e-fluentenglish.com MC11 In The Garden
Look at this PAVING.
It's called CRAZY PAVING because each
piece is a different size, a different shape CRAZY PAVING
For more infomation >> Learn English MC11 In The Garden CRAZY PAVING - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
STOLEN Disney Princess Carriage! Froze Elsa Loses Her Dress w/ Spiderman Frozen Anna vs Mary Poppins - Duration: 15:30.
STOLEN Disney Princess Carriage! Froze Elsa Loses Her Dress w Spiderman Frozen Anna vs Mary Poppins
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🎮 Fun Animal Pet Care - Pony Girls Kids Games Learn Colors Makeover & Hair Salon | Games For Kids - Duration: 19:43.
Fun Animal Pet Care - Pony Girls Kids Games Learn Colors Makeover & Hair Salon | Games For Kids.
Hi guys! Good Afternoon from Tenerife.
Nice to see you again with me Tika in A.siaVlog.
Today's video is a cooking video.
But it's a little bit different than the other cooking video.
Because this video is a collaboration video with VIM
If you don't know what is VIM (Vlogger Indo Mancanegara).
Please, click on the bell to receive my notifications every time I upload a video. Thank you!
My first minute - Part 10
Sakura: Look interesting...
Sakura: How people do it to look interesting? What I´m doing...Christ...This is so...No,No,No I can´t do it...
Sakura: I´m ashamed of myself...I´m going out!
Ino: Sakura!!
Ino: Don´t tell me that you are thinking to going out...
Sakura: Ino...I don´t think that I can do it...Ok? And he don´t even be here
Ino: Hell!! Yes, but listen. You are here now. And now is the present and in your present there are really beautiful boys. Just look around you./Sakura: That is not a good advice...
Ino: Maybe the only thing you don´t like about them in that they aren´t Sasuke...But give them an opportunity.
Ino: Come on! Come on! Let a beautiful boy to invites you to dance
Ino: And please...Without the poor guy feeling threatened to lose their male parts in the process
Sakura: Look interesting...Smile...Talk...Why is all so hard?
Song :) IDFC - Blackbear
Sakura: Shanaroo!!! He came!! Aleluya!
Sakura: Ok, ok, Ok...And now what? Walk to him? Or...
Sakura: What did Ino say?/ Ino: When you know that he look at you flirt with others guys. He will not stand it. Interesting and Indifferent...Make him pursue you and get the hell out//Sakura: Uh...
Sakura: No, Sasuke is not the type of boy that "pursue" girls...And definetely I won´t run. No, No.
Sakura: Is he still there?...Oh, damn!
Sakura: What would the Inner Sakura do?
Deidara: Oh, look what we got here! You dance with me?
Deidara: Come on...Don´t be like that...If you don´t wanna dance..How if we...?/Sakura: No.
Deidara: I´m talking with you.
Sakura: You don´t understand when a girl says no!?
Deidare: Listen...
Deidara: Ah, Sasuke
Sasuke: Deidara/ Deidara: Do you like the party?
Sasuke: It is actually a bit boring/Sakura: Who is this Sasuke?/Deidara: You can´t say that seriously. This place is really cool!
Sasuke: This place...The music, girls...I´m tired of the same.../Deidara: !!
Sasuke: I will leave early./Deidara: Oe, Oe, Wait!
Deidara: I have what you need
Sasuke. Eh?/Deidara: Just put a little on your tongue until it dissolves
20 Opinions On 20 Positive Quotes 📖 ~ Mr2ndopinion.com ~ 📖 0152 - Duration: 10:53.
Ladies & Gentlemen today we going to go over 20 quotes!
I'll be giving my point of view.
If you had different thoughts let us know in the comments!
Let's hit it!
Let's get right into it because 20 is quite a bit!
Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enhusiasm!
I don't know how many times a day for whatever period of time I
just wanted to put my head in my lap and call it quits!
Sometimes I did!
But I always remember myself I should take to many breaks from trying to reach happiness
and cheer up!
Dream big and dare to fail!
Failure is good, if you take a break & you reflect upon what happened.
No matter who or where you are or what your position is... you will always
face failure & difficulties, they will just be different once.
What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Shame, Pain & lies you can see it in one's eyes but you can also see
courage, entitlement & joy!
You must be the change you wish to see in the world!
I find this one oh so true but oh so hard to develop.
Because if you don't turn a blind eye for troubles it'll
be hard to accomplish.
Find balance in facing your fears & solving them.
Don't lose yourself to a one-sided story.
A story always has many perspectives.
Tough Times Never Last But Tough people do!
In a moment, a very gruesome moment it can feel like your world is about to collapse.
Don't ever let your thoughts take over your mind because of the feelings you have
at just one moment in time.
Rule with your feelings, don't be ruled by them.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.
Great this packs a punch of knowledge.
It's telling you to see the shadow sometimes althrough it's not pleasant as we all know!
But think like your in someone else his shoe's.
Jump out those shoe's whenever it gets uncomfortable and return to them once you gained
courage again!
You will become a strong person if you dare!
There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way.
You know what your way is... it's a beautiful, joyful one.
Help others do the same!
The best way out is always through
You can't escape anything, face it, it's easier but when something creeps up on you
do escape from it, escaping something can be more than running away from it.
Make it a joyful ride.
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
The strongest tool you'll ever have!
Make each day your masterpiece
You don't have that much time!
Enjoy the beauty of life and don't lose focus.
The best dreams happen when you're awake.
You don't have to dream anymore in my opinion when you know what you
should be looking for and if it's not there change the world how you want to see it
Imagination is a race-horse, reality is your track.
Once you choose hope anything is possible
You can't lose hope, you can get desperate, sad, cynical but once you have hope
it'll ring a bell on whichever background you placed it.
Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail
Patience and anything is possible, maybe not for you but for thousands of others!
Don't count the days make the days count!
Trust in it, make the days count because great memories are built and last!
Trauma's are built and recovered from... personally I had serious trauma's in my life.
They don't count to me anymore, my friends & family do
You must not only aim right but draw your bow with all your might
If you have the tools you have to unlock yourself next!
Because you are the best thing that ever happened
to me.
When you come to a roadblock take a detour
Any kind of detour will do, never ever let someone stop you in your life
Every strike brings me closer to the next home run...
This reminds me of something I once said: I don't hit a hole in one,
I hit all the holes in one.
Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear
Don't let anyone dictate how to think because they believe it's dangerous
people with doomsday thinking are dangerous.
Tread on your path with care.
It is never too late to be what you might have been
Don't feel blue about days overdue instead listen to Seth and
live like your starting over brand new
There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.
Personally I can't stop doing my walks in life.
I can't...
I enjoy the extra mileage and I got good knowledge about
what cars can handle on the trips I take.
I've been at wonderful places and i'll be at a million more althrough
i'm still so young I can still experience so much.
I keep my senses, feelings and thoughts hightened so I can experience
it all and I will not be done short by those who seal my life before me.
Don't ever let your demons be the boss over you.
If so welcome to mr2ndopinion!
I'm glad you enjoyed this!
I know you did, it's because I know you!
So I'm happy to see you again soon!
Seth Carnett from mr2ndopinion!
Glad we nailed that!
Kalankini Badhu | কলঙ্কিনী বধূ | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Prosenjit - Duration: 2:21:22.
Hey Mister!
Hey Mister!
It's you!
Why? Are you surprised?
Where are you going?
First tell me where did you come from?
What do you think?
Don't make puzzles. Please say.
Does the jobless person
They have to go wherever
Someone gets tricked
Do you think I am helpless?
Tell me!
Why are you acting like a child?
You will be successful one day!
Correct! This is like my partner!
I am not your partner yet!
Okay! I have made a mistake!
If I say, to you!
Today, it is my birthday.
Oh! Now what shall I do?
Okay, close your eyes.
Open your mouth!
Digestive candy special!
Let's go somewhere!
Brother will return any time.
And if he finds that
They are also having a love affair!
May be they are making
And we are making love secretly
Isn't it?
Where did you learn so many things?
Hey, let's go...
Elder brother...
Please! Come! Let's go!
Hey! Where did you go?
Oh my guardian! Listen!
I went to meet my
So that we don't fight after marriage!
I will give you a tight slap!
Mother, look...
Mother, brother is beating me.
Khoka, has Mamoni returned back?
Yes! And look,
Oh my elder brother!
Oh, I understood! You have it first.
No, you have it.
You eat.
What has happened? - You broke it!
What have you started? There
What's the matter? - Father, you go!
Why are you here?
Why are you here? All mad people!
Hold your ears!
Hold it...
Mother, tell him.
I don't anything dear!
Hold your ears.
Sit! Get up! Sit!
Look, he is asking me to do sit ups!
I am coming!
Leave me!
Come! Come inside!
Drunken men and mad
He knows that he will
How long will this go on!
Wait, I will give you another fish!
Mother. Will you give me another fish?
Here, I will give you!
Why will you give yours? I will give!
Sister, yours!
You have yours.
It is enough for today!
Hiru, Hiru!
Yes, Madam!
Give the food to mother!
What? Now! Mother!
Ranjana! You don't have
Why are you angry brother-in-law?
Nothing has happened for being late!
Why are you becoming angry?
Brother, I will get up!
Go. - Listen!
Did you hear your brother?
It's alway happen in family.
Enought. I can't accept it.
I can't handle the
Everyone should take
Listen, I will clean the
No, I will do it.
Clean the tables after our
If I had this kind of brother,
He is not ashamed of it!
Elder brother will earn and he
How are you feeling?
Do you understand?
If I was you then I would
Oh, you need money to buy a rope!
Go and have your dinner!
Wait, I heard many things!
When you know he has
...then buy him a poison
What is the need of
A characterless, useless person
Listen! You have gone far away.
The rules over here
Inform this to your wives.
Master, it is late.
I have brought the food.
You keep the food here.
Has mother fallen asleep?
Like other days she
Okay, you leave now.
Have your meal.
Elder brother will earn and he
He is not ashamed of it!
Elder brother will earn and he
If I was you then I would
Oh, you need money to buy a rope!
"This life is a river, brother!"
"Somewhere it breaks
"Somewhere there is high tide,
"This life is a river, brother."
"This life is a river, brother!"
"Somewhere it breaks
"Somewhere there is high tide,
"This life is a river, brother."
Grandmother... Younger
No... this is false... I!
It is impossible. I am...
If mother comes to know she
She will scold me.
Grandmother... Please
Madam, when I went to offer tea..
..I found younger
What will I do then?
You go, I will see.
What has happened?
Your younger brother has left home.
Leave him.
"Someone cries a lot.
"Someone cries a lot.
"Someone build a nest of pain."
Get out. Some useless people!
What are you seeing?
Get up! Get out.
"This life is a river, brother."
"Somewhere it breaks
"Somewhere there is high tide,
"This life is a river, brother."
"They sit at the bank of family
"They sit at the bank of family
"Everyone will go one day by calculating
"Some are very happy
"Some are very happy
"Some people own other
"Somewhere there is high tide,
"This life is a river, brother."
"This life is a river, brother."
"Somewhere it breaks
"Somewhere there is high tide,
"This life is a river, brother."
"This life is a river, brother!"
Hello! Hello! I can't get network
This is Calcutta Telephone, mother!
Didn't you see that day?
Everyone was arranging
You do your studies!
I have asked you not
Give the newspaper!
Mou, I will leave soon.
Now, how will I go to school?
Earlier, younger uncle used to
Now what will happen?
Oh, I will ask you uncle.
What happened? Give me the newspaper!
I will give it...
It is good! What do you say?
Why are you saying this to me?
Women independence!
Neither we can control our sister,
I think the men are coward!
Listen! It is not
..that doesn't give respect
You should know him, understand him.
And it should not
Could you have driven
Now I am worried.
It is my responsibility
It's good.
He even didn't write a letter!
It would have solved all the problems!
If he write a letter, that's okay!
Do you know what do I think?
Rupsa, the teacher's daughter!
Really! What will you do?
How long will you lie to your mother?
Pradip! Pradip!
Come here once!
You search in Mr.
We still didn't say
And is it not better
Why, Mr. Sen is my friend.
But still police will
And I don't think they will accept
You are not wrong!
Okay, I will see.
Please drop Mou to her school.
Steps are being taken
The pigs coming from outside
Man power is needed to do this.
Bhola, will we get some tea?
You can see that I am blowing
These are not coals.
The railway station has
These are your creations!
Come and see for yourself.
It is saying,
You will not blow, you father will...
Bhola, we are asking for
Can't you hear it? Make it fast.
Or else we will destroy the shop.
It is hard to differentiate
If this small pigs stay in Kolkata,
I am a man of their father's
It's better to die out of flu.
You should have protested against it.
What happened? Protestor!
You are a coward if you are
You are also there,
Your protest under the monument.
No, today I will not be able
No master, don't get up.
Give me some more time.
Is every day the same?
Brother, can I get some tea?
But you will have to wait.
My dear son is giving me trouble!
Yes, children are sometimes!
Son! Whose son? I didn't get married.
Where will I get a son from?
Okay! Can I get some water?
Pechu! Pechu,
Just a little amount.
It will be not enough. I need!
Pechu will offer you 5 times!
You don't understand that.
It is true that he will
But you will get half glass of water.
Look, Pechu is coming!
Madam, you still didn't go to sleep?
I am not feeling sleepy.
It is very late. Go to sleep.
Does the jobless person
Rupsa, do you think I am helpless?
Seems like a poet. Stupid! Idiot!
Friend what is imagination?
You say that he whole day,
Mou, you came here suddenly!
Why I shouldn't have come?
No! I mean you came
I have heard everything.
First tell me when
When can I call you
Mou, you are very young.
Young! It is said that
Now, you tell me how long
Okay. I have made a mistake.
It is very late.
No, I will not let
You know my mother.
Just a glass of water.
Okay. Mother!
No. I will not have it
Okay. You sit;
I saw Mou came here.
Did you give her something?
She must have returned from school.
I asked her to have food,
She will drink water,
What has happened? Did she leave?
Yes. She left without saying anything.
She even didn't drink the water. Mou!
She is still young.
Read the letter. But one thing..
..no one should know
What? Why are not talking?
What are you thinking?
No, nothing!
What do you mean by nothing? Dream?
We are no one in this society!
I was thinking...
Sometimes I feel like destroying
And sometimes I feel like to!
Run away from everything!
Coward! Coward people talk like this.
Look, it is beautiful
They are free.
If I would have got such wings!
Then you would have
Not only me, dear. With you!
So you need wings now?
Yes. I want it.
Listen, Rupsa.
You will fall down.
Wait please!
I know. I am not a kid anymore.
Rupsa, wait.
Rupsa I know you are not
You will fall down.
Wait. Listen.
What if you fell down?
I would have drowned!
No dear, I will not
What are you staring at?
I am looking at you.
Will you say anything?
"There is something which
"You will have to understand
"The stored words are like
"The touch can be
"There is something which
"The river flows in
"The river flows in
"The two love minds."
"Bring each other close."
"The two love minds
"The peacock of the
"In creation."
"There is something which
"The bud blooms and smiles
"The bud blooms and smiles
"To collect the nectar."
"The honeybees come."
"To collect the nectar,
"They spread the smell in the air."
"In sweetness."
"There is something which
"You will have to understand
"The stored words are like
"The touch can be
"There is something which
"Cannot be said."
"Cannot be said."
"Cannot be said."
"Cannot be said."
The problem has been solved.
You think I don't know anything.
I am very old.
Mother, I searched
Who takes others information?
It is better to get rid
But I can't. I am his mother.
I can neither write the pain
You have worked hard.
Yes. I will go.
Bishu, look who is coming!
Ghyama sister-in-law.
There are Gopis all around,
Where are you going?
She can't hear.
Hey Ghyama sister-in-law!
Don't you have mother
We have them. But we don't
Then would we have sit on the rock?
Useless people on the rock!
What is that sister-in-law
Why do you want to eat? Wait, I
Such big bread! What is the amount?
You still can't talk properly!
Listen, brother!
Listen brother,
Come, I will go that way only.
You look new here. Where did
So many questions!
What is he saying?
Hey, Romeo!
Change your tools from the garage.
Then you will stop stammering.
Hey, what are you doing? Leave it.
Hey, what are you doing? Leave.
Bishu, take me.
Let's go. Everyone has run away.
Let's go.
My lord, you know when someone
... Then according to Hindu succession
And according to section
..and daughters and
...Everyone will get equal share!
And in 1956,
So Mr. Ghosh is saying nothing new.
He is demanding for
May be for his professional benefit.
My lord, I strongly object
.. passed by my lawyer friend.
Objection sustained.
Mr. Ghosh, is Mr.
Yes my lord!
In 1987 Mr. Susanta marries a lower ..
..caste woman against
Unfortunately, Mr. Mohitosh
So they had to settle
Mr. Mitra, is this true?
Not only that. According to Mr.
When Mr. Prasanta Mukherjee
..to bring back his
His own brother Mr.
..his brother as a cheater,
The court is adjourned for the day.
Oh, mother! There is no information.
But your sons are trying hard.
Take mother, have this.
Mother, you will see that
It's long!
I will leave.
One for whom you work hard,
Everything is my destiny!
If you give them something,
And if you can't give!
Sister, I served the meal to mother.
Did you just serve the
What are you saying sister?
You have formed your own team!
I don't think about profit or less.
She is my mother-in-law.
It is not enough to satisfy everyone.
To manage this ship like family,
I should not interfere in this.
Yes, if you would have taken the
Sister, you can say
Why? Why shall I tell him?
As you have got a brother-in-law
Shame, shame.
You wanted to say this? And so!
Okay, you separate us.
Do you think it will be helpful
Everyone knows to get their property.
One shareholder has gone.
If you have problem then we will also!
What? You said that to me!
Let everyone come.
Koruna! Koruna!
Coming madam.
Remember, my husband is a judge.
I know sister. I know.
My husband is a clerk.
But a clerk's pen has also got ink.
Isn't it sister?
Okay. I will see it.
Wait. Your voice has
I came here after so long.
Do you know Bhola.
But mother has never
She used to what is there to worry?
Your sisters-in-law will come.
They will love you
Really one day sister-in-law
I thought that I will be very happy.
I will complete my college.
Everyone will call me Dr.
But this didn't happen. This unlucky
You are still not done.
It is complicated.
You could have started it before.
It has started.
Can't you give straight answers?
What is wrong in it?
You should know how
I know what is right
Talk with your head down...
Take it.
You could have repaired
What did you say?
You must have forgotten
I don't accept anyone's grace.
Driver, start the car.
Give the money to
What will you do with
I need to clean the drain, mother.
I understood. I didn't grow old so
Who asked you to clean the drain?
Why? I asked him.
So daughter-in-law, are we so poor ..
..that we can't pay
Why? Household works should
And he has no work!
What did you say? I will see
I also didn't come here like that.
There is a limit to it.
I have my limit. After
Sister! What are you saying?
Sister, you should
Elder daughter-in-law,
If your education could
..then you could have seen the
I protested against it.
I understood that I am
So I came out.
Then, Bhola's shop, this footpath.
Sometimes I miss my mother.
Oh. Really!
What do you eat,
So when you said everything today,
We will share everything.
If you don't have any objection!
Hey, send 4 to 5 cups
I can't do it now.
What did you say? Whenever,
I will destroy your shop.
I will give you a tight slap.
You won't have to shave.
What did you say?
You will slap me. I will take revenge.
You will take revenge! You
And you will take revenge!
I will put hot water on you.
I will stop you from
What? I will come back rascal!
He will blast a bomb here!
You need to keep in touch with some
They are social workers.
Don't get angry dear!
Look, has anyone come?
Who is it? Who beat me?
Bhola, don't beat me.
Leave him. He will die. Leave him.
I will not spare him.
Rascal! Scoundrel!
Scoundrel! They will stop our work.
Mr. Prakash is behind this.
A tea seller beat me.
He was alone.
Who said he was alone.
That day the rascal who took
Let's go and cut his
No. If we blast a bomb now,
We will have to take care of Mr.
Shall I ask something?
What has happened to you?
My health is not good.
Are you not hiding anything from me?
If I say you the same.
You have also never
Whenever I have asked,
You have never said that
Sometimes you have high temperature.
You suffer a lot.
Who said this?
My mother!
When I wanted to
..she said that you have
If someone see it.
Molly! Am I so unknown to you,
There is something
It increases the sorrow.
No, Molly. No.
I will take you to the doctor myself.
Whatever amount is needed!
You are still a kid!
What else? Listen,
"Hey, you Molly!"
"Hey, what are you thinking?"
"What are you seeing?"
"I am thinking! What am I thinking?"
"I don't know how and
"I don't know how and
"Why do the honey
"Hey you, want to know?
"I don't know how and
"Dreams come in the eyes.
"Dreams come in the eyes.
"Love is running river."
"How can it be stopped?
"I don't know how and
"We will stay together in forever.
"We will stay together in forever.
"My heart wants you only.
"I don't know how and
"Why do the honey
"Hey you, want to know?
"I don't know how and
Molly... Molly, why there is blood?
Today it is Monday.
What? You will not say?
I just prayed that I should
Just this much!
What are these?
Can you see this tree?
I have heard that your wish will be..
.. fulfilled if you
What? Will you tie one?
Hey! You are standing here!
Did you get any news about him?
Don't worry.
Listen, I am telling you.
I will leave now.
Oh! I need to say you many things!
I will come!
Master! Master!
Once you asked for a boy!
Yes! Did you find him?
I have found someone! If you say,
Okay. Bring him. I will see.
Hey, brother!
He can't hear! Boss, he must be deaf!
We will launch a missile.
Mr. Prakash, we need to talk to you.
No! I can't hear anything. Nothing.
You will have to listen.
I don't want to listen to you.
Or else I will go
He left!
Thapa, you go to club.
What shall I do?
Abhik, you said many things
They all are false!
Stupid! Stupid!
Did you read the Mahabharata?
There Yudhistir is the king of religion
Again in the war!
He said Yashothama is dead.
Actually you listen to
What do you think?
You don't have brain?
Footpath! What is this footpath for?
To walk, to go to the office,
Again there are hawkers.
Anything which troubles
Try to think...
That's why I am saying..
This is for brain.
Hello! Yes I am coming right now...
Listen, I am in hurry.
My.. what say...
I want to go right now.
Master! Shall I put
Who sent you?
Your mother sent you.
Look, his mother sent him.
Look at him.
The head of the peace day is Mr.
I said you to think.
Always think about king
There is no fault in it.
Which cap did I wear
Rupsa! You came here
How are you?
Good! You?
You sit. I will be back after changing
I will join you right now.
You change your dress and have supper!
Don't go!
Mou, whom were you talking to?
Answer me properly.
After I asked you not go,
And then brought her to this house!
You slapped me!
This is destiny!
Look, I forgot to ask for your supper.
No, Aunty.
I talk too much after my son left.
Actually I am not his brothers
A mother feels very sad!
Master! Come!
Master, he is the
Oh. Come in dear. Sit.
Come. Sit.
And don't say,
..before seeing like Kunti,
And if he was Droupodi!
Bhola has read Mahabharata properly.
I got it...
That time Village
.. to felicitate
They asked me to give a speech
You have got independence
You have also given the award.
What award will you give after this?
You said this?
I said this. Then I was being slapped.
So where do you live?
Right now at Bhola's tea shop.
So will you not face any danger?
Don't worry, I am here.
Bhola, here is your tea.
Malini. He will stay in our
I forgot to introduce him.
He is Soumik Mukherjee.
And she is your aunty or sister-in-law.
I will call her sister-in-law.
I told you about the incident
Then there is no problem!
How can he stay in the garage?
Then shall I ask him to stay here?
Then is it good?
We saw the chariot, the banana
Oh Soumik, you heard it.
So start working from tomorrow.
Dear Rupa is cooking
She is a girl, so she must do it.
This is your fault.
That day she cooked a nice dish
Tell me how many girls
Okay. I have made a mistake.
I will never blemish Rupa anymore!
There is your daughter.
Give it.
You don't have to blow the wind.
Did you understand dear?
If you would have given
..it would be delicious!
You could have said this before.
Coconut is so costly that
Khoka is also earning now!
And government is
Can't we have delicious
So, I can't accept your words.
Okay. I will prepare
Look, who has come.
See. Give it to me.
Have your lunch.
Will you have it?
You have it.
Yes. You come inside.
Inside! No, I am in hurry.
Judge sir! Cone inside...
Ask your mother to prepare tae.
There is no need of tea.
I came here to say something.
If you ask I can say it over here.
Okay. When you are not ready
Say it. What do you want to say?
No, actually!
Dear, you go inside.
Dear, you go inside.
You came here leaving your meal!
No. Carry on, what do you want to say?
Sir, I am ashamed to say this.
You must know about the relationship
Yes. Obviously.
Soumik comes to our home.
I also used to go when
That relationship is!
I am not talking
I think you know that
We don't know where he has gone.
May be!
Are you talking about my daughter!
That may be a reason
Sandip, I am your teacher!
You could have asked this to my son.
That might be respectful!
They know you as an intelligent man.
Everyone knows you.
You are wrong.
You are Rupsa's father.
And in court there is
The decision is taken
I know. But this is not a court.
I have some dignity.
Sir, don't be upset!
I don't know how I
Teacher, please forgive
I have a request.
You just watch,
..to not to affect our reputation!
Rupsa is like my young sister.
If you arrange her
...Whatever amount is needed!
Good. Mr. Sandip, very good!
A new law is being
Everyone, including you
And to hide this,
And its price is 5, 10, and 15!
If father wouldn't have left,
Khoka, I didn't want to say like that.
I am imagining that if a
..it would be better for father.
Like you other Mr.
..the price would have increased!
My father would not have
Okay. If you want to say something more!
If you were not
Leave it.
I apology to waste your valuable time!
But you did not say him anything?
Wife, all the roses
But do all of them
Some goes to the prostitution area!
The same thing happened
If Khoka was at home!
Mother, I heard everything!
I told Mr. Sandip what should
What did you tell Mr. Sandip?
Father, they must be rich.
But our reputation
..that it could be
Khoka, do you remember
There is a line that we forget.
Today the same thing
I want to ask him,
It happened!
Look at you daughter! She is crying
You are young! Stay like that.
I came here after hard work,
No! Take me there...
Always crying...
Soumik is hopeless!
Who is it?
The door is not locked!
You got the time!
It is not good to keep the door
Thank god!
Quickly sister-in-law. Quickly!
Are you feeling sick?
It is nothing important!
Actually I thought
You have never been there.
You didn't say that in phone.
Okay. Leave it.
Do one thing! There is
I will bring your supper!
Very good! This is my sister-in-law!
It's Holi!
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Why did you attract me
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Oh my friend, why did you
"I stay very unmindful sometime.
"I stay very unmindful sometime.
"You are the lamp back of my eyes."
"Oh my friend."
"Oh my friend, why did you
"This bamboo became poisonous for me.
"This bamboo became poisonous for me.
"You put the love net
"Oh my friend."
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Why did you attract me
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Oh my friend, why did you
"Oh my friend, why did you
What has happened? You are
The anti-social people of you
Leave them! They are spending their
You don't have to think about them.
What happened? Eat!
Soumik, don't you
I remember!
Really! You have everyone.
Why? You are not anyone to me?
No. No. I feel very sad for you.
Request to go back home.
I have never regretted for
And I will very inferior
If you have any problem, I
No. No.
It is very late.
I will be late.
After coming back you are only
Come and have your dinner.
You have your dinner and go to sleep.
I said that I will be late.
Let's go.
Everything should be accepted.
The quarrel between
..and the wives is
Actually we hide 75%
But that doesn't mean
.. their heads before the elders!
You can't say that. The character
You are a member of this club.
You are involved with the
Previously how many women
Come. Come.
The environment of
.. after this
You are lucky to have her.
Look, does this match
Yes! Daughter-in-law.
We, the mother-in-law all
There was not such
I don't want to say
Malini, modify the design. Or
Okay. Then shall I leave?
Take this.
And listen, when I can't go so far,
Okay. I will do that
Okay? I will leave then. Bye.
Malini always reminds
She comes to me with
With that your grandchildren!
That is true.
Your sister-in-law is still alive.
Do your daughter and
Let me see.
Let me see.
How beautiful, mother!
You look fantastic.
Is it good to wear such
What are you saying? What is your age?
Does anyone have such
And who have such
Didn't you like it?
I have liked it a lot.
Didn't Rupsa come
Here I am. What is the news, dear?
What is the news, dear!
Come idiot and see what
Am I idiot? You are. - You.
Silence! The quarrel started again.
I will leave. Your father is coming.
You carry on with your quarrel.
Always quarreling.
Is this mine?
No, it can be for someone else.
It is very simple.
Really! I will hold your ears.
Say it.
Will you say it again?
Are you sure?
Brother, you admitted
Then you didn't take me to her.
Okay. I will take you.
Do one thing. Arrange them properly.
Tell me madam.
I don't know madam. I was cooking.
Master came and said that he will
Did you say where I was?
Why are you here?
I will drive you away from this house.
I. I mean!
Shut up. You are arguing with me!
Don't quarrel in evening!
You always think I am having quarrel!
I can't pamper servants like you.
.. them nor to treat them so rudely!
If you quarrel like this,
Locality people also discuss
I said what I have heard of.
Madam, I took care of
Master was very good.
You are not doing
The servants have left one by one.
Only this old man is left out.
Shut up.
You will leave this house right now.
Yes. Yes. Right now!
Madam, I have no one. Where will I go?
No. You will not go.
Hiru will stay.
This is the month of festival. If someone
Adam, if master came back today,
His family has ruined!
When the cooking has been separated,
Cooking is separated!
Very good! Sister, I didn't want this.
Okay if it is separated, then
You should have enough money
I know that. You are comparing the
No, sister. There is high
But the mind never changes.
Come. Come Hiru.
I couldn't.
I couldn't fulfill your dream.
Tell me what are you seeing?
While marrying me you said..
.. that Sandip should never
Tell me, I have kept my promise.
That day I promised you.
But what did I get in return?
Today, I could recognize
Everything is false. I remained
Ranjana! Here you are Ranjana!
Today I got the deal. So I brought
Other likes red bordered white sari!
It is the month for the festival.
Mother must be in the club. But
What happened?
Today we had a great quarrel.
Hiru was only left out!
What? Where is Hiru?
I have brought him back!
When you have brought the sari,
She has closed the door
Closing the door,
What has happened?
Mother has never shut the
When I am saying, go.
Give the sari yourself.
Okay. I will go.
Mother. Open the door.
It's me. Open the door!
Open the door.
Look, what I have brought for you.
your favorite sari. Look.
Open the door, mother.
Okay. You will not open the door?
Okay. I will wait here
Mother, open the door.
You have never closed the door.
Open the door. I am here.
Mother, look who is came.
Mother, open the door. Mother!
What is this mother?
Tell me mother.
Tell me why?
If it is needed I will
It is not possible, Sudip.
I have worn this dress on my will.
Many years passed.
Sudip, when one scolds you
Elder daughter-in-law
Mother, the one who points out
Where is sister-in-law?
Sister-in-law! - Sudip!
Mother! Tell me where is she?
I am here!
Yes. I have said what I have heard.
Now you must be very happy!
I hope, from the next time,
..yourself before rectifying others!
Then I shall be very happy!
I don't care about others feelings!
What are there rights,
They think themselves to be educated!
Do you have any doubt?
So you heard everything!
Whatever I saw while coming,
Will you judge now?
You can obviously do that
Do you have the capability
What judgment?
Your violence! Your arrogance!
Arrogance! Aggressiveness!
Yes, that is.
The sin you made today, it
I don't believe that
If everyone had the power to judge..
.. then there would
What sin did I make?
When a mother is trying
.. in the belief that
On the other side when
..to destroy that belief and
Then you are asking what the sin is!
If your brother's wife would have
..then could you have tolerated?
I don't want to hear
I said what the locality people say.
When the locality people
.. you should try to stop them.
You should not encourage them.
It's enough!
It is your decision.
But Mou has grown up. Take
I have that much knowledge!
Listen, when a snake bites,
But after biting many times..
..I don't know whether you have
What did you say?
I drove him away.
Do you know his contribution
What is your right to drive him away?
In the right of a wife!
You don't know the
Shoes should be kept under foot.
Shoes are made with skins!
What do you mean?
I can't elaborate it more decently!
Stop it. I say, stop it.
Where is Mou?
If she stays away from you,
So you have washed her brain!
What do you mean?
My responsibility is no less.
..that I am her father!
Mou, why are you crying?
But is it needed? You say.
Go to your room.
Mother I know you can't forgive ..
..your elder daughter-in-law
But, I am requesting
Won't you talk to me?
Okay. Then I will leave this house.
If my mother becomes happy,
After your father went missing,
But today you can't avoid this
If I say that Soumya
Whatever mistakes daughter-in-law
.. she is not responsible for it.
You are responsible for it.
Yes. You are responsible.
That's why today you are regretting!
With money, god also becomes ghost.
In greed,
Yes, I have made a mistake.
Sir. - Come.
If Khoka apologize for his mistake,
Don't stay quiet. Say something!
What is the matter?
Then tell me that
When you have understood your mistake,
It's okay.
Do you know, a student
But yes! Today I will not leave you.
You will have to accept
This is a teacher's
Rupsa. Rupsa.
We have no relationship.
Can't you listen to me once?
If you follow me then I
Rupsa, please.
"I don't like anything
"The dawn after night
"I don't like anything
"The dawn after night
"I don't like anything
"The love makes its
"The love makes its
"Only before my words
"Spring doesn't bring
"I don't like anything
"The memories only call back."
"The memories only call back."
"The storehouse of my love is empty."
"The dreams in my life
"I don't like anything
"The dawn after night
"I don't like anything
"The dawn after night
"I don't like anything
If I can leave my only
..then you can also get
I lost Molly forever.
Hey, don't cry.
Hey, stupid girl.
Don't cry.
Look at me!
Look at me. Look I am laughing.
You also smile.
Let me give you another!
Take it.
You didn't marry so couldn't
Now have food cooked by my wife!
Look, daughter-in-law is smiling!
Daughter-in-law, I may have grown old!
Then you can get married!
I can't say that
I wished to marry once!
This is by watching
The scene was,
And a girl called out.
A beautiful girl!
Hey, rickshaw, will you go?
A boy on that side also said,
So both of them rode on the rickshaw.
One rickshaw. Two passengers.
They were going.
So while going it happened?
What did happen?
Look, he is asking what happened.
Now tell him, what happened.
So I found that making
So I was waiting. I need
I used to call a rickshaw,
Hey rickshaw, will you go?
But no girl used to
So one day, when I called a rickshaw.
A girl from the other side also
So I ran towards it.
She jumped into the rickshaw.
But she slapped me.
Then I thought that
So, you will spend this festival
Yes, master! I have not
So I thought that I will
And then will visit my nephew!
I have a request to you.
What is your request?
I was saying that the heritage
Will it stop?
Heritage! For what?
Today you are talking about
Whose heritage?
What is left in it?
The son of this family is outside!
Cooking is done separately!
I have to hear the sound of the keys!
Where? You couldn't be separated!
You are not a doll.
Goddess Kali had to put her feet
You are unnecessarily trying!
You can hide the broken part
Mother I came here with
If this!
If it would have been someone else..
.. then I would say that
Do one thing. Discuss with
Sister has given her opinion.
That's why I am saying.
Daughter-in-law! See who is shouting?
You sit. I will see.
Sister, please leave it.
What are you doing?
Leave him. Listen to me.
Leave him, are you mad or what?
How are you feeling?
What you came to say?
My brother came to stay here.
I also had a brother!
Am I responsible for that?
You can't hide it.
I am observing that
If I say this is the
- Pride!
Yes, pride! You have done
This resulted that your only
You have lost the
No. this is your wrong assumption!
Mine or yours?
There is another wife in this house.
But has she ever shown you arrogance?
Learn this. Learn something from her.
That means you will not protest?
Okay. I will protest.
Sister! Help me!
I will drink water sister, I will
What do you want?
From 15,000 to 20. And 20 to 25!
How much more will you offer?
I can't understand what you
Go and ask your judge
..and what is making people greedy?
Please forget me.
I want to forget everything!
Let me stay alone, please!
I want to say you something!
Then do whatever you feel like.
But we can't talk here.
Okay. Where do you want to go?
That's why you ran
Do you know how your mother is?
I didn't have any other way!
I also want to earn, to build my home,
That's why you left
Do you think you can
Am I a coward?
- What else are you?
Do my hands say that?
What happened? Why are you surprised?
After coming out of my
Today I have the full responsibility
I have got everything there.
I wish to see mother!
Come. Let's go to home.
Not now. I will definitely return
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Breaking all the rules, with the song
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Breaking all the rules, with the song
"The river wants to flow
"The honeybees sing
"The river wants to flow by listening
"The honeybees sing
"If you have any conflict in your heart.
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Remember this day forever.
"Cover your pain with love."
"Remember this day forever.
"Cover your pain with love."
"Today don't stay away and your hand!
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Breaking all the rules, with the song
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Breaking all the rules, with the song
We will beat you.
You have become the owner.
Come here. Come.
Yes, sir. Come on.
Yes sir! Let's go.
Please come. - Let's go.
Thank you madam.
Let's go.
Let's go to home.
Can you take me to
Otherwise I will go by myself!
Tell me where will you go?
I was waiting for you.
You go away soon.
The meaning is clear!
Abhik, Tapa and Bishu
It is good!
Try to release them fast. Or else!
Are you scaring me?
Can you see how the candle
You are our candle I will
Are you scaring us?
If you want to be safe, run away.
First think about yourself!
Leave that. Can you release them?
I can't get involved in that.
Mr. Prakash came.
You have also ruined the life of
I will shoot you.
This is a festive season.
Is it good to eat before
Mr. Uma Sankar! Come.
I was waiting for you.
I promised you that
..street safely during this festival!
It's not only your responsibility
We should also contribute!
Now begin your work!
Mr. Prakash had come.
They are engaged with that.
Hey, come.
Avik, this is not good!
If we can return back,
Soumya, is it paining a lot?
Wait. Let me ask your
Hey, listen!
Can I say something?
A human always make mistakes!
If the mistake cannot be forgiven!
Then she will have to repent for it.
Can you pay for your mistake?
You cannot carry the burden.
Sometimes something
..life which matches
Today I realized that. I believe that.
This trust became bad in Mr.
In the greed of property,
..Mr. Susanta be like this?
Mr. Susanta is not only an enemy to
Cheater. Liar. Bad.
My lord.
Is your health! Are you uncomfortable?
Do you want to add
Yes my lord.
I want to finish by saying that Mr.
.. duplicate will should be rejected!
Your honor! And in view of that for..
..cheating his dead father
For cheating his dead father
Yes. Yes. He should be punished!
Sir. Sir.
Won't you go to home?
By hearing and seeing the evidences..
.. I accept the appeal of Mr.
And I reject the said duplicate will.
I accept the appeal of Mr.
And I reject the said duplicate will.
Did I make any mistake unknowingly?
You didn't make any mistake.
So I will repent for it.
But I also!
Giving encourages and being encouraged
Mr. judge! Mr. judge!
Rupsa! What has happened?
Why are you silent?
I need to talk to Mr. Sandip.
I want to ask him that
..to insult an honest teacher
This much! Nothing more!
I understood everything.
No, daughter-in-law. Let her speak.
Rupsa, what is written here?
You will know after reading.
But a request. Don't be late!
Excuse me! My car is not taking start.
Okay! Hey Sibu, go and check it.
Why are you waiting here?
The address!
- 14/A Nanda Mitra Lane,
You are working with me for so long!
Go and check it.
Has anything serious happened?
The boys of these days!
They will do the things
They don't listen to us!
He got involved!
Actually he was being beaten hard!
He takes care of the garage!
He wouldn't have done so
You went in their house!
No. I didn't meet the main person!
Main person!
Yes. Mr. Sandip,
Look dear, he has also
But I asked your mother not say this.
I know you wouldn't have
But what is the use of going there?
I don't know about its benefit!
Father, did I make a mistake?
I don't want to judge.
But if I was in your place,
Do you know father, today Rupa came.
I asked you not to
Wait. Wait. Cover the tea.
I am leaving.
Brother, I was coming to you.
Rupsa gave us a letter!
I heard it. What is written in it?
There is an address
Really! What is the address?
14A Nanda Mitra Lane, Calcutta - 40.
14A Nanda Mitra Lane, Calcutta - 40.
Brother, Rupsa wanted to
Yes! 14/A Nanda Mitra Lane.
Excuse me! Is Mr. Prakash at his home?
Yes. Who are you?
I am Sandip Mukherjee.
Oh. Come inside.
Shall I give you some tea?
I came here to find Soumik.
When you have come,
You will not have
But you will have to wait.
Come, let's sit.
Did I go to repair my
Yes. And he is in that garage.
After being cured he ignored all the
He forced me to come back.
But his injury has
I am working hard!
Look. If there is
.. the family is
Can you send a call to the garage?
A flown away bird to be put
One minute! You sit here.
Jay Shiva Shankar.
Jay Shiva Shankar.
I am ashamed to
My mother brought you as a wife
And what did you pay for it?
So many people suffered
And you didn't hesitate to turn
But, I lost my mind! Otherwise
That day when you apologized ..
..I thought that you have
But I didn't understand
Yes! Acting.
You didn't come to take Soumya back!
And today you came to take him back.
There must be some
Brother! What are you saying, brother?
I am correct. You don't know.
Today I will not hesitate
That day after Soumya's
Did you see your brother? How was he?
Internal hemorrhage!
He needs some more blood!
Otherwise he cannot survive!
I tried!
One bottle blood could
That too for the trial of Mr. Prakash.
Really. I will never
You should not forget!
Today I am a blemish by removing
Why are you saying this now?
Now you must not say that Soumya
..my arrogance and
And if he dies, then I
You shut up!
That time your sister
Besides she blamed me!
I am responsible for that.
Your wife doesn't know that
My wife felt bad for this mistake!
If that is it!
Not only that brother.
We couldn't know anything!
That day, for sister!
Please. Please doctor!
I understood your
Still this is not possible!
We also have to follow some rules.
And it is not possible
Doctor, Soumya is not only my
I can understand you.
Please save him.
Okay. Come with me.
We got back our Soumya again.
Then judge, the decision which
Not being a judge I have decided it.
But a real judge who created a scene
...Who will judge that?
By thinking a sin,
.. then you judge
Order! Order! Order!
You may precede, Mrs. Mukherjee!
Thank you my lord!
Look judge, our destiny!
We would not have to suffer if I knew
Where is Soumya?
Go. Go.
But paper...
Brother, I have taken
You should say it before.
Where are you going?
No. No. Don't go now.
There, they both are! 444!
"Let's run away by staring at each other
"Breaking all the rules, with the song
"Let's run away by staring at each other
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If you're someone who is tired of doing hundreds of crunches liquidated and still don get all that?
7:25 stay tuned today's video is for you like that is packed with science and give you
And those people this would be IPs back with another video now many of you guys know that you just have to do start from
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The girl you can't use fire from your arms or distance or venue or something you need to lose your own 45
but that does not mean that you won't be able to lose your very time because every process in this zone has a solution, so
Resolution is back with tiles, and we should you get business of losing your stubborn belly fat?
Okay, the first people in Dubai and hub this your belly fat office
So that we know the solution to it now as we all know that very fat
it's hard to lose that fat in other areas of your body now the difference between Stubborn Belly fat and
regular part is that it can be high amount of
substances with eternal life and not eternal life
Receptors which actually reduces the policies which is like basically?
Releasing energy rock factors into the blood so it's not getting relieved
What is it going to do is going to get stored, right?
So that's the reason why we call it seven belly fat
Now come to the beat of reducing Stubborn Belly fat and actually first thing as we all know is to cut down on sugar
So another two and I didn't move now the next thing is to do fast
It's argue because aerobic exercise is just as a biblical settings
Then you just open fire as the source of energy now aerobic exercises
Also increases blood flow to that turbulent region, so that will help you to burn up your very fat
So more does not look the most delicious is the most energy would be released
From the factored into the pillar and that's what we want to get it off the stubborn very fat
regardless of the Intensity aerobic exercises for at least 300 minutes
Hopefully will help you to lose or get rid of the stubborn very fast
Okay, now come to the exercise part of this don't worry. I'm not going to bore you must take those hostages
Or something like that because when you look into the n8o vision part of fitness there is no such thing as best
Exercise for any particular muscle
So when you want to get rid of belly fat you need a combination of resistance training and Anivia
2016 sizes so not talking about resistance training the kind of training program that I would emphasize off is
heavy compound wavelength, but heavy
I mean you need to lift around
70 to 85 percent of your one just max and Max come home with lipstick
I mean it should focus on big movements like your scores at this bench and
Addresses and ETc this will supercharge your metabolism this will not only help you get rid of your stuff and belly fat
But it also has youtube you know maintain that lead muscle nexus through juices and oil stop drinking
Too much of produces while you're on your belly fat loss process drinking large amounts of fruit juices may help you to gain
Abdominal size back again also they do provide you with essential
Minerals and vitamins but they are as high in sugar abso does and sweetened beverages like for example
eight ounce of
unsweetened Apple juice, just give you like 20 programs
Popsicles mainly office is preferred and that you really don't use when you're on any fat loss process also
Don't have high glycemic foods lightening later at night that will ruin your belly fat loss process
Instead of that as low glycemic foods like these which will computer maintain your blood sugar they avoid excessive insulin
response and will keep you pure for a longer period of time
With this also try and having entity os which was super few of your cells which will boost up your fat loss
process and
And so adding more activity then launching satellites and uploads
Less like you to be stored as body fat
It would be useful for your belly fat loss versus next point is Detox and as in water now
This is really first healthy Facebook
Basically you're the person and debasement a capsule
So when it's trapped out it can cause back to wind up especially around your belly area
So no matter what how many calories you restrict?
Fat Loss is nearly impossible and listen until you detox your level so already made a video honest pattern and it all strings
For this link is in the description, but what in this video?
You'll get to know how find it octave on your zipper
You will be able to get rid of harmful toxins and get so the Stubborn belly fat
also in this video has covered the topic of how by drinking lemon water you would be able to get rid of
Stubborn Belly fat so make sure you don't skip that video stop watching this one for this little be in the
description ok now come to the last and most important thing to get rid of your stuff and belly fat is your
Nutrition and diet it now literally comes down to what food choices you make on daily basis to get rid of your stubborn belly fat?
So you need to make sure to count down your macros where you are a last edge of losing yourself in very hard
But it is a lot of times that we need to cut cost totally from your life to get rid of your 35
Don't do so if you're on a balance that I to make sure you consume moderate tops because no body does need God well
You're going to perform they become bound and lives
also, make sure to keep your protein intake high because that will make sure to gain some lean muscles and all of the fat as
Well first complete vegetarian and Non-vegetarian
Diet for losing belly fat make sure you check out the link at the description
as we do reviews on full day of eating for fat loss, so we
Lose and check it out and for customers as it is your body goes and your body type
We will show you with there
It is a description, but that means that you liked this video if you like numbers
It's really a sphere or : w if you have some problem with you in fact
I share it and share
this video with your friends and family members to see this building on obesity and opinion states and
Losing your Stubborn belly fat and give you a puzzle on Instagram because that is what I see Super active
I keep posting things with related to diet nutrition and my own body transformation
So make sure you give me a follow there and to start your master body transformation
It doesn't give the description until then love your mom love your self
Yesterday and yeah, don't forget to like and subscribe
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