New assistant function of the "Google Photos" "share of the candidate"
Hello everyone
This time, we will explain the new assistant function of the "Google Photos" "share of the candidate"
"Google Photos" is added to 2017 June 29, the "Shared Library" feature, you can now use the ability to share photos automatically to other users
And the combined in this assistant function of the "Google Photos" "share of candidate" also has been newly added
This "sharing of the candidate", the image quality, time, location, is a function that will display the photos to be shared candidate based on the updated information in the Assistant tab
Depending on the frequency of use of "Google Photos" of the user, automatically learn, looks like us to display a candidate photo
And it will be able to easily share photos from Assistant tab
The "share of the candidate" is similar to other assistant function, it is also possible to turn off from the set
You can if you do not need them keep off easily function
Assistant function of the "Google Photos" such as "share of the candidate" is a convenient us to display and select the photos to be a candidate in the automatic function
In particular, since there is no merit to keep off the set, we recommend that you use remains on
Above, it was the explanation of the new assistant function of the "Google Photos" "share of the candidate"
For more infomation >> New assistant function of the "Google Photos" "share of the candidate" - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
GOP Governor Asa Hutchinson On Repeal And Delay: 'Doesn't Sound Like A Good Idea To Me' | MSNBC - Duration: 6:54.
ALERT: Maxine Waters Loses Her Mind, Issues Horrifying Threat Against Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.
Libs keep talking about getting President Trump
to stop tweeting.
If there's anyone who shouldn't be tweeting anymore, it's Maxine Waters.
If only for her own good–she's embarrassing herself by putting her senility on full display.
Congresswoman Waters (D-CA), has been calling for the impeachment of Trump from the beginning.
Now, she's taken her absurd rhetoric even further, saying that Trump should be EXILED
(via Twitter).
Please, what is this–the 3rd Century?
Waters' tweet is ridiculous on so many levels.
First, on what does she base the assertion that "women are fed up with this President?"
Sure, she's a woman who doesn't like Trump.
But there are millions of women across the country who voted for him and support him.
It's just a Democrat tactic.
With the Dems, it's always about dividing people, be it by race, religion, or gender.
The Left doesn't win unless it employs identity politics.
They have nothing of substance to offer.
Next, what has Trump done that's even impeachable?
Waters has been calling for the impeachment of Trump since day one.
What did he do at the outset?
Simply having a contrary political view does not constitute an impeachable offense.
There has to be a reason for impeachment!
It can't just be because you don't like the president.
What would our country be like if Congress impeached every president who belonged to
the opposing party?
We'd be in chaos.
The Dems have been playing up the Russia conspiracy for months now.
They want to make an impeachable offense out of that.
But even the media players who peddle that garbage know it's a nothing-burger.
Maxine's got nothing!
Now Waters wants to exile Trump?
Where does the law provide for the exiling of politicians?
I didn't realize that was a thing.
I think Ms. Waters should study up on the Constitution.
Of course, it's not surprising for a Democrat to be so constitutionally illiterate.
If anyone should be exiled, it's Maxine Waters.
She's been identified by various sources (including liberal ones like The Los Angeles
Times) as one of the most corrupt politicians in Congress (via Citizens for Ethics).
She uses her political contacts with companies to secure contracts and deals for her family.
She's gotten rich by abusing her office!
Waters has also apparently used her role in government to direct government money to an
organization in which she has a financial stake–without ever disclosing her relationship.
That's completely unethical.
If a Republican were to do that, they'd be in jail by now.
But Democrats are always given a free pass when committing crimes!
Waters' constant attacks on Trump are simply a way for her to reinvent her corrupt self
as a populist hero.
When a Democrat accuses you of something, you can be sure they're doing it themselves.
Waters slanders Trump to divert attention from her own corruption.
Democrats make themselves look silly by giving a voice to Maxine Waters.
Every sane person knows Trump is not going to be impeached.
Time for Waters to retire to the mental asylum!
Make room in Congress for true patriots!
Should Maxine Waters be kicked out of the country?
Please Share this and tell us what you think.
Girl sets out to race horses despite cerebral palsy - Duration: 1:37.
NYPD At Scene Of Shooting At Bronx Hospital | MSNBC - Duration: 1:42.
CrysoK - Puedes - Duration: 3:41.
Learn how to make this twist on lobster salad - Duration: 2:00.
EP052: Comic Book Origins - Gwenpool - Duration: 6:37.
[Main theme]
Hello everyone!
And welcome back to an all-new episode of MajestiComic.
In the past, we have profiled Deadpool and his villainous one-off character Venompool.
Today, we are going to add to our collection of "pool" characters with a cult fan favorite
called Gwenpool.
In June 2015, Marvel released a series called Deadpool's Secret Wars.
The second issue in this series had twenty different covers, each with a different Marvel
character in a Deadpool-style outfit.
Due to the popularity of a different character called "Spider-Gwen," who lives in an
alternate universe in which Spiderman's first love Gwen Stacy was bitten by the radioactive
spider instead of Peter Parker, one of these covers featured a character called Gwenpool.
She was a mashup of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool, and for all intents and purposes, she never
really existed in the realm of comics.
She only appeared on that one variant cover, but yet suddenly she became extremely popular.
Cosplayers all over the country dressed up as Gwenpool at Comic Con events, and Marvel
was completely chagrinned.
How could all of these people be dressing up as a character that had no backstory, and
had never even really appeared in any comic book?
So, executives at Marvel decided that if so many fans loved this character so much, they
just had to give her a story.
Although the character was originally meant to be an amalgamation of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool,
in the comic books, she was actually a girl named Gwen Poole (first name Gwen, last name
She had no connection to either of the characters that inspired her creation, but she did share
a lot of similarities with the latter.
She was created as a regular girl who found her way into the world of comic books – comic
books that she read and knew a lot about.
She broke the fourth wall and spoke to the audience just like Deadpool does, but unlike
him, she doesn't think that anything can happen to her in the world of the comics.
She doesn't think that it is real, and, according to her writer, Christopher Hastings,
she uses her knowledge of comic books like she is quote "playing Grand Theft Auto or
She doesn't think there are any consequences to her actions, because she knows she is living
in a fictional world where no one can really get hurt.
Or so she thinks.
Gwen Poole first appears in a four-issue arc of the Howard the Duck series in late 2015.
Her origin story is largely unknown, but she appears on the scene as someone who somehow
got into the Marvel Universe by traveling there from our real world.
She has long been a fan of Marvel comics, and doesn't seem at all troubled by her
presence there.
The only thing is, she doesn't want to just stand around and watch all the action happen
– she wants to be a part of it.
So, she goes to a tailor to get a special costume made.
Misreading the name on her application, the tailor thinks that her name is Gwenpool (all
one word,) so he makes her a costume that is very similar to Deadpool's, except with
pink highlights, because of the pink highlights in her blonde hair.
Once she has a costume, she then follows in Deadpool's footsteps and becomes a mercenary,
a person hired to kill people for money.
Although she has no superpowers in the Marvel Universe (aside from now apparently being
free from a prior lactose intolerance), she is a formidable threat.
She knows every secret identity of every hero and villain, which gives her a certain power
that no one else can match.
She is a fast learner, and she soon becomes highly skilled at what she does.
When she first appears in the Howard the Duck series, though, she is not really using those
skills for good.
Assuming that the Avengers will fix any fallout from her actions, she steals a virus from
Black Cat to sell it to the evil corporation of Hydra, which then planned to use it to
wipe out all of humanity.
Knowing that Black Cat would try to blackmail Howard the Duck in the hopes of getting the
virus back, Gwenpool hid in Howard the Duck's office and waited, planning to kill him.
Killing him wouldn't matter, she thought, because he was just a comic book character,
and comic book characters always come back from the dead.
At this point, she still didn't believe that there were any consequences to her actions,
because she was aware that she was in a comic book world and not the quote "real world."
Howard the Duck, however, has a different point of view.
He tells her that the Avengers can't save the world from that virus if it is released,
because they already have their hands full saving the world from other threats.
Suddenly overcome with guilt, Gwenpool decides to join forces with Howard the Duck and they
go to the Hydra base to steal back the virus.
Once they fight their way to the laboratory where scientists are experimenting with the
virus, Gwenpool decides that an easy way to get rid of it would be to drink it herself.
She is certain that it is the mumps virus, something that she got a vaccination for when
she was a child.
Unfortunately, though, the virus in the container was not the mumps.
Gwenpool starts to mutate, and Hydra agents are forced to give her an antidote so that
the virus doesn't spread to the agents in their base and wipe them all out.
The virus is then destroyed, but Gwen's work is not yet finished.
Dressing up as an agent from the organization that originally sold the virus to Black Cat,
Gwenpool goes to Black Cat and asks to buy back the box it came in.
At this point, Black Cat had not yet noticed that the virus was gone, so she sells it back,
none the wiser.
So, in the end, the world is saved, and Gwenpool is out of money, but maybe a little bit wiser
after learning that even in a fictional world, her actions do have consequences.
In December 2015, Marvel also released a special holiday issue starring Gwenpool.
This and her story arc in Howard the Duck were so successful that now Gwenpool has her
own line of comic books, in which she works as a mercenary on jobs given to her by the
tailor who designed her superhero outfit, Ronnie.
It has not yet been explained how she got to the Marvel universe in the first place,
but judging by some conversations she has had with various Marvel characters, she may
have come to the Marvel universe on purpose.
For some reason, it seems that she thinks it was necessary to erase herself from reality
and from her parents' memories.
Maybe one day, as her story continues, we will find out why.
What are your thoughts on Gwenpool?
Let us know in the comments!
And be sure to subscribe to the channel for more comic book character profiles.
You can check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ as well, or you can become a member
on our comic book forum at
Thanks for watching!
Until next time.
[credits theme]
Analyzing the Nintendo Switch Zelda Mod by MakoMod (#SheikahSwitchMod) - Duration: 5:57.
Hello ancient geeks! you're welcome to my channel!
You're welcome to this retro-gaming place in internet!
Today, I'm going to show you a special video
If you remember a few weeks ago
I visited a retro event in barcelona (Spain)
Retromaniacs Arcandreu
In which, among other things, I taught you
As you can see in the video
The exhibition of a Spanish modder called Makomod
He's a man that is dedicated to modifying consoles
And give them a very artistic touch
That It's quite cool
Well, I do not know how I did it.
I do not know how I convinced him
But he has Borrowed me one of his last creations
And I want to show you it in exclusive
If you follow him on twitter or you follow me
You will know what console I am talking about
It's this
Nintendo Switch Modified to Zelda Style
This video is going to be a kind of review
Analysis or tribute to this mod
I'll show you in detail
I'll put it on my table of unboxings
(my operating table)
And I hope you enjoy the video
Come on let's go there!
I'm going to start explaining you every parts, step by step
about this console mod
With details that has given me of its construction
I'll start with the screen or tablet
It has been coated with aged leatherette
And the details of the frame have been embroidered as in the past
With gold sewing thread
This aged leatherette decorative has
increased the console
So you he had to modify the dock
To make it fit properly
And not lose its ability to console over-table
As well as to be able to load its battery
The rest of the body of the screen
And matching the front details
He has painted it with golden paint
On the back has drawn the triforce symbol of Zelda
Now, we will go to see the joy con
This is the part that has impressed me the most
The modification of the joy con
The surface has lined with aged pine wood
And he has decorated it by hand with a brush
With drawings related to Zelda in gold
Here you can see the aging
of the wood
They look like cuts made with some dagger
or similar
In many points he has made these details
That manage to convey that the console has been
Involved in 1000 battles
The detail of the metallic sides
It's really good
Are lined with chiselled brass plates
Which he has cut by hand and giving
the round shape of the joy con
The icing on the cake
Of what he has done with these joy con
Has been the buttons
He has decorated them giving them the effect of ancient stone
With alphabet characters used in the game
And the ancient stone effect
That he has given is the same
Than the one he used with the dock
The touch of the joy con
Conveys the sensation of having
Between hands an ancient weapon
My old neurons vibrate to see
This vintage details :)
A very curious detail is the smell
It Really smells like wood
old wood
With the dock of the nintendo switch
he has done a job to the height of
The joy with and the screen
Has covered the front cover
With epoxy putty
Giving it an aged stone appearance
He has decorated the stone aged with touches of moss
Then he drilled by hand
the eye of the sheikah stones (Zelda)
And inside
Has placed lighting
That simulates flames
Has set it up so that
When the console is connected to the mains
The eye is lit
It lights up and starts to crackle
like flames inside the dock
So the effect is incredible
as you can see
It's amazing in the dining room next to the TV
One of the characteristics
Of all Makomod mods
Are that in no case
You lose the functionality of the consoles
This Nintendo Switch is no exception
I've been really testing it and
You can play very well
There is no differences
With an unmodified console
At some point I thought that both
Analog controls such as buttons
because he change its thickness
With the touch-ups he has made
they Would change somewhat the experience of use
But the truth is that I haven't noticed the change
This is not the only console mod
What has MakoMod has done
Look his facebook
And you will see the collection of works that he has done
you must look for example the chest of zelda
With the triforce logo levitating over
it's like magic :)
And there are many more
I'll leave you the link in the description of the video
So you can access
To his facebook directly
In the next dates he will reveal another awesome mod
Pretty amazing
so you'll stay tuned to their social networks
If you are curious to know
The process he have followed to
Make the mod, I invite you to
Follow him on his twitter
In his @makomodding account
And if you are interested in having this Nintendo Switch
Is going to auction it on ebay
I leave the link in the comment of the video
So you can access the auction
If you want get it
It's all ancient geeks!
I hope you enjoyed this video
Give it to like button if it is so
Subscribe to the channel and give it to the bell button
And share the video in your
Social networks
See you later alligator!
Kid Songs | How To Make Colors Car DIY Clay Play | Colors For Children Toddlers Kids | Baby Play Doh - Duration: 2:07.
Blue blue blue blue is great, blue blue blue blue is great.
Blue blue blue car is blue, blue blue blue car is blue.
Blue car.
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Red red red car is red, red red red car is red.
Red car.
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Yellow yellow yellow car is yellow, yellow yellow yellow car is yellow.
Yellow car.
Green green green green is great, green green green green is great.
Green green green car is green, green green green car is green.
Green car.
Green car, green colors Yellow car, yellow colors
Red car, red colors Blue car, blue colors
Best Air Conditioning Company in Gilbert AZ [Bruce Cooper 12 News Arizona] - Duration: 1:17.
Hi My Name is Bruce Cooper and I don't have to tell you, if you're going to live in Arizona
you're going to need a good Air Conditioning Company on speed dial.
For me, that company is Comfort Conditioning.
Now, I've been with them for well over 10 years.
Now, recently my mother had an air conditioning problem.
She was told she needed a brand new unit -- $6,500.
I called Comfort Conditoining for a second opinion.
They told her the reason her air conditioning was arbitrarily going off was because of
a faulty thermostat.
A huge difference in price between a new unit and a thermostat.
Again, we're talking honesty, courtesy and reliability.
Hey, if you're looking for a good Air Conditioning Company to add to your list of contacts, try
Comfort Conditioning.
I highly recommend them!
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