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Trump Badgers NYT Reporter After Suggesting Michael Cohen Might 'Flip' | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
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How To Make Nigella Lawson's Easy One-Pan Chicken And Peas | TODAY - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
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A Bad Day! Learn how to Describe a Bad Day in English | Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:55.Hi Bob the Canadian here.
Sometimes you're just not having a great day.
You're having a bad day.
And in this video I'll help you learn some English words and phrases to describe to someone
that you're having a bad day.
Hi Bob the Canadian here.
If this is one of your first times here don't forget to click the subscribe button below,
it's the red button down there with the bell icon.
And if at some point during this video you feel like it's a good video please give
me a thumbs up.
I really appreciate it.
It is so awesome to have a good day.
It is so great to have a day where everything's just going well.
But every once in a while you have a bad day.
So let's take a look at some ways that you can describe having a bad day.
But before we get started I should mention that when you share with someone that you're
having a bad day, it's usually someone that you trust.
It's usually your spouse, maybe one of your children, or a really close friend.
I think in other languages as well as in English, we don't usually share with someone that
we're having a bad day unless we know them really, really well.
So how would you share with them that you're having a bad day.
Well one of the first ways you could share that you're having a bad day is to just
say, "I'm having a bad day today."
And you'll need to describe a little bit more.
You'll need to describe why you're having a bad day.
So for example you could say, "I'm having a bad day today because I'm not feeling
Or, "I'm having a bad day today, because I just found out that someone in my family
is sick."
Or, "I'm having a bad day today because I just got some bad news from someone."
So, simplest thing to do, is just say, "I'm having a bad day today."
You could also describe other things.
You could say, "I'm just feeling down."
And in English when we say we're feeling down, it's the opposite of happy.
So if you were to say, "I'm just feeling a little bit down today."
It basically means the same thing as saying, "I feel a little bit sad."
Or, "I am feeling unhappy."
"I'm feeling a little bit down today."
So those are things that you would use to describe something that's happened, but
sometimes you're having a bad day because of something in the future, because of something
that's going to happen.
So you could be nervous.
You could be having a bad day because you're nervous.
So you could say, "I'm having a bad day today because I'm nervous about the test
I have to write tomorrow."
Maybe you've signed up to write an English language test, and you're just nervous,
you're you're... all you can do is think about the test.
You can't stop thinking about the test.
So you could say to someone, "I'm having a bad day today, I'm so nervous I can't
stop thinking about my test tomorrow."
In addition, you could say that you're feeling anxious.
When you feel anxious it's similar to feeling nervous.
You can't stop thinking about that thing so you could say, "I'm feeling anxious
today because I have a test tomorrow."
Sometimes you're having a bad day because you're really, really angry about something.
We describe this in a couple of ways, you could say that you're having a bad day because
you're feeling agitated.
So agitated is a mood where if people make too much noise around you, or if people ask
you too many questions, you respond harshly.
Because you're not feeling calm, so the opposite of feeling calm and peaceful is to
feel agitated.
So you could say, and maybe you don't even know why, that you're having a bad day because
you're feeling agitated.
The other reason you could have a bad day is maybe you're feeling anxiety.
So anxiety is when you.. you're worrying about something too much, so maybe you don't
have enough food for tomorrow to feed your family, maybe you don't have enough money
to pay the rent, and you would be feeling anxiety, so that's a high level of what
we call "stress" in English.
You're feeling anxiety, you're feeling stress about your situation.
And then the last thing that I want to talk about, maybe you're having a bad day because
you're depressed.
And feeling depressed, we have mild depression, we describe it in English, but we also have
real depression.
Mild depression sometimes can be solved with just some exercise and some time outdoors,
that can help you make.. make you feel better.
But if you have real depression.
If you're really, really feeling down in a serious way, that's when we usually recommend
that you see a doctor.
Because a doctor might be able to help you with your depression.
Depression is a very serious, serious thing.
So if you're feeling, you're feeling down, you're feeling glum, and you're feeling
that for a number of days in a row, we might just describe that as depression.
And I'm not an expert, so don't use me as your, as your person to get advice from,
but certainly sometimes people have a bad day because they're feeling depressed.
Well that was a number of descriptions of a bad day, as you can see, it's quite possible
that I'm not having a great day.
Normally I would of had a video up Friday or Saturday, and I don't.
I'm just having a couple of bad days in a row.
I'm sure things will pick up.
It's super sunny right now behind me.
I'm outdoors so I think that it will be a great day, but I just had a few days where
I was really, really busy at work, and really, really busy at home.
And I would describe it as, I didn't have time to relax.
And when I don't have time to relax I have a bad day.
Well hopefully that helps you talk about your bad day.
Remember if you do talk about a bad day you should always share that information with
someone you trust.
We don't generally respond to people with, "I'm having a bad day."
when they say, "How are you doing today?"
Usually we just say, "Good!" even if it's not good.
But if it's someone you trust, a spouse, a family member, good friend, you can share
with them why you're having the bad day.
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
Sorry this video was late!
If enjoyed the video, please give me a thumbs up.
Don't forget to subscribe below, and I'll see you in the next video.
RS Создание снимка экрана iPhone, iPad и iPod touch - Duration: 0:44.How to take a screenshot on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
On an iPhone 8 or earlier, iPad, or iPod touch, press and hold the Top or Side button.
Immediately click the Home button, then release the Top or Side buttons.
In iOS 11, a thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device.
or press and hold the thumbnail to share the screenshot. Swipe left on the thumbnail to dismiss it.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
Mumbai Famous Green Sandwich-Bangla Tiffin Recipe-Healthy Breakfast Vegetable স্যান্ডউইচ - Duration: 7:47.
Today I shall prepare green Sandwich
I shall prepare it by Coriander leaves & Mint leaves,that's why called green
Green sandwich suitable for Morning Breakfast
You can give it to Baby's school tiffin. It is very good for health also.
You can give it to children at any time
It is very much available at Bandra - MumbaiRailway Station.
I ate it before 11 years past at Mumbai Bandra Station and today I shall prepare it
Sliced bread Bread 4 Pieces
Cucumber, Onion and Tomato, cut in round shape
Paste of Coriander leaves, Mint leaves, Green chilli, Garlic, Ginger & salt
Make chutney
salt to taste
Black Salt
Black pepper
Cut edges
I have cut all edges of bread
Spread green chutney well
Spread on rest
Now put Cucumber
Tomato & Onion
Spread little black salt
You can say it veg sandwich
Spread black pepper
You can apply chaat masala
Now open cheese packet
Grate cheese
It is great taste to eat
Apply cheese is optional and your choice.
Cover it by another slice like this
Now cut it diagonally
cut it diagonally and looking very nice
Taste is also good
Again add little cheese over it to increase taste (optional)
It will look good and will more tasty
Spreading little black salt
And spreading little black pepper
Watched, how I have make green sandwich
Very easy and simple to make
And very tasty to eat
If you like then subscribe, like & comment my channel
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Control My Growth Initiative Evaluation Proposal - Duration: 10:39.Welcome to our evaluation proposal for the Control My Growth Initiative.
My name is Erin Eberle and I am honored for the opportunity to share this amazing program
and the ways we we would like to evaluate it.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Control My Growth Initiative, or CMG, I would first
like to share the components of the program and the rationale behind it.
From there, we will have a chance to dive into the evaluation process.
The primary concern of any evaluation should be the outcomes and how they will be used
to strengthen the program.
We will give each of these areas a brief overview today.
Control My Growth Initiative is the brainchild of a middle school teacher who was looking
for innovative ways to take her students to the next step of growth and achievement.
CMG is designed to address student achievement in three main areas.
The first is Metacognition through Data Conferences.
Metacognition is a self awareness of mental processes.
Through regular data conferences with the teacher about growth and academic achievement,
CMG hopes to encourage students to adhere to the Growth Mindset.
Connecting to the Growth Mindset, the next area of focus is Metacognition through Goal
Many middle school students struggle to envision long term opportunities and achievements.
CMG encourages students to set short and long term goals, putting them in control of their
own success.
The third and final component of the program is to differentiate activities in the classroom
through a 1-to-1 technology environment.
This element of the program will group students into four levels of achievement groups, which
we will discuss in detail later in this presentation.
A moment ago I mentioned metacognition through growth mindset.
I would like to revisit that term, "growth mindset."
Growth mindset is a concept popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck.
She establishes that people fall into one of two categories.
Either people believe they were born with a certain amount of intelligence and they
will stay that level their entire lives OR people believe their brain is a muscle that
can be exercised and improved upon.
CMG is looking to promote the later.
Dweck's research shows that a shift in mindset can have significant impact on growth and
achievement, both as students and as adults.
The line of questioning used in the data conferences are specifically designed to promote this
growth mindset.
The differentiated lessons will also be formatted in such a way that promotes growth mindset.
Many schools implement ability grouping when they plan the schedules of students, especially
in the Math and Language Arts classrooms.
In a perfect world, these ability groups would fall into the traditional categories.
There would be one group that is "on grade level" and are performing where they are
expected to be.
There would be one group at a higher level, and one group on a lower level.
Ask any classroom teacher and they will tell you that in reality it doesn't always work
out that way.
In every class there are outliers.
There are students who have different academic needs than the rest of the class.
But intentionally designing the classroom to address the needs of these students, both
at the top and bottom, all students can be pushed to achieve to their highest potential.
A 1-to-1 situation puts digital devices in the hands of all learners.
By making it easy for teachers to deliver individualized instruction, it is now sustainable
for teachers to have dramatic differentiation programs.
As has been discussed, the goal of CMG is to have a positive impact on the data.
To measure the effectiveness, it is critical for the evaluation to be well designed and
able to delve into all areas.
Before any evaluation can get started, we have to have a starting point.
CMG is being piloted at Wiley Middle School in Winston Salem, NC.
Wiley is a Title I school with a vibrant community from varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Wiley students have, historically, not been reaching critical levels of proficiency.
This deficit is not limited to the End of Grade (EOG) testing put out by the North Carolina
Department on Public Instruction (NCDPI).
For example, in the last two years on mid year Language Arts Benchmarks, Wiley students
have been achieving, on average, 58% proficiency.
Our students are growing, but not nearly enough.
This is a standard that the Wiley community is not willing to accept.
The data in math is even more cause for concern.
By looking at data collected at mid-year benchmarks, an average of 38.5% of Wiley students are
testing on a proficient level.
CMG is designed to change the ways Wiley is addressing these deficits so that our students
can grow and remain competitive as they grow into fully functioning members of our community.
The evaluation will collect starting point data in several other areas as well, including
student dispositions, reading levels, and individual achievement data.
The graphic you see here is a portion of the logic model, linking resources to intended
activities and outputs.
The evaluation will be assessing the effectiveness of each of these activities through a series
of analysis questions.
There are specific questions and methods for gathering data that will be used for each
element of program evaluation.
Each area of the program requires specialized data collection and analysis.
We will go through each of these areas in turn.
First let's look at the Metacognition through goal setting element of the program.
In order to effectively evaluate the impact CMG has in this area, we have broken it down
into three main questions, seen here in the middle.
How do students perceive intelligence and goal setting?
Does participation in CMG cause any changes in their perceptions?
How well can students set goals and work towards them?
The first two will be evaluated using the same instrument, but the data will be analyzed
By conducting a student survey about dispositions towards learning and intelligence at the beginning
and end of the school year, quality data can be gathered about student beliefs.
The survey is a combination of Carol Dweck's mindset scale and the Duckworth Grit scale.
These are tools widely used in the psychology field to measure beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions.
The final evaluation question in this area will be answered using information gathered
in data conferences.
Are students able to set realistic goals, work towards them, and achieve them?
Students will meet quarterly with teachers to discuss achievement data on classroom and
district assessments.
After the conference, teachers will fill out a brief evaluation focusing on student goal
The second area of concern for the evaluation is student metacognition regarding their own
achievement data.
The information evaluators need to measure this element will be gathered during the aforementioned
data conferences.
The data conferences will be loosely scripted to simplify the process for teachers and to
ensure that the relevant data is collected.
Teachers will take notes on their copy of the reflection guide.
The information will be filled out throughout the conference, which is designed to last
no more than 5 minutes.
Conferences are expected to be kept brief in order to allow for teachers to have time
to meet with all students.
During the conference, students will expected to complete their own data reflections.
This will ensure students are held accountable for participating in their own data conference
and will provide extra detail for clarity in case the student struggles to orally express
their responses in the conference.
The students will also complete a goal setting activity, all of which will be assessed with
the same common rubric.
The data conferences will allow the evaluation team to collect the data in as unobtrusive
a way as possible.
By having students conference with their teacher, rather than a member of the evaluation team,
students are more likely to feel comfortable and give more honest responses.
The third area of CMG is the differentiated lessons and activities.
Much of this data will be provided by the school district or classroom teacher.
The first question in this category refers to "expected growth."
Each year, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, plugs the traditional
performance data of a student into a complex formula and projects the score that each student
is expected to earn on End of Year testing.
By analyzing expected growth, evaluators will be able to measure student academic success,
especially compared to peers who are not in the program.
As was discussed earlier, students will be broken into different intervention groups
based on academic needs.
The criteria for this leveling will depend on which academic area CMG is being implemented
The pilot of the program is taking place in Language Arts, so students will be split based
on Lexile Level.
This question is trying to determine if the differentiation is successful enough for students
to be able to move into a different intervention group.
The final question is perhaps the most vital of the entire evaluation.
Are students showing growth?
By using the word "growth," we are trying to minimize the impact of outside variables
like learning disorders, language barriers, and academically gifted classifications.
The evaluators do have some expected outcomes for each area of the program.
We expect to see increased student achievement and shifts in dispositions towards intelligence
and goal setting.
Different elements of the program will impact different elements of the outcomes.
It is expected that a side effect of students using so much technology for the differentiated
instruction will have an impact on their skills as a 21st century learner.
An evaluation is all well and good, but it is meaningless unless the results are used
to foster growth and development of the subject program.
The main stakeholders will meet with the evaluation team to discuss the data gathered and the
Evaluation results.
CMG staff will be able to use any data to make adjustments in the program and to strengthen
any areas of weakness.
A table cannot stand on three legs - CMG needs all three elements of the program to be strong
to foster real change.
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to our presentation for our evaluation proposal
for the Control My Growth Initiative.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
For more information, look for the link in the description to read the entire CMG Evaluation
Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
Laeticia : une amie confie que la veuve de Johnny a pleuré en découvrant les attaques dont elle - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Growing Apple Trees From Seeds - We Have Fruit Sets! - Duration: 4:34.hey everyone - it's Rob the Backyard Gardenerr and I've got a lot of people
asking about my apple tree so I figured I would just do a quick update on the
apple tree that was flowering at 27 months we're about a week away from my
28th month update but we got a break in the weather today it's been raining all
weekend and it's supposed to rain this afternoon so I figured I'd sneak in a
quick update let you see how the fruit sets look so let's turn the camera
around and let's take a look together so I just finished restaking this tree it's
getting a little big and the storms have been pretty bad but I wanted to show you
the rest of the flowers came in and I didn't hand pollinate these at all I
wanted to see if nature could pollinate some of these apples these apple
blossoms that came in and just to show you the small ones first looks like we
may have got a couple of fruit sets here as well as down here and you could see
some didn't get pollinated and they're dying off but some did but
when I was watching my last video one of my viewers suggested that I hand
pollinate these anyway and since I had a bunch of crabapple trees back here I
decided well I didn't really want to pollinate with crab apples because you
never know on when you're trying to set a new species of fruit should you use crab
apples but I did anyway and I only did one set of blossoms and they're right
here let me get you a better angle so here's the ones I hand pollinated a hand
pollinated every single one of the flower blossoms and it looks like we
have a hundred percent success as far as every flower being pollinated
this one's got the least amount of development but some of these look
really promising guys not sure if those will turn into crabapples or into
full-blown apples as you know it takes about five months for apples to get from
blossom to fully mature fruit that is ripe so it's gonna be a journey and I
will document these along the way I just hope they continue to grow they look
good I'm not gonna lie they look they look good they're already the size of
most crab apples that you would find so I'm thinking that these will turn into
some pretty nice fruit sets we'll have to keep an eye on them - real quick, going on to
the other branches yeah we've got we've got at least a few possible fruit sets
on most of the branches some of them really didn't get much at all but these
are all done by Bees so we'll have to see if they if they take and you got to
remember these came out about three weeks or opened three weeks after these
guys down there anyway I know it's a quick update I've had a lot of my
viewers asking so I figured I would just do a quick update on the apple tree so
you can see what it looks like in about ten days or so I will get the 28 month
update on this and we'll see what the fruit looks like then matter of fact, I'm
probably gonna do updates every two weeks now on this series just so we can
follow the progress of the fruit to find out if it ends up being apples that are
edible and delicious or crab apples that are not so there you have it everyone
that's my apple trees grown from seed update I wanted to show you that we've
got some fruit set it looks like the hand pollination worked better than
Mother Nature which we knew might happen because most of the apple trees I have
in my backyard either hadn't started flowering it or they were crabapple
trees that were on the end of their flowering process... to any extent we have
what appears to be a handful of hand pollinated fruit sets
as well as a handful of mother nature pollinated fruit sets so it's a waiting
game now like I said in the video we'll do updates every two weeks I want to
keep you guys fully abreast of the journey of these possible apples anyway
happy Sunday happy gardening and as always thanks for
Front puff hairstyle thin hair, perfect hair puff hairstyle - Duration: 10:44.Thank you for watching
평창 동계올림픽 아이스하키 남북 단일팀 경기일정 노벨평화상 후보 요청까지?|K-News - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
SHILLONG: Top 10 Tourist Attractions MUST See - Duration: 4:15.Shillong is the capital and the gateway of Meghalaya.
Shillong is one of the smallest states in India
Standing as tall as 1496 meters, Shillong provides a relief from the heat across the country.
This hill station is known for its picturesque sights and traditions
Shillong is also famous as the music capital of India, as many prominent musicians have hailed from this place.
Shillong is the only hill station in the country that is accessible from all sides.
The Brookside bungalow, where Rabindranath Tagore stayed during his visit to Shillong in October 1919...
..has been renamed as the Rabindranath Art Gallery by the Meghalaya Government.
During his stay at Jeet Bhoomi in 1923, Tagore wrote the drama 'Raktakarabi' and a poem 'Shillong Er Chithi'.
The third visit of Tagore was in 1938.
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