I think about half a year ago there was a story about the US sending 3,600 tanks to
Eastern Europe which was a fake story and actually was run, as we believe, on purpose
to look like a real story and was amplified by robotic networks, by the network of fake
news sites etc etc.
When you look at the fake news, it not only touches every person, it also touches a society
and the security of the countries, so it is not only about a nuisance
that you try to get rid of.
It can get at the very core element of who we are and what we are and therefore we need
to find a way how we protect from these impacts.
I am born in USSR.
We always had fake news.
In my childhood we had just fake news because everything was according to ideology.
When we learn about other countries, for example the USA, we learn how bad people are living
in the USA and not only the USA, I heard that about also other Western countries and when
I first time travelled to Western countries, I was quite surprised and impressed that it's
not what I was taught.
There have been some projects which try to gamify fake news or at least the creation
of fake news and this was an app which would work like Tinder and it would give an opportunity
for people to compete against each other, against friends to see which news are fake
and which are not.
For more infomation >> Detecting fake news - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Эксперимент с плоской Землёй - Duration: 6:44.
Tác Dụng Đáng Sợ Của Rau Má Nhiều Người Chưa Biết Xem Ngay Kẻo Hối Hận Cả Đời - Duration: 12:32.
5 Serial You Won't Believe Hina Khan Rejected - Duration: 1:54.
MÈO hài hước,tinh nghịch nhất thế giới(Funny cat_Cats are so funny you will laughing)p7 - Duration: 17:53.
space energy meditation 70 min - Duration: 1:10:00.
Как продавать на Youtube. Способы продаж через канал YouTube - Duration: 1:31.
Google doodle, victor hugo books , victor hugo quotes , michael gira - Duration: 3:36.
LES Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame author Victor Hugo has been celebrated with a new Google Doodle.
You're probably familiar with his most famous works – or at least their movie adaptations – but did you know that he was also a political heavyweight with an eye for the ladies? Here's the lowdown on a truly French icon…
Victor Hugo was a 19th century novelist and poet who is considered one of the greatest French writers of all time. He was born on February 26 1802 in Besancon, the son of Joseph Leopold Sigisbert Hugo, a general in the Napoleonic Wars.
As a young man, he fell in love with his friend Adele Foucher and became engaged to her in secret against the wishes of his mother, Sophie Trebuchet. Because of his mother's misgivings, Hugo waited until her death in 1821 to marry his childhood sweetheart, tying the knot the following year.
The couple had the first of their five children in 1823, the same year the writer published his first novel Han D'Islande, aged just 21. They remained married for 46 years until Adele's death in 1868, although Hugo was a renowned womaniser who satisfied his eye for the ladies with a string of extra-marital romances.
Among a host of raunchy casual affairs that continued until a few weeks before he died, he had an official mistress, Juliette Drouet, who faithfully devoted 50 years to him.
Beyond his celebrated life as a writer, he was active in the political arena, and was elected to the French National Assembly in 1848. When Napoleon III seized power in 1851, Hugo declared the new leader as a traitor to France and was exiled, living in Guernsey for 15 years.
However, he was hailed as a national hero when he eventually returned to Paris in 1870, although his attempt to return to political power failed. Hugo died in 1885 from pneumonia at the age of 83 – his death sparked scenes of intense mourning across France.
What did Victor Hugo write? Victor Hugo's most celebrated and renowned works were Les Miserables and Notre-Dame de Paris – translated as The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Les Miserables, an epic historical novel considered one of the greatest works of literature of all time, took Hugo 17 years to write before it was published in 1862. Today's Google Doodle marks the date, June 30, that the final chapter of the masterwork was published.
The tale of Jean Valjean, Javert and co was adapted into a musical by Alain Boubil and Claude Michel Schonburg in 1980. An English translation has run continuously in London since it debuted in October 1985 – making it the longest-running West End musical.
A critically-acclaimed 2012 movie adaptation of the musical starring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe scooped three Oscars. The Hunchback of Notre Dame was also adapted for the silver screen, with a Disney movie of Quasimodo's tale released in 1996.
Hugo published his final novel, Ninety Three, in 1874, although a number of works were attributed to him after his death. He is also widely celebrated in France for his poetry collections, particularly Les Contemplations and La Legende des Siecles (The Legend of the Ages).
What is a Google doodle? In 1998, the search engine founders Larry and Sergey drew a stick figure behind the second 'o' of Google as a message that they were out of the office at the Burning Man festival and with that, Google Doodles were born. The company decided they should decorate the logo to mark cultural moments and it soon became clear that users really enjoyed the change to the Google homepage.
In that same year, a turkey was added to Thanksgiving and two pumpkins appeared as the 'o's for Halloween the following year.
Now, there is a full team of doodlers, illustrators, graphic designers, animators and classically trained artists who help create what you see on those days.
learn how to install bootstrap framework to your project for beginners-go responsive - Duration: 6:50.
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.
In this tutorial we are going to practically learn about how to install Bootstrap into
our project.
In the previous tutorial we have seen how to download the original source code and it
was downloaded into our computer as a .zip format.
Now all we have to do we have to extract these files.
So that is why all we have to do is to right click on it and select extract here.
So we can see that from the zip version it has been
extracted and all the components are stored in this main folder which is known as bootstrap-3.3.7-dist.
If you want to make some changes over here like the name,
press F2, then change the name like this one.
So we have changed the name here.
Now if we click on it, we can see that inside this bootstrap folder, there are three
folders those are present over here.
And they are known as css, fonts, and JS.
So all we need to do we need to create another folder here that I have named as
bootstrap project and here, all I need to do I have to copy all the three of it...So
I'm copying them.
Now this is practically our root folder inside which we have
copied every single elements that we have extracted from the file which we have downloaded
off the Internet.
Now we don't have a need of it, so we are closing it,
now we are concentrating into our root folder.
Now this index.html has been created by us.
If we click into this CSS folder, we can see that here are the files those
have been downloaded, these are practically the codes that will be needed here.
These are the fonts, these are practically the glyph icon that will be used in the
bootstrap project.
And this is the JS folder that contains these files inside.
We will be practically requiring a single file of each folder and we will be placing
it into our project.
Now if we open our index.HTML with our text editor, we can see that this is index.html
that has been created by us, and as I have told you
before that this is the doctype HTML, that means this is an HTML5 declaration, as we
can see here.
This is the meta charset declaration, and as I have told you
earlier that this is meta name viewport, content, device-width, this is practically the most
essential part of making our site mobile responsive.
Now all we need to do we need to link up this index.HTML with
the CSS file that we have downloaded off the Internet and all those things those are needed
into our project.
We are trying to link up this bootstrap.Min.CSS with
So this is what we are going to do over here...
So we have successfully linked our bootstrap.min.css with
Now the thing remaining here is to link up a particular JavaScript to our index.HTML
and that is why we are going to our body part and linking a
javaScript...as we have linked bootstrap.min.css, these are practically the compressed version
As we can see here, if you look into bootstrap.css it is 143KB, but
bootstrap.min.css is practically 119KB, that means this is a compressed version and that
is why we are using it in our project and as we have linked
bootstrap.min.css into our project, that is why we are going to link bootstrap.min.js
to the same.
So this is what we are going to do.
Press F2, copy the filename and paste it over here as you can see...
Those are the two important things those have been linked with our project.
Now another thing, if you just look into our bootstrap.min.css file, the this is practically
the file that is linked to your index.html.
Another important issue, we are practically not going to make any
kind of changes over here.
That is why we need to create a separate file, a separate custom.css file, where the customization
will be taking place and any kind of changes into our project, we won't make any
changes into our bootstrap.min.css, we will just pick up the required class name or ID
name from here and it will be reused into our custom.css what we have created.
So all we need to do we need to create another cSS file here..
So I am creating a new CSS file and I am naming it
as custom.css.
So now we can see that are custom.css has been produced and if you want to reflect the
changes that you have made here, you have coded inside this
custom.css, then all you need to do you need to first open this index.htm.
Get back to index.htm and after linking the bootstrap.min.css with this index.htm,
now you link the custom.css over here...
Just got it and place it here..
And here we go, we are now ready to go.
Now we are able to create our own custom project with the bootstrap Framework that we have
downloaded off the Internet.
So this is the part that we have to learn from this tutorial, in the next tutorial we
are going to learn some basic things of bootstrap
3 tutorial.
If you have liked a video do not hesitate to hit that red subscribe button.
I hope to see you guys in or next tutorial.
Till then, take care, enjoy learning, bye.
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