The European Union has slapped a record two-point-seven billion-dollar fine on Google for violation
of an antitrust law.
It's the largest amount regulators have ever imposed on a single company in such a case.
The European Commission said Google had abused its power by promoting its own shopping comparison
service at the top of search results and demoting rivals.
The EU gave Google 90 days to end such conduct or face further penalty.
Google says it may appeal the ruling.
For more infomation >> EU slaps Google with record fine over shopping service - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
India to receive the final 'White Tail' C 17 - Duration: 2:17.
10 habits that damage your kidneys - Duration: 4:31.
Our kidneys are super important for our health.
They filter our blood, produce hormones, absorb minerals, produce urine, eliminate toxins,
and neutralize acids.
So as one of the most important organs in your body, your kidneys deserve some love.
Damage or steady decline of your kidneys can often go unnoticed for years as your kidneys
can still do their job with as little as 20% of their capacity.
Therefore kidney diseases are often referred to as "The Silent Diseases".
That's why it is so important to take care of them before it is too late.
10 common habits that can cause serious damage over time.
Habit 1.
Not Drinking Enough Water.
Your kidney's most important function is to filter blood and eliminate toxins and waste
When you don't drink enough plain water during the day toxins and waste material start
to accumulate and can cause severe damage to your body.
Habit 2.
Too Much Salt In Your Diet.
Your body needs sodium or salt to work properly.
Most people however consume too much salt which may raise blood pressure and put a lot
of stress on the kidneys.
As a good rule of thumb, no more than 5 grams of salt should be eaten on a daily basis.
Habit 3.
Frequently Delaying The Call Of Nature.
Many of us ignore the urge to go because they are too busy or want to avoid public bathrooms.
Retaining urine on a regular basis increases urine pressure and can lead to kidney failure,
kidney stones, and incontinence.
So listen to your body when nature calls.
Habit 4.
Kick The Sugar Habit.
Scientific studies show that people who consume 2 or more sugary drinks a day are more likely
to have protein in their urine.
Having protein in your urine is an early sign your kidneys are not doing their job as they
Habit 5.
Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies.
Eating a clean, whole food diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits is important for your
overall health and a good kidney function.
Many deficiencies can increase the risk of kidney stones or kidney failure.
Vitamin B6 and magnesium, for instance, are super important to reduce the risk of kidney
An estimated 70 to 80 percent of Americans isn't getting enough magnesium, so there
may be a good chance that you are one of them.
Habit 6.
Too Much Animal Protein.
Over consumption of protein, especially red meat, increases the metabolic load on your
So more protein in your diet means your kidneys have to work harder and this can lead to kidney
damage or dysfunction over time.
Habit 7.
Sleep Deprivation.
We have all heard how important it is to get a good night's rest.
Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases and kidney diseases are also on the
During the night your body repairs damaged kidney tissue, so give your body the time
to heal and repair itself.
Habit 8.
Coffee Habit.
Just as salt, caffeine can raise blood pressure and put extra stress on your kidneys.
Over time excessive consumption of coffee can cause damage to your kidneys.
Habit 9.
Painkiller Abuse.
Way too many people take painkillers for their small aches and pains, while there are many
all-natural, safe remedies available.
Excessive use or painkiller abuse can lead to severe damage of liver and kidneys.
Habit 10.
Alcohol Consumption.
Although there is nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine or having a beer once in a
while, most of us don't stop after just one drink.
Alcohol is actually a legal toxin that puts a lot of stress on our kidneys and liver.
Thanks for watching.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.
Mariposa de Barrio | Capítulo 01 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 24:00.
<i> This will be his first time</i> <i> addressing the press</i>
<i> after learning</i> <i> of his daughter's death.</i>
<i> Listen up, everyone.</i>
<i> I have a request.</i>
<i>You'll think it's very unlike me</i> <i> once you hear it.</i>
<i> I'm going to sing</i> <i> about my last wish.</i>
<i> Women die, too.</i>
<i> When I die,</i> <i> I want a celebration. </i>
¶<i> I want a party</i> <i> to celebrate my passing.</i> ¶
¶<i> I want </i> <i> my loved ones present.</i> ¶
¶<i> Remembering my smile</i> <i> and the way that I cried.</i> ¶
<i> I love what I do.</i>
<i> I sing by the grace of God</i> <i> because it is His will</i>
<i> because it's what I learned</i> <i> from my parents.</i>
<i> I do it for my people</i> <i> and my children.</i>
<i> I want to teach my kids to do</i> <i> more for our community</i>
<i> and Mexicans everywhere.</i>
¶<i> I demand a Norteño band</i> <i> and a tololoche.</i> ¶
¶<i> Have a drink on me</i> <i> and take a hit or two.</i> ¶
¶<i> The people's daughter is gone.</i> <i> She was...</i> ¶
<i> Not once did I think</i> <i> I'd become an inspiration.</i>
<i> I just wanted</i> <i> to survive.</i>
<i> But I'm glad my desire</i> <i>to survive has inspired others.</i>
<i> ¶ I'd like my last party</i> <i> to be in Long Beach. ¶</i>
¶<i> I want my brothers</i> <i> to sing to me,</i> ¶
¶<i> my mother to hand out flowers,</i> <i>for my father to take pictures</i> ¶
¶<i> and for my sister</i> <i> to read my letter.</i> ¶
¶<i> Drink tequila and beer.</i> <i> Have the bands play loudly.</i> ¶
<i>Release butterflies in my honor</i> <i>and give me a standing ovation.</i>
¶<i> That's what's expected</i> <i> at a grand lady's funeral.</i> ¶
Shay! - ¡SHAY, SHAY!
What's wrong, Juan? Quit screaming!
Where's Shay? I have to talk to her.
She went for a jog on the beach.
Why are you all worked up?
Something huge is coming our sister's way.
I have to find her. This can't wait!
Stop this and tell me what's going on!
I looked for you at your house, but Rosie said you were here.
We need to talk.
Is something wrong? Are the tickets not selling?
It's quite the opposite.
They had to prepare a section they'd never had to before
for any artist!
1,500 extra seats.
You just sold out the Staples Center!
You did it!
You're a star!
I own Los Angeles!
¶<i> I am divine!</i> ¶
¶<i> I'm a sexy lady.</i> ¶
¶<i> I show off my curves.</i> ¶
¶<i> After a few tequilas,</i> <i> you'll think I'm divine.</i> ¶
<i> ¶ I look</i> <i> nothing like Shakira... ¶</i>
Damn it!
If I don't do it, it doesn't get done.
Chiquis is a large, but she swears she's an extra small.
¶<i> I'm nothing like Thalia.</i> ¶
¶<i> My boobies look nothing</i> <i> like Tetanic's</i> ¶
¶<i> and my butt</i> <i> looks nothing like JLo's.</i> ¶
Let's hurry so we can make it on time.
What's all this?
Pete's idea. He wants you to arrive in style.
How am I going to get my big butt in there?
Let's go!
Only Pete would have me show up like this!
I wanted to be with my kids.
Don't worry about them. They'll be there.
Tonight's going to be huge!
I like Pete's idea.
The superstar treatment, which is what you are.
The Queen of Long Beach, like Daddy says.
You deserve this after everything you've been through.
Are Mom and Dad coming?
They'll be in the front row with the kids
and the rest of the Riveras.
I sold out the largest arena in Los Angeles.
And I have two guests of honor!
And what guests!
With Alejandra Guzman and Olga Tañon, it'll be a long night.
But you deserve it! Let's toast to that!
To what you always dreamed.
Showing the world who Jenni Rivera is!
Let's toast.
I'm toasting with water, but I'm very proud too.
Water? Really?
We're toasting with that tequila,
but I promise that soon we'll be toasting with mine,
with Jenni Rivera-brand tequila.
Let's toast to Long Beach, the place where I was born,
and to the Mexican roots I'm proud to represent.
JUAN: ¡ESO! [Risas]
What's going on out there?
What's that?
Jenni! Jenni!
Your fans are calling out to you!
Tell the driver to take a different route!
No! I want to greet them!
You can't do that! We'll get in trouble!
I'll say hello 'cause no one loves them like Jenni does!
Hey! How are my nasty girls doing?
<i> I swore everyone would respect</i> <i> Long Beach's rebellious girl.</i>
<i> I made it happen too.</i>
-You're nothing! -Let go.
No! You're not going anywhere!
-I set the rules. -Take your hands off me!
Where do you think you're going?
You're not leaving until you tell me who...
No one!
I come straight home from work. I don't make any stops!
You think I believe you? I don't!
You wear makeup! You look like a whore!
I do it for you, damn it!
You love acting like a whore!
You love flirting with other men.
-Since you love it so much... -No, please don't. Not now.
Not now. Please! I'm going to be late.
-Not now. -Come on.
-Mommy? -The baby.
-She can wait. -The baby, Trino!
-The baby's calling, damn it! -See?
I want us to get along, but you make it impossible!
She can cry for a while. You're just spoiling her!
Don't lock the ------- door!
She'll only get worse now that
you want her competing in stupid beauty pageants.
I won't pull her out!
Really? You're wrong.
My daughter will not take part in any dumb pageant!
I can't do this anymore. Our lives are hell.
I know!
Let's try to get along.
Just do as I say and stop acting like a whore.
Hey! I'm not done talking!
-I'm not done talking, bitch! -Let go!
I'm not done talking!
Know why I'm leaving?
-Why? -Because you're a liar!
I lost weight because you called me a ------- cow!
-A ------- cow! -You're fat!
I lost weight because of you!
You haven't dropped a ------- pound!
Where are you going?
You're not... Where are you going?
Get this through your ------- head.
You're my wife and you're staying here to tend to me!
I won't!
You have to work hard to be someone in life
and you clearly don't get that!
It's a shame you can't try to give us a happy life.
Don't shove me!
We're almost there, honey. We're just running late.
Do you and Daddy love each other?
We love each other very much,
just like your classmates' parents.
Then why doesn't Daddy say nice things to you?
He does say nice things.
He says them when you're not around
because he doesn't want you to get jealous.
He says them when you're with your grandparents or asleep.
Is he your prince charming?
Yes, honey. He is.
Heaven must be missing a few angels.
Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?
What's up? My name is Janney.
Wow! Even your name is beautiful.
Thank you.
Don't say that because I know you.
Come here!
You probably argued with Trino again.
You look like you've been crying.
He wants me to quit my job and that's not happening.
Why's that?
He says I only dress up so I can flirt with other guys.
I'm sure you two argued and things got heated.
I know you.
I had to stand up for myself.
If I hadn't from the start,
he wouldn't have let me attend school.
Just be patient. He's your daughter's father.
Besides, she's older now and she picks up on things.
Yes, but I've tamed that tiger.
-Don't you worry. -Right.
Just remember that your dad's record label is doing well
and he wants his children to work with him.
We can help you. I'll call him.
No, don't! I'm late as it is.
Tell the kids I'm waiting...
We're ready.
How are you, princess? What's your name?
You're so beautiful. How are you?
Isn't Lupe going to school?
He and Gustavo went to the label early today.
Alright. Head to the car.
Where's my kiss?
God bless you, honey.
You are my rock and my role model.
Where's my princess? Why do you look so sad?
Be good, finish all your food, and listen to Grandma.
Give me a kiss.
Alright. Be good.
We have places to be and we're running late.
So your conceited wife won't quit her job?
That idiot thinks so highly of herself.
I won't let up until she quits.
I sure hope so.
A bunch of my friends have told me
all she does is flirt with other dudes.
Again with that?
Don't tell me what I already know.
It sucks that you got involved with that gringa.
Mom wanted a Mexican woman for you.
Someone born and raised in Mexico!
I had no choice. She got pregnant.
You don't even know if she's yours.
I have no doubt she's my daughter.
Besides, I had to take responsibility for both
or else the Riveras would've kept threatening me
that if I didn't, they'd ---- me all up.
Jenni's 18 and you two aren't married.
If you leave her, no one will reproach you.
That's what she wants.
For me to leave her so she can go whore it up.
Not going to happen, though. I call the shots here.
-I say when we're over. -Or when the spell wears off.
Because you're obviously crazy about her.
Leave! Get!
I know.
I swear it won't happen again.
I'm worried about Janney.
She and Trino are having problems again.
What'd I say when I met him?
I never liked him for her.
I know, but what could we do? The heart wants what it wants.
Good thing she's strong and has her temper.
And we're here for her too.
You know she's very stubborn.
She puts on an act so she won't have to ask for help.
All marriages have problems.
This is different.
I noticed something in her eyes that I didn't like.
I'm really worried.
Relax. I'll talk to her.
I'll offer her a job at the label.
Maybe with the extra income things will get better at home.
I'm sick of stupid Trino!
I'm going to get fired 'cause of him!
You going to put up with him forever?
-Leave him! -I can't! He's my husband.
I'm just following my mother's example.
That's for weak women and you're everything but.
-I know. -Then?
You think he wins every time he beats me?
I hit back!
I'm with him to prove that I'm strong and that I can do it.
Though not many believe me.
I'll do what I've always done.
I'll fight... and go on dreaming.
Come on!
Make it a good one!
Come on!
Jenni! Jenni!
Jenni! Jenni!
Let's go, man!
Run! Run, honey!
That's it, honey! Run!
-We won! -We won, Lupe!
Great, Shay!
Look at how dirty you are!
Hi, Mom!
What's the meaning of this, Dolores Janney?
Don't call me that, Mom. You know I don't like it.
And I don't like it when you look like that.
She wasn't fighting this time.
Thanks to her, we beat the black kids,
who were making fun of her because she's a girl.
-But she showed them! -You think that makes me happy?
Pedro, you're the oldest.
I told you not to mix your sister up in that.
Especially not with those people!
You know they don't like Mexicans!
They'll have to learn respect.
These Americans think we're here to steal their jobs,
and we're not!
We're here to make an honest living.
Why have a daughter? To turn her into a boy?
-She refuses to wear dresses! -I don't like them, Mom!
Did you hear that?
-Janney! -Rosa!
-Get back here, Janney! -Quit pitching a fit!
-You make me so mad! -Leave her alone! She's happy.
You're going to hurt yourself.
Now get me a beer while I put some music on.
¶<i> You say</i> <i> you don't love me,</i> ¶
¶<i> that the world's pleasures</i> <i> are far more important.</i> ¶
¶<i> Today, I ask you </i> <i> to walk away.</i> ¶
¶<i> It's over between us.</i> ¶
<i>You'd rather spend your time in</i> <i> bars, drinking with friends,</i> ¶
¶<i> and drowning</i> <i> the sorrows</i> ¶
¶<i> caused by women</i> <i> who claimed...</i> ¶
Janney, open the door.
Yes, Mom!
Hold on.
I'm changing.
Don't! ¡NO!
What were you doing, honey?
It's late and I thought you were asleep.
I got you something.
-For me? -Yes.
Help me open it.
This is so cool!
Do you like it?
She's so cute, Mom!
-I know. -So cute.
I'm going to call her Chayito.
Take good care of her.
Don't break her like the others.
That's what you should be doing, honey.
Playing with dolls, brushing their hair,
instead of playing baseball or marbles with your brothers.
Then get me a sister.
I'm sick of being surrounded by boys.
Lupe was supposed to be a girl. You lied about that.
Oh, honey. If only it were that simple.
Only God decides.
He only gives you boys.
I hope He makes the right choice this time...
and gets me a little sister.
I hope so.
Get to bed. You have school tomorrow.
Maybe if you sing to me...
I'll hold Chayito.
Sing one by Chayito Valdez.
-Chayito? -Yes.
There you are.
¶<i> You say you don't</i> <i> love me,</i> ¶
¶<i> that the world's pleasures</i> <i> are far more important.</i> ¶
¶<i> Today, I ask you </i> <i> to walk away.</i> ¶
¶<i> It's over between us.</i> ¶
<i>You'd rather spend your time in</i> <i> bars, drinking with friends,</i> ¶
¶<i> and drowning the sorrows </i> ¶
¶<i> caused by men</i> <i> who claimed to love you</i> ¶
¶<i> and broke your heart.</i> ¶
Jenni! Jenni!
What are you doing, Mr. Miguel? How embarrassing.
It's not. You were great!
You could be a talented singer.
You know, when I was younger, I wanted to be a famous singer.
Why not?
You're still young.
It's never too late to make your dreams comes true.
That's crazy talk, Mr. Miguel.
It's too late for me to do something like that.
Listen, I hope you change your mind.
Maybe then one day, instead of showing me movies,
you'll show me your albums!
That's ridiculous.
Wishful thinking doesn't change the facts.
Did you enjoy the movies I recommended?
Yes. My family loved them.
Any other picks? You have great taste.
-Excellent taste. -Right.
What are you in the mood for? Horror, romance, suspense?
-How about all three? -Okay.
GARTH 7 -7 -2017 - Duration: 4:46.
HEY TRIPPSTERS okay first and foremost Lindsay you are awesome
okay guys Lindsay is one of the people that watches my videos and she made a
comment to me earlier today and I could not believe I had not thought of this
okay so Lindsay thank you so much guys this video comes to you because Lindsay
suggested it okay it has to do with Garth and this is well I'll just jump
out into it Garth has a special announcement coming up we're supposed to
watch social media for the announcement okay which means since it didn't come
today at least not yet and it's like 10 o'clock at night so I don't figure it's
coming today it's probably going to be here tomorrow which is Wednesday because
they said it would be here before Thursday okay and then whatever he
announces on 3rd Wednesday they're going to discuss on a special edition of
intensity og on Thursday okay here's the thing that Lindsay pointed out to me 7-7
17 hmm okay and I could not believe I had not thought of this we all know how
much Garth loves is obsessed with lucky number is seven so maybe whatever this
announcement is has something to do with July 7th 2017 which is next week okay so
now this is not a personal thing this is just my thinking and well I guess when Z
is thinking which got me thinking that way Thank You Randy but it makes total
sense if you think about it no we're not saying that's actually true we're just
saying hey you know he's obsessed with the number seven and we have July which
is the seventh month and then the seventh of July so that's seven seven
and then obviously the year 2017 so since everything is breaking this week
be it you know the the announcement coming tomorrow the special inside
studio G Thursday and then the following week
think it's on Friday is when seven seven seventeen is so maybe possibly the
announcement will have something to do with something that garth is going to do
on that day the seventh month the seventh day of 2017
that is a week and a half from now so Lindsey that is awesome and I cannot
believe I did not think of this as obsessed with girth as I am oh my god
you are freaking awesome okay guys I call her Lindsey her name on
YouTube is coffee chatting with Lindsey okay so but she is a fellow youtuber and
she actually gave me this idea Lindsey again thank you so much this was awesome
now like I said we don't know that this is going to happen but since Garth is
obsessed with sevens he's got two huge things happening this week one being the
announcement tomorrow the next one being the whole big special edition of inside
Studio G but I mean you know with everything happening this week and then
the seventh seventh seventeen next week we thought maybe there was a connection
okay so gasps let me know what you think in the comments below do you think
there's going to be a connection and if so what do you think it's going to be
because my personal opinion is I think whatever he's going to announce tomorrow
is just going to be some special concert or something
but that's just my opinion you know because I don't figure he's going to
make an announcement for any CD's box sets anything musically until like
October because it won't be released until November on Black Friday but
that's just my thoughts on this situation
Lindsey you're awesome okay guys let me know your thoughts in the comments below
do you think it's going to be about seven seven seventeen do you think it's
going to be about something else do you think this is an insane theory or
do you think it's plausible just let me know your thoughts and that is going to
do it for now and again Lindsay thank you so much I love you oh my god you're
awesome but that is going to do it for now this isICEPETS Queen and I am
tripping out
You haven't reached your goal? Try that - Improve your self-esteem #59 - Duration: 2:13.
FINISH THE SONG | PUNJABI SONGS 2017 - Duration: 3:12.
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