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Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the ground!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Jump up high!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the sky!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Bend down low!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch your toes!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn out the light!
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Say good night!
TOP 10 SONGS | BOLLYWOOD SONGS - Duration: 3:43.
Lille Blåknut | Busigt Lärande | Svenska Barnsånger | Förskola Låtar | Barnmusik | Barnrim - Duration: 1:05:55.
Little Boy Blue,
Come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn;
But where is the boy
Who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack,
He's fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I,
For if I do,
He's sure to cry
Little Boy Blue,
Come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn;
But where is the boy
Who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack,
He's fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I,
For if I do,
He's sure to cry
do's and don't of college along with some tips for incoming freshmen| pt 1 - Duration: 13:55.
Helly all this is u140550 peace what's up everybody
ok well I've been pretty pretty busy I'm not been watched very much but um if you
guys ever decide to definitely catch me down live-streaming sometimes a live
stream on to youtube so feel free to find that down in the down box below
please subscribe hit the like button I'm also hit the bell because I make videos
as um as frequently as I can when I have the chance to currently right now I'm
doing my college classes and I've been very very busy college summer classes of
this anyways get in today's video and for incoming college students even
though I've probably already made these type of videos I felt that these needs
to be improved that's one of the reasons why you see some of the videos that
you're seeing right now as far as what I'm giving anyways for any of you guys
that I new freshmen or incoming freshmen these are some little things that you
should not do in college I mean sometimes some teachers will
prefer it but sometimes for the most part and I'm sorry if this is not even
even um some but for the most part most professors will not really listen to you
if you are doing this so when you go to college you know how I mean the college
when you go to elementary school middle school high school how do you tell you
to raise your hand I still sometimes do this but for the most part most colleges
they want you to be independent and to just answer in a respectful way and also
just to basically speak so one person has one opinion when a person has
another opinion you pretty much after they're done you can talk your opinion
then they can talk their opinion etc but depending on the
Prester sometimes you can also do this especially if you're in a good
discussion I learned this very much when I was in
my first few classes in college and a lot of times even though I was doing
this they were like David don't really pick me they just you know picked
whoever they saw if the person was pointing their finger out but usually P
spoken you said professor to the yes or ponte de Beauvoir so if you can
definitely say things in a respectful way you will definitely be able to get
their attention and also at the same time be able to UM learn and be able to
say what you need to say for some professors they will ask you to raise
your hand but for other professors where most part usually would not want to do
this always um excuse me always in commute in community college and
university okay so that's one the next one is remember you're in a class you
know how when you when you're in high school middle school and elementary
school you would raise your hand or you asked a professor or teacher can I go to
a restroom or may I go to restroom now that's respectful that's something that
definitely you shouldn't exactly you know take away less para is like now
that you're in college they don't mind you getting out of the class because
you're an adult you know you need a restroom go don't ask the professor just
go and then come back because they feel that and a lot of people feel that once
you are in college you basically are in charge yourself they are not in charge
of you if you don't get your work done you get the grade that you get
if you um decide you know oh I don't really like this class or you know I I
don't want to stay in this class the whole area time then you can definitely
do that you can go to restaurant leave class go huh and I just got but don't
expect your grade be that good some professors do not like it that you have
your phone open all the time but because you're in college setting some teachers
don't mind you using it every now and then because it is a way for you to
navigate through lecture navigate through a lot of different things and
it's a good way to take notes sometimes but that's depending on those teachers
digression um I may have said that wrong but I actually just fished a 63 a 63 or
more um exam recently which recently today so
it's pretty pretty long and I also had another class so I'm pretty tired I'm so
sorry you guys anyways so yeah when you are doing that you are your own boss um
data point care about you as a student but but what I mean my they don't mind
they don't really care too much that you're going to leave is that it's not
like high school you have to ask permission if you need to go go if you
don't want to be in the class so be it but don't expect for your grades to be
good might as well if that is if you don't care about the education and you
know other things then some people some professors will say you might as well
drop because you need to be you need to be one of those people that is engaged
and really wants to try their best and work hard and actually care about your
education this is one of the reasons why from the other video that I made before
is college for everybody you have to have the great and you have the passion
to do it and all the other things that I explained in that video
um because college is not easy there is a lot of hard things that can happen a
good example is sometimes you will have a X amount of a lot of books with many
chapters sometimes 200 300 page books and usually you'll read give her a
little bit of it or all of them all through and you only have a short amount
of time to read them this is for sometimes literature classes sometimes
for English classes and at the same time you'll you'll have to analyze things and
make them into analytical lean good argumentative essays um that makes your
point valid also also along with that you will need to know how to structure
it depending on how on the way that your teacher wants you to make your essay
especially if it's your first time taking an English class in a college
setting say yes they do care about you it's not like they don't but there is
times when um when sometimes I've noticed people Dino and some different
students I know some that that sometimes they don't wrote there's like a first or
second semester but sometimes they they care they care about college but some of
them don't um particularly so then they don't come to class for maybe a week we
can have it is your responsibility as an adult to go to your classes and do what
you have to do so I don't want to waste a very much care about you but if you're
not going to give the effort back then you know it's not their fault because
you are a human being you are a person taking these classes and definitely like
I said you don't have asked the professor you got to do this this or
that you just go to the restroom we come back
you might have awesome what part of lecture but if your friends have took in
some notes maybe they'll give you some also when you are going to class they
expect you to have the books they need and to expect you to UM to understand
the requirements as a student in their class and that's definitely something
that you need to keep in mind also when you're reading books and you're doing
this in that take a good amount of time to Emma Tate make little notes in your
books or on a piece of paper to make sure that you are making the right type
of notes that will help you with your future essays I'm also taking notes so
that you can do good in your bio classes in your mathematical classes in your
chemistry classes etc um okay so what else to prepare you for college
make sure to also enjoy the college experience yes it is stressful yes it's
a lot of work guests this and that but do take a little bit of time if you can
to have a little bit of a relaxed time this is a reason being that you should
probably get a lot of your work done before the end of the week so that you
can always have a little bit of time to relax or downtown relax before you go
straight to studying for your next exam or studying for whatever it is also try
and make some friends um whether or not they'll be flown good friends depends on
you and your relationship with them but the reason I say make friends is because
you may not know anyone at the school but they will definitely help you out
with squish your schoolwork and your classes and it'll help you and them
to do well in the class on with that you need to um you need to take good notes
and sometimes depending on a few different things there are certain
programs that will help you in different things that you might need help with and
with that comes some things that accommodate certain people and help
certain people to make sure that you will do well in these classes on with
that you also want to make sure to study and repeat and reread notes so that you
will be prepared for those exams that are coming up anyways I have a lot more
I like the same but I'm going to put this as a part one and then I'm going to
add in a part two where I hope I set in the best way possible but this is the
best way that I can explain at this moment I will see you guys in the next
video please rate a K like comment and subscribe and hit that Bell button I
hope you guys enjoy this video I know it's a lot of me rambling and rambling
and rambling and look at the time right now it's almost 13 minutes long but um
this is definitely to prepare you for college and this is my part one there
will be a link to one video um from my previous video there will be another one
on this side that I'm going to be putting a random video this is actually
a video long long time ago when I was in HS and I would like for you guys to
actually look at it if you guys have a chance to it's a pretty cool one um it
was something I did in town show and also I will every now and then be
promoting different types of youtubers I really like I feel like
family needs a shout out just like they would probably shout out my channel so I
will definitely put them in the middle with my subscription picture right here
and their subscription picture right about here so anyways I will see you
guys in the next room and/or video when I have the chance to come back
this is you 1 4 0 5 5 0 will be sending out now and I hope to see you in the
next video every reader teen child Buster down yeah
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