Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 26 2018

-You look gorgeous. -She ready.

-She ready. You look beautiful.

-Thank you. -Thank you for coming back

to the show, and thank you for a good

thwomping out there for the Lip Sync Battle.

-Yeah, I whupped that ass, huh?

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

-I mean, -- -♪ How does it feel? ♪

-Oh, my God. "Afro Puffs"?

-Yeah. -That's a good call, man.

-Yeah, that's, like, one of my favorite songs

from back in the day, and I love the Lady of Rage.

And, like, that was one of the first rap songs I learned.

-I love it. Is that "rough and tough"?

-Yeah, I rock rough and stuff with my afro --

-Rough and stuff. -Rough and stuff.

-Rough and stuff with my afro puff.

-You know, everybody messes up lyrics sometimes to songs

that they really don't know. [ Laughter ]


[ Laughter ]

Did that just happen? -Yep.

-It did just happen just now?

-That was a shade tree I had just put up.

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, my God!

Oh, my God. Unbelievable.

You -- Actually, I saw --

First of all, congrats on the Emmy.

-Thank you.

-You won the Emmy for "Saturday Night Live."

Yeah! You won the Emmy Award!

-Thank you!

-You won that.

You posted this photo right here.

It said, "Me and my girlfriend." -Yes.

We sleep together. -You sleep together, yeah.

-Yeah. This is the closest -- this is as close

as I'm gonna get to a lesbian relationship at this point.

-It is? It is.

And you said --

[ Laughter ]

That's fantastic.

You have that, and you're so good.

There's many more trophies to come in your future.

I know that. -Really?

-Oh, you're good. -You think so?

-Absolutely, yeah. -That's so nice of you.

I would prefer more checks.

[ Laughter ]

-No, but don't you want a boyfriend for this girlfriend?

-You know, it would be nice to have a boyfriend.

Like, an Oscar for my Emmy would be cute.

-That's what I'm talking about. -It would be cute.

-That would be cute, right?

-Then I could have, like, a threesome.

-Oh, my! [ Laughter ]

You put up -- -That might be too much.

This is late night, right? -Oh, yeah.

You're allowed to do -- Yeah. -Okay, cool. All right.

-You said that -- You just put it out there.

You said -- describe to me -- You want a dream date.

and you said, "If I was your date,

how would you -- what would the dream date be?"

-Yeah, oh, yeah. I had posted on Instagram that,

you know, I'm tired of being single.

I'm looking to start dating now.

And, you know, I have some requirements.

You got to be like 25 and over, not currently in jail.

[ Laughter ]

-Currently. -Not currently in jail.

-No, no, not currently.

-'Cause I don't know how they get cellphones,

but they -- Anyways...

[ Laughter ]

So, I got some really interesting responses.

I asked them put up the ideal date that you would take me on.

And it was a lot of really, really bad ones.

A lot -- Like, horrible.

-Really? -Yeah, yeah.

Marlon Wayans had --

You know, he had posted something.

It was bad.

He was like, "I'll pick you up on my bike.

It'll be a 10-speed."

[ Laughter ]

He was like, "I'll take you to Burger King,

get you whatever you want to eat."

[ Laughter ]

You know? -He's good, man.

-"I'll take you to the movies to see your movie,

and I'll bootleg it on my cellphone

so you can watch it later.

And then I'll take you back to my place,

but, really, it's my mama's place.

I'll give you a bath in my rusty-ass tub."

[ Laughter ]

But then he said he would make love to me on an air mattress,

which I was like, "Okay, that's cute."

[ Laughter ]

God, that's cheap.

-'Cause I've done that before. And then, um...

-Oh, my goodness. [ Laughter ]

-But, really, that was bad. That was just a bad one.

-Did anyone come close? Who was --

-Oh, there was this one guy.

He's a Marine, and he's a doctor, and, like,

he deals, like, in trauma and stuff.

And I was like, "Ooh. I suffer from some traumas."

[ Laughter ]

And he's like, you know -- he's very handsome.

I looked at his Instagram page.

I'm like, "Oh, he's fine, right?"

Like, super fine. [ Laughter ]

But he's, like, in the middle of like a war zone right now,

so he can't really, like, travel to me.

But, you know, love is a battlefield,

so I'm thinking about it.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-You said -- You commented on one thing.

You said you want someone that's gonna survive the apocalypse.

-Oh, yes! That's important. I forgot.

That's one of the requirements.

You know, like, he need to know how to, like,

build a house out of rubble. You know.

[ Laughter ]

Does he know -- -Rubble.

-I know a man know how to kill a cat,

but do you know how to smoke that cat

so it'll last during the apocalypse?

You know what I'm saying?

Can you grow things? -Smoke it.

-Do you know how to kill zombies?

Do you know, like, just things like that?

You know, survival stuff. -Yes, survival stuff.

-Do you know how to cure an infection with weeds?

[ Laughter ] -What?!

Okay, it's just a couple little things like that.

-Yeah, just, you know...

For more infomation >> Tiffany Haddish Shares Her Dream Date Requirements - Duration: 4:42.


Tiffany Haddish Bonded with Tyler Perry About Living in Their Cars - Duration: 3:30.

-Before we go into your movie "Nobody's Fool,"

you have a big announcement.

You're going -- You have a stand-up tour.

-Yes, I have a stand-up tour going.

-Yes! -It's starting.

Yeah! ♪♪

-Now, is this part of the Netflix special thing?

-Yes, yes.

I shoot my Netflix special earlier next year.

And, so, the tour starts in January,

on New Year's Eve in Miami.

And, like, I got so much material.

Like, it's a lot of material.

Probably about two or three hours worth.

But they're only paying me for an hour,

so that's all they're going to get.

-So you could -- I want to come see you, man.

-You should come and see me.

-Dude, I love you in everything you're in.

And I love you in -- -You're so nice!

-No. Oh, my gosh.

Every time I see you, you always just make me laugh.

I already told you backstage, there's a couple of lines

in this movie that, gosh, made me laugh.

But I don't know if it was improvised or whatever,

but -- this movie -- You go there for a couple of scenes.

-Yeah, this movie is, like, super-fun.

It's "Nobody's Fool," and it's starring myself,

Tika Sumpter.

Whoopi Goldberg plays my mom, which is like a dream come true.

And she's so funny in the movie. -I love her.

-And, like, my character -- you know, she a little --

she a little -- She rock rough.

You know, she rough. And she loves her family.

You know, she love her sister,

and her sister is, like, getting played by men all the time.

And she's like, "We're not having that no more."

And my character's like, "We not having that."

And, like, I do things or whatever.

-But you move in with her. -Yeah, I move in my sister.

'Cause you know, when you get out of jail,

you've got to live with somebody, so...

That's a part of the requirement.

-We should mention -- yeah, yeah --

that your character was in jail, yeah.

-Yeah, I was in jail. Not myself.


-Not recently myself, but my character.

-How was Tyler Perry? Did you get along with Tyler?

-Oh, Tyler Perry is great.

Like, it's so funny, 'cause, like -- Oh, my goodness.

We got a lot in common, and I've auditioned for him many times.

And I just feel like he's such a great dude.

He works super-fast, like me, you know?

And he lived in a Geo Metro, like me, and --

-Really? -Yeah. You didn't know that?


-Have you ever lived in a car before?

-No. -Yeah, white privilege.

Anyways... -Living in a car?

Just 'cause I didn't live in a car?

-Mm-hmm. -But Tyler lived in a Geo Metro?

-Yeah, Tyler lived in a car before, yep.

-Really? -Mm-hmm.

And then he pulled himself up by his bootstraps

and created an empire, and that's what I want to do.

Like, and he's teaching me and stuff.

-And you're the best. Look at you. Come on.

You're on the cover of magazines and everything.

[ Cheers and applause ]

You're unbelievable.

I've never -- I told you, I've never met anyone like you.

You're unbelievable. -And you never will.

-We have a clip.

Here's Tiffany Haddish in the new Tyler Perry movie,

"Nobody's Fool," in theaters next Friday.

Check this out.

-Okay, now we need to go and find

the son of a bitch who catfished me.

-Well, I got the address, girl. I got his address.

Now all I'm gonna need -- Wait. You got some cash?

'Cause we're going to need a lime and we're gonna need a saw.

We're gonna need some plastic.

-I got to go to the bathroom.

-Yeah, that's good. That's good.

You need to go ahead and let all the liquids out,

'cause you don't want to leave no DNA.

'Cause killing a man is hard work.

Every time you try to kill a man,

you're going to squirt a little pee.

I know that for sure.

-Our thanks to Tiffany Haddish.

For more infomation >> Tiffany Haddish Bonded with Tyler Perry About Living in Their Cars - Duration: 3:30.


Trump's Two iPhones, Straight Pride Flag - Monologue - Duration: 2:34.

-Let's get to the news.

At a campaign rally last night, President Trump bragged about

his response to the multiple explosive devices

sent to prominent Democrats, saying, "By the way,

do you see how nice I'm behaving tonight?"

You know, like a normal person would say.

If you're ever on a date with a guy and he says,

"See how nice I'm behaving?",

pepper-spray him until the canister runs out.

[ Cheers and applause ]

According to "The New York Times,"

President Trump has two official iPhones --

one that is used for calls

and one that is used for Twitter and other apps.

He also has an Android that he uses mainly

as his vice president.

According to "The New York Times,"

President Trump still uses his iPhone for calls,

even though aides have told him Russian spies

routinely eavesdrop on them.

Of course, it doesn't count as eavesdropping

if that's who you called.

[ As Trump ] Hello? Russian spies?

[ Normal voice ] Following a report that

Russian and Chinese spies are listening in on

President Trump's phone calls, Trump tweeted,

"I rarely use a cellphone, and when I do,

it's government-authorized,"

which I guess explains why the government gave him this phone.

Ethiopia, today, appointed the country's

first female president, so congratulations to --

and I hope I'm pronouncing this right --

Hillary Clinton.

[ Cheers and applause ]

The mayor of a town in Canada is under scrutiny

after allowing residents to fly so-called straight-pride flags.

A straight-pride flag is like a gay-pride flag,

except the colors totally do not go together.

And, finally, a woman had to be removed from a flight

from Scotland to London yesterday

after attempting to sneak

an emotional-support cat onto the plane.

Fortunately, when the woman broke down in tears,

the cat was there to not care at all.

For more infomation >> Trump's Two iPhones, Straight Pride Flag - Monologue - Duration: 2:34.


Gerard Butler Had a Close Call with Ambien - Duration: 3:42.

-This is a true story. You used to work at SeaWorld.

-I did. I did. I worked at SeaWorld.

When I was a student. I was a law student.

And I did a student-exchange program.

and I worked in McCormick & Schmick's in San Diego.

I was a busboy.

And then I started working at SeaWorld.

And it was a lot of fun.

I actually worked in the Shamu Stadium.

-That's the best stadium to work in, yeah.

-Which was amazing. But it's not as exciting --

It was basically me letting in everybody to the show

and then afterwards cleaning up all the melting ice creams.

But I would be left there alone sometimes,

and we were always told, "Do not make any signs to Shamu,"

because obviously during the show,

they do these signs. the thing jumps.

But, of course, I'm a little troublesome boy from Scotland.

So I'd be there alone.

There's nobody in the stadium, and I'm looking around.

And I'm just looking at Shamu.

Like, "Go, go.

[ Laughter ]

Come on. Go, go, go."

He would just sail right past me.


-"Come on! Go, you bastard!" -Even with your hand gestures,

you have too thick a Scottish accent.

[ Laughter ]

Um, I want to talk about this.

Because you obviously have an accent, but you have

played a lot of characters with American dialects.

You have a dialect coach,

who you've worked with multiple times.

-Yes, many times.

-What is your dialect coach's name?

-Jerry Butler. -So it is your name?

-He has my name, yes. -Yeah.

Was that something you requested or is this complete coincidence?

-Complete coincidence.

But he's a black man with long dreads.

Well, he used to have dreadlocks.

But we became great friends. But when I first went --

"What the hell was Jerry Butler going to look like?"

No, I don't think anybody is going to get confused

between the two of us.

-And you guys obviously are close

because of how many films you've worked on.

This is you at his wedding, right?

-Yes. [ Applause ]

-Yeah. You went to Jerry Butler's wedding.

-I went to Jerry Butler's wedding.

By the way, I have to say,

so, there's a story behind this wedding that --

you're applauding now,

but if you knew what it took to get to this wedding.

I was traveling at the time.

And when I travel and I get jetlag, you know,

I'm prone to take the occasional Ambien.

-Sure. -I didn't have any.

I borrowed them from my manager.

I had five Ambien.

And I also take these vitamin pills in the morning.

You know, they're natural pills.

And my girlfriend put five Ambien in the vitamin bag.

And I was seeing my architect that day before the wedding,

and I thought, "I'll go down and get a sandwich."

I get a sandwich from the deli, and I take my vitamin pills.

I also took five Ambien. I didn't know this.

And we're up -- And I'm going through the plans with my band.

I have to stand up to do this. I put the plans on my bed.

I start swaying and I go, "What are these plans doing to me?"

And then I think I said another couple things about the plans

and then just face-planted on the bed.

And my girlfriend and my assistant are like,

"So, uh, let's just carry on."

And they leave me in the bed. And I wake up three hours later.

And I go, "What's going on? What's going on?"

And she goes, "We've got to go to the wedding."

I go, "Whose wedding?" "Jerry Butler's wedding."

I was like, "Uh, uh...

[ Laughter ]

No. It's not that easy."

-It's not that easy. -It's not that easy.

So me here... -Yeah. actually -- That's four hours after five Ambien.

So I think I did --

-Yeah, you look pretty good for a guy.

-[ Laughs ]

-Give it up for our friend Gerard Butler, everybody.

For more infomation >> Gerard Butler Had a Close Call with Ambien - Duration: 3:42.


Gerard Butler Gave a Press Conference at the Pentagon - Duration: 5:35.

-You know our first guest tonight

from films like "300" and "Olympus Has Fallen."

He stars in "Hunter Killer," which is in theaters Friday.

Let's take a look.

-75! 50 feet!

40 feet! -Cast it!

-30 feet! 2-5!

-Terminal holding, Captain. -Right full rudder.

-Right full rudder, aye, Captain.

-Please welcome back to the show

our friend Gerard Butler, everybody.

[ Cheers and applause ]



Welcome back.

I'm so happy to have you here.

I think you're living the dream.

I feel like, if you're an actor who at some point in your career

gets to scream "right full rudder," that's the dream.

-I actually had a -- I was in a Bond movie

right at the beginning of my career,

and I got to say things like --

I was a sailor on a ship saying,

"Torpedoes bearing range, 6,000."

And while I'm filming,

the quartermaster said he wouldn't say that.

So it all got taken away from me.

-Oh, he took away your lines. -He took away my lines.

And I was left with, "We're down by the stern, sir."

So from that day, I said, "I am making a submarine movie.

I'm going to produce it

and nobody is going to take my lines away."

-There you go.

You play a captain in this movie.

And there's a coup in Russia.

And you're sort of preventing a world war.

Normal stuff for Gerard Butler.

-Normal stuff. Yeah.

-A regular day at the office.

But this is interesting.

The Pentagon, the Navy asked you

to actually give a press conference

to talk about the film.

And this is a real thing.

You went and gave a press conference at the Pentagon.

And I should point out -- [ Cheers and applause ]


Like, you're -- so this --

I want to make sure everybody knows.

You're an actor talking about a movie.

But these are real reporters. Right?

-Yes. Yes. -How was it?

-Unfortunately they put in the real reporters, not fake ones.

[ Laughter ]

Yeah, so the Navy were incredible in supporting us

with this movie, and then I was invited to the Pentagon.

I thought, "Great, I'm going to go along,

get a trip around the Pentagon

and they're going to show me around."

And they said, "And if you can just do a press conference

at the end."

And they gave me information about the Navy.

So I'm thinking -- I'm more defending them, saying,

"Don't worry, you didn't spend any money,

necessarily deviate from their missions."

And as we get there, I look out,

and I go, "I recognize this room, though."

And then I walk out and I look behind me and I'm --

That's the Pentagon sign.

I'm actually doing a --

and I see Barbara Starr of CNN

and the first question is Saudi Arabia.

-Oh, boy.

-The second question is, "How do you solve Saudi Arabia?"

I'm like, "Okay, I don't know. Did we get the same memo?"

[ Laughter ]

Because, I didn't -- [ Applause ]

And it was 32 minutes.

-Wow! -32 minutes at the Pentagon.

And I still didn't quite appreciate it until afterwards

when I saw photos and it's me standing in front of the panel.

I know that sounds stupid, but I really didn't appreciate it

until I see the photos and go,

"No, I was actually doing a press conference."

-I just like to think of an editor saying,

"Who gave these quotes?"

And they were like, "It was Gerard Butler today."

-Exactly. [ Laughter ]

Oh, yeah.

There was even a headline saying --

I saw it after, but it said,

"Gerard Butler speaks live from the Pentagon in a few minutes."

And you go, "That's -- I see that with Trump, I see that,

but Gerard Butler speaks live"?

Like, what's he got to say?

-I will say, like, five years ago,

that crawl on CNN I would think is weird.

Now anything, I'm like, whatever.

-That's true. That's true.

-That's not crazier than anything else.

[ Applause ]

Did you actually go --

You went out on a submarine just to do a little research.

-Yeah. I went out with the director, Donovan Marsh.

Went out on this -- it was one of the most,

maybe the most incredible experiences I ever had

going out for three days underway from Pearl Harbor.

And we did all the maneuvers that we do in the movie.

So battle stations and deep dives

and fire drills, et cetera.

But when we first went out --

one of the drills they do is man overboard.

But they do man overboard.

They're not going to throw a man overboard every time,

so they throw a bag of popcorn.

-Yeah, right. -Into the ocean, right?

-That's far more disposable. -Yeah, yeah.

And then they spend the next four minutes

trying to rescue this popcorn from the ocean.

[ Laughter ]

This 8,000-ton sub that stops, maneuvers back, forward,

and then somebody climbs out of the hatch

and dives into the water and grabs the popcorn

before, hopefully, it bursts.

-I feel like if a boat was going by and saw that,

they would just think, "I can't believe that's the only popcorn

they have on that submarine." [ Laughter ]

-Yeah, we did eat that popcorn.

Yeah, we dried it out in the microwave and then we had it.

And then the captain also lit up a cigar before we went out.

He was like, "Okay, this is what we're going to do."

So we lit up a cigar.

I'm thinking, "This is insane."

I'm on top of a hunter killer submarine

and feeling a bit queasy, though, and all I hear is --

[ Grunting ]

And I turn around and I'm looking at the captain, like,

"Is that Donovan?"

And Donovan is over the back, throwing up.

-That's your director? -Our director, Donovan,

is throwing up on the edge of the tower.

Gone was that hope that we could

pretend to be bad-ass movie people.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

I would say you played right into the stereotype

that the Navy had of you, yeah.

For more infomation >> Gerard Butler Gave a Press Conference at the Pentagon - Duration: 5:35.


Hochrangiger EU-Vertreter: Keine unserer Waffen an Terror-Exporteur und Mörder Saudi Arabien geben - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Hochrangiger EU-Vertreter: Keine unserer Waffen an Terror-Exporteur und Mörder Saudi Arabien geben - Duration: 3:14.


Sniper Shooter 3D 2018 - Sniper Shooting Games - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:11.

Sniper Shooter 3D 2018 - Sniper Shooting Games - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> Sniper Shooter 3D 2018 - Sniper Shooting Games - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:11.


【MUKBANG】 [HEAVEN] Full-Course Cheese Meal [TikTok Gourmet MAKES YOUR MEAL MUCH MORE FUN!] 4000kcal - Duration: 8:25.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i'm going to introduce Tik Tok App

recently i start using it, but i didn't understand it so well

i just start using it recently

i'm sure that a lot of you use it already

but there is a new feature that i really like it

and it the reason why i use it

it's tik tok Gourmet Map

you start by clicking at this banner here

look, isn't the map so cute ?

it's a 3D cute map

you can choose what you like to eat

and here you can see people posts

and if you click here, you can "share" this with others as well

now let's go to the restaurant that Tik Tok recommend it

Jaan, look at this, isn't so tasty ?

it's a Cheese Restaurant that called DAIGOMI in minamiaoyama

and as you see here, you can try different kind of cheese dishes

because i like cheese, it's like this restaurant is made just for me

i'm looking forward to it

let's start eating


let's start with this

Bacon Raclette

bacon and raclette cheese, this is the best isn't that !

it's not with the raclette but i'll add it now

it's raclette cheese, looks so tasty

oooh, what an amazing thing

looks so tasty

this will be so tasty for sure

this is a true HEAVEN

ah, look at this, looks so yummy


the best

this cheese is hot, soft and melty, and this goes so well with the juicy bacon

its saltiness is irresistible

here with bread


cheese goes so well with anything

look at this, cheese raclette is the best

cheese only is enough to make it tasty


next, Tomato And Beef Mozzarella Caprese

aaah, what a nice color


it tastes so good

and the salty taste is so yummy


tomato goes so well with cheese

Sea urchin and Blue cheese Gnocchi

it's sea urchin, it matches with...

it's plenty of ingredients that i like it together

looks so tasty


i really like the soft Gnocchi

and i like sea urchin as wel

what makes it the best

and it's easy to eat as well

it's maitake mushroom and camembert soup

it's so hot

you eat it hot

it going to be so good for sure

look at this, it looks so tasty

i haven't eaten this kind of food before

with camembert cheese, and this is so amazing


the texure and the flavor are the best

here with the bread

looks tasty


the best

and here is Cottage Cheese and Marinated Harb

this is how it looks like

the aroma of the harb is so good

and the rich taste of the cheese cottage is really yummy

so refreshing and tasty

wagyu beef and blue sauce

this sauce is so melty...

it's mixed with cheese

looks really yummy


this blue sauce is really tasty

with a strong taste and goes so well with the fatty wagyu beef

this is irresistible

quartet pizza

it's like the quattro fromage pizza

i want to add honey to it and eat it

it's quartet pizza because there are 4 kinds of cheese on it

it's my favorite, honey

because i like cheese, i like everything that goes so well with it

looks so tasty


the aroma of cheese is so good

the sweet taste of honey with the salty taste of cheese is so good

and because it's with 4 kinds of cheese, you don't get boring when you eat it

and here is the special dish of the restaurant, cheese risotto

topped with cheese raclette as well

hay, let's add cheese raclette

look at this, i don't think that you can see the cheese and rice here

waah, this is amazing


this is the tastiest thing that i ate it until now

aah, cheese is amazing, power of cheese

i think all of you noticed the pillow that was here from the beginning

i'm going to share what i eating now on TikTok

i'll say that i'm trying an amazing thing

"waa, this is the recommendation of Tik Tok"

and plenty of filters are available to use it to make the dish looks tasty

this is really great


when the raclette cooled down, it will be soft and tasty

the last bite, itadakimasu



the restautant Full-Course Cheese Meal was so tasty

if you like cheese this is your place

the recipes here will like it both girls and boys who likes cheese

jaan, tik tok made a new feature called TikTok Gourmet map

i think they made this for me

you click at the restaurant from the map and you see what people post about the restaurant

and you can share yours as well

and use plenty of new exclusive stickers as well

and at the restaurant that are registered in the app, you will find plenty of TikTok goods that are available as a gift

i wish that you try it as well

me too i'm going to share when i find a tasty thing, and you can search for my posts as well

and because i tried today something new, i was so happy

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [HEAVEN] Full-Course Cheese Meal [TikTok Gourmet MAKES YOUR MEAL MUCH MORE FUN!] 4000kcal - Duration: 8:25.


Skyfall Movie (2012) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Skyfall Movie (2012) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:11.


JACK JACK PLAY WITH MUD 💝| Cartoons for children - Duration: 2:17.

goodness me let me think have you been watching television no

daddy have you just had a bath I know you've

been jumping in muddy puddles

look at the mess you're in oh oh well it's only mud let's clean up quickly

before mommy sees the mess cleaned up come and play - yes we could all play in

the garden

peppa and George are wearing their loops mummy and daddy are wearing their boots

Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and

down in muddy puddles Oh daddy look at the mess you're in it's only mud


For more infomation >> JACK JACK PLAY WITH MUD 💝| Cartoons for children - Duration: 2:17.


TOP 10 WAYS HOW TO FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY . Life hacks for SLEEP - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 WAYS HOW TO FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY . Life hacks for SLEEP - Duration: 4:23.


Nhật ký câu cá rô đồng -Tập 9: Vào khu đất hoang câu toàn rô mề - Duration: 20:47.


For more infomation >> Nhật ký câu cá rô đồng -Tập 9: Vào khu đất hoang câu toàn rô mề - Duration: 20:47.


One Two Buckle My Shoe Halloween | Halloween Special Song | Shemaroo Kids Malayalam - Duration: 1:23.

One, Two. Buckle my shoe

Three, Four. Open the door

Five, Six. Pick up sticks

Seven, Eight. Lay them straight

Nine, Ten. Do it again!

Are you ready?

One, Two. Buckle my shoe

Three, Four. Open the door

Five, Six. Pick up sticks

Seven, Eight. Lay them straight

Nine, Ten. A big fat hen!!!

Are you ready?

One, Two. Buckle my shoe

Three, Four. Open the door

Five, Six. Pick up sticks

Seven, Eight. Lay them straight

Nine, Ten. Do it again...

Are you ready?

One, Two. Buckle my shoe

Three, Four. Knock on the door

Five, Six. Pick up sticks

Seven, Eight. You're doing great!

Nine, Ten. And that's the end...

For more infomation >> One Two Buckle My Shoe Halloween | Halloween Special Song | Shemaroo Kids Malayalam - Duration: 1:23.


Most Common Causes of Missed and Irregular Periods –By Natural Health Care - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Most Common Causes of Missed and Irregular Periods –By Natural Health Care - Duration: 2:56.


Just let us eat. Then we can play some game! [2Days&1Night Season3/2018.10.21] - Duration: 10:53.

Team OB gets a generous meal as I mentioned.

- Wow, it looks amazing. / - Look. There's mackerel.

(Doenjang with snails, mackerel, and everything)

The pork is...

This is amazing. These are my favorite.

It looks delicious.

(What's Team YB's dinner?)

(Seasoned spinach for cool men)

Did you add sesame oil?

- They did. / - They did?

At least we still get to eat something.

- Enjoy your meal. / - Enjoy it.

- Gosh, what is this? / - Doenjang with snails.


Wow, pumpkin leaves.

- It's my favorite. / - Look at this big snail.

(Pumpkin leaves and doenjang with snails)

It looks great.

The pumpkin leaf is so good.

(He eats pumpkin leaves with rice and doenjang.)


I love pumpkin leaves.


The doenjang with snails is the highlight.

It tastes so good, Sung.

Do you want to trade spinach for cucumber?

The spinach is really good.

Do you have spinach?

The mackerel is so good.

Look at the mackerel.

(Deliriously happy)

This is amazing.

The mackerel is so good. Moist too.

This is the best meal I've had recently.

It's so delicious.

(Team OB is impressed by the Korean dishes.)


(Junho is engrossed with the pumpkin leaves.)


I want some spinach.

It's very fragrant.

I can't eat spinach.

- It's really good. I'm not lying. / - I'm good.

Just let us eat. Then we can play some game.

You can play a game with the machine.

Those who say the truth can eat.

- Play the game? / - Take turns?

We'll ask easy questions.

If I endure the pain, do I get to eat?



- Yes? / - "have been tired"

"of Koyote before."

"I'm sick of Koyote."


- Never? / - I never felt that way.

- It has to be true. / - Because

- I always love Koyote. / - Right.


It's true.

It's true.

(He's surprised too.)

(It's the dignity of Koyote's leader.)

That's so nice.

- I should eat, then. / - He's the leader.

I want the bracken and chili pepper.

The chili pepper is good.

Koyote means a lot to Jongmin.

- Did you add the sauce? / - Yes.

You came back to life thanks to Koyote.


(He's jealous.)

- It's delicious. / - It is, right?

This pumpkin leaf is so delicious.

- Isn't it nice? / - It's amazing.

This is so good.

It is very good.

You think it's you who contributed to

the duo's popularity for the song "Becoming Dust".

- You were the reason. / - Yes.

(He answered Siyoon immediately.)

- Okay. / - That's true.

It's because of me.

I'm serious.

(It's a lie.)

(Joonyoung's humble.)

Joonyoung's being humble.

He relied on Roy Kim.

It's a shame you can't eat this. It's delicious.

It's Siyoon's turn.

You want to change your personal staff.

(It's a tough question.)

Where's Siyoon's staff? Where are you?

Siyoon's staff.

- We'll know the truth. / - You want to change them?

You can if you don't like them.

It may only be one person.

But he hasn't changed them for his good image.

- No. / - Everyone, look at him.

It's not true.

(They want to know what Siyoon thinks.)

- Let's see. / - He wants to change them!

(He's saying goodbye.)

(He feels sad.)

- This one was... / - He needs to change

- staff to be the best. / - It was a good question.

- The question was good. / - It was nice.

It was a good question.

I'm only human too. I have personal feelings.

- It's just a game. / - She's having a meeting.

His staff's having a meeting.

Are they leaving me?

They're confused. They have a lot to think.

It's just a show.

Let's ask Director Kim a question.

- Okay. Let's go. / - You want that position.

- No. / - You want to be a chief.

- You want promotions. / - You want Ilyong gone.

You want Ilyong to be gone.

If it says you told the truth, we'll give you one bite.

Ask him a question.

You think you can be the main director for this show.

- You're an ambitious man. / - You worked hard enough.

You think you can take Ilyong's job.

(Ilyong or friendship)

You can take his job.

- You want to be the main director. / - Yes.

- Say it. / - Yes.

You need to be ambitious. You said yes.

- Either one's fine. / - I feel like he said the truth.

We don't know that yet. It could be a lie.

(What's in his mind?)

(Everyone's paying attention to this.)


(Assistant Director, be ambitious.)

- Nice. / - Goodbye, Ilyong.

(He was a good director.)

It was nice working with Ilyong.

Let's move on.

- I know you all enjoyed your meal... / - No, wait.

He was honest.

It was a very delicious meal.

- It was the best. / - It's like great homemade food.

- It's the best. / - It was delicious.

Gosh, this was the best meal for me this year.

- I love this soybean paste with snails. / - It's good.

- This was the best. / - Koreans love wraps and sauces.

This was magical. It's a magic sauce.

We'll do the last game for tonight,

"Sleeping Indoors or Outdoors".

Before that, we prepared

a dessert for you.


A dessert?

We prepared omija tea, which can prevent flu, for you.

Is this the game? It must be.

There's omija tea inside this box.

We don't know how full it is.

- What? / - What should we do?

You'll take turns taking a sip.

There's this finishing sound from the tip of the straw.

Whoever makes that sound sleeps outdoor tonight.

Where's the outdoor sleeping site?

Tonight's outdoor sleeping site is...

Remember we went to Saraon Iyagi Village earlier?

- It was scary there. / - That place was like...

Oh, my gosh. What is this?

- You mean we have to sleep here? / - It was scary.

- What is it? / - We can't sleep there.

What is it? Let me see.

Taehyun and Joonyoung can't sleep there.

- Show me. / - Show it.

One of us will have to sleep there.

This photo is too eerie.

- Gosh. / - I can't sleep there.

- What is this? / - How can we sleep there?

Do you want to see something scarier?

- There's a scarier one? / - I saw the herbal clinic.

It's the herbal clinic.

There's no way we can sleep there.

- Is he the one? / - Oh, my gosh.

What if he turns his face while we're sleeping?

Imagine his neck turning slowly.

No. Do you see that cautery?

Imagine smoke coming out of it.


What if he suddenly says, "Gosh, it's hot"?

(It's hot!)

- He could say that. / - Don't imagine anything.

You'll only scare yourself like that.

We can't sleep there. Are we really sleeping there?

I like that place. That's better.

How do you sleep here?

I can just sleep there.

You and I would have fought over the wagon.

It's good that you two are in different teams.

The wagon looks fine.

(Omija tea for "Sleeping Indoors or Outdoors")

- Should I go first? / - Start with Defconn.

- You should drink first. / - Okay. I'll go first.

- Finish it up. / - Okay.

- It's working. / - Drink it up.

Drink it like a man. Don't take small sips.

(Drink like a man.)

- Did he fart? / - Gosh.

He's drinking and farting at the same time.

What's with farting and drinking at the same time?

How can he digest it right away?

Defconn's drinking up a lot first.

Don't break.

(It's Joonyoung's turn.)

It helps me to digest well.

(He had a drop.)

Did you drink it?

- I did. / - The water came up the straw.

He drank it.

If nothing came up the straw, he didn't drink it.

(They're having tiny sips.)

- Taehyun, drink it up. / - Drink a lot.

(He drank a bit, but he's acting as if he drank a lot.)

I think this is 1L.

We might have to play this until tomorrow.

(It is likely that they will play it forever.)

(It has been 40 minutes since they started.)

(The real game starts now.)

This is merciless.

How many rounds has it been?

We had like 30 turns.

(They'll have another 30 rounds to finish it.)

(It's almost finished.)

Stop it there. Finish it.

It's still there.

(The last drops keep coming out.)

He didn't drink it at all.

- I drank it. / - He drank it.

We might not hear that finishing sound.

There's no other way. We drink it until it's done.

It has nothing to do with the sound any more.

You have to drink it until there's nothing.

You can make the sound. Just drink it up.

- Drink it. / - Stop.

No, don't stop there.

(The rules are confusing.)

Joonyoung will suck it hard.



Did you make up the rules just now?

We hear this sound during a medical check-up.

Look at him. Is this okay? Look at this.

(Maybe they should play this game next time.)

Let's change the "Sleeping Indoors or Outdoors" game.

Each team stacks up janggi pieces at the same time.

The higher stack wins. You lose if it collapses.

Yes, and you have to sleep outside.

- Stacking. / - One player each.

I'll be the base. My stomach's flat.

We have an excellent base to start with.

I have to hold my breath.

You should. It shouldn't shake.

- Let's go. / - Are you ready?

- Yes. / - Let's go.

Place the first one.

(Playing the first round of stacking janggi pieces)

- It's the second one. / - Two.

(They place each piece carefully.)

- Put it right there. / - It's tilted to the left.

I can't see it. No, it looks good.

- Sixth piece. / - You're just sensitive.

- It's tilted to the left. / - Pick the round ones.

Why is he suddenly breathing hard?

Taehyun, you're breathing too hard.

- Taehyun. / - Don't talk to him.

- Taehyun! Taehyun. / -11th piece.

Is Taehyun sleeping?

- Count it. / - 13th piece.

- Taehyun's sleeping. / - Be quiet.

15th piece.

(Team OB stacked their 15th piece.)

- Why aren't you doing it? / - What are you doing?

- He's holding it. / - Why aren't you doing it?

(Joonyoung can't hold his breath any more.)

Joonyoung, don't breath.

- Both teams... / - Hold it.

Okay, the 16th piece.

(Hang in there.)

Stack the 16h piece now.

He can't hold it like that.

- He's not even laughing. / - Put that piece first,

- then we'll talk. You're weird. / - Let go of it.

(Team YB stacked the 16h piece.)

(Team OB will get it too if he let go of his hand.)

(Falling down)

(They lost.)

(Team YB finally wins after long hours of the game.)


You suddenly started to breathe hard.

I was holding my breath.

- Joonyoung is amazing. / - He had to hold his breath.

- Joonyoung held his breath. / - It was too high.

Your stomach moved a lot right from the start.

Even if we didn't breathe,

our intestines still move. They shake automatically.


Team OB will sleep outside.

(Team OB will sleep outside.)

I was holding it.

For more infomation >> Just let us eat. Then we can play some game! [2Days&1Night Season3/2018.10.21] - Duration: 10:53.


telugu whatsapp status videos | new whatsapp status video 2018 on airflow news - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> telugu whatsapp status videos | new whatsapp status video 2018 on airflow news - Duration: 1:13.


[INDO/ENG SUB] 160308 SHINee Taemin on MV Bank Stardust Season 2 E35 - Duration: 0:15.


[DOWNLOAD FULL VIDEO IN LINK IN DESCRIPTION] (He can only roll the dice five times.)



[DOWNLOAD FULL VIDEO IN LINK IN DESCRIPTION] (Let's begin Random Interview with the charming guy, TAEMIN.)

[DOWNLOAD FULL VIDEO IN LINK IN DESCRIPTION] - Can I just roll it here? - Yes.

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