You have come again in this house.
Yes, l searched the whole house.
But couldn't find a single note of Rs. 10.
Wretched, That's why you were taking off..
..the bangles from Rupa's hands?
Yes, my pockets are empty. But my thirst isn't quenched.
Take out the money.
Whatever l earn after all day's hard work, you waste in drinking.
You sold everything of this house and..
Stop blabbering. l haven't come here to listen to your lecture.
Take out a 10 rupee note.
l don't even have 10 paisa at the moment.
And do you know, even if l had, l wouldn't give you.
Why? - Because there's no relation between you and me now.
We are divorced, scoundrel, wretched.
Now l am a scoundrel?
Have you forgotten that day when.. had gone to commit suicide because you were pregnant?
l had saved you. l supported you. l married you.
l was helpless. - You were not helpless.
You needed a person to give his name to your child.
Which l gave to you. But what did you give me? Speak up!
Even after marriage you were not my wife.
Neither did you let me be your husband.
Whenever l asked something from you.. ignored me by giving me a 10 rupee note.
Now l will take her away. - Beware! Don't you dare touch my Rupa!
Leave her. - Then give me the money. Make it fast.
Here. - Give that 2 rupee note, too. - No!
l will also have the Kebabs with the liquor.
This is for Rupa's milk. Please, give it back.
For milk? This bastard does not need milk.
Kill her with poison! The matter will be over.
Scoundrel! Get out. - Going.
l'll come back tomorrow. Keep the money ready, ok?
That was my bad luck. Now l want to live only for my daughter.
Father, l only want that Rupa grows up..
..has education and learns to stand on her own feet.
l want her to stay away from Jhonny's shadow.
So, Rosey, why don't you keep her in a hostel?
Yes, father. That would be better.
Please, arrange something for that.
Yes, l will get her admitted to the Shimla's Convent. - Yes.
She will study there and also live in the hostel there.
But, Rosey, the expense for her studies..
l'll pay for that.
l'll sew clothes. l'll work in someone's house.
l can do anything to make my child's life better.
The postman has come!
ls there a letter for me? - Do you have my letter?
O dear, relax, relax! The ones for whom there's a letter will get it.
Sushma! Jenny! Rekha! Anju!
There must be my letter. - There's none, dear.
lf there was, l would have given you.
Mom has agreed.
Now she will send me 50 rupees more every month.
And when l receive the money order l will show you his photograph.
He's come! - Who? - My Ravi, dear.
Rupa, you're sitting alone again? l know why.
Because you didn't receive any letter, isn't it?
How would she receive? She has no one who writes to her.
This silly neither has a boyFriend.
Doesn't she have a mother? - She has. But she is not free.
She keeps sewing people's clothes till midnight.
That's why her eyes..
..have become weak and she cannot write a letter.
Then why do you make me restless? - l enjoy it.
But my enioyment always remains unfulfilled.
No! You say that.. - One time, please. - no.
Rupa? Please, let me go. - What happened?
My classmate has seen me. You please go.
Rupa! Rupa, please don't tell anything to Sr. Teresa.
Tell what? Oh, got it. Why would l tell Sr. Teresa?
You haven't gone yet? - Strange!
You won't introduce me to your friend?
This is Rupa. And this is Ravi.
Anju, l am getting late for the class. l will leave now.
Yes, l am coming, too. Please, go.
When will we meet again? - l'll call you, dear.
Good that you called up. l was going to call you tomorrow morning.
Daddy, l want 200 rupees. - You want 200 more?
All right. l'll send you by the TMO.
Listen. The thing is that l called you to tell you that..
..l am sending some warm clothes for you with a boy.
With which boy? - You know Ms. Sharda?
Ms. Sharda? That social worker?
Yes, her younger bro Anoop.
He is returning from England after 5-6 years.
The guy is good. And even your mom likes him.
But, daddy, what's the hurry?
l got it. There's no hurry.
My daughter will marry at her wish to the guy of her choice.
The matter will move forward..
..only when you pass him after meeting him.
Sharda, l have told Anju..
..that Anoop is bringing warm clothes for her.
All right. l'll go to Shimla tomorrow.
Why delay for auspicious tasks?
Do this. Meet Anju and see her. And she'll also see you.
So that we can move the matter forward.
And l am sure that my bro will also like the girl l've chosen.
Yes, he will. Everything from childhood's books.. college study has been according to sister's wish.
So the marriage will also be according to her wish. Or else..
My letter.. - Rekha! Sushma! Mary! Rupa!
Rupa, give it. Give it.
Must be her friend's letter. Come on, let's catch her.
Hey, Rupa. Give it. Hey, open the door.
Hey, what's this? - What happened? - She hugged!
Whom? - The pillow.
Such an impact of that letter?
The window is open. You go in from there and open the door.
Come on. Give it. Would you give us the letter or not?
No! Look, Anju. This is my personal matter.
l won't give this letter to anyone.
Give. - No, l won't. - You won't? - No, l won't.
She won't agree this way.
Catch her. Don't let her go. - Leave me. No!
Shila, hold her. - NO!
What is all this going on?
Whose letter is this? - It.. it is mine, sister.
You come to my office.
We were iust ioking, but this created trouble.
There won't be any trouble. At the most she will punish me.
So what? l have loved someone. l haven't stolen anything.
l'll go right now.
l don't want to listen to anything.
Who has written this letter? Who is he?
No one. It's no one, sister.
l have written this Ietter to myself.
You want to fool me by lying?
l am saying the truth, sister.
l have written this letter with my left hand.
Take this.
But what's the reason to write a letter to yourself like this?
Sister, it's my personal matter.
Look, Rupa, l like you very much.
Because you are not like other girls.
lf you have any grief or worries, you can tell me.
l might be able to help you.
The thing is that every girl except me receives a letter.
No one ever writes a letter to me.
And those girls irritate me. They tease me.
To the extent that l sometimes cry.
We didn't know that sister might come over.
Rupa, we are sorry. You were scolded because of us.
l was scolded? Why?
Didn't Sister scold you? - Sister?
She congratulated me..
..and said that you are going on the right track.
Wasn't she angry? - Why would she by angry?
She told me that, Rupa, call me on your marriage.
Marriage? If the matter had reached so far..
..why didn't you let us read your letter?
l wanted to create suspense. - Then give it fast. - Here.
Don't know what magic you've spelled on me.
l remember you in the morning and dream of you in the night.
We should get married soon, or l'll go mad.
My heart is beating..
..and my hands are shaking while l write this letter.
l don't know what to write, so, kiss, kiss, kiss.
Rupa, wasn't sister angry when she read this kiss, kiss, kiss?
Sister was so happy to read this kiss, kiss, kiss..
..that.. she kissed me!
How come you are here today?
Mom, today's a holiday for the sports day. And tomorrow is Sunday.
So l thought l would stay with my lovely mom for 2 days.
You did a good thing.
What is this you are doing, mom? What is this? - Maxi.
For whom, mom? - For you. - For me? - Christmas is approaching.
What else do l have to give you?
Mom, your eyes are already weak.
You have had a heart attack, too.
Yet you work at others' houses and sew their clothes.
What was the need to bother for me then?
l've made this maxi with much Iove for my daughter.
How much more would you bother for me, mom?
Sometimes l feel like leaving studies and start a job.
So that you can relax.
No, child, no. This is the Iast year of your studies.
Do you know, whatever l've done till now.. so that you pass B. A. and be able to stand on your feet.
Just see, the day you get a job, l won't do any work.
l will sit at home for all day, and make you work.
Will you have cake?
Then go and wash your hands.
Rosey! - You've come again?
This fell a bit short. Couldn't get enough.
Rupa? Wow! You are getting prettier every day.
May God save you from my eyes!
lf you touch me again, l'll kill you.
Don't know how many you will kill. This beauty, this youth..
Rosey, dear, why do you bother yourself now?
lf you wish, you can have heaps of money at your feet.
Take this money, and get lost.
lf you ever harass my mother again, l will report to the police.
You will report the police?
This silly girl is warning me? l'll see you.
Go! - All right.
Mom, you've divorced him. Then why does he still come here?
What do l do, child? He forcibly comes in.
l am a lonely, helpless woman. What can l do?
l am surprised. How did you marry a scoundrel, vagabond?
When your father left, l needed some support.
l never knew that this Jhonny.. would be so wretched.
Don't cry, mom. It's now a matter of few days.
Look, we'll go away from here as soon as l finish my studies.
Smile now. Won't you give me cake?
Where were you all this time? - Prince had called me.
Hey, what's this? - It's a Christmas gift from Prince.
Show it! Please, show it.
lt seems that your Prince is actually a prince after seeing this.
Ok, tell me, what did you give him in return for this? - Nothing.
You are totally silly. - Rascal! Have a bit of shame.
You talk nonsense all day.
What's there to be ashamed of? You are my friend.
Who else will l talk to?
Ok, when are you going to meet him again? - Tomorrow evening.
He is taking me to the Oberoi Hotel for dinner.
Oberoi? - Yes. - All right. l'll meet him, too, tomorrow.
No, Anju, don't come there, please. - Why are you so scared?
Don't be scared. l won't seize him from you.
l iust want to see him once. And that, too, from far off.
You all have come? - Don't worry. We won't disturb you.
We have iust come to see your Prince. Where is he?
That.. the thing is that, Anju.. that..
Excuse me, can l sit here?
Look, l'm into a big trouble. Can you be my boyFriend for a while?
What? - l've lied to my friends that my boyFriend has invited me here.
Oh! So that's the case? If you wish, l can be your boyFriend for life.
No! - Come fast and sit on my lap! - What? - l mean, come closer.
Girlfriend always sits close to her boyFriend. Like this.
That's better. What is your name? - Rupa.
You are beautiful and so is your name.
My name is Anoop. - Yes.
By the way, who is your boyFriend?
l have no boyFriend.
Such a pretty girl, and no boyFriend?
That's why my friends make fun of me. So l made up this drama.
You won't need to play this drama from today. - Why?
You've got a boyFriend! What do you think about me?
These are my friends. And this is Prince. - Prince?
Actually, they had read your Ietters. - My letters?
The ones you wrote to Rupa.
Love letters.
Darling, you did a bad thing by Ietting them read my love letters.
She didn't show me. l forcibly took away the letters and read them.
What nice love letters you write!
l appreciate your taste. And what a nice maxi you've presented!
Gifted a maxi?
What is this maxi? l can give my life!
May God save you from evil eyes!
Rupa, l feel like stealing away your Prince from you.
You can do it.
Why? - l am already sold.
Doesn't matter. l can at least borrow him for a dance, can't l?
No! l can lend anything in life, but not my boyFriend.
Talk to me, meet me. Such nights, keeping awake.
You and me are sleepy and lost.
'Keep quiet and talk with your eyes'
'Don't say what you had written in the letter'
'Will l tell the people the story of my heart?'
'Do you take me to be crazy?'
'No matter how hard one tries, one cannot hide love and frangrance'
'Look, don't let the world know the secret of our hearts'
'We'll act like strangers, if someone sees us'
'Let the heart move like waves'
'Try to find some privacy in the party'
'Let the magic of love work between the eyes'
l won't ever forget the favor you did to me today.
lt's you who favored me! This has been the best evening of my life.
Because today l met that girl..
..who had only been in my imagination till now.
Not goodbye. Good night. Because we will meet again tomorrow.
Why? - You made me your boyFriend just for an evening.
But you've become my life long girlfriend.
What do you mean? - l mean my heart likes you very much.
That means love at first sight. That means a relationship for life.
You speak film dialogues very nicely.
But this is our 1st and last meeting.
lt might be last for you. It is the first for me.
Where will you meet me tomorrow?
l won't meet you anywhere tomorrow or ever again.
Listen. A small gift from me.
l don't take gifts from strangers.
Think properly, l won't take it back. - Then throw it off!
We'll meet again tomorrow.
Why be scared when you love someone?
We've iust loved. We haven't stolen something.
Prabhu, what rudeness is this?
My coat, my shirt, my bow.. - And this trousers is yours, too.
Hey! Where's the pant?
What a strange hotel is this! They don't have full mirrors.
Good that you came up.
Or else l would have gone out without the pants.
l ask how dare you wear my clothes.
Socialism, sir. The servant and master are equal.
And you are so good, you never considered me your servant.
And l've never considered you my master.
l mean l always took you as my elder bro.
So, sir, l am borrowing your clothes for 2 hours.
l say take off the clothes fast.
Sorry, sir, this is a matter of love.
Love, love, love! When Lina sees me..
..she'll say that l look exactly like Dev Anand.
The filmstar Lina Chandavarkar?
No, Lina Choudhary. - Must have come from Bangladesh.
No, she is the telephone operator of this very hotel.
This hotel? - Yes.
Rascal! We've only been 3 days here..
..and you already have an affair?
l am your disciple after all.
You started an affair with Ms. Rupa, so l was feeling a bit lonely!
Thank God you are saved because of the telephone.
My pants!
Who is it? - l am Anju.
My dad has sent some clothes with you, hasn't he?
Yes. Where are you talking from? - From the reception downstairs.
Can l come up? - Yes. Come over.
So, sir, two affairs at a time? Rupa and Anju?
Shut up! Prabhu, you consider me your bro, don't you? - Yes.
Then l need your help. - Order me, pal.
Dr. Verma had sent some clothes for her daughter with me.
And sister had planned that l will meet her by this excuse.
But, pal, l don't want to meet her now.
You shouldn't even meet her after meeting Rupa.
So you meet her, in the form of Anoop.
Me? A driver?
Master and servant are equal.
Go, go and see her. - What will happen of my Lina?
l will see her. Go now. - But l.. - Go fast.
l never knew that the moon..
..comes out so early in the morning in Shimla.
l wished very much to meet you. - Yes.
You are very simple.
Daddy told me that you lived in London for 6 years. - Yes.
What did you do all these years? - No, l used to drive.
l had a car in London, Thunderbolt.
l've heard about Thunderbird? But this..
This is the latest model.
l had to leave her there. My heart was broken.
Then it must not be a car. It must be your sweetheart.
Of course. There's not much of a difference between the two.
And especially the imported cars..
Once you sit in it, you don't feel like getting out.
Will you pull over the break? - Yes, l will.
l've come to meet you. And you don't even ask me to sit down?
Please, come in. Sit in the front seat. l mean sit on the sofa. Come.
l am waiting for you outside. And you are here with this girl?
She is not a girl. She is wrong number.
How did you connect with a wrong number?
By the mistake of wiring, darling.
See that. Her leg was trapped in this telephone wire..
And so she was trapped, too.
l had come here to take my clothes.
Oh, so that means that your clothes were left here after the night!
You already had an affair with her. And you kept cheating me?
No, Lina darling. You are mistaken. l have no relation with her.
Then who is this rascal? - Rascal! You say bad words to me?
Now l won't see your face again. You cheat!
Hey, Anoopbabu! - Anoopbabu?
Listen! Listen to me..
O boss, master, Anoopbabu!
He is Anoopbabu? Then who are you?
l am Prabhusingh, sir's driver.
Sir, now you handle this. My girlfriend has gone due to this act.
You should be ashamed.
lnstead of making your driver act.. could have told me what you wanted.
The thing is that..
That my daddy sent you to meet me.
But before that you fell for some other girl. Isn't it?
l've come to know at the 1st meeting that how coward you are!
Good that the matter was not taken further.
lt has been very good, madam.
Because only one meeting is enough..
..with a girl who cannot tell the difference..
..between a driver and a master.
Darling, l am very happy with you today.
How easily you reached my bag to the airport!
Easily? The police were there, too.
And they opened a few people's bag in front of me.
But l cheated them neatly.
And we got 25,OOO rupees. Let's celebrate for that, dear.
How many dears do you have? Tell me the truth.
True, Only one. And that is you.
And what about that college girl Anju?
That girl? Ah! There are many affairs like hers.
l thought you were going to marry her.
Marry that vegetable?
Darling, if l ever feel like getting married..'ll be given a first chance. - Me?
Yes, why not? If you can be my business partner..
..why can't you be my life partner as well?
Anju, you've come back!
Anju, what have l done? What wrong did l do to you?
What wrong remains to be done?
You've taken away my Anoop from me? - Anoop?
Yes, the one whom call your Prince was sent by my father to see me.
That night when l saw you with him at the Oberoi Hotel..
..l didn't know that my father wants me to marry him.
But l sure was surprised, that how could..
..a boy like Anoop would like a girl like you!
l am telling the truth, Anju. l didn't know anything about this.
How's your hostel? l came to know that.. have a holiday today and you are going to meet your mom.
Why have you followed me? - l had told you that we'll meet again.
l tried to control my heart, but it's no use.
l swear of god, l can't sleep all night.
l don't want to see your face.
Do you know that l had a quarrel with Anju because of you?
Anju? - Yes, Anju. And l was slapped because of you, too.
Why? - Why? You ask me that?
Because you have come to see her..
..and she is going to be your _iancée.
She was going to be. l had come to see her.
But before that l came to like you.
Believe me, even if you hadn't met me..
..l would have never married Anju. Because l don't like her.
Look, l don't want to argue on that.
But please, don't try to meet me again.
Rupa, listen.
What is this? She is in the platform. And you are out?
The train is going to leave. - It is going to leave?
Must do something. Do something.
Do something? Do what? We'll do something. Come.
Guard! Guard. - What happened. -don't blow the whistle. Stop the train.
Or my sister's life will be ruined.
What rubbish are you talking?
l've never delayed a train in my career of all these years.
The train will go.
Just think, if you had a sister..
..who was leaving her house, husband and kids behind..
..would you have let her go?
Never! My child, l'm helpless.
lf you move the train ahead..
..l'll lie down in front of the engine and die.
Till my brother in law comes with his kids, stop this train and sis.
The train won't go.
Rupa, you might be upset with me.
But what is the fault of this child? - What?
Yes, look, he's crying of hunger. Please, give him milk.
What rubbish are you talking? Whose child is this?
He is the sign of our love.
Guard, this is my sister. - She?
Sister, your husband is right.
lt is the first duty of a woman to give milk to her child.
You may be angry with me. But come home.
You can beat me at home. But for my sake, come home.
At least listen to your brother.
lf not for brother, come for the sake of child. He is hungry.
Guard, they all are lying.
Neither is he my bro, nor he my husband, nor this my child.
Get down the train.
Do you know that it is a big crime to delay a train?
l have never delayed a train in my career.
Why would l get down the train?
You will have to get down. Constable, take her luggage out.
Wait! Don't call the constable. l'm coming.
Yes come. - Lallu, mother is coming. Lallu!
Blow the whistle! Loudly!
Show the flag!
O, Lallu, my child!
Rupa, listen to me.
Manner less! You insulted me in front of everyone.
And now you've come to talk to me?
Am l your wife? - You would be.
Am l the mother of your child? - You would be.. l mean after marriage.
'A girl first becomes a sweetheart'
'Then becomes the mother of her boyFriend's children'
'What did l say to upset you?'
'These promises of the love, these traditions of the world'
'No one has been able to break them'
'First it is No. Then No turns to Yes'
'Then eventually the story takes place'
'Look at these buds, these streets of flowers'
'They are saying to you'
'First a little life comes from this bud'
'Then it grows into a garden'
Mom, l ask that how did you and daddy choose her bro.
He came to meet me.
But before meeting me, he liked one disgusting girl..
..who is the daughter of a mere servant.
She doesn't even have the money to pay college fees.
Congratulations to Anoop for getting such a poor and low girl.
l only want to know that why did he insult me?
l didn't know all this. l will talk to him about this.
And tell him that we don't want to marry our girl to him.
There's no lack of good guys for our daughter.
We respected your proposal because you came to offer it.
Daddy, good that you've come.
l've heard everything, child. Go to your room.
What's the need to make a big issue of a trifle matter?
When a boy goes to see a girl.. doesn't mean that he will surely like her.
lt is possible that the girl..
..Anoop has chosen might be better than Anju.
What are you saying? It is a question of our daughter's life.
And that of her happiness, too. The times have changed, Uma.
One is happy in life only when the life partners like each other.
Ms, Sharda, what is your opinion?
Mr. Verma, l don't believe in changing with times.
There has to be a shadow of elders over the foolishness of youngsters.
They can make mistakes, but we shouldn't.
Anoop will marry the one l tell him to.
Forgive me, but l means stubbornness. And you know it well.
Don't mind, but your stubbornness..
..separated you from your husband.
lf l were at your place, l would Iet Anoop decide for himself.
Whether Anoop marries Anju or someone else..
..the important thing is that they should be happy.
This is my advice. The decision is up to you.
Here. Where is Rupa? - You are Prince?
This is not the answer to my question.
Go to the principal's office. You'll find your princess there.
Leav me. - Thank you. You wore me the garland.
Now shall we tell everyone the good news of our marriage?
Give me back my garland. l ask, why did you come here?
Shall l have to tell you that? - You are wasting your time.
Don't worry about that. l have lots of time to waste.
Rupa, who is he?
l am Anoop.
The thing is that my sis used to study in this college.
She wants a copy of her group photograph.
Which year was that? - 1962.
But where will one find such an old photograph?
l had come with much hope.
And l am going quite disappointed. Your garland.
l recall now. Sister has sent a small gift.
5 thousand? - This is nothing. If sis was here, she would give 10,OOO.
That, too, cash.
Rupa, there are some old photographs in the library.
There might be his sister's, too, among them.
You take him there. l also wanted this. - What?
l mean, the errand l had come on, is completed.
Come, madam. Let's go out.
l beg your pardon for my behavior on the railway station that day.
Come to the library and take your sister's photograph.
My sister never used to study in this college.
What? - Yes. - So that cheuqe?
Don't worry. It will be en-cashed.
lf your sis didn't study here..
..why did you give so much money to the college?
Because l had no other excuse to meet you.
And l couldn't do without meeting you.
But if each meeting costs me so much.. bank balance will become zero.
Why do you want to meet me?
Because l like you very much. l Iove you, and want to marry you.
But you know nothing about me.. or my family.
l've known everything after knowing you.
This place is not right for a conversation.
Meet me at the sunset point at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
l will wait for you. - No, l can't come there.
You will surely come there.
lf my love is true, you will surely come. l will wait for you.
l knew you would come. Because my love is true.
Do you know that l liked every girl in the world before meeting you?
But after meeting you, it's only you.
l can't live without you now, Roop. l want to marry you.
You? Who are you? - l am Rupa's mother.
What? Greetings, good morning, Jay Hind.
l thought it is Rupa.
l've heard what you wanted to say.
Rupa told me everything about you.
That's why l wanted to meet you once.
lf l had known, l wouldn't have blabbered so much.
Don't know what you might be thinking about me.
You've turned out to be better than what l had thought about you.
l am sure Rupa will be happy with you.
But l want to tell you about myself.
We.. we are very poor people. The gifts for the marriage..
There's no need for all that.
You are saying this, but what if your family disagrees?
Don't worry about that.
l only have a sister in this world. And she loves me very much.
My happiness is hers. My choice will be hers.
l like Rupa. l want your blessings, mom.
Where is Rupa? l want to give her this good news.
She is waiting for you at the crest point.
No, someone might see us. - Let them see. Are we scared of anyone?
We've got the license now. - Tell me what did mommy say.
Mommy? She iumped up 50 feet when she saw me.
50 feet? But what did she say?
She said that she didn't know that her daughter was so stupid.
Why? - That she is irritating a handsome young man like you.
That means mother liked you.
Yes, now l'm waiting for your approval.
No! - Why? - Not today. Tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Then what shall we do today?
Today? Just a minute, l'll tell you.
Today.. we will sing.
We will only sing today?
'We will look into each other's eyes'
'We will talk to each other'
'We will lay down our eyelashes'
'We will spread our hair, some other day'
'What will we do today?'
'We will only sing today'
'Was it necessary to come here to sing a song?'
'Was this excuse necessary to go?'
'Ok, l'll agree to you. l won't irritate you'
'That's better'
'We'll sway together'
'Sometimes we'll get close, sometimes we'll go far'
'We'll get angry and then convince, some other day'
'What will we do today? - We'll only sing today'
'You give a chance for a quarrel in love'
'You call me from home, and then cheat me on the way'
'Ok, l agree. It is love after all'
'ls that a promise? - Yes, promise'
'We'll fulfill this love. Stay in each other's eyes'
'l won't make you cry. We'll Iaugh, some other day'
'What will we do today? - We'll only sing today'
Ravibabu, what a girl!
Can't you see? Are you blind?
No, but looks like l'll soon be.
Listen, l think l've seen you somewhere.
Yes, l've met you with Anju. You are Mr. Ravi, aren't you?
Yes, you got it right.
These cheeks like the Kashmiri apples.
Are they sweet or sour? - Will you eat one? - Yes.
Now l will have to taste. - First taste this.
So, kiddy, was it sweet or sour?
Run away!
Come on.
Did you call me? - Yes, meet her.
She is Ms. Sharda, Anoop's elder sister.
You have a talk. l'll send tea for you.
l've come to Shimla to attend a meeting.
l thought l might as well meet you.
Anoop loves you very much. He praises you day and night.
l was sure his choice can never be wrong.
But l've brought him up since his childhood.
l'm not only his sis, but also his mother.
And every mother wishes to know..
..everything about her would be daughter in law.
What do you want to know?
Only one thing. Why did you fall in love with Anoop?
ls it because he is handsome or because he has lots of money?
No, only because he considered me worth his love.
Because he gave me a place in his heart.
Even if he was a beggar today, my answer would be the same.
That's it. l iust wanted to hear this.
Now only one thing remains. According to the tradition..
..l will meet your mother and fix this relation.
How long will you stay here? - Till the day after tomorrow.
l'm not free today. Tomorrow?
l'll call mother here tomorrow.
No, l should come to your house..
..with the proposal. - But..
Don't worry. Anoop has told me everything about your state.
l won't change my decision because you are poor.
Because l want the happiness of my brother. And that is you.
l will come tomorrow at the same time.
Ok, l'll leave now. If you need anything, call me.
l will surely call you.
Oh, wow! l am unable to recognize my own house.
Jhonny, you? - Rosey, darling, you look very beautiful today.
Are you planning to marry again?
Please, go away from here today. - No, l won't go. First..
Ok, wait. l'll get it right now.
Here. Now go.
Wow! l used to get only 1 note after hearing 10 bad words.
And today 20 rupees full? Something's wrong.
Jhonny, l beg of you. l bow down to you. Please, go away.
Ok, l'll go. First tell me the truth. - The truth?
Yes, some of Rupa's friends are coming over for tea.
That's it? Then l'll go only after meeting Rupa.
l swear on you, Rosey, the ioy l get by quarreling with Rupa..
..l don't get that in the full bottle of liquor.
Here, now go from here, Jhonny. Go, please. - Why?
Today Rupa's marriage is going to be fixed.
They must be coming any moment now. - So this is the matter? - Yes.
Whom has your daughter trapped? Must be some rich guy!
Come. Come. Please, come in.
Congratulations. Don't forget to invite me on your marriage.
Who is this man? - He.. he..
He is iust some drunkard neighbor. - Drunkard?
Are you ashamed to say daddy, you rich girl?
Jhonny, keep quiet. - Stop blabbering.
Have you mother and daughter forgotten my favors?
Don't know whose sign were you carrying in your stomach?
This Jhonny supported an immoral woman like you.
And married you. And she calls me a drunkard today?
Madam, you seem to be from some decent family.
Thank me that l saved you from falling into dirt.
You wicked! l'll kill you today!
l'll kill you. - You can kill me. But the truth cannot be hidden.
Mother! What happened, mother?
What's happening to you?
Please, come out. You come, too.
Her heart is very weak. Only chance is 50-50.
Rupa, your mother is in a bad state.
She'll have to stay at the hospital for many days.
And it'll take much money for the medication.
Don't worry about the expense, doctor.
lt shouldn't make a difference in her mother's treatment.
l'll give as much money as required.
Do anything, but save her, doctor.
Rupa? - Sister! - Be brave, Rupa. Your mommy will be fine.
Look, l have 5000 rupees now. Accept them.
After that whatever money is required, l'll give you.
Sister, how will l repay your favors?
You can pay now if you wish. - How?
Forget Anoop for good! - Sister!
l had come to your house to fix the marriage.
But after whatever l saw and heard..
..l can never make you my daughter in law.
What are you saying?
You can marry my brother.
But you will never gain any esteem.. my house or the society as his wife.
l don't want the life of both of you to be ruined.
And so you want to buy my Iove with this money?
My love is not so cheap, Ms. Sharda.
You've made a big mistake in understanding me.
My mom and l don't need this false sympathy of yours at all.
Take you money!
l will do anything for my mom. Greetings.
Ms. Sharda, l've heard everything. - What do you mean?
You want Rupa to get out of your brother's life, don't you?
She will get out. - How?
Jhonny does not tell his tricks to anyone.
And takes the money only after completing his task.
Babuii, sir, get up. Wear this uniform and be my driver fast!
What rubbish are you talking?
There's very little time, and the matter is very delicate.
You know my girlfriend Lina?
To trap her, l had lied to her that l am the owner of this house.
How would l know that she would also bring her father along?
Silly, now l will also have to be your driver?
You will have to, to repay my favor.
Didn't l become your master for your Rupa?
Now can't you be my driver for me?
What are you saying? Where is your socialism?
The bell. They've come.
Don't worry, l'll respect you even in this uniform.
Please, save me. Shall l go?
No one's opening the door. Have we come at the wrong place?
The address is right. Prabhu must be coming.
Prabhu appears whenever one remembers him.
Salutations, father.
ls he the one? - Yes, he is Prabhu.
lt's a good name. - So, didn't you like the bungalow?
lt's ok. The car standing outside is yours?
Yes, other 2 are in the garage. And 2 more are coming in the evening.
Have booked new ones from Bangalore. - 5 cars?
You have only one girl?
Yes, that's why l've come with her.
So that she doesn't get into wrong hands.
lt is a very nice place. Come in. Why are you standing out?
Come in. Come.
l had bought these chandeliers from Hyderabad.
A king was impoverished. Tell me, how did you like my bungalow?
How much did you spend to make this house?
Who keeps an account of such things?
Might have taken 20-25 thousand.
Such a big house for iust Rs. 20-25 thousand?
ldiot, it took 7 lakhs 53 thousand to make this house.
Who is he? - Balbirsing, my driver.
Just for name's sake! Servant and master are equal. Right, idiot?
Master, who are they? - She is my misses.
l mean she is my would be misses, Lina Choudhary.
And is he her servant? - Manner less! He is my father.
Doesn't look like one. If he is, l am sorry.
Sorry, moustache. - Balbir! - What is it?
Balbir, they are our guests. Get some snack and drinks for them.
Some sweets. - Will l get that for them?
He takes some time to be convinced.
You've given too much freedom to your servants.
What to do? They go on strike otherwise.
Every human is equal in my eyes.
Wow, son! l wanted a socialist guy like you for my Lina.
You got him? - Yes. - You are happy, aren't you? - Yes.
Then why don't you fix the wedding date soon?
Don't be heated so soon!
Cool Rasgullas to beat off the heat!
Rasgullas? l love them. - Then have it.
You have, too, moustache!
Don't worry, l'll take it out.
Wait! They are my guests. l'll take it out.
But l am your servant. It is my task. Hold this.
Balbir! - Sir, l was iust sweetening my mouth.
You have, too. - No. First my father in law will have one.
Have one, Lina. From him. - What is this going on?
Sister? - Madam?
Who is this old woman?
You oldie, who are you? Prabhu, who are these people?
l'll tell you. l am Choudhary Dhuliaram.
This is my daughter Lina.
And he is my would be son in law, the owner of this house.
Get out of this house all of you.
Father in law, get out of here fast. She is a mad woman.
She has already stabbed 4 to 5 people.
Stabbed people? Run!
Come on, get out. Run away.
Forgive me Madam.
Thank God, we are saved.
But how did that mad woman get into the house?
One cannot trust the mad.
The doors are kept open. She might have come from there.
But why aren't the doors shut?
l will keep all the doors shut after the marriage.
First you get her into a iail. - l will get her into a mental asylum.
Now you go fast and arrange for the marriage.
Yes, l will go and do that. You get her in jail. Come daughter.
Hey! Father, fix the earliest date for marriage. Don't delay.
Sister ruined everything. Father!
Look, l know what's better for you.
Sister, l've agreed to you on everything till now.
But l've promised Rupa. And l won't marry anyone except her.
l won't let you marry Rupa. - Is this your last decision?
Yes, there's no place for that girl in this house.
Then listen to my decision.
lf there's no place for Rupa in this house, l won't live here either.
Child, l wished so much to see you settled while l am alive.
But don't know why l have this pain in the heart since the morning.
As if someone was twisting my heart.
Perhaps l won't be able to see tomorrow morning.
Mother, don't say such words in the evening.
l have no one except you in this world.
Rupa! How is mother?
Child, how come you are here?
l came to know everything from sister. And l came over.
To assure you that l will marry Rupa even against my sister's wish.
Perhaps l am alive just to hear this.
Child, look, l am handing over Rupa's hand to you.
Now she has no one except you. Keep her happy.
Child.. - Mother! - Child, come to me.
Sir, it's worth Rs. 5000, but l am giving it for only 1000.
That, too, because Rupa had insulted me.
And l want to revenge for that.
Even l want to revenge her. She insulted me, too, Jhonny.
But when will you bring her? - Sir, have some patience.
l've left sister's house for good. Now we have to find our own house.
lt is a matter of few days. Then l'll get a job. l'll get a house.
And then l'll also marry you.
But where will you stay till then? What will you do?
Don't worry about me. Prabhu has arranged a job for me.
Now sir will work where l used to work earlier.
This is called real socialism. Come on, bro.
Come on. The train is going to Ieave. See me off with a smile.
l can't see this sad posture of my Roop.
You've had to face so many troubles because of me.
What's the trouble? You taught him to stand on his own feet.
You have made his life.
The guard has blown the whistle. Now you show the green signal.
Listen! Give the smile worth 1 million dollar. Please, smile.
Are you the husband and wife who stopped the train that day?
That.. - There was also a brother with you.
There was a bro. There is still the bro.
But now he is the would be brother in law.
And they are the would be husband and wife.
And the kid? - That..
The matter was disorderly that day. It didn't work out fine.
Everything is fine today. And you are delaying today.
Don't laugh. Blow the whistle. Blow!
Show the green flag!
Get in.
Rupa! Rupa, child. - What do you want from me now?
Rupa, l've come to ask your forgiveness.
Can you bring back my mother by asking forgiveness now?
You've killed my mother. Go away from here.
You are right, child. l am a criminal.
l harassed your mother very much.
But after your mother's death, l've stopped drinking liquor.
l've stopped all bad business.
Child, you are alone now. If l can be of any use to you..
l don't even want to see your face.
Don't dare come in front of me again.
Anoop sir! l am destroyed. l'm done for. - What happened?
lf you don't help me soon, l'll be ruined.
You handle this. - Come fast.
Tell me what's the matter.
Today my would be wife is getting married to someone else.
What are you blabbering? Tell me clearly what the matter is.
Lina's father has fixed her marriage with some other guy.
And that is today. - Ok, then find some other Lina!
l see. So you are insulting my true love?
lt is impossible to live without Lina.
What if someone seizes your Rupa from you?
How's that possible? l've written her a letter today.
And l'm going to meet her tomorrow.
All right, tell her when you meet her that Prabhu is no more.
l'm going to lie down on the railway track and kill myself.
Tell me, when is the marriage procession coming here?
lt is going to leave from Bhagwara at 11 o'clock. Today itself.
Sardarii, how far is Chandigarh?
We'll miss the auspicious moment of our marriage.
Wait, daddy. Not your marriage. My marriage.
Yes, your marriage. - Daddy! - Yes?
Daddy, looks like Sardarii is taking us on the wrong way.
This is the shortcut, dears. You'll reach Chandigarh soon.
What happened, Sardarii? - We've run out of petrol.
How come there's no petrol? You already took so much money.
l paid it for yesterday's debt. The petrol has become very expensive.
But don't you worry! l'll get 50 liters in this right now!
50 liters in this.
ls that a tin or some Iamp of Alladin?
Mr. Choudhary, the auspicious moment has come over.
There's no sign of the groom or the procession.
So do l sit for the mantras? - O Lord Ram!
l was iust saying that..
..the auspicious moment shouldn't be missed.
lt wouldn't be missed, priest. We've come.
Thank you very much. We were just waiting for you.
All right. Child, who is the father of the bride?
l am. - He?
You had said that your father in law has a good personality.
He is very handsome.
But who are you? - Me? l am groom's uncle.
But it was his father who came to fix the marriage. Where is he?
ln the iail!
Father-in-law, what can we hide from you?
ln the ioy of son's wedding he drank too much in the morning.
He bumped the motor and is in jail now.
Priest, the auspicious moment for wedding is passing by.
And it's my time to drink something.
Before l bump into you..
Child, l mean before l bump into someone..
..let's complete the marriage. - Uncle, come here.
There's some girl.
Uncle, Lina is saying that she won't marry!
What did you say? The girl is refusing to marry?
The girl is asking why are there so less people in the procession?
So what? - Yes, so what?
The groom is here, isn't he?
'Agreed that.. there are.. Iess people in the procession'
'But don't be sad, l have come'
'Yes, l have come'
'O son!'
'O dear!'
'When the marriage procession set off from the house.'
'..there were some horses behind and elephants in front'
'But those companions were left on the way'
'But we've come over dancing'
'But don't be sad, l have come along'
'Yes, l have come'
'Where are you hiding? Give me a signal'
'ls it daughter in law? - No, it is a cuckoo'
'Uncle. - Yes, child. - This is the sound of clarinets'
'Then let us both marry. - No, what will happen of me?'
'Then go and marry yourself'
'The groom is hidden behind the flowers'
'A face is hidden behind a face'
'The rest is behind the 7th circle'
'We've left shame back at home'
'But don't be sad, l've come along'
'Yes, l've come'
'Look at the illusion created by Prabhu (God)'
'Who was going to come, but who has come instead!'
'One cannot rub off what's written in one's fate'
'My dear has come at the house of my father'
'But don't be sad, l've come along'
'Yes, l've come'
Priest, start the rituals.
Sir! - Your elder bro has come.
What? Released from the jail so soon?
Go, go and welcome him.
Come on, make it fast. Say fast!
You are released from the jail so soon? - Jail?
What iail? Have you gone crazy?
Looks like he is still having the hangover. - What hangover?
Forget it. When will a person drink if not on occasions of joy?
Good that you've reached this good occasion on time. Come.
l don't understand what you're talking.
We ran out of petrol on the way. The driver ran away.
And we are exhausted by walking all the way.
And there's no single man on the door to welcome us?
My daddy! Daddy, l've come. - Child, you?
Father in law, l'll tell you everything later.
First give me a glass of water. My throat is dry of thirst.
My daughter's marriage is completed. Then who is that guy?
Who are you? - That.. he is..
Salutations, father in law! - Prabhu? - Father!
Father in law! At least bless us.
One bar of soap for clothes. - Yes.
How much is that? - All this makes Rs. 20.
And Rs. 75 of the previous bill. The total is Rs. 95.
Do this. Add that to my account.
l will pay the total amount next month.
l can't give you more credit unless you settle the previous bill.
Here, take your money. - Wait! Don't take that money.
Jhonny, l don't need your help.
Rupa, this is not help. It is my duty.
l know, child, that you hate me. You should. l deserve it.
Ok, not as a father, but accept it from a well wisher.
This money is not gained unlamully. It is of my hard work.
l have told you hundred times that l don't need your help.
Look, take these things back.
l will pay your bills as soon as l get a job next month.
Rupa, l recall something. My master was telling his wife yesterday.
They need a teacher for their kids.
They are ready to give Rs. 200 per month.
lf you wish, l can recommend you to them.
Child, l've done no good thing in life.
Give me a chance to do at Ieast one good thing.
Come, child, come.
Come in.
Where are the kids? - They must be playing somewhere upstairs.
Sit here and relax. l'll call the master.
Here, have the tea while kids come down.
Consider this as your house. l'll call the madam. Don't be scared.
Will you have tea?
No, Jhonny, l will see her before your madam does.
Sir, she is a very good girl. She likes kids very much.
You'll praise me for getting such a good girl.
Rupa, look, sir has come. Rupa!
ls she all right? - It is the effect of the pill l put in her tea.
Then she should be taken to my room. - Yes, sir.
She'll feel better if she rests for some time. - Yes. Come.
Sir, my iob is done. - All right. Here. - One more.
Sir, one more.
Listen. Don't go right now. Perhaps l'll need you.
Sir, my throat is drying up.
lt's been many days since l had some English liquor.
Ok, have it. But don't drink too much. Or you'll create trouble.
You're awake? - And now l'll make you come back to your senses.
Beware! If you try to come close, l'll burn you.
Don't come forward.
She's locked it.
The bone of her leg is badly crashed.
Some fear for bad.
We will have to amputate her leg to save her life!
The patient will become handicapped at such a young age.
That's why l've called you, to save the poor girls leg somehow.
But we have no other way except cutting her leg.
No! No, doctor. How will l live if one of my legs is cut?
Doctor! Doctor, do anything, but make my leg all right.
Doctor, save me.. from being a handicapped.
Save me from being handicapped.
l am a doctor.
lt is my duty to treat the patients and make them well.
That's why l've called other doctors, and discussed with them.
They all opine that the amputation must be done.
Don't cut my leg! - There's no other way out.
The operation will be done tomorrow. Have courage.
Dr. Angelo, why didn't you inform me while Rosey was alive?
At least l could have helped her in her last days.
She didn't want to take help from you.
She didn't even want to meet you.
So that your ioyFul life might not be disturbed.
You cannot guess how honest woman Rosey was.
She loved you till her last breath.
But why didn't Rosey wait for me?
When l returned from England.. parents told me that Rosey had married someone.
Then your parents are responsible for ruining Rosey's life.
You mean? - They separated you from Rosey.
l didn't get you, father.
After you went abroad, Rosey met your parents.
And they told Rosey that you had married someone abroad.
Did they say that?
And at that time Rosey was pregnant with your baby.
Being helpless, she married Jhonny, just for name's sake.
To save herself from defame.
After Rupa was born, she divorced Jhonny.
Rupa? Rosey's daughter? That means my daughter.
Believe me, father, despite misunderstandings..
..l loved Rosey with all my heart.
But.. but now it's too late. Nothing can be done now.
But you can at least help her daughter.
Father, does she know that l am her father?
No, she doesn't even want to know.
She says that she doesn't want to see the face..
..of the man because of whom her mother had to suffer all her life.
She is right, father. But l still want to meet her. Where is she?
ln the hospital.
Rupa, child. - Sister. - The doctor has told me everything.
Child, sometimes the life acts like our enemy.
And we are helpless in front of it.
But we shouldn't lose courage. Thank God your life is saved.
What's the use of such a life, sister?
Don't say such a thing, child.
Everything will be fine.
See this. There's a letter for you.
This is not the writing of your left hand.
This is surely the letter of your Prince..
..which you would like to read in privacy.
l'll leave now. l'll come back in the evening.
Here, take the letter.
You must be angry with me. But the thing is that it's a new job.
Couldn't dare to ask for a leave.
But suddenly l got a chance to meet you.
l'm coming to Shimla on company's business.
You'll receive this letter by the morning post.
And by the afternoon..
Rupa, l came to know iust now that you met an accident..
Anoop, l was sure that..'ll come to meet me as soon as you got the news.
But what's that? - It was a horrible accident, Anoop.
The doctors had to cut my leg! - What's this?
When the wound is healed, l'll be able to walk with the crutches.
But you're handicapped for life, Rupa!
How will you live all your life now?
With the support of your love.
Rupa, love and life have different places.
Now think for yourself.
How can l let a handicapped girl be the burden of my life?
Anoop, what are you saying?
l sympathize with you, Rupa. And l also want to help you.
You can take as much money as you want from me.
No, l don't want money. l only want your support.
l cannot marry you now. Or make you mine.
Sister! - What's the matter, Rupa?
Call Jhonny immediately, before my operation!
Jhonny? Because of whom you are in this state?
The one who killed your mother?
What do you have to do with such a bad person?
Sister, even the bad men are useful sometimes.
l have very little time, sister. Please, call Jhonny quickly.
What brings you here, sir? - l had come to inquire about a patient.
Her name is Rupa D'souza. - What a coincidence!
l was iust going to amputate her leg.
Sir, the bone of her leg is so badly crushed..
..that there's the risk of having gangrene.
l want to request something, doctor.
Can you delay the operation for 5 minutes?
l want to see the x-ray plate.
We'll come to know only while operating..
..whether the muscles are damaged or not.
Doctor, take a chance before amputating.
Recently l read about a similar case in the British Medical Journal.
The surgeon took a chance.
He operated and saved the patient from amputation.
l had read about it, too. But this is a very complicated case.
Which can be done only by a competent orthopedic surgeon like you.
lf you don't mind, l'd like to assist you.
That's good, sir.
You can even charge for the operation.
And l will call my students. So that they can observe how you operate.
Jhonny, you've committed many sins in your life.
You can never be forgiven.
l can send you to iail if l wish.
But if you do a small iob of mine, l might forgive you.
Tell me, child. Order me.
There's a letter from Anoop. He is coming to meet me today.
He doesn't know anything about my accident.
And neither do l want to tell him anything.
Because l don't want to be a burden on his life after being handicapped.
So, take me home before the operation. - That's it?
lt's a child's play for me.
l will reach you home after talking to the doctor.
Not only that, Jhonny. l want Anoop to feel hatred towards me.
That'll be done, too.
But we'll have to take the help of that scoundrel Ravi.
l will agree even if you have take the help of a demon for this job.
Dr. Gupta, l want to meet Rupa before the operation.
This operation will not take place! l am taking Rupa home.
Who are you, sir? - John D'souza, Rupa's father.
You are Rupa's father? - If not me, is it you?
But why do you want to take her from the hospital?
Because this hospital is inauspicious.
A few days back, my wife died here.
And now you want to cut my daughter's leg..
..and make her a handicapped for life?
You are not doctors. You are butchers!
Mr. D'souza, you don't know him.
He is Dr. Verma, India's best orthopedic surgeon.
You are lucky that he is going to operate your daughter's leg.
With whose permission? You cannot cut her leg without my signature.
lt is possible that we might not need to cut her leg.
But it is necessary to operate, or her life will be in danger.
l care more than you for the life of my daughter.
l will get her treated wherever l want. But not in this hospital.
Her condition is very critical. She cannot go from here.
l will take my daughter from here.
lf you try to stop us, l'll have to take the help of police.
Dr. Gupta, it's useless talking to this man.
Yes, go. Talk to her.
Child, this is Dr. Verma. He is going to operate on you.
He is not allowing you to go from here.
He hasn't the least idea how bad your condition is.
lf we do not operate, your life will be in danger.
That is why l want to go home once before the operation.
l want to see everything of that house, where l lived with my mother.
l beg of you, doctor. Please, Iet me go home once.
l fear that l might not survive.
Why do you think that you won't survive?
Doctor, don't refuse.
l have fulfilled every wish of hers till now.
lf she doesn't go home, she'll be disheartened.
l promise that l'll bring her back within 2 hours.
l will also go with you. - No, doctor, let me go alone.
l want to sit alone in my home for some time.
Dr. Gupta, arrange for an ambulance.
l'm letting you go only because you are tensed at the moment.
And a patient should have no worries during the operation.
Rupa, l like 2 things very much in life. Apples and grapes.
l get the taste of both in your cheeks and lips.
You didn't praise my eyes today.
Your eyes are like the bite of that snake, which has no cure.
What is the meaning of what l've seen here?
You are getting angry as if l were your wife.
Ravi, explain him the meaning.
Strange! What is there to explain?
We love each other. And are going to get married. - What?
Rupa, tell me that this is false. Say that you're mine.
Very good! Anoop, we just know each other.
That doesn't mean that l am yours.
Only know each other? Didn't you love me?
Never! - Didn't you promise to marry me?
l promised you, when l had not found a better life partner than you.
l didn't understand when sister told me that a girl of a low house..
..about whose father you know nothing, is not worth you.
But today l've understood, that how low you are.
How hard that wretched hit you!
Thank you. You've helped me a lot. You can go now.
So soon? Obeying your orders..
..l acted up this drama, got beaten, heard bad words.
Won't you repay my favor? - What do you mean?
Rascal! Leave me! Leave me! - How can l leave you?
Wicked! Scoundrel! Go away!
Don't worry, child. There's nothing to fear now. Who was he?
Don't ask that, doctor. Now take me to the hospital.
Yes, come.
Let my leg be cut, doctor. l don't want to live now.
What are you saying?
You shouldn't even think about such bad things.
Only those who don't know the meaning of life, talk about death.
Listen, child. Life is that precious gift of God..
..that despite being ours, is not ours.
A person lives for others. For the happiness of others.
And the person who has no one?
The person who has none, finds one. And becomes his own.
And.. wipes his tears.
You have proved that there's..
..a deep relation between a doctor and a patient.
But your behavior shows as if..
..Rupa were not your patient, but your daughter.
Take it that way.
Listen, daughter. Can l call you daughter?
2 things are very important for the success of any treatment.
You should wish with all confidence that your leg will be fine.
You'll do that, won't you?
Do you believe in God?
Then close your eyes and pray to God..
..that he comes to these hands today..
..and makes your operation successful. Pray now.
Are you praying?
God has listened to my prayers.
l kept praying all night to God to save your leg.
She is Sister Teresa from my convent.
This is Dr. Verma.
Doctor, you've done a miracle.
l am iust trying to save this child from being handicapped.
Doctor, l love her as my child. Will she be all right?
Can't say anything now, sister.
l want to put her under my observation..
A few days later there will be 2 more operations.
Then with special massage and exercises..
..the strength of the Ieg will be restored.
Yet it is difficult to say what will be the final result.
l have 500/o hopes.
But what is important is that.. should have 1000/o hope and always be happy.
Sister, make her understand.
Before operation she was saying that she did not want to live.
l will make her understand.
We cannot shift her from here for a week now.
Later when Dr. Gupta permits, send her to Chandigarh by ambulance.
lt would be very good if you take this responsibility, sister.
Sure. l'll send her there.
Doctor, why are you bothering so much for me?
As sister said iust now, that she loves you like her child.
l have the same answer for that.
But, doctor, the expenses of the hospital? And your fees?
Does a doctor always work for money?
l have my own selfish reason for treating you.
Selfish reason? - Why not?
lf l am able to make your leg all right..
..won't l be famous in the world?
Ok, take rest. l'll leave now.
How much did she walk today? - Only 4 steps.
You had walked 4 steps yesterday, too.
Now stop taking the support of this wheelchair. And try to walk.
Or how will your legs gain strength?
l told her. But she is very scared.
She says it pains a lot and she'll fall down.
lt will pain. And you'll have to bear.
But have courage, or else your Iegs will remain weak forever.
l do try, doctor. - But not with all your heart.
Come on, get up. - No! sister!
Come on, stand up.
l'll take her.
Stand there. - l will fall.
Now you come walking from there and sit in this chair.
Doctor, it pains a lot.
Wow! Move forward.
Doctor, it pains. - It will pain. But you will have to walk.
My legs are aching. l won't be able to walk.
You will be able to walk. You will have to walk.
Move ahead.
Bravo! One more step.
A bit more. A bit more.
A bit more. A bit more.
Doctor, l can't walk more.
Come and sit here. l'll be right back.
l can't walk, doctor. My legs are hurting.
Boy! - Boy, you do your work.
l can walk! Doctor, l can walk!
l knew you would be able to walk. You were only scared.
You won't be scared now, will you?
What are you doing? Get up. Why are you doing that?
People bow down to deities. But for me, you are the deity.
Why do you say that?
You've given me a new life by making my leg well, doctor.
Don't know how will l repay your favor in this life.
You can pay that now if you wish. - How?
By being my daughter. Will you be my daughter?
Doctor! - Call me daddy, not doctor.
Are you happy that your leg is all right now? - Very happy.
And l am happy because l've got my daughter.
l had met an accident. My Ieg was going to be cut.
l didn't want to be a burden on you after being handicapped.
And that's why l hugged another man..
..and acted up a drama in front of you.
So that you would hate me.
lf you believe me, l was yours, l am yours, and l will always be yours.
lf you have a place for me in your heart..
..then come and meet me as soon as you receive the letter.
Yours Rupa.
Such a fast progress? Where are you going in such a hurry?
That.. l was going out. - l was coming to meet you.
Tomorrow is my daughter's engagement.
You will come with me at my home.
But how will l come? l don't know any one there.
l'll introduce you to them.
How is it possible that my one daughter..
..does not come to my other daughter's engagement?
l will ask my daughter to come and invite you.
You have a long life. l was just talking about you.
She is my patient.
Hey, do you both know each other?
Yes, daddy, we were classmates.
That's good. Invite her yourself for your engagement.
And tell me why have you come to the hospital at this hour.
Daddy, l had gone for shopping. And l ran out of money.
How much do you want? - 500.
Do this. Take 200 more. And bring a nice sari for her.
Sir, there's a call for you.
How come you are in dad's hospital? What illness do you have?
l had an accident, Anju. Your dad made me well by doing an operation.
He really is like an angel.
Did daddy tell you to whom l am getting engaged? - No.
To Anoop!
To Anoop? - Yes, whom you had seized from me once before.
But l don't want to lose him at any cost now.
Rupa, l don't want you to come in front of him before my marriage.
He might change his mind after seeing you.
My engagement can break. My dad's prestige can be ruined.
The one who you consider an angel.
No, Anju, l can't even dream about..
..doing anything that might blemish doctor's prestige.
And you are his daughter. l will forget Anoop forever.
Then promise that you won't come to my engagement.
l promise, Anju, that l won't come.
Mr. Anoop hasn't come yet. We are dying to see him.
See him at your heart's content.
But mind you, don't cast an evil eye on him.
Have you decided where you'll go for honeymoon after marriage?
No, we haven't decided yet. - Anju, where's you mother?
Mrs. Verma, is the date of the wedding fixed?
Yes, brother. The 15th of the next month.
Greetings, Bhabhi. - Greetings, doctor.
Congratulations to you.
Where's doctor Verma?
He iust called up and said that he has left from the hospital.
That means he'll take leave..
..from the hospital on his daughter's engagement?
He should have come earlier at least today.
You are provoking my wife.
She already complains that l come late.
Uma, she is my patient Rupa. - l'll be right back.
Did you recognize her, doctor?
Hey, she is that.. - That Rupa whose leg was going to be amputated.
She is fine now.
Anju, haven't Sharda and Anoop come yet? - Not yet.
Take her with you. She didn't want to come. l brought her forcibly.
You promised.. - l wasn't coming, Anju.
But doctor forcibly brought me here.
And what if Anoop sees you? - No, Anoop won't see me.
l will hide somewhere here.
God bless you.
Greetings. - Come, please come.
You made us wait, child. What took you so long?
Did you like him? - Yes, very much. It's a nice couple.
You are lucky that l don't have a daughter.
Or else l would have stolen your handsome son in law for her.
Come, son, l'll introduce you to everyone.
l am a doctor myself. Half of my guests would be doctors.
Rupa, what are you doing there? - Rupa? - Come here.
What's the matter? What are you doing there alone?
Nothing, iust like that.
He is my would be son in law, Anoop. - Who is she?
She had come as a patient. But now she is my daughter.
Come on. The commissioner has come.
So late? - Just like you. - Ok, we'll forgive him.
Wow! l appreciate your acting.
l see you in this new role today. You are a wonderful actor.
Sometimes you make someone your lover..
..and sometimes your father.
Forgive me. There are too many people here.
Or l would have bowed down to you.
They will bring colors.
They will bring beauty.
The flowers of paper, just like sand.
But where will the flowers of papers bring fragrance from?
They will bring shadows.
They will bring sunlight.
Not only me, but the whole world says..
..that a stone cannot be a star.
The one we are signaling at is sitting with such an innocent face.
They will hide the secret.
The secret will be disclosed.
My heart is so happy to meet my dear one.
My eyes are lowered by shyness.
We hear that someone is jealous of us.
l swear it will be so much fun.
We will dance and sing.
We will make others iealous.
My eyes have seen people..
..who turned out to be like flowers of papers.
Just forget them as you forget a broken dream.
They will forget.
We won't remember them.
Open mouth and open door, both scare me.
Shut your mouth, and l'll shut the door.
But why have you come here? - Obviously to congratulate you.
And being your old friend.
..l want that no obstacle comes in your marriage.
What do you mean?
That no one blackmails you.
That no one takes immoral advantage of your old friendship.
Perhaps you don't know that there are..
..some sensational photos of yours, and some love letters.
And if they get into Anoop's hands.. will bring your destruction instead of wedding.
Please, Ravi, give me back my photos and letters.
Or my life will be ruined.
That's why l've come here.
But before that, Iet's decide their price!
What do you want? - Not what you are thinking.
Because now you are engaged to a decent man.
Ravi, l have only 1 ,200 rupees.
Take them all, but give my letters back.
ls the price of your prestige only 1 ,200?
l've heard that your parents..
..have bought you iewelry worth Rs. 50 thousand.
l will wait for you behind the Ram temple after an hour.
Come there with the iewelry.
Anju, don't cry. l've heard everything.
And l know that dog very well.
Don't cry. Bring me your iewelry. l'll take it to him.
And bring back your photos and letters and burn them.
But, meanwhile if the family members..
..come to know that my jewelry is missing..
Then you can accuse me for that.
l won't open my mouth even if l am caught.
l won't let any trouble come on you.
Rupa, l always misunderstood you.
But why are you taking such a big risk for me?
This is also a question of doctor's prestige, Anju.
He has considered me his daughter.
And perhaps l won't get a better chance to repay his favors.
Go. Go and get your jewelry. Go fast.
Why have you come here?
l heard that your brother got engaged today.
l thought l would congratulate you. - Thank you.
You can go now. - Great are these rich people!
They turn away from you as soon as their purpose is served.
Just think, if it weren't for me, was there a chance..
..of your bro getting engaged according to you wish?
l have already given you more than your needs.
That's your idea. Sister, l want 1 thousand more from you.
The price of me not coming here again.
Are you blackmailing me? - No, l am asking you straight away.
lf l want, l would blackmail your bro.
He doesn't yet know how Rupa got out of his life.
What do you know about Rupa?
Jhonny, run away from here.
Tell me, what were you telling sister about Rupa.
Anoop, leave him. - Back off, sister.
Speak up! What do you know about Rupa?
Jhonny don't tell him.
Speak up, or l'll kill you. Tell me what do you know about Rupa.
l will tell you. My name is Jhonny. l am Rupa's step father.
Your sister had bribed me, so that Rupa would be out of your life.
Go behind the Ram temple and see what Ravi is doing.
Mr. Ravi!
Rupa, you? You guys go. How come you are here?
l want Anju's letters and photos.
Strange! You didn't care about your own prestige to save your friend's?
l haven't come here to listen to your blabbering.
l've come to take Anju's Ietters and photographs.
These are the love letters and Iovely photographs of your friend.
Ok, one deal is over.
Now.. shall we settle our old account?
Where are you going?
What are you staring my face for? Go!
Dear, l have been waiting for this chance for many days now.
Where are you going, you rascal?
Dear, come back after washing your face.
Pull him up!
So, dear, you are pulled up?
And if God wishes, you'll remain up there till the police come.
Here come the police. Down you come!
Anoop, you here at this moment? So late at night?
Um.. l.. that.. - What's the matter, child?
l've come to say that l cannot marry Anju.
What are you saying, child? You got engaged to her just today!
l am sorry, but l am helpless, doctor.
Child, what is the reason that you can't marry Anju?
l love someone else. - That means..
l had a big misunderstanding about that girl.
To the extent that l hated her.
But l came to know the truth only after going home from here.
That girl has faced too much injustice.
Who is that girl? - Rupa.
Anoop, do you know about Rupa's parents, her family..
Yes, l know everything. - And yet you are ready to marry her?
Yes. - No! First l want you to forgive Anoop's behavior.
Sister! - Shut up!
l promise you that l won't let this relation break till l am alive.
And that marriage cannot take place.
But l've decided. And no one can change that decision.
Anoop! - Sharda, it's useless now to be so obstinate.
Now you bless Anoop that he marries Rupa and lives happily.
As far as l know, Rupa is a very good girl.
But she has a big flaw. She is a bastard! - Sister!
Anoop, if you marry Rupa, l'll kill myself.
Listen, Sharda. You can do whatever you like.
But Anoop will marry Rupa and l will do her Kanyadaan.
What are you saying? - l am saying the right thing.
lf Rupa is an illegitimate child, it's not her fault. It is my fault.
l haven't told this to anyone till now.
But Sharda has insulted Rupa by saying her bad words.
l couldn't bear it. So l am forced to say the truth.
Rupa is my daughter!
l came to know that Rupa is my daughter only a few days back.
l know, Uma, that l have shocked you by saying all this.
Forgive me. And if possible, consider Rupa as your child.
Child, don't be sad for what has happened. Rupa is your sister.
She has gone through a lot. Her happiness is now ours.
Child, l only want to tell you that keep her happy.
Child, go and call Rupa.
Um.. she has gone away. - Where?
She hasn't gone anywhere. She is here.
Rupa, since when are you here?
l've heard everything.
But why didn't you tell me till now that l am your daughter?
Child, l feared that you might hate me after knowing that and..
Hate you? l have known today that you are my father.
But l've considered you my daddy since long back.
With all your heart?
Then come. l will hug my daughter.. front of every one today without hesitation.
l have two daughters from today onwards.
Sharda, what are you thinking? Is there still confusion?
A big confusion! l realize my mistake.
But being an elder sister how do l ask for forgiveness from my bro?
God bless you. Come here, child.
That's better.
We'll fulfill this love. Stay in each other's eyes.
l won't make you cry. We'll Iaugh, some other day.
What will we do today? - We'll only sing today.
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