Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 22 2018


Hey guys Its Sagar from Tecworkz, and in this video, I am putting the cameras of the Galaxy

S9 Plus, against the other 2 best camera smartphones out right now, the Pixel 2 and the iPhone X

I know a lot of you have been eagerly waiting for this comparison, and this is actually

the first time I am comparing the cameras of 3 flagship smartphones in one video.

So to do this, I spent a lot of time carrying these 3 phones with me, wherever I went for

the past 3 weeks.

And tried to take 100's of photos with all of them in the exact same position and exact

same conditions.

These are the top 3 flagship devices from Samsung, Google and Apple right now, and the

cameras on all three of them are phenomenal.

Pixel 2 as we know is the camera king for smartphones as of now.

Then we have the iPhone 10, which on its own is the best camera on any iPhone yet.

And Samsung is marketing the S9 and S9 Plus as Camera Reimagined, but does it have what

it takes to rise above the Pixel 2 and the iPhone 10?

That is exactly what we will try and find out in this video.

I usually start, by taking a look at the specifications of the cameras that we are comparing, and

then take a brief look at and compare the interface of the camera app.

But since we have lot if image and video samples to go through, I will just leave a slide with

the specifications on the screen, and you can pause the video if you want to go through

all of them.

S9 Plus does offer full manual controls within the native camera app, but on the other two,

you will have to download 3rd party apps, if you want to adjust some of the settings

before clicking pictures.

We will now directly go to the image and video samples from these 3 phones.

But before that, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so you don't miss out on any of

the amazing videos coming up on this channel.

Now just a quick note.

All of these images are shot in auto mode, since we want to see how these cameras perform,

if you just pull it out of your pocket and start clicking pictures with it.

This is how majority of people use their smartphone cameras.

I will leave a poll on the top right corner of the screen.

There you can vote for the phone that you think captured best overall images in all

lighting conditions.

Make sure you vote after watching all the image and video samples.

None of these images are edited or colour corrected in post, so the images you see are

exactly how they come out of the camera.

All 3 capture amazing images with a lot of details in every shot.

Camera hardware is not that different on these phones, but the way in which they process

the images after the sensor captures it, makes all the difference.

We were used to seeing balanced natural colours from the iPhones until now, but this time

Apple adds bit of saturation to the images to make them pop and look more attractive.

Colours are still balanced and natural, but the images don't look dull anymore, when

we compare them to images from other manufacturers.

S9 Plus tends to capture slightly warmer colours in some of these images, while the iPhone

10 is a bit on the cooler side.

Pixel 2 seems to be capturing the most accurate colours of the scene so far, in these bright

lighting conditions.

All 3 have different ways of capturing and showing colours of the sky, and which one

you like, depends on your colour preference.

S9 Plus has not captured the most details, but as far as the colour of the sky goes,

its image looks most natural to me.

It was a bit windy when I took this shot, but the Pixel 2 has captured the flowers without

any motion blur, and it also shows the most amount of details.

S9 Plus ended up capturing the softest image with the least amount of contrast.

Pixel 2 again captured most details, but for some reason it messed up the white balance

in this shot.

Image from the iPhone 10 looks balanced, and it also captured the actual white balance

of the scene.

Pixel 2 captures better contrast, which makes its images look a bit darker in comparison,

but this image from it, looks a bit too processed and also shows lot of noise in the darker


iPhone and the S9 Plus captured better colours, but the iPhone 10 also showed better overall

dynamic range and more details than the S9 Plus in this one.

I shared this images on twitter along with a poll, and here are the results, showing

which image you guys liked the most.

Pixel 2 clearly showed a better dynamic range in this shot.

All 3 capture good dynamic range, but there is no clear winner since their performance

varies with every picture.

Here are short clips, showing the focusing speeds of all 3 cameras.

They can switch focus from near to far objects quickly.

Quick and accurate focusing is important when you need to take close up images.

In this one, iPhone has captured the sharpest image with very good colours and contrast.

S9 Plus is second and Pixel 2, for some reason, did not want to focus at the centre of the

flower, even after multiple attempts.

Here is another close up shot, and Pixel 2 seemed to have done better in this one.

iPhone and S9 Plus have also clicked good images, but they just over exposed the highlights

of the background.

I like the colours from the iPhone and contrast and overall details from the Pixel 2.

S9 Plus captures brighter images in most conditions, but it doesn't capture the best contrast,

so its images lack the depth that the other 2 cameras showing.

Coming to the Portrait shots.

S9 Plus and iPhone 10 use their secondary cameras to sense the depth, and separate the

subject from the background, but the Pixel 2 does all the magic with its single camera

and an amazing image processing algorithm.

All 3 do a good job, at differentiating the subject and accurately detecting the edges,

in most of the situations, But the Pixel 2 is the best at doing this.

Its images are also sharpest, and look at the amount of detail it saved in the background

of this image.

Pixel 2 is good but it is not perfect at detecting edges, if you have a busy background, as you

see in this shot.

Both the iPhone 10 and S9 Plus also struggled a bit in certain parts, but they did an overall

better job.

Pixel again captured better, sharper looking portrait shot with accurate skin tones.

iPhone 10 captured sharp and detailed image, but blew the highlights on the skin, and the

S9 Plus again captured brighter, but lot softer image of all the 3.

Again look at the amount of detail that S9 Plus failed to capture in this portrait shot,

compared to the other two.

This trend continues when we try taking portrait images in lower lighting conditions as well.

S9 Plus just captures much softer images with no details, as you can see.

iPhone does a bit better than the S9 Plus, but Pixel 2 just crushes the competition in

low light portraits.

Just look at its images.

All of these, are captured in exact same lighting conditions.

Pixel 2's portrait performance is just phenomenal in these situations.

While capturing Portrait shots of objects, we again see similar results.

Pixel 2 does the best at isolating the subject.

iPhone 10 is not the best at detecting edges and preserving highlights, but its images

are overall pleasing to look at, and I like the colours that it captures.

And the S9 Plus continues capturing softer images around the edges of the actual subject..

iPhone 10 did the best at detecting the edges, evenly blurring the background, and showing

the best overall colours.

Pixel 2 again struggled a bit with the busy background and did not blur things properly.

and the image from the S9 Plus looks a bit flat.

I also shared these 3 images on twitter, and here are the results.

Funny enough, most people voted for A, and expected it to be the Pixel 2, and they voted

B as the worst, and commented that it must be from iPhone X.

Portrait mode is basically for capturing people and not objects, so I will keep that in consideration

while choosing the best phone for the final result.

I think Samsung's hardware is capable of take good images, but they need to refine

the software to take advantage of it.

Maybe they can fix the issue of softer images in one of the future software updates.

Now coming to indoor, artificial and low light images.

All 3 capture different colours in these situations.

Images from the S9 Plus are brighter, while the ones from the Pixel 2 are slightly under


iPhone 10 is the one capturing most accurate white balance and colours here.

S9 Plus really starts showing how good its camera is, in these lighting situations.

It captures much less noise compared to the iPhone 10 and the Pixel 2 in such low light.

iPhone again likes to blow out the highlights, on the brightest parts of these images, you

can see Pixel 2 saving so much details in the brightest part.

And S9 Plus again has the brightest image, and showing less to no noise even in the darker

parts of these images, thanks to the multi frame processing.

It combines 12 images per shot, to keep the noise level to minimum.

On the twitter poll, you guys choose the Pixel 2's image, since it shows a much better

overall exposure.

F/1.5 aperture kicks in on the S9 Plus in lighting conditions like these, so it captures

more light, but it also makes focusing on a particular object a bit difficult.

Pixel 2 captured more information in the overall image but its image looks dull in comparison

to the other two.

iPhone kept the flowers in focus and captured much better colours, according to me.

Here are the results from the twitter poll for these 3 images.

Noise reduction on the S9 Plus, is quite possibly one of the best that I have seen on any smartphone

yet, and a big thumbs up to Samsung for that.

But, When we try to capture images of people in lower light, S9 Plus again ended up capturing

soft images.

Pixel 2 captures some noise, but its images turned out to be the sharpest, when you try

to photograph people in low light.

On the S9 Plus, you have the option to use the Pro mode in the native camera app.

In this mode you can manually switch between the F/1.5 and F/2.4 aperture, and you can

end up with images like these.

I have kept all other things constant and just changes the aperture values between these


Look at how much more light the F/1.5 aperture lets in.

You can do this while shooting videos as well.

Coming to the front facing cameras.

Pixel 2 again does much better than the others, in terms of sharpness, clarity and dynamic


S9 Plus captures brighter but slightly softer images, but I prefer its slightly wide front

camera, over that of the iPhone 10.

Front facing camera of the Pixel 2 does better even in low light, while the iPhone 10's

from facing camera captures most noise in these situations.

All 3 can shoot portrait images with front camera as well, but just like the rear camera,

Pixel 2 performs far better.

It does an amazing job of detecting the edges and blurring the background, and the resulting

images are sharp and detailed.

It does a stellar job, even if you have multiple people in one shot.

This is something, where the iPhone falls far behind in comparison, it just cannot keep

multiple people in focus.

All these cameras have OIS, so the videos should stable from all 3.

Pixel 2 captures the most stable video, as I walk around with all cameras in my hand.

Pixel 2 can shoot 240fps video in 720p resolution, while the other 2 can do that frame rate in

1080p resolution.

S9 Plus can also shoot 960fps videos in 720p resolution, and they look really amazing.

You just need lot of light to make these videos look good, or else they turn out all noisy

and blurry.

So after looking at all these images and videos, there is no doubt that Pixel 2 is still the


It takes detailed images with good dynamic range, and when it comes to portrait and indoor

portrait shots, it just blows the competition away.

it might not be the best at shooting video in terms of bitrate, but the images it takes,

more than make up for that.

We now have to decide, which is the second best in this comparison.

S9 Plus can take amazing images with very less noise in lower lighting situations, but

it does poorly when we tried to capture people in these situations.

Even in daylight shots, some of its images, were softer than the ones from the Pixel 2

and the iPhone 10.

I really hope that its a software issue, and Samsung should fix it with a software update.

it can capture 960 fps videos, but that is a feature most people will try once or twice

and maybe with a bit of time even forget that it exists on their phone, this is what I think.

Most of the images from the iPhone 10 in day light, have been good and there hasn't been

a lot to complain about.

Its portrait mode was not the best, when it first came out, but I have seen it get better

with each software update.

These Portrait images are no where close to that of the Pixel 2 in lower light, but they

are much better than the softer images, that the S9 Plus is capturing as of now.

iPhone lags behind, while taking any kind of images with the front facing camera.

For capturing any kind of videos, I prefer the iPhone 10 for its true to life colours,

and overall smooth and fluid videos over the Pixel 2 or the S9 Plus any day.

It is a very close competition for the second place, but I will have to give it to the S9

Plus, because of its ability to capture images with very little noise in low light, and the

fact that it has a variable aperture, and you can switch to it in the pro mode, to add

in more light to your images.

Its also got much better from facing camera.

Overall camera of the S9 Plus, is much more versatile and gives you a lot of options while

shooting images or videos.

Whereas the camera experience on the iPhone 10 is very limited.

You don't have a pro mode with manual controls, or even small settings like turning on the

grid or changing the video resolutions, are buried deep within the settings menu.

So despite of taking some very good images, due to above reasons, the iPhone 10 is takes

the 3rd place in this comparison.

But the difference between the iPhone 10 and the S9 Plus is very little.

Well there you have it, Pixel 2 is still the best camera on a smartphone in the market,

followed by the dual cameras on the S9 Plus, which is very closely followed by the iPhone


It is tough for me to see the iPhone coming at 3rd place in this competition, coz it is

actually my daily driver.

Anyways, All of these results are according to me, my colours preferences and how I like

my photos to look.

But If you think, thats not how you like it, you can just mute the audio, go watch the

video again in the highest possible resolution that your device can support, and depending

on that let me know which you think took the best images.

I will also leave a poll on the top right corner of the screen, where you can vote for

the phone that you think captured best overall images in all lighting conditions.

You might prefer the details, saturation, white balance, portrait mode or the overall

image from a certain camera, so which phone you like for its camera, completely depends

on your taste and preference.

But at the end of the day, no matter which of these you choose, you are going to end

up with one of the best cameras on any smartphone in the market.

So that is it for this video guys.

This video took lot of time and effort, so don't forget to let me know how it turned


Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, And subscribe to the channel for

more quality tech videos like this.

You can also check out some of the other videos from this channel.

This has been Sagar and I will catch you guys in the next video.

Take Care.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Pixel 2 vs iPhone X detailed camera comparison - Duration: 15:40.


Man rushed to Hospital with CPR in progress - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Man rushed to Hospital with CPR in progress - Duration: 1:22.


For next 6 Months.. Don't Forget Me !!! - Duration: 2:46.

Making this small video to inform that..

for next 6 months..

I will be going out of india for work related assignments

and thats why..

I will not be able to upload bike related videos on this channel..

coz I am not sure if I will get bikes easily in the country I am going..

also I am not even sure whether I will be able to ride bikes due to safety reasons..

So there will be no bike rides for next 6 months..

and thus there will not be bike related videos on this channel for next 6 months..

but what I am thinking is..

We must stay connected for next 6 months by some way or another..

so one of the options to do that is..

I will try to upload vlogs from the country where I am going..

So that will become my Life Style vLogging..

for that short time span of 6 months

This is what I am thinking..Please let me know in the comment section..

will it work??

Would you like to see my Life Style Vlog from that country?

Pls let me know in the comment section..

When I am leaving, Where I am going??

That I will let you know in next vLog coz..

I want to wait till I get my Visa & Tickets..

Its 80% done only last 20% pending..

So once that is done I will let you all know where & when I am going..

For more infomation >> For next 6 Months.. Don't Forget Me !!! - Duration: 2:46.


Advice for new designers from Epicurrence! - Duration: 5:46.

- What would I say to a new designer?

I would say, relationships are everything.

Do not underestimate a relationship.

So, as much work as your putting into your portfolio

and everything, remember that 50% of that

is actually the relationship too.

That's what gets work.

It's not just your pixels and your visuals,

or UX, UI, whatever it is, it's who you know,

it's how you treat people, and that goes a long ways.

And they'll always remember that.

I'm Dann Petty, and I'm a freelance designer.

- [Charli] And you have a YouTube channel.

- Oh, and I have a YouTube channel. Petty.

- So, design schools or if you're a self-taught designer,

either way, you're learning a lot

about the design processes, how to do things,

and a lot of times you're so focused on that,

you forget about actually being on the journey.

That's the most important thing,

not the ends deliverable,

not whether you're following the process,

or what you've been taught.

The journey's what the most important,

because it's always going to be changing.

Especially when you go into the industry,

and all the elements and criteria you're working with

are constantly changing and they're vastly different

from what you learn as a young designer.

So, focus on the journey, enjoy it, keep discovering things

and exploring things and you'll be good to go.

My name is Lakshmi.

I live in San Francisco right now.

I've been here for four years.

I'm originally from India and I manage a small design team

that is start-up, we were just acquired.

I'm super stoked.

- [Ran] Are you shooting?

- [Charli] Mm-hmm.

- Is it one, two, three, action?

- [Charli] No, you can just talk.

- I think the best thing to do

when you're just getting started

is to work on real projects.

It's all fun and games doing personal projects,

but once you get real client, with real problems

that you're helping to solve,

that's the only way to really learn.

My name is Ran Segall and I'm a designer,

freelance designer, yeah, I guess.


- [Charli] You're not gonna say your YouTube channel?

- And I have a YouTube channel (laughing).

- Find something that you're really passionate about,

like a non-profit, or a friend's company,

or something like that,

that you can do some pro bono work for.

That's real, they're really relying on it.

Somebody can benefit from that work

and you'll cover so many different problems

that you don't know that you need to practice

when you're doing some just practice work.

But when you're working for a real person,

on a real project, and something

that you really care about....

I'm Vlad Magdalin,

I'm one of the co-founders of Webflow.

- My biggest piece of advice for someone

who wants to become a designer is

don't let people tell you that you can't do it,

regardless of your background.

You don't need to go to design school.

You just need to work hard.

Find other people to give you inspiration and advice.

And just make things and get them out there.

Post them on Dribbble, ask for feedback,

you'll get that feedback and you'll get better.

My name is Sarah Kuehnle,

and I'm the Head of Product at Dribbble.

- Hi, new designer, I know you're feeling like

you're not good enough, and don't worry, it's gonna go away.

You just need to practice and keep believing in yourself.

And you're gonna get there (laughing).

I'm Asli, and I'm a product designer at Twitter.

And when I first started my job,

I thought I didn't know what I was doing,

but I'm doing the exact same things today

and today I feel like, you know, I know what I'm doing.

And I'm sure you will get there too.

- I would say that you have niche down.

You gotta find the type of people you want to work with,

the people that you like, and then you just aim for that.

That's what I do, I work with online entrepreneurs,

because I am an online entrepreneur,

that's how I get the best clients.

Hi, I'm Sergio Sala, I'm a web designer.

I work with online entrepreneurs and I also run a blog.

I help people travel and work.

- A piece of advice I'd give a new designer.


Just keep designing.

Don't stop.

There's a whole taste versus skill gap.

Just keep at it.

I've been doing this for 13 years,

and I still struggle with creating a new design.

And I go through like, oh, this sucks.

Oh, this is awesome.

I'm the worst designer ever.

What am I doin'?

You will go through that,

but if you can just keep pressing ahead

and keep practicing your skill,

it's gonna keep working out.

My name is Matt.

The internet knows me as MDS.

I'm a designer, I live in Athens, Georgia.

- If you're a new designer and you have the opportunity

to attend a conference or a gathering

with other designers, developers, totally do it.

I'm Alex Nicolai.

I'm a freelance designer in Atlanta.

Hit me up if you're ever in Atlanta, I'll give you some Ritz crackers.


- What am I gonna think of?

Let me know when you're rolling.

- [Charli] I'm rolling.

- [Ran] Always use flexbox.

For more infomation >> Advice for new designers from Epicurrence! - Duration: 5:46.


8 Ball Pool - Spin Tutorial Won Berlin Platz In First Break Free 50M Latest 2018 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Spin Tutorial Won Berlin Platz In First Break Free 50M Latest 2018 - Duration: 3:27.


My # ActofGreen for #EarthDay2018 | ALifeLearned - Duration: 2:41.

What small change could you make to be more environmentally conscious?

Are there areas in your life where you could possibly make some improvements?

Many of us try our best to be environmentally friendly, with small acts like bringing

our own portable mugs to the coffee shop, using cloth shopping bags, or recycling,

but sometimes we can find ourselves struggling to maintain certain

eco-friendly acts. At times our ambition to be the change we want to see in the

world can somewhat exceed our ability to enact it. But that doesn't mean there

aren't still plenty of small, sustainable changes we can make within our lives

that can have a huge impact over all! I can empathize more than anyone with the

struggle that exists in trying to maintain certain pledges, in that I've

been doing this Act of Green playlist for four years now, but have only managed

to succeed at maintaining about half of my pledges thus far. But to that regard, I

experienced exceptional success with last year's pledge because I did my best

to ensure it was easily sustainable by keeping it as simple, and cheap as I

could! I made homemade cloth towels to replace my paper towel purchases

So in light of that success I've decided to continue trying my best to keep my

pledge simple, but increase my impact by pledging multiple small acts this year,

instead of just one. So first off, for Earth Day 2018, I pledge to begin

unplugging any electronics that I'm not directly using. A lot of appliances,

sometimes called "vampire appliances", often draw electricity even when not

being used. So by switching off power bars, or directly unplugging electronics,

I will be saving a great deal of utilities over the year!

The second pledge I'm making is to save up to buy a Kindle to reduce my 'book print', as I've

been trying to read more lately, and will be returning to school soon, but I don't

want my increased demand for literature to negatively affect my impact on the

planet! And finally, as a result of recently becoming a pet owner, I will be switching

to a canvas, or hemp leash, or harness when my puppy comes to need a new one,

and will also be looking into buying biodegradable baggies, such as those made

from corn or barley, in order to reduce the amount of plastic being put in our

wastes. There will be a link in the description with more information about

that for anyone interested; and there are still plenty of other cheap, or cost free

ways to be more environmentally conscious too, so if you'd like to learn

more about some of these great ideas, please do check out the description

below, and then I challenge you to pledge your own active green and leave it in

the comments, or make your own video with the hashtag #ActofGreen, so I can add it to the playlist!

There are billions of people who have already pledged to do acts of green on previous Earth days, and this

year should be no different! What small acts can you do to make the world a

greener place? It's the cumulative actions of everyone on Earth that has led

to the environmental issues we're currently dealing, with so we all need to

work together in order to fix it, one small action at a time! Be a part of what

the world needs and make change today! Happy Earth Day everyone!

An idea

Can escape

Ideas are bulletproof!


For more infomation >> My # ActofGreen for #EarthDay2018 | ALifeLearned - Duration: 2:41.


AI Photo Translation | Two Minute Papers #243 - Duration: 2:41.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

Recently, a new breed of AI techniques surfaced that were capable of this new thing called

image translation.

And by image translation I mean that they can translate a drawn map to a satellite image,

take a set of color labels and make a photorealistic facade, or take a sketch and create a photo

out of it.

This is done through a Generative Adversarial Network.

This is an architecture where we have a pair of neural networks, one that learns to generate

new images, and the other learns to tell a fake image from a real one.

As they compete against each other, they get better and better without any human interaction.

In these earlier applications, unfortunately, the output is typically one image, and since

there are many possible shoes that could satisfy our initial sketch, it is highly unlikely

that the one we are offered is exactly what we envisioned.

This improved version enhanced this algorithm to be able to produce not one, but an entire

set of outputs.

And as you can see here, we have a night image, and a set of potential daytime translations

on the right that are quite diverse.

I really like how it has an intuitive understanding of the illumination differences of the building

during night and daytime.

It really seems to know how to add lighting to the building.

It also models the atmospheric scattering during daytime, creates multiple kinds of

pretty convincing clouds, or puts hills in the background.

The results are both realistic, and the additional selling point is that this technique offers

an entire selection of outputs.

What I found to be really cool about the next comparisons is that ground truth images are

also attached for reference.

If we can take a photograph of a city at nighttime, we have access to the same view during the

daytime too, or we can take a photograph of a shoe and draw the outline of it by hand.

And as you can see here, there are not only lots of high-quality outputs, but in some

cases, the ground truth image is really well approximated by the algorithm.

This means that we give it a crude drawing, and it could translate this drawing into a

photorealistic image that is very close to reality.

I think that is mind blowing!

The validation section of the paper reveals that this technique provides a great tradeoff

between diversity and quality.

There are previous methods that perform well if we need one high-quality solution, or many

not so great ones, but overall this one provides a great package for artists working in the

industry, and this will be a godsend for any kind of content generation scenario.

The source code of this project is also available, and make sure to read the license before starting

your experiments.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> AI Photo Translation | Two Minute Papers #243 - Duration: 2:41.


Melania Bombarded With Salacious Allegations After Seen Talking With Barack At Bush Funeral - Duration: 3:52.

Melania Bombarded With Salacious Allegations After Seen Talking With Barack At Bush Funeral.

First Lady Melania Trump went solo to Barbara Bush's funeral today as President Donald

Trump had other items timely of business to attend to.

She showed sheer grace and respect by going alone knowing that she would be in the company

of her husband's biggest detractors, including Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama.

Melania was placed in the very front row, seated right next to Barack Obama, who was

sandwiched on the pew between her and Michelle.

Melania is genuinely kind and always respectful, even when under pressure.

She's never shown even the slightest disrespect to anyone, despite the constant attacks she


When she could have given Barack a cold shoulder, like his wife gave her at the infamous Inauguration

Day gift-giving moment, Melania was pure class.

However, many people on the Internet didn't see it that way and reacted with rage.

It's also of note that Bill and Hillary Clinton were just a couple people down the

pew from her.

That had to have been awkward but definitely didn't seem to bother Melania one bit.

She was all smiles.

This day was about Barbara Bush, not her differences with others in attendance.

It's also not unusual for sitting presidents to skip funerals of former first ladies.

"Then-President Obama didn't attend the funerals of Republican first ladies Nancy

Reagan and Betty Ford, while former President George W. Bush did not attend memorial services

for Democratic first lady Lady Bird Johnson," according to E! Online.

So the heavy criticism of Trump for not attending needs to be put to rest.

Judging by Barack and Melania's mannerisms in what's now become a controversial clip,

it was clear that the two were comfortable and spoke casually with each other, enjoyed

a few laughs throughout the entire interaction that could have been awkward, but wasn't.

This incident caught on camera should have been praised, as a show of what true diplomatic

behavior looks like, one that everyone on both sides of the aisle should have learned


Instead, the impressive moment was used for more divisive rhetoric and salacious allegations

against our first lady namely, that she's much happier around Barack than she is around

her own husband.

This is a very small sampling of what the Internet had to offer of the comedic claims,

that she's somehow feeling a sense of relief with Barack during her break for the day from

her husband.

This was the twisted meaning created to make the president look bad and further discount

his marriage to Melania, when what the camera really caught was the real lesson to be learned.

I'm not so caught up in partisanism that I won't recognize a good thing from the

other side, when I see it.

Barack was also gracious to Melania as she was with him.

It was a really great sight to see that much of the country should recognize rather than

making it into something salacious that it is not.

This simple and brief interaction proved that you can accept differences in others, and

set animosity aside to accomplish bigger things.

You'd think that this would prove that having class is a good thing, but instead, it proved

how classless others can be who refuse to be any other way.

Let's not forget that the camera catches what the photographer wants others to see.

So, perhaps the real question is, why are pictures of Melania with Donald always of

her looking off, when she could have been smiling seconds before the snap, but they

didn't catch that?

Surely there are pictures of Melania listening intently to the funeral service, while sitting

next to Barack with a similar somber look on his face afterall, they're at a funeral.

It's a good thing that these too were pleasantly corgial with each other, so why make it bad?

What do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Melania Bombarded With Salacious Allegations After Seen Talking With Barack At Bush Funeral - Duration: 3:52.


BREAKING NEWS From Hillary, SHE'S GONE OFF THE DEEP END!!! - Duration: 3:17.


Crooked Hillary Clinton proclaimed that "they were never going to let me be president"

on election night in 2016, a new book detailing her White House bids claims, Fox News reports.

The Daily Beast obtained book excerpts of "Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential

Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling."

The book reportedly references Clinton's September 2016 comments, she said that half

of Trump supporters could be put into a "basket of deplorables."

The comments were reportedly not the first, as "Hillary always broke down Trump supporters

into three baskets," New York Times reporter Amy Chozick's book claimed, according to

The Daily Beast.

The first group was allegedly made up of Republican supporters who didn't like Clinton and would

always vote along party lines, the outlet said.

Basket No. 2 reportedly included what Clinton allegedly described as those "who feel that

the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them,

nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures."

And Basket No. 3 was reportedly made up of "deplorables," which allegedly included

"the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic you name it," the outlet said.

The book also claimed that of the multiple candidates vying for the GOP nomination, former

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reportedly concerned the Clintons the most, The Daily Beast said.

In the early stages of the presidential race, Trump was reportedly not perceived by the

campaign as a threat, but rather as somewhat of a competitor to rally behind, The Beast


That line of thinking reportedly continued even as he gained popularity.

"An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook's

office asked, How do we maximize Trump?

Chozick reportedly wrote, according to The Beast.

After Trump scored the Republican nomination, the Clinton camp reportedly worked toward

improving her popularity, the cited book excerpts claimed.

According to the book, during one conversation on the subject, Clinton reportedly said, "You

know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me."

And on election night in November, The Daily Beast said Chozick wrote that when Mook was

allegedly tasked with notifying Clinton of the results, she reportedly replied: "I

knew it.

I knew this would happen to me …" the Daily Beast said.

"They were never going to let me be president," Clinton was reportedly quoted as saying.

In a statement to Fox News, a former campaign staffer who saw an early copy of the book

said, "The challenge on the campaign was that you had a reporter holding the Clintons,

to a higher standard through a lower standard of reporting."

"Amy was not always an honest broker, and this book seems to be more of the same,"

they continued.

"It ridicules people with a smile, contributing little to the public discourse."

What do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS From Hillary, SHE'S GONE OFF THE DEEP END!!! - Duration: 3:17.


Breaking News Today⚠️North Korea bows to pressure from US suspending nuclear tests ahead of Kim - Duration: 3:37.

breaking news today

welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification

box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today North Korea bows to

pressure from u.s. suspending nuclear tests ahead of Kim Trump meeting Donald

Trump's threat of military strikes has been credited as the main reason for

North Korea suspending its nuclear weapons program the Hermit kingdoms

dictator Kim jong-un said yesterday the country will suspend all nuclear tests

and dismantle its test site in favor of economic growth and peace dot the

concession was made just days before crunch talks with South Korea in weeks

before Kim and the US president meet in a crucial summit all six of North

Korea's underground nuclear tests were carried out at the pion gaya a test site

including the last and largest in September the pledge to halt the nuclear

weapons program initiated by his grandfather Kim il-sung is a significant

u-turn by the 34 year-old leader who has made the security of North Korea his

main policy since exceeding to power in 2011 international sanctions are known

to be biting particularly since last year when they were supported by his

main ally China and are hampering Kim's aim of military and economic development

dot humanitarian agencies can no longer operate north of the 38th parallel and

beachings decision not to import North Korean textiles has starved Pyongyang of

a vital source of currency China also stopped the export of petroleum the

lifeblood of North Korea's military Donald Trump's threat of military action

carried more weight in the face of fuel shortages in the Armed Forces

former Japanese intelligence chief Sakai Takahashi said sanctions on their own

are ineffective against her regime which is too used to the hardship of its

people he said south korean expert in journalist suka

Kwon said North Korea may have a two million man army but it's equipment is

old we know that Kim was struggling even to

hold military exercises because of the fuel implications

Kim is all too aware that his forces would last two or maybe three days in

the event of a full conventional attack Takahashi is clear the military threat

was the final deciding factor and while South Korea's president moon receives

credit for inviting North Korea to the Winter Olympics it is a view shared by

most people in South Korea the decision to announce the freeze well before the

summit came after Kim convened a meeting of the Central Committee of the ruling

Workers Party on Friday and was hailed by experts as a sign of his sincerity

but others urged caution what Kim has actually done is to confirm he has

developed his nuclear forces sufficiently and can afford to freeze

the program now said James hor ex-british charged off air in Pyongyang

I doubt that will be enough for the u.s. who like Japan will want guarantees of

total denuclearization we've been here before and it didn't take North Korea

long to get back on the nuclear track after it abandoned the agreed framework

in 2002 cyka Kwon said president moons young supporters are very optimistic but

the rest of the country is suspicious Kim is playing for time to build up his

economy even if he dismantles his entire nuclear program

he will retain the expertise and materials to build it up again mr. Trump

who will come to Britain for a state visit this summer said the decision to

suspend nuclear tests was good news for North Korea in the world

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For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️North Korea bows to pressure from US suspending nuclear tests ahead of Kim - Duration: 3:37.


Helene Fischer: Schockierende Fotos von Florian Silbereisen aufgetaucht! - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Helene Fischer: Schockierende Fotos von Florian Silbereisen aufgetaucht! - Duration: 5:10.


Breaking News Today⚠️ww3 Iran threatens Trump with 'unpleasant' consequences if US pulls out nuclear - Duration: 2:59.

breaking news today

welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification

box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today Iran threatens Trump

with unpleasant consequences if US pulls out of nuclear deal Iran has many

options if the United States leaves the nuclear deal Iranian Foreign Minister

Javad Zarif said after his arrival in New York the response from Iran and in

fact from the international community to the US move would be very unpleasant for

Americans he added the 2015 joint comprehensive plan of action the

official name for the Iran nuclear deal saw economic sanctions lifted on Iran in

return for strict limits on its nuclear program the Iran nuclear deal was signed

by former US President Barack Obama but Trump has consistently called it a very

bad deal Trump has set a deadline of May 12th to fix the terrible flaws or he

will refuse to extend sanctions relief on Iran the US remains in the deal by

periodically waiving nuclear sanctions against Iran Trump is concerned by

Iran's ballistic missile program and by how fast they could add a nuclear

capability at the end of the deal in the country stance in the Middle East

notably tyrannous role in backing Syria's government in the Civil War in

fighting a proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen a leaked report in

January claims that Iran has fired at least 23 ballistic missiles since

signing the 2015 nuclear deal the Iran nuclear deal was signed by six of the

world major powers Britain the US Russia France China and Germany plus the

European Union dot when Trump waived sanctions against Iran in January he

warned European allies that it will be the last time unless they agreed to make

radical changes he said this is a last chance I hereby call on key European

countries to join with the United States and fixing significant flaws in the deal

countering Iranian aggression and supporting the Iranian people

if other nations fail to act during this time I will terminate our deal with Iran

Britain France and Germany have been engaged in intensive talks with

Washington to maintain support for the Iran nuclear deal beyond the May 12th

deadline but nothing has yet to be agreed u.s. senator bob Corker chairman

of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said last month that he

believes Trump will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal he said right now it

doesn't feel like it's going to be extended I think the president likely

will move away from it unless our European counterparts really come

together on a framework Iran has warned the United States that there would be

unpleasant consequences if Donald Trump pulls out of the multilateral nuclear

deal that was agreed in 2015 thanks for watch please share like comment this

video and subscribe channel for latest news

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️ww3 Iran threatens Trump with 'unpleasant' consequences if US pulls out nuclear - Duration: 2:59.


BoilerUpdates #3 - iPhone X Dead, Galaxy S7 Oreo, Meizu 15+, Xiaomi Redmi S2, Macbook Pro Battery - Duration: 2:39.

What is up guys?

Welcome to a new episode of BoilerUpdates here we talk about the latest tech news.

IF you are new to the channel you can subscribe and press

the bell icon to be notified whenever i post a new video.

--- The first news for today is from Xiaomi and

some leaks suggests that Xiaomi is releasing another budget device Called Xiaomi Redmi

S2 with Snapdragon 625 with (2/3/4GB Ram Options and

16/32/64GB Rom options) , 6 inches display, 3,000 maH battery , 12 megapixel with 5 megapixel

rear camera and a 5 MP Front camera with face unlock feature.

Though no pricing and release date is announced yet.

-- Next News is from Huawei and Huawei plans

to make its digital assistant better at emotions.

Huawei is using AI features very seriously in their

new mobiles like Huawei P20 series.

And they have also implemented AI assistant on their phones in china.

They want it to improve further and understand the user completely.

In other words, your phone will be able to read your mood and respond accordingly, rather

than just feeding back programmed responses

-- The Next News is from Samsung.

And there is a good news for Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge users that their devices will

start getting Android 8.1 Oreo Update from May 18.

-- The next news is from Apple and Apple has

discovered that a "limited number" of Macbook Pro 13inch having a problem that causes the

battery to expand. and so Apple announces free 13-inch MacBook

Pro (non-Touch Bar) battery replacement program anyone who bought their

MacBook Pro between October 2016 and October 2017.

-- The next next news is from Meizu just before

the official launch of the Meizu 15 seires, the top-end Meizu 15 Plus has been leaked

in all its glory the phone features a dual camera setup with

ring flash below it.

the Meizu 15 Plus will feature a 5.95-inch OLED display that supports QHD resolution.

The Exynos 8895 should be inside the flagship with 6 GB of RAM and 64GB / 128GB


-- The last and final news for today is from

Apple and according to some sources Apple's Super-Expensive iPhone X Will Be 'Dead'

This Year meaning apple won't be selling iPhone X after

the launch of 3 of it's new iPhone models in September 2018.

i have made a video on 3 iPhones you can watch it by clicking

on the eye button above.

That's all for now.

If you enjoyed the video you can give it a thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel

as i post daily tech related video and press bell icon

that will keep you updated whenever i post a new video.


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