Very well. That's all.
We'll be on our way.
What's in there?
Equipment for electroshock therapy.
What's that got to do with pharmacology?
Nothing, really.
It belongs to a colleague of mine
who works in the medical department.
He's picking it up later.
Thank you. Goodnight.
Good night!
I invited my uncle over for lunch,
but I don't know what to do.
How will I sneak this into his wallet, though?
Don't panic, Paula. Calm down.
I don't think I can do this, Erica.
I won't come up with anything to do it.
Please come and help me.
It'll be easier if we work together.
No way, I passed by the other day to "drop off some papers."
Nicolas will get suspicious.
I don't know. Have him invite you over.
He never invites me over, much less to his house.
Although... maybe he'll take me without inviting me.
What do you mean?
Let me see what I can do.
-Talk to you later. -Okay.
So Bayon's gay.
And how!
How do you think Centaur forced him into helping them?
They threatened to blackmail him.
It's a long story.
What about Javier? Did he use his debt?
Yeah, they threatened to lock up his wife
if he refused to help.
It came easy to Roman, though.
That bastard was always looking for money.
Money isn't all he's out for.
Damn bastard.
Based off what I saw yesterday and today,
you must really hate the guy.
Yes, Father. I really do.
The thing is... he's Cristina's baby's father.
What? I thought you...
He's the biological father, anyway.
I'm going to be his real father.
You mean that guy and Cristina...?
What do you think?
It was an accident. Right?
They met back when we were still on the force.
So you're going to be the baby's father?
Much respect, man. That takes guts.
All it takes is loving someone.
I've loved Cristina a long time.
Why bother explaining?
There's no point.
Pardon me, Father.
Was it something I said?
I'm going to inject you on the other side to alternate.
Do you still love him?
Why do you ask?
I don't know.
If I were in your position, I'd probably react differently.
Probably not as well as you.
So you think I'm acting nice because I've gotten over him?
I don't know. That's why I'm asking.
I'm a good person, plus I still love him.
What happened between us wasn't some two-day fling.
-Ours was a... -Yes, I know.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
It's cool. I know where I stand.
I know that Gerardo, you, me, all of us
are just victims of circumstance.
That's it, Loco!
-Is it good? -It's great.
Want a line for your hangover?
No, Loco.
I don't do drugs, I just sell them.
Coffee's fine for me.
Only in the mornings for me.
I need to recoup my strength.
She sucked out all of my energy last night.
So you had fun with her.
You don't find them like her anymore.
Sorry, I didn't think anyone was here.
Don't go, Emilio.
I wanted to catch you both together
and ask you what you thought about my business proposal.
Are you in or out?
We'll have to pass on it for now.
We have enough problems as it is.
We need to smooth out our distribution process.
Until we settle that,
we can't really expand to the US.
What was your distribution setup before?
That's irrelevant.
The point of the matter is...
We used bakeries.
We'd distribute everything through them.
Erica, where's my list of questions for the interview?
In your inbox.
Erica, please, I already checked and it's not there.
Send them to me ASAP.
I'm leaving to the hotel soon to interview him.
I'd love to, Nicolas, but my computer's on the fritz.
-What do you mean? -It won't turn on.
What am I going to do?
Show up unprepared to interview someone of his prestige?
The notes on his biography are inside one of the books
you took home the other day.
It's about 20 pages.
When will I get the time to read 20 pages?
Not me!
You know what? Let's go to my house.
You'll find that information
and prepare my questions for the interview.
I'm going to get my keys. Meet you outside.
Yes, Nicolas. As you wish.
It's me. I'm heading over with Nicolas.
Everything was working just fine
until the woman running it passed away.
Distribution then fell apart.
Yeah, setting up bakeries was a smart idea...
but there are better ideas out there.
Oh, really? Care to illuminate us?
Your son's clearly never set foot in a prison before.
No. So?
Who'd get you whatever you wanted in prison?
The guards.
And who are Mexico City's guards?
-Who? -The police!
You already have two big fish on your side.
The commissioner and the Anti-Narcotics captain.
You don't even have to hire anyone else.
That's ridiculous.
For that to work,
we'd need the entire police force on our side.
Not just three random guys.
Are you stupid?
This guy's a genius!
Give me five!
Let's pump these idiots full of coke!
Hey, son.
Our Mexico City issue is resolved.
Let's do this!
You're a g--damn genius!
He's kooky, alright,
but that may well just be his personality.
His story about wanting to meet me doesn't seem very plausible.
Wouldn't you agree?
Do you know if he spoke to anyone at the funeral?
Yes, Bayon's assistant, Erica Ruiz.
She was talking to the professor right when we came up to them.
Nicolas' assistant?
What's she got to do with anything?
Nothing, apparently.
She claims they don't know each other.
She says the professor came up to her
to ask her whether she was related to Rafael.
You think she was telling the truth?
It didn't seem like she was lying.
In any case, I still don't trust that professor.
Make sure someone watches him.
Already taken care of, sir.
Well, keep me informed of any developments.
I'm going to have lunch with my niece.
By the way, I see you're adapting well
to your new office.
I'm happy to see that.
For more infomation >> La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 72 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:55.-------------------------------------------
Mariposa de Barrio | Capítulo 02 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:05.
We're looking for Janney. She's my sister.
-Right. -Is she here?
Please tell her
that her brothers Pete and Gustavo are here to see her.
Yes, of course.
-Thanks. -Thanks.
Janney, your brothers are here.
Are you okay? Your brothers are here.
Help me! Please help me!
Where is she? Here?
Yes, but she's not answering and I don't have keys.
-Please open the door! -Janney!
Open the door, Janney!
Come on! Do something!
Wake up, Janney!
Call an ambulance!
Come on! Janney!
Thanks for your time.
I'm here about the money from the register.
I'm really embarrassed.
I hope you don't think I stole it.
No, I'd never think that.
I only called you,
because I want us to work this out together
in a way that'll make us both happy.
Well... like I said, I can pay for it.
You can take it out of my check.
Why mess with your paycheck?
You can pay me in other ways.
Hey! What's wrong with you?
Let go! Get off!
Get off me, you pig!
Playing hard to get? Fine! Your loss!
Get your things and get out!
No, it's through here. There they are.
What is it?
What happened? What is it?
She was locked in the restroom and when we managed to get in,
we found her on the floor next to an empty bottle of pills.
- ¿TRATÓ DE SUICIDARSE? She tried to commit suicide?
Mom, someone from work told us she was fired
because she was late a few times.
No, no, that's no reason to commit suicide.
She had no reason to commit suicide.
Calm down, Rosa.
We need to have faith. What'd the doctors say?
-They haven't told us anything. -How's she doing?
We'll find out, but calm down.
I'd like to talk to Mrs. Janney Marin.
Janney Rivera isn't here right now.
<i> Who's calling?</i>
Jose Trinidad Marin, her husband.
Where the hell is she?
She's supposed to be working.
<i> Well, she's not here.</i>
She's in the hospital.
<i> She was sick of it all and</i> <i> swallowed a bottle of pills!</i>
Thank God.
It's my fault. I should've known.
-Last I saw her she was upset. -It's not your fault.
Don't be hard on yourself. She'll be fine.
She's strong.
Guys, we'll be back. Let's go grab a bite.
Don't worry.
Janney wouldn't try to kill herself over nothing.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
You're always breaking my dolls!
We're not trying to be mean, but we want you learn
to stand up for yourself and be strong.
It's true.
Look, guys always tease girls who play with dolls.
Yeah, you have to learn to stand up for yourself.
I don't believe you.
You're just jealous because Mom bought me a toy.
What? We're your brothers.
We want what's best for you. You need to be strong.
You can't go around playing with dolls.
For me?
Yeah, but don't get used to it. I'll win all of them back.
-Yeah, right! -What'd I do?
What do you say?
Don't worry. Everything will be alright.
Everything will be alright. It'll pass.
I promise.
We're here.
You're going to get better
and then you'll be your old self and give them hell.
It's what you were born to do.
Don't worry.
No, don't cry.
Mom and Dad are outside.
They'll be happy to see you awake.
No, don't apologize. Stay calm.
We just want to want know why you did it.
What happened?
I'm not happy.
We know.
And we also know it's because of Trino.
Come on.
Tell us what he did.
Hey, don't worry. It already happened.
There's nothing we can do about that,
but we're here and we can fight together.
We're your brothers and we love you.
-We're here for you. -We all are.
And we will always be. Whenever you need us.
Remember that.
We're Riveras. All for one and one for all.
Think you're tough? Where are you?
Trino, where are you?
Where is he?
Don't touch me!
Let go!
Come here!
You hit yourself, you idiot!
Next time I'll call the cops!
-Let me go! -Understood?
-Alright, alright, let's go! -Let go!
-Calm down! -Get out!
Get the ---- out of here!
Pick on someone your own size!
I can! Come on!
The police? What police? Let's do this now!
Come on! Get out!
What happened?
Get off, bitch!
Полезное овсяное печенье без муки, масла и сахара - Duration: 1:57.
China is insecure about India's rapid rise as an Economic and Military Power - Duration: 2:55.
La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Avance Exclusivo 73 | Telemundo - Duration: 1:56.
Learn Colors With Motu For Children | Learn Numbers Motu Patlu, Finger Family song - Duration: 2:09.
Learn Colors With Motu For Children | Learn Numbers Motu Patlu, Finger Family song
El Señor de los Cielos 5 | Capítulo 07 | Telemundo - Duration: 19:30.
Who the hell were you working for?
Did you kill Lencho?
I killed them both.
In this business, women bring nothing but trouble.
ESTO ES DE PUROS C-------. This is a man's world.
We're stone cold killers. AQUÍ ES PURO C----------.
That's what I'm good at.
We're gathered here today
because we're against what Victor's doing to our country.
There are rules.
Even in this business.
Cities like Tecoman, Manzanillo, Acapulco,
Chihuahua, Zamora... they're all going to s---.
Cartel wars aren't the only thing Mexico City
has to worry about anymore.
These people live in constant fear for their lives...
and it's all this idiot's fault!
But Victor's your nephew.
Have you tried talking to him?
Yeah, but the hunter shouldn't warn his prey.
You never tell anyone your plans.
Victor needs to be put in his place.
That boy needs a good ass-whoopin'.
He even tried to kill the president.
My dad had to step in.
I want to retire already.
Aurelio's right.
You can count on me.
If we want to retire in peace,
we need to clean house first.
That's right.
You saw the money already.
That's what I'm putting down.
If you guys want to contribute to the cause,
hand it over to Dalvio.
Then you're free to do as you please.
Now that that's settled, let's get down to business.
I can't believe this.
How the hell did you end up in cahoots with Aurelio Casillas?
I fell in love, Jorge! I don't know how he did it,
but he made me his woman! I was the lady of the house,
the queen of a circle I couldn't leave...
yet I managed to escape and I have nothing
-to do with him anymore! -Enough, Esperanza! Enough!
I've had it with you.
I've more than enough reason to believe
that you led one of the largest money-laundering schemes
in the world!
Then why haven't you arrested me yet?
Go ahead! Arrest me, Jorge!
That's what I came to do.
If you'd come to arrest me,
this place would be teeming with cops.
You're here because you're still in love with me.
Admit it.
Are you in love with me or not?
How lovely!
So I don't have to worry about anything.
Not a thing, ma'am.
I'll take care of you personally while Ms. Esperanza arrives.
Thank you!
I so needed a breather
from the nightmare we're living in Venezuela.
Let's just hope they treat us well here.
I've heard we aren't welcome here in Panama.
Is that true?
I've heard some things, but...
You're far too polite.
I understand, though.
This government has brought out the worst in us.
We're just too much now.
For years, Venezuelans welcomed foreigners with open arms.
Now we're considered the dregs of society!
My family emigrated from Italy to Venezuela
and were welcomed with open arms!
So were the Spaniards and the Portuguese.
And that's before dictatorship set in.
Argentinians, Chileans...
Feeling better, sweetie? You seemed tense.
It's just that... - PUES ES QUE...
things don't always turn out how you want them to.
I've been having some issues, Mrs. Alba.
I know you haven't asked,
but I'm going to give you some advice
out of the love I had for your father.
Thank you, Mrs. Alba.
Emiliana... never hide anything from Aurelio.
He can't be fooled... it's like he has a sixth sense.
If you're in this for the long run,
you'd better start telling him things from the get-go,
because he's bound to find out sooner or later.
Yes, Mrs. Alba. I will.
I finally found you, Mrs. Alba!
I've been looking for you everywhere!
Quite the party your son threw for everyone.
He's always been good at that.
And some other things, too.
Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
Could you give Alba and I a few seconds alone?
We haven't seen each other in so long
and we have lots of catching up to do.
Sure, no problem. I have things to do.
Take care, sweetie.
Sit down! This is your ranch.
She sure is pretty.
Stunning eyes, and what a body!
Your son's always had great taste in women.
Take me, for example.
If I look hot now, imagine how I looked years ago!
I loved your son, Alba.
I loved him so much... but that ship has sailed.
At least Ismael came from all that.
He's the best thing I have in life.
Well, are we in agreement?
Yes. [Ellos responden al unísono]
I probably don't have to point this out,
but this agreement is bound by blood...
and you know what happens when agreements are broken.
You know where to find me for the guns and the money.
Keep an eye out for Victor.
He's got tricks up his sleeve and he's not stupid.
Alright, then. It's time to enjoy the party.
We've got girls, drugs, and booze, so have at it.
Cheers, boys.
Let's do this.
Down the hatch it goes!
Enjoy, boys.
What's on your mind, Dalvio?
You screwed me over, man.
Victor's destroying the country
and I'm the one who has to go to war against him?
Seriously, man?
Chill, Dad.
Don't fight.
Hold up.
Dalvio, you're the guy for the job.
You're the one with secret lairs and tunnels
set up all over the country.
You can stockpile money, guns, and people
without drawing attention to yourself.
In fact, we could hire some mercenaries
to supply us with guns
so we can squash those bastards like bugs.
The Maras, the Ms, and whoever else is on Victor's payroll.
Help me out here. What do you say?
That's more like it.
Let's see what Greñas has in store for us.
What's up, man?
Any good news?
What is that?
Any movement in Tamaulipas?
Just kidnappings and human trafficking.
I think they're moving over there.
It's a total s---show.
Help us out.
If they're in Tamaulipas, SI ES EN TAMAULIPAS,
we'll take 'em down in Tamaulipas.
We're turning into the biggest army in the country.
We came this close to killing the president.
We didn't actually kill him,
but at least we put him in a tight spot.
-Hell yeah! -Yeah, boss!
That's why we're coming together.
We need to divide and conquer.
We're not alone.
We've just bought off a ton of politicians
and bumped off the ones who didn't cave in.
-Yeah! -Hell yeah!
And so you see that I'm a man of my word,
I've brought you your money.
Thanks, boss!
Are you ready to let the bullets fly?
Are you sure Ramon has enough people to guard you?
I trust Ramon with my life.
That's not what I'm worried about.
I mean, I'm sure... There's that bitch again.
Hey, Rutila. Want another drink?
I'm good, Emiliana. Thanks.
Cheers to her waking up again.
Your father and I are going to start a new life together.
Hear that, Rutila? - ¿YA VISTE, RUTILA?
She thinks your father wants to retire!
How many times have we heard that before?
He may not have come through on his promises for you,
but he will for me.
Once he's finished with your husband Victor,
we're moving far, far away...
and I'm not telling you where.
You might try to jinx it.
I want you far away.
Listen, bitch.
I have to go, but my son's staying with Aurelio
and he's going to be your life insurance.
Because if you so much as let him catch a cold
or if anything happens to him...
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you with my own two hands, understood?
Oh, really?
You think I can't defend myself?
You've been warned.
Gather our things. We're leaving.
Don't tell my cousin yet.
I'll see you in Mexico City.
-Love you. -Take care.
- ¡P--- VIEJA ROGONA! Damn home wrecker.
She thinks she still has dibs on Aurelio.
I don't want trouble, Emiliana,
PERO AGUAS CON MI PAPÁ. but careful around my dad.
I'm his daughter and I love him, but...
Don't worry, Rutila.
I know how to defend myself.
What happened, sweetheart? TATA: ¿QUÉ PASÓ, MI AMOR?
Did you talk to Aurelio?
Have you sorted things out?
We'll talk later.
There's no need to bother Mrs. Alba.
Don't talk to me like that, Dalvio.
I'm sorry.
What's up?
The party's outside, people.
They're about to do the second raffle.
Aren't you coming?
We were just heading out.
Excuse us.
Excuse us.
Love you, Mom. Have fun.
Those crazy kids.
He's always up for everything.
Crazy is as crazy does.
Has my mom always been that way?
She hasn't changed a bit.
Always so talkative and nice.
I always knew she was smarter than she looked.
You're right about that.
Say you're right about Miravalle's suicide note
or whoever could've plotted Leonor's death.
What could doing things your way possibly solve?
It'd open up a position.
A position one of our political enemies might fill.
We can't prevent that, sir. - NO SE PUEDE PREVER ESO, SEÑOR.
Do you realize what that could mean?
Do you want another Hugo Chavez to take hold of Mexico
through promises of cheap communism?
Where's Commander Marcos?
I want the truth, Mr. President.
With all of its consequences.
The truth is, we have issues to solve.
That's the truth!
The country has bigger things to worry about
besides knowing the scoop on Lord of the Skies.
¡NECESITAMOS ORDEN Y PAZ! We need peace and order!
Telling the truth is the only way to achieve peace.
Achieving peace is the one thing we've both failed at.
I have a meeting to attend.
Now put your feet on the ground for once
and do your damn job.
We've far more important things to tend to
than the Lord of the Skies.
Thank you, everyone!
Thanks, man.
Give it up for my boy Roberto Tapia!
This party's for you, folks.
Are you having a good time or what?
Hell yeah.
I'm feeling awfully happy this evening.
Let's raise a glass to my mother,
who's finally back.
She wasn't dead, she was out partying!
Give it up for my awesome mom.
Love you, Mom!
My son's mother was also very sick,
but she's fully recovered now.
Give it up for her!
And last but not least,
I'm going to marry the prettiest woman on the damn planet!
Come here, baby. Give me a kiss.
Well, let's start with the next raffle.
What do you folks say?
Help me out, son!
Thanks, buddy.
Pass that down to him.
Time for the raffle!
Hey, sweetie.
Where's Monica? Have you seen her?
Yes, Dad. I saw her.
She's heading back to Mexico City today.
Without my son. I hope she knows that.
She doesn't like that very much, but I agree with you.
However, you'll have to explain that to Isidro.
Will do.
You know the answer to that.
I never stopped having feelings for you...
but I grew tired, Esperanza.
Tired of your lies. Always a mystery.
Then you left... just like that.
Without saying a word.
I didn't want to take you down with me.
No, you left me trapped... and that hurt.
And what hurts me the most
is realizing that what I feared most is actually true.
You were in a relationship with that son of a bitch!
Were you already with him when you started seeing me?
Yes... but I fell in love with you too.
He tried to kill you on multiple occasions
and I stopped him each time.
I didn't want him to hurt you.
You could've warned me.
I did.
Everything made sense with you.
You made me into someone with ideals.
You salvaged the last bit of honesty I had left.
And yes, Mr. Ambassador...
ideally, I'd like to live out my life with a man like you.
Can't we go back to the party?
Wouldn't you rather stay with me?
You know he's better off with me.
No, Aurelio. No.
You can't separate a mother and child.
You don't need to be apart.
Why don't you stay, Monica?
Have Aurelio send you two to the States, or to Europe...
I appreciate your concern, Mrs. Alba,
but Aurelio has no place in my life anymore.
Mom, are you leaving?
Look. Listen.
I... I have to go.
I may have woken up, but I don't feel all that well yet.
I want to take care of you.
I won't be far.
We'll be together again soon, okay?
There are plenty of people who can take care of you here.
Your brother Ismael, your father, Emiliana.
I rode horseback with her.
Did you, now?
Want to know the best part? Grandma's here to stay!
You're a very lucky boy.
Your grandmother's going to take better care of you than I can.
Of course.
He's the king of the castle.
Hear that?
You're the king of the house and the ruler of my heart.
I don't want you to be sad.
Remember where your father and I would dream of you
before you were even born?
In the jungle.
That's right! The jungle.
You have the strength of the jungle deep within your heart.
I need you to be strong for me, okay?
Whenever you miss me, just think of me
and I'll be there, in your heart.
I love you with all my heart.
Come here.
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