▼MP - Love (Original Mix)
For more infomation >> ▼MP - Love (Original Mix) - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
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Transform Galaxy S7 Into Galaxy S8 - Duration: 9:05.
Hey what's up guys ,it has been a long time since my latest review but Shark jungle is
here to continue reviewing new ROMs for galaxy S7 and galaxy S7 edge, This time I'm giving
you the chance to transform your galaxy S7 into galaxy S8 or galaxy S8 plus , this ROM
Called Ambasadii ROM make sure to check the ROM Link in the video description for the
latest update ,this ROM compatible with exynos processor variants only.
I'm gonna walk you through the ROM installation and make some tests to give you a complete
picture on this ROM , the ROM review is 7 parts you can use the time line in the video
description to reach any part easily,If you like my videos plz don't forget the like button
and subscribe for more videos.
Installation Update your boot loader to QAS or newer before
starting the installation to avoid boot loops , If you don't know what I'm talking about
then check the video description for the instructions.
Boot into recovery mode , Make sure to do a backup
now hit wipe then swipe for factory reset go to install then navigate to the ROM zip
files , Make sure to download ROM and Addon zip files
and don't worry the files are compatible with both Galaxy S7 and galaxy S7 edge with exynos
processor select the ROM file first then swipe to flash
this will install the ROM completely and you can skip the Addon file installation if you
want but I recommend not to skip it after that choose the Add on file and swipe
to flash it will launch the Aroma installer
Follow the Aroma installation instructions and don't worry it's a very easy steps , just
check any App or feature you want to be on your device and thats it if you are not sure
what you are doing just leave a comment or a message on my facebook page and I will be
there to help.
at the end Choose you favorite sound mod and I prefer dual speaker MOD so I'm gonna choose
it then hit install reboot your device and wait for the boot animation
logo to show up
Performance This ROM uses TGP kernel the performance is
much better than the Stock kernel and as you see antutu score is 138k which is better than
the Stock but as I told you before that antutu is not my first concern and I'm doing it just
to check that every thing related to performance is OK
Multi tasking is great as you see I've never experienced any lags while using the device
in the past 7 days but I also have to admit that this kernel makes the device a little
bet warmer than I used to feel before and this will also affect your battery life so
don't forget to check battery life part.
Sensors All the sensors responding nicely while daily
drive this ROM and this is very obvious for any ROM based on the Stock firmware I'm using
sensors test App to show you that every thing is OK .
I've been using this ROM for almost 5 days and Google maps is one the most important
Apps for me and I can assure you that Navigation on this ROM is amazing, as you can see the
GPS antenna cached a 3D fix while indoor and the accuracy is below 20 ft which is pretty
good accuracy for navigation
Battery life Battery life is not the best part here I've
been using the device for about 7 days with location enabled , wifi on and auto brightness
, playing lite games like clash of clans and using Google maps so we can consider this
usage as a heavy usage ,the best SOT for me was 4 hours which makes the Stock kernel better
than this kernel in-terms of battery life or may be my battery is getting old , of course
battery life is subjective and this usage will differ from user to another.,anyway keep
in mind that there will always be pros and cons for any ROM.
Gaming Performance Gaming in this ROM is great , All games running
pretty good and as usual I have to mention that game tuner App and performance mode is
very important for high graphic games , So make sure to activate Game Mode and download
game tuner App to select the best profile for your games.
Features Now to the best part in this ROM which will
give you the ability to have a completely different interface on your phone, all galaxy
S8 features are available ,I will try to show you every thing very quick
The latest AOD version as you see you can choose from 6 different sets according to
your needs which is pretty awesome, you can also control you music player easily but keep
in mind that AOD will reduce your battery life about 20 %.
Lock screen have the same shortcuts but with S8 backgrounds , Look how beautiful this is.
right swipe for Bixby , for more information about bixby check the link in the video description
swipe up or down will bring the App drawer press and hold any App shortcut will show
a pop up menu with a very nice options to control any APP easily
press and hold on home screen to control its settings , and change your layout , home screen
grid , app screen grid ,show App button or hide it
you can also hide Apps and I missed this option alot since Android Lollipop., the theme store
and backgrounds are likely the same as before but of course with a different sets.
Galaxy S8 latest edge features like making folder for your favorite Apps , Smart select
is a new feature , You can take a screen shot with different shapes rectangle, oval and
15 second screen capture ,you can also extract any detected text in that Shot
You can choose any square area and pin it to the top of the screen and this is amazing
Galaxy S8 Notification is available , it will appear on the top of the screen and colored
frame on your screen edges Notification drawer is likely the same and
those are all the buttons you have -VOlte is available , you can enable or disable
easily from the notification drawer Settings menu is also the same no changes
but you will have some extra features like outdoor mode which will maximize your screen
brightness for 15 minutes -you can turn on and off some options on the
status bar like battery percentage and network traffic meter
Navigation bar adjustment menu but it's not working for me cause I disabled it from the
Aroma installer so if you want this option don't disable it like I did
This is the advanced features you have and I think all of them are working without any
problem this is S8 camera software swipe right for
camera options , swipe left for effects You have 4 effect tabs to choose from ,every
thing is working except face effects This eye icon on the left is for bixby vision
but it's not working properly for me Camera quality is likely the same
all video and photo editing stuff are working but make sure to select it in the Aroma installer
Sound quality in this ROM is great and make sure to choose your favorite mod from the
Aroma installer Call recorder is available and working without
any problem
this is the power menu and 5 way reboot menu
I think I've covered almost all the features you gonna get after installing this ROM .
BUGS The device is rooted by magisk but you mayn't
find the super user App after flashing the ROM and in this case all you need just install
it from the play-store This
ROM has no bugs , everything is working flawlessly and there is no problem to use it as a daily
driver for your device
I hope I covered everything you want to know about this ROM ,If you like the video plz
don't forget the like button and subscribe for more videos , thank you for watching , peace.
MEDx.Care as a Digital Hospital for emerging countries - Dr Sangwe Clovis - Duration: 2:28.
Video: Some BWI flights delayed, parking garage closed for hour - Duration: 1:58.
TET: "It's not funny, Spikey Wikey!" By TheNewYorkBrony (Human/Romance/Comedy) (Human in Equestria) - Duration: 8:33.
"It's not funny, Spikey Wikey!
Written by TheNewYorkBrony."
This is simply horrendous!
This simply cannot be!"
Rarity squealed as she stared down in horror at the scare beneath her feet.
She got off of it, took a deep breath, and then got right back on it again.
It was the same unmistakable number.
What's the problem?!"
Spike asked, bounding into the bathroom.
He was clearly worried for his wife, his panting breaking up his sentence.
"I've gained four pounds!"
Rarity wailed, falling into her husband.
She had been staring at the atrocious number on the scale for what seemed like ages before
it had finally sunk in.
Rarity was proud of her curvaceous figure.
Always has been.
In fact, that's what drew Spike to her.
But there was a certain number she liked to stay on.
And ever since she became pregnant eight months ago, she's gone way over it.
She felt a rumbling in the young man's chest.
"A-Are you laughing at me Spikey Wikey?"
She pouted.
Her expression was cute but her eyes were sharp like throwing knives.
He knew exactly how sensitive she was about her weight.
But to see her so distraught over four pounds was a bit...humorous.
Spike stopped chuckling.
He cracked a smile causing her to roll her eyes.
He honestly couldn't help it.
She was just too easy.
"I expected better from you!
When a lady asks you if you are laughing at her, you're supposed to respond honestly
to her!"
Rarity glared at him folding her arms and puffing her cheeks out.
"Careful Rare, you don't wanna suffocate the kid."
Spike joked, putting his hands on his wife's shoulders.
Rarity wiggled out of his grip.
"This is all your fault!
You just had to get me pregnant!"
She huffed, pushing him.
Spike stumbled back and started laughing again.
Yep, she was definitely having those mood swings the doctor had been talking about.
"And if you think for one second its those preposterous mood swings, I will have you
He gave her a knowing grin and she swatted at him.
"How did I ever come to marry such an immature boy!"
She wondered, folding her arms again.
"Cause he charmed you with is awesome, rugged, good looks."
Spike responded, wrapping his arms around her.
Rarity snorted."And they say I'm the conceited one."
"You are.
I'm just better at hiding it."
She could almost hear his smirk.
Suddenly, all her anger towards the young man dissolved.
She sighed.
She whined, "My perfect figure is gone, I can't stop eating everything, I crave
weird food, and I'm angry for no real reason!
I feel awful!"
She sobbed hysterically.
"Aw, jeez."
Spike grumbled.
That was another moodswing.
Another one to add to the countless other ones she's had the past few months including
outbursts at him, his sister, and their friends.
"Look, Rare-" The shrill ring of the phone cut him off.
Spike thanked his lucky stars and ran downstairs into the kitchen to answer it.
He answered.
"Hiya Spike!"
Pinkie bubbled.
"Hey, Pinks.
What's up?"
He answered, smiling.
It was nice to get a call from one of his sister's friends every once in a while.
It was great to know that they thought about him.
Pinkie giggled.
"Nothing much!
I'm on break cause it's not too busy here at the Corner.
How's Rarity doing?!"
"She's-" There was a loud crash.
Spike leaned back to see what the all commotion was about and saw Rarity pulling and pushing
a quart of chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream towards and away from her.
Like she was contemplating whether she should eat it or not.
Spike turned back to Pinkie on the phone exasperatedly.
"She's uh, she's doing."
"Those mood swings must be tough, huh?"
I need whipped cream!"
Rarity called from the kitchen.
"I can't have this without whipped cream!
And get off the phone and come rub my feet!"
She whined.
"Tell me about it."
Spike grumbled in response to Pinkie.
"Call Twilight over.
Maybe she can help."
The pink haired girl suggested.
Spike shook his head.
"No way.
That'd be a really bad idea."
He didn't mind when Twilight came over; in fact he looked forward to the times she
But when she did, things got a little hectic.
Especially when she brought along her and Flash's daughter, Aurora.
Don't get him wrong, he loved his niece, but she was very...curious.
She liked touching things and getting into everything thanks to her being a four year
old monster.
And running after her and taking care of Rarity at the same time drove him crazy.
"If Twilight comes, she'll bring 'Rory.
And I don't think I can handle two moody women."
He responded, leaning against the wall next to the phone stand.
Pinkie laughed.
Rarity called from somewhere in the bedroom now.
"Looks like you got your hands full."
Pinkie giggled, hearing her.
"The place is getting busy again anyway, so I'll leave you to it.
Have fun."
She teased as she hung up.
Rarity's voice rose to a shrill level.
"Yeah, fun."
Spike grumbled to himself, placing the phone back on its charger.
"I'm coming!"
He called to her.
he walked into the master bedroom to find her laying on the bed with an impressively
large bowl of ice cream.
"Say one word and it's couch for you."
Rarity threatened, seeing the amused look on his face.
She shoved a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth and frowned as she felt the side of
the bed she wasn't occupying dip down from Spike's weight.
"Oh, Spikey," She sighed in defeat.
"Be honest dear.
Am I getting as fat as I think I am?"
She asked, placing the bowl on the red and blue duvet and turning to him.
Spike's eyes went wide.
He didn't know how to answer that.
He could A: Make a joke, B: Tell the truth, or C: Lie like a dog.
But he knew all of those options would get him the couch.
He was practically walking on eggshells here.
He didn't want to make the same mistake Flash did when Twilight had asked him the
same thing.
He had just walked into witness the scene: Twilight had been sitting in the library reading
one of her books when she asked him.
The poor guy looked like he had a gun to his head.
He unfortunately told her yes, and he was in Canterlot for two weeks after that.
Weighing his options, (And seeing that Rarity was growing irritated and impatient by the
minute,) He responded to her question with: "Well, no, but even if you are, you still
look beautiful."
Smooth, very smooth.
Rarity puffed her cheeks out.
"You really mean it?"
She asked, hopeful.
"Of course."
He assured her, pulling her close.
"Besides, its not you that's gaining the weight, its the kid."
He began to absent mindedly rub her belly.
"You are such a sweet boy, Spikey Wikey.
I don't know what I would do without you."
She leaned into his touch and sighed in content.
A moment of pure bliss passed, and then Rarity shot up.
"We haven't picked a name!"
She shrieked, shaking him by his shirt collar.
"Oh what ever are we going to do?!"
She groaned exasperatedly.
Spike rolled his eyes.
That was his Rarity.
Always taking things to the extreme and being a drama queen about the slightest situation.
"Relax, Rares.
We have plenty of time to-" "We absolutely do not!"
She cut him off, glaring at him.
"What if she comes early?!
Then what?!
We'll be scrambling for a name and then she'll be named something unworthy!"
Spike gave her a skeptical look.
"Like what?"
He prompted.
"I don't know because I can't think of anything right now!"
Rarity angrily shouts, shoving a heaping spoon of ice cream into her mouth.
Spike would have laughed if he didn't think she would kill him right now.
"How about Aleyah?"
He suggested.
"I think I read somewhere it means 'high social standing'.
And you're all about that stuff."
He rubbed a hand on his chin in thought.
No, no, no!
How about hmm....."
Rarity snapped her fingers.
"Yes, yes I've got it!"
She exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
"What did you come up with?"
Spike asked, watching her eyes light up with excitement.
It must be something good, because she had that creative look in her eye that she always
got when she was about to design the dress of a lifetime.
"Okay, let's hear it."
Spike said, crossing his arms.
Oh don't you think that's a wonderful name for our daughter Spikey?"
Rarity gushed.
"You love gems and it's such a pretty name!"
Spike had to admit, it was a great name.
Not to mention he really did love gems.
"Yeah, it's an awesome name."
he agreed, pecking her on the cheek and wrapping his arms around her.
"Jade..." he murmured, rubbing her belly again.
He couldn't wait to meet his little gem.
"The End."
"Hello everypony, Snogwritts here!
Hope you enjoyed the reading, if so, be sure to leave a like.
And if you haven't already, subscribe for more readings like this one every Saturday!
Alright, that's it for me, this is Snogwritts, signing out."
Thanks for watching! ^~^
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