hm I've been waiting for you for a while.
Don't stare.
Gerardo isn't with me.
Oh, for f---'s sake! Yes!
I'll explain while we walk.
Pretend you're helping me walk.
What happened to Gerardo? Is he okay?
His wife's sick.
Poor thing. Did she have another episode?
We're all tired. We're constantly hard at work.
She decided to take the day off, though.
Okay. Open your bag.
-How does it work? -I'm about to explain.
Paula will turn it on after she's done installing it.
You'll find a small switch. It's small, but you'll find it.
Follow the coordinates it indicates
and you'll find the Commissioner and the reporter.
-Got it? -Yes.
Very well.
Off you go. Good luck.
Have you seen any of them?
-No, sir. -Are you sure?
I'm sure. Never seen them before.
Yet another person who claims they haven't seen them.
I'm doing this because the Commissioner insists.
If you ask me, Duarte and his family are long gone.
Or hiding like the Commissioner claims.
I couldn't care less what he says.
We're offering a huge reward for them.
If someone had seen them, they would've reported them.
Why are you telling me?
Ain't got the b---s to tell him
you don't give a damn what he thinks?
Or you scared of him?
I'm not afraid of him, you or anyone.
We're wasting our time.
Any of these houses could be a hideout.
Are we going to knock on every door?
That's what your boss boss would have you do.
And he you do want to please, right?
Looking for them isn't the problem, finding them is.
What will we do if we find them?
Tell the press they went missing?
Our colleagues are working the area.
They'll realize what's going on.
You think Duarte will keep quiet if he meets with the press?
You sure love to make everything more difficult.
We'll contact the boss boss first to see what he says.
I bet they'll never make it to the press conference.
Let's go.
I wasn't expecting you so soon, sir.
Did you notice that we're promoting...?
No, no...
Get out of here.
Please, let me explain.
Listen, I spoke to your friend
and I want nothing to do with you.
The commissioner was clearly lying.
What he said isn't true.
I don't want to hear it.
I never wanted anything to do with you in the first place!
Look, my wife was with me when Rafael introduced us to you.
Do we look like criminals to you?
I spoke to Erica.
She said you were treading dangerous waters
and I won't let you drag me down with you.
I've done nothing wrong!
The police won't bother you so long as you keep quiet.
The police don't suspect of you.
I'm sticking my neck out here, Martinez!
Look at me!
Otherwise, why would I sneak out here
in the middle of a search?
My wife is fighting for her life
and you're the only one who can help her.
-She's fighting for her life? -Yes.
Imagine how I felt when I saw Lalo pointing a gun at me.
You didn't know?
I had no idea he was trying to save me.
Mom! Are you okay?
I'm right here, Mom. It's me. Cristina.
What should we do?
What's up, Loco? Surprised to see me?
You're supposed to be dead, man.
Just missing in action, buddy.
I though you were dead, you old dog!
That's my boy!
I can't believe it!
I wasn't dead! I was living it up!
This is my son.
-How are you? -Pleasure.
You faked your own death? That's brilliant!
And here I thought you'd run out of tricks!
Your dad's a genius.
You know where your father and I met?
Tell him!
15 years ago, while fleeing the Feds.
-That's right! -Remember that?
Of course!
We hid in the damn jungle!
They were hot on our heels!
You've still got it, man!
Hell yeah!
You old bastard. This is too much.
Welcome, brother!
-We should celebrate. -Shots all around!
This way, Loco.
Are you scared?
I can tell you.
Yeah, I'm scared.
I try to act tough around Elvira.
Poor thing, she's been through so much.
She barely survived.
I don't want to scare her...
but I've never felt this way.
I'm afraid of taking the next step.
Centaur's after me, man.
When I saw my picture in the paper...
Look, man. You know me.
You know I'd take anyone on any day.
Lord knows how many men I've shot in my life.
I'm not proud of it, but I've killed my fair share too.
But fear...
Feeling scared...
I'd never felt that before.
And I honestly don't know how to deal with it.
So you're truly scared.
Makes sense.
Before, you had no reason to fear for your life.
But now you do.
It's called love.
Or however you want to call it.
There was nothing on the line before.
Now you have Elvira. You have plans together.
Of course you don't want to lose that.
You mean love makes me weaker?
Or stronger, depending on how you look at it.
What would you do for Elvira?
Anything, man.
Just think of the risks you've taken for her.
Where's your mom? Is she awake yet?
No, but she's been fidgeting around a lot.
We're waiting till my dad shows up.
Hopefully he'll be here soon.
I'll get it.
-No! -What?
We're in hiding, remember?
Let Father Raul get it.
Relax, it's probably a member of the congregation.
Just keep quiet.
Good afternoon, Father.
Good afternoon.
You must be Father Raul.
Yes, that's me.
To what do I owe this visit, Officers?
We'd like to speak with you, if that's possible.
Sure. What about?
May we come in?
It'll only take a few minutes.
Oh, um... sure.
I don't mean to be rude,
but mind showing me your badges?
-Mine is in plain sight. -Yes, but not his.
Very well.
I'm sorry, but with things being how they are...
Come on in.
Your neighbors told us about you.
MayI sit? We've been walking for hours.
No, it's fine.
-Be my guest. -I'm good, thanks.
So what brings you here?
Father, do you recognize any of these people?
Well... no, not really.
At least I haven't seen them at mass.
How come you're searching for them here?
Residents of the area have reported seeing this man
with a woman.
He was recognized and subsequently followed,
but he managed to escape in a cab.
Since you're the parish priest,
we figured you were the right person to help us.
We thought you could ask your congregation
to assist in our search.
Calm down, Lucho. Be cool, man.
Take Gato and Cristina to the office.
We'd also like you to post flyers around the church,
so others could see their picture.
Yes, of course.
For more infomation >> La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 70 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 12:21.-------------------------------------------
El Señor de los Cielos 5 | Capítulo 05 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:30.
When I have a bad feeling about somebody,
I'm always right.
You f---ing ingrate.
Just one kiss. Please.
That's what we're going to do, Zopi.
Use the girls working in Mexico City brothels.
You seemed weird yesterday when my mom
was talking about your father and nana.
Tell me everything is ready.
Yes, boss. We're ready.
But the men we hired
have no experience in this kind of business.
Yes, Nana told me.
Oh, well, Piston. We'll make do.
Okay, I'll be waiting.
Call me if anything.
Felina, I'm glad you called. I've got everything ready.
About time.
There's no going back from this, Emiliana.
Yeah, I've got my people in position,
and your escape route to the airport has been mapped.
From there, you'll be taken to Mexico City
till the heat dies down.
After that, it's off to my ranch and my nana in Durango.
Seems you've got it all planned out.
See? I knew you could do it.
I just hope everything turns out well.
I want you to know I'm very grateful to you,
and as a show of my loyalty to those loyal to me,
I've got something for you.
Don't you lose them.
Get going.
Hey, buster.
Aren't you going to help me pack your suitcase?
No. Kids don't work.
Oh, kids don't work? Okay.
Hey, cutie. How are you?
What's with the voice?
I've got a terrible hangover.
I was up all night drinking with these guys
with whom I'm negotiating the exhibit.
Okay, then I'll let you get over your hangover.
Call you later.
No. Wait.
Do you know how big this bed is without you?
You drive me crazy, Bunny.
Bunny? Where'd that come from?
Doesn't that sound a little corny?
I can be corny, if that's what you like.
Just never leave me, okay?
So can I keep calling you Bunny?
Good morning!
Good morning, son.
How'd you sleep?
Did Isidro keep you up with all his thrashing?
I wish it were him who'd kept me up.
Don't tell me you want to go back to the convent.
You miss the priest, don't you?
You miss him!
What's going on with Emiliana, Aurelio?
Way to change the subject, Mom.
I can feel the tension between you two, son.
What are you hiding from her?
Yes, Mom. Yes.
I want to marry her, okay?
That's all.
You're either playing stupid or you are stupid
because something's going on with that girl.
What's going on?
Hurry up and move your asses!
What are we paying you for?
Hurry, the boss is waiting for you!
It's for today, ladies!
Hurry up, doll.
If some don't speak Spanish,
how the hell do I know if they can understand me?
Anastasia will help you.
Last night she made very clear
how fluent she is in Spanish.
Right, princess?
Come here.
You translate.
Here's how it's going to go.
We can all have a good time here.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns,
report to Filemon, and he'll tell me.
Go ahead.
Don't be nervous.
Don't even worry about your papers.
We'll get them for you.
And if any of you like booze, pot, coke, or anything else,
we can get that for you too.
Right on.
I will, however, be needing two things from you.
Just two little things.
First, if any of you open your mouth
about what's going on here...
Second, if any of you has the bright idea of escaping,
same thing.
Couldn't be clearer, right?
I'm not hiding anything from her, Mom.
And don't look for trouble where there isn't any.
Yes, she's very pretty, and I love her,
but I'm just helping her find whoever killed
her dad and nana.
Why is it I don't completely believe you?
Did being cooped up make you more distrustful, Mom?
Why don't you help me make sure
everything's ready for the party?
Party? I'm too old for that.
I've forgotten all that.
You remember. Don't pretend.
What's up, Dad? Grandma?
All set, son?
Did you notify Roberto?
Yes, but since the party was postponed here,
he left for another performance in Mazatlan.
But he should be back this afternoon.
Honey, did you take care of what you needed to?
Because we're celebrating.
My mother's here, we're having a party,
and we have a ton to celebrate.
We sure do. Even Monica's awake.
We've got to celebrate that too.
I hadn't thought of it, but yes.
Rutila said she's coming too.
That's great.
After all this time, the family's going to be together.
How about that?
I'm a mess, aren't I, Ramon?
Are you kidding, ma'am?
You're more beautiful than ever,
with all due respect.
I guess I got some rest.
That's good.
Thanks for everything, Ramon.
You're welcome.
Now the other foot.
Did you do what I asked?
Of course.
Everything is as you left it.
The house in Mexico City and the penthouse up north,
but the ranch...
The ranch Victor gave me.
I don't care about that place.
-Ouch! -Careful.
As you wish, ma'am.
I'm going to put it down.
Do you feel well enough to get up and be active?
I've wasted enough time being stuck in this bed
like a vegetable, so I'd better.
Bring me the list you brought me.
I've got to jog my memory.
Here it is.
Where's Isidro?
Upstairs observing the party Mr. Aurelio is preparing.
That bastard's throwing a party.
What do you know about Victor?
That's a long story, ma'am.
He hasn't stopped looking for you
all the while he's destroyed half the country.
We've got to be on alert with the guys from Rosita's brothel.
They'll probably want payback.
Organization is what we need. To not screw up so much.
Okay, do we know what's going on
with the guys who robbed the bank?
Bad news, boss.
Afterward, when they were on the run,
they sought refuge in a convent.
And they were all killed there.
In a convent?
Were they murdered by assassin nuns or what?
This is f---ing unbelievable.
See, Zopi? That's what I'm talking about.
That's what we need.
I'm surrounded by idiots.
I really miss Super Javi.
Gentlemen, tell me we've got it.
You were right.
Everything indicates that this area is flush
with coltan deposits.
That's what I needed to hear.
Hope you're all ready to be rich.
You guys are going to stick around.
You should. You could use the money.
Plus, you don't want to die.
Let's cook those rabbits and have some drinks tonight.
Get going.
Go make yourselves comfortable. We're celebrating!
Let's go.
Wow, commander.
What's this colten that's got you so excited?
It's practically nothing.
Guess what these devices are made of.
Not to mention computers and space shuttles.
Coltan is needed for all the new technology.
Now do you understand?
What? Leaving so soon?
You don't know how happy I am
you're being shipped to your country, you f---ing bitch.
You still want more, Ms. Rambo?
Let her have it, Felina!
Let's go.
That's right, ladies.
My time in this hotel is up.
Thank you.
-Isma. -What's up?
Did you tell Dalvio to come?
Yes, everything's all set, and everyone knows.
Inform the guys we talked about to come too.
Our first meeting can be here.
Handle that.
Okay. Bon appetit.
Thank you.
-Boss. -What's up?
We've got a situation.
Excuse me, Mom. Let's see what's going on.
What's up?
Tell me something.
Do you know what you're getting into with Aurelio?
I can tell you love him,
but are you totally clear on how much you'll suffer
after you marry my son?
Hurry! Get in the truck!
And you, put the f---ing gun down!
What the f--- is that? Get down!
Who told you to shoot?
You idiot! Don't shoot at the van!
Have you lost your mind?
I told you to get down.
I'm going to kill that bastard! I said don't shoot!
I heard you're leaving.
That's right, Aurelio.
Where are you going? What's the hurry?
You just woke up.
Where are you going?
Look, I don't care if you think it's because I'm jealous,
but I don't want my son to be with you when...
your Emiliana throws you off a cliff.
Thanks for what you did for me,
but I'm awake now and this is no place for me.
I'm leaving, and I'm taking Isidro.
Is that what you want?
Fine. Leave.
But my son stays with his father.
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maggam work blouse designs
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For you and your enjoyment: French Music in French Cafe: Best of French Cafe Music (Modern French Cafe Music Jazz & Piano Jazz)
Barista Art The Most Creative Cups Of Coffee - Duration: 2:51.
Mikell breach started making coffee art while he was working late nights as a
barista to let the time pass when few orders were coming in he taught himself
by starting with simple designs and later tested himself with complex
pictures and inventing his own techniques along the way right now
Michael is one of the top coffee artists in the US and makes coffee art for
advertising companies special events and projects around the world his work has
been highlighted on TV programs and major publications he says I started
doing this originally for myself because it was just fun I kept doing it because
I noticed the reactions of everybody and how happy it made them you can follow
Michael and see more of his amazing coffee art on instagram but first check
out the small collection of his outstanding art
if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and tell me what you think in
the comment also maybe consider to subscribe for more videos like this and
as always thanks for watching
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