You're looking at the analytics for your website and, to your horror, you see that
organic traffic from Google has severely dropped or stopped completely. In a panic
you check if your site still, up if the analytics tracking code is still
installed, or if you accidentally blocked search engines from indexing your site.
Everything checks out, but you don't know what the problem is. If the stop or drop
in traffic was sudden, then congratulations, you may have a penalty
to deal with. There are different penalties that can have negative effects
on your site and all of them are either an algorithmic or manual penalty. Google
uses a mathematical equation called an algorithm to rank websites. This
algorithm checks your web pages against more than 200 on and off-page factors.
How your pages compare with the competition determines your place in
search results. An algorithmic penalty is when Google changes or updates their algorithm
and that change could cause a sudden drop in rankings and website
traffic. If you think an algorithm update caused your site's drop in performance,
check the SEO or digital marketing blogs for any info on a new update. If there
was one, look into what the update changed and when it was launched. If the
launch date is around the time your traffic and rankings dropped, then that
update may be your problem. It's also a good idea to track recent changes to
your website, as the change may have triggered a pre-existing algorithmic
penalty. Since there are multiple algorithmic penalties to deal with
you'll have to spend time researching the problem and finding the solution. If
you can't find news about an update or you haven't made any changes to your
site, then you may have been hit by a manual penalty. Your site gets a manual
penalty when it violates Google's webmaster guidelines. These guidelines
cover what is and is an acceptable behavior regarding your website.
Basically Google doesn't want you to use specific strategies to game their
algorithm to improve your site's position in search results.
Unlike an algorithmic penalty, Google sends a message to your site's search
console account telling you your site was penalized. You may need additional
tools and more time to fix a manual penalty, but that depends on what your
site is penalized for. Keep in mind that the negative effects from a penalty, both
manual and algorithmic, can affect your site well after
the penalty is removed. That's why you, someone on your staff, or your marketing
agency should keep up to date on rumored Google algorithm updates or periodically
audit your sites on and off page SEO strategy. And that's it. Those are the
differences between Google's two types of penalties. We put links below if you
want more info. And if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or sarcastic
remarks leave a comment or reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter, or our website.
And as always, thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> The Difference Between Google's Manual and Algorithmic Penalties - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
google Adsense ADDRESS verification and Differences solution-Google adsense Google|YTGuide 2017 - Duration: 7:22.
google adsense
if yo want to verify your address through bank statement
then you have to take some documents like your bank statement
Republican Congressman Says He Shouldn't Pay For Maternity Leave Because He Has An X Chromosome - Duration: 4:32.
Republican Texas representative Pete Olson appeared on a right wing talk show on Friday
morning, to lament the fact that the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, forces insurance companies
to pay for things that men can't use.
For example, prenatal care.
Obviously that doesn't necessarily apply to men.
We don't take any kind of prenatal care.
So why would anyone, according to Pete Olson, with an X chromosome need to be paying for
these kinds of things?
Furthermore, he said maternity leave shouldn't happen.
He shouldn't have to foot the bill for that, again, because he has an X chromosome.
Those were his words, "Because I have an X chromosome, why should I give a damn about
women in this country, and pay for anything that benefits them?"
Let me go ahead and spell this out for you in several different ways.
First of all, if we're talking about prenatal care, and maternity care, and caring for children
... I don't know if you realize this, but it's not the 1600s anymore.
That's not just a woman's job.
Men should care about the health, and safety, and wellbeing of their children.
So, you know what?
It's okay that we pay for that.
We pay to have our children cared for.
I don't see anything wrong with that, because it does affect you, you idiot.
Second, I'm not in your district.
My tax dollars help pay for your salary, but since you don't represent me, I guess I shouldn't
pay for your salary anymore.
I guess most of us shouldn't pay for your salary anymore.
See how that logic that you use against women, "because you don't use it, you shouldn't have
to pay for it" ... See how that applies to other situations as well?
My house has never caught on fire, yet I still pay to have a fire department.
I've never been arrested.
I've never had to have someone arrested, yet I still pay for police.
Everything affects everybody, folks.
That's part of living in a community, living in a country, living with other people.
We have to take care of one another, and we have to care about one another.
Because if we don't, it descends into anarchy.
But that's the republican way.
Screw you, I've got mine, I'm not going to help you.
I'm going to continue making my $174,000 a year salary, and bitch about a few of those
tax dollars going to pay for women to have maternal leave, and prenatal care.
That is the epitome of selfishness, and it is represented within the Republican Party;
in this specific case, by Texas representative Pete Olson.
We should care.
Just because you have an X chromosome doesn't mean that women's issues don't affect you.
Or do you not care what happens to women in this country?
Do you not care what happens to your mother, or your sister, or your daughter, or your
friends, or your wife?
Are you that close minded?
Or maybe you're a single guy, maybe your mother abandoned you.
Maybe there are absolutely no women in your life.
But does that mean everybody else's family and friends has to suffer, just because you've
got something against women?
I think a representative like yourself would fit in less in America.
Maybe you should try traveling over to Saudi Arabia.
I think you could do great as a politician over there, with your backwards view of women's
role in society, and how people, not just men, but all people, should be taking care
of one another.
So, why don't you go move over to one of those misogynistic countries where women have absolutely
no rights?
They can't even show their face in public.
That's where you belong, with these kinds of political views.
You do not belong in the United States.
We're far more progressive than that, or at least we should be.
Move to one of those regressive countries, and I promise you, your political career will
take off like you could never imagine.
Locke: State of Nature & the New World | Philosophy Tube - Duration: 9:28.
Kenton County residents can borrow tools for free - Duration: 0:56.
Videocast: Storm chances return before the holiday - Duration: 2:59.
GOP Congresswoman Reacts To Donald Trump's Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 4:00.
Dave Franco And Aubrey Plaza Talk About Their New Film 'The Little Hours' | TODAY - Duration: 4:22.
Sp 303 Tutorial | How To Track Out - Duration: 7:35.
what's up everybody its jfilt from and I just
wanted to show you guys how I track out beats using the SP 303 what I'm going to
do is track out a beat which I have on here and put it onto my daW in this
case Pro Tools so let's listen to the beat real quick simple beat here though
and that's it super short this is real easy loop and
so I have about let me see 1 2 3 4 5 5 tracks and I'm still working on it but I just
wanted to show you how I track this out so far this is in pattern mode so that
means everything is separated ok so anyway what you want to use is mfX 21
which is the C canceller so whenever you put an effect on a pad it's going to
actually affect that pad but what c. canceller does it cancels out whatever
track is depressed if you use the setting I'm about to show you so for
example let's take this kick drum right kick drum we're going to go to MfX right
and it's going to be 21 21 right so what you want to do with the knobs is you
want to have the balance which is not one at the center so that's gonna be at
12 o'clock low you want all the way to the left
highs you want all the way to the left so these are going to be off so what
that does is it cancels out the sound so now it is nothing okay if I take that
effect off to kick it their effect on nothing so that means I can isolate each
track you see how crazy that is now watch this if I play the track
see pink is out back in Jeanette
so now this is what I want to do say I want to kick to come in by yourself
because I'm going to track this out so what I will do is I will put the effects
on all the rest of those pads except for the kick
okay so that way the tick will play by itself so to do that I will do this it's
a remain button and have this on this on this on and that on okay so now
they're all affected okay but I want to kick like I said to be by itself so I
have to cancel that one see that so in order to cancel that single one you have
to hit remain and the same sound that you want to go by itself does that make
sense so let's do it again
remain see that now I'm ready now let's go to Pro Tools
track it in I'm just going to hit play when I'm ready see so I got my kick
which is right here and make sure you know what your BPM is
so you can be synched up and for me I always want to have like know a four bar
counting so I could you don't be this is me now when I get ready I'm I just hit
play see that's all I wanted so you just continue the process until you have all
the tracks isolated and then you got it that's how you track it out Sam one
yet I hit remains and then to track fast so I got high head if I changed my mind
I hit remain and then let's say I won't want the keyboard sounds straight off of
wave very sick waves see that it remained remaining in pad I got two
keyboard sound so let's say I want to isolate this one pad 8 so I hit remain
and that one 8 so now is by itself so to review whatever track that you want
mute it or isolate it solo I should say whatever track you want solo you hit
remain and then that pad right running off again hit remains and then that pad
that's all you do make sure MSX is on and then counselor
21 c. canceler for the SP 303 hi-hat mute it again see the beat is still
going but you can't hear anything really I mean technically you can if you really
really listen but not enough to be like ah this ain't gonna work
so this is a good way to track so let's say I'm ready to record the keyboard
sounds tracks and then I just remain back on okay so I'm a cancel and then when
I'm ready I'll just hit play okay so pattern my pattern is on pad 1 once I
hit it it starts in the beginning so right now the keyboard is solo here we
go so I hit record on my Daw here we go
and see the rest of the sounds that you heard was already recorded on Pro Tools
so I just added the keyboard sound so there you have it so once you've got
your tracks in there you just go and trim them up and if they're not lined up
zoom in and line them up you know ain't no big deal you know you just get really
really close and make it so it's right on beat so you know you just drag
if you have to do what you need to do something like that and that's it man
hope that helps peace and positive energy just know something
all separate peace
Arrest made in death of 77-year-old Clairton native in Florida - Duration: 1:39.
Confirmed PS4 Games Out in Q3 2017 - Duration: 5:52.
2017's third quarter is about to kick into action, and there's plenty of PS4 games
to keep an eye out for.
These lists can get pretty long, so let's dive right in!
The fun party quiz "That's You" launches on July 4th, and is one of this month's
PlayStation Plus titles.
Puzzle platformer Toby: The Secret Mine is an indie game that releases on July 6th.
Return to Final Fantasy XII with the PS4 release, launching July 11th.
Hunting Simulator requires no description.
It releases on July 11th.
The first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode Season Two launches on July 11th.
Joining the July 11th lineup is Black The Fall, an atmospheric puzzle game.
Orcs Must Die!
Unchained comes to PS4 on July 18th
Another title ported from PC to PS4 is 8-Bit Armies, which lands on July 18th.
Fight to survive in the Epic Games' Fortnite, releasing July 21st.
Pick up Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire on July 25th, and pit your talents against hordes
of monsters.
Supergiant Games' Pyre aims to follow in the footsteps of Bastion and Transistor, when
it launches on July 25th.
Fast-paced parkour, shooter action awaits players in Super Cloudbuilt, which releases
on July 25th.
The physical edition of Don't Starve: Mega Pack is available in stores on July 25th.
Build a city in this city-building game…
Aven Colony launches on July 25th.
Stealth-oriented real-time tactics title, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, comes
to PS4 on August 1st.
Ninja Theory's latest effort, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, launches on August 8th.
ARK: Survival Evolved officially releases on August 8th.
The legacy continues with Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, bringing Mega Man 7, 8, 9 and
10 to PS4 and other platforms.
Matterfall is bringing more of that frantic sci-fi shooting we love so much on August
The Agents of Mayhem attempt to take down the LEGION organization, starting on August
Tactical RPG Summon Night 6: Lost Borders is to finally launch in the West on August
Gotta go fast in Sonic Mania, when it launches on August 15th.
Take a tactical approach to fighting during World War II in Sudden Strike 4, releasing
August 15th.
August 15th also sees Cities: Skylines launching on PlayStation 4.
Fight to survive in Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma.
The PS4 version releases on August 18th.
Chloe and Nadine join forces in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which launches on August
Mad for football?
Madden NFL 18 touches down on August 22nd.
Try to escape a haunted school in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, when it releases
on August 22nd.
The director's cut of Raiden V comes to PS4 on August 22nd.
Get your race on in F1 2017.
It launches on August 25th.
Create your own character and get golfing in Everybody's Golf, when it releases on
August 29th.
The original Yakuza gets remade for PS4.
It launches on August 29th.
Hack and slash your way through Warriors All-Stars, when it releases on August 29th.
Third-person (water gun) shooter Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash launches on August 29th.
Use the undead to your advantage to distract, disable and attack your opponents.
Dead Alliance releases on August 29th.
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition launches on August 29th, and comes bundled with all
previously released additional content, including all DLC and expansions.
The incredibly stylish Absolver is set to release on August 29th.
The Life is Strange prequel, Before the Storm, sees its first episode launch on August 31st.
Now, this is podracing!
Redout releases on September 1st.
Knack 2 embraces co-operative play, and launches on September 5th.
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth picks up after the events of Mask of Deception, and promises
an 80-hour experience.
It releases in the West on September 5th.
Bullet-hell battle game Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle fires onto PS4 on September 5th.
Launching alone on Wednesday, September 6th is Destiny 2.
Action RPG Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA releases on September 12th.
NASCAR fans watch out, as NASCAR Heat 2 is set to launch on September 12th.
Love hockey?
Love video games?
Well, mark September 12th on your calendar, as that's when NHL 18 releases.
Attempt the impossible, in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, which launches on September
Marvel and Capcom trade blows once again, in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, releasing
September 19th.
Your annual dose of NBA 2K basketball action comes in the form of NBA 2K18, which launches
on September 19th.
Racing sim Project Cars 2 is looking good.
It releases on September 22nd.
The western release of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony hits North America on September 26th.
Football, soccer, whatever!
It's FIFA 18, and it's launching on September 26th.
Channel your inner ballet dancer with Blue Reflection, when it releases on September
The PS4 version of Resident Evil: Revelations launches on September 30th, available in both
digital and physical flavors.
Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy packs four games into one collection.
That's remasters of Storm 1, Storm 2, Storm 3 Full Burst, and Storm 4 Road to Boruto all
being made available on September 30th.
And so those are the Q3 2017 PS4 releases.
Which titles are you most looking forward to?
Let us know in the comments down below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and be sure to subscribe if you haven't
This has been Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, goodbye.
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