So I promised a demo of App Engine
in action taking Load.
So--oh! The--
There's my Kubernetes app.
It decided to load. Okay.
So I have here a set of ten VMs, Compute Engine VMs.
And they're gonna hit that URL. Please--
You can hit the URL. Don't hit that URL.
No, no, don't.
Because you'll break the whole, like--
from cold, we're gonna see how App Engine scales.
So you can hit it after I'm done with the demo,
if that's your thing.
So I'm gonna go ahead and run one make command.
And I'll explain what I'm doing.
I'm instructing each one of my VMs
to send a thousand hits at that URL,
and to do it concurrently at 50 a piece.
So a 500 QPS query.
So I'm gonna run that.
We're gonna switch back over here.
Someone hit the URL! Someone did it!
That's all right. You'll still see some magic.
So, in a moment, they're gonna--
You see, as soon as Compute Engine gets the traffic
and starts sending it, they start bouncing?
And that is App Engine spinning up instances of my application
in order to handle the load that's coming in.
And basically what'll happen is it can handle each instance
can handle a certain amount of traffic at once,
and it'll say, "Hey, I'm a little pegged,
and will start spinning up more instances to take it.
That's how quickly we spin up instances
in order to deal with your traffic.
And that's why the whole scale to zero is awesome, right?
Because it quickly responds when you have traffic,
but then when you have-- when you don't have traffic,
it starts going-- starts spinning down instances.
And three of you. Yeah, queues.
Three of you--four!
All right, well, now I don't care.
Now you can just ping it away all you want,
and you can see the numbers go up in real time.
Yeah, yeah, you're really doing that.
You're really hitting the URL.
Oh, all right!
I've challenged people there.
They're feeling feisty.
So that's just a quick demo
of what App Engine can do.
For more infomation >> App Engine Live Load Demo - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Offline Links: MicroTip #6 - Supercharged - Duration: 1:27.
THE MAGIC OF THE ROSES! The love story of Bella and Daniel! Cartoons about love for girls! - Duration: 12:11.
American Ninja Warrior - Crashing the Course: Kansas City (Presented by POM Wonderful) - Duration: 4:04.
-Well, last year, we opened up the doors to you, the fans,
in our Obstacle Design Challenge.
And we saw some insane ideas.
And now for the first time,
you get a sneak peek at the winning obstacle
selected for the Kansas City qualifying course.
-Here it is, your first look at the diabolical Crank It Up.
On this obstacle, contestants must kip their bodies
to crank up the handles in order to reach an elevation
high enough to lache to the next crank.
In doing so, you essentially crank yourself up six feet.
We asked the man who created this obstacle
to come out and crash the course with us -- Kevin Brekke.
It's called Crank It Up. Did you think of that name?
-I did. I was like, "Oh, crankshaft.
What would be, like, a weird pun?
And what would make them say weird things?"
And I was like, "Crank It Up."
-All right, Kevin,
what is the most challenging thing about this obstacle?
-You're pretty much using your whole body weight
to push yourself up at different angles,
and it's a whole upper-body beatdown.
The kip is very important in this obstacle.
-Yeah, that's kind of a cheat code right there.
Use the kip and save the grip. -Exactly.
Did you just make that up?
-Thanks, Kevin. I did.
-Ninja Natalie is here to show us how to improve our kip skills
to take on this obstacle for our Pom Wonderful tip of the week.
-Kipping usually -- It's a lot of hip involvement,
driving with the knees,
and just moving the momentum throughout your body.
-I mean, I feel like we got to see this.
-Get a nice little comfy seat on the ground
and like you're about to high-five someone
but then bring it back.
Drive with the knees and then bring the hips up
and then just let the momentum ride your body.
-That's your Pom tip of the week right there from Ninja Natalie.
-You guys ready? -Let's do it.
-Let's go.
-[ Clapping ]
-Whoo! -Yeah!
-You got this one.
-[ Grunts ]
-Normally I would test out the obstacle,
but we thought it'd be fun
to have the creator try out the design for himself.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-This guy made this obstacle.
-Yeah, Kev!
-Whoo! [ Speaking indistinctly ]
Come on.
-Way to go, Kev. Keep chipping.
Nice, Kevin. -Don't worry about it.
Give all this you got right now.
Let's go. Come on.
All the way through.
-Heck, yeah, man. Get up here.
Kevin Brekke created this,
got built in the Obstacle Design Challenge.
Ninja Natalie just slaughtered it.
This is "America Ninja Warrior: Crashing the Course."
-Whoo! -Whoo!
You all know the obstacles are the lifeblood
of "American Ninja Warrior."
And now, for the second year in a row,
we're opening up submissions for the Obstacle Design Challenge.
And based off the incredible response
from the community last year,
we selected seven design winners from over 2,500 entries.
And if you're selected,
you'll have the chance to come to the 2018 course
and witness your metal monster brought to life.
Because it's time to get creative.
Be sure to watch "American Ninja Warrior"
Mondays at 8:00, 7:00 Central, on NBC.
14 Ways The Internet Has CHANGED US FOREVER! - Duration: 11:48.
14 Ways The Internet Has Changed Us Forever
Multitasking and the Human Brain The Internet has revolutionized every facet
of modern life.
In addition to the ubiquity of email and online streaming, the rise of social media over the
last fifteen years has drastically changed the way human beings communicate with one
As a result, it is common for the average person to check their devices frequently or
to even have multiple screens running content or information simultaneously.
In many cases, without even noticing, the use of technology connected to the internet
has become addictive, leading many people to find themselves mentally unable to unplug.
It turns out the modern deluge of information flooding everyone's lives has a scientifically-proven
negative impact on the human brain.
According to many scientists, even after we cease multitasking activities involving technology,
a lack of focus on subsequent activities increases our dependency on technology.
Researchers at the National Institute of Drug Abuse have stated conclusively that unlike
physical addiction to alcohol or drugs, dependency on technology is more comparable to overeating
in that many people take a basic necessity and consume it to excess.
The Decline of the Postal Service In 2006, the communication and financial services
company Western Union became the final American entity to cease the delivery of telegrams.
The internet was credited as the primary motivator behind the service's downfall, as email
rendered telegrams an irrelevant form of communication.
Despite its efficiency, the U.S. Postal Service is facing a similar fate.
While faxing and cell phone use have been contributing factors in the decline of postal
services, the prevalence of basic email, online chat networks and social media messaging collectively
render traditional "snail mail" less and less necessary.
Because of these and other factors, many Americans no longer check for mail on a daily basis.
This has created a decrease in the post office's value proposition, leading to the widescale
layoff of public employees and fewer days of mail delivery in some regions.
This all happens while we refresh our web pages in search of information our ancestors
had to wait weeks or even months for as it travelled slowly through the mail.
Medical Consultation From mysterious symptoms to the common cold,
there was once a time when visits to the doctor or the local pharmacy could address almost
any ailment.
But unfortunately for those more prone to hypochondria, the internet has changed the
way we address health and wellness.
The original intent of online services like WebMD was for concerned patients to attain
an early understanding of their symptoms, which they could then follow up on when speaking
to a doctor.
But more frequently, WebMD and similar sites are relied upon for complete diagnosis.
This can lead to widespread confusion, as relatively basic health issues can be overblown
into much more severe conditions.
Even placing a symptom in a search engine like Google can lead a user down a rabbit
hole of misinformation and inadequate medical advice.
When in doubt, it's best to consult an in-person medical professional.
The Rise of "Internet Fame" From makeup tutorials to gaming reviews to
video essays, the internet has made fame easier to achieve than ever before.
Because of popular video platforms like YouTube, relative unknowns are able to achieve superstardom
overnight from a single piece of content.
Others spend years cultivating a brand, building a view count and earning subscribers.
This has led to obscure, everyday folks with free accounts accruing showbiz representation,
record contracts, film and TV production deals, and huge success in fundraising for future
Sometimes, this type of fame can be accidental, as exemplified by funny videos or personal
appeals going viral.
It's clear that, in the digital age, the constant presence of recording devices can
make a celebrity out of anyone.
Social Media With the rise of online social communities
like MySpace and Facebook in the early-to-mid 2000s, the manner through which we communicate
irreversibly changed.
With the ability to re-establish contact with almost anyone, events like high school reunions
became pointless.
Families and friend groups shared images, videos and stories with speed and efficiency
that had never before been possible.
Dating apps and sites altered the dynamic of romance and courtship among couples.
Blog sites provided platforms for awareness, activism and shared interests that were previously
In an age of near-constant contact with the outside world in one form or another, human
beings have never been more connected than we are now.
Digitized Archival Memory In addition to the information stored on social
media, the internet created a paradigm shift in data storage and backup.
Through the use of safe-keeping avenues like secure websites and the cloud, information
can be conserved in greater volume and for longer periods of time than if left in its
physical form.
A prime example of this is the storage and maintenance of medical records, which used
to be vulnerable to loss or miscategorization when maintained in old-fashioned filing systems.
But as more and more hospitals, universities and medical facilities began to digitize patient
records, the shift enabled improved care and the avoidance of potentially life-threatening
The benefits also extended to the law enforcement community, with police departments and intelligence
agencies all over the world now able to rapidly share decades-old evidence and case histories
with each other.
These new tools also have unsettling implications, especially when considering the existence
of digital libraries like the Internet Archive, which provides near-universal access to everything
ever posted online, including that embarrassing Facebook post from when you were in eighth
The Decline of Print Journalism Beginning in 2000, print publications saw
an unprecedented decline in their readership.
The drop was far from an anomaly, as it quickly became clear those subscribers would not return.
In the first 15 years of the New Millennium, printed advertising revenue fell by 40 billion
This proved to be a crippling blow to the medium.
The availability of news provided via digital platforms progressively made newspapers and
magazines irrelevant to the modern age.
As online and televised competitors continued to raise the bar by producing minute-to-minute
coverage, requiring consumers to wait for daily or weekly issues simply became unrealistic.
While some outlets have survived by establishing online editions or being overtaken by larger
conglomerates, many have ceased to operate.
The Modern Music Industry After the peer-to-peer MP3 sharing website
Napster launched in 1999, music distribution was never the same.
While it did not survive in its original form, Napster's business model and commercial
appeal was quickly replicated by other cross-platform media distributors.
As more households acquired internet access over the following decade, music consumption
continued to defy the conventional approach of recording companies and labels.
This has led to widespread conflict and litigation.
Over the past few years, music streaming services like Spotify have suffered backlash over compensation
of artists for the use of their music, leading some of those artists to pull their content
from the applications.
Regardless of the ensuing controversies, the popularity of music sharing and streaming
signifies that it is here to stay, consistently forcing the music industry to adapt.
Advertisement-Free Entertainment As video streaming sites like Netflix, Hulu
and Amazon Prime became more widely used, many people gave up their cable subscriptions
in favor of binge-viewing content on their own schedules.
This created an unparalleled crisis for traditional advertisers, many of whom had come to rely
on televised events to sell their products.
While major spectacles like sporting occasions and 24-hour news continue to draw viewers
to the established televised format, the partial shift in consumption has rattled corporate
sponsors in numerous ways.
To address the unwelcome loss of target demographics, corporate sponsors have inserted subtle forms
of product placement into TV shows and monetized media like YouTube videos with sporadic commercial-like
As viewership continues to grow more and more convenient, the commercials and advertisements
that many of us grew up with may eventually become antiquated reminders of an obsolete
sales formula.
The Loss of Languages Conservative estimates indicate that at least
one language created by mankind reaches extinction every two weeks.
Of the over 7,000 languages currently spoken, an overwhelming majority of them are comprehended
by 100,000 people or less.
And many of those have never been properly documented or preserved.
While most experts consider language loss to be an inevitable repercussion of human
progress on Earth, it is widely believed that the Internet has greatly accelerated the process.
With only about 500 languages used in online spaces, reliance on the Internet has caused
many across the globe to leave their native languages behind in search of greater opportunity
and immersion with the international economy.
This trend tends to favor western nations, perhaps most noticeable in the general lack
of web content written in Hindi, despite the fact that it is a language spoken by over
310 million people.
Online Banking and Bill Payment When the Internet surpassed visits to local
branches as the go-to option for banking, customers found themselves relieved of the
threat of dealing with long lines, temperamental tellers or inconvenient business hours.
This change reaches beyond everyday convenience, as complex processes like applying for mortgages
and loans can now be done online.
As a result, the entire financial system has had to adjust to the new technological landscape.
But as sensitive information continually reaches the digital domain, larger numbers of people
have become vulnerable to identity theft and the loss of their savings.
While many different safeguards have been introduced as new threats continue to emerge,
the ability of banks to maintain the trust of their customers is no longer as certain
as it was before the dawn of the Internet.
Online Shopping and Its Effect on Retail As reliance on digital resources has expanded
over the past ten years, the retail industry has suffered deeply.
Unable to keep up with the appeal of online competitors, retailers like JCPenney have
been forced to lay off thousands of their employees.
This occurs as companies like Amazon open up new warehouses that bring jobs of different
skill levels with them in service of an ever-expanding customer base that chooses to pick out items
from the comfort of home.
The tilt from in-person shopping to online shopping is happening at a faster rate than
most economic experts originally expected.
The term widely applied to this shift is known as "creative destruction," the process
by which modern industrial enterprises replace those incapable of maintaining pace with a
changing market.
If the slide in favor of at-home shopping continues at its present rate, as many economists
expect it will, traditional retail venues like shopping malls may soon become shuttered
ghost towns.
As retail companies continue to face a choice between increased productivity or insolvency,
the effects of the Internet on this once-sprawling industry have become devastatingly clear.
The Slow Disappearance of Libraries and Encyclopedias While public and school-based libraries still
exist, their function and use to the communities they serve has changed significantly.
Since most people can buy, rent or check out books online, or even read them entirely on
a digital platform, the traditional need for libraries has been eroded.
Today, many libraries serve the purpose of providing free Internet access to students
or individuals unable to afford web access at home.
This has turned these libraries into venues for use of the very thing that has driven
their slide towards irrelevance - the Internet.
Furthermore, the days of relying on encyclopedias to write research papers are most certainly
Due to the ability of online educational resources to provide up-to-date information regarding
an almost endless range of subjects, bound volume encyclopedias now seem like an outdated
reminder of what the research and fact-finding process used to be.
Self-Medication Through Technology According to a 2009 survey conducted by the
Pew Research Center, an estimated three fourths of Internet users turned to the web to relieve
stress or fear related to the fallout from the 2008 Financial Crisis.
It turns out this occurrence is not isolated to the repercussions of one chain of events.
According to medical experts, the psychological and emotional lift that comes from switching
on or logging in has proven short-term benefits to those experiencing exterior anxieties.
But just like with regular medication, the danger comes when the resource is overused.
Addiction to media is a known ailment that can harm both creativity and a sense of self-worth.
In the same way television, along with theatre and literature before it, provided hope to
those down on their luck, it is also apparent that Internet use can provide us with the
sense of belonging we need in the moments when we feel most isolated.
Guess The ASL | ASL Charades ft. BrizzyVoices - Duration: 12:44.
(marker scratching)
(Pokemon game sound)
In frame.
- Ooh! - (laughs)
DEVON: That was unexpected. Where the heck was (inaudible)?
- That's terrifying.
- I already have a blooper section. This is great.
So, today obviously we are at VidCon
and I'm here with my friend Anna, who – fun fact,
I almost called her Brianna at Playlist
because my mouth was trying to say Anna,
my brain was trying to say Brizzy
and then they both kind of just tried to come out that way.
-Brizzy Anna. It works. -Yes.
That also works for Brianna.
But - I was... Brianna, like, no that's not your name.
-It's my ship name with myself.
-Yes. That works perfectly.
Because you've got to love yourself.
-Perfect. OK. So do you want to tell them a little bit
about your channel, real quick?
-Um, my channel is mostly voice impressions of cartoons
and nerdy-centric or fandom videos.
Some make-up tutorials.
A lot of character-y stuff.
-And we both like Pokemon so you're going to see a lot of that on there.
And a lot of her content is captioned so you know,
you will likely find a video.
Not everything but you know, it taking a while to get there.
But, access.
So, today we are going to play a little bit of a game.
It doesn't have an official name but it's kind of
Guess The ASL sign type of thing.
I've given her a sharpie, index cards, some extras just in case.
And we have a whole pile anyway.
And I picked ten - plus two more as a bonus - signs that are easy.
They kind of look the same as our English counterpart I guess,
for lack of a better word.
You know, what it would translate to.
Nothing hard. I'm not that mean plus we'd be here all day.
So just wanting to make it a little bit easier for everybody. So...
-I took ASL in second grade
when I was very little, but...
and I've watched one or two seasons of 'Switched at Birth'
and that's it. So... (laughs)
-You have a little bit of... Oh, what's the word I'm looking for?
You've had a little bit of access to it.
-Are you ready?
-OK. So... -(squeals)
-It's my list. She can't see it.
No super Harry Potter wand powers. I'm watching you.
Number one:
-Oh! -I'll do it one more time.
-I mean... -This is the sign:
She guessed 'whiskers'. Close.
-But not really. It means 'cat'. -Cat!
-It's you know, the whiskers of a cat. So, close.
That's a pretty good guess. I would think so.
-Related. -OK.
So, this is a sign I've seen a couple of different versions of
but we're just going with the one I'm most familiar with:
I'll do it one more time.
And I'll go to the camera. It's like...
She guessed 'laptop'.
-And you are correct. -Yay!
It was like, computer, right here
and then the one I just did was doing it like this,
like both of them.
I've just seen it mostly just like this.
-Ready? Go:
Do it again.
For the camera.
She said, 'house'.
-And you are correct. -What!
-So, you know the roof of a house it goes down.
Of course unless you have a rectangular one.
But most are like:
Two right, two right.
-You got 'laptop' and 'house' right. -Two out of three.
Fantastic. So number four.
-(laughs) OK.
Just to be fair. Sign:
She said 'turtle'.
-You are correct. -Yay!
-That's three. -That one was obvious.
-It's just so cute. Hello. How are you?
-OK. So, number five. Ready? -Yep.
Oh! I know.
-It kind of has two translations so if you get one or the other,
I'll take it.
-Uh huh. -Oh and I'll show the camera:
OK she said 'eat'.
-You are correct. -Yes!
-It could also mean 'food'. -Mm-hm.
Yeah, that could mean 'food'. Four right.
You got laptop, house, turtle and eat.
Four in a row. Yes!
Anna says 'book'.
-And you are correct. -Yes!
-It can also be used for like 'menu' and stuff like that.
-Yeah. When you did 'laptop' I thought a 'book'
but I was like, no, that would be something like this.
-Maybe an iPad but not quite.
-Yay. Five in a row, right? -Yes. So good.
-I think you were really nervous
before we started this when I was telling you
about it and you're going like, oh gosh,
I watched Switch At Birth but I don't-
-OK. She says 'water'.
-You are correct. -Whoo! I'm so good.
-I think it's one of the more basic signs that everybody learns at first
but it can be a little, wait, what is that? But yeah.
-Maybe I learned in second grade and I subconsciously remembered it.
-And then, OK. Number eight.
OK this one has a couple of different signs, OK like two.
One like American version and one Canadian version.
So I'll do both just for the heck of it.
-So, we'll start with the Canadian one which is:
What is it?
And now I'll show you the US version which is just:
-Ooh. I've seen this.
-For the record.
-This one was the more visual one rather than the Canadian one.
-This is not right. It's not right. I know it's not right.
-She says 'stop'.
-That is not right. It was 'ketchup'.
-Ketchup! -(laughs)
Yeah. So, like, you're holding the bottle.
-Yeah. -And you're smacking
the bottom of it.
Yeah, and this is 'red'. Red and then sauce.
So in Canada people go red sauce and then here
they just smack that pesky bottle of ketchup.
But for the record, 'stop' - we don't have that on the list do we? No.
-'Stop' is just: -Yeah.
I knew it was like a down.
-Something like a very stern, what are you doing?
So. Not bad. Still not doing too bad, though. Very good.
-OK. -You're getting most of them right.
-So far. -Most, yeah.
-OK. We're on number nine. OK ready? OK:
-One more time?
For the camera.
OK. She said 'ocean' and I'm going to say you're right.
-The other translation, the one I've seen the most, is 'sea'.
But sea and ocean kind of tend to be the same thing.
-Yeah. I don't know what the difference is.
-I'm going to say you're right.
If somebody wants to say she's wrong...
-Big sea. can correct.
But I'm going to count it, personally.
-But yeah the little waves. -Yeah.
-Five, six, seven out of ten so far.
OK so, this one has a couple of different variations
and I'll just go through each of them.
So the first one:
-Ooh. -Next one:
-So you're not going to really see it on the camera
but if you know what this is:
-Ah! OK.
-She said 'pants'.
-That is incorrect. -No!
-'Dog.' -'Dog'?
-You're snapping for the dog.
-So like, I can't snap very well so it's like.
For actual pants you're not going to be able to see right here.
If you want to do pants you are kind of touching your pants.
But you can't see on the camera but
if you look it up you'll get the idea.
-So, Bonus Round. -Bonus.
-And you might get this because you said you've seen
'Switched at Birth'.
-So, I'll give you one hint. It's the first season. That this is covered.
-So that's as far as I'm going to give you. OK.
So the first one, 'cause there's two:
-Ooh. OK. Ooh.
-I'll give you one hint. It's in this room.
I know that's so helpful. There's a lot of things in this room.
But I figure, 'Switched at Birth', it's in this room... Maybe.
Her face is like, no, fuck no.
-What hap-?
-OK. She said 'friend'.
While you are my friend. That is not correct.
It's 'coffee'.
-But for the record, 'friend', I'll tell you what that is.
-Ah. OK. Yeah.
-This is 'coffee'. 'Friend'.
So, last one:
-Oh! -For the camera:
-Does that say pepper? -Yes.
-OK. So, she said 'pepper'.
That is not correct.
-It's 'make out'. -Yes.
-I knew it was something romantic or sexual, possibly but I wasn't sure.
-It was when Daphne's biological mom was
trying to ask if she wanted to have coffee or something
and then she actually does this.
And Daphne was like,
"Mom! You just asked if you can make out with me."
-Right. -Mmm, honey.
Actually, fun fact,
when I met my friend Jules who is a deaf filmmaker,
for the first time in person,
and this was when my ASL was pretty crappy,
my sign for plane was this
and I got laughed at.
And I just told her I wanted coffee
and I accidentally did this:
instead of this:
and she was like...
And I was like... This. I want this! This.
So you got... What's the count?
-Well, not Bonus. -Not counting the bonus.
-Seven. -So you got 7/10 for the bonus.
Oh, that's... You did pretty well. You got most of them.
-I guess it's not failing if it's at least 70.
It's failing in my mind.
-For the record, I think 'pepper' is this.
And 'salt' and then 'pepper'.
So her prize was going to be this
but I kind of gave it to her
a little early because I got too excited.
It's a little Pikachu pen.
-(imitating Pikachu) Pikachu. -Pikachu
-Pika, Pika!
-So I was gonna be like, "Wait, I have a surprise for you"
but then I got too excited when I went to go pick her up.
So it's like, here, here is your boring wrist band present.
By the way, here's a better one.
Yeah, so. 7/10. Not bad. Congratulations. Very good.
Or the deaf applause.
So, thank you for coming and doing this with me.
-I thought it was a fun game to do. -Yeah.
-So that's all that we have for you.
Feel free to check out her channel.
Where can they find out what it's called.
-Very good.
Yeah. So, you'll find great voice impressions and other stuff.
Very good, might I add.
And my personal favourite was the Pokemon voice impression.
I think that's actually how I found you or the original way that
I found you was last year at VidCon
when you were wearing the Gastly backpack.
-And I asked you where you got that and then I was like,
I like this girl.
And then I looked you up and then that whole thing happened.
Go check out her channel.
We'll probably have a link here again, also, down below.
And once again thank you for coming.
-Yay. You're welcome. -I appreciate it. Have a hug.
-Mmm. -Yes.
Did very well so go compliment her on trying. OK?
And we'll see you later. Bye.
Samsung Galaxy S8 Camera Review - Duration: 5:23.
Hey guys its Sagar from Tecworkz, and here is my camera review of the Samsung Galaxy
S7 edge had one of the best camera on any smartphone last year, and the Galaxy S8 is
here to take things even further.
I have been using the S8 for over a month now, and had a chance to take a lot of images
with it, in various conditions, to bring this review for you guys.
This video is sponsored by MobileTrans from Wondershare.
Mobile Trans is an amazing software, that can be used to transfer data from one smartphone
to another.
You can move your data from an iPhone to any android device to the other way around.
It is available for windows and mac operating systems as well.
Restore from local backup or cloud services like iCloud, OneDrive, Blackberry and so on.
You can also erase your data from any smartphone, safely and securely.
Unlike other flagship smartphones, Samsung did not put dual camera module at the back
of the S8.
It has a single camera with 12 megapixel sensor, where size of each pixel is 1.4 microns, It
also features F/1.7 aperture, Dual Pixel Phase detect autofocus, Optical image stabilisation
and single LED flash.
While on paper this might seem identical to the sensor found on S7 and S7 Edge, in reality
it is a different sensor all together.
The software optimisations combined with a newer and better processor, also promises
to give us better results than the S7 and S7 edge.
At the front it has a 8 megapixel camera with a wide f/1.7 aperture, and it also has autofocusing
capabilities, which is one of the first on a front facing camera of a smartphone.
Now before we get to the image and video samples, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so
you don't miss out on any of the amazing videos coming up on this channel.
All of the images have been shot in Auto mode.
In typical Samsung fashion, Colours are a slightly saturated, But I have started to
like the way they turn out.
All of the images are extremely sharp and show great amount of details.
The dynamic range of this camera is amazing, even with the sun directly in the frame, you
can still see a lot of details on the building which is in the shot.
I have used some really good smartphone cameras in the recent months, like the S7 edge, Pixel
XL and the iPhone 7 Plus, and I think when it comes to camera performance, the S8 might
just top them all.
The thanks to the dual pixel autofocus system, focusing is extremely fast and accurate.
Just see How quickly, it shifts and locks the focus from near to distant objects.
Close up shots are just a treat to look at from this camera.
Thanks to the wide F/1.7 Aperture, the gradually blurred background in all of these closeup
shots, make the subject in focus stand out even more.
You don't get a fancy Portrait mode like on the iPhone 7 Plus or the recently launched
OnePlus 5, But there is selective focus mode, which tries to achieve the same result with
the help of software.
This mode is not perfect and doesn't give the desired results everytime, but when it
works, the results are just amazing.
As the light starts to go down, The S8 can still pull out some impressive shots.
In conditions like this, the wide f/1.7 aperture, optical image stabilisation and the post processing
work perfectly in sync, and we end up getting images like these, with very little noise
in them.
I dont think any other smartphone will be able to pull out detailed shots like these,
in such lighting conditions.
That brings us to the front facing camera.
The 8 megapixel shooter on the S8 delivers detailed and better results, compared to those
from the S7 edge.
The post processing this time is not as aggressive, which makes the images from the front facing
camera look good.
Coming to the video performance, you can shoot 4k videos at 30 fps and you can also shoot
240 fps video in 720p resolution.
The Optical Image Stabalisation, combined with electronic stabilisation works amazingly
well, as you can see here.
So overall, I am really happy with the video performance from the camera of the Galaxy
Now that I look back, in all of the camera review of flagship smartphone I have tested
in the last 7-8 months, I said, that it is the best camera on any smartphone that I have
used, till now.
And this is again true in case of the Galaxy S8.
It takes incredible images.
The colours, sharpness, dynamic range and the details in the images from its camera
are just amazing.
The fact that this camera is packed in a smartphone this beautiful, and it can survive even if
it gets wet, really makes me wonder what might we see next in smartphones.
But that is the question for the future, right now, if you want to get a smartphone with
the best camera and if you have the budget for it, Close your eyes and get the Samsung
Galaxy S8 or the S8 Plus.
I will be comparing the camera on the S8, with lot of other smartphones in the coming
So make sure you are subscribed to the channel and have the notifications turned on, so you
don't miss out on any of the upcoming videos.
That is it for this video guys.
I hope you understand the the time and effort that goes behind making each of these videos,
If you do, make sure to let me know by hitting that like button.
You can also check out some of the other videos on this channel.
This has been Sagar, and Ill catch you guys in the next video.
Take care.
Cartoon about a retro party for girls. We organize a holiday for children. Children's cartoon. - Duration: 6:12.
Historian: Republican Push to Replace Obamacare Reflects Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America - Duration: 10:38.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attempts to revive a bill
to overturn Obamacare, we look today at the radical right's attempt to reshape the role
of the federal government—from healthcare to education to housing.
While the Congressional Budget Office predicts 22 million would lose health insurance as
a result of the Senate bill, some forces in the Republican Party, including the billionaire
Koch brothers, say the bill does not go far enough.
This comes as the Koch brothers recently announced plans to spend between $300 million and $400
million in the 2018 midterm elections.
During a retreat last week, Charles Koch said, quote, "We are more optimistic now about what
we can accomplish than we have ever been."
AMY GOODMAN: Well, as the Koch Brothers gear up for the 2018 elections, we turn now to
look at the ideological roots that have reshaped the Republican Party in recent decades.
A new book by the historian Nancy MacLean uncovers the instrumental role the late libertarian
economist James Buchanan played in the right's campaign to eliminate unions, suppress voting,
privatize schools and curb democratic majority rule.
Her book is titled Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth
Plan for America.
MacLean is a professor of history and public policy at Duke University.
Nancy MacLean, welcome to Democracy Now!
It's great to have you with us.
NANCY MacLEAN: I'm so pleased to be with you.
AMY GOODMAN: Let's start with today's headline, the healthcare bill.
Deeply unpopular.
Let's just look quickly at the polls, across the board.
You have the Quinnipiac poll that says 16 percent of people in this country approve
the Republican plan.
You've got the USA Today poll, only 12 percent.
You've got NPR/PBS/Marist poll, 17 percent.
And yet the Republicans are attempting to revive it and push it through once again.
In your book, Democracy in Chains, you lay out the deep history of the radical right's
stealth plan for America.
Talk about this as an example of what you have found.
I had never encountered James Buchanan before I started the research that ultimately became
this book.
But what I learned in the course of that research is that this economist, who was trained at
the University of Chicago, who was part of the same milieu as Milton Friedman, Friedrich
Hayek and so forth, he went a distinctive way.
And he used the economic tools he got at the University of Chicago to look at politics
in a new way.
And he produced, ultimately, the kind of pernicious cynicism that we see all around us today and
that Donald Trump's candidacy and rhetoric embodies.
And in the healthcare debate, what we see is that Buchanan gave the advice to others
on the right and to his corporate funders and donors and the people that he talked to
that for capitalism of a kind they wanted to thrive, democracy must be enchained.
Democracy must be, in effect, shackled, to prevent the majority will from being expressed,
because it would take too much from people of great wealth, and that would be a problem
for them.
And so we see this being played out in the healthcare debate now, in which, as you quoted
in those polls, most people are horrified by this Republican proposal.
They don't want it.
They understand that people will die from it.
They understand that people who have cancer will be paying astronomical rates for their
healthcare if this thing goes through.
They understand what a—what a total disaster it is.
And yet one of our major political parties has become captive to these donor interests,
using the strategy that comes from Buchanan of changing the incentives and the rules,
and they are beholden to those donor networks.
What I think is fascinating is that our democracy is still working.
And so, some Senate Republicans are wavering, because they are actually listening to their
constituents and their voters, and they're getting tons of calls from their constituents
and their voters, and they're defying the Kochs.
AMY GOODMAN: But those were Buchanan's ideas—
AMY GOODMAN: —a Nobel Prize-winning economist.
AMY GOODMAN: But talk about his relationship to, well, a key player in all of this, are
the Koch brothers.
AMY GOODMAN: They just held a retreat.
Talk about specifically what their relationship is, as they say they're going to pour hundreds
of millions of dollars into the elections coming up.
NANCY MacLEAN: Yes, and I should say it's a very interesting end story, because the
Kochs actually pushed James Buchanan aside when he began to raise some questions about
the way they were operating at George Mason University.
So, he was not as involved in the rollout.
It's really his ideas and his insights that they're applying, but they did not treat
him very well at the end.
And so—
AMY GOODMAN: How did they know each other?
NANCY MacLEAN: They came to know each other from Buchanan's book on campus unrest in
1969, which Koch's Center for Independent Education reprinted to get to more people.
It's basically the kind of manual that is transforming public higher education right
So they got to know each other then.
Charles Koch joined something called the Mont Pelerin Society, which many of your listers
will be familiar with, in 1970, and actually advertised for all of his functions and his
organizations and his, you know, talent pipelines and his recruitment efforts in Mont Pelerin
Society materials.
So they—
AMY GOODMAN: And Mont Pelerin is?
NANCY MacLEAN: I'm so sorry.
Mont Pelerin is an international, invitation-only society by what some people would call free-market
fundamentalists, that was launched in 1947 and has spread to the entire world now.
It's invitation-only and includes arch-right economists, corporate officials.
Many leading operatives of the Koch-funded network are part of the Mont Pelerin Society
So it's a very significant body.
And, in fact, it was at Mont Pelerin Society meetings that many of these ideas were discussed
and strategies were developed to implement, from what I've been able to pick up from
the documentary trail.
But Koch and Buchanan began to cooperate particularly in the 1970s, as Koch was launching what became
the Charles Koch—I mean, I'm sorry, the Cato Institute—it started as the Charles
Koch Foundation—and got to know each other over the years.
Buchanan also advised the Chilean dictatorship on a constitution that would enable them to
make a transition back to elected government, while keeping the radical, unpopular changes
that they had made in place.
And so, in the 1980s, in the wake of that Chilean experience, Buchanan also began to
advise Charles Koch's Cato Institute on a strategy for Social Security privatization,
which, again, would be starting from the recognition that what they wanted was not popular with
any constituency in America.
And Buchanan laid it out.
He said people, the old, the young, the black, the white, men, women—there was even another
category—nobody wants to see Social Security changed in the way that these guys wanted
to change it.
And so he laid out a step-by-step strategy for how to do that—how to spread misinformation,
how to break up existing coalitions, how to pick off existing Social Security recipients
so that they wouldn't be in the fight, because they'd be the most motivated.
It's really quite breathtaking stuff.
And it's the kind of strategic thinking that is now informing the entire Koch apparatus
in our country.
So, yeah, really, really serious stuff.
And I think, you know, we've had such brilliant journalism about the money trail on all of
this and the dark money.
But to really understand what's going on, I think we need to understand the ideas that
are guiding this and what the endgame is.
And I think once people understand those ideas and that endgame and how totally hostile it
is to democracy as we have known it over the 20th—you know, since 1900, I think that
they will really understand the scale of the threat that we're faced with.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Well, Buchanan was from the South.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Now, can you—unlike other Chicago school economists.
So can you explain how that was relevant to the ideas that he came up with, and also the
extent to which he transformed—his ideas were able to transform the Republican Party?
To make a long story short, he was born in Tennessee, raised in the South, actually had
a fellowship that required him to go back and teach in a Southern public institution
after he completed his degree.
And he specialized in public finance, which was very important to many governors and state
But in the South, there was a very draconian approach to public finance, so he fit in well
when he came home.
He believed that there should never be—you know, that there should be no deficits of
any kind, no deficit spending.
He had a very parsimonious approach to public spending of all kinds.
And he arrived in Virginia in 1956 just as that state was leading the South in a fight
against Brown v. Board of Education.
I want to be clear: I have no evidence of Buchanan saying anything about race, directly,
in his fight against Brown v. Board of Education.
But what he did, using his Chicago economics training, is make a case for arch-privatization
of all Virginia public education.
And we didn't even have the verb "privatize" or the noun "privatization" then.
But that's essentially what he advocated.
And that was the demand of the most arch-segregationists.
The leaders of massive resistance wanted that.
And in the end, Buchanan's proposal was too radical.
Just like today with the healthcare, Buchanan's proposal was too radical for even the most
right-wing Virginia—for the Virginia Legislature.
And so it was defeated.
And it was in the wake of that defeat that he began to develop this new way of thinking
about politics, as the state of Virginia finally became open to the majority of its citizens—and
I should add there, white as well as black.
Virginia practiced voter suppression to an extraordinary degree, such that some said
that next to Virginia, Mississippi a hotbed of democracy.
AMY GOODMAN: We're going to break and then come back to this discussion.
Our guest is Nancy MacLean.
She's author of the new book, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical
Right's Stealth Plan for America.
She's professor of history and public policy at Duke University in North Carolina.
This is Democracy Now!
We'll be back with her in a minute.
Walgreens ends takeover pursuit of Rite Aid - Duration: 0:56.
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 51 - Duration: 16:07.
The Shooting Range
In this episode:
How to stay a decent human being under any circumstances, or the story of the Tu-2 bomber
The unkillable Churchill: how a very problematic tank made it to the Korean war;
Hotline: the developers answer questions that you've left in the comments!
But first, let's start with...the deadly duo: let's fly the B-29 Superfortress and the Tupolev Tu-4!
Just look at these two. Aren't they beautiful?
It's no coincidence that we're going to speak about this exact pair.
These two legendary bombers do not just look alike: they fly and play in pretty much the same fashion.
Just keep in mind that the BR of the Soviet machine is considerably higher
as its defensive armaments consist of cannons instead of machine guns (which allows it to fight jets).
To be fair, that also makes the Tu-4 a tougher pick:
it fights deadlier opponents,
the starting bombs are way too small and it takes a lot of time to get better ones.
The best way to upgrade both of these bombers is pretty straightforward:
get as high as you can and then bomb the heck out of enemy bases and airfields.
Despite the respectable armour and all the defences,
a low-flying B-29 is a welcoming sight to any enemy fighter. And the Tu-4... is simply doomed.
So get up in there! There are two main things to remember.
First. Fight the urge to fly to the nearest target with all your bomber buddies.
Hit several targets at the same time! Coordinate your efforts in the chat
or just see where other bombers go and then pick a target for yourself.
Second. Do not open fire until the enemy is in the palm of your hand.
Wait till they get to the distance of 1-1,5 km — and only then turn them into flaming cheese-graters.
And practice, practice, practice. If you want to fly these majestic
beasts, you have to be better at shooting down enemy planes than any veteran Petrovich.
Also... it pays to get your timing right.
Don't forget that it takes some time to open your bombing hatch.
Take it into account — or it will ruin your bombing run.
If you are forced to hunt smaller ground targets (which we do not recommend) pay attention to your altitude.
Nothing is more infuriating than getting blown up by your own high explosive bomb.
Every type has its own effective fragmentation radius, please take it into account.
And the last thing. The B-29 and the Tu-4 are great picks for the aircraft RB.
But it's not a good idea to take them to Mixed Battles.
It is a real pain in the butt to hunt moving targets on a strategic bomber aircraft (unsurprisingly)
and the enemy AA guns will have a field day shooting at such a slow, bulky target.
Good hunting!
…next up is the second part of the story of the British Churchill,
or how it survived all the efforts to sweep it under the rug…
The first two versions of the Churchill, Mark I and Mark II, were created in 1941
and instantly became outdated. They had great armour
but the two-pounder gun couldn't even leave a scratch on the newest German machines
like the Panzer III and the Panzer IV with their 50-mm front armour.
And even the older German tanks became a problem as they were routinely fortified with additional armour,
which meant that the British gun had to penetrate 60-mm of steel. So… the two-pounder had to go.
That wasn't the only problem with the early Churchills. They weren't exactly reliable or fast.
Having spent some time fighting in the desert,
the British realized that they needed a completely different machine.
The Royal Army wanted an agile and multipurpose heavy tank, preferably with a 75-mm main gun.
And with some explosive shells, please. So, basically, they wanted to create… a British Sherman?
And so the military proposed to assemble heavy A33 Excelsiors instead of the poor Churchill
and rearrange the resources to boost the production of new medium tanks like the Centaur and the Cromwell.
At some point there was even a plan to use a few American factories to produce a line of
the heavy T14's for the Royal Army. But the Churchill wasn't going to go down this easily
In March of 1942 there was a new modification of the tank, the Mark III.
It had a brand new welded turret and a 57-mm gun that could penetrate the armour of any German tank.
Right after that the British created the Churchill Mark IV with a cast turret.
The new tanks weren't just deadlier, the engineers also got rid of a bunch of construction flaws
that plagued the early modifications.
For example, the reworked air-intakes for the cooling system could block a lot more dust.
The Mark III and the Mark IV performed really well in battle,
so the army agreed to continue the production and the development of the Churchills.
It's worth noting that at that point the British didn't yet embrace the "one-tank-do-all" approach.
The Mark III and the Mark IV were outfitted with six-pounders
and were meant to fire only armour-piercing shells — and only at enemy vehicles.
The high-explosive ammunitions and smoke shells were the prerogative of the Churchill Mark V,
which had a 95-mm howitzer for a main gun.
But then the British got to drive the American Shermans that had a 75-mm gun
that was capable of both penetrating armoured targets — and firing high-explosive rounds.
The British tankers loved it so much that they salvaged these guns with its mantlets
from damaged Shermans and installed them on their Churchill Mark IV tanks right in the field.
Closer to the end of the war the latest modification of the tank was the magnificent Mark VII.
It boasted a new body and a turret that had up to 152 mm of armour in the front.
It also got an upgraded suspension and a reworked transmission.
And instead of the six-pounder, the Mark VII came equipped with a British 75-mm gun that was
perfectly compatible with American shells.
So, is this a happy ever after type of story? Well, no.
Sure, the army finally got a reliable tank with decent armour and a good multipurpose gun.
It outlived the American T14 and the British A33 Excelsior. Remember those guys?
The very same that were supposed to bury the Churchill.
But the 75-mm gun couldn't cope with the new German Tigers and Panthers,
and the frame of the tank didn't allow for the installation of bigger guns.
It didn't stop the Churchill from fighting in the Korean War though!
And only then this heavy tank finally went to its long rest. let's speak about the phenomenon of designing aircraft in prison
In the late 30's at the peak of the Stalinist purges the bolsheviks needed a new bomber
that could replace the outdated Tupolev SB.
And who a better man for the job than Andrei Nikolayevich Tupolev himself?
And what a lucky coincidence — he was right there, within the reach of a hand
locked inside the GULAG prison with almost all his crew and brilliant minds like Petlyakov and Myasishchev.
How convenient: now these engineers could earn their way out by creating this new bomber!
The authorities didn't ask for much, after all: it just... had to be an awesome multipurpose plane
that could serve as a high-speed bomber, a dive bomber, a reconnaissance aircraft and, let's see, a heavy fighter.
No big deal. The one who invents it — walks out a free man!
(we're not joking, by the way: that was exactly the task the prisoners were given,
and it was already scaled down — the first version had already been swept under the rug,
because even the party had deemed it impossible).
Petlyakov and Myasishchev presented their projects rather quickly and were soon released.
But Tupolev was destined to spend a couple of years working in the prison construction bureau.
His plane, the "Aircraft 103" that later became the famous Tupolev Tu-2,
was the most ambitious of the three projects, but also the one with the most problems.
It got into the air only at the beginning of 1941.
Around this time Tupolev was released as well
but there was a twist: he didn't get to return to his work at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute.
Instead, he was sent 2000 kilometers away — to Omsk, to supervise the production of his new plane.
The Tu-2 still had a lot of problems — the chassis weren't working properly,
there were some troubles with the power plant, a few test pilots perished while flying it
In the end only a small batch of these planes made it to the front line.
There the Tu-2 quickly became very popular with the pilots
but it wasn't enough to keep the production going.
The party decided to close the project and repurpose the factory to build fighter planes.
This could mean the end of Tupolev's career as an aircraft designer. And what could he do?
Desperate for options, he did everything he could to persuade the Party
of his project to a special commission. This request reached the ears of Stalin himself.
The Father of Nations agreed — but decided to appoint the head of the new commission himself.
Stalin went with another famous aircraft designer, Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov.
Tupolev was terrified. They knew each other for many years — and their relationship was turbulent at best.
They had their first fight even before the revolution — and that time it cost Tupolev his job.
In mid 20s they were arguing bitterly over a lot of things — and Tupolev lost quite a few of these arguments,
some — in front of their superiors, the top members of the bolshevik party.
Polikarpov wanted to build fighters — Tupolev was a bomber type of guy.
The former was reluctant to build all-metal aircraft, the latter was obsessed with them.
This kind of thing. To make matters worse, Polikarpov remained a religious person and had
balls to wear a baptismal cross in the open — which really pissed a lot of people off.
Naturally, he was constantly being reported upon. In 1929 he was arrested and even sentenced to death
it took a miracle of sorts to set him free:
he got out by designing the famous Polikarpov I-5 from inside his prison cell.
After that, on the verge of another arrest, he created a whole range of legendary Soviet planes,
including the multipurpose Polikarpov R-5,
the Po-2 trainer aircraft and the famous Polikarpov I-16 fighter.
Through this work he earned the sympathy and respect of Stalin himself.
Smooth sailing from there on, right? One would think that after the arrest of Tupolev
and a lot of his associates there would be no more problems for Polikarpov.
Well, there were still a lot of other people who would love to see him fall.
And so some of his projects were taken from him and handed over to other designers
and some of his other projects were shut down permanently.
A devout Christian and a true patriot, Polikarpov was devastated.
This kind of injustice took a heavy toll on him.
By the time he became the head of the special commission, he was in constant pain.
The diagnosis wasn't clear at tbe time, but everybody knew that Polikarpov was at death's door.
Horror-struck, Tupolev realized, that this appointment was a gift from Stalin to Polikarpov.
A way to enact vengeance — after all, Tupolev was the man responsible for a lot of Polikarpov's troubles.
And now it was all down to Polikarpov. Had he approved the project, Tupolev would have been saved.
He'd have got his life back — an apartment in Moscow, a personal car, all the awards,
decorations, money and fame, he could have finally met his wife and son,
who were living in hunger thousands of kilometres away from him.
But if Polikarpov had said that the plane was nothing but a waste of national funds,
Tupolev would have been just as dead as Polikarpov himself.
He'd have been arrested again, this time — with a death sentence coming his way,
and his relatives would have forever been considered a family of a traitor.
Moreover, Polikarpov was developing his own multipurpose bomber, they were rivals once again.
There was no way the disgraced aircraft designer could get away.
But even at death's door Polikarpov didn't let revenge get the best of him. On the contrary,
after some careful examination he praised the design and demanded
that the production of the Tu-2 should be immediately reopened. That wasn't all:
he also suggested a few ways Tupolev could get rid of the existing flaws
and make the design simpler and more efficient.
The renewed Tu-2 went into mass production and basically
became the best Soviet multipurpose two-engined bomber ever created.
Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov returned to Moscow and died of cancer
on the 30th of July 1944 despite the doctors' efforts. He was only 52 years old.
Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev lived to a great age and became a legend of aviation
by creating a long list of machines that surprise us even today.
But sometimes people saw him, alone, sitting at the grave of Polikarpov
the man he hated for many years... the man who had turned out to be his friend,
his saviour and a decent human being till the very end.
...get ready for the traditional last part of our show: Hotline!
Developers answering questions from the comments!
Strictly speaking it's not the most serious-minded section of the show.
If you want answers to be given with solemn faces, feel free to appeal to the Official War Thunder Forums.
Here we'll have a more… lighthearted discussion of the big questions of War Thunder.
The first question (or, rather, a set of questions) comes from a player called Pekán Igenmester:
"Will the bomber cockpits be finished? Will you implement a free for all gamemode to the game?
Will you add more japanese jets? Are there any easter eggs in the game?"
Hey, buddy! Yes, the cockpits will be finished, no doubt about that.
No, we do not to plan to make a game mode like this
but you can find a lot of custom missions of this sort at
We are still working on the Japanese,
yes, and there are quite a few easter eggs in our game (and we're proud of them).
Vlad Midan writes: "I've noticed a few errors in the French version of the game.
Where can I rectify these errors?"
Hey, Vlad! Please submit a bug report at our official forums.
We take matters like this very seriously — and hats off to you for wanting to help us to make a better game!
Trevino Wieler asks: "Can smoke rounds kill other tanks? Or shoot down planes?"
Yeah, it can be done! It's far from easy though.
And the last, very important message: "Deus Vult"
DEUS VULT. Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da glo... Wait what?
That's it for today but feel free to write your questions in the comments below.
We do read them all, and you might see some of them answered in the next episode!
If you like what we're doing, don't forget to subscribe to our channel! See you on the Shooting Range!
Driver hits 2 parked cars, home in Harrisburg, police say - Duration: 0:53.
See Meredith Vieira's Surprise TODAY Appearance On iPhone's 10th Anniversary | TODAY - Duration: 2:16.
Get Snapchat++ free On iOS 11/10/9 New Method - iPhone iPad iPod - No Pc / No Jailbreak - Duration: 2:01.
hey what's going on everyone welcome back to apple specialist in today's
video I'm going to show you how to install snapchat plus plus free on your iOS 11
9 and 10 devices without a jailbreak without a computer and it's totally
working method so let's get started so guys now go into the safari and
search for IP a signer dot IO link is available in the video description and
now press on the very first option to install snapchat plus plus on your iOS
devices install and now go back to the home screen
so guys as you can see snapchat plus plus is now on my home screen open up
the application as always you need to be manually access to the profiles by go
into the settings then go into the general and scroll all the way down to
profile and device management and from here you can trust your application
trust trust again and now go back to the home screen now open up the application
so guys if you are facing this could not connect issue then remove the plus plus
application from your device and then reinstall this snapchat stoke application
from app store and then login inside of the stock snapchat application and then
delete the stoke application from your device without logging out and then
re-install the plus plus application and then you will be good to go hope you
guys will enjoy this video if you enjoyed then please subscribe me follow
me share my content with your friends and I will see you guys on the very next
one have a great day guys peace
Indian Navy's warship INS Betwa undocked in Mumbai after 'minor' incident - Duration: 3:03.
fuck you league of legends - Duration: 10:40.
Ok guys, you probably know that I already made a bug video about youtube
and I compared it to league of legends because it because it prepossesses some scenarios.
that youtube doesn't fulfill.
but yeah.. now I have to talk a bit about league of legends.
so I wanted to do a game
record it so you have another league video
just before we drive to..
Utrecht? (yup) I mean the european championchip of yugioh.
but.. it seems like that didn't work out so well.
I played 3 games and had 3 trollers.
I had 2 trollers in 1 game
well the first game was good (17 4 or so) but I forgot to record.
and yeah, on the third game I was pissed as fuck.
mh how should I call that video? it's no disstrac since I am not rapping or something like that.
more likely a rage video
but I won't scream cause I'm not retarded (no offense again)
so I went evelyn jungle again, right?
everything's ok. you know my normal built
most of the times I built tiamat and iceborn gauntlet (as I mentioned in the kassadin video earlier on)
but I will buy my standart items anyway, so tiamat and iceborn gauntlet
cause if you got these you can play pretty much anything.
it got a good number of views but youtube is pretty much fucked right now.
well whatever, that doesn't matter now.
anyways, uhm..
I thought sure whatever, started the game like always.
While in the champion selection I should have already leaved.
cause I saw that our support won't go support.
he wanted to go mid lane, no matter what.
and our mid laner even gave his role to him.
that was a mistake.
alright uhm.
he has also writen into the chat that I have to give him blue because he is swain.
and I told him that I won't do that.
cause I won't give him a half of a level just to see him die 3 seconds later or so.
that wouldn't have been worth it anyways.
but what happened that..
seriously.. it's a good thing that I am patient as shit.
otherwhise I would have probably done a rage video anyways.
like I said normal start, you start raptors now normally.
without help, I go to the red buff, everything is still alright.
so I go to blue. Out of nowhere that swain guy runs to a plant, jumps over the wall and steals my blue buff
I immediatelly wrote that we should report him.
I hope they also did that.
it was pretty much the whole game like that. he either stood on his turret afking or played on his midlane and it felt like every 2 seconds he came over and stole farm.
he even flashed for that.. when he reached level 6 he tryed to steal red buff.
no! yes! OHHHHH!
I stole it from him.
and yeah.. he didn't feed.
that was something good. the problem with that was that he was standing pretty much the whole time afk on his turret and didn't help anyone.
so you could say we played 4v5
the problem with that was that our top laner played against tryndamere.
and he didn't know how to play deffensive.
I told him "if you can't do this, than atleast help the team"
go to another lane and help the team. I will do this.
the toplaner starts to flame me because I NEVER gank top lane.
because I had enough problems (although i ganked him anyways)
so I've tryed to help bot lane. they atleast had somewhat decent stats.
and yeah. After that I wanted to report it.
I obviously reported him on the game.
did write everything
and obviously my text was too much and I had to shorten it.
so I went to the support side.
I tryed to ask them via support side if they could ban that guy.
his name was Kenway56 by the way
they should have banned that guy.
everything ok, than I got to this thing..
I mean...
this setting to tell them what problem I got.
I mean the lower one. you know there is one on top and one below this.
and in the quite moment I took the option that I wanted to give feedback cause of in game problems
they sent me a picture that told me "oh yeah that is REALLY interesting for me.. but somehow not!
just send it somewhere else, I don't care.
I thought it's because of my internet because whatever I set even if it was something like my account was banned or they send me a bill.. that shitty picture didn't disappear..
like i said i thought it's because of the internet because of the warm weather or the storm we had just recently (and maybe because they do working on our fuckin streat and the wires for our internet*)
well so I reloaded the site.
I did all the settings again and wrote the whole text again.
and then..
I set the option that I have a problem with that player
and they give me that fucking picture again!
seriously league of legends.
I mean..
that guy was worse (not skillbased)
then the teemo in the last game who went 0 9
who just rann into the enemys and died (so girefing, assisting enemy team)
or that maokai who I just told you about (our toplaner in that specific game --> he went 0 8 and ragequit)
and seriously, league of legends should fix that.
or atleast aknowledge reports.
it can't be that they just say " yeah.. I don't give a fuck"
and it's of no use for me if i post that on a shitty forum where I just get like 3 kiddies who trash talk and annoy me with wise words just as "stop crying" or something like that.
fuck that.
and the worst thing is I had to record that with that league of legends recording program that is available since they removed these fools..
cause i don't know why they did that. maybe because of copyright.
anyways they pretty much copy pasted it from
but with the extra of non existent item slots on the bottom?
and as soon I recorded that it didn't appear as a video, no! it appeared as a data, so I can send it to league of legends
noone can't fucking open that shit but the main point is "less space on your computer"
league of legends
ok well, that's it.
Ok fuck the intro, I don't wanna play it now. good bye!
Behind The Scenes Of 'Baby Driver' With Stars Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm, More | TODAY - Duration: 4:22.
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My girlfriend is great, tender, funny and treats me great ...
My god you're ugly look eh
You are the proof that God has a sense of humor
The dessert now please!
If you will cook dessert as well as you disappoint me we would have five trays of food so far
The joke is on you idiot ...
Spanish is not read ...
Daisy and sometimes we get angry and lose patience ...
Stop walking like a gay!
a day ago Japanese ...
Stop laughing!
I'll spit in your fucking mouth while you sleep!
Fence, lucky you ...
Surely you survived three attempts as abortion
Strangle as if you were gay
To dinner was a mistake!
Your birth if it was a mistake!
If I COJI good mobile without permission last night.
Who is Samanta?
Is my sister, I told you before when-
I did not know that genetics was so good ...
Say: Nya-CHAN!
Hey bitch
I do not copy the style
If I had the Dragon Balls wish you were dead!
I wish you were Kira ...
Usually fun when you teach me how to play Japanese games
The truth is that it is the love of my life and I would not do that without why-
Ohh you were here
By the way I've eaten all your food so they do not fatten
Do not're angry right?
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