Let's have that there, that there and that oh yeah there. Great. Finished. Oh. Hey. Hi. Look. This is
a menu for my new restaurant. Let me show you. Wait there. Wait. Hold on, hold on.
Hey. Welcome to my new restaurant. Look at the menu. Wohoo. Delicious. Hey. This is what's
for breakfast on Monday, lunch on Monday and dinner on Monday. What's Monday?This is Monday,
it's the first day of the week. Monday starts with the letter M. That sounds like m for
m m m Monday. Yeah. Say with me. Monday, Monday, Monday. So, hey. What's the second day of
the week? Yeah. Tuesday. Well done. Hey. What's for breakfast on Tuesday? Oh look. There is
tea and cake for breakfast on Tuesday. Delicious. So, that's Monday and Tuesday. What's next?
Yeah. Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Well done. Oh look. Hey. There are hamburgers
for lunch on Wednesday. Do you like hamburgers? I do.
Hey, let's play football. Let's play. No. Oh no. Oh Maggie. Oh Maggie. Look at my window.
Sorry. Abracadabra. Haha. That's great. You fixed the window. Yeah. That's the easy part.
Look at my menu. Oh, oh. Abraca... no Maggie, no magic. I want you to put the menu back
while I go and have a cup of tea. Okey, sorry Steve. Naughty, naughty bird.
Ah. Delicious. I like tea. Okey. Let's see, how Maggie is doing. Come on.
Maggie. Maggie. Have you finished? Have you finished? I think so. Oh. Yeah. Nearly, you
just need to put the days of the week here. Yeah, but I don't know the days of the week.
Ok Maggie. I'll help you. Well. That's Monday. That's Tuesday and that's Wednesday. Okey.
Hey. We know Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Don't we? What's the next day though. Yeah. It's
Thursday. Thursday starts with T and H. And together they sound like fff. Let's practice
that. Put your finger in front of your lips and say fff. It is your finger wet. Yeah.
Then you're doing it right. So say with me. Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. Well done. That's
right Maggie. That's Thursday. Yeah. Put it up. Okey. So hey. There's Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday then Friday. It's my favorite day. Yeah. Oh well done Maggie. You've got
Friday. Super. Ok. So the last two are Saturday and Sunday. Yeah. Saturday and Sunday make
the weekend. Yeah. Well done Maggie. We finished. Yeah. But how can I remember the days of the
week? Okey. Hey. Let's try to help Maggie remember
the days of the week. Yeah. Listen to this. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday is one week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday is one week. Great. Yeah. But Maggie, what's that? Oh oh. Ice cream
for dinner on Thursday and spaghetti for breakfast on Friday. I'm gonna play football. Oh, thank
you. Oh Maggie. It's not done properly at all.
It's Steve and Maggie.
Okay. I've got my pens, pencils, My rubber, ruler and book. Oh. And today, I need crayons,
scissors and a glue stick. Great. I'm ready for school.
Oh, hello. Hi! I'm going to school. Hey, do you like school? I like school. And I've
got everything in my bag. Hey, let's have some fun. Say it with me, what is it? Down
low, you say, it's a bag. Now up here, what is it? It's a bag. Yeah. Down low, what
is it? It's a bag. Yeah. Well done. But oh, I've got to go. I don't want to be late.
Hey Steve. Yes Maggie. Wait for me. Maggie, sorry no. I'm going to school. School is
for boys and girls like you and teachers, like me. Sorry Maggie, you have to stay here.
I'll be back soon. See you. Huh. I'm going to school.
Hey, hey, come on. We're nearly at school. Woohoo. Yeah. I'm at school. Haha. Look, pens.
Pencils, rubbers, rulers. Hey. I've got an idea. Watch this. Yeah.
Oh no. Steve's coming. Great. I'm at school. And a little early.
So I can show you what's in my bag. Hey, oh. What are they? What are they? Look. They are
scissors. Yeah. Oh. Well done. Great. Oh, what's this? What is it? Oh. It's a glue stick.
Yeah. So say it with me. Come on. Down low, what is it? It's a glue stick. Well done.
Great. Okay. Let's do some more. Oh. What is this? What is it? Look. It's a book. Up
high, what is it? It's a book. Well done. Great. Oh, hey.
Where are my scissors? I put the scissors on the table, didn't I?
Maybe they're in the bag. Oh, a glue stick. Yeah. Scissors, scissors,
scissors..... No, hey. My glue stick is missing now. This
is very strange. Is the glue stick in my bag? A book.
No. Oh. Hey, where's my book? Hm, something is going on. Where is that book? Where is
it? A book, a book, a book.... Oh. Hey. Haha. It was Maggie. And she's got
my crayons. Maggie. Maggie. Oh you naughty, naughty bird. What are you doing? Building
a nest? A nest? Oh, hey, look. Look. I've found my scissors, my glue stick, my book,
my pens, my pencils, my rubbers, my ruler and my crayons. Oh Maggie. Sorry. But I want
to be at school with you. Oh Maggie. Okay, you can stay, if you help me teach the boys
and girls. Yeah. So come on. Hey, look. What are they? They are crayons. Yeah crayons,
that's right. So say, up here. What are they? They are crayons. Now, down here. What are
they? They are crayons. And up here, what are they? They are crayons. Yay, well done.
Okay, Maggie. The crayons can stay in your nest. Yeah.
It's Steve and Maggie.
Hmm. A sandwich or pizza? Oh, hey, hello. It's lunch time and I am hungry. I'm hungry
too. Come on and let's do something to eat. Do you like spaghetti? No, I don't. No, I
don't. Do you like spaghetti? No, I don't. No, I don't. She doesn't like spaghetti. She
doesn't like, she doesn't like, she doesn't like spaghetti. No.
What about this? Do you like chicken salad? Yes, I do. Yes,
I do. Do you like chicken salad? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. She likes chicken salad. She likes
it, she likes it, she likes chicken salad. Yeah.
What about you? Do you like fish sandwiches? No, I don't.
No, I don't. Do you like fish sandwiches? No, I don't. No, I don't. He doesn't like
fish sandwiches. He doesn't like, he doesn't like, he doesn't like fish sandwiches. No.
Look. Do you like chicken pizza? Yes, I do. Yes,
I do. Do you like chicken pizza? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Heyyyy. Hey. Did you like that? Yeah? Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe.
Just touch here. Go on. If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.
Yeah. Thank you.
For more infomation >> Magic Food Days of the Week with Steve and Maggie + MORE Stories for Children | Wow English TV - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
Spiderman Finger Family Song | + More Baby Shark Songs + Boss Baby Prank 장난감 Paw Patrol - Duration: 30:27.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you ?
Here i am, here i am, how do you do ?
Hope you like this Family Finger song with Spiderman?
Baby Shark doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
Mamma Shark do do do do do do do do do
Daddy Shark do do do do do do do do d
Grandma Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark do do do do do do do do do
Hungry Sharks do do do do do do
Testy Fish do do do do do do do do do
Let's go hunt do do do do do do do do do
Let's swim away do do do do do do do do do
We are safe do do do do do do do do do
End is happy do do do do do do do do do
Abandoned Railroad Crossing in the Rain - Duration: 3:14.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, before I get to the crossing,
let me give you guys a little bit of background.
This station was built in 1927 along
with the tracks to promote tourism to Homestead. It is now
No train has gone South of that wye near
152nd ST
in years.
Last year it was used as storage.
And the residents got mad
They called the local news station
to get CSX to move the railcars
out of there
and they succeeded so now
no train, It's just sitting there.
Here you go, enjoy the video.
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
and abandoned railroad crossing here
in Homestead, FL. This is
SW 264th ST.
Right now I'm facing East.
This is facing South.
And this is facing West.
This is facing North. There we have
the relay case
off to the left hand side.
And I'm going to show you here
classic SCL wooden cross ties
Safe Tran signal base
Oh! I don't know if you guys can see the spider
web here?
Huge spider web.
Be like
spiders that eat humans up there.
So were on the S line
S line Homestead Subdivision
Mile post 62.98
Again, that's facing East.
And on the side, I'm going to show you guys, there's a mile post here.
first, I'm going to show you this crossing.
This crossing also has a Safe Tran
signal base.
And Safe Tran lights.
cross buck.
There is
Mile post
63 over here.
Old wooden house here to the right.
And mile post 63.
Alright guys so track view
And track view South.
Look at that mansion right there.
Nice, right?
Please Subscribe or Like, guys. I thank you very much for viewing.
Take care, over and out.
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