Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily Apr 3 2017

hey guys, sup!


welcome back to my channel

issa knife


i mean issa channel


alright back to the topic

so today's video i'm going to

google myself


google myself!

i know it's kinda wierd to google yourslef

yo why the hell are you googling yourself

i don't know man

i've never tried it before

yeah just do it!

just try try try DO IT!



let's go to Google


of course yes


but first

no! not selfie

but first

i want to google google

yeah you know what

google google


what the fuck!

it's going back to google again bru

alright let's google myself

yep! right there


so there are some of my accounts

oh yeah i want to see my images

For more infomation >> GOOGLE MYSELF GONE WRONG! - Duration: 2:11.


Defcon makes a squid dance [2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3 / 2017.04.02] - Duration: 12:28.

("Route 1 Hangover Race")

(Team Mokpo heads to Muan.)

(They follow Route 1)

(towards the sunrise.)

I'll eat clear soup.

(He laughs.)

You're the best to go to tasty restaurants with.

I'm still full.

Stop lying.

(It's no wonder that he's full.)

(He has to eat more soon.)

You should digest while you sleep.

(They take his advice)

(and digest the food.)

(They arrive at Muan Market.)

(They arrive at the second restaurant.)


(Where are we going?)

Excuse me.

The other team started to take revenge.

(He gives a high five.)

How have you been?

Do you know a good yeonpotang restaurant?

I thought you knew him.

(They've never met before.)

Go straight ahead and take a right,

you'll find the Octopus Alley.

The Octopus Alley? Is it in the market?

Isn't it nice to see us?

I bet you didn't think you'd meet us today.

We came from Seoul to cure a hangover.

We're here to eat.

Take a picture with us and brag about it.

Don't you have your phone?

- I don't. / - That's too bad.

Your friends won't believe you.

Take care then.

- Thanks. / - Thank you.

- Bye. / - See you.

He's tall for a freshman in middle school.


- Good. / - Hello.

We're who you think we are.


- Hi. / - Hello.

Don't be alarmed. It's us.


You're really good at greeting strangers.

I think we're here.

(They arrive at the Octopus Alley.)

It's the Octopus Alley.

(Octopus Alley of Muan)

Look at all these restaurants.

They all specialize in octopus dishes.

Hence the name.

(Restaurants that cook with fresh octopus)

(Muan's clean and vast mud flat)

I bet they're all delicious.

(Fresh octopus is caught from it.)

Look at it.

(This is octopus paradise.)

- Goodness. / - I have a bad feeling.

Over there.

The lights are on.

- Doesn't it mean that it's open? / - Yes.

- It could be on for no reason. / - Why?

It says that it's open.


- That's not it. / - Hold on.

Wait a second.



- Are you open? / - Not yet.

You're probably prepping for service.

When do you open for service then?

- Around 10 a.m. / - 10 a.m.?

Does every restaurant open around that time?

We'll take a look around then.

Thank you, sir.

We need someone to recommend a place.

You're right.

We need somebody's recommendation.

- Hold on. / - Sir!

How have you been?

- What? / - Sir.

(Is he someone he knows?)

- Do you know him? / - You know a lot of people.

Do you live around here?

Which restaurant here serves the best yeonpotang?

(The one over there.)

Which one exactly?

Is it right over there?

Let's head that way.

Thank you.

I wish you the best.

There's a picture of an octopus there.

- We're here. / - This place.

This must be famous.

(They make their way over.)

- Yeonpotang. / - Are they open?

I'll ask.

Aren't they open?

Maybe they're prepping too.

Someone's inside.

Hello, ma'am. We're here to eat.

Someone recommended your restaurant saying

that it serves the best yeonpotang.

Come on in.

- Would it be all right? / - Sure.

- Really? / - Nice.

- Come on in! / - We're good.

All right.

- It's open. / - We met the criteria.

The owner realized how desperate we are.

(They were able to find one at an early hour.)

- Thank you. / - Our team

is practically unbeatable.

Do we need to look at the menu?

There's only one dish to order.

I thought you said you were full.

I did, but...

When you're full, eat something mild.

Let's order a small portion of yeonpotang.

Can we order a small one?

What sizes are available?

Small, medium and large.

- There's more. / - Look.

The octopus probably goes in here.

- Is it a live one? / - Yes.

The broth is now boiling.

My goodness.

- Hello. / - Hi.

- Nice to meet you. / - Hi.

I can't believe you came on my day off.

Was today your day off?

Yes, but I was asked in.

- We're so sorry. / - Goodness.

My gosh.

I think we caused quite the trouble.

We can only eat if we complete our mission.

- Really? / - Yes.

Just let them eat for crying out loud.


(She seems intimidating.)

We should get to taste it.


You're really fast.

(The reason why she's busy)


(It was to bring them a fresh octopus.)

(The octopus squirms in the broth.)

Look at that.

(How fascinating!)

She added a live one.

You'll find it nice.

We serve broth that's been cooked for two hours.

A mild broth to be exact.

(The octopus dances in the broth.)

(The yeonpotang is ready as soon as it is cooked.)

Look at that.

This is it.

Why don't you taste the broth?

(Defconn tastes the mild broth.)

(Their mouths water.)

Is it refreshing?

It's like gentle waves.

Gentle waves crash in your mouth.

The broth isn't that strong.

It's very gentle.

This we should eat right now.

Come to think of it,

we came from Mokpo after eating

bowls of hangover soup and stir-fried pork.

But seeing this makes me want to eat it.

- That's right. / - I can't help but think that.

- We're hungry again. / - It's of a different kind.

- They're different dishes. / - Right.

Let's do it then.

Give us our mission.

You'll choose one just like you did before.

Let's make it work twice in a row.

- All right. / - Can we get the same mission?

We have to succeed in order to eat.

Here we go.

(What game will they have to play?)

- It starts with / - "Flying".

- "Flying". / - This is not good.

What can it be?

"Flying Bottle Cap".

"Flying Bottle Cap".

What is this?

Do you remember opening bottles

- the last time Choo Shinsoo was here? / - Yes.

Look over there.


(The chef prepares to demonstrate in the corner.)


(It's better than explaining verbally.)

Can we have her as a substitute?

- I'd like her to play instead. / - Right.

(This is easy.)

All right, here we go.

(They play before the yeonpotang gets cold.)

We'll be back soon.

They can't eat it unless they succeed.

Is this the place?

Is this it?

(The bottle cap has to fly 2m.)

In 30 seconds?

- Who'll pop the bottles? / - I will.

- He's the expert. / - I did it before.

Don't you remember?

He even challenged Sunghoon at it.

He can open them with his bare hands.

Give it a go.

(Will he still have the magic touch?)

(Hold on...)

(It has been a while.)

(Why can't I do it?)

(He can't make it fly.)

I can open it, but can't make the cap fly.

Oh no.

(They might not be able to eat yeonpotang.)

I'm holding it right.

This is how it's done.

Do it with force.

- You did it. / - That works.

Just keep it that way.

Do we just need to catch it in 30 seconds?

You'll now have 30 seconds. Ready

and go!

(A short distance)

- Come on. / - Hurry.


(just can't make them fly.)

Come on.

(My hand hurt.)

(That was close.)

- We can do it. / - Come on.

What are you doing?

I can't see it.


(Weren't you good at this?)


Only five seconds remain.

(They only have five seconds.)

(This attempt will make it or break it.)

(Nice catch!)

(We did it.)

(We need to check the timer though.)

We did it.

We did it!

You sure did.

In what time?

- You had 1 second left. / - So 29 seconds?

(What a dramatic success.)

How dramatic was that?

It was dramatic.

Totally dramatic.

Since you succeeded,

you should head back into the restaurant.

That was close.

- It was dramatic. / - I know.

(Finally, they will taste the yeonpotang.)

(A cooked octopus is chopped up into small bites.)

(Then it's brought to a boil again.)

(Muan's famous yeonpotang will soothe your stomach.)

(Defconn chops the octopus himself.)

We're off to a good start.

Tell me about it.


Look at how squishy this is.

It's that fresh.

- Really? / - Yes.


Check this out.

You're just shaking it.

Just look at how bouncy it is.

That's because you're hitting it.

It's telling us to enjoy.

It's telling us to dig in.

It's bad luck that he was caught by Defconn.

I know.

(They'll now taste the dish.)

Let's eat.

I'd like to try the broth.

There's plenty.



(Defconn eats a spoonful too.)


This isn't what I remember tasting earlier.

The octopus makes the difference.

I can't taste anything except for the octopus.

This broth was made to make it shine.

(They can taste the richness of the octopus.)

It's very rich.

I'm able to eat this

because it's different to the previous hangover soup.

I'd like to carry this broth around in a flask.

It gets richer every time you eat it.

(The broth gets richer and richer.)

Is this a dip?

It's red pepper paste.

You should eat the octopus head.

(Taehyun knows what's best.)

This one?


The broth is amazing.

We had quite a few drinks before we came here.

We tasted every traditional liquor there is.

(They had a hangover.)

Eating this has made that queasiness go away.

(For quite some time, they were captivated by it.)

Thank you so much.

It was delicious.

Let's go eat tripe gukbap in Hampyeong.

Have you been to Hampyeong?

Why Hampyeong? It won't be as good as Dupyeong.

Hold on. Was that in rhyme?

- Rhyme. / - It's Hampyeong, not Dupyeong.

(They have a good chemistry.)

(They can be the duo of Muan.)

We hit it off.

There's a medal from "National Singing Contest".

- Did you participate in the contest? / - Yes.

On the 2nd week of May, 2005.

What did you sing?

(She participated in the singing contest 11 years ago.)

(She tried to win the host's favor)

(with an octopus.)

(She received a popularity award.)

(They want to hear her singing now.)

- In one, two, / - In one, two,

- three, four. / - three, four.

(She starts singing.)


(She's been waiting for this moment.)

(Her singing makes the restaurant full of joy.)

(She's the best.)

Way to go.

(You're not the only man)

(In the world)

(I'm going to meet)

(A man who is better than you)

(A man who is cooler than you)

(It's 9 a.m., but it feels like 9 p.m.)

(Goodbye, goodbye)

(Team Mokpo finishes the meal with a merry song.)

For more infomation >> Defcon makes a squid dance [2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3 / 2017.04.02] - Duration: 12:28.


Girlgroups are different! Somi learns the dance in just 5 minutes [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 18:19.

What are you staring at?

Can you stand in formation?

Jinkyung in the center.

- This isn't easy. / - It's not easy.

Jinyoung, I don't think you should stand there.

So I want her to change with Yewon.


- With me? / - With Jinyoung?

Hold on, teacher.


This is such a cruel world.

Your positions are switched if you can't cut it.

When real girl groups practice...

- We do this. / - Right.

- Really? / - So you have to do well.

(After intense practice and competition)

(The positions are changed around)

It's war.

- Yeah, this is war. / - This is war.

Watch your center position, Jinkyung.

You might lose it.

Does Chaeyoung have to stay there?

Look at her face.

It won't be long.

Why is your outfit so fancy?

We're moving on after this

so let's hurry.

You four continue to do that move.

You three do the...

You three.

- This triangle. / - With Minsomae.

(Minzy gets it right away)

We keep dancing like this?

We keep going.

- We keep dancing like this? / - We keep going.

Gosh, Jinkyung...

Teacher, she can't do the second move.

- Then we should... / - We need a change.

Just you two do it.

(Nice and simple)

Teacher, how could you cut

the sprout of my growing seedling of hope?

I might get famous with this.

(I get it now)

- This. / - Flap your arms.

- I can't do it. / - Start.

Your body... Goes... Down...

Don't keep going down.

She keeps going down.

Go down and back up.

- Please teach Jinkyung well. / - Okay.

1, 2, 3, 4.

It's confusing.

(This is hard)

When will we get to the song?

- Again. / - We're not at the song yet, teacher?

We're not, right?

It's still the intro.

We're not even finished with the intro yet.

- We're not finished with the intro? / - Really?

We're not even at ♪ Unnies ♪ part.

(What the Unnies have learned in an hour)

Only 7 seconds in!

We've learned 7 seconds!

- All we've learned is 7 seconds! / - 7 seconds!

- It's so fast. / - We've only learned 7 seconds.

(Oh, no)

It's important to go right into the dance.

- Okay. / - That's the hard part.

Go right in.

- Focus. / - Better listen closely.

(Super focused)

(This isn't on pause)


(They really focused)


We went in together.

- We went in together though. / - We did.

- We can do it if we really focus. / - Focus.

3, 4.


3, 4.

(Rhythm is all over the place)

- That wasn't it? / - That's all we learned.

- The 7-second center. / - How embarrassing.

The 7-second center.

The 7-second center?

- You go in after 7 seconds? / - No.

It felt like your part was really long.

I'm not a 7-second center.

(Jinkyung is still the center for the next move)

You all go "Everybody"

and stand in line for "Unnies."

Like this.

- Like this? / - Yeah.

Bend down like this.

- Unnies... / - The directions go...

Then I go "Ow" and go up.

Somi has to be seen, Jinkyung.

- Somi has to be seen, so can you squat? / - Alright.

(They try to get through the intro!)

(After getting in line)

(Jinkyung is late a beat)

You're too late.

If you push back with your butt

then I go flying...

Try to fix this.


If you push back with your butt

then I go flying...

Jinkyung, you almost pushed us all down

with your butt.

Wouldn't this be better?

Jinkyung would still look stall sitting.

- No... / - That's too far down.

Make it pretty.


If you do that, the others have to go up right away.

- Really? / - Just go down a little.

Yes, but...

Yes, but...

She looks like she's at the bathroom.

Jinkyung, don't sit.

Just go to the side like this.

- Oh, me and Jinkyung? / - Yes.

This looks pretty. Like a flower bud.

Like this?

Yeah you look like a leaf.

You look like a leaf.

I saw her laughing.

You said you'd do Jeongyeon's hair?

Like a palm tree.

(We're looking forward to their concept!)

Should we do it with the music?

- Okay, with the music. / - With the music?

- Yes. / - Alright.

Let's do it in one try for Somi and Minzy.


Run it again.

One more time.

I thought that was in fast forward.

Here we go.

(Her hands are all over the place)

(How will her flapping dance look?)

(A surprising improvement)

(She's getting into it)


(They gather like a flower bud!)

- We got it, right? / - Yes.

- Next... / - Is it at the song now?

We got it. Nice.

We got through the intro.

We're at the song.

- We got through the intro. / - We're at the song.

- Good work. / - Good work. We did it.

The start is the half of it.

The start is the half of it.

Good work. We did 15 seconds.

It wasn't like 15 seconds.

I thought I learned the entire song.

I think each move took an hour to learn.

(The future looks bleak)

They have much to learn in little time.

So this will be hard.

Skip this... Oh, it's this.

I think I dislocated my hips.

- Are you okay? / - I need to see a bonesetter.

- I think my hips dislocated. / - What's wrong, Sook?

Gosh, this is bad.

- Really? / - Yeah.

- I was lying down. / - Really?

- Lie down, Sook. / - I'm fine.

I haven't even...

We haven't even started yet.

When did it get dislocated?

Tell me that. When?

Maybe because I didn't do warm-up exercises.

- Yeah? / - Yeah.

There are no moves you need warming up for.

Why does only Somi do this?

I think Somi should do part A of verse 1

and Minzy should do part A of verse 2.

Somi. Somi, come here.

(Scans the moves while holding chocolate)

(Just sees it once)

(She nails the dance for the G-Dragon part!)

(She absorbs everything like a vacuum cleaner!)

(Let's see how good Somi is)

What? She already learned it all?

(Not a mirror)

- You learned it all? / - Yes.

Show us.

- Show us. / - For real.

1, 2, 3, 4.

(Let's compare side by side)

(They're doing the same dance...)

(Girl group members really are different)

(She ends it perfectly with the Unnies dance!)

This is how girl group members are like.

(I was in Pink Spicy too, but I can't)

(It took us an hour to learn 7 seconds...)

(Perfect on her second try too)


(Their souls are talking)

Are you AI?

(Talking about artificial intelligence)

Is she AlphaGo or AI?

I'm really sorry. So this is how fast you learn.

We've been committing a crime, Sook!

I went into this thing expecting this.

You dance together at "Dream."

- Dream. / - Yes.

Again. Here we go.

(As Somi dances alone the rest move and combine!)

(The lyrics and dance become a whole)

(Combining G-Dragon's "Crooked" dance...)

(And "Heartbreaker" dance!)

(G-Dragon's signature dance moves together)

♪ Like G-Dragon ♪

This group goes the other way.

- The other way. / - This way.

We'll hop 4 times without moving this foot.

2, 3, 4.

1, 2, 3, 4.

Bend, extend, bend, extend.

(Extend when you land)

Is this Heo Gyeonghwan's move?

(Isn't it this dance?)

This is the stuff!

It's not!

It's G-Dragon's "Crooked."

(We ask the fans to be tolerant)

Let's try it. 2, 3, 4.

♪ Like G-Dragon ♪

3, 4.

♪ Like G-Dragon ♪

1, 2, 3, 4.

- ♪ Like G-Dragon ♪ / - Teacher.

I can go this way

but it's weird going this way.

I can't go this way.

I think only Somi and Minzy can do it.

♪ Like G-Dragon ♪

(Can they really perform on stage?)

Let's try the G-Dragon part again.

- Stand in order again. / - Stand in order.

- You go up. / - If it was the previous order...

You go up.

It's really hard for me to go this way.

- My foot... / - Teacher, teacher.

Rank us on this dance.


(The current order)

2, start.



Why are you going the other way?

I have to go the other way.

Do it together first.

Do it together first?

Then what if I get confused?

Just come here and do it.

- 1, 2, 3, 4. / - I'm good at going this way.

(Not really and she isn't so good either)

I can do it with Somi.

(She's way off)

(Yewon is pushed back again!)

Watch me again.

Teacher, watch me again.

You guys practice together.

- Teacher. / - What happened?

- Teacher. / - Guys, come here.

The three of us feel very uncomfortable

about hopping like that.

I couldn't help but hop carefully!

You can't just go like this?

- I can't! / - You can't?

(I feel like I just lost...)

She really likes bragging about her proportions.

We'll move on.

(Somi's solo performance)

(Flicking back her hair and doing the Unnies dance)


One, step and look forward.

(The I'm pretty dance)

(Step in with your foot and do a body wave)

(Do the "Shut Up" dance at the end up the wave)

You go in together at "cool."

Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4.

1... 3, 4.

- 1, 2, 3... / - My back...

4. 1, 2...

3... Use your hand too.

(We'd better watch Minzy and Somi)

Now that's it.

(The dance looks so elegant)

Now that's it.

They're so good.

They're really good.

How can you dance like that?

Jinkyung, try this.

Jinkyung and Chaeyoung, try it.


(She looks like a buffalo)

Use your hand at 2...

- Only your hand at 2. / - Start...

Your head and foot together.

With your head.

- My foot and head... / - Together.


- What about my hand? / - Your hand is second.

- Second? / - Like this.

1, 2, 3.

(They turned!)

Chaeyoung, that was pretty good.

- Come. / - With her hair like this...

With her hair like this...

Me? I'm moving?

To where?

(Chaeyoung moves up!)

(Gets to the top 3)


I'm sorry but will Chaeyoung be stuck in last?

I still have no sense of rhythm

so I keep making mistakes.

Where are you going?

I think I'm off today.

I tried my best.

(I got it! See that? I won!)

I'll practice harder at my body waves.

Why? Why me?

What did I do?

Wait, how far back am I going?

I was worse than her?

Let me see how good Chaeyoung is.

Let's see how good you are.


(See that, lower tiers?)

(Okay, that was pretty good...)

Let's see Yewon. Why did you drop down?

- I don't know. / - Show us.

(A cartoon character?)

(Everyone is in stitches)

What did I do wrong? Hold on...

How do I do this?

I thought I did really well.

(This looks like it's from her old skit)

- What? / - Start acting with your back turned.

Yes, acting is very important.

- Start acting with your back turned. / - 1, 2, 3.

(Did they get it this time?)

2, 3.

(This move is indescribable)


How do you do it? Show me again, Somi.

(A high quality body wave)

You start turning your head from here.

So you start turning your head from here.

It's from here.

Go. Hold your hair.

Stop! Look here.

(Stop here?)

(Sweating bullets)

Teacher, does this really look cool?

Your legs are too far apart.

Let's have our wings judge.

- The wings. / - Us?

Wings, see if they're doing it right.

From this side.

- Who? / - I've really fallen far.

How am I 7th?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...

4, 5, 6, 8.

(The goddess of body wave really stands out!)

- Chaeyoung. / - Chaeyoung.

- Really? / - Yes.

You really stood out.

Let's do this again.

Chaeyoung, you too.

You help rank them.


Come on, teacher!

She's not that good!


Chaeyoung shouldn't be allowed to rank us!

I got a lot of praise for the squid dance.

5, 6, 7, 8...

1, 2, 3, 4...

1, 2, 3, 4...

(Their expressions are that of a veteran girl group)

- Sook. / - Sook.


See? I'm not as bad as her!

Oh, come on...

(I'm better than a lot of them)

Look at Jinkyung. She's so determined.

Jinkyung, I can sense your aspirations.

You'll escape this time.

It's written all over your back.

(This could go either way!)

Sorry but can I see Jinkyung's face?

I can sense so much aspiration...


Look at this determined face.

1, 2, 3, 4.

Jinkyung. Jinkyung.


- Jinkyung, it's time to do it. / - Huh?

- What's with your hair? / - No...

Fix your hair.

Hold on...

Hold on. Let's do this again.

1, 2, 3, 4...

5, 6, 7, 8.

1, 2, 3, 4...

5, 6, 7, 8.

5, 6, 7, 8.

Her form is so...

Her form is so pretty.

Who votes for Jinkyung?

1, 2, 3.

(Jinkyung gets 4 votes!)


Wasn't it between you two last time too?

Are you okay, Yewon?

Are you okay?

For more infomation >> Girlgroups are different! Somi learns the dance in just 5 minutes [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 18:19.


Find the worst in dancing! Who will pay for lunch? [Sister's Slam Dunk Season2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 16:46.

Now I'll sit out...

- Yes. / - And your favorite person...

Mr. Stubborn will take over.

I give you a fail.

(He failed both Minzy and Somi!)

I feel like you're insulting me.

(Sook was failed!)

Fail. Fail. I give you a fail.

You fail.

(He's very stubborn when it comes to dancing!)

(Which part of the choreography did he make?)

(They reposition with the Unnies dance)

(Where the choreography splits!)

(This hard part will take forever to learn...)

Four go this way...

- And you all come this way. / - Right.

Gosh... This is trouble.

This is the hardest move and...

- It's us three? / - Hold on. What?

This is trouble?

- It's a hard move... / - For those three?

(What's wrong with us?)

Teacher, show us. Trust us.

- Show us first. / - We'll pull an all-nighter.

Then I'll them ready

so please teach them their part.

Let's get started now.

You twist your hand.

Please, please...

Bend back like this here.

Teacher! I can't do this one.

It's easy but the move looks hard.

Bam and then come down.

Come down.

Wow, I've never taught like this before.

- Again. / - Teacher, how fast does this go?

(It's actually a bit faster than this)

Like that.

Let's try again. 3, 4...

(They practice again)

(The dance robot Somi is scanning)


3, 4...

(No sweat for these two)

Teacher, they can do it after seeing it once.


- Us two. / - Show us.

3, 4.

- 1, 2, 3, 4... / - Please, hold, butt, throw away.

5, 6, 7!

They can do it right away.

I don't think I can do this.

Think of it as posing for photos.

1, 2...

3, 4...

5, 6, 7...

You're not getting upset, are you?

- No, no. / - You seem to be shouting.

I just want you to focus.

- Don't get annoyed already. / - Don't be mad.

- We're sorry. / - Don't worry about it.

(The others practice the Unnies dance)

You're really good at this.

- Really? / - Right.

- So coy. / - Yeah, that's right.

♪ Please, please, please ♪

- ♪ Tell ♪ / - ♪ Tell ♪

♪ Me ♪

Just that part. 1, 2, 3, 4.

♪ Please, please, please tell me ♪

- You're done? / - Yes, they're done.

- Their dance is really easy. / - It's easy, right?

They have more moves.

That's why Gyusang said that.

Chaeyoung, you got lucky.

Mr. Stubborn.

We'll start from here. That side get ready too.

- Let's do it together. / - Come in at 5, 6, 7.


3, 4.

1, 2, 3, 4

5, 6, 7.

(What's the next move after this?)

(After repositioning)

(A powerful hip shaking move!)

People on this side change positions...

Face forward and learn this move.

It's like this.

- What? / - What is it?

From the back it's this.

Now I'll just face forward.

You start from here.

(Move your arms out with the step)

Oh, you go down?

(Jinyoung is doing the twist)

(How am I doing, teacher?)

Isn't this a dance for Jinyoung?

It's Jinyoung's style.

They put in her signature dance.

- Let's try it. / - This is my dance.

She looks too frivolous.

You're doing it right but just add up, down.

- You're the best at this. / - Yes.

Let's try it again.

(They practice again!)


You can do this! Why?

Very good, very good.

I think she's making it harder.

This is harder.

- Teacher, is this right? / - It's hard.

The direction is right.

Just think of doing this.

Like this...

There you go! You're doing it.

Your hands go like this.

You can all do it like this.

(Even Chaeyoung can do it well!)

I feel like my organs are twisting!

Now, let's all turn backwards.

You can do this too?

(They can even move their hands out now!)

You're almost there, almost there.

(What's the next move?)

(A domino style cheering move!)

(How is this medium difficulty?)

Let's start with the moves first. 3, 4...

Right here. Your pelvis. Your hip.

- Pelvis? / - Pelvis.

Hit hard with your pelvis.

You turn your hand like you're slapping someone.

If you want your body to look pretty...

Go... And...

Then you go down and...

Oh! Yes.

Your butt sticks out a lot more than mine.



Let's try it.

- Take your sunglasses off if you're hot. / - I can't.

My eyes are too small.

We want to see your eyes.

That makes us want to see them more.

He'll take them off if you rank 1st in Melon.


We're not doing this to see that.

I didn't say that.

Let's see those innocent eyes.

- No. / - Come on, teacher...

You get how it goes right?

- Yes. / - Since we're all so hot...

We shouldn't move on.

Let's try to do this again.

Can we watch 1st and 2nd?

- We should. / - Let's watch the two best.

- Stick together. / - We have to watch them.


(The skills of double wings of Unnies)

They're really good.

They're better than I am.

They're good!


Let's see 5th and 6th.

6th and 7th! Let's see.

6th and 7th, let's go!

5, 6, 7, 8...

(Did someone push her?)

Yewon, you wobbled!

Jinkyung, you're in 6th.

- Pardon? / - Jinkyung, you're in 6th.

Oh, thank you.

I'm in 7th.

So... What's the next move?

- What? / - So...

Oh, this one.

(The cheerleading domino move!)

This one is kind of like your group's dance, right?

It is.


(This is like the dance for "Very Very Very")

What's that?

This is how my choreography goes.

Doesn't Sistar have a dance like this?

With that logic, you can't even

include walking in the choreography.

You have to walk like this

if you couldn't use that.


You'd have to sing like this.

And dance with your foot like this.

And do body waves like this.

(Sorry about that, teacher)

- Teacher, this one... / - Do the wave backwards...


For Jinkyung and my part, can we do this?

- It doesn't matter if you use that. / - Really?

I want to use it. I like it.

Choreographers sure are different.

So you got it now, right? You memorized it?

- What? / - How far did we get?

We should do it to the music to know where we are.

- Let's try. / - Can we dance to the music?

I bet we forgot all the beginning parts.

Do you guys remember the beginning?

(Minzy remembers)

Then walk in a circle.

Walk around.

(Now the choreography splits!)


(Totally off beat on the first day)

(Even the move they just learned...)

(Ends in a total mess!)

Isn't this it?

No, Minzy...

(Mind blank)

Isn't this it?

- No, Minzy... / - We passed that part.

(This is a big trouble)

Teacher, the dance was so slow before.

1, 2, 3, 4.

The song would be over by then.

I guess this dance is really fast.

You rush the moves because you aren't mobile.

Some moves you just can't do even with practice.

(Somi calls someone)


(Who is she calling? Is she calling for help?)

- Yes. / - We'd like...

6 orders of black-bean noodles.

(Why is ordering lunch so serious?)

Two orders of pan-fried noodles, one large size,

one fried rice, a rice omelet,

one large sweet and sour pork, one seafood platter,

spicy seafood broth for everyone

and can you throw in extra chili flakes?

And we'd like 9 fried eggs with runny yolks.

We don't do fried eggs.

- You don't? / - All girl groups eat eggs.

Oh, alright.


Last place pays.

Last place treats everyone.

(Black-bean noodles with high calories)

The ranks will keep changing.

- Yewon. / - She goes in front of me?

You two switch.

Switch, switch.

Why am I last place?

(They'll dance until the Chinese food arrives!)

The one who's in last place when our food comes

pays for everything.

We don't know when the food will come.

Just pay once the food comes.

This is a war over lunch.

This is for Chinese food.

I'm really at a disadvantage now.

Let's hurry.

Teacher, let's hurry.

(Shall we start?)


Now, you three change.

- What? / - Chaeyoung...

Why? Why?

If the food comes now, Chaeyoung has to pay.

- Yes. / - Right.

Let's start.

(When the food gets here now, I'm in last place?)

Yewon, switch with Chaeyoung.


(She's placed in last before the food comes)

(Come now, don't come now)


At the end?

Who has to move?

The center should go to the end.

- Jinkyung! / - Hurry!


5, 6, 7, 8!


(The Chinese food finally arrives!)

(They're tired from dancing for 5 hours)

Good, good.

- These two. / - They should switch?

- Yes. / - You two switch!

- Switch. / - Switch?

(Who will be in last?)

I don't get this at all.

(Perfect timing!)

(Fine... Let's just eat since we're hungry)

Where's my purse?

(Time for the Unnies to eat Chinese food!)

- Thanks for lunch, Jinkyung. / - Sure, Sook.

Thank you for lunch.

Thank you for the food.

(Looks delicious)

Can you give me some of the rice omelet?

Just take it.




Ever seen a girl group like this?

Girl groups aren't good from the beginning.

But we're really bad.

No, I've worked with someone really bad.

Worse at dancing that 5th, 6th and 7th?

As good as 5th, 6th and 7th.

(Nobody worse than us though)

I got so angry that I threw my shoe.

- The entire group or one person? / - One person.

A girl or guy?

But for groups JYP usually...

- Huh? / - She's here to eavesdrop.

She ended up a really good dancer.

Why did you throw your shoe?

It's not like this is easy.

Well... I've thrown my shoe at many others.

Will we get hit by a shoe?

You won't hit us, right?

(I don't plan before throwing them)

- It's kind of... / - Yewon...

- I made this for you. / - What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

A birthday present.

I couldn't give it to her that day

because it was being made.

I didn't get you a gift last time.

- Show it off. / - So pretty!

- What is it? / - I just...

Wow! What is this? You made it yourself?

I made this with leather.

You made this?

- Amazing. / - It says my name here. Kang Yewon.

- Look. / - It's so pretty! From Somi.

You can't put a price on that.

Yewon, you always carry a pouch around.

You can use this.

Thank you so much.

So sweet...

That's our Somi.

(There's another aspect of making a great team)

We're dividing vocal parts?

(Match the parts with the members they best suit)

(According to how the parts are split...)

(The center dancer positioning changes)

(The one who gets camera close-ups also change)

I feel like a fish in water.

That's my part.

- I have no water. / - We should compete over this.

Gosh, I'm nervous.

Hold on. Can I try that part again?

(What will be the outcome of the part war?)

(The day of part division, recording studio)

(The members continue memorizing the song)

Aren't the lyrics for verses 1 and 2 super confusing?

I feel like I met myself. I feel like a fish in water.

Being with Sook confuses me more.

Hey, someone brought a cello.

Isn't the case pretty?

What is that?

- Hey! Whose is this? / - Pretty, right?

- It's Hyungsuk's. / - Maybe it's Hyungsuk's.

So he bought some equipment.

First place should ask for this.


For us too.

They'll make it into a speaker

if you don't want to throw it out.

They'll make old junk into speakers?

That wasn't originally a speaker?

Let's say you have a rice cooker

you don't want to throw out,

it's memorable for you

so they'll make it into a speaker.

- That's great. / - Awesome.

- But... / - That's so cool!

- Yeah. / - Can we hear it?


It's Bluetooth too?

(It really works!)

It sounds good.

This is nice!

(Hyungsuk's one of a kind speaker)


- I want that. / - It sounds very loud.

Can you make one for us too?

I didn't make that.

Yeah, it's not like he made it.

I'll each give you one as a gift.


Bring your favorite object next time.

- Wow. / - I'll get them made.

- Why did you become so generous? / - So cool.

Because this is when the hardships really start.

Things have been pretty easy so far.

I told you to memorize the entire song...

- So we can split up the parts. / - Yes.

Two people will come in and listen to each of you.

Someone's here...

- Hello. / - Hello.

(Mr. Serious, Jang Jinyoung)


We're all nervous now.


- From the meeting. / - He was in the meeting.


For more infomation >> Find the worst in dancing! Who will pay for lunch? [Sister's Slam Dunk Season2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 16:46.


Somi falls for Jinyoung!The door gets locked during private lesson?[Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 14:32.

We sang the entire song today.

You guys need a lot of work...

- So please practice... / - We need 1:1 classes.


- Find our flaws. / - I...

Can you come over for lunch?

I have work later on today.

Ask him to stay for lunch.

I can't teach everyone today.


- How about 5 minutes a person? / - What?

For private lessons...

5 minutes per person then...

- You'll be done in 35 minutes. / - Right.

- What time is it now? / - 15 minutes till.

Plus 4 minutes. 3 people in 15 minutes.

- Let's do this. / - Hurry, teacher.

Don't play and you lose. Rock, paper, scissors.

Oh, come on!

Don't play and you lose. Rock, paper, scissors.

(They really want to get the most out of the teacher)

(Time attack lessons)

(7 people in 30 minutes...)

(Looking fatigued again)

- My throat doesn't hurt. / - Keep your cords closed.

Rather than do that...

To keep your vocal cords closed...

You have to practice connecting.

- I get stuck on this one part. / - Where?

- "Cause I'm?" / - Yes, here.

- My throat hurts there. / - Yes, right there.

(She tries to sing it again)

So there you didn't have to...

- But you accented the notes. / - Yes.

Yewon, the best thing for you

is to keep your vocal cords closed

as you sing an entire line.

Did you see you accented the C sound?

- I did it again? / - Yes.

Cra... Cra...

Try singing it slower.

(Carefully and slowly)

- Not quite. / - Yes.

I should keep my mouth smaller.

- Right? / - That would be much better.

You wouldn't lose your breath.

(The patients gather outside)

Let's hurry it up.

I'm last.

I might not get a turn if we run out of time.

That's enough.

Leave me voice messages.

- Voice messages? / - Yes.

I can check to see if you sound right.

- Thank you. / - Sure. Good work.

You took too long!

I'm 2nd.

- You're 2nd, Minzy? / - Yes.

- You can't go in together. / - I want to go in too.

Get in line, Somi.

- You want to see him sooner? / - Alright.

I do want to see him sooner.


Minzy, I don't have much to teach you.

You need practice using your head voice.


She's taking too long.

- She just went in. / - Yeah? It's because I'm last.


Try that while bowing down.

(A very respectful head voice)

My blood rushes to my head.

That might help you use your head voice better.

It sounded thin now.

So sing the lyrics like that.

I see. Thank you!

Thank you.

Oh! And...

I love your singing style...

- Oh, okay. / - What I taught you...

- Makes your singing thinner. / - Yes.

But I'd like you to keep singing in your style.

Oh, I see. I'll keep that in mind.

Thank you.

I came in fast.

I'd better keep going fast then.

- Let's hurry. / - There are 2 others waiting outside.

It's my turn now.

Should we try that part from before again?


You were in there too long.

You're the best and you were in there so long.

There still are 5th, 6th and 7th waiting.

You fully sang with your head voice just now.

- Yes. / - Once more. "Mum."

(She practices with "mum" again)

Maintain it.

Try humming.

(Her voice became fuller)

Good. With the lyrics now.

(Like this?)

Yes. Harder.

Once more. Together. We'll go slowly.

(Remember to connect the notes)

There. Harder.

Didn't that sound like Jinkyung's voice?

No, no.

It's not that sound.

You're just thinking that.

Somi, try recording yourself.

- Going with it. / - With the flow.

We should...


(Somi doesn't want distractions right now)

The same... No... That's it.

It's locked.

It's locked?

- It's locked? / - This smells fishy.

Who has a fine pin? I can pick this lock.

Teacher, this isn't right. Are you playing favorites?

- She's been in there 10 minutes. / - 10 minutes?

- She's done? / - The door's open.

(The Unnies all crowd together)

Let's listen in.

Somi, it's good to sing with a thin voice

but you don't pronounce the Korean lyrics

as well as the English lyrics. Alright?

(Like this?)

(Like this!)

(They try too)


That didn't sound like Jinkyung.

That wasn't too weak or accented.

No need to accent the notes like last time.

Try to practice like that.

- Alright. / - With "mum."

- "Mum." / - With "mum," okay?

- Okay. / - Okay. Good luck.

You've been in there too long...

Hurry, Chaeyoung.

You've been in there too long...

Hurry, Chaeyoung.

Keep up the good work, teacher.

- She cut in line! / - Why did you cut?

I held the door and I was pushed in.

It's not your turn now!

We're wasting time. Just let her go.

Why didn't you go in?

- Stop messing around. / - This isn't fair.

So intense.

Sing it with "meo" while holding your cheeks.


(Duck singing to bring her mouth together!)


(Very worried)


(Why did I have to be born so pretty...)

(Yet be destined to butcher songs?)


(Try again)

(She tries her best at what she's taught)

That was good. We'll wrap it up here.

I don't think I'll get a turn. I feel like it'll be over.

- Who was that? / - Chaeyoung?

Did someone step on her foot?

Did someone step on Chaeyoung's foot?

(I was singing!)

Yes, but don't open wide.

Sing it hard.

(Come out)

(10 minutes and 3 patients left)

Maintain it.

Maintain the note and use pressure.

♪ Tonight ♪

Just like that, just like that.

Okay? And Chaeyoung...

It's better if you use that tone

when you talk for "ee" and "oh."

Okay, I see.

Look at the time.

Teacher, hurry with my lesson.

This will take 1.5 minutes.

I don't have much to teach you.

You're good at everything.

- Thank you. / - You're very good.

But what I mentioned before.

The way you accent certain words needlessly.

You're overusing your throat.

Just watch out for that.

♪ Cause I'm going little crazy ♪

If you sing like that...

(Pushing out the sound)

(Pulling out the sound)

The bending sounds totally different,

is it being pulled out or pushed out.

(Cause I'm going little...)


That wasn't bad. It wasn't.

But just a bit more...

(Don't sound so trot)

♪ Cause I'm going little crazy tonight♪

Try to sing like that.

Keep it like that.


(I feel like a fish in water)

(Back to where they started in 5 seconds)

(We can't take this any longer)

(Doctor G should not be monopolized)

If you accent that last part...

The end becomes longer.

- ♪ I feel like a fish in water ♪ / - Now the front part.

- ♪ I feel like a fish in water ♪ / - Pull it out.

♪ I feel like a fish in water ♪

- The last note. / - ♪ I feel like a fish in water ♪

(Get over here)

This room is so scary.

This is so chaotic.

Your high notes are better

but your low notes are totally...

You could hit the high notes but you were totally

missing the low ones.

- Low notes are hard. / - They are?

I see.

You need a lot of practice on that.

Stop there.

Come down. Again.

Don't try to let it loosen.

Keep the high note steady and just come down.


(Second try)

A bit off-key.

(This is confusing)

(Third try with the piano)

- That was right. / - Yes.


(Goes to the next line!)

(The end part is a bit different)

Your pace...

(Denies change)

(No, not like that)

Wait... Now I'm confused.

(The doctor is infected by the Jinkyung virus)

♪ Looks cool ♪

♪ Looks ♪

So that's how it goes.

(Immune after spending 1 year with the Unnies)

You're pretty good at singing, director.


(Trying hard)

I just can't drag Jinkyung out.

- Even though I should. / - It'll take forever.

Why does Jinkyung have to be before me?

How can she still be stuck here?

♪ Please, please, please ♪

Oh, now she's at please.

(It's time to come out)

Don't think of going to the high note.

You used power with your high notes now.

- Here she is. / - You sang it hard.

Just as I'm about to learn something...

Why do you keep working on this part?

Because she finds the low notes difficult.

Use that and just bring it down.

- Hold onto it? / - Yes.

- Alright. Thank you. / - Good work.

All done.

I can just stay here, right?

Why? You startled me.

(Like a nightingale)

That was a woman's voice.

It's because I'm going after Jinkyung.

(Oh, I see)

I'm badmouthing Jinkyung.

(When the world criticizes me, I get stronger)

(Jinkyung becomes solemn again)

You're good now. You were good before.

So I'll teach you vibrato now.

The finishing touches.

- That's hard. / - You didn't teach me that.

It isn't hard.


(♪ What do you think I dream about? ♪)

♪ Dream about ♪

- ♪ About ♪ / - Sing that part on beat.

Watch. Connect the notes.

- Do that part in 4 times? / - Right.

Stretch out the last syllable 4 times.

- So 4 notes in one beat? / - Right.

(Let's try)

Come on.

- May I try once? / - Stop that!

- Why would you butt in? / - You tried once.

Let me try once.

♪ What do you think I dream about? ♪

What kind of dream?

(She can't even sing to the vibrato part)


- I said before... / - Why can't I sing at all here?

It seemed like you didn't but you got it.

You'll start getting the hang of it.

Let's try the second line.

You go first, Sook.

(♪ Can I go crazy today? ♪)

Watch how you pronounce "mi" and "do."

Remember to accent at times.

How about I accent "zy" in crazy?

♪ Can I go crazy ♪

I wouldn't accent that part.

(They try singing it in "dda")

- I should accent "cra" in crazy. / - Right.

(Get it now?)

I understood after I saw it on TV.

Oh, really?

Do you have to watch this on TV too then?

- Right. I'm always a week late. / - I see.

Because it says everything on screen.

I know where to accent things.

They did a pretty good job.

You don't have to accent it like that.

Try to sing it harder.

Teacher, I'll try that part.

(Super disciplined)

Teacher, I want to go out and practice alone.

No, no.

Don't sound so nasally.

(Singing without her nose)

The sound didn't leak out of the sides.

That was good. Once more.

(Her face cringes the more she's asked to do)


Nothing was funny about that. Why'd you laugh?

- Teacher, you're amazing. / - Why?

How do you not laugh at that?

No, it's actually really funny.

- How do you hold it in? / - Wasn't that decent?

I want to learn how to hold in laughter like you.

How do you hold it in?

Because I have to keep the class going

and teach singing, so...

- You're not so great either. / - Do you laugh at home?

I laugh a lot when I see it on TV.

- You laugh at the show? / - Yes.

Unfortunately, it is time for me to leave.

You're not running away, are you?

- You have work, right? / - Yes, I do.

You're going to go home and laugh, aren't you?

I knew it.

You're going to laugh at her and Chaeyoung.

No, no.

Can you teach me a bit more?

What would you like me to teach you?

(Ask about that part)

Sing him that part.

(♪ Cause I'm going little crazy tonight ♪)

You don't listen to me.

I'll try my best, teacher.

Great work today. I had fun.

Good job, teacher. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Somi falls for Jinyoung!The door gets locked during private lesson?[Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 14:32.


Leader Minzy! Learns the song in just 3 hours [Sister's Slam Dunk Season2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 16:16.

(Before they start class for the new song)

(Chaeyoung ties her hair back)

(Somi talks privately with the teacher)

Somi, you're sitting too close to the teacher.

Sit over there.

I'm sitting next to the teacher.

No, Somi.

Why did you tie your hair back, Chaeyoung?

To work hard on singing.

I think you did that to look prettier.

If my hair was longer I'd push it to one side.

That's it. We need a new teacher.

The girls can't seem to focus.

Don't think of getting his number.

You delete his number now.

It's like I'm in a girl group with my mom.

Delete it.

- Just practice singing. / - It's like she's my mom.

You have to memorize the melody first.

Then we'll try it together.

I'll do private lessons with those that can't get it.

I'll probably need a private lesson.

- So that's what... / - Me too. I'm going first.

- Me too. / - Me too.

- I want one too. / - Me too.

I'll take one if I need it.

(Getting used to the new melody)

So exciting.


(Singing along)

(Moving her head to the music)

(They can keep up despite hearing it just today)

(For the previous song)


(It wasn't easy to sing along to...)

(They sing along easily to the new song)

(The Unnies are totally into the song)

(Now we're the Unnies!)

(We think this is the right song for us)

(It suits them)

(The Unnies found a great song that suits them)

Now, it's up to us to perform this well.

It's an exciting song.

How would you rate this one in difficulty?

This is closer to a hard song.


This is the harder song.

- Sure. / - This is what to keep in mind.

The improvisation at the end.

(The high note improvisation behind the main melody)

We're supposed to do that?

Isn't some else doing it for us?

Someone like Pak Sunzoo.

I can't imagine it. It's so...

Why can't you imagine it, Sook?

We can do it if we try.


(All girl group songs' essential)

(Improvised high notes)

(Can the Unnies do this too?)

You nip the problem right at the bud.

I should live with him then.

(Miracle vocal lessons by Jang Jinyoung!)

Shall we try the verse in part A first?


(♪ What do you think I dream about? ♪)

(♪ What's a guy if he's not like G-Dragon? ♪)

(♪ When do you think I see cool? ♪)

(♪ I think I'm as cool as the Unnies ♪)

(♪ Tell me ♪)

(♪ Tell me when I get scared again ♪)

We'll look through each part

so you all can sing the melody and lyrics together.

And as you may have heard,

you can't do this...

For the beginning, okay?

When you make that sound,

powerful singers like Sook...

Remember why I said you couldn't sing in verse 1?

- So... / - She got sad.

So sing in that pretty girlish voice like before.

Go ahead.

- Pretty girlish voice... / - Pretty girl.

- Teacher, you know I'm a woman, right? / - I know.

What's the first note?

(The others come in with the chorus)

(Singing out each note)


(Her veins are about to burst)

(I'm the tough one of the Unnies)

- Sook's good at singing. / - She is.

- You're good at singing. / - A nightingale.

- I'm good at singing? / - Yes.

- You have power. / - Can I be in verse 1?

I'll fix your singing so that you can be in verse 1.

Do you like me again, teacher?

You two might really start liking each other.

Teacher, do you like me?

- Sure. / - This is a love triangle.

You remember it? It's the same as last time.

No need to accent each note.

Just connect them together. Let's try slowly.

Stop there.

You accented the notes.

♪ Tell me ♪

♪ Tell me when I get scared again ♪

I didn't belt them out.

Right? You get it now? Just connect the notes.

(Yewon tries to overcome her trauma)

- You dropped "ha." / - Yes.

That's a hard part.

(The "ha" at the end is hard to hit right)

When you try to pronounce "ha" or "hae,"

you have to breathe out.

The highest note for this song,

aside from the improvising,

is a 3 octave D in the main melody.

So it's very easy to sing off-key here.

Try to sing this with "mum."

(She sings with "mum" like the last class)

Your notes are connecting.

You can sing this with "mum" because

"ha" makes your vocal cords split apart

while "mum" keeps them close together.

No matter how loud you go "mum,"

your vocal cords never split apart.

So you can use the pressure of your breath.

Now, let's try go back to singing the lyrics.

(Nails it!)


Good job, Yewon.

You nip the problem right at the bud, teacher.

Thank you.

But it's just now.

I'll forget later.

You forget when you're at home.

I should live with him then.


Did you hear what she just said?

- Know what she just said? / - No...

- That she wants to live with him. / - I'm just saying...

- Not for real... / - She wants to live with him.


Go ahead, Minzy. I know you're good.

(She's very stable and on the beat)


(Clean vibrato as expected from an active singer)

Is this the same song?

- I was flat at "please." / - Yes, a bit. So you knew?

You already knew.

And everyone else

sang it like ♪ cool ♪ but you bent the note.

I liked that.

- You bent it? / - How?

- ♪ Cool ♪ / - I don't really remember.


(She just bent the note naturally)

(So you can bend it like that too)

This is the only way I can bend notes.

♪ Cool ♪

Like that.

Not like that.

(Now the remaining two people)

I find her confidence to be interesting.

She's like a blank canvas.

(She kneels and gets ready to learn)

Start off slowly.

(Like she's praying)

(Please do a good job!)

(The problematic Jinkyung's lesson starts)

I'm sorry.

(That could be me...)

You're doing what I told you not to last time.

You sang very briefly.

I told you not to curl your tongue last time.

You're curling your tongue.

You make sounds like...


He told me to curl my tongue.


How am I supposed to curl my tongue?

Just now you sang like ♪ What do you think ♪

You're curling your tongue.

What I'm saying is...

You should just sing like you talk.

- Okay. / - Yes.

(She tries again!)

I don't know what to do from here.

(His biggest dilemma as a vocal trainer)

(How will Chaeyoung do?)

(Gasping for air)


I ran out of breath.

I bet you did.

You sang mostly with falsetto

rather than your head voice.

- Can you sing with more power? / - Falsetto?

You just sang in falsetto.

Oh... Okay.

- You don't know what falsetto is. / - No, no!

Teacher, falsetto, head voice and throat voice...

Let's learn that first.

- Yeah. / - Right, I find those terms...

- Let's learn those first. / - Confusing.

How about I give a special lecture

explaining that stuff later on?

When I have time.

(Part B)

(The exciting melodic rap)

(Tap, tap)

(This is going to be hard)

- Wow, it went by so fast. / - It's too high.

- ♪ Get down ♪ / - Really?

Hold on.

Jinkyung, that sounded pretty good.

- ♪ Get down ♪ / - That was good.

♪ Get down, I like it ♪

♪ Like it, like it, like it ♪

That was good.


♪ Get down, get down ♪

♪ I like it, like it, like it ♪

- This is high for a rap, right? / - No.

Oh, okay.

This is comfortable for me.

♪ Get down, I like it ♪

- ♪ Like it, like it, like it ♪ / - Look at her eyes.

Look at her eyes!

- That was good. / - Her eyes...

That was good.

That wasn't hard.

The key you started off in was the right one.

I think you're better at high notes.

- Yes, they're more comfortable. / - Right.

Low notes are hard for me.

(Like this part from before)

That part is so hard.

High notes are a lot more...

♪ Please, please, please, please ♪ Like that.

Try singing part C.

(The hook where the word "right" is repeated)

(Everyone is nervous about the high note)

(Belts them out alone)

(This won't be easy)

(I feel like a fish in water)

This part is hard.

(This is the key point)


When you sing it...

She makes it so seductive.

I didn't.

(I feel like a fish in water)

You're talking about a different kind of water.

Let's try the main melody first.

1, 2... It's fine.

1, 2, 3...

(She starts to kneel again)


(♪ I look fabulous, right? ♪)

(Was that a horse?)

(♪ I look fabulous, right? ♪)

(Whoa, whoa... Steady...)

- What is it? / - That was okay.

Jinkyung, be real.

Was that improvising or you singing off-key?

Be honest.

I just sang where my voice took me.

That part is supposed to come out at "tonight."

(Rushed into it)

Let's go again.

Part C. 1, 2, 3.

(Tries to teach the problematic one with his eyes)

(Don't forget about me)

(Her improvisations are uncontrollable)

There's a part I really want.

Part C.

I can hit the high notes.

I can belt them out.

This is the easiest part for me.

(I'll show you my hidden high notes)


(Terrible pronunciation)

(The master of butchering songs!)

I know what the problem is now.

- I know the problem now. / - See that?

Try singing alone. It's different from singing together.

(I'll try singing alone)

(Of course it's her next...)

(She's ready to go right into recording!)

(So laid back)

- She's good. / - Music to my ears.

All these other notes were in my head.

I think part B would suit you best, Jinkyung.

Practice the "get down" part.

(She's doing it again!)

(Anyone can see part B is meant for her...)

- This is your part. / - This is it.

This is the part. Do that part.

That's the best for you.

Try singing it.

Didn't you want part C too?

That's why I'm kneeling.

These two wanted part C.

They're alike.

There's a part I want

but Jinkyung wants that part too.

(As Jinkyung butchers the melody...)

(Chaeyoung silently smiled in relief)

Go slowly.

(♪ I look fabulous, right? ♪)

(That sounded like...)

(Two horses)

I should've learned improvising.

Chaeyoung, can you do this with your mouth?

- Like this? / - Yes.

Like a duck.

It's so you don't open your mouth on the sides.

If your mouth opens on the sides,

your voice will become constricted.

(The sound comes out fuller with rounder mouth)

(A thin sound is produced with mouth opening sideways)

Chaeyoung, your mouth is the problem.

Even when you sleep.

(Give me water)

(Tries again with a duck face!)

(So cute)

Just keep going even if it's funny.

Just hold your mouth.

We'd better not laugh.

(Everyone tries not to look...)

(Trying hard)

How does this part go?

(♪ Cause I'm going little ♪)

(Pronunciation off)

(What was that sound?)

No, it was okay.


- It almost pierced the ceiling. / - Wow...

- That was okay. / - That was like a rocker.


- I'm sorry. Let me go again. / - Okay.

(Rock and roll Barbie focuses and tries again)

(We can't help laughing)


You guys keep making me laugh!

I see your shoulders trembling.

(She won't give up despite the laughter)

Good job.

I didn't laugh.

Your shoulders were trembling the most.

That was good.

That was good considering you first heard it today.

For more infomation >> Leader Minzy! Learns the song in just 3 hours [Sister's Slam Dunk Season2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 16:16.


'Right?' choreography revealed! Hold up...Jinkyung is the center? [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 14:19.

Was this the place we came to before?

- For the dancing level test. / - Wait. I got 3rd then.

Hold on. What place was I again?

- 4th? / - What did I get then?


You got 6th.

- Yeah? / - Yeah, 6th.

- I'm last? / - Yeah.

Why do you keep moving this way, Jinkyung?

Come on, Jinkyung.

Hey, stop crowding me

These places might change today.

- Really? / - We have a level test today too?


Don't you think the teacher

will change the places if our dancing is good?

Maybe once.

She's good.

Jinyoung is good.

Jinyoung is glamorous.

Even her small movements look big.

You're the more glamorous one, Yewon!

I'm at a disadvantage.

You glamorous girls look better when you dance.

Jinkyung, you're between the glamorous ones.

(Worst positioning)

Why are you standing like that?

I don't have pockets. This is comfortable.

She's so funny.

Do you think the dance is ready?

The song changed so suddenly.

- Yeah. / - Here they are. Hello!

- Hello! / - Hello!

Long time no see, teacher.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- All three of them. / - Hello.

(Idol groups are a big part of the Korean Wave)

(Hwayeong and Gyusang make their performances)

100 times?

(They made so many famous dances!)

(What kind of unique dance will the Unnies get?)

Is the choreography done?

The song changed so suddenly.

- I bet you were flustered. / - How did you manage?

We were very flustered.

We worked as fast as possible

and managed to finish up to the first verse.

- We only had a week... / - That's so fast.

We tried our best.

Is the difficulty level hard, medium or easy?


I'd say it's medium.

Medium. Yeah!

- Alright. / - So medium means...

Medium for Minzy and Somi and for us...

It could be easy for them.

So that would be hard for Yewon.

Ultra hard.

Are you okay, Yewon?

Can I get private lessons?

I felt bad for only giving them

a week to come up with this.

But let's check out the choreography today.

- Great. / - I'm excited.

I'm really excited.

We have 7 stand-ins.

- Really? / - Welcome them with applause.

(Come on in)


Say hello.

- They're all around our size. / - Yes.

- You're right. / - This is cool.

Why's your hair the same as mine too?


Chaeyoung's stand-in is famous

for being the Han Chaeyoung of Hongdae.

Or she thinks she looks like Han Chaeyoung.

She's the Han Chaeyoung of Hongdae.

Or so she thinks...

Why's Jinkyung's stand-in a guy?

(Even her stand-in stands out)

You strangely look good together.

The guy who's Jinkyung's stand-in is unique...

Because Jinkyung is a bit unique.

I thought he was the Hong Jinkyung of Hongdae.

We prepared the perfect stand-ins

so really focus on watching your own parts.

- Shall we see? / - Yes, let's see.

(How will the dance look?)

It was hard to consider their difference in skills.

The song suddenly changed...

Totally out of the blue.

I'm excited.

(It was quite the process to make this)

(Revealing the choreography for the Unnies!)

(Jinkyung in the center?)


(I'm the center?)

Jinkyung stays in the center?

(Somi gets the G-Dragon part as she wanted)

(They love it!)

They have this move.

This looks hard.

(Time for Minzy's dancing to shine!)

(The dance completes with Minzy as the axis)

- So cool and pretty. / - They're like idols.

(This is as hard as being in a circus for Chaeyoung)

Can we really dance this well?

(Isn't the choreography fabulous?)

(Sook and Jinkyung come out)

- All of a sudden. / - You and me.

(Sook and Jinkyung's collaboration!)


(I feel like a fish in water)

(The choreography gets you so excited)

That was...

This could be the greatest duo since...

- Seo Sunam and Ha Cheongil. / - What was that?

We could be the greatest duo!

- Wait. Teacher, was that a joke? / - No!

The lyrics are, "I'm going crazy tonight."

You two are the ones that would go crazy.

Oh, the crazy ones.

It's perfect for them.

I love it. It's so exciting how it splits up.

But Jinkyung has too many parts.


I want it to be like this,

but you're the only one who can do this.

You're today's instructor.

Let's try.

(Jinkyung is today's dance instructor!)

Her face looks different.

I can't believe this is happening.

But I go off to the side right away.

- You're out there really long. / - You go for a while.

That's just verse 1.

You haven't all been assigned singing parts yet.

So I decided the parts randomly.

Randomly, right?


Yewon says she wants to dance after seeing this.

- Gosh... / - I want to dance.

Dance now, Yewon.

- No. / - Go ahead.


Teacher, I think the choreography is perfect.

I love it.

It's up to us now to pull it off.

(A masterfully made work of art)

I love it!

I was shocked.

I love it.

Especially "Right."

The choreography makes the song shine.

They truly are professionals.

I'm so happy. I love it.

- It's great. / - I love this part.

Can we start practice now?

Shall we practice what we saw?


Jinkyung was in the front.

Right. As you saw...

Jinkyung in the front.

Jinkyung being in the front...

We've never had this positioning.

- This is new. / - This looks very new.

(In season 1, she went from the corner to the back)

(From the back to the corner)

Jinkyung, isn't it awkward for you?


I don't know if this is right.

It's okay because this dance has a story.

What story?

- From Jinkyung's style... / - Right.

- Right. / - What about me?

Here she goes.

She's like squid being grilled.

(Here comes a giant squid)

(The members just laughed)

(But the trainers were inspired)

This dance in the intro.


- Jinkyung. / - You inspired them, Jinkyung.

- This? / - Right, right.

This is it.

- Oh, the grilled squid dance? / - Yes...

But my dancers can't do it like this.

I want it like this

but only Jinkyung can do it.

- We have to dance like that? / - Of course.

- We'd better learn from Jinkyung. / - Right.

We should learn from Jinkyung.

Jinkyung, you contributed for the choreography.

I can't believe this is happening.

Let's start with the squid dance first.

- Squid... / - It's a Paris dance.

- Oh, Parisian. / - Yes.

- It's from Paris... / - That's a Paris dance?

1, 2, 3...

Go where your shoulder takes you.

Jinkyung kind of goes in an "S."

- An "S." / - Oh, like this?

But she has her own bounce to it too.

I can't believe we're learning Jinkyung's dance.

This is kind of cool.

You can't move too much.

- Don't move a lot? / - Right.

Because clubs in Paris are crowded.

Jinkyung, you're so good at this.

- Really? / - Yes.

- You're in 1st. / - Thank you.

Go stand up front.

I want to go to Jinkyung.

- For dancing? / - Yes.

Have you watched the show?

- Yes, I have. / - Oh, okay.

I liked her edgy moves.

I thought the dance was pretty.

I'm not too worried about Jinkyung for dancing.

I can't believe this is happening.

There's not much to it, Sook.

- How do you do it? / - Just pretend you're at a club.

- You have a glass of champagne. / - Okay.

Then you just dance like this. Then...

You check out the guys.

- You check out the guys? / - Yeah.

- Oh... / - You move your head naturally.

- Naturally. / - And...

When you see one you like, you move in.

- Move in like this? / - Yeah.

Then you dance like this in front of him.

A flirty dance.

Can we have you stand by ranking?

Stand by ranking?

Let's have you stand by ranking.

I won't learn anything standing next to them.

- Just kidding, Jinkyung. / - Was that about me?

Don't you know my deal? I'm being praised here.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- It's a pretty dance. / - Yeah.

(They stand in order of their ranking)

Teacher, this order can change, right?

Of course.

Stick this together tight.

Tight. Yes.

Ow, my toe nail.

(Trot, stiff, awkward)


- Jinkyung, you're so good at this. / - Thank you.

- Where? / - That way.


- Hey! / - Hey!

- Hey! / - Hey!

Just like that?

I went too far.

I feel like I moved 50m.

You haven't practiced enough.

You can't memorize the moves.

Get it?

Watching Jinkyung throws me off.

Don't watch Jinkyung, don't watch Jinkyung!

- Don't look to the side! / - Don't look at Jinkyung!

Don't look to the side!

Don't look!

- This is nuts... / - Jinkyung will throw you off.

You can help me. You're today's instructor.

Today's instructor.

Here we go.

- Like a Parisian. / - Jinkyung being in 1st is so weird.

1, 2, 3, start.

(The main dancer of the Unnies)

- She looks good. / - Right?

- So coy. / - I like it.

Her face looks different.

(She's acknowledged as the new dancing king)

It's a club in Paris.

Should we have everyone else but 1st go?

- You can watch. / - Yes.

3, 4.

(Her moves look different?)

Jinyoung, stand at the very end.

- What? / - Me?

- Jinyoung! / - Oh, no!

- What happened, Jinyoung? / - Why, teacher?

This ranking is still unchanged.

And the back three...

Step it up a bit.

I shouldn't be grouped with Yewon and Chaeyoung!

This is how it should be split.

This isn't right!



I have a question.

This is hard for me. Watch.

When I go like this... My breast...

Like this... My breast...

This dance really isn't for us!

How do you do this?

This move isn't meant for us.

The three of us are the biggest.

- For real. / - Why?

No? This move...

It's so hard for me to do this.

My arm is thick too.

(What are they talking about?)



Jinkyung, we shouldn't be so happy

about being good at this dance.

(Now she's hurt)

This is hard!

No wonder nothing got in the way when we did this.

Nothing really got in my way either.

I feel so bad now for being good at this.

No wonder it was hard for us!

They could get in the way, teacher.

You're right.

(The 7 squids have become a bit more flexible)

(One person has really gotten Hwayeong's attention)

- Yewon, you're moving up. / - Right? I got it now.

- What? To where? / - Move, Sook.

- I told you I could get this. / - What the...

- Sook. / - What is this?

Move up to here.

- Really? / - Yes.

The reason is

these three are doing it right...


- A bit more... / - Sensual.

She was a bit more sensual.

Perhaps from her age.

I can be sensual but my clothes are too baggy.

It's not like I can take this off.

My shirt's baggy too.

You were going like this!

You danced like this, Yewon!

What is it, Jinkyung?

What are you staring at?

For more infomation >> 'Right?' choreography revealed! Hold up...Jinkyung is the center? [Sister's SlamDunk2 / 2017.03.31] - Duration: 14:19.


The reason why Kim Junho said the members are the worst [2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3 / 2017.04.02] - Duration: 10:38.

Let's start the race in the morning in Seoul.

- Let's go home now. / - Okay.

We'll eat hangover soup in Seoul.

- There are / - There are hangover soup restaurants.

restaurants in Seoul that have delicious hangover soup.

There are a lot of them. Around 9 a.m.,

we'll head to maesaengi soup restaurant.

That's right. If we go there too early,

- it won't be open. / - Yes.

- We'll go to Seoul, Gyeonggi then Cheonan. / - Okay.

Where's this? We'll go to Cheongju.

Then we'll go to Nonsan.

- Go there straight? / - Yes. Gongju is here.

- So we'll stop by there and return. / - That's right.

Then it's one, two, three,

- four, five, six. / - Six in total.

- It's six. / - We can stop by six places.

They can't do it. They don't have time.

They can never do it.

They can't. I want to eat Jeonju bean sprout soup.

- I want it. / - Let's think about it in Nonsan.

- Okay. / - What time will we meet?

- We'll meet at KBS in the morning. / - What time?

- Tomorrow at seven. / - Okay.

(Team Seoul will meet at KBS at 7 a.m.)

- Good luck. / - Bye.

- Goodbye. / - They'll have to sleep in the car.

- Siyoon, good luck. / - Have a safe trip.

- See you tomorrow. / - All right. See you.

- See you. / - Bye. See you, Joonyoung.

Let's go home and sleep.


- See you. / - There's a huge penalty if you lose.

- There really is a penalty. / - No way.

- Thanks, everyone. / - We'll just win.

- Bye. / - Good night.

(Hope they gather on time.)

(Team Mokpo has to depart now.)

I've never taken the last bus.

When I traveled, I did that a lot.

That way I can save money on lodging.

Let's ride the last bus.

- Are we on a one-night hangover trip? / - We're good.

(His hat reads, "Hangover Food Club".)

(They head to express bus terminal.)

I haven't been to express bus terminal in so long.

The last time I was here

to take a bus was in high school.

Traveling by bus has its charm.

(Feeling bitter)

(and tired,)

(they arrive at the bus terminal.)

We're here.

Two nights and three days.

You're right. It's two nights and three days.

(They don't even have extra clothes to get changed.)

No way.

- People are here at this hour. / - There's fish cake.

Let's get some soup.

- Fish cake. / - I miss my grandma.

(I'll make you hangover soup.)

There are donuts.

- It's closed, right? / - Yes.

You said you wanted soup.

Some people eat donuts for hangover.

Why do you want donuts all of a sudden?

It's here.


(They arrive at the platform.)

(Here are your tickets to Mokpo.)

- Okay. / - Thank you.

Did they print this out?

It's been a while. "A late-night premium bus".

- It's nice. / - A late-night bus.

- It's a late-night bus. / - Yes.

I rode the last bus

after having drinks with my friends and went home.

On the way home, I thought to myself,

- "I want to move to Seoul and rap." / - Really?

That was my dream back then.

- I got this for you just in case. / - For emergency.

- Here. / - Okay.

- Just in case you get sick. / - Carsick.

You randomly became a team.

We also randomly assigned staffs.

When you went to Yuldo,

The director, Joo Jonghyun and the youngest writer...

(They're reminded of the Yuldo's nightmare.)

(We're here too.)

Gosh, you're driving me crazy.

- They're here too. / - Why do we always lose?

Aren't we Team Deserted Island?

That's right.

(Seosan's Team Deserted Island)

Are you the one bringing us here?

Do you go to church and pray?

- Do you pray to meet us? / - Do you wish for us?

(This is the worst scenario.)

- It's time to board. / - Let's go.

This is really cool.

Gosh, two nights and three days.

(It's the last bus to Mokpo.)

(They take a commemorative picture.)

(We're going to Mokpo for a hangover soup.)

(They get on the bus.)

Your seat is number 28.

What's this?

- Your seat is number 27. / - This is cool.

Gosh, these seats are nice.

These are so much nicer.

It's better to lose.

- It's good. / - Honestly, this is better.

Where are you?

I'm almost home.

- Are you home? / - This is much nicer.

I think this is much better.

Junho is going home.

He's going home.

(You must be jealous.)

Wake up at four. We'll wake you up.

- No, don't call me. / - I'll call you at four.

Turn off your phone.

We'll be back.

Okay. Bye.

(He abruptly ends the phone call.)

(The bus departs for Mokpo.)


We must find Mokpo's 24-hour hangover soup place.

After that,

it's Muan in Jeolla Province.

- It's yeonpotang in Muan. / - Octopus.

And there's Naju. These three cities

- are close together. / - Okay.

We should do missions and sleep

- Sleep? / - while we're on the bus.

I'll clap. In one, two, three.

I'll sleep too.

(While everyone is sleeping,)

(the bus to Mokpo arrives at Seoul toll gate.)

(The bus drives to Mokpo early in the morning.)

(These three are deeply asleep.)

(Hope you cure the hangover in your sleep.)



(They ride the bus for three and a half hours)

(and arrive in Mokpo.)

(The light is turned on.)

(Are we here already?)

(Am I dreaming?)

I just fell asleep.

(The tired three men arrive at Mokpo terminal.)

(Current time is 3:38 a.m.)

(The staffs get ready to film.)

I can't believe we're in Mokpo.

I can't believe it.

I can't believe I arrived in Mokpo at 3:40 a.m.

I never came here this early, not even for work.

Not even to sing.


(It feels like a dream.)

I can't believe I'm in Mokpo.

(They move to the waiting room.)

Hello, ma'am. It's a nice morning.

(Let's go, Two Days and One Night!)

- Are you assembling your bike? / - Yes.

- You must be on a trip. / - Yes.

I'm doing Seomjin River tour.

Do you live in Mokpo?

- No, I'm from Seoul. / - You're from Seoul.

We're here to cure a hangover.

- Mokpo is the best place. / - Where will you go?

We have to find a place.

- We just got here from Seoul. / - Good luck.

- Thank you. / - Have a nice trip.

- We'll cure our hangover. / - I've never seen

someone assemble a bike.

- They can load it on the bus. / - I know.

(Off to find a hangover soup restaurant!)

I can smell the sea.

The scent of the sea.

We're here to cure a hangover.

Let's ask a taxi driver.

- Okay. / - Hello.

Can I ask you something?

We're looking for a 24-hour hangover soup restaurant.

- I know this place. / - Is it famous?

- Yes, it's a famous place. / - Is it?

Yes. It's an old restaurant.

Is it open 24 hours?

- Is it open? / - Yes, it's open 24 hours.

- This is great. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you so much.

We'll go cure our hangovers at 4 a.m.

- Thank you. / - Yes.

- It's a good start. / - Nice.

- It'd be great to succeed. / - We're in Mokpo.

Since we're here, why don't we call him?

I'll call Jongmin and tell him we're in Mokpo.

He'll get really mad.

(What a lovely friendship.)

I'm so happy you're on my team.

(I won't go down on my own.)

- Answer it. / - He'll get super irritated.

- He isn't picking up. / - Of course not.

Taehyun, call Junho.

If he answers, he'll be up at 3:50 a.m.

He answered.


How do you like this Junho?


What time is it?

It's 4 a.m. We're in Mokpo.

You guys are the worst.

We'll go and eat hangover soup now.

What are you doing?

Wake me up at 9:30 a.m.

At 9:30 a.m.?

(He lies even when he's half asleep.)

Okay. Go back to sleep.


Turn your phone off. Be careful.


We're touring Jeolla Province all of a sudden.

The owner of the restaurant will be shocked

to see us filming them at four in the morning.

(They're excited about the hangover soup restaurant.)

- We are here. / - This is it.

This is the place.

- We are here. / - It's here.

We are finally here.

This place looks good.

It's amazing we're eating hangover soup at this time.

This restaurant looks special.

(Hangover Soup Restaurant)

It's four o'clock in the morning.

Excuse me.

- Hello, ma'am. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - We are from Seoul.

- We are shooting / - Excuse me.

- Two Days and One Night. / - Excuse me.

Excuse me.

We are here to eat hangover soup.

This is amazing.

I heard this restaurant is very famous.


- Is this place famous? / - I didn't see this coming.

Do you have hangover soup here?

Yes, we have hangover soup.

- Look. This is amazing. / - Do you sell jokbal, too?

- This is sundae. / - They make sundae here.

- Right. We make sundae here. / - Really?

What are they eating now?

I'm sorry, sir.

- Excuse us. / - We are sorry to bother you.

This looks nice.

For more infomation >> The reason why Kim Junho said the members are the worst [2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3 / 2017.04.02] - Duration: 10:38.


עמילי גלבמן -צילומי תלמידים בסטודיו לציור בכפר תבור - Duration: 3:21.

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2017 acm WINNERS ARE - Duration: 3:39.








If you do NOT want to know who won

The 2017 ACM Awards

stop watching this video now

Because i'm about to tell you who won

in every single category


The Video of the year

and i have to say, I totally called this one

the VIDEO of the year is

i kinda figured that one would win because

of all of the stars that was in it

plus the song was really good even though

it was 2 or 3 songs squished together

i just kinda figured, with all that star power behind it

it kinda almost had to win


the VOCAL EVENT of the year


and i have to say, i was really happy about that onebecause

i Love that song


and the SONG of the year is

and the SINGLE of the year


i know i did a video previously on the next 3 that you're about to see

but since they were announced i wanna go ahead and incluse those in the video so

so your NEW MALE artist of the year was

and your NEW FEMALE artist of the year

and the NEW VOCAL DUO or GROUP of the year

and now we start to get into the really big ones of the night guys


Your VOCAL GROUP of the year

and the DUO of the year

now i have to say, that one actually surprised me

because that one has gone to Florida Georgia Line for so long that i

i really really thought that they would get it again

so i was actually shocked by that one

and your ALBUM of the year

and the MALE artists of the year

the FEMALE artist of the year

Now the really big one of the night

the one we've all been waiting for


and there is all of your winners from the 2017 ACM awards

now the only thing i was disappointed in that is

that Garth was not nominated

but i'm a huge fan as you guys know

so i'm a little prejudice when it comes to that

but tother than that, i was fairly happy with

pretty much all of the winners, now honestly i did not see the show

i just got the list of winners

so i don't really know how the performances went or anything

if you guys saw it let me know

you know,

who did the best performance

and what you guys thought about all those

although i have to say, i was kind of rooting for Brandy Clark to win NEW FEMALE vocalist

But i just thought i would give you guys the list

i hope you guys enjoyed it, i hope you're happy with the winners

and uh

That is gonna do it for now


and i am


For more infomation >> 2017 acm WINNERS ARE - Duration: 3:39.


Рыбья кость Узор вязания спицами Knitting pattern 16 - Duration: 3:01.

pull off the loop

knit two loops together

pull off one loop

knit two loops together

pull off one loop


at the end

knit two loops together

pull off one loop

knit stitch

pull off the loop

two loops together - purl stitch

pull off one loop

two loops together - purl stitch

pull off one loop


at the end

two loops together - purl stitch

pull off one loop

purl stitch

repeat two rows

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There are many types of rings.

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Thanks for watching this video.

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For more infomation >> raagi ungaram health benefits | copper ring | Best health tips telugu | we support you - Duration: 1:15.


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2018 Audi SQ7

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