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11 Công Dụng Tuyệt Vời Của Lá Ớt Bạn Không Ngờ Đến Hãy Tận Dụng Công Dụng Trời Cho Của Nó - Duration: 20:31.
Tỷ Phú Canada Bị Bắt Cóc và Tra Tấn Ở Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:45.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
you won't believe why the CCP
kidnapped and tortured this billionaire.
Actually, if you watch this channel a lot
you probably will.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
Chinese police have kidnapped and detained a Chinese born Canadian billionaire
Uhm, no that's a different Chinese born Canadian billionaire.
Apparently this is not a great time to be a Chinese billionaire.
Today I'm talking about Sun Qian.
She's the co-founder of Beijing Leadman biochemistry company.
She and her husband are worth an estimated 3.5 billion yuan,
according to the Hurun report, which tracks China's wealthy.
But her situation is a little different from those other billionaires.
Back in February,
20 policemen ransacked her home in Beijing and arrested her.
According to her lawyer in China,
in detention she's been shackled, pepper-sprayed
and not allowed to sleep.
So what heinous crime did Sun Qian commit?
No no no, her crime was much...
much worse.
She was meditating!
That's right, meditating!
Sun Qian practices Falun Gong.
Falun Gong is a meditation system the Chinese Communist Party
has been persecuting for nearly 20 years.
As the Beijing first procurator branch said:
"Sun Qian was using a heretical religious organization
to undermine the law,
which she did,
by meditating
in the privacy of her own home.
Now, meditating may sound pretty innocent,
especially compared to all the horrible things corrupt Chinese officials have done.
But if you've been watching China Uncensored for a while,
you know that there's nothing, nothing
the CCP fears more than Falun Gong
and it's dangerous principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance,
except possibly giant spiders.
What's that, Shelley?
They're not afraid of spiders?
So just Falun Gong then.
These people quietly standing there.
And peacefully sitting there.
I mean the way they close their eyes is kind of menacing.
How could you not kidnap and torture people for doing that.
But wait, you say.
Sun Qian is a Canadian citizen.
What right do Chinese police have to detain her for so long?
Well, even though she is a Canadian citizen,
she also has a Chinese passport.
And China doesn't recognize dual citizenship.
It's part of the Communist Party's attitude
that ethnically Chinese people anywhere in the world
belong to China regardless of citizenship
or international law,
or objective reality.
And yes, that does also apply to ethnically Chinese pandas.
Speaking of international law,
isn't there any way Sun Qian lawyer can at least get her deported to Canada?
Well, guess what.
She doesn't have a lawyer anymore.
He was forced to drop her as a client
because partners in his law firm told him that
if he represents Ms. Sun, or any other Falun Gong case,
they will cancel his contract to continue working with the firm.
That was after the local justice bureau,
put pressure on both the law firm and the lawyer.
In China, justice isn't blind,
it's dead.
Now what I want to make clear is
Sun Qian wasn't publicly doing any Falun Gong related activities in China.
She wasn't handing out flyers about the practice,
protesting the parties persecution
or even doing the Falun Gong meditation exercises outdoors.
After years of suffering from health issues,
in 2014, she tried the Falun Gong exercises.
She credits Falun Gong with alleviating her illnesses
and continued to practice.
So clearly, detaining her for meditating in her own home in Beijing
is a bit of an overreaction.
But this is the Communist Party,
the same people who sent undercover police
to watch the twelve-year-old daughter of a Chinese human rights activist
while she was at school...
in the bathroom.
Yeah, I'm not sure if the party knows the meaning of the word 'overreaction'.
So now, how should we as citizens of the free world,
respond to the Chinese regime absurd torture of Sun Qian?
By keeping it as quiet as possible
at least that was the response from Canada's ambassador to China - John McCallum.
When he was asked about Sun's case,
he said: "it doesn't help the person in detention,
if we broadcast their situation in public,
so I think for those cases almost all the time,
it's better to proceed in a low-profile way."
You see, outside pressure won't help Sun.
And it could even jeopardize
all the potentials sweet deals between Canada and China.
Like that one where a Chinese company can buy a Canadian company
that handled military contracts
without a security review.
Or that free trade agreement.
Or that extradition treaty,
which should be sounding completely psychotic right about now.
So you can see why some people in the Canadian government
might want to, you know, proceed it in a low-profile way.
But all the evidence suggests that
if the goal is to actually get Sun Qian released,
then lots and lots of media attention is exactly what's needed right now.
According to her former lawyer,
in the early days of her detention,
she was kept in a small darkened room
and that only stopped after the Canadian Embassy became involved.
And in another case of a Canadian Falun Gong practitioner being detained in China,
it was the Canadian public outcry
that helped stop him from being tortured.
And after his case started to be a diplomatic embarrassment to China and Canada,
he was released from a labor camp
and sent back to Canada.
Fortunately, there is a group of Canadian members of parliament,
who are publicly calling for Sun Qian release.
MP Peter Kent said:
"We think the Canadian government should be far more forceful
in representing this Canadian citizen"
But there's one Canadian
who's willing to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party even more.
Miss World Canada and friend of the show
- Anastasia Lin.
This week,
she gave a speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva,
calling for Sun's release.
And what was China's response to a beauty queen being the only one man enough
to call them out for torturing a Canadian citizen?
They said:
"Falun Gong is not her religion but an evil cult.
and also an anti China organization"
"The government of China has arranged help
for those tricked into practicing Falun Gong.
Oh right, I get it.
Sun Qian, a woman who built a multi-million dollar company from scratch
is actually really dumb.
She was tricked into thinking her health improved
when practicing Falun Gong.
But you see, what's actually improving her health
it's being chained to a chair
and pepper sprayed in the face
until the can is empty
and then sitting in her pepper spray cloth for 10 days.right
It's all right here in the Communist Party's best-selling book
Ten steps to perfect health
with Chinese characteristics.
Let's see.
Step one:
admit that you're not as healthy as you look
or feel
or doctors tell you are.
Step two:
ask the Chinese police for help
and it looks like steps three through ten are all just various torture methods.
Make sense.
No wonder this book is a mandatory bestseller in China
Of course, Anastasia Lin is also taking a risk by speaking out.
She's guilty of the same things Sun is,
being a Chinese born Canadian citizen
who practices Falun Gong
Though really, Anastasia's situation is even worse.
She's gotten so much publicity
that really doesn't protect her from the Chinese Communist Party.
I mean, imagine if they tried to do something to her.
There'd be a huge public outcry
which according to Canadian ambassador
would only make things worse for her... somehow.
And in a way, Anastasia Lin and Sun Qian
are even more of a problem for the Communist Party
than other Falun Gong practitioners.
Because as you saw earlier,
the party wants to pretend that people who practice Falun Gong
are just dumb, mislead sheeple,
all people who don't know any better.
Surely no one educated or successful like a Chinese billionaire
or an international beauty queen
would ever practice Falun Gong.
So Sun Qian is in trouble.
And I bet you'd like to help put pressure on both the Chinese Communist Party
and the Canadian government to rescue her.
Anastasia Lin has started this petition online.
It demands the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
do everything he can to bring Sun Qian home.
Come on Trudeau, stop hugging those pandas,
you're just going to have to send them back to China anyway.
I signed the petition.
And I hope you do too.
So click the link below or at the end of this video
and sign your name to rescue Sun Qian.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again on your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
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