whatsup guys.
i am back with another tech talk video so without any further due lets jump into it
first news why google been handed a record 2.7 billion fine
european commission today fined google record 2.7 billion for abusing its market domiance
as search engine by gvivng illegal adavntage to its shooping comparison service .however
google claims its links help users by taking them directly to products and not to different
here cyber attack causes mass disruption across europe
an outbreak of malicious data scrambiling petya ransmware similar to wannacry caused
mass disruption across eurpoe on tuesday many companies in the uk germany and netherland
reported that they are also trageted
and here google stop scannig users emails for gamil ads
technology major google has annouced thatit will stop scanning the inboxes of gmail free
users for keyword that help to target ads later this year
users will continue too see promoted messags in the free version of gmail but the ads will
be trageted using personal information from sources like users search history location
and youtube
source code suggests andriod o could be named oatmeal cookie
user testing google upcoming andriod o have suggested the latest andriod operationg system
could be named oatmeal cokkie basrd on references to ov in its source code
#5 uk hackers uses bank loophole to buy luxurious cars het tattos
a uk man has been found guilty of expolotiong loopholes in a bank computers steal nearly
82.5 lakh which he spent on face tattos on bmw and rangeover the loophole allowed him
to tansfer non existent fund between his current and savings accounts between midnight 1 am
.this guy has been sentenced to 16 month jail #6ibm new 5nm processor can increase battery
life by 4 times ibm in collabration with samsung and global foundaires has developed a new
process for building 5nm chips the first of its kind
the new 5nm chips have performance gain of up to 40 percentage over the 10nm counterparts
and can be up to 75% more power efficient
#7 google chrome adds picture in picture support in andriod o
andriod o brought a whloe lot of new features including pictures in picture mode
xiaomi mi max nougat update start rolling out
the update is being send over the air so may take while before its gets to everyone however
according to reports the update brings with it miui8.5.1.0 along with the changes to the
way search behaves on the phones ,the update also brings changes in cpu more optimised
and efficient if you have not recevied the update yet be
patient as it is rooling out slowly to all users
so thats preety much guys ....hope u enjoy the video if u did dont forget to subscribe
the channel ..you guys have a great day peace
For more infomation >> TECH TALK #4-PETYA CYBER ATTACK,GMAIL ADS,ANDRIOD O,MI MIX NOUGAT,UK HACKERS,CHROME,GOOGLE,IBM!!!! - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Addiction crisis increases need for foster families - Duration: 2:41.
10 Common Questions and Answers about Electrical Earthing System - Duration: 4:26.
Electrical Earthing or grounding provides the safety of the personnel from the electric
It insures that the non currents carrying parts, such as equipment frames are always
safe at ground potential even though the insulation fails.
In this video are some of the questions of Electrical Earthing system, you may be asked
at a job interview, including a few technical questions to get you started.
If you like our video, so please subscribe our channel Learning Engineering.
Question no.
Why do we need earthing?
Earthing is used to protect you from an electric shock.
It does this by providing a path for a fault current to flow to earth.
It also causes the protective device either a circuit-breaker or fuse to switch off the
electric current to the circuit that has the fault.
Question no.
What is ground in a circuit?
A ground is a direct electrical connection to the earth, a connection to a particular
point in an electrical or electronic circuit, or an indirect connection that operates as
the result of capacitance between wireless equipment and the earth or a large mass of
conductive material.
Question no.
How does grounding work?
You see current flows from the panel to the outlet or device to power it up.
The neutral wire is the return path for unused current.
In that instant, the short would cause the current to flow through the ground wire, causing
a fuse to blow or a circuit breaker to trip.
Question no.
How does earthing work in electricity?
A difference can occur when either current is flowing down the earth wire or through
someone's body to ground, and back to the neutral point through the earthing system.
Electricity flows only when the circuit is complete.
And our body is a great conductor of Current.
So electricity will flow through body to ground.
More information about earthing system, so visit www.learningengnr.com
Question no.
What is an earth bond?
Earth bonding is the act of connecting all metallic objects in a room, or house, to 'electrical
earth'; usually a gas and\or water pipe.
Gas and water pipes run through the earth so are connected to the same earth, eventually,
as the electrical earth of an electrical circuit.
Question no.
What is TT earthing?
The fault loop impedance is higher, and unless the electrode impedance is very low indeed,
a TT installation should always have an RCD as its first isolator.
The big advantage of the TT earthing system is the reduced conducted interference from
other users' connected equipment.
Question no.
What is the purpose of an electrical ground?
Distribution power systems may be solidly grounded, with one circuit conductor directly
connected to an earth grounding electrode system.
Alternatively, some amount of electrical impedance may be connected between the distribution
system and ground, to limit the current that can flow to earth.
Question no.
What is the earth wire used for?
The earth wire creates a safe route for the current to flow through if the live wire touches
the casing.
You would get an electric shock if the live wire inside an appliance, such as a cooker,
came loose and touched the metal casing.
This breaks the fuse and disconnects the appliance.
Question no.
What is a ground wire used for?
The Ground Wire.
The term ground refers to a connection to the earth, which acts as a reservoir of charge.
A ground wire provides a conducting path to the earth which is independent of the normal
current-carrying path in an electrical appliance.
Question no.
What do you connect the ground wire to?
If a metal box was used, the box itself should be grounded.
The bracket that holds the light would then be connected to the box, which would make
the bracket grounded.
Finally the ground wire from the fixture would attach to the bracket, grounding the fixture.
Thanks for watching this video.
Any question and confusion write the comment box.
Don't forget like share and comment.
More update please subscribe our channel Learning Engineering.
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 138 - Duration: 9:15.
Hello tankers!
Today we'll be telling you about the solution to the critical error problem.
We'll also be telling you more about the matchmaking system,
and launching a contest with cool prizes.
Let's talk about critical errors
the problem that EVERY tanker has had AT LEAST once.
Two weeks ago we released an update
that was the result of a long time effort in this direction.
Maybe some of you remember the unexpected server reboots
where we had to roll back the release because it was decreasing FPS.
This week, we've released an update
that should fix the majority of critical errors in the game.
Of course, we'll be tracking our metrics very closely,
and if any issues pop up, we'll deal with them as fast as we can.
And now, a question for you:
Have you experienced a critical error between Wednesday and today?
Let us know in the special forum thread.
But please, be honest in your reports.
If you give us incorrect information, we can't continue to improve the situation.
We've received quite a few comments telling us,
"Don't implement the Matchmaking system.
It will ruin everything!!!"
However, these comments are due to a lack of understanding
of what the Matchmaking system REALLY is, and how it will work.
So let's discuss the details.
Right now, we have a battle list that consists of two different kinds of battles
PRO-battles, and what we can call "random" battles.
When you join a battle by clicking the "Battle" button,
it will have a fixed set of parameters such as battle length, team size and so on.
If you play Tanki just to relax,
and you want to jump right in without giving it too much though,
the "Battle" button is what you need.
PRO-battles allow you to customize battles as you please.
You can choose to play in an unusual map,
and even create a battle in it, if there isn't one.
And you can tweak lots of parameters
including battle time, supplies, format and so on.
The current system with the "Battle" button isn't perfect, but it works.
It's major flaw
and this is something that might surprise many tankers
is that the battles created by the Battle button, are also IN the battle list.
So the actual game problems, such as sabotage,
aren't being resolved, and the balance of battles can be wrong.
That's why we're working on the Matchmaking system.
Okay, so let's have a close look at what's coming.
The lobby screen will change.
There will still be the communicator panel.
However, the battle list and battle info panels will be removed,
and will be replaced by 6 buttons.
Here's what those buttons will do.
One is for playing a team battle,
where the matchmaking system will send you to a battle in CTF, CP, or TDM.
One is for playing Deathmatch, where you'll be sent to a random DM Battle.
Then there are buttons for CTF…
TDM… and CP
where the matchmaking system will send you to a battle in the respective mode.
The sixth button will send you to the familiar Battle list,
where you will be able to create a battle, or join an existing one.
This new battle list will differ from the current one in a few ways.
Players will be able to create and join battles, WITHOUT needing a PRO-pass.
In fact, we'll be removing the PRO-pass from the game.
Players will be able to name the battle they create.
So, the "From Dusk Till Dawn" and "Cedric drops the gold" battles will return.
There will also be a feature that is gonna upset some players
playing closed battles will not give you any experience points or battle funds.
It will be just like in Parkour mode.
If you're wondering why,
it's because our data shows that closed battles are often used for power-leveling.
And that's the reason behind this decision.
So, that's everything about the battle list.
Now, let's take a closer look at the remaining 5 buttons.
Choose the appropriate one.... and click.
This takes you to a special screen
while the server searches for other players who are also looking for a battle.
The system will give priority to players who are in the same rank.
If there aren't enough players in that rank,
the system will make the bracket progressively wider
until it has found enough tankers for the battle.
Once the system has found enough players,
the loading screen will appear, and the battle will be created.
If it is a DM battle, all the players will go straight to the battle.
If it's a team battle,
a team balancing system will first separate the tankers into teams,
trying to make them more or less equal,
and then it will send all the players to the battle.
Before the battle starts,
there will be a sentence on the screen saying "Preparing for battle",
and a timer counting down to zero.
During this period, the score cannot grow, and flags cannot be captured.
You'll be able to fire at your opponents,
but you won't gain anything from it, so it will be pointless to do so.
As soon as the timer hits zero,
all the players will respawn, and the battle will begin.
We made this time interval
to make sure that all players have time to join the battle.
You might be asking,
What if someone from my team wasn't able to join?
What if they got disconnected during the battle?
What if they leave?
Will my team end up playing short?
Of course not.
If someone leaves the battle for whatever reason,
the team balancer will immediately begin looking
for a substitute from among those players who are currently in the queue.
When the battle ends, the participants will get their reward
and return to the game lobby.
Wanna play more?
Just push the button!
Now, the big question about the Matchmaking system:
Of course you will!
You'll be able to do this by creating a battle group,
adding your friends to it,
and then pressing one of the team battle buttons.
You won't be able to play DM battles with your battle group.
As for your opponents,
the team balancer will find another group of players from the queue,
and place them in the enemy team.
So, let's sum things up.
Once the matchmaking system is implemented,
you will be playing in full battles regularly,
and earning a steady stream of crystals.
Picking battles from the battle list will be just like it is now
sometimes good... and sometimes bad.
The release is planned for the end of July or beginning of August.
Now, it's time to see what came out of last week's V-LOG challenge!
Last week we gave you a challenge on the Future map.
You had to jump from the roof...
and land in the yard of the house across the street…
on your tracks.
Well, someone tried to take the easy way out and do the challenge in low gravity mode.
Come on guys!
This challenge is a piece of cake on Space maps.
In fact, we didn't mention space mode
because it was pretty obvious that we wanted you to do it in regular mode.
Here are the names of the team members who finished the challenge first…
in normal mode.
Now, let's watch them do it.
Well done to the team.
They're getting 200 thousand crystals to split among themselves.
For next week, we're going back to the regular video of the week task.
We want you to shoot a frag-movie on Serpuhov.
Use the Red paint.
You all like contests, right?
What about contests with BIGGER prizes?
Yeah, I thought so.
Here's something you're going to enjoy.
It's a Tanki quiz.
It's not very difficult, but it will take quite some time.
The first player who can finish the quiz and answer all the questions correctly,
will get 10 gold boxes.
Anyone else who answers all the questions correctly,
will get one gold box.
But there's more!
One randomly-chosen player from among those who solve the quiz,
will be getting an awesome mechanical keyboard the BlackWidow V2 Chroma from Razer.
And now, something to think about.
We'll be choosing a winner
from among those who have answered all of the questions correctly.
This means that the fewer players there are with all the correct answers,
the bigger the chances of winning.
So, think twice before sharing the correct answers with other players.
We'll be announcing the results next Friday.
The link to the quiz, is in the V-LOG's description.
Also, next Friday,
we still haven't decided whether we'll be having a V-LOG or a live stream.
We'll keep you posted.
That's it for today guys!
Subscribe to our channel and press the bell button
to always get notifications about our new videos and contest results.
A week ago,
two Strikers fired their salvos at Wasp on the Space map.
You had to guess where the tank would stop.
The correct answer is — zone B.
Here are our winners!
Remember, to participate in the Question of the Week,
you need to use the special form.
The link to it, is in the V-LOG's description.
You'll need to enter your answer… and your nickname.
We randomly choose 20 winners from among those who answer correctly.
Now, here's the new question!
AMR sees increase in overdose calls in June - Duration: 1:26.
BVRNOUT - Take It Easy (feat. Mia Vaile) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.
I was so sure of our love
I never thought of any reason, a doubt about us
And now I'm right back at the start
Half way through a bottle baby, and nothing's enough
I thought that I could keep it low
Take it easy, take it slow
We ended up just like before
So take it easy, take it easy
I thought that I could keep it low (keep it low)
Take it easy, take it slow (take it slow)
We ended up just like before
So take it easy
And you know how to forget
All the wrongs in every reason why we've changed
And there's a storm inside my head
It's getting me in trouble baby, and I can't break away
I thought that I could keep it low
Take it easy, take it slow
We ended up just like before
So take it easy, take it easy
I thought that I could keep it low (keep it low)
Take it easy, take it slow (take it slow)
We ended up just like before
So take it easy
A Lethal Independence Day! | Season 1 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 1:08.
Oh, man.
I think Lethal Weapon's so perfect for, like,
a 4th of July viewing because it's so fun.
Because of the action.
Because of the explosions.
There's no other answer to that.
I think Lethal Weapon pairs well with the 4th of July
because it's all-American.
I'm hit! I'm hit!
It's just salsa.
For the 4th of July, you just kind of keep it low key.
We love to do organic food, so organic hot dogs.
Put the ribs down, Roger.
You mind if I-- I'll just-- I got it.
It's OK.
Happy 4th of July.
Happy 4th of July.
To all the fans of Lethal Weapon.
Please, someone tell me where Riggs and Murtaugh are.
Chinese Horoscope July 2017 - Duration: 5:37.
The Fire Goat starts ruling the month from July 7th, meaning you'll be feeling the heat
a lot more.
If you were galloping around during June, then make this month a time for reflection.
Let's check your horoscope to find out what Goat month has in store for you.
Rat: When you feel there obstacles in the way, there could be a tweak here or there
that could help lead to a breakthrough.
Instead of thinking about how you can make big strides, consider how to make a small
Some trial and error will help you figure out which paths you can follow.
Ox: When you let others win, you only do so after they have faced a few challenges.
There will be those who claim that you're being stubborn, yet you know when you'll shift
in your position and the reasons why.
It's up to those who are negotiating with you to figure out what they need to do to
persuade you.
Tiger: Take a long hard look at what's not working as you expect, and be honest in noticing
your role in the situation.
Is there something you can do to change things?
Ask those questions which might feel a little uncomfortable, even if you're asking yourself.
Once you admit what's wrong, you'll be open to listening and you'll soon find the answers.
Rabbit: The Goat ruling the month presents you with lots of helpful people, yet you still
need to apply your powers of persuasion to convince them to follow your lead.
Draw upon your Rabbit skills of tactfulness and diplomacy to gently nudge others towards
your way of thinking.
It would not be your Rabbit style to force the issue.
Dragon: When your words are met with blank stares, you get the impression that others
are not getting your message.
You can make it easier for others to understand your perspective if you're able to see things
from their perspective.
In finding the answers you'll be able to gain some insights into how you can better craft
your message.
Snake: In many ways, it's helpful for you to get some hints and tips from others on
how to do better next time.
It's great to have fans and it's even better to have critics.
You can spot if there's something worthwhile in their opinions, and you can discard any
ill-feeling for it says a lot more about them than it does about you.
Horse: Your priorities are undergoing a shift.
It's not just about what you're doing.
It's about who you're being.
You're letting go of ideas you've outgrown, and at a deeper level you're updating some
of your beliefs.
It's time to recognise those philosophies which no longer suit you and you have a feeling
that it's about time too.
Goat: This month is a time for reflection, before you charge into the second half of
the year.
Like climbing a mountain, the path is steep and you can only see so far ahead.
It's only when you look down that you notice you've covered a great distance.
Feel uplifted about your progress.
Trust that you're in the right place this month, and turn your attention to where you're
putting your foot next.
Monkey: If someone has under-estimated you, there's no need for you to set the record
You gain the upper hand when others are not aware of your capabilities.
Any observations you've made are not for sharing, for just as you're not going to correct others'
assumptions about you, you're not going to talk about what you're guessing about them.
Rooster: You want to be logical, yet you feel your emotions getting stirred up.
Rather than pretend to be a robot, talk about how you're feeling.
A sincere effort to make the other party feel at ease will be a way to take the pressure off.
You're not setting out to be critical of others, yet you want them to understand that there
are better ways of communicating.
Dog: Your Dog personality can be a good fighter, yet you feel you want to pick your battles
wisely this month.
Behind your friendly demeanour you have a strong fighting spirit and you'll stand up
for yourself when others confront you.
Still, you might not want to fight over something which doesn't mean a great deal to you, so
knowing when to let go will save you time and effort.
Pig: You have what it takes to handle a complicated situation.
Circumstances this month push you to go beyond your usual limits.
Even though you would much rather you didn't get involved in something, you'll find that
there's no escape.
Your practical Pig personality will take the view that you might as well do what you need
to do rather than ignoring a matter.
8 Ball Pool - MY NEW INTRO FOR GAMING LIKE? 2017 - Duration: 0:11.
NH Attorney General: domestic violence cases mishandled in Manchester - Duration: 1:51.
8 Ball Pool - LATEST NEW FLAMING HOT ROD CUE WITH FREE CASH&COINS [100%] REAL NEW 2017 - Duration: 3:36.
AndyCam: What Do You Think About Geeky Guys? | Season 1 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 1:30.
Hair Loss Treatment at Home in Urdu | Gunjay Pan Ka ilaj Mumkin Gharelu Cheezo Se - Duration: 2:59.
Cuento de Rapunzel | una Historia Conmovedora de la Princesa Rapunzel y el Principe - Duration: 10:00.
Ki.nh H.oàng khi Sống Chung với Gia đình Bố Mẹ Chồng Phát Hiện ra điều này ... - Duration: 1:03:53.
Cách xóa Danh bạ Iphone nhanh hàng loạt II delete contacts iphone - Duration: 16:38.
How To Recover Deleted Photos From Android Phone | Deleted Pic From Android Mobile | In One Click - Duration: 5:47.
thanks for watching
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