Earlier this week, Donald Trump managed to pull off one of the most disgusting moves
of his entire presidency, and guess what?
It had absolutely nothing to do with any form of legislation.
During a phone call with the newly elected Prime Minister of Ireland, Donald Trump interrupted
the call to bring over a reporter, Caitriona Perry, from RTE, an Irish version basically
of public broadcast, to let her know that she's beautiful.
Take a look at the clip and watch what Donald Trump, our President of the United States,
did while on a diplomatic call with a foreign Prime Minister.
We have a lot of, well, we have a lot of your Irish press watching us.
They're just now leaving the room, and where are you from?
Go ahead.
Come here, come here.
Where you from?
Should we have all of this beautiful Irish press?
Where are you from?
I'm from RTE News.
[inaudible 00:00:54].
Caitriona Perry [inaudible 00:00:55].
Caitriona Perry.
She has a nice smile on her face, so I bet she treats you well.
Now, Republicans were quick to point out, "Look, she's laughing and smiling.
She didn't mind it."
You know what?
She did.
After the incident happened, Miss Perry got online and said that the whole thing was truly
That was the best way that she could describe it without insulting or being accused of making
something out of nothing, which all too often happens to women in that situation.
What Donald Trump did there borders dangerously, and in my opinion, crosses the line into full
blown harassment.
While he's on the phone with a head of state, and people think this is okay?
People think this is normal behavior, to objectify a female reporter like this in the Oval Office,
while talking to a Prime Minister?
That is undoubtedly the most disgusting thing I've seen Donald Trump do while President
of the United States.
This is behavior that we should not tolerate from any human being in this country, certainly
not the President of the United States.
Because you know what happened when that clip went online?
Everybody saw it.
Not just the United States, everybody.
Everybody who has access to internet videos online has the ability to go and take a look
at that clip and see what a disgusting, embarrassment the United States' President really is.
That's partly why the image of the United States is declining all over the world, because
of this man.
Not necessarily because of that incident, these polls came out before that, but that's
how they view him.
To be honest, anyone who's shocked by this really wasn't paying attention during the
I mean, this man is on tape saying that he likes to grab women by the genitals.
He likes to push them up against the wall and kiss them, even if they don't want it,
and granted, he was married during these times when he claimed to be doing this, but I'm
sure Melania doesn't care about that, right?
This is a disgusting, psychotic individual, sitting in the Oval Office every day, making
decisions that affect every single person on this planet.
Given the opportunity, he would sexually harass any woman that he found worthy of it, and
his little comment about, "I'm sure she treats you well," that was one of the most disgusting
scenes there, because it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines there, and understand
what Donald Trump is implying about this female reporter and her relationship to that Prime
This is a disgusting man who needs to be removed from office.
I can't say that enough.
He is a danger, not to just this country, but most importantly, to women everywhere.
I would not trust him around my wife or my daughter, my mother, my sisters, anyone.
Donald Trump should be a registered sexual predator.
That's the kind of behavior he exhibits, and I'm sure a good psychologist spending five
minutes with the man would absolutely slap him with that diagnosis.
But instead of that, instead of being him diagnosed, instead of him having to go door
to door and tell people he just moved in, he's a sexual predator, no, we put him in
the Oval Office as President of the United States, because that's just the kind of country
we've become.
For more infomation >> Trump Objectifies Female Reporter In Oval Office – This Is Not Normal! - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
Breathe Trailer 2017 REACTION - Duration: 5:17.
So while reviewing the last two Logan Lucky trailers
I've been telling all of you that Bleecker Street has never distributed a bad movie!
Interview Question: "Tell Me About Yourself" The Perfect Answer 🏆 - Duration: 10:37.
Hi there thanks for joining us today for the interview. Why don't you start out by
telling us a little bit about yourself are you a hundred percent sure that you
know how to answer this question correctly because you need to because
it's going to affect the entire interview going forward and
unfortunately if you answer it poorly you can disqualify yourself in that
first 30 seconds so that everything happens for the rest of the interview
makes no difference you're not going to have a chance to get a job so in this
video we're going to go through four different examples - from me and - from
Kendall the first two are going to show things that you should not do but are
very common mistakes that we see and the second two are going to show things that
you should be doing to give a really strong answer to give yourself the best
chance of getting hired we're going to watch the video clips and I want you in
your mind to try to pick out what's going on whether good or bad and then
I'll break them down afterwards and tell you what is going on so you can compare
the two and learn so let's dive right into the first example okay so thanks
for joining me for the interview today why don't we just start our just getting
to know each other a little bit why don't you tell me a little bit about
yourself so I grew up here in Austin I went to UT and studied math it's a real
passion of mine but lately I've been really going to get to dancing a lot of
West Coast Swing super contemporary but when I'm not doing that I was living
yoga I'm trying to be very fit and healthy I just got a new dog it's really
great about abalzer his name is Ranger um super cute and I like to restate fit
active lately I've been super busy because I just moved apartment
all the way north now
all right what did you see is there anything that you spotted that you think
could have been improved upon or maybe never should ever be said in an
interview at all we're going to watch the next clip which is me answering that
question and then we'll break down the pros and cons all right so thanks for
joining me for the interview today yeah so why don't you start this out by
tell me a little bit about yourself yeah sure so I really lately have been
getting into Muay Thai kickboxing I'm not sure if you watching MMA I just find
it's a really good way to stay in shape and I think that guys when they have a
chance to not only compete but to kind of get your bell rung a little bit when
you're sparring and things like that to stay in shape I just think it's a good
kind of way to vent and work out the stresses of the day yeah I've been I've
been trying to eat a lot more healthy to be honest like that's very important to
me it's kind of a new passion in my life go to Whole Foods a lot there's one
close here in Austin I'm getting a lot of salad bars or it used to be more like
in and out burgers but I'm touching that up so that's a very important thing to
me too and I also really have been enjoying just getting out in hiking
being outside being in the wilderness a little bit has been important your last
couple years so that's kind of where I'm at right now yeah about five miles
outside of town believe it or not there's a little place you can go and
hike and kind of rejuvenate and get some oxygen in those lungs and feel good all
right what did you see well one big mistake that so many people make that
you won't now because you know is spin everything towards the position the job
in the company don't talk about any facts about yourself that don't pertain
to the position although I or she while listening may act interested and say oh
you got a new dog cool how nice what kind is it in their minds are thinking
this is not relevant at all the position and therefore this person has no idea
what's going on they're not seeing things rugged how can I rely on someone
who doesn't even know how to answer this question to be put in front of clients
or customers so think of a few things that are interesting if you strengths or
experiences you've gone through but tie them back to the position or the company
because it's going to make the answer interesting by having a personal
antidote but it's also directly relative to the position now if you're not
confident or you feel fearful or stressed just having to interact with
anybody let alone the stress of an interview you need to get that handle I
put together a spreadsheet checklist that you can touch up in the right
corner right here to download for free and it's going to go through a list of
things it's called a social invincibility checklist it's going to go
through a list of things that can help you just get more comfortable around
people therefore when you're in an interview
all of those skills and things you learn on the checklist you'll be able to apply
to come across a nice calm and confident in the interview now let's look at this
next couple of videos and notice that all of the answers are spun directly
towards the position and there's some other stuff going on to see if you can
pick out the positives that are going on this video too and we'll break them down
here right afterwards so thanks for joining me today know the great happy
why don't we just kick this off by the economy a little bit of a job sure sure
so it's kind of funny because even at a young age I remember when Nintendo first
came out I was always really passionate interested about how to program these
games of programming TI 81 little ridiculous games but still programming
all the same I've always been into it and so when I realized the kind of value
that a full-stack developer could offer to a company I was like this is
incredible because they say you want to do what you love and this is really
something I love in my last position I was able to take a lot of those
programming skills to actually increase efficiency of one of the systems that
they had by 30% and all of that documented so I felt really good about
that you know being able to do something you're really good at you really loved
and actually seeing those empirical results are very very powerful me and in
the future I'd love to just work my way up in the system of programmers so you
know there's definitely a hierarchy that goes but I think my skill sets would
allow me to only operate in a programming level but also to operate in
a management kind of liaison level so that's something I'd like to do sometime
in the future so it's kind of where I'm at right now ok nice what was done there
there were four main techniques that were applied there starting with what I
talked about in the last one always spanning everything back to the position
so I started with kind of an interesting story about how I was a little kid I
liked to program them ti-85 calculators but that's directly relative to the
position because it's a programmer position that I mock interviewing for
the second thing as I'm talking about actual things I've done that are
quantifiable about 30% increase to something in my last
position you always want to bring up previous successes and if you can't I
actual numbers and statistics to them which seem harder to fabricate for
people it can be even more effective I also linked my passion to the position
so I said you have always been passionate about this full stack
development thing when I realized I could do this as a profession and make
money it kind of seemed like a no-brainer a great thing to do and then
lastly I talked about my strengths and where I want to go in the future so I
said you know I could see myself not only being a programmer but I also
seemed to have a decent way with people so I also could see myself moving into
maybe a management position if it see fit within the company so now I'm
talking about my strengths and the trajectory of what I want those four
things if you can weave all four those things into your answer you're going to
be absolutely golden now let's look and see how Kendall respond to the same
thing okay that's very good to have you today they show you a resume very
impressive resume looks like you have a lot of experience in the right places
but I'm just kind of curious to get started could you tell me a little bit
about yourself yes so I grew up here in Austin I went
to the University of Texas and studied mathematics
so I actually started college when I was 15 I've always had a passion for math at
an early age I did the whole mathematics program with the special self is an
actuarial science Society yeah graduated at the age of 20 and now I've been
working at my current position for about four years I have just been promoted
recently to the role of project manager Wow which has been really great because
it felt like it really focuses on a unique skillset that I have I have a
really strong background in mathematics and I also have a really great skill set
of being able to communicate with people and so it's been a really interesting
new challenge for me to be able to work with the team of mathematicians and then
also be able to work with upper management and communicate where the
projects at and the status of that and I'm hoping in the future that I'll be
able to continue to grow that skill and use it for other roles that's fantastic
because as you know a lot of people with those hard
mathematical skills not only aren't good at it I don't enjoy dealing with people
on a bigger project level so that's something that's very unique to you very
interesting now that was good even as I watch this back now that's even more
impressive so she did the exact same four things she started out with some
interesting stats you know she started she went to UT she started college at
age 15 which is pretty wild and knew that she always had a passion for math
it's an interesting stat to keep things fresh but had a passion for math she
graduated at 20 the years of 20 no actual things she's done she's worked
for the company for four years and was promoted to project manager nice thing
to weave in and then she talked about her strength she said I have a unique
skill set in math but I also think I'm good at communicating with people kind
of like my answer was she's enjoyed being liaison and giving updates on
project status and things like that and would like to move into a role or
continue to get experience in that in a role in the future so now she's saying
where she wants to go or ambitions and what she wants in the future but tying
those directly to her strengths now the cool thing about this question is you
basically know you are going to be asked it in most interviews so what can you do
when you know that well you can rehearse come up with a really nice quality
answer that incorporates these four pieces so we start at an interview not
only do you have a sharp answer but you can kind of go on autopilot when you're
answering this because you got it in the hopper and that enables you to get nice
and comfortable and loose in the environment and it gets the other person
more comfortable because they're able to hear you talking more whatnot so you
have this canned answer kind of in the hopper it can pay real dividends too yet
an interview I've got some additional videos coming out here in the next
couple weeks about best practices for interviewing you can click the link in
the description beneath the video and head over to my Instagram page you just
type it in it's charisma matrix and there I'm going to tell you exactly when
the videos are coming out so none of them slipped through the cracks I'm also
going to give some behind the scenes looks at recording in the studio and
some goofy stuff that happens that otherwise is it showed in my youtube
channel so you can head over there and subscribe if you'd like to join the
party and now it looks like there's a very excited man in a fancy suit that's
got a few things there's three things you can do on the screen you can click
here if you haven't downloads your free tonality checklist you can click up here
you want to go to another video that YouTube thinks you'd really enjoy or if
you're crazy enough and haven't subscribed yet click right down there to
subscribe to the channel I'll talk to you soon
Video: Fair helps those leaving prison re-enter society - Duration: 1:05.
Vicki Lawrence talks about her favorite shows - Duration: 5:58.
Ancient Egypt - Duration: 3:48.
Ancient Egypt ancient existed in the years 3000 BC to 1200 BC
it was located in Africa. It nests between the Mediterranean Sea and the
Red Sea. Egypt functioned off of these bodies of water as well as the Nile River.
We are able to understand and learn more about ancient Egypt from the
artifacts they left behind. Hieroglyphics are writings that are carved in stone
to represent people, gods, or events
The Egyptians created paper from papyrus
to keep written records. It was woven by hand and would typically make a scroll.
They also created their own calendar system. Here you can see the calendar
carved into the stone on a temple wall. Imagine the time this took!
Egypt had an advanced irrigation system that they created for crops.
This system stretched up to five miles to reach the Great Pyramids from the Nile River
They created chariots for war to advance above their enemies.
Egypt was ruled by Pharaoh's, or kings, and queens.
Many statues were carved to honor the reign
of the Old Kingdom Pharaohs.
One important pharaoh, Khufu, is remembered by the building of the Great Pyramids of Giza.
He has his own pyramid and his wives have three small ones
located next to him.
There is also a tomb for his mother, mother Queen Hetepheres.
Khufu's son, Khafre, was commemorated by the middle pyramid
and the Great Sphinx. The small ones around it were built for his sons.
Egyptians believed strongly in the afterlife, ka. They used mummification to
prepare the part of the body left for resurrection
A sarcophagus was very ornate in feature.
King Tut's sarcophagus is shown in elaborate detail
with colors and gold.
The religious belief of Egyptians was polytheistic.
Which means they worshipped multiple gods. One of the Gods is Osiris.
He is known for his green skin color in pictures and was in charge of the
transition of the dead
Anubis with a jackal for a head was in
charge of the mummification process. Notice the four jars below the table.
Here, Horus and the four sons are pictured. The four sons are noted for
keeping organs and the canopic jars after mummification for the dead to use in the afterlife.
Now you know what was in the jars.
Ra, the Sun God was in charge of the midday sun.
They used the limestone on the pyramids to reflect the sun and lift up the light to Ra.
Ra has a falcon for a head and a human body.
Notice the falcon mummified here. They took the gods very seriously.
They would mummify the animals that represented the gods.
Another animal used is the cat. The Bastet, a feline god, was believed to be a goddess of warfare in the afterlife.
This drawing represents the slavery that was prevalent during this period of ancient Egypt.
They were responsible for gathering and maintaining the crops.
The slaves depicted in the artwork are considered to be the Israelite slaves.
Look at the hard laboring work that was required of them.
Look at the artwork on this sarcophagus.
Think about what you would put on one made for you then draw it!
BREAKING: Susan Rice Issues DISGUSTING Response To Federal Investigation | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:55.
The liberal media is going easy on Obama-era officials even after they are out of office.
The mainstream news is committed to protecting Obama from accountability.
Obama-era national security advisor Susan Rice claims that the Senate is only investigating
her spying on President Trump because she is a black woman (via New York Magazine).
Accusing critics of bigotry is the only strategy Democrats have left.
Rice knows she is guilty, and, instead of accepting responsibility, the former security
advisor is deflecting by accusing Republicans of racism.
The House Intelligence Committee launched an investigation into Rice earlier this year
after Mike Cernovich revealed that Rice was behind the "unmasking" of Trump associates
during the election.
Unmasking is an intelligence community term for revealing the name of U.S. persons captured
in foreign surveillance.
During the election, Rice authorized the unmasking of communications from the Trump campaign
that was subsequently leaked to the media.
In a recent softball interview with New York Magazine, Rice claimed that she had been the
target of Right-wing "bigots" since being implicated in the Benghazi scandal.
Rice was tapped in by Obama who apparently asked her to lie to the American people about
the motivations of the Benghazi Embassy attack.
Rice claimed the catalyst for the terrorist attack was an American documentary criticizing
The CIA debunked this claim and revealed that the Democrats knew the real motivation of
the terrorists before the attack even occurred – as revealed in Hillary Clinton's leaked
However, Rice does not think lying to the American people is reason enough for being
"Why me?
Why not Jay Carney, for example, who was then our press secretary, who stood up more?"
Rice asked the NY Mag interviewer insinuating that she is a target because of her race and
"I don't know…
I do not leap to the simple explanation that it's only about race and gender.
I'm trying to keep my theories to myself until I'm ready to come out with them.
It's not because I don't have any," Rice explained revealing the delusion of Democrats.
Susan Rice has been caught lying on multiple occasions.
She originally denied involvement in the unmasking only to admit her role after Cernovich broke
the story.
Rice was a mouthpiece of the Obama administration tasked with lying to the American people and
acting as a scapegoat if necessary.
The Obama administration consistently placed political priorities above their duties to
the American people.
Susan Rice lied and broke the law to further the goals of her Party.
This has nothing to do with race or gender.
Do you think Susan Rice should be forced to testify before Congress?
Please share this and tell us what you think!
Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 29 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 Ret paladin OWNING in Warsong Scramble TOP DAMAGE! - Duration: 14:36.
WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 Ret paladin OWNING in Warsong Scramble TOP DAMAGE!
Here's Where to Cop the Supreme x Louis Vuitton Drop - Duration: 1:59.
Hey everyone, for Complex News, I'm Justin Block.
At long last, the Supreme and Louis Vuitton collaboration is finally dropping.
Arguably the most hyped release of the year, the two brands are coming together to merge
high-end fashion—and its prices—with the streetwear cool that Supreme represents.
Items from the release go on sale on June 30, but only in at pop-up shops in select
Sydney, Australia is lucky enough to see Supreme and Louis Vuitton items hit the streets first.
In addition, Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Paris, London, Miami, and Los Angeles will all have
pop-up shops carrying the collection starting on the 30th.
Although Louis Vuitton says that more pop-up locations are on the way, there's no word
on when, or if, there will be a release in New York City.
In May, Supreme and Louis Vuitton submitted plans to an NYC community board to sanction
a small pop-up shop for their huge release, but after local residents protested, the board
straight-up denied the brands' request.
Not only that, but the board scolded the brands, listing dozens of reasons why locals didn't
want the pop-up shop on their street.
So, if you're in the NYC area and still hoping to cop something from the Supreme and
Louis Vuitton collection, you'll either need a plane ticket, a plug, or a grip to
drop on Grailed.
Pieces from the collection will likely be very limited, and given the price points of
just about every item, regular Supreme heads may be priced out of this luxury drop.
From the collaboration, we've got duffle bags going for over $1,000, 5-panel caps for
over $400, iPhone cases for over $400, sneakers for over $950, and other items like this bomber
jacket and this denim work shirt that will probably retail for multiple checks.
And that doesn't even include these exclusive Supreme and Louis Vuitton items that Travis
Scott previewed on Instagram back in January.
But no matter where you live in the world, getting your hands on this rare collaboration
will be difficult.
If you're trying out there, good luck.
That's the news for now, but for more, be sure to subscribe to Complex on YouTube today.
For Complex News, I'm Justin Block.
The Towering Who Knows? - Duration: 11:46.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/04/30/in-defence-of-ex-bhs-owner-philip-green/ "It's MY money [BHS employees wages/pensions], I can do what I like with it.." - Sir Phillip Green, former head of BHS.
"I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus." - prince (small 'p' intended) Phillip.
... Kaitlyn Jenner ...
Would you smile if you'd just witnessed this?
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