Hey guys!
Hope y'all doing great
and I'm so excited about this video
but before we even start this video
I must put this out there
This is not a sponsored video
It's just me doing it for fun
and to show you just how big of a coffee snob I am so...
After using
I'm not even sure how to pronounce the name :laughing:
coffee grinder
and I'll put this spelling up here so you can see what I'm talking about
and you have not see the video
be sure to check it out
it'll be up in the
and down in the description box so you can see
what it looks like
I've used that grinder for Keurig
and cold brew French press
and is that it? Yeah, that's it
I drink a lot of coffee :chuckling: I drink a lot of coffee
And after using the grinder for all these four purposes
I have found all the likes and dislikes about it
I'm going to start with the likes
I absolutely love it
that when you grind at a whatever setting you want
it doesn't get
that sandy as you would find in pre-grinded coffee
or especially the cheap one
If you buy really cheap coffee
you'll notice that you'll get a lot of sand coming through
This one, not so much
I mean there's a little bit sand
but that's just because some coffee beans get stuck and it will over grind
which it happens
you pay for it
for good coffee
It's so good
The other likes that I really, really like
which is
this coffee holder
is amazing
because when you put it on and you start grinding
it literally like, this hole right here
It seals over
What do you call it? Exhaust?
Or opening where the coffee grinds come out
It's like airtight
so you don't have to worry about your coffee going everywhere
all over your countertop and so on, so forth
It's amazing, I love it
Although I have to... I do have a caution
Whatever you do, when you stop grinding coffee
be sure to pick up the machine and just kinda
like shake it around because
First time I used it
When I took this off
and I picked up the machine to kinda like wipe it down
the leftover coffee grind just went all over me
because I tilted it just right, it just
whoosh, all over me
Although I did smell like coffee all day so not a bad thing
the only bad thing is I had to clean it off the floor so...
Just putting it out there
The other likes: the removable parts
the coffee bean hopper container
the coffee grinder container
they both can be removed
and the UH
What do you call that one? That grinder part
with the teeth part
You can remove that from the machine
and you can hand wash all of those
Don't put in a dishwasher, it's not a good idea
Just hand wash it, it's fast and simple, no matter what
and the last like I have about this grinder
It doesn't take up much space which is surprising because I have
espresso machine
French press
and Turkish decanters
all on the countertop
and there's the coffee grinder right there
Awesome, fantastic, love it
However there are some dislikes I have about it
and the first one is
well, two dislikes
One: you can't be exactly clean out the actual machine
and the only way to make sure that is clean-ish is
to over grind like just get as much coffee as possible out of there and let the air kind of like
to vent it to like push
I don't know why I'm gesturing but I'm just saying it could get clogged up if you don't be careful about it
The other one is
even if you grind it up to the amount that you want
you might have like half-grinded beans stuck
in the grinder teeth
you still have to over grind it to get it out
and that's where you get the sandy part coming from
which is fine
because it's not as bad as pre-grinded coffee
So that's the only dislike I have
about cleaning and caring for a part
The other dislike
At first, I was using the
grinding size dial
I really don't like it because when I turn it kind of fast
it felt like you're grinding the gears as you would in a manual car if you ever grinded it
It sounds awful
and you know, it feels awful too
However I have discovered
if you go slow enough, you'll feel the clicks
so you have to go slow and kind of like lean over and just make sure it lines up
which kinda sucks because I like the light up indicator of timer
I wish that they would put that indicator as well and put it on here so you know that it
actually lines up so you know which one you're getting and not getting over-grinded or under-grinded
Just saying
Last but not least
it's freaking loud!
Which is funny to say because I'm deaf, I'm usually deaf when I grind my coffee
but I have to time it just right so I don't wake my husband up
too early, he'll hate me if I wake him up too early
But this could be a bonus
especially if you're trying to wake up a heavy sleeper
without any harm to yourself
That, that's the grinder for you like it's a perfect alarm clock
for heavy sleepers and if they love coffee
hopefully that grumpiness will turn into happy mood, knowing that they're getting coffee out of it :laughing:
Just putting it out there
Okay, this is all I have for you about this grinder
If you have any other questions concerning about this grinder
please let me know in the comment below
or you can shoot me an email right here
This is my email address
Just be sure to put in the subject box saying
coffee grinder so I know what we're talking about ahead of time
and if you like this video, please press like down in the corner
and if you hate this video and you just freaking hate coffee
that's what the hate button is for so punch it all to your heart delight
and I hope to see you next Saturday
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