Moana Crying and Learn Colors For Kids with Toothbrush School Bus Daddy Finger Nursery Rhyme Song
For more infomation >> Moana Crying and Learn Colors For Kids with Toothbrush School Bus Daddy Finger Nursery Rhyme Song - Duration: 1:29.
Cutting Edge: Bluefin Robotics - Duration: 2:45.
YouTube Marketing Tool #1 - Duration: 1:13.
Hi, Nickolas here from the beautiful city of Boise, Idaho.
Just wanted to share a really cool tip of YouTube marketing.
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That tool is called VideoIQ, so go ahead and check that out.
If you like this video, if you got some value from it, go ahead, like it and share it.
Give me a big thumbs up, and subscribe to the channel.
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I will talk to you soon.
You have a great day.
Power Air Fryer XL~Putting It To The Test~Air Fryer Demo & Review~Burgers & Fries~Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 19:00.
okay, I
Have to say this unboxing is exciting for me
And I hope it is for you
because I have had so many of you reach out to me and say have you tried one of those new Air fryers and
I haven't I haven't
Purchased one, and I haven't given one a try so I can't answer all those questions for you
And I think that because these are pretty new on the market and unless you're so really helped
to see how good they actually work, so
several of you asked specifically about the
XL Air fryer or the Air fryer yep our air fryer Xl so since those folks at
Tristar products, we're kind enough to Share their copper
Chef's pan and their power pressure Xl pressure cooker with me
thought I would reach out to them and
See if they would be kind enough to share one of these air fryers with me and guess what it arrives on my doorstep today
And I thought it would be fun to go ahead and do an unboxing
In this video we're going to unbox this tonight, and then in an another day, we're going to go ahead
We're going to use it for the first time so I
Think this is the divider it comes with a divider
so you can actually use it the
Vessel for more than one item so I'm going to set that off to the side and of course
Here's all the information that it comes with and it comes with a little booklet and an instruction booklet
with all sorts of fun recipes
Of things you can make in here now. I understand that these use very little oil, but they give you a fried result
So I thought we're going to go ahead and give this a try and I'm going to show you how it works and you're going
To be able to see firsthand
As we are as we use it for the first time how this is going to work. How easy it is to use
And how good the results are going to be?
or not I
I'm pretty confident that they're going to be okay
But like I said because I've never used one of these before I have no no idea
All right get this out of the bag
So I'm excited to use this and can see how it works, so
In the next segment of this video. We're going to come back and we're going to cook something in it for you and
And we'll show you how it works, and you'll to see it. Just like we do so we'll be back in just minute okay
We're going to share with you
How we use this airfryer and we're going to start off by making a little dinner and we're going to use we're going to heat
Up some leftover barbecue chicken breasts and I'm going to make some potato wedges in here
So we're going to start with the potato wedges because they take the longest
And it's recommended that you pre-heat the unit before you use it so since I'm making potato wedges
I have two potatoes that I have seasoned with a little hamburger and fries seasoning along with 1
Tablespoon of oil and
we preheated the unit at 400 degrees because that is the
The temperature at which we're going to cook this so I preheated the unit to 400 degrees, and I just prepared
My my potatoes and we're just going to go ahead and toss them in there
easy as pie
Okay, and now I'm going to pop this in there. You want to make sure that they're not too crowded, and they're kind of
Nestled down in there in a single layer now. I have tried now
I've been playing with this I've tried to cook an entire bag of
French fries, and that didn't work you can only do half at a time if you want to get them crispy, so
Like I showed you before
The digital display engages when the drawer is seated properly
So we're going to hit this we wanted to cook for 15 minutes, but we want
We want it to be at 400 degrees. I'm you can set your time and your temperature and
then you
Can hit the start button and you see this digital display shows the fan. It's a little bit animated. That's when you know
It's working plus. You can hear it. It's very audible
So we're going to go ahead and let these fries cook for 15 minutes, and when we come back
I'll show you what they look like and we'll put our chicken in and then I'll show you how to heat up your
Leftovers, and then we're going to show you how to do a couple of other things in this video as well
I'm not going to go in-depth too much. I'm just going to show you what you can do and then in future videos
We're going to really concentrate on how to cook specific things in the airfryer
And we'll go into more detail about how we do them. So when the fries are done
We'll come back, and we'll show you what they look like
Alright our 15 minutes is up and look
Look it. I know I sound like a kid look at looking look. They're crispy and they look beautiful
I'm really excited now these when I cook these in the oven I take 35 to 40 minutes
No joke and that's with a tablespoon of oil
So I'm just going to go ahead and dump these in this pan because I'm going to go ahead and use this again
I'm going to reuse it to make my
to reheat my chicken and these are steamy hot and
They're beautiful these are beautiful look
you can see they're nice and fluffy on the inside and
They're steamy and they're cooked through
Just in case you didn't think they could be cooked through in 15 minutes. I'm really impressed honestly
I'm really impressed and so our machine is already preheated
because we cooked our
Potato wedges so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take these and I'm going to set them in here
Already they just need to be reheated that is all
And that boil is only so I don't have to clean up a bigger mess, okay?
And I don't want it to burn because you know that barbecue sauce
has some sugar in it, so
We'll press do this. I'm honestly I'm taking it down to five minutes, and I'm taking it down to 325
Okay, three thirty because it doesn't have increments of five so that's something we learned and it automatically starts if you don't hit the start
Button so we'll be back when our chicken is heated up, and we'll show you what it looks like
Okay, our timer went off after five minutes at 325 and these look fantastic
They are warmed through and I'm just going to remove them to a plate
And they smell great
And you know what they're not dried out you know sometimes when you reheat things that gets dried out and gross
That's what I like about this is it kept it nice and moist, and it's because of that
Circulating air in there, that's really
after using this for quite some time
Obviously those came up. They're gonna top it with I don't think he had many hopes for that
but these are both the vessel and the basket you can put in the dishwasher, so
That is a plus as well. We're going to go ahead and enjoy our dinner. We're going to be showing you two more things
We're going to show you how to cook frozen hamburgers in here and also how to cook frozen chicken patties
We always like to keep those frozen chicken patties in the freezer, especially in the summer when the grouse are home from school
They're quick to make but in here. They're really quick to make they take ten minutes
I can fit three or four if I place them the right way in here
And they come out crispy and delicious every single time so I'm going to show you how we do that
And so stay tuned and we'll go over those things as well
All right now. We're going to show you how easy it is to throw a couple of chicken patties in here now
Maybe this isn't something that you keep on hand, but during this summer
We like to have these on hand because they're super easy to make and in the airfryer
They're really extra super easy to make I'm like this because you know what?
Eat my girls are essentially grown alright
But my dad doesn't like to cook that much and this she will make herself quesadilla grilled cheese macaroni stuff like that
But super simple stuff when we got the airfryer, and then we brought home the chicken patties to start testing
She would just go ahead and make them for herself. They're super simple to make and she finds this to be
Not a daunting thing so I think even it's like a child who's like 12?
Maybe even 10. I think you could teach them how to responsibly use this piece of equipment
You'll see what I did is I sprayed them with coconut oil spray use vegetable oil spray
Whatever you have on both sides and I'm going to pop it in here. You can see that
I can easily cook up to four of those patties at one time so what we're going to do is we're going to
Set this for
10 minutes for 370 which is
The the default temperature you can hit the go button or you can just wait
And it's automatically going to turn on these are going to come out crispy and delicious and ready for your sandwich
So we're going to let these chicken patties cook and we'll be back and I'll show you what they look like
Okay, our ten minutes is up, and I just wanted to show you guys
You can hear how crispy these are and they're great and we're going to go ahead
and we're going to have lunch using these are just going to put them on a couple of sandwiches and
That's easy this I think I mentioned the vessel and the basket are both
Dishwasher safe, and we have tested that out, and they go through the dishwasher
Perfectly fine they came out without a scratch. They're not discolored
They washed up beautifully and really you know I the more I use this thing the more impressed
I am so you know they didn't pay me to do this video at all. They did however send me the machine
So we're going to go ahead and have our lunch, and then we're going to make you one more thing
We're going to show you how to do frozen hamburger patties in here
That you can just if you want a hamburger on the fly like I said, I think this is really great for
Your kids and for you
I'm going to be great for empty nesters if they're just a couple of you the other night
We just heated up leftover chicken and we made some potato wedge fries
and they were great because my girls are currently on vacation with my parents and
So it's just rick and I which is kind of weird, but I have to say this served us well for that evening and it
Continues to serve us. Well. We really really do like it
So we'll be back and we'll show you one more application, and then we'll give you some more information about this power
Airfryer Xl. I I'm just I continue to be impressed by it
Alright our final thing. We're going to share is how you cook burgers in this air fryer?
Ice like I said this thing is so versatile don't just think it's a fryer okay not for fried ish things
This is a mini convection oven that super heats and cooks super fast
So we're going to cook burgers in here for our lunch today
I have two angus beef burger patties that were frozen they still are frozen
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to just sprinkle these with some of my burger and fry seasoning that I demonstrated
in another video
and we preheated the machine already, so I'm going to go ahead and
Put these burgers in here
on on the flip side
so like I said
sometimes you might have to just
Fiddle with them a little bit, but don't worry because it's going to shrink up, okay
So I'm going to sprinkle the other side of the burger with more seasoning
Of course you do what you like on yours?
I'm going to pop these in for 15 minutes
Because we want them to be good and done and I'm going to cook them at 350
15 minutes, oh wait
And 350 now we're going to let that go and we'll be back when they're ready, and we'll show you what they look like
Okay, our burgers are done, and I know you're going to say they look really like they shrank, but they did and they were
They were angus and this is what they look like on the bottom so not they're not not at all
they're just they're done and they're not like overcooked either, so
They're going to shrink as their angus beef and they had a lot of fat in them, but what I wanted to show you
is this
Is it this this comes out right look at all the fat in the bottom of that vessel that is not going into you
That's a lot. I mean I know some of its going to be water and
Protein from the meat, but there's a lot of fat there that didn't go
onto our burger, so
Again this can just go right in the dishwasher, and you're going to be ready and good to go
So that's it that is the skinny on the power air fryer Xl turn one over okay?
Here we go
there we go and
I don't
It's super juicy
And and it's cooked all the way. I'll just take a sliver out of that
As you can see it's cooked all the way nice and moist not dry it out
Let's go
You can adjust the timing
To suit your preference these were cooks from frozen, so you have to remember that as well. Well. I was a button
They're really good I
Want to thank the people at tristar productions for sending me this piece of equipment to test and play with and I will be using
This often we do plan on doing other videos
have a
Whole list of ideas of things I want to use this for and I think it's a really amazing appliance as appliances go I
Probably will use this as much as I use my pressure cooker the power pressure XL. I love my pressure cooker
Super nice things to have on hand in your kitchen to make cooking a little bit easier a little bit faster and a little bit
We mention camping I
Think this would be great
If you have a camper like heather and Matt just Scott
I think this would be a great addition to your camping gear
Because you could add a whole level of other cooking or options that you can do like I said
I think dorm dwellers traveling nurses anybody who's living away from home or in a hotel for any extended period of time
You know I know a lot of construction guys who go on jobs
And they have to be away from home for a long time military guys they live in the dorms sometimes
This is a nice thing to have on hand. I'm not trying to sell it to you. I'm seriously I'm just giving you my opinion
Everything that we've put in here has come out really really excellent and I
Honestly, I have to be honest with you I
Did not think I was going to like it as much as I do I
Honestly did not think I was going to like it as much as I do
But I like this
And I really like the fact that I can pop this in the dishwasher or I can wash it by hand and when I do
Is super easy to wash because everything is nonstick so far everything we've put in here has come out really really nice
I can't wait to make like homemade chicken nuggets in here and see how those turn out
But rest assured that when I do that, I will make a video so I can share with you
How those things turn out when you make them in the airfryer
Now the only thing that you are limited by is the size of the vessel and just because it's that big doesn't mean you can
Stuff it full because when you make like frozen fries in here you have to
Use half a bag you have to make sure that you spray them a little bit with oil
And then you have to cook them for a little while
And then you have to toss them and then you have to cook them for a little while longer and you got to toss them
Otherwise they stay mushy in the center
if you just pop them in there and stick them in there and turn it on they're not all going to cook evenly so
That's something you have to remember
But otherwise. I'm really impressed with this
Particular Appliance, I think it's kind of brilliant and we will be using this more often in upcoming videos
So I hope this has given you kind of an idea. I had so many of you asked me
Have you ever used an air fryer and no I hadn't so I contacted the company asked them
Will you send me one so I can play with it and they can?
We did and I want to I just want to say how appreciative we are for that
I know some of you who are super observant have seen hanging around my kitchen and have asked me
What I think about it, so I hope this kind of clears that up for you, and you can look forward to
more videos in the future using the airfryer and
We'll see how far. We can take it and exactly what it will do for us
So I hope that you enjoy this video
And if you did please consider giving me a thumbs up and if you are new here
Welcome because it's always lovely to have another person visit me in my kitchen
And I hope you'll consider hitting that subscribe button if you are tried-and-true member of the noreen's kitchen family
Please be sure and hit that bell notification button because we don't want you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes that we present right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen
I hope that if this fits into your lifestyle or if you have always wondered what these air fryers are all about I
Hope that this gives you enough information
That you are encouraged to go give one a try
I'll leave a link down below where you can find one and until next time. I'll see ya
REPORT: Bill O'Reilly Prepares Major Move Against Anti-Trump Media. This is War. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:36.
Media Matters made a huge mistake when they led the campaign to oust Bill O'Reilly.
Now, O'Reilly will have more influence than he could have ever obtained on FOX News.
Conservative juggernaut O'Reilly has sent chills down the spines of the mainstream media
by announcing his plan to start an Internet-based news organization.
"I am starting my own operation.
We are going to do that," Bill O'Reilly said (via Variety).
Before being booted from FOX News based on unproven allegations, O'Reilly was the most
watch news anchor in the history of cable news.
Traditional media organizations are reeling in response to O'Reilly's new project.
The mainstream media is already struggling to maintain viewers as Internet-based media
continues to rise in popularity.
O'Reilly is starting to amass a team of journalists and producers including a FOX
News producer who recently resigned to help O'Reilly launch his new venture (via Mediaite).
O'Reilly's plan is to revive The Factor as a 30-minute long streaming broadcast each
night on
If the updated version of The Factor is successful, O'Reilly plans to grow larger.
"It's basically an experiment to see how many people are going to want this service."
O'Reilly said, "That's coming and will be here before September in a robust form.
But I suspect there will be another network maybe merging with us."
Since his ousting from FOX News, multiple news organizations have actively courting
the king of opinion journalism to join their networks.
Rumors have circulated that O'Reilly may join the Newsmax team as he was recently brought
on as a contributor.
The One America News network has also been attempting to recruit O'Reilly.
All the while, major conservative power players are planning to launch another cable news
network to rival FOX News, which has been slowly shifting to the Left.
It is unknown where O'Reilly will land, but his recent statements indicate the conservative
pundit will attempt to make it on his own before joining another network.
There is a huge demand for conservative opinion as FOX News pulls to the Left and YouTube
continues to silence their conservative creators.
Now, Bill O'Reilly has the potential to upend the Democrat controlled media landscape
Being fired from FOX News may have been the best thing to happen to Bill O'Reilly while
fulfilling the worst fears of the dying mainstream media.
Will you tune into Bill O'Reilly's new network?
Please share this and tell us what you think!
Kerala Fish Curry - Amazing Fish Curry With Coconut Milk - Kerala Recipes - A Must Try - Duration: 7:17.
Coconut oil and coconut milk is used to make it
SUBSCRIBE - If U like my recipe
Fish - 3/4 kilo
Finely cut medium sized tomatoes - 2
Finely cut medium sized onions - 2
Few curry leaves
Green chillies - 5
Ginger cut into julienns
Garlic - 6 cloves cut into slivers
Cooking coconut oil - 2 tablespoon
You can use vegetable oil instead
Coconut oil enhances taste
Thick coconut milk - 1 glass
Thin coconut milk - 1 glass
Add coconut oil to a pan and heat it
Add mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Add onions and saute
When colour of onion changes add ginger and garlic
Add green chillies
Add curry leaves
Add salt
Red chilli powder - 1 tablespoon
Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Mix and saute till raw smell disappears
Add tomatoes and cook till they turn tender
Tomato is tender now
Add thin coconut milk
Add fish pieces
Cook for 5 minutes
Fish is a bit tender now
Add thick coconut milk
Do not use spoon
Cook under high flame for 5 minutes
Cook under medium flame for 10 minutes
Add crushed pepper or pepper powder -1/2 teaspoon
Crushed pepper enhances the taste of the curry
After 10 minutes - fish is tender now
Tasty dish is ready
You can have it with rice or roti
SUBSCRIBE - If U like my recipe
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