. / - You two stood the whole time on the train.

- Yes. / - What's safer between you holding the baby

and your wife holding her?

- Me holding her. / - Then why didn't you do it?

(Why didn't you do it when you know that?)

That's love, don't you think?

You want to keep her safe, don't you?

But you don't show it through actions.

Your wife must feel like she's serving in the military.

She's locked up because of the baby.

You need to set her free.

I mean, she has done nothing wrong.

She just wanted to live happily with you and the baby.

Please set her free. You have to.

She has suddenly burst into tears.

Why are you crying?

Everyone else understands it,

- He doesn't see it. / - but he doesn't get it.

- He'll get it now. / - He got married too young.

He's nice to other people but patriarchal at home.

My parents actually got married very young.

My dad has said that feeling the burden

of responsibility at a young age

- put him under a lot of stress. / - Right.

You two are still so young. If you communicate a lot,

you should be able to make the changes you want.

You just need to let her breathe.

Have some conversations and make her feel free.

Everything is malfunctioning because you don't do that.

Trust her and fully leave it in her hands.

If you're going to constantly nag her like that,

- you should do it with her. / - Help her out.

Treat her like a sergeant, not a private.

(Please treat your wife respectfully.)

Please say a few words to your husband.

Because we got married when we were so young,

- we had to skip honeymoon. / - Where would you go?

Even Jeju Island would be nice.

- I'd like to go. / - You two should go eat abalone.

Let's find out what everyone thinks. Minah, you first.

You'll try your best, right? I'll cast a vote.

- It's a worry. / - It's a worry.

I also think it's a worry. I hope it gets resolved.

I really hope it gets resolved. It is

- a worry. / - All right.

I hope you can change soon for your wife and daughter.

- I also think it's a worry. / - Okay.

Sojin, your turn.

When we love someone,

we want to make that person feel happy.

That's the normal way to love somebody.

I hope you can make your wife feel more loved that way.

- I think it's a worry. / - All right.

He'll really need to pull himself together to change.

Please press the button if you empathize with the wife.

(What does the audience think?)

- In five, four, / - In five, four,

- three, two, one. / - three, two, one.

Time is up.

Sir, please say a few words to your wife.

May I ask him to promise me something?

- What is it? / - Sure, go ahead.

Can I go to Mokpo

- in April? / - Why? What for?

- There must be a reason. / - That was cute.

Can I go?

- That's such a trifling request. / - Seriously.

- She really wants to go. / - It's no big deal at all.

- By car? Oh, her car? / - He asked, "By car?"

The first thing he asks is how she'll be traveling.


You can go.

- You promised her, okay? / - Yes.

All right. Tell her what you want to say.

Let's travel a lot and make many memories together.

"I'll look after Seolah and help you with housework."

I'll do that.

- That doesn't count! / - Please tell her yourself.

I'll try to look after Seolah whenever I can

and also help you with housework. Let's be happy.

I love you. Okay, that's it.

- "That's it." / - Okay.

I'm curious to find out how many votes this story got.

How many votes did it get? Please show us the result.

I saw many people pressing the button.

- I really hope he changes for the better. / - Me too.

- It must be so stressful for him. / - You're right.

- He has it the hardest. / - It got over 100 votes.

- It exceeded 100. / - Among the total of 200 people,

how many cast their votes?

- 129. / - It got 129 votes.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

(The story got 129 votes.)

This makes "Where's My House?" the winner of this week.

Congratulations. We'll be rooting for you.

The winner will receive a prize.

Until the day we are all worry-free,

Hello Counselor will continue to counsel you.

- Thank you! / - Thank you!

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor - Sojin, Mina, Yura, Hyeri [ENG/2017.04.03] - Duration: 1:12:12.


Recovering addict shares story of opioid dependency after injury - Duration: 1:39.








































AT 29.














For more infomation >> Recovering addict shares story of opioid dependency after injury - Duration: 1:39.


Leaders schedule opioid abuse public forum in Plattsburgh - Duration: 1:46.






















































For more infomation >> Leaders schedule opioid abuse public forum in Plattsburgh - Duration: 1:46.


Head Shoulders Knees & Toes | + Baby Shark | + More Kids Songs | Fun For Kids TV - Duration: 12:19.

You are watching Fun For Kids TV

Let's learn and have fun :)

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Let's sing it slow now...

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Touch your tommy, touch your feet

Touch your elbow touch your cheek

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Touch your hips and touch your shin

Touch your ankle touch your chin

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Let's sing faster

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Even faster....

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Baby shark do do do do

Baby shark

Hee haa

Mama shark do do do do

Daddy shark do do do do

Hey look here comes Grandma

Grandma shark doo doo doo doo

Grandma shark doo doo doo doo

It's fun

Grandpa shark doo doo doo

Hungry sharks doo doo doo

Testy fish doo do doo do

Humm it's yummy

Let's go hunt do do do

Let's go hunt do do do

Let's swim away do do do

Let's swim away do do do

We are safe do do do do

We are safe do do do do

End is happy do do doo doo

End is happy do do doo doo

na na na naa do do do

na na na naa do do do

For more infomation >> Head Shoulders Knees & Toes | + Baby Shark | + More Kids Songs | Fun For Kids TV - Duration: 12:19.


How to download photoshop in your Android phone Urdu Hindi - Duration: 5:12.



For more infomation >> How to download photoshop in your Android phone Urdu Hindi - Duration: 5:12.


Top 5 Best Features of Redmi 4A - Duration: 2:54.

Hi there guys I am Nikhil from greedytech and these are the top 5 features of Redmi

4A This phone is running MIUI8 and it has the

same software features seen on other MI phones I have made a video on 20 best features of

Redmi Note 4, check that out if you want to know about the rest of the software features

and some important tips and tricks

Now coming back to Redmi 4A THE First best features is

Double tap to wake Starting from Redmi Note 4, Xiaomi seems to

have added this new features, Just double tap the screen to wake it up,

as we don't have any finger print scanner, this features will come in handy

You can enable it from display settings, Reading Mode

Reading mode is one of the best features of MIUI,

It adds a warm tint on the phone and protects your eyes at night

You can enable it from the toggles or from the display settings,

The best thing is that you can configure it to automatically enable at a specific time

or only for some specific applications I set it to turn on automatically at night

Dual Apps One of the USPS of Redmi 4A is Dual Apps

They even put it on their sales page This feature allows you to run the two versions

of the same app So you can use 2 whatsapp accounts , 2 Paytm

accounts in one phone Very few brand offer this feature and MIUI

is the only one so far who has done it right IR Blaster

Just in case you missed it You get a IR Blaster on the top

You can use it to control TV, AC and literally anything thing that can be controlled with

a remote Once you start using it, You will find a lot

of potential to it Themes

This is something I ignored for a long time until I found this theme

Many brands, many companies obviously many phones offer you to change themes,

but most of them just change the icons, and wallpapers

But MIUI does more than that It changes everything about your phone, on

the whole you get a very consistent look like this

I have currently applied the dark legacy theme and I am simply loving it,

Similarly you can change the theme to your taste

For me these are the top 5 best features on Redmi 4A,

As I have said, there are many more hidden features deep in settings like disabling capacitive

buttons, quick bubble, toggle shortcut Long screen shots

App lock, call recording and literally many more, so for the complete list, check my video

on Best Features of Redmi note 4, ill leave a link for that in the description,

So guys that pretty much it for this video, if you want us to make any specific video,

shout out to us by commenting below this video,

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Features of Redmi 4A - Duration: 2:54.


Toys R Us Sensory Friendly Shopping Hour for Autism Awareness Day - Duration: 11:23.

surprise and play

we're going toy hunting during the sensory-friendly shopping hourat Toys R Us for autism awareness day

hi everybody

i'm chocolate chip

we're at Toys R Us

we're shopping with toys

to make it sensory-friendly Toys R Us dimmed the lights and didn't play any music

wow! what is it sweetie?

Look at this ... snowball!



wow cow

wow a cow

what else do you see?

oh that's so cool, that's Little Tikes


Look, toilet


Toilet trouble

that's the game

i like to do the game

what do you say, look

say thank you

thank you

no rpoblem

thank you

toilet flush

that's toilet trouble the game

i flush it

Blaze and the Monster machines

what did you find there?


he he he

Laa Laa

Laa Laa

ah, it's Laa Laa

and Po

wow, find the Sesame Street

Cookie Monster

Sesame Street toys

Cookie Monster, ah look at that

Look at Ernie



look at ernie

oh yeah

those are little cars

i found the Octonauts mama look

over there ... what did you find?

the Octonauts

Oh it's the Octonauts

look the vegimals

and the sea slime


sea slime

oh and look at the small Teletubbies

what's that?


this is the Gup T rescue rover

it's Quasi

it's the Gup T

with Quasi

with Quasi and Sea slime too


what is it?

it's Owlette

oh wow

and all the other PJ Masks too

oh wow

and blind bags

this one


i'll help you

whoa, that's a cool toy

look, it pulls up and down

up and down

wow, look at the bunnies

and it's up


adventure bay animal rescue

that's cute

look at that HQ

it's the HQ


up there

oh you're right

PJ Makss HQ

what is it?

it's a tractor


Paw Patrol

oh look at these, they're so cute

they're so cute

oh look at this one, what's this one?

Oh this is mission cruiser

it's the paw patroller


with Rider

oh look at this one sweetie

wow, bath squirters

whoa look at that

a dino



look a shark




oh my goodness

it's a big shark

it's a big shark

wow it's a big shark




ha ha ha



he's huge

i'm scared of that spider

wow that spider




shhhh, be quiet

com on

come this way

look at that hige spider

oh it's a giant ant

that's an octopus

and he's moving

it's an octopus


Lego City

hey look mama

what is it?

Thomas scooter

so cool

oh look the Wubble Bubble!

and the Super Wubble

The Super Wubble

Super Wubble




look at down there, there's cars too

look at Thomas!



Thomas up there

Power Wheels Thomas

I can ride on it

I want to bring Thomas down

ok, hold on

choo choo

it's all the Thomas from the wooden railway


who else do you see, you have so many characters there

Diesel 10

Diesel 10

Diesel 10

You're right

you know them all


what did you find?

The Chubby Puppies!

Oh my gosh they're adorable

it's a hot dog?

it's a Chubby Puppy

all the Chubby Puppy toys

look that one is you press the button

huh, mouse


those are little live pets

little live pets?


and look, a birdy


oh he's cute!

with his mommy

he talks to his mommy

he's singing

look the hot wheels toys

look at this one

oh hot wheels, what is that?

Crocodile crunch

crocodile trunch

not trunch, crunch


the crocodile is going to crunch the toys

come on

look, look, disney cars


look this one

this one

oh it's Frank

Radiator Springs

Tractor Tripping

this one

Lightning Mcqueen


let's see

wow that's Flag Finnish Lightning Mcqueen

i like it, that's cool

look, it's the piston cup

piston cup


this one

it's the piston cup?


oh my gosh, how do you know that?

and look at that race with Lightning Mcqueen

wow and look we've got Luigi and Guido in there

and Lightning McQueen and Sally

and there's Mater


oh Kevin

ok put him back

oh my gosh, who is that?


he's from star wars

star wars?


look, Teen Titans



Oh spider

he talks French

and there's vilan ... that's a vilan?


it's vilan

a Spiderman mask


wow, that's cool

look it's Ironman





Marvel Legends

Look at Ironman

whoa careful

it's for opening

for opening

ha ha

oh that's cool it lights up

and we open it

"I am Ironman"

he's Ironman

he's so cool

he is cool

"I am Groot"

whoa, he's scary

it's cool

he dances

"I am Groot"

argh! he bite me

he bit you?

he he he


look at this one

look this one


look at this one

what's this one

whoa, he's dancing

"I am Groot"

look a special car

Ironman mask

who's up ther upside down?

it's spiderman

Marvel Legends

ooh, what do we see here?


oh it's a bubble maker?

you're right

it has some bubbles

all the Ninja Turtles




Thank you Toys R Us!

Don't forget to smile!

bye everybody!


thanks for watching

click subscribe

thumbs up

i heart you


see you next time

and we're gonna have fun

surprise and play!

awe, he's so cute!


For more infomation >> Toys R Us Sensory Friendly Shopping Hour for Autism Awareness Day - Duration: 11:23.



For more infomation >> QUEM TEM ARTROSE NO JOELHO PRECISARÁ DE PRÓTESE? - Duration: 1:31.


The Boss Baby | "Ich bin der Boss" | Filmausschnitt Deutsch German (2017) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> The Boss Baby | "Ich bin der Boss" | Filmausschnitt Deutsch German (2017) - Duration: 0:44.


عباس السحاقي - موال تفليش - تعاي دموعي شهرني - فيديو كليب 2016يفوتكم - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> عباس السحاقي - موال تفليش - تعاي دموعي شهرني - فيديو كليب 2016يفوتكم - Duration: 5:28.


All Property Investors and professionals are welcome - Duration: 1:29.

Hello, I'm Peter Licourinos, I'm a Director at Prospect Estate Agency

and I'm your Host at Reading pin.

I have 30 seconds to tell you why you must attend next Tuesday's pin event.

It's going to be one of the best, most exciting of the year and there is some incredible speakers.

We have Nick Carlile talking about how he's raised £20 million inside and out of London.

Raising capital to do big deals and how you can do the same and how you can find the feals.

We've got Peter Lazell, telling you how you can save literally thousands of pounds on

refurbs, costs, solicitors on your property investing.

We've got all the local market updates.

We've got loads of freebies to give away to help you on your property investing.

And we've for the FS Update, we've got the local Lettings and Sales Update.

And guess what...

Brexit or no Brexit, there's loads of deals to be done and they're waiting for you at

Reading pin.

So Join 120 like-minded people at one of the best networking events in the UK to give you

everything you need and everyone you need to invest in property successfully.

Just go to and book your place now.

It's only £20, if it's your first time, come for free.

If you want to bring a guest, bring them for free.

I'm Peter Licourinos, I cannot wait to see you next Tuesday at Reading pin.

For more infomation >> All Property Investors and professionals are welcome - Duration: 1:29.


How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017 - Duration: 2:11.

How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017

How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017

How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017

How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017

How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017

For more infomation >> How to Make Fig Pancakes-Easy Fluffy Pancakes Recipe-2017 - Duration: 2:11.


How to Make a Pretty Paper Butterfly Easily - Duration: 2:54.

How to Make a Pretty Paper Butterfly Easily

It is a Paper Butterfly Making tutorial - Easy Origami DIY Paper Craft for Beginners.

Its a very simple butterfly and very easy to make

The paper foldings are also simple

Just follow every steps carefully and your kids even make this

You can use it for room decoration

and also use for your wall decoration with paper

This paper butterflies can be used for any special days

like valentines day, birthday, Easter, Christmas, Eid festival, wedding party and so on.

This very easy diy paper craft tutorial helps your kids for making a butterfly with paper

and they can play with this as a toy

A cute paper butterfly can be a main element for your spring decoration.

Specially this video tutorials are for beginners who never made any paper made things before

he can also capable of doing this origami task

So, have fun and enjoy with these paper butterflies

For more infomation >> How to Make a Pretty Paper Butterfly Easily - Duration: 2:54.


How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017 - Duration: 2:11.

How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017

How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017

How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017

How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017

How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017

For more infomation >> How to Make Migas-Mexican Scrambled Eggs-2017 - Duration: 2:11.


Student Loan Repayment Options- How To Pay Off Student Loans Without Creating Debt - Duration: 0:53.

There are three points the Department of Education wants every borrower to know.

The first is a warning.

Never fall for a sales pitch from someone who says they can eliminate your student loan


Predators who make these bogus promises are preying upon your naivete or a natural desire

to magically make your debt disappear.

The second point is that there's typically a grace period before you need to begin making

payments, but for many loans interest continues to accrue, so the sooner you begin, the less

you'll have to repay.

Third is a caution to those counting on the government continuing to pay your interest

on subsidized loans.

In the past, there was no time limit as long as you were still in school and met other

key guidelines.

For more infomation >> Student Loan Repayment Options- How To Pay Off Student Loans Without Creating Debt - Duration: 0:53.


How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017 - Duration: 1:51.

How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017

How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017

How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017

How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017

How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017

For more infomation >> How to Make Pineapple Pancakes-Simple and Easy-2017 - Duration: 1:51.


Cooking Fever Fast Food Court - Level 10 with 3 Star - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Cooking Fever Fast Food Court - Level 10 with 3 Star - Duration: 10:51.


Изменяя мир Loy, Moy: Retry обзор - Головоломки - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Изменяя мир Loy, Moy: Retry обзор - Головоломки - Duration: 2:07.


Clear up eczema: How to cure eczema naturally forever - Duration: 1:11.

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