[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
Let's combine it and design it!
[music playing]
You can watch more Rusty Rivets in the free Nick Jr. app!
Join us on a new journey…. - Duration: 8:28.Hey there and welcome back to
another video of measureschool.com teaching you the data-driven way of digital marketing.
My name is Julian and I have probably said this intro very, very often now hundreds of
hundreds of videos.
And some people actually come up to me in conferences and say, Hey, you that guy with
the till next time.
And yes, I am that guy now.
And I'm super happy about this.
Because now we actually reach the milestone of 60,000 subscribers on this channel.
This has been well just amazing for me.
I didn't really have this as a goal post saying, okay, I want to go 60,000 subscribers.
I always thought like 10,000, that will be good.
But afterward, I really stopped counting.
Now, this channel has grown so much.
And I really have only you to thank because you are probably somebody who has been following
along, you probably didn't Google for this video.
And then found it on YouTube, somehow.
You are one of the viewers that have this probably in their feed and sees this and thank
Thank you for following along on this journey.
Now, a lot of people have a journey and a lot of people write to me that have journeys.
They have learned a lot of about Google Tag Manager, they have learned a lot about measurement.
And they have learned a lot about this whole marketing world that I call data-driven.
But let me tell you, I also have a journey right.
I went from just doing the screencast where I didn't want to show my face to these videos
that I do now in front of the camera, to actually learning a lot about Google Tag Manager really
going in depth and trying to understand how can I explain this better.
But then giving this all back and you have given me so much more back to from this channel.
I am now recognized at conferences.
So people actually come up to me, which is kind of funny for such a small channel.
Second, I have won so many friends through measureschool because I get written and there
are some opportunities people come up to me and this has been just a great experience
in terms of making connections to other stuff out there.
And then third, obviously everybody who went out there bought my courses or bought a consultation
from us, I'm so glad that you guys have found us and that you have put trust in us right.
And even if you're just watching this videos and consuming passively as a marketer out
there, and thanks for still watching these videos and following along.
So thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you
all for you.
Now, people actually often asked me what can I do to help you out with this channel?
There are obviously different opportunities here.
But I want to start out by just saying if you watch these videos, then you are fine.
You're doing me a huge favor.
Obviously, there are sometimes ads in front of the videos so if you watch through them
or click on them or just ignore them.
That's fine, that's all fine.
This monetizes the channel somewhat so I'll be able to keep this going.
At least for a little while.
But we also have costs on our end right.
Video production costs, video editing cost, me standing here and not being able to do
something else at the same time.
But I really am here for the community.
And I want to give you more of the trainings and help you out more and more.
But I have been struggling as well right.
So people have asked me how can we help you out.
Obviously, we also have courses out there, we have consultations.
But now I want to bring you and I want to announce a new form of contribution that you
can make to this channel.
And I also want to give something back at the same time.
And what I want to announce is channel memberships.
Now, channel memberships are a new feature of YouTube, you may see down below a Join
button, you mainly see this on the desktop side.
But we also have a link in the description.
So if you're not on the desktop, you could join through that.
And what channel memberships are, are a more intimate form of
joining this channel, actually, and getting into the community.
And this is a typically $5 subscription depends on which country you are in $5 per month that
And what you would get for this is up to the Creator.
So I'm open to talk with people about this.
But what I have put into perks right now is that you would get an extra video each week.
What does that actually mean?
I will not produce more videos that I won't put onto the channel.
But rather put it into this gated or paid community kind of thing.
I will actually pull out videos, old videos if you say from my content library that I
have available for my premium courses.
So you would be able to get a new premium video each week with which goes into one or
the other aspects of
Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics or whatever we have available there.
Maybe we could also do a little bit of voting going on which video you want to see next.
That could be a possibility.
I'm open to talk about this.
Then I will do live trainings, so exclusively for Channel members, you will be able to join
our live streams and ask questions.
This is also a very small intimate group of people who are channel members.
So I will pay extra attention to your questions, obviously, and you will get a live training
which we also going to publish before we
publish on the subscriber feed
And third, there will be access to two trainings.
One training is our Enhanced eCommerce tracking training.
A lot of people ask me always about Enhanced eCommerce tracking, how can I do it?
Well, there are a lot of steps involved.
And I can't just cram it into one video.
Luckily, I have done a training and I want to give you that training for free.
The second one is our Google Tag Manager for beginners plus challenges course.
You may be familiar with our Google Tag Manager course that we have here on the YouTube channel
for free.
And we also have a paid version that actually gives you a little bit on extra with challenges.
So we can actually try this out and I give you the solution and I'll give you a demo
website to try this out.
So this is these are the four perks that I've put into the membership for now.
Please click that Join button, check out the perks.
Maybe they change over time if you watch this later, but this is really it.
If you want to get more involved with measureschool, get deep into the community and wants to support
the channel, then I invite you to join our membership.
Is this a good deal?
Let me know in the comments below.
I think it's a good deal.
If people out there I think I have a professional crowd, right if you're a freelancer if you
make money, but actually doing analytics or implementing stuff or taking the knowledge
that you've learned on the channel and put it onto us what is $5 a month.
And that's how you can contribute in your own
Or maybe your boss asked him as well.
Anyways, this is really just one new feature that I wanted to announce here on this channel.
It may not be accessible for everybody.
And maybe you think of other ideas on how you could contribute.
Please leave me a comment down below what you think.
I'm always open to hear your thoughts.
All right.
Channel memberships are now available.
If you want to join, please do so.
And if you don't want to join
please continue watching these videos.
Thank you again for 60,000 subscribers.
That's all for now.
If you liked this video, please give us a thumbs up and as always, you know what to
And my name is Julian.
next time.
100 DIY Creative Vertical Garden Wall Planter Boxes Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 12:46.-------------------------------------------
Historically Accurate Halloween Costumes | History - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
The Time Zack Morris Arranged His Friend's Murder For A Used Dirtbike - Duration: 4:50.♪ Zack Morris is trash ♪
(school bell rings)
- [Narrator] It's Career Week at Bayside.
Zack is sad to learn he can't live off his parents forever.
Zack wants to be a game show host,
making a profession of putting strangers
through his nonsense.
Slater's preparing for his big
wrestling match against Valley.
He's ready to hit the beach after practice,
but Zack says, "No distractions on the road to victory."
Slater wonders why Zack suddenly gives a shit
about anyone but himself.
Surprise, he doesn't.
Slater's wrestling Nedick, Valley's undefeated champ.
Every year, Zack gambles on Bayside and loses,
but this year, Slater is a guaranteed win.
What will Zack win?
A brand new dirt bike
that's actually used.
It belongs to the guy Slater's wrestling
who took Zack's bet.
Lisa wants to go into fashion.
Zack makes her news all about him,
to do more bad game show host material nobody wants.
That's somehow the worst performance
at a table with chicken hat sorcery.
Kelly wants to be an actress with lots of kids.
Zack graciously offers to help.
Slater doesn't have a career.
Zack says, "Who needs one?"
High school wrestling will obviously last forever.
Slater's real friends implore him to think of the future.
Zack is pretend dirt biking with Screech
in a delusional fantasy where girls are clamoring
to hop on his overcrowded, underpowered preowned vehicle.
Screech wonders how Zack can bet a dirt bike
if he does not own one.
Who needs a dirt bike when Slater is a lock.
Zack commands Slater to get his lazy butt to practice,
but Slater quit wrestling to find his calling.
Instead of congratulating him on his newfound discipline,
Zack calls him crazy.
Zack is seeking counsel from Poultry the Magnificent
who says his dad quit driving a taxi
and his mom made him cook and he hated cooking,
or whatever, who cares, so he went back to driving a taxi.
This gives Zack a great idea.
He calls Slater's dad, pretending to be from school
to rat on Slater for quitting.
Zack checks if Slater is filling his time
productively without wrestling.
Huh, those were the exact words his dad used.
Slater needs a new activity,
but he just wants to hang out with girls.
Zack knows a place he says is definitely full of girls,
Cooking Club, of course.
Zack is positive Slater will be so devastated
by the female company and delicious food
that he'll go back to sweaty dude fights.
Zack joins Cooking Club
to laugh at Slater's ridiculous apron,
except Zack got the only goofy apron in the joint.
Wow, really showed him, Zack.
Cooking Club is fine, I guess.
Nobody cares.
Everyone, except Zack, made a decent cake.
Slater is an exceptional chef.
He has a natural talent that Zack ignores,
to whine about getting his face punched
over his latest fraudulent wager.
Someone tipped Nedick off to Slater's baking.
Slater is proud of his culinary capabilities.
Nedick mocks Slater's dumb apron.
Gee, wonder who's feeding him this apron intel.
But instead of taking the bait,
Slater relaxes into his new and upgraded life.
Nedick says if nobody fights, he wins by default.
Zack is sure someone will step up.
Nedick says someone better because if someone doesn't,
and he doesn't get his bike,
he's going to fuck Zack's world up sideways.
But instead of taking the world fucking punches he earned,
Zack volunteers Screech to wrestle
an undefeated heavyweight champion,
a champion with a very real personal motive to win.
Zack's brilliant plan is to make Slater feel bad
about Screech's certain death,
so he'll volunteer to take his place.
And if Zack's wrong, he'll name the gym
after his deceased lackey,
a hollow promise he is in no position to ratify.
Zack pulls Slater from the kitchen for Operation Guilt Trip.
Slater laughs at anyone being foolish enough
to send Screech against that widow maker.
Zack pushes him again,
but Slater has to go check on his quiche
and nurture his promising new passion.
Screech takes a sad crack at intimidating Nedick
who mercifully tries to get rid of him.
So Screech is forced to say unforgivable things
about Nedick's family at Zack's behest.
Zack says Slater is not coming,
then does nothing to stop the bloodbath he arranged.
Screech is about to get his spine snapped like a twig,
when Slater comes to his rescue, thank God,
and whups Nedick posthaste, while Zack does zero.
Slater's quiche was ruined
because of Zack's locker room shaming.
Now he's back to not worrying about his career
until it will be far too late.
And Zack yells he won his bike in front of the one person
who shouldn't hear he was gambling.
Fucking idiot.
Let's review.
Zack Morris gambled on a high school wrestling match
with a dirt bike he didn't have.
Then when his friend, concerned for his future,
tried to better himself,
used life lessons from a rooster wizard
to shame him back into violence sports.
Only his brain dead scheme didn't work
because Cooking Club rules,
and there's nothing wrong with aprons.
Then when Slate displayed a real gift,
unsuccessfully tried to embarrass him again,
and played with Screech's life
to guilt a reluctant Slater into abandoning his dreams
to clean up Zack's lethal disaster,
all for a dirt bike Zack didn't even get
because he can't keep his mouth shut.
Zack Morris is trash.
♪ Zack Morris is trash ♪
(school bell rings)
Greedy Corporations Join Together To Fight Net Neutrality - Duration: 4:03.Internet service providers are suing Vermont to stop the State's net neutrality rules.
The lawsuit is the latest in a series of legal challenges by the industry against States
fighting to maintain a free and open internet.
Joining me now to talk about this is RT correspondent Brigida Santos.
Brigida which internet service providers are suing here?
Well Farron the entire broadband industry is involved in this lawsuit, in fact the plaintiffs
include America's largest and most powerful mobile, cable and telecom lobbyist.
Now this is the same group of plaintiffs that sued California earlier this month over its
strict net neutrality protections and this lawsuit is merely an extension of that one.
The industry here is arguing that the Federal Communications Commission can overrule State
net neutrality laws due to the supremacy clause of the Constitution.
But a separate case pending in a DC federal appeals court has yet to determine whether
that argument holds any weight.
That lawsuit aims to reverse the federal net neutrality repeal and preemption of State
So this all hinges on that decision.
So what exactly are Vermont's new net neutrality rules here, I mean what's got the industry
so angry about this?
Well Vermont's net neutrality law only applies to internet service providers seeing government
contracts and that's something that other States have done as well.
So, if ISPs want those contracts in Vermont they have to prove that they are in compliance
with the States free and open internet rules.
Now, if they show they don't throttle, block or prioritize specific content or websites
they'll be granted a certificate to do business with Vermont.
So that's really interesting because you have these internet service providers who want
to make even more money by getting rid of net neutrality and at the same time be able
to take all these, you know, state government contracts to make more money there.
That's all ... it always comes down to that.
It's just how much money can each of these corporations make no matter what it's from.
So what chance does Vermont have in actually winning this fight right now?
Well because Vermont's net neutrality laws only apply to internet service providers who
are seeking those government contracts it actually might have a good chance of beating
the industry since states are allowed to decide how they award contracts to companies.
Now in California the states chances are much lower because it's net neutrality rules apply
to all internet service providers as opposed to just those seeking government contracts.
So this is going to be a real interesting battle as it continues to play out here.
But again, even if Vermont were to, I guess, lose this lawsuit, they could still as a State
make the decision not to award certain contracts to specific companies if they're not playing
by the State's net neutrality rules or even if those rules get struck down.
That's the great thing about these States having the ability to award the contracts
on their own.
So even if these telecom companies win at this point, there is still a good chance that
they might end up being losers after all.
But let's move on here.
Do States, do they have regulatory authority in this kind of matter with net neutrality?
As far as I can tell, yes they do, because there's no federal law mandating that only
the feds can determine how broadband will be regulated, so I would say that yes, they
do have a chance to regulate their own internet.
And it's going to be really interesting too, I mean, you know, we've obviously, we've got
mid-terms coming up, net neutrality isn't really something that's been mentioned on
the campaign trail, it's not something anybody's out there really talking about, obviously
there're bigger issues.
But net neutrality is an issue that is going to affect consumers from coast to coast, border
to border.
And people need to understand that.
We have corporate control over the internet right now, and they are trying to get even
more control.
And it's going to come at the expense of American consumers.
Brigida thank you very much for telling us this story today.
Líder conservador británico asegura que Hitler fue socialista y lo llaman idiota - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
2 More Suspicious Packages Sent To Cory Booker, James Clapper | TODAY - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Lauv on 'I Like Me Better' & Musical Beginnings (Full Interview) | MTV Push - Duration: 3:59.- [Announcer] This is Lauv, take one.
- This is Lauv.
My name is Lauv.
I'm a singer, songwriter, producer, artist,
and currently living in Los Angeles,
moved around a lot.
So, yeah, kinda from everywhere a little bit.
And nowhere.
I lived in Georgia, I lived in Pennsylvania,
I moved to New York for school, now I live in LA.
My parents moved to Seattle.
Obviously I got exposed to a lot of different
kind of lifestyles, cultures.
I feel like musically I got a lot of different
inspirations and kind of went through
a lot of phases, I guess.
I started to play in bands when I moved to Pennsylvania.
I just randomly met somebody that ended up
being one of my best friends and we did
all sorts of stuff together.
For me, my tactic when I move to a new place,
was to try to break the ice by just being really weird
and goofy instead of trying to be cool,
'cause that doesn't work.
Like I said before, I went through a lot of different
musical chapters in my life.
Taking back Sunday is a band that's been really big for me.
Getting to see them perform.
Tell All Your Friends is actually one of
their amazing albums, Front to Back Live
is a really big experience for me.
Another artist that's been inspiring for me
when I went on tour with Ed Sharon,
and the fact that I'm going on tour with him again,
it's really crazy.
I feel like he's a rare case of artist
that's clearly is not trying to be anything,
and he's just himself.
He's just super talented, really honest lyrically,
and, yeah, so it was really cool to see him
do his thing on tour.
My process is always different.
Like, sometimes it starts on the guitar,
sometimes it starts on the piano.
But for example, I Like Me Better, that song,
I came in that day and was just in my bedroom.
I had no concept, no lyrics,
no idea I was gonna write that song.
I'd just gotten some new sync sounds,
and I was like playing chords and I threw in a strum loop,
and then I kinda got the [Hums Melody]
that whole melody, and I didn't want to forget it,
so I just like voice-memoed it in my iphone,
and then I thought I was gonna replace it
with a different sound later,
but I ended up just sending that to my computer,
and then chopping up that voice memo
with all the noise and everything and just using that.
Yeah, so it was probably the fastest song, I guess,
I've written, maybe.
Yeah, it kinda feels like it wrote itself.
Growing up, you know, when I first started
making music, when I first started writing songs
when I was 13, I always dreamt of stuff like this
and spent a lot of time begging my friends to
buy tickets to our shows, and playing to zero
people and stuff, and I think it's really easy
along the way to kinda get like,
to kinda forget some of that,
to realize that I get to do what I get to do,
and you know, to playing a whole sold out world tour,
you know, it's my own show.
It's like really crazy.
I think the best artists,
at least the artists I look up to the most,
kinda redefine themselves throughout time,
and aren't afraid to do that.
So I'm just trying to be as open to the future
as possible and exploratory.
♪ I like me better when I'm with you. ♪
Bomb Scares: What Investigators Know So Far | TODAY - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
'Love Boat' Cast Celebrates 40 Years Of Show On TODAY | TODAY - Duration: 7:51.-------------------------------------------
Om Nom Stories: A Tangled Story | Cut the Rope: Magic | Season 4 Episode 4 | Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 2:35.Om Nom Stories: A Tangled Story
40 Unique and Creative Garden Container Ideas You Never Thought Of - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Les punchlines de Paul Pogba | GQ - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 189 - Duration: 9:12.WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.
In today's episode we'll be discussing
Early Access in TO Mobile.
We'll be also announcing the start of the "Masters of Parkour" contest,
and sharing the plans for Halloween.
Hello tankers!
As you know, the Mobile version has been officially released.
For now not everywhere, only in specific countries,
but it has still been launched.
And for the most impatient tankers,
in the near future we will add an "Early Access" pack for TO Mobile.
This pack will contain a number of in-game bonuses at a very attractive price,
and if a few certain conditions are met,
the item set in the pack will be VERY profitable.
And, of course, the full access to the mobile version of TO --
you will be able to play on all your accounts
and update the game without any problem.
Read more about TO Mobile on the site and on the Forum,
the link is in the description.
And now let's go over the main event,
which we've been discussing for the past month and a half --
Halloween and all updates planned for the event.
It will all happen on Tuesday.
Let's start with the updates.
Global changes to missions.
We never told you about this yet.
First change: 3 new types of daily missions:
activate overdrive in battle, finish battle, and finish battle in a specific mode.
And it will be possible to finish "Collect supplies" missions
by activating supplies.
the daily missions themselves will become a bit tougher,
but the rewards for completing them will also increase.
Each day you will be able to earn more.
And the third -- the biggest and the most important change:
mission chains in the game will be replaced with weekly missions.
These will be 3 missions you need to complete during the week.
The first mission is either "destroy enemies", "earn experience or crystals",
"activate overdrive" or "win in battle".
The requirements will be slightly higher than in daily missions.
The second and the third weekly missions will always be the same:
"Complete 10 daily missions" and "Complete 20 daily missions".
This way, to earn the maximum reward you will need to complete
3 missions per day.
Is it harder?
Yes, it is, but the rewards are also bigger --
where now you get 4 containers for completing a mission chain,
you will get 6 containers instead.
The overall prize for the week will be higher
thanks to the increased rewards in daily missions,
and you won't need 2 and half months to reach the maximum reward.
For completing each weekly mission you will get regular containers
and also new, weekly containers.
Weekly containers include in-game rewards you're currently receiving
for completing mission chains.
The rewards inside will depend on your rank.
And the last thing about missions.
With the release of the update
all currently unfinished missions will auto-complete and give you rewards,
and you will also get a reward for the currently unfinished mission chain.
Here it's simple: each of the seven hulls will get a unique overdrive.
The current overdrive -- with all supplies being activated and healing --
will remain on Dictator.
Wasp throws a bomb,
Hornet ignores protections and sees enemies through the walls,
Hunter deactivates supplies, Viking increases firing speed,
Titan drops a protection field generator,
and Mammoth becomes invincible for a short time,
and by touching enemies instantly destroys them.
At this moment everything is ready for overdrives,
but requires a few last, decisive tests.
If the tests show, that one or several overdrives require more tuning,
then super abilities for those hulls will just be released a bit later.
But we hope and believe, that everything will be alright.
And now new alterations, lots of them.
There will be not one,
not two or three, or even four alterations…
and how many??? … more than 30!
Each turret will have several alterations,
but after the update there will be a single slot for equipping them --
you will need to choose.
The full list of alterations will be released with the update or shortly after.
Now let's move to colors of the shots.
This option will be added not for one, not for two and not even for three…
but for eight turrets.
All these effects will be added to containers,
and possibly in the future,
some of them will be given away at events like Star Week.
Also, as you know, new drones will be released.
We talked about them in detail in V-LOG 187.
If you didn't know or forgot, click on this link and refresh your memory.
Now let's talk about the in-game event.
Everything will start on Tuesday, October 30th, with a Star Week.
The event is different from the previous Star Weeks in the main prize.
Not only will you be able to earn containers and
a new animated paint Barbed Wire,
but you will also have a chance to earn the new,
Halloween-themed skin for Firebird which is called Demonic.
With such a skin on your Firebird you will always get noticed
and tankers will flock to you just to check it out.
And, of course, double battle funds.
They will be active in the game for the full length of the celebration, for 6 days.
Do you know what's the most popular question of the last few weeks?
Of course you know,
it's "will Gold Boxes drop more often on Halloween?"
Yes, there will be increased Gold Box drops.
On the special map Graveyard you will see more Gold Boxes,
and there, they will drop not 2, not 3, and not even 4 times more often,
and not even...
Let's check back with Alexandra later.
The special Graveyard map will be added to the game only on Saturday,
November 3rd.
On that day the map will replace DM mode in the list of game modes.
And yes, you will complete Deathmatch missions on the Halloween map.
did you think "18 times"?
And not even 19 times more often, but…
That's right, on Halloween map Gold Boxes will drop 20 times more often.
And more Golds means more containers.
… And where Golds and containers are plenty,
the best Gold Catching hull is needed -- that's Dictator, of course.
By the way, the XT skin for Dictator just came out today,
and you can buy it in the Shop or find in containers.
And what holiday in Tanki comes without discounts?
This time discounts are planned for 3 days:
Friday, November 2nd -- 30% off on items in the Shop
Saturday, November 3rd -- 30% off on items in the Garage
And on Sunday, November 4th,
MicroUpgrades will be 30% off, and SpeedUps will be 50% off
We can't recall a cooler Halloween than this one.
Can you?
Here in Tanki Online we have a tradition:
each year, in Autumn, we organize the "Masters of Parkour" contest.
Initially, we planned to launch it in October,
but later, when we realized how much Halloween updates
would impact parkour play,
we decided to launch the contest after the holiday.
So don't worry, Masters of Parkour is coming for sure.
Aim for the first half of November, and see you up high ;)
Video of the Week.
In V-LOG 188 we gave you a task to record a video about "Crazy luck".
Let's watch the best video!
And for the next episode we've prepared a CHALLENGE.
As always, Tanki Challenge was made thanks to the V-LOG helpers:
On the map Opposition with standard gravity
you need to send the tank with the enemy flag
from this platform to your base in one jump.
The rules:
Maximum of 3 tankers can be on the team.
You can specify the fourth - your camera man.
From all the turrets you can use only Smoky.
Mines are allowed.
While completing the trick it is forbidden to build tank towers higher than 2 tanks.
The flag carrier must land on its tracks.
Landing on your turret or sideways will not be accepted.
After landing the jumper can not move or drive to the flag point.
The right landing is to deliver the flag by landing on top of the flag base.
All participants must wear the Metallic paint.
The team that completes the trick first will get 100,000 crystals
to split among the team.
The same prize will be given to the team that submits the most impressive video
with the completed trick.
Good luck!
That's it for today's episode!
Have fun on Halloween, catch the Golds, and see you next Friday.
In the previous episode 3 tanks were rushing to catch the Gold.
You had to guess, who would get the Gold Box.
The right answer is -- tanker C.
Let's welcome the winners and here's the new question:
How many pellets will hit this wall?
2-Ingredient Onion Flax Bread [gluten free + vegan] - Duration: 6:24.hi hope you like my recipe my two ingredient onion and flax bread it was
originally going to be flax crackers but I just decided in testing to make it thin
enough to be really crispy crunchy crackers that write perfectly when you
snap them you need to do it so thin and you seem so much work to do and
the oven and just to get a small amount of thin flax crackers so decided do a
bit thicker to make it a more malleable flax seed cracker flax seeds and
lindsey's are exactly the same thing they're just called different names for
some unknown reason and you can either get flax seed or linseed same thing
let's see there gold or brown I'm using the golden stuff here this just because it's
what's available the brown stuff works just as well if you'd rather and also
you can use chia seeds if you like instead all these flax seeds linseed
cheer seeds they will work well for this because they gel up as the onion
gets blended and releases its juices it mixes with the flax seeds to make really
thick paste that's perfect this but it does mean that when you're blending as
soon as the juices start to reach you need to carry on blending in one go
because if just a bit of the juice comes out from the onion and you stop it'll
just make all the flax seeds or chia seeds set really firm would be difficult
to blend if you do have any problems blending I recommend just add a table
spoon or two of water just help it to its job don't worry if you get any whole
flax seeds left in this you do on a grind all the seeds the goodness can
be digested by the body and also the onions help to sprout it and soak it and
germinate it but the odd bit of flaxseed here and there that passed through you
actually does some good in your digestive tract apparently I was using
red onions here because as hoping that red onions will seem like they've got a
bit more to them and I was hoping that I'd get a bit of a red color and the end
result is you can see I've just got a few tiny specks of bread so it's not you
don't have to use red onions you can use white ones if you Do think of this as a
base recipe to just however you like I'm just keeping it simple with two
ingredients but add any flourishes or tastes or ingredients that you like to
it I'd quite like to make it with some beetroot
you've really bright color and a bit of cumin because I think that worked
really well or some sun-dried tomatoes and some basil just add whatever you got
in the kitchen whatever is available but if you do adapt it do let me know in the
comments below or on the site what your added to it and how it turned out
there's no oil in this recipe instead of any oil I'm just using a piece of grease
proof paper to bake it on and it comes away really easily
after you baked obviously it's as there's no word or fats or anything with
as fats from the seeds but there's no added oil so it's not the requites
crumbly as crispy as other crackers it's a bit tougher but it's still great
and it's much better for you there's no added oil if you wanted to make it
totally war follow this recipe but add just a few tablespoons of apple cider
vinegar to make the onions not so um sharp and taste and then um dehydrate it
overnight and that works really well if you've got a dehydrator it's a great
thing to have in the kitchen I don't use mine that much maybe once or twice a
week but for things like crackers you want to make raw crackers it's really
worthwhile having a dehydrator as the final word is malleable and a bit still
wet in the middle I do recommend to keep it in an air tight container and fridge
and have it within three days or so if you make it worn it's totally dry it'll
last for much longer than this but if it's still a bit wet and Widow you don't
have it within three days if you enjoyed this recipe please give me a thumbs up
and like and subscribe for more like this and if you've got any ideas for any
more recipes or anything please do let me know in the comments below
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