For more infomation >> Google Launch Data Saver App | TRIANGLE | Save Mobile Data On Go - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Mam Chusteczkę Haftowaną - Piosenki Dla Dzieci .tv - Duration: 33:34.
Mariposa de Barrio | Episode 04 | Telemundo English - Duration: 9:49.
What's up, babe? What are you doing here, Ramona?
We didn't know you were arriving from Mexico today.
Sorry, babe.
Patty convinced me into surprising you guys.
And what a surprise! So where's your luggage?
In the car.
Why the long face?
It's like you saw a ghost instead of your girlfriend.
What's all this ruckus?
Hi, sweetie! It's so nice to see you, Patty!
How are you?
These jerks didn't tell me you were coming today.
We had no clue.
Hi, Patty!
Hi, cutie!
Oh, Chiquis.
What're you doing at Grandma's this late?
Is Jenni here?
What happened to Janney?
She didn't come to dinner. Did something happen?
She had an anxiety attack
after recalling some rough moments.
I'd like to see her.
That won't be possible.
We administered a sedative, and she's resting.
It's a shame things between Trino and Janney
ended so badly.
Despite everything, she still loves him.
But he doesn't.
He's never loved or respected her.
He's never given her her place.
He got her pregnant when she was still a child.
We never should've let her go off with him.
I was the first one to invite him over.
Don't beat yourself up over that, babe.
What's going to happen when Jenni's out of rehab?
She's going to come live with us and finish school.
A woman doesn't need a man to make it in life.
What's your problem?
What's wrong with you?
Get him, Jenni!
He needs to learn to respect women!
Cintas Acuario is getting big and it's all thanks to you.
You're all helping immensely despite having your own jobs.
Thank you. You make me so proud.
You can always count on us, Dad.
I mean, so long as we have some free time.
Why don't we rent out the recording studio
on top of selling music?
Yeah, Dad. I'll do anything.
Just tell me what to do and I'll do it!
That's the spirit, Lupillo, but focus on school
or your mother will kill me.
What are we going to do with Janney?
Well, for now she can manage the books.
My dreams of seeing her perform onstage
went up in smoke once Trino came into the picture.
It's never too late!
Maybe now that she left him,
her dreams might become a reality.
I hope she wants to sing again.
You guys remember how she got when I scolded her
during her first performance.
I'm so happy you came to see me.
I've been dying to gossip with you.
You removed your birthmark? That's amazing!
You look totally different. Totally cute.
I look the same, just weirder.
I'm really sorry you're here, Janney...
but everything in life happens for a reason
and I know you'll come out stronger.
Taking those pills was crazy of me.
We arrived a week ago...
and were surprised to hear you were here.
They didn't let us visit till today.
The doctor said it was for the best.
She wanted to focus on treatment for a few days.
We'll wait as long as it takes!
Mrs. Rosa fixed up your room and it looks lovely.
-Really? -Yeah!
Mr. Pedro's busy with the label.
He's been recording some pretty good artists.
Oh, Dad...
I'm happy his dreams are coming true.
How's Trino?
Has he been to see Chiquis?
Has he asked about me?
He hasn't done either. Why lie?
Hey, family!
Is this how you welcome the man of the house
after a week of not seeing him?
Our traveler's back!
-Hey. -Brother!
You even brought us souvenirs from Las Vegas!
Aren't you going to kiss your mother?
Of course, Mom.
Good morning.
How are you?
I'm happy now.
This one's for you, Mom!
I hope you like it.
It's pretty!
Is this for Celina?
No, silly! It's for you!
It's the one you wanted.
Is this for me?
Yup, that's for you, Celi.
It's super cute. Thanks.
You must be doing well at your new job.
Do a good job so you don't get fired.
Knock on wood!
It's tough work, but it pays well.
And best of all, I'm my own boss.
I don't have to deal with idiots like at Pollo.
What exactly do you do, sweetie?
You only called me once in over a week.
I've been busy, Mom.
Besides, it isn't much to talk about.
It's just a transportation company.
The good thing is, they liked my work,
so they'll probably call again.
This smells great!
If they pay you so well, stay there.
Hold up.
Trino, you didn't bring anything for Chiquis.
Of course I did.
I don't want the Riveras mouthing off
about how I don't take care of my daughter.
By the way, any news on Janney?
No, sweetie.
She's not your problem anymore.
I'll tell you this much.
Next time you bring a girl home,
she'd better be Mexican.
Born in Mexico.
Mom's right.
That ------- gringa's no good for you.
The Lord of the Skies 5 | Episode 09 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:53.
What do you want?
It was in the ICU with Mr. Aurelio when...
If you mention Aurelio again, I swear I'll...
They killed some of our dealers in Apatlaco.
Know who did it?
Some white guys in a truck.
This doesn't end here.
No, Lourdes!
Mom, you know I didn't want to do it.
She had a gun. She was about to kill me.
It was her life or mine.
Damn it.
Let it go, Mom.
This is the business.
Damn it.
Stop. [Sollozos]
What are you going to do about Emiliana?
Answer me!
What do you mean?
Reunite her with her parents!
That's what I'm going to do!
Do you think I'm going to let her live after this?
You can't kill her!
What do you mean? That's how this biz is!
That's the way it goes.
I'm not going to let this bitch hurt us.
I'm going to start the hunt for Emiliana Contreras.
I don't care.
Please don't tell Ismael anything.
None of this is his fault.
Damn it.
Take her...
bury her someplace with cactuses and nopales.
That's a fitting flower for this bitch.
Search the house and take everything.
Drugs, jewelry, money... everything!
Leave nothing for the cops! You know they steal everything.
-Got it? -Yes, sir.
Take the body away.
Lampiño... there's a flash sale.
We can only give you 70,000 pesos in cash, miss.
If you'd called ahead...
Fine, give me that!
Move it! I'm in a hurry!
You're quite the whiskey drinker, Jaime.
You get used to it after so many business meetings.
Plus, you can't deny that meeting with
the President of Mexico is no ordinary thing.
I appreciate it.
Amidst so many problems,
you've managed to distract me.
On the contrary, thank you.
I needed time to explain the project.
These towers are a wonder. They're a crown jewel.
We needed something like this in Cancun.
I'm very excited.
Thanks for your time, Omar.
Don't mention it.
The project looks good.
I don't want you to think I'm a sleaze,
but I wanted to mention something, between us.
I have the utmost admiration for you
and I want you to know you can count
on the Natural Party's full and unconditional support.
Let's see when I visit you in your heavenly tower.
Seriously? Whenever you want.
Just call me and it's all set.
You'll stay in the penthouse across from mine.
You'll have an amazing time.
I just have one suggestion.
Between you and I, if you want to have a great time,
I suggest you go alone.
You'll see why when you get there.
Don't take the First Lady.
That's possible.
We'll see.
So tell me,
should I arrest you right away
or do you have a reasonable explanation?
I have an offer.
She's willing to enter the Witness Protection Program
and testify against Aurelio Casillas in court.
Doesn't work for me.
She needs to turn over all the money she's laundered for him,
all memorandums of association for the companies,
and all incriminating documents... or no deal.
Do you accept or should I arrest you both?
Her for money laundering and you for aiding and abetting.
Now tell me.
Where is Esperanza Salvatierra?
The purposes of this hearing are to arraign the defendant
and formally charge her to accelerate this process.
Aggravated murder, kidnapping,
and enforced disappearance.
Hold on, Your Honor.
Cool your jets because you're out of control.
Explain yourself, ma'am.
What can I explain that isn't already clear?
First of all, this trial shouldn't be here,
it should be in Medellin.
Secondly, you and I both know the fix is in
so I'll end up losing.
I can accuse you of contempt
if you make another claim like that.
You should let your lawyer speak.
What lawyer? I don't have one.
I'm your lawyer, ma'am.
This thing is my lawyer?
If it's not too much trouble,
I'd rather hire my own attorney.
Then hurry up.
I'll see you here in five days.
This session is adjourned.
To Torreon, please
That's too far.
Don't worry. I'll pay you double.
Do you want the money or not? Let's go!
What you're suggesting is a death sentence.
Alright, Salazar.
What the hell is going on here?
Are you in a relationship with her or something?
I am in a relationship with her.
I'm not trying to justify myself,
but I didn't know what she was up to at first.
Once I realized, it was too late.
I don't want them to kill her.
I have to save her. I don't have a choice.
The only way out is if she helps us attack Aurelio Casillas.
We have to weaken him by taking all the money
your little friend has laundered for him.
I was doing some research and was able to tap into
the Panama Papers files.
This woman knows a lot more than she's told us.
Look at everything you missed while you were screwing her.
It's obvious she didn't only have a business relationship
with Casillas, Carreño Arias, and everyone else
in the Sol cartel.
She's laundered money for a lot of criminal organizations.
But this guy, Aurelio, is the big fish.
Since no one's going to eat dinner,
could you at least tell me what's going on?
I'm leaving with you, sweetie.
Sounds great, but how come?
Where's Emiliana?
Your grandmother would rather leave this house,
which is also her house.
She knows what's really going on.
She just likes to act like she doesn't.
Just because I know everything this damn life has taught me,
doesn't mean I don't deserve some peace.
I've had it with being at war with my conscience.
You probably have too. Don't pretend.
What's that got to do with Emiliana?
Is she at her ranch?
We're leaving, sweetie.
No more talking about that bitch.
go do what I told you.
Rutila, take your grandmother with you.
She's so high and mighty.
I don't know what they did to her at that convent.
I'm not high and mighty.
I'm just never going to have peace by your side.
Then go to hell and leave me alone!
F---ing Emiliana. You got me.
Emiliana Contreras?
Nice to meet you. Ivan Carrizosa.
Nice to meet you.
I called you because my attorney told me
you work for the most prestigious
criminal defense law firm in this country.
You've been well informed.
We're an international firm working in Latin America,
the US, and Spain.
How can I help you?
I need you to help me find someone.
I also need you to represent them.
She's no saint.
This woman has laundered a lot of money
for many cartels in Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela.
I was starving.
I'm not alone.
I don't think introductions are necessary.
I'm well aware of the agreement you reached
with Officer Salazar.
I'm sorry, Esperanza, but everything has changed.
We need you to not only testify against Aurelio Casillas.
We also need you to help us confiscate all his assets.
Care for another martini?
I don't usually drink so much.
I'll be more specific.
You're probably not used to drinking this.
How about some tequila so you can relax?
I don't need to relax.
I need to take care of business and you need
to find the person I asked you about, please.
We can do all of that, Emiliana.
I have a question.
What are you running from?
You shouldn't be.
A woman as beautiful as you...
Sir, just please take care of what I've ask you for
and I'll contact you tomorrow.
What's the problem?
Why don't we have breakfast tomorrow?
I'll pick you up.
Don't waste your time.
I'll contact you tomorrow.
Get to work. I'm not staying here.
The devil is everywhere.
Kill her!
Don't even bother.
They're so stupid.
I told them, but they didn't listen.
What's going on over there?
They're kicking the Spaniard's ass.
Because she's an idiot!
Why would she ever steal Jarocha's drugs?
She's this Mexican chick who thinks she's the sh--
'cause she moves all the drugs in here.
Let's see who this Jarocha is.
Where's my stuff?
G--damn Spaniard.
Is this seat taken?
Thank you.
Hi, beautiful.
Would you like something to drink?
A double shot of tequila silver, please.
I'm doing better.
I'm getting my things in order.
How about you?
How's my son? Is everything okay?
We're leaving to Mexico City.
I thought you were staying longer.
A lot's happened.
My Dad's going to have to tell you
you were right much sooner than he would've liked.
Right about what? What do you mean?
Emiliana was planning to kill my dad.
Hey, Dad.
Any news?
This bitch is on the run.
Tell him, Greñas.
She left her ranch and went to a bank
where she withdrew 70,000 pesos and went to Torreon.
That dumbass thinks she can hide.
Where'd she go from there?
She took a commercial flight to Bogota.
You've got her.
Bogota, huh?
Let the manhunt begin.
Chocolate Ice Cream - Chocolate Yogurt Ice Cream Recipe - Duration: 2:53.
El Señor de los Cielos 5 | Avance Exclusivo 10 | Telemundo - Duration: 1:08.
La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 74 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:47.
If no one has anything else to add,
I declare you, husband and wife.
Kiss! Kiss!
You may kiss the bride.
Kiss! Kiss! We want to see you kiss!
You may kiss Cristina, but only because Gato requests it.
Long live the newlyweds!
We said kiss, not make out. You're drooling all over her!
Thanks, Father.
It's Bayon.
Bayon's tracer went online.
-Finally. -Let's go.
Lucho, you did it! You're a man now!
Paula, you know I hate eating by myself.
And you know how fussy I am about keeping a clean house
and stains off my floors!
Where'd you say the stain was?
Right here. Look!
Paula, there's nothing there.
Of course not, because this thing's amazing.
It saved the day.
That and the fact that I cleaned the stain in time.
I'll take your word for it.
Are we having dinner together or separately?
I'll be right there. Give me 30 seconds.
Start counting! One, two, three...
Don't say I didn't come get you, Paula.
It's been a long time since I had such a good time.
Stand right here, sweetheart.
Let's play Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
Oh, yeah!
Hey, shall we take off their blindfolds?
No, no! Don't!
Don't risk it!
By the way, she looks like Dolores, doesn't she?
She looks just like Gen. Villa's wife.
Who? What are you talking about?
Let me have a look!
Who's General Villa?
Come here! I'm taking you for a spin!
Yeah, baby!
Alright, stay still.
I'll be back.
Doesn't she turn you on?
She does, but you know what?
I have to go for now.
-No! -Don't worry.
I'll bring you someone who's just like me.
The only difference is that he's a gentleman.
He'll treat you the way you deserve.
I'll be back.
-Don't be long. -I won't.
Come here, babe.
Do you know how to grind? Take a swig and let's dance.
Hey! I'm watching you!
Can we eat?
Not yet. We're waiting for Raul. He's picking up Ana and Miguel.
I'm hungry, Elvira.
Why don't you dance? Why else put music on?
Yeah, let's dance!
-No, I don't dance. -Yes! Let's dance.
-I don't know how to dance. -Just one song! Come on!
I have to check the computer.
-It doesn't have a belly. -Neither do you.
I'll soon have one.
-Yeah, but you're prettier. -Am I?
-Yes. -Where's my mom?
No idea. She must be in the bathroom.
You too?
-Why not? -Just wait.
I know the cook. She won't mind.
I thought Paula had done it.
That's what I said earlier when I called, but...
Long story short, Paula and I are working together.
I just want you to know that, wherever he may be,
Rafa must be proud of you both.
Wherever he is, I know he's helping us
and he's happy about you guys.
<i> Yeah, but...</i>
Listen, I have to go.
Honey, where were you?
In the bathroom.
-Is everything okay? -Yeah.
You look beautiful.
-Thanks. -You do.
Come here.
-Are you okay? -Yeah.
-Yeah? -Uh-huh.
-Where were you? -Bathroom.
-Okay. -See? Told you so.
I'm really thirsty. You want something?
No, I'm fine. Thanks.
The others are in the parlor. I'll wait for you there.
Thanks for picking us up, Father.
-Sure thing. -Thanks.
Show me what you bought.
Just a sec.
-It's all they had. -Okay.
Let's see it.
Mix it with water and... You know, right?
You think I'm dumb?
I've seen a lot of idiots do it wrong.
They'll figure it out once they notice her symptoms.
They would if she were a normal person,
but she's not normal, so they won't know.
They'll blame any strange behaviors on her condition.
-Hey! -Hey!
Aren't you going to congratulate me?
You look beautiful!
Let's go to the parlor.
-Sure, I just... -Come on!
-I have to change. -No, you don't. You're fine!
Let's go.
What's up, Emilio?
You see?
We're okay. Nothing happened.
I'm glad.
The Commissioner said yes. Everything's great now.
He was probably upset.
He was indifferent.
Can we stop arguing?
Why are we arguing?
I'm your father and you're my son.
We share the same blood.
Besides, those chicks won't see us.
They're blindfolded.
-Benedict! -I'll even tie them up!
-Benedict! -What is it?
-Benedict! -What do you want?
You left me alone with them! Look who came out to play!
Hey, hands off! Her dad asked me to watch her!
Come on, man!
Emilio, come with us! There are plenty of chicks!
This mothef---er's so boring.
Let's go.
-Go on. I'm right behind you. -Hold up.
Come on! Move it!
What? You don't want to join us?
Have a few drinks. Maybe it'll loosen you up.
I'll pass.
Alright. Excuse me.
Mrs. Yola, remember when I said I wanted to sell car parts?
Of course I do. You said that when we met.
Remember the first time you took him to Grandma's house?
Listen, let's clear the air.
I don't like stealing. I'm actually planning to stop.
You kept saying you wanted to sell car parts.
I remember thinking they'd be stolen parts.
What sort of plans? If you don't mind me asking.
I'm thinking of getting into selling car parts.
What about school?
Oh, no.
I'll have to be honest with you. I'm not big on school.
That's why I respect smart people like Cristina.
Now look at you.
I guess.
To be honest, at the time, they would've been stolen car parts.
-Of course! -Things are different now.
I'm a married man now.
Now I'm planning on opening a boutique.
Sounds great.
নবাব দেখতে ভক্তদের সাথে শ্যামলী সিনেমা হলে শাকিব খান, কিন্তু কেন ? জানলে অবাক হবেন !!! | Bangla News - Duration: 2:09.
Super Mario 64 Romhacks || compilation. (Fan edit by: EzailTV) - Duration: 28:41.
*John Cena theme plays*
shouts out to simpleflips.
toaster strudel causes cancer
*weed, everyday smoke weed everyday*
*Mimics [Vinesauce] Joel* He's in a wheelchair
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
*Here comes the lore*
Alrighty, this is um, Mario after the war
There was a great war with Bowser and yeah, okay
So, before the game starts
You always get interrupt by lakitu
but I got a trick up my sleeve
*quick saves*
uh-huh alright
Oh shit!
Did it wrong >.<
*loads quick save*
That's right, fuck you Lakitu
*Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball MIDI*
Toad, help me out. Kill me, please
*In Toads voice* Shoutouts to Simpleflips
I'm sorry
And yes that is Nicolas Cage
Because he's the bomb
Get it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'd like to see these guys, well those guys speed games, speed run this, they won't
TURN DOWN YOUR FUCKING VOLUME. EzailTV added in ear rape noise of a man... Orgasming?
I told you to turn it down, don't say I didn't warn you
*It's okay to turn it up now*
*Sings a random song as Sanic music plays*
Stanky me-memes
Awh shit, I missed one :(
Not that it matters.
Ear... Piercing... Noises
It's so much worse with headphones
How can I have 300KMS? No way~
No, come here
Come 'ere
Come 'ere
let's go Mario
Shoutouts to simpleflips
*Smacks lips*
O mighty Bob, come back to us
We need your painting wisdom's
We will sacrifice Justin Bieber to get you back
I miss you man <3
slip slidin' away
*Let it go plays, cause winter level*
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
As much as I...
fffff-FUCKING hate Frozen
this version is quite okay
And yes and you do see it, the snowflakes and tress are Illuminati's
Come here you little
no no no no no no no, it's okay
I gotcha
I never liked this penguin
Now to do something stupid
I killed the bloody thing
Not again xD
All the time.
the same place
There we go :D
Let it go.
I - I will let it go
Down a fuckin' cliff
Back anymore~
Let it go (x2)
Flip the table, screw you all~
I can't something.
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway~
*Fast forwards a little* *To the right part*
Uh-huh, fast forward it
*Sings Gibberish Frozen*
Not yet
God damn it, EzailTV again?
Everyone, volume down.
I warned you.
Sorry mama, I killed your baby :D
Don't tell me, I am the only one who did that?
Every time you save the baby
You get the powerstar
You drop the baby
Then, you get the powerstar
I can't be the only one who did that
Everybody did that
*Enjoy some Sanic music again*
Shout.. Shoutout simp? Yeah
now what I did was technically not cheating
Cause the penguin still thinks like I am on the correct path
Even though I just swooped by him that first round
Oh shit
Fuck off
Come on, Pingu
Come on, pingu
yee, gimmie the damn star, thank you
Are you... Are you ready for this? I don't think you are
Ah, the lovely Princess Peach
Shoutouts to simpleflips
and yes
What you're hearing right now
Is the distorted version of
Sandstorm - Darudie
Darudie the sandystorm
Come here
*Oh EzailTV back at it again, volume down peoples*
*It's safe for now, volume's back up*
Holy shit
Never again
*Volume down, NOW*
*Hey, I did warn you, don't say I didn't*
*Loud clap*
Alrighty then, Lets get this party started
okay okay oh god it looks like choppy total - fear not
they're rockin Neos low mana crony I'm thinking butter on a spoon
oh god oh god
oh let's look at that like Elysee it's kicking in game in all right
the bridge is not seeing no more if you ever want to know why LSD
looks like walls to you guys oh and if you are sweet dude oh fuck
okay now I'm the big Baba Lord of all okay let's go dude
let's go holy shit no no no no no oh fuck
well that's it okay the game is blow off it's the game
well that's Vienna Mario because I'm fucking squash but oh god it's LSD Mario
pain I do go oh oh god this is oh god
please please oh now kicking in hell yeah oh let's see
the speedrunners do this complete Mario 64 count edition actually made one oh
come here come here not like out out out
but anyway how's my voice oh my god
no not not no no I'll try but again
this game is lemony shape of fucked up yes but it's experience no okay that's
great oh alright please defeat Bowser already
alone alone
oh my god
with me
oh my god level and finally over Mario
fucking office
the power of the stars is responsible
and it's all thanks to you thank you we have to do something special like a boy
this is positioning the CCC what upon your happen did I wait
that I died at the credits fuck well you know what it's over okay it is
it is over it's done finished
hello and welcome to the stream sorry this romhack is by caves and menu mm you
are a substantial dancing his name right everything is still the same
everything's like still the same bar is the same difficult classic and then
because you'll see yourself talking about
and look at that look at that
yep that's the Hat best thought about it watch okay but no this would then let's
dive right in a force ah here we go
now these and now these guys I can't go far like I came it's getting a bit of a
try see what it's like it's course like the come like always
the honesty in addition still play just like has the same logo of Mario but you
can become digitally anything or almost anything like you can't become a tree
now but you can become this
but soft oh those have become the unboxing spoons
so if you like mix all other illness did I break the canon
I broke the Canon I will get up I didn't work
what or ins it was us on I made some cubed quicker way ahead of me and then
yeah but you know what off the wing this
and by the way that's like that that's odd keep it natural speed I'm actually
controlling the speed while holding down a Oh or what what okay okay
not any Chenin Oh No I've ruined it no the game still recognize Oh teleport
teleport I guess not come on 1qp
and Cooper Cooper settings click time
second all right so you know you come estas gate valve oh
not today bitches hey lunch what's doing board this plane mario odyssey 64 back
them all and didn't give us to suicide this is been let me come damn it hack
yeah wait no no no no no no no one ever go Oh
Marva no no no no no mark come on goofy there's a spa sword this and let's get
that third key a fucking cake 27 I don't think so a simmer guys how to
might I'm 24 this year I was born 93 god oh god SEC longest battle ever
here we go our water offers or ticket my windows
yeah yeah oh my god
oh please no no no now never go one more good shot obviously
yeah not this is bicycle
Oh open alpha lon
I can throw a little bit fuck that's why Mario absolutely far
no no no no not
finishing in poverty
it's all oger Mario sound becomes style please know I love that I was ripping I
didn't mean to do but I wonder can I become Peach
you guys nothing yes yes yes
which is not very game over and there we go
Mario completed in supposed to be three meters which became but where are you
Pete yes I felt terrific and miss my thighs laughs force
thank you so much before to playing in my game well that's it streams live off
everybody go home no okay let's play it for real this time
this may take a few out bottom of your hours but little for all this time in
this plane I'm not going to cheat to balls are well able to cheat together
that's not permanently together damn it oh well fuck this I might play this in
the future without killing myself but yeah this was pretty fun inverse been
nearly an hour this was a pretty good run alright thanks for tuning in and
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