Happy Halloween everyone
Hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and I know it's Halloween so we're gonna do
a little quick video just on my LCS pickups from today
nothing super fantastic we've got a pretty worn 1890 these are the two warm
ones I got a steel on him he got it gave me for less than 10 bucks because
they're pretty worn in 1890 and 1879 the 1890 is an O and the 79 is just a
standard Philadelphia Mint on the other ones I picked up I picked up a couple of
federer once this 1881 it does have some blue in it and I don't
know if I'm gonna try to remove it or not sometimes you do that and it cleans
the coin and it destroys the value but I picked it up for cheap because that glue
and then in 1898 right there as well and I believe both of these are Philadelphia
mints they are but the detail man pretty nice Morgan Dollars I couldn't turn him
down and I'll tell you I got him for less than 18 bucks a piece
I think this when he charged me 14 because it's good detail but it's got
the glue and then this when he charged me 16 and then finally I picked up this
other Morgan dollar and I needed to pay 18 bucks for this one only because it's
pretty clean it's got an omit mark it's only in 1901 though to any extent I got
all the Morgan dollars for very cheap that's why I have him there and I'm in
the middle of a penny hunt by the way I also picked up some half dollars he had
one Barbara half so I grabbed it 1903 Philadelphia I knew I needed a 1960
Philadelphia the 1961 Ben Franklin for my book so I didn't realize I just
needed those two common ones so I went to his Ben Franklin nut junk bin and I
found a couple of them and I figured since I needed it I pick up an extra one
maybe someone needs it for their collection so I'll have it in one of my
free giveaways he only had to barber or staying Liberty quarters that were that
year those years or earlier so I picked up all he had it's pretty common date
1929 Philadelphia Standing Liberty quarter but I like those so I collect
them and then I've already got I believe in 19
for Philadelphia barber this was pretty worn but I couldn't turn it down it's
hard for me to turn away barbers and then we also got a couple of Barbara
dimes in 1902 which has been cleaned but he gave it to her melt value so I took
it and then a 1910 and I think this one yeah it's a philadelphia as well so at
the end of the day a couple quarters couple of dimes for half dollars and
five Morgan's so want to show you guys what I picked up from my local coin shop
I know it's Halloween so happy learning thanks for watching and trick-or-treat
For more infomation >> Happy Halloween - Local Coin Shop Treats! - Duration: 3:08. -------------------------------------------
Las personas bajas son más violentas que las personas altas, según un reciente estudio - Duration: 3:07.
For more infomation >> Las personas bajas son más violentas que las personas altas, según un reciente estudio - Duration: 3:07. -------------------------------------------
Classical Musicians React: Yugyeom 'Fine' - Duration: 9:42.
Collin: Actually, I also like that it's pretty nebulous, actually.. Jarod: Yeah Collin: It's kind of cool. It's almost atmospheric.
Umu: Now you're reacting to a solo song by Yugyeom, who's a member of the boy group Got7.
His solo song called 'Fine' is from Got7's newest album called Present: You, that has a solo track co-written and
co-produced by every single member. In an interview, Yugyeom said that the song is about telling someone how much he likes them.
And so, this is composed by him and a songwriter named EFFN, and the lyrics are by him.
The main reason why you're reacting to this is because it's harmonically spoopy, and your reaction will be released on Halloween.
Isaac: Spook
Kevin: 3,2,1, fine.
Lindsey: Okay, what? Fiona: It's already spoopy, because it sounds creepy and old, and the creepy piano... Lindsey: It just sounds...yeah
Charlotte: An old record player that's broken. Peyton: Yeah
Elizabeth: I'm not gonna lie, this music reminds me of like, Scooby-doo.
Peyton: I like this. It's like hip-hop spoopy.
Kevin: The melody doesn't change keys like the accompaniment.
So it's really eerie.
Elizabeth: This is super creepy. Do you hear that like, bass, that's arrhythmic?
Jarod: The bass isn't on like a downbeat, is it?
Collin: One, two, one, two---yeah, it's on two. Jarod: So having your bass on an off beat
adds to that.
Collin: Actually, I also like that it's uh,
it's pretty nebulous actually. Jarod: Yeah! Collin: It's kind of cool. It's almost atmospheric.
Melissa: Oh, and then the intro stuff is back. Yes! I love that intro stuff. That sounds like all broken and stuff. Just like his heart.
Fiona: Okay,
his voice is so
Lindsey: Yeah, and there's like some effect that they have on his voice
that's kind of making it so--I don't even know how to describe it,
Fiona: It's like reaspy. Lindsey: but it's like they took his voice and made it like, thinner? Fiona: Yeah
Lindsey: They like totally thinned it out, and so it sounds just kind of...
Fiona: It's like crunchy, or abrasive. Lindsey: Yeah
Peyton: I like how he's kind of layering like this halftime and double-time feel at the same time. Like it could be felt either way.
Fiona: It sounds so like, reflective.
Lindsey: Yeah, kind of like, ominous. Fiona: Swirling Lindsey: Yeah
Jarod: But I think what's interesting is like, he kind of holds the rhythm, if that makes sense, because like,
ordinarily in K-pop, you have like how you have the bass and the drums kind of like,
as the concrete rhythmic foundation, which it's still kind of doing now, but earlier I felt like the voice was more holding everything together.
Collin: Yeah Jarod: So, everything else could kind of do it's, like you said, that kind of nebulous, atmospheric stuff. Collin: Um, hmm. Yeah, that's interesting.
Kevin: So, the downbeat is almost ambiguous.
It's deliberately really playing with where the downbeat is.
Jarod: Also what's interesting, the background doesn't have much of an articulation to it
Collin: No Jarod: Like you have the snare but like everything that's happening is kind of just there's not a lot of front, so it just kind of happens.
Elizabeth: His voice, his vocal line is syncopated. It's not with the rhythm of the piece.
So, even like the things that he's saying are sort of off with the rest of the music.
Peyton: Yeah, I like how there's like an extra voice in there every now and again, for extra color.
Kevin: When we put A-sharps and G-sharps in a B-minor,
it just sounds
very early 20th century classical music.
Like Prokofiev.
Lindsey: Whoa, its over. Fiona: Oh Lindsey: That ended really suddenly, kind of. Fiona: Yeah
Fiona: Yeah, that didn't seem as long as it was. Lindsey: No Fiona: I thought it was like a minute long. Lindsey: No. I thought there was gonna be more.
Fiona: Yeah the end felt like
I don't know.
How do I say that?
(singing) He kept doing that over and over. Lindsey: He just didn't really cadence.
Fiona: Yeah Lindsey: It just kind of like, ended. Fiona: It's like, oh, the ghosts are still here.
Like, he provided a ghostie setting, and like, he didn't end it, so we're all haunted now, thank you very much! Lindsey: Yeah, there was
there was like no resolution to it kind of just stopped.
Fiona: His voice stuck out when it came in.
Lindsey: Yeah, it was definitely a lot less creepy
when his voice came in, Fiona: Because he was there to keep you safe. Lindsey: but it just had a different feel to it, though,
cuz there was something kind of like crunchy and ominous about
the way that the effects were put onto his voice, that just made it seem like, not human, a little bit. Fiona: Yeah
He's a ghost!
Lindsey: Yeah, but I thought that was awesome. I mean, he sounds really cool.
Melissa: I didn't feel that spooped out,
but I think, well, the intro, definitely, like the way like it was kind of broken sounding, that like
laid down like a spoopy texture. Is this like in, theory or aural class?
Elizabeth: There's homophonic and there's heterophonic, and then there's spoopy. Those are the different textures you can have in music.
It sounded like like a filtered electric organ in the background.
I don't know if that's what it was, but there were some times where its like, little melody line,
it would have a couple dissonant notes next to each other, and
it didn't really match with the rest of the harmony going on,
so there was like that little bit of odd dissonance that made you feel not quite centered in the key.
And yeah, like you were saying, the opening I mean there's this this like very low bass note that
wasn't coming in at the same time and wasn't matching up with the other rhythms. Melissa: The ghost hitting a gong.
Elizabeth: Yes, exactly Melissa: In the other room. He's over there! Hi!
Okay. Sorry.
Collin: Why is it spooky? Well like, it sounds spooky, but he's talking about like, you know
I want you, so why is that spooky? Jacob: It's more specifically just harmonic vocabulary that's spooky,
Collin: Okay
Jacob: not necessarily the message of it.
Collin: Yeah, yeah. Well, that's true. It's just like it's strange that that's what the affect is,
Jared: Yeah
Collin: even though, yeah, it's like definitely apparent. Okay,
so like, what created that? It was like the nebulousness with
rhythm, and like how they layered things.
The articulations were not strong, except for a few things, and kind of only when they needed to be, like the snare.
That's pretty typical, but then there was like (mimicking bass sound) Jarod: Right!
It was like, a really cool way to use bass, instead of, I mean, it just wasn't definite at all.
So, it was almost it was rhythmic, but it was also atmospheric, and they used a lot of things like that.
They were balancing those two things to kind of create
spock, spoofy, spob, Jarod: Spoopy. Spock?! Collin: Spoopy. So, whatever.
Jarod: Yeah, I mean, I don't really know how to describe it, harmonically, because Collin: Yeah, that's kind of hard.
you hear it and you like recognize it as like, commonly used in like
hauntings, like spooky contexts.
I don't know if I would necessarily like be able to peg it, like, oh, that was that type of chord;
Isaac: I thought was very
interesting, the clash between the two semi-tones, de-da, E-flat D, and then B
Kevin: C and B. Isaac: C and B. I don't know, for some reason
I heard F. I don't know why, I was thinking, cuz you know, maybe I'm working too much on Walton right now,
but there's a lot of tritones, and for some reason. I kept hearing that. Kevin: Oh, it does sound like Walton!
Isaac: (singing) Kevin: When it goes to the B-minor and uses that same melody, just like the bitonality, it does sound like the Walton viola concerto.
Isaac: Yeah, but Walton was actually very known for doing bitonality and also switching from major and minor, so like this one actually, like,
very fitting that I'm studying a piece that correlates to a pop-pop piece. There's this one motive that always just stuck with me,
it's like, ta, ta, ta, ta, (singing)
I just kept singing that throughout the whole entire piece, and it makes so much sense, like the way it's like it's
speeding up a little bit and then just
slowing down, by augmenting the
duration of the sung notes.
It's a formula that just like keeps expanding
back and forth, and it's so interesting, because it's like the you have a drone of this
eerie, like semitone floating back and forth, and then you just have this one slowly decaying....
wow. Kevin: What a weird song.
Umu: What, harmonically, makes it feel spooky?
Isaac: (singing)
Kevin: Chromatic minor planing.
And the chorus gives you a brief sense of relative
security. Isaac: Um, hmm.
Kevin: And then it just keeps on going. Even the percussion makes the rhythms vague, and that just adds to the,
"Where am I?" Isaac: I feel like there needs to be a dichotomy between,
in pieces. Otherwise, it's like if you just have the spooky song,
you just have like one of those, like, have you ever been to Niagara Falls?
There's like this venue, where it's just all Halloween. They just play the same song.
It's like the beginning of this; it would just go on loop. Kevin: Mmm. Isaac: It would sound terrible, but it's very interesting, this one.
It's like they contrasted with the security of a key.
Kevin: Yes
Isaac: Establishment of a key, and without the duality of these two, and being juxtaposed to each other, it wouldn't sound as good as itself..
Kevin: I don't feel fine after listening to this song.
Isaac: I feel unnerved.
Umu: Hello, everyone, I'm Umu, and I'm the channel runner of React to the K.
I hope you enjoyed watching this video. If you're curious about the videos that we'll be reacting to in the future,
I put a link to a doc with our release schedule in the description.
Last but not least, if you'd like to support our channel,
you can help us out by pledging any amount you would like on our
Patreon. On Patreon and you can get access to full unedited pair reaction playlists,
reactions to Japanese releases, and much more. And of course, a huge shout out and thank you to our superstar patrons.
Thank you so much for your support. Bye
For more infomation >> Classical Musicians React: Yugyeom 'Fine' - Duration: 9:42. -------------------------------------------
Me Voy Para Tíbet 🙇♀️🍙🛫 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:39.
For more infomation >> Me Voy Para Tíbet 🙇♀️🍙🛫 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:39. -------------------------------------------
Cardi B y Nicky Minaj, ¡tercer round! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:28.
For more infomation >> Cardi B y Nicky Minaj, ¡tercer round! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:28. -------------------------------------------
¡Marjorie de Sousa respira en paz! #2 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:13.
For more infomation >> ¡Marjorie de Sousa respira en paz! #2 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:13. -------------------------------------------
¡Marjorie de Sousa respira en paz! #1 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 4:25.
For more infomation >> ¡Marjorie de Sousa respira en paz! #1 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 4:25. -------------------------------------------
Receita Natural Fácil e Rápida de Fazer para Pressão Alta! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 2:25.
For more infomation >> Receita Natural Fácil e Rápida de Fazer para Pressão Alta! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 2:25. -------------------------------------------
¡La Original sigue en guerra con Luz Record! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37.
For more infomation >> ¡La Original sigue en guerra con Luz Record! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37. -------------------------------------------
Will My Abdomen Sag Again After Tummy Tuck-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:50.
Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Star Bodies.
Today we are going to discuss: Will the abdomen sag again after the tummy tuck?
In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted.
Welcome back!
The tummy tuck surgery is an effective and popular plastic surgery to get rid of a saggy abdomen.
If your abdomen is loose and saggy and the condition is affecting your life in negative ways,
you may consider the tummy tuck.
The procedure surgically removes the excess skin and fat from your abdomen, besides tightening
the abdominal wall muscle and moving the belly button to a position where it appears youthful.
While your abdomen can become permanently firmer, youthful, and flatter after the tummy tuck surgery,
there are certain factors that may cause your abdomen to sag again in future.
Weight gain: Weight gain after the tummy tuck will cause your abdomen to expand, which will inflate
the abdominal skin in turn.
Since your abdominal skin is already weaker, the expansion may cause it to lose its elasticity,
apart from separating the abdominal wall muscles.
Now, when you lose weight, your stomach will return to its original position, but the abdominal skin
would fail to recoil to its original position.
This will cause the abdomen to sag again.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy also affects the results of the tummy tuck in the same way as weight fluctuations.
Your abdomen would expand during pregnancy, which will damage the elasticity of the abdominal skin
and separate the abdominal wall muscle.
After childbirth, the skin would fail to return to its previous position;
hence your abdomen would sag again.
Besides weight loss and pregnancy, there is a certain natural phenomenon
that would make your abdomen saggy again.
Fortunately, the effects of these natural factors are slower and not severe.
The first of these factors is aging.
As you age, your skin loses its elasticity.
The skin construction becomes weaker.
As a result, your abdomen would gradually become saggy.
The good news is that despite this phenomenon, you would still look younger than your counterparts
who didn't go under the knife.
The second natural phenomenon that can take a toll on the results of the tummy tuck is gravity.
The gravitational pull on your abdomen has the potential to cause it to sag again after the tummy tuck.
However, the speed at which this happens is slower.
So, in order to sustain the results of the tummy tuck, you must maintain a stable weight
after the surgery and avoid getting pregnant.
If you want to get pregnant, you should postpone your plan to undergo the tummy tuck in the first place.
In this video we discuss: Will the abdomen sag again after the tummy tuck?
In the next video we will discuss: How pregnancy affects tummy tuck results?
Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel
for more information, here at the Star Bodies channel, only on YouTube.
Also, you can log on to our website,
for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.
For more infomation >> Will My Abdomen Sag Again After Tummy Tuck-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:50. -------------------------------------------
[FREE] Slow Trap Type Beat/ Chill Trap Beat "STREET" (Prod. By LuciG) 2018 - Duration: 3:08.
For more infomation >> [FREE] Slow Trap Type Beat/ Chill Trap Beat "STREET" (Prod. By LuciG) 2018 - Duration: 3:08. -------------------------------------------
3 True Disturbing Halloween Horror Stories Reaction - Duration: 18:51.
Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed
Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
What's up guys still crabs here welcome back to another reaction
will be reacting to three true disturbing a Halloween horror stories by
Mr. Nightmare
so today's well by the time I'm recording this it's like the night before Halloween and
By the time I'm uploading this it will be on Halloween. So a happy Halloween
guys, I hope you guys get a lot of candy and
So and well comment down below what you're gonna what you're doing for Halloween
if you're gonna trick-or-treat at your French house or just buy your neighborhood and then just like
Trick-or-treating for like a few minutes and then just going back to your house and eat all that candy
and I bet that people just wants to like trick-or-treat as many houses as they can and
Then they're gonna have a night like a lifetime of candy
I'm gonna trick-or-treat at my friend's house and Plus come down below. What costumes you guys are gonna be for Halloween?
I'm gonna be a t-rex or a dinosaur as you could tell by the last two videos
like then boxing of the inflatable t-rex costume and
Like that like a boss like I attempt to do like the limo
With the dinosaur suit on and I'm racing a ton of time and this videos 15 minutes
So I need to get to started in 3 2 1 let's go
Halloween her restores domain. I took a while because of me talking a lot. Alright, whatever. Let's go
Storia want
Halloween 2016
My three friends and I who for the purpose of this story will be named J. K&L respectively. We're trick-or-treating downtown
Downtown was always a mob scene on Halloween only because the houses were so close together meaning more candy for the amount walked
10 o'clock was always the time things really started to die down and by 10:30. We were really the only kids still out trick-or-treating
Morrow only like one in 10th house has actually opened their doors this late
So we called it quits with the trick-or-treating and decided to just screw around. It was a Saturday night after all as
We called it quits with the trick-or-treating
I remember that right in the cloud when used to be on during the weekend, we slowly from the black fog in the distance
This was a legit clown costume - the makeup was crazy from the slit mouth smile to the blood filled boils
It was a scary costume. Mm-hmm. Basically Oh
Constantine every obstacle a dulce Millie walked away
We went to a park that was nearby to just goofer I'm Augustus
Saving cream and whatever
We weren't the first however
strands of silly string littered the playground as well as shaving cream smudged on the walls of a bathroom building in the park to spell
out obscenities
We all hung out on the playgrounds
But Jay pointed out to the dark horizon where two clowns were walking over to us. One of them the same clowns earlier. I
Didn't think it was possible
But the second clown was even more disturbing than the first
The first clown now seemed to be welding some kind of long spear like objects. They both approached us really really slowly
The funniness of the situation quickly wore off as they got closer and closer
then they started to charge us or
Not we all ran in different directions
One of the two clowns was chasing me out
The park and down the street I ran I didn't know the area too
Well, but I did know how to get two L's house. I
Ran all the way there about halfway there. I lost the clown. I called el and told him I was in the backyard
He was out of breath, but he said he just lost one of the clowns and was on his way over now. I
Said I called Jay and he said he'd call Kaye
Luckily Jay picked up on Jay K
Yeast so he didn't sound as freaked out as L
I told him to what kind of names were not I guess it just made it a four of us where Dells backyard
Gathering our thoughts and discussing what just went down?
We had a good laugh about it now that it was over as we ate some of the candies that we got
K went home while me J and L hung out in the living room for a while
lights off TV on playing some xbox one party game
Jay looked out the window and then ducked and told us to turn off the TV when?
We asked why there was a clown out there
I don't know. It better be not that it's better the window not be to see him long
he screamed don't but it was too late the
Clown standing outside of Ella's house looks right at me through the window corner police
What are you doing with the Lions and told al he wasn't lying his parents weren't home
So going to his dad wasn't an option instead we shut off the TV and went upstairs to Al's bedroom
We looked out the window the clown wasn't there anymore
Actually, we never saw either of the clowns again
But the next morning L texted the three of us saying he found a rubber clown nose on his backyard patio tables
He said what in the world are with intent to scare us and mission accomplished because it worked
Luckily that clown epidemic didn't last more than a month later after that. It just became an old story
Dar was weird
So far distorted it it was this one
I was quite internally dad took my two twin for school, and I'm treating I didn't have plans
So my parents kind of forced me to answer the same here
I can tomorrow well butter Tom are recording this it's since we live in a cold night before
Like we get next to no tree. I'm gonna go trick-or-treating
Doorbell rings well, not that way not really at nighttime. Why are we in the afternoons later in the afternoon? There's even a small table
Butterfingers the one and only candy. My mom always got on Halloween for some reason
The doorbell rang so I took the orange bucket and brought it to the door and to be honest
I know it's stupid of me to
I meant someone like you got a lot of Cameron trick-or-treaters wearing my doors almost don't worry
He was really coming to the house and he was alone which was always kind of sad. I gave him a bunch of candy
He walked away without saying thanks, which kind of made me feel bad, but it was honestly, whatever
I stopped thinking about it as soon as I sat back down on the couch
The movie I was watching ended so I started surfing the channels
During one of the brief moments of silence as the TV flipped from one channel to the other
I heard a thud and a bump come from downstairs near the back door
To better hear what it could have been I turned the volume on the to murder. I'll not be back in a stairway
The back door was wide open
My heart started racing as I started to feel sick inside. I had forgotten to lock it when I went back there
the big question was if what I heard was the sound of the door opening or closing and if someone was in my house
Naturally, I called down the stairway for my mom and dad and then my twins names
The silence from down in the dark den was creepy as hell I was afraid to go down there
Unfortunately, there's no door to separate the main floor from the dead stairway. So sitting in the living room suddenly didn't seem very comfortable. I
Kept the TV on but muted
I just felt safer with the extra light it provided
It took a while for some reason, but it finally hit me to call my parents and ask them to come home
My mom said they'd be home within half an hour. I told my mom I was scared that someone was downstairs because I heard something
She assured me that there was nothing and it was just my imagination
I hung up the phone and immediately heard the sound of wood foundation cracking under one of the carpeted steps to the den. I
froze on the couch
Literally, I couldn't move a muscle not even a finger
Then there was another crack
As silently as I could I sat up from the couch into a half-hour beatles
tiptoeing to the front door
like I always do that to me like make sure if so was my imagination and
Also that if I would hear it again leering up from the stairs at me
But in a way where he was obviously not trying to get caught
The angle at which I saw the mask and the dark lighting made the sights so much more disturbing
When he saw me though, he went the other way back into the darkness of the Dead. I
locked myself in my room upstairs in
They cut their trip short and came home
Only when my parents got home did I feel safe to leave my room?
My dad and I checked the whole den every closet every room
Luckily, there was no one
The moral of the story simply comes down to keeping your doors locked
Yeah, apparently this guy just helped himself through our back door
That's why I always make sure to lock my front door because there was a rapper near of my grandmother's house
Well, they broke in he's not really it was that little door open? I don't think it was a sophomore in college
I was actually only in the eighth grade
Our parents weren't home all weekend. So he was taking advantage of the opportunity I guess
He made it abundantly clear. He didn't want me in the house during the party, but fortunately I already made plans to go trick-or-treating
two of my friends
We all agreed it would probably be our last year trick-or-treating. So we wanted to make it a good time
We started midday right after school the prime time where most kids were out
Most everyone answered like this is a possible debt supply sure you get to own
Candy by dark making stops at our houses in between to bring them home. Of course
But we weren't done we weren't satisfied yet
We needed another bag, of course
After eating dinner and resting at my friend's place for a while. We went back out with empty bags and flashlights
You'll find out wine a little bit
It was probably around nine o'clock now
Getting candy was a bit slower by now since most buckets were empty and not everyone was answering their doors
Yeah an hour flew by because we were still having fun though. We didn't get much candy this time
By the time it was like 10:30 or 11:00. We stopped because it just seemed obnoxious to knock on people's doors this late
Everyone knows it was a nice day night a work night and school night
But we already agreed we'd be skipping school the next day
We were all in the same homeroom and already knew nothing was going on at school tomorrow
So to us the night was still young
So we went for a run to what locals called the ghoul house
It was a house with some history a couple got divorced after their child somehow died in the house and then the wife moved out
Later, the husband shot himself at the kitchen table. It's been fenced off ever since
Been sold or torn down by now is beyond me. I feel so bad. We got there
We realized how even or may not be true
It stood taller than the other houses and it had a black fence surrounding the front yard with overgrown bushes hugging it
The front gate was pretty easy to hop the deviance of what we were doing just made it so much more thrilling
We walked around back just to be safe. Hoping no neighbors would see us
The back windows were boarded up from the inside and the back door had a table wedged up against it
Someone clearly tried really hard to keep people out possibly a neighbor
Through teamwork we were able to lift the table quietly from off the door and onto the grass
The door was missing a doorknob and it pushed in relatively easily
We were inside and it felt weird
Felt uncomfortable and at the same time
All of us had our flashlights creating a decent amount of light in the otherwise pitch-black building
We were in the back living area of the house some kind of den
The wood floors were all creaky as hell and everything seemed to have been untouched for years
It didn't seem like anyone ever really broke in there before
That room was clear of anything interesting. So he moved on to the kitchen an
archaic fridge sat in the corner
One of my friends opened it up and immediately the room filled with a stale rotten plasticky type odor
The fridge had some old empty milk and orange juice cartons. That was about it
The whole kitchen smelled foul, so we got out of there quickly
hmm next was the living room this room was just
Something about it. I don't know it just made you think that any time he turned around
There'd be someone standing in one of the corners. Oh
Man, my friends pointed his light up and said look at that
there was a giant hole in the ceiling which led right up to a room upstairs as
My other friend and I also shined our lights up there. There was a couple thumps from right above us
We all shut our lights. I got that horrible painful feeling in my heart area from what I just heard I
Could feel that in my stomach
Dad, I'm like in the house
One friend whispered. We should go up there see what it was
My other friend and I said absolutely no way and started tiptoeing to the back door. Mm-hmm, but he was persistent
He didn't follow us
Instead he went upstairs his fault, man. He didn't even make a good effort at being quiet about it
He kind of felt like we had to wait for him down in the living room now. So we stayed put
We heard his footsteps upstairs now crossing the upstairs of the house until he stopped right above us
My eyes were adjusted to the dark by this point. So even without our flashlights on Mars
He stopped at your of my friends standing above us looking down through that hole in the ceiling. I
tried whispering up there loud enough so that he could hear but apparently he couldn't I
Didn't want to get any louder
But suddenly we heard footsteps coming from the stairway in the living room
We both turned on our flashlights and shine them up to the top of the staircase to see our other friends walking down the stairs
The realization set in immediately and neither of us had the balls to shine our lights up to that hole in the ceiling
To see who was actually standing there. I
Just screamed run and we all booked it to the back door out the house and to one of my friends house. Oh
The friend who went upstairs said he smelled something foul up there
Like a rotting carcass and that he also heard breathing coming from one of the rooms
To this day. We have no idea who was in that house, but it seemed unlikely that it was just another curious wanderer
given how boarded up the house was
To say the least. We don't go there anymore
Good thank God. Oh
Man Wow
All right, so to be honest I thought that
One of the two stories the first one and
The third one was the most scary so
Comment down below what you guys thought which story was the most scariest? I thought one in three was the most scariest
so thinking um
Thank you guys so much watching make sure to LIKE the video comment down below and subscribe
to the channel and turn on post vacations
I can't believe we're almost up to five hundred and fifty subscribers and then after that six hundred man
I'm actually really surprised of
The journey that I have came through on my channel on my new channel
So thank you guys so much for that. So I hope you guys enjoyed you Halloween. Make sure you guys come down below
costumes that you're being for Halloween, so
Yeah, thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone
For more infomation >> 3 True Disturbing Halloween Horror Stories Reaction - Duration: 18:51. -------------------------------------------
Melwood Crescent, Cherry Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 5:07.
Driving east on Melwood Drive
<<< Melwood Drive continues left
Melwood Crescent begins
Melwood Crescent ends
For more infomation >> Melwood Crescent, Cherry Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 5:07. -------------------------------------------
أفضل دعاء تدعو به لوالديك | الشيخ محمد المختار الشنقيطي - Duration: 13:41.
For more infomation >> أفضل دعاء تدعو به لوالديك | الشيخ محمد المختار الشنقيطي - Duration: 13:41. -------------------------------------------
Singer Sameena Kanwal | Eha Ghot Maa | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 5:07.
Welcome To Bebo Production Channel
Singer Sameena Kanwal
Karaoke Track Eha Ghot Maa
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For more infomation >> Singer Sameena Kanwal | Eha Ghot Maa | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 5:07. -------------------------------------------
Singer Sameena Kanwal | Hik Banglo | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 6:11.
Welcome To The Bebo Production Channel On YouTube
Singer Sameena Kanwal
Karaoke Track Hik Banglo
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For more infomation >> Singer Sameena Kanwal | Hik Banglo | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 6:11. -------------------------------------------
Singer Sameena Kanwal | Ehre Suhren Kunwaar | Karaoke Track Hit,s | - Duration: 5:06.
Welcome To Bebo Production Channel
Singer Sameena Kanwal
Karaoke Track Ehre Suhren
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