What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and as you may have seen, the Y3S3 mid-season designer's
notes for Rainbow Six Siege are out and in this video, I want to present some key takeaways
from those notes.
Which operators are currently the strongest in getting wins and which the weakest?
Should you maybe consider playing certain operators more before they get nerfed?
Let's go take a closer look!
As we saw in seasons 1 and 2 of this year, the designer notes mainly revolve around two
charts that plot the attackers and defenders on two axes.
The y-axis shows the likelihood of winning or losing when including that operator (the
win delta) and the x-axis shows how often that operator is picked (aptly named the pick rate).
So basically the further right on operator on these charts, the more popular they are
and the further up, the more effective they are on average.
With those basics covered, let's look at what the charts can tell us.
From an attacker's perspective the most powerful operators in operation Grim Sky are
by far Blackbeard and Glaz.
Both are classed as underpicked but also overpowered and while the rise in Blackbeard's win delta
can be explained with the season 2 balancing changes that made his Mk17 more powerful and
allowing him to move slightly quicker, Glaz has not really seen any major changes apart
from his fire rate being upped slightly and his baseline damage being reduced.
But apparently, even this small change was enough to lift him into a position where he
now outperforms most other attackers by a significant margin.
Conclusion, if you are attacking and want to give your team the best chance at winning,
mastering either of these operators right now may well help you achieve this.
Be quick though, because changes for Glaz are already in the works and we will definitely
see him become more of a long range sniper again in the not too distant future.
Other than that, there aren't really any other standout operators on the attacking
side this season but, now that we have performance data going all the way back to the beginning
of February, we can chart some interesting performance shifts.
Take Finka for instance.
The last change we saw to her was intended to make her more fun but less powerful by
giving her grenades but nerfing her nano-bot ability.
The result of those changes was kind of successful, I guess?!
Her win delta is now very close to 0%, which suggests that she is very well balanced but
her pick rate has gone down even further and she is now the least liked attacking operator of all.
It was a valiant attempt by the balancing team but I guess that just shows that sometimes,
no matter how many frag grenades you give her, you just can't polish a turd.
Montagne has also seen a significant shift in effectiveness.
He is still picked about 10% of the time (which is low) but his performance has drastically
increased, especially when compared to Operation Para Bellum, where he was the worst performing
attacker of all.
This shows how important it is to not make any knee-jerk adjustments to operators, since
Montagne has naturally balanced out into a well performing operator, despite not having
been buffed in any way that I can remember.
Similarly, Lion hasn't been changed since the Mid-Season patch in season 1 and yet the
data for the last 3 months suggests that his effectiveness has fallen significantly.
And that is actually a great example to show that the statistical data may be a helpful
tool in identifying certain operators that may be over- or underpowered but at the end
of the day, other factors like the experience of pro-players and the general community still
need to be taken into account.
Having said that, the significant shift in some gun recoils we have seen with the release
of Operation Grim Sky will definitely have affected the effectiveness of some of the
operators, so it should not be surprising to see individual operators rise and fall
in terms of effectiveness even without having been targeted with specific rebalances.
Despite not having outperformed this season Lion is already undergoing a rework that may
end up removing his intel gathering ability altogether or might change it to be far less powerful.
Similar to Lion, Blitz has seen a significant shift in both his pick rate and his performance
and again the last significant changes we saw to him were back in season 1.
Consistent underperformers are still Capitao, Jackal and to a degree also Buck, Ying, Hibana
and Fuze although their negative win delta is nowhere near low enough to be a significant
indicator of any issues with the balancing of these characters.
But of course do keep in mind here that these are just the stats and it is still possible
for operators, like Ying for example, to be extremely aggravating to play against, when
those operators are in the right hands.
Now let's go over the defenders and going from strength to strength here, becoming more
effective from season to season is the number one top defender for winning: Rook.
In my eyes, he is probably one of the most underappreciated operators in the game.
His armour plates may only allow most operators to soak up one or two more bullets but the
performance data shows clearly that this gadget is the single most effective way at helping
your team to win gunfights and therefore the round.
Interestingly though the second most effective operator this season is apparently Kapkan…
Up from being one of the worst only one season ago and with no significant changes in the meantime.
And if anything, his pick rate has actually gone down a bit over time…
This makes Kapkan possibly the least consistent operator of all since season 1; starting out
as poor, then going to terrible and now great for no apparent reason.
Frost has seen a similar improvement in performance since Para Bellum but at least she received
some minor gun buffs that explain this change.
Lesion is still one of the most loved defensive operators and this season, his win delta finally
backs up his high pick rate.
If we look at some of the worst performing defenders, we have (as always): Castle, Tachanka
and Mira but also joining them down at the bottom this season are Smoke and Clash.
Smoke has suffered for sure due to the SMG-11 recoil nerf this season and the devs have
already acknowledged this by announcing a reversal to this nerf… a re-buff if you will.
This buff dropped, in fact, in today's patch on the 29th Oct 2018.
Mira has also suffered because of the recoil change compared to last season and she will
also see a reversal of the recoil nerf to her Vector.
Seeing clash in the second to last spot is quite interesting.
The performance stats suggest that she is even weaker than Tachanka right now and yet,
she has already been nerfed once and will be nerfed again in the next balancing patch.
The developers have made it clear that the nerfs to her switching time, power refill
time and victim mobility reset time are intended to put her into the dedicated support player
role she had always been intended for and that this should not affect her pick rate or win delta.
This will finally make clash as dependent on her teammates as she was always meant to
be, but considering that she is already underperforming and under picked (especially when taking into
consideration that she is a new operator for this season) this may make her even less desirable
and even less useful for anyone but highly organised teams.
So concluding remarks for the defenders would be that, as simple as his gadget might be,
Rook is 100% the king of defenders.
He turns 3 speed / 1 armour operators into 3 armours and other teammates become even
harder to kill, plus he is a solid anchor with decent primary weapons and that all important
ACOG for taking on long range gunfights.
The trap META is strong this season although neither the developers nor I have any reasonable
explanation as to why Kapkan has jumped from being one of the weakest defenders last season,
to one of the strongest now.
If you have any theories as to why that might be, leave your comments in the comments section below!
And that is pretty much it in terms of the strongest and weakest operators this season.
The attacker's performance stats are pretty well balanced while on the defender's side
we still have strong over- and underperformers.
Did anything in the stats catch your eye?
How are your favourite operators doing and will you consider changing your operator choices
based on the info share by Ubisoft.
Let me know below, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next episode!
For more infomation >> Time to Change your Habits? - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 9:16.-------------------------------------------
Dumb Spanish Dubbing: Halloween Movies - Duration: 3:24.
[Retro 80's Music]
How To Make It As A Beginner On YouTube - Duration: 10:02.
Jeep Wrangler RT Off-Road Aluminum Valve Covers (1993-2004 4.0L YJ & TJ) Review - Duration: 1:55.
The RT Off-Road Aluminum Valve Cover in red will fit your 1993 to 2004 YJ or TJ with the
four-liter, straight-six engine in it.
And this is gonna be for those of you that are looking to change up the look of your
Jeep a little bit.
This is really going to be more of an appearance part than anything else.
This is going to fit just like a factory valve cover will.
This can be a very easy piece to install.
I'm gonna give it a one out of three wrenches.
It does come with all of your grommets for your breathers.
Also, a new oil fill, new bolts, and a gasket, so it's a very complete kit.
But, again, this is really going to be more about dressing up the look and the appearance
of your engine than anything else.
Products made out of aluminum are going to have a couple of different benefits.
Sometimes, aluminum is used for weight saving.
Sometimes, it's used because it wicks away heat very well.
Other times, it's just the corrosion resistance, and in this case, that's really more what
this is going to be about than anything else.
This is going to resist corrosion.
It's also going to be a pretty nice look where the paint is buffed away on the slats on the
top of it, so you have a little bit of that great, shiny metal shining through underneath
the red.
This is really about changing up the look of your Jeep and dressing up that engine bay.
A factory replacement valve cover is going to be less expensive than this one is.
This comes in at around $125, but if you're looking for something that's going to dress
up the underhood area of your Jeep, that factory valve cover is not going to do it.
This absolutely is.
So, if you're looking for something a little bit flashier under the hood, I think this
is gonna be worth the cost.
So, if you're looking to dress up the engine compartment of your Jeep, I would recommend
taking a look at this valve cover from RT Off-Road, and you can find it right here at
Visiting an Elephant with a bullet wound for further treatments - Duration: 6:50.
This elephant is kept and protected inside Girithale conservation zone.
We have been treating this elephant for three months now.
Today we are back to do more treatments with the minister in charge of the wildlife department
The initial bullet wound is healed to a significant extent.
A gunning trap could be the cause instead of a hunting incident.
The healed would have caused the elephant to have a bad stance on its leg.
However, this elephant is very healthy in this area.
President Donald Trump Says He Plans To End Birthright Citizenship | TODAY - Duration: 3:37.
Mail Bomb Suspect Had List Of 100 Potential Targets | TODAY - Duration: 2:39.
See 'Baby Shark' Toddler Steal Hearts Once More On TODAY | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.
Jason Segel Talks About His New Book, 'OtherEarth' | TODAY - Duration: 4:44.
Midterms: What Matters Most To Gen Z Voters? | TODAY - Duration: 4:46.
What's Next for Evernote?! with Tiago Forte - Duration: 17:17.
Hello everyone and welcome to the Keep Productive YouTube channel, it is Francesco here today
I'm joined by Tiago Forte the founder of Forte Labbs. He
Consults all around the world with professionals maybe in the creative sector. Am I right in saying that?
yeah, yeah and you help these individuals to be more productive in their daily routine giving them frameworks and in
General structures to to really help themselves in entrepreneurship and arrange things
Maybe you can fill in a few of the gaps there, but I've missed
Yeah, of course. So so Forte labs is a consulting but really primarily a training company
So I have online courses three online courses
That have been taken by many people are in the world. I
Do live workshops and trainings for companies for nonprofits for government organizations?
And I do one-on-one consulting in one-on-one coaching. So basically every form of teaching and training that is out there
I try to do at least dabble with
And it's all about training people like you said to be more productive
Using skills and techniques and really practical systems that they can really dig their teeth into instead of just you know concepts
That's it. I was making Thiago feel really old before we start the cool
By saying that I actually had one of his skill shred classes. I think it was there. Was it the GTD labs 21 days
It was get stuff done like a boss
Design, your workflow and double your productivity and 21 days
Yeah, I love that one. It's still available in your website, isn't it?
They this it's not on Skillshare anymore
but I'll link it in description because as I was saying it helped me so much with
When I was in school and helped me put the frameworks in so it was it was awesome
amazing and
Now I'm reviewing productivity apps
We're here today it's chat a little bit about Evernote
Obviously the last couple of months have been up and down for Evernote. You've been the longtime user right? I
Have yeah, it's been maybe really since I since I arrived in the Bay Area which was in 2012. So good six years. Yeah
and I've been a big user of evident for a while when and
How in the last few weeks obviously, it's been a bit tricky to work out
What is the news and what's not and what's your sort of take on it at the moment?
Yeah, okay good. So
I've done my own investigations talking to
You know many other users of course talking to some influencers and you know
certified Evernote consultants and culminating a couple weeks ago with a
Lunch that I had with Chris O'Neil who's the the CEO of ever house? And
Takeaway from all that. Is that this whole
quote-unquote crisis is just
Completely made up that there's really I mean it's very normal
It's a very normal part of the evolution of a business
Especially one that's been around for a decade like ever known who pioneered the concept or the category
So you have restructurings and that includes layoffs it includes
Executives getting your place it includes changing the direction of the business. I mean all that stuff is super super normal
It's just I think there's no other notes apps that have been around long enough to reach this stage of maturity
yeah, definitely and I think from like
My sort of perspective from like like do covering everything and other people's that I've talked to in the community
I think it's because of the way that it's been put out in the media
It's sort of one sided to some extent because there's not really been too much from Evernote side
Is is that something that people should be aware of that? You know, there is potentially one sided at the moment
Yeah, I think you know it's interesting because Evernote is unique in the size of its user base. I mean, it's just it's just massive
225 million users
and only a small percentage of those are you know paying customers but still
You know that the number of countries they operate in the number of demographics the number of languages you can't
You can't really be
It's like they have to present a very unified front to be very consistent in their messaging
So it doesn't really make sense for them to be on Twitter answering people, you know
You know 280 characters that will of course be misinterpreted and taken out of context
It doesn't make sense for them to be actually too much in communication. Really
I think what matters is the product is actually coming out with new things
That's like the best answer to any criticism right now. And I think we've seen we've seen a few things like templates
and some small things but what I was really
Impressed by with with talking to Chris is his real passion and dedication to the product
You know
He comes from Google he he was the manager at the Google X kind of
experimental division at Google which he massively grew and increased in science, and he really, you know
we got into the weeds about like
I'm not good. I can't say any specifics cuz it's all gonna be in beta soon, but some really interesting like back in
infrastructural things that will never make headlines
But it's gonna have a huge impact on just like the day-to-day users and like reliability and stability and and stuff like that
So I think that they're they're refocusing on the product
which is which is I think what's needed and
And yeah, I have a lot of hope in their future direction
yeah, I mean there's such a well-rounded package and
It's a it's a shame that we're only hearing this one side of stuff
I mean
Where do you see Evernote in the next like let's say
3 to 5 years if you've got like a good idea of where they go in
ok, so here's where I go into specula peer speculation by
Adapting on the screen
Totally so none of this is based on any kind of insider or confidential information of any kind which I don't have any of that
But I really think so. I came across an
observation I think on some other blog which said that
Or maybe I never gonna plug actually, which said that ever know is the world's largest repository of unstructured data
Which is if you think about it make sense right like any database out there there
I'm sure there's larger basis but they're structured even like Google Docs Gmail is all very highly structured
Evernote notes data is unstructured
right you opened as we all know you open a blank canvas that you just start just start writing things down and
Copying and pasting things. So I think that what's exciting there is you know up until now unstructured data had so little value
Right because you couldn't make sense of it. I had no meeting. It had no no easy
Application. I think what we're gonna see now though is with the rise in the next few years the rise of machine learning
and machine learning being not just
something for experimental research labs in Silicon Valley, but you see you're starting to see features here and there that really
Take advantage of a new level of intelligence that these machines have
And so what's interesting is as machine learning gets more
Capable and accessible the value of unstructured data. It's higher and higher and higher
Right because you can search it you can
You can have like associations like Evernote has the context feature, you know where it gives you
suggestions for notes based on the current note
all those features are going to start to get highly intelligent and much more helpful than they'd been as
Machine learning gives more advanced so I'm pretty excited about that
It could be more like five to eight years for that to really go mainstream
But yeah, yeah. Yeah, I quite like the idea like the fact that
Obviously with the data protection all that in sort of blue
It's more that it could be crowdsource information to some extent
I think you were talking about on Twitter the other day weren't you about like a task manager that did something similar?
Yeah, I'm always I'm always spinning out my my imaginary tails on Twitter
But yeah, I think there's a sting where
it's like
Which of our online behavior is oriented towards what is novel?
What is sensationalistic?
What it's shallow what it's easy to understand easy to digest right?
And we don't really question that oh, of course
I log in and I go onto all these social media and other sites and then I just start reacting
Write react these innocent aeneas and gut checks
whether it's you know your what your friend ate for breakfast or the political news of the day and
that fact I think is I
Realize like a lot of problems
We're facing as a society everything from short attention spans to like the divisive myths in society and in politics
To people feeling which I hear a lot of that with their online behavior, you know, we're spending 11 hours a day consuming media
11 hours a day on our devices, but we're not really building anything with that time. Right? Like are you actually
building something
Durable value over time with the 11 hours a day. You spent online. I think I think most people they aren't
so I think maybe the answer your question in a three to five years or
More specifically, I think I hope there's gonna be a sea change and how people see notes apps
instead of being so oriented towards the public and the novel that they'll instead be more oriented toward the
private and the timeless
hmm, and that's basically the answer to the question I get so often which is why keep notes when I have Google
Hey, it's worth saving when I can just google and find the answer if there's something of value to just keeping this storehouse of
Insights and ideas and knowledge that over time. It's not what Google has it's not what everyone in the world has
It's you it's your private personal collection of knowledge
That's it
You refer to it a lot as the second brain and that's where a lot of your sort of research comes into place
How do you see Evernote fitting in that second brain? I mean obviously you've got the course that dives into it
But how do you see that all working together?
Yeah, so I really see the value
That Evernote gives me at least is being a default recommendation, right?
And actually I'm working now on I identified the 15
Key features that an app that the Notes app needs to have to serve as your personal knowledge management system your second brain
And then we went and gathered
You know at the top I think six or seven notes apps
which we made it like a feature comparison table like checking all the boxes and
That's almost ready
By the time this is out that will probably probably be available for free on our blog
So you can check it out but really almost like all those notes outs work fun every note app
we evaluated but pretty much fulfilled the criteria which makes me think it doesn't matter which
Notes help you to you so much
Right, like there's some little subtleties, but the important thing is that you're using one, right?
like if I have one message for your audience is
Don't let as important as it is to like do your homework and do your research and this is where you provide so much value
Is you can just watch some videos instead of spending countless hours researching?
Once you kind of pick one, that's good enough
That's that's just a good default invest in it. Don't get stopped and stuck on
Comparing features once you settle on one because what matters more is just that you're investing in one not so much which one we think
Yeah, definitely. You don't have to switch and change and sort of move. It's like moving house isn't it with?
Productivity apps you always for lifting loads of stuff that's already been there. I would definitely include that article blowing up
I would love to read it because I would love to know how you've sort of
Dissected what features make a note taker?
Obviously something that can't be ignored at the moment is is the the modular workspace apps they're coming out
What's your opinion on apps like?
There's notion and code that they're sort of bringing in
These apps that combine note-taking and task management and all that. Have you got any thoughts on those I do?
Okay, so here's my take on this
There there's this I haven't written called that before. You said magic what you call a modular modular
Productivity software. I think I don't know whether I heard that or I decided to call them that
I like that. So here's what I think
I think that there is a whole group of mince apps
That are rising or that are kind of rising up right now, and I think they're going after
Really the Microsoft Word slash Google Docs market, right?
It's like Microsoft was disrupted by Google Docs
But now even Google Docs sometimes feels a little bit little bit old, right and there's like the new disruptors. It's like this continuous cycle
And actually this new crop it up shouldn't go after that market
That's the way way way bigger market, you know off just office productivity collaborative productivity software
But that to me is not the same. It's not in all the same function that notes apps are trying to fulfill
Okay, right. So what I see when I use saying notion right is
so here's here's my fundamental belief is that you cannot optimize for your
Private use at the same time as you optimize for public use and collaboration like those are mutually incompatible
Right other thing is like your personal, you know think of like your desk at work, right?
It has like your little flower car your little pictures your pens. Just how you like them notebooks
Okay, that's all optimized for you
But by necessity that means it's not optimized for anyone to just sit down and be like, well, what's all this random stuff, right?
Yeah, so I think you have to use different tools for your private knowledge collection
You try the creative process and that tool will make very different design decisions and have different features
than the one that you use for public, you know for forward or for a
Word processing for publishing for collaboration. So to me that's notes apps over here and
Modular online collaborative, you know office apps over here. So I just think that people should choose different tools
I I agree with you that I think I struggle to like put that into words
But because it's because they're I don't really like go. A lot of the time Evernote is a replacement for notion because
they're very different to some extent because
Notion does work a lot more like Dropbox paper does or or Google Docs? Yes, that that's pretty dry
I like your take on it and
There's something else the real quick which is
What is a strength over here as a weakens over here, right?
So like people often complain about the sinking that ever enhance how they happen. So, you know, wait for it to sink
It's very very slow compared to say the real-time editing of Google Docs
But that has to be that way because of a strength which is the fact that all of your notes
Thousands and thousands of notes are stored on your local machine
So the fact that I can get on the plane and have my entire second brain here and my computer with me
which is an incredible benefit that
creates the situation of I need to sync the local data to the cloud, which takes longer I
Got it there. Yeah, that's quite yes. We need we need like a second conversation about just that that's gonna I
Love that see I'll go. Where can everyone find you after this go?
I'm everywhere. Just if you search for teh labs Twitter Instagram
That's fo RT e and then the second word L ABS
YouTube Instagram
LinkedIn Facebook Twitter and then my home my main website which links to everything else is Forte labs CEO
Comm dot CEO. Oh, wow. It's not the it's not the URL
Well, it's been great Avenue to yoga and I'll make sure to include them all below
But thank you very much coming on then. I'll catch you very soon. Anyway, it was a real pleasure. I just gonna thank you
Thank you. Bye
Nightcore - The Truth Untold (English version) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:53.
This video include subtitles
The BEST Dota 2 TIPS and TRICKS of ALL TIME! Halloween update! - Duration: 12:51.
Why Does Autocorrect Still Suck? - Duration: 3:49.
- Have you ever tried typing something
but your phone keeps changing it to something else?
This ducking keyboard can be so frustrating!
It can seem like autocorrect is working against you
instead of helping you.
But the iPhone has had autocorrect for over 10 years.
Why does it still suck?
Whether you're on iPhone or Android,
using the default keyboard or a third-party app
you deal with autocorrect every single day.
Usually, it works great
but sometimes it completely refuses
to understand what you typed.
To figure out what's happening we have
to understand how autocorrect works.
When you type something on a phone
there's a lot of work going on
in the background.
The phone analyzes your input and compares it
to stored dictionaries and language models.
The phone then tries to correctly interpret the word
or phrase you're trying to type.
So when you type "fopd" your phone changes it to "food"
because "fopd" isn't a word
but it's only one letter away from "food."
But not every example is this obvious.
- The vowels U, I, and O are very close to each other
so a word like put, pit, and pot
those, those were real challenges.
- That's Ken Kocienda, he's one of the people
who developed autocorrect for Apple.
We spoke with Ken to find out what's happening inside
of autocorrect.
- My job was to come up with a way to make speedy
and accurate typing possible on a sheet of glass.
- The hardest part isn't correcting spelling
or grammar, it's interpreting what you meant to say
from what you wrote.
And autocorrect is actually pretty good at this
but users tend to notice autocorrect
only when it makes mistakes.
- If it does what it's supposed to do 19 times
and then that 20th time it makes a mistake
that is either distracting or embarrassing,
that one mistake wipes out the positive feelings
that people have for the 19 times where it just worked.
- This is especially obvious when autocorrect
leads to unwanted changes.
Sometimes it can feel like you're fighting
against your keyboard.
- Mostly people complain about how autocorrect gets
in the way of their swearing.
The ducking keyboard.
- The iPhone keyboard will let you swear,
it just wants to prevent you
from accidentally sending a word
that you didn't mean to send.
It might seem like you're always wrestling with autocorrect,
but you can take control of your dictionary.
On iOS go into Settings, General, Keyboard,
and then tap "Add Shortcut" or "Text Replacement."
Here you can add a new word or a shortcut
that fills in a word when you type a few letters.
You can Google around to find out how to add words
to the various versions of Android or third-party keyboards.
So, you might still think autocorrect sucks
but it's actually gotten a lot better since version one
and some developers have introduced new tools
like swipe to type to make typing on a smartphone easier.
In the future, machine learning
might create an autocorrect
that's more accurate than ever
but whatever the technology is we can't lose sight
of the original goal of autocorrect.
- The goal that I like to think about for the product
is for it to have the software melt away.
Autocorrection is not supposed to be glamorous, right?
It's just supposed to be useful.
- Autocorrect is far from perfect
but our messages would look a lot worse without it.
Aly Raisman Renews Call For 'Independent Investigation' Into USA Gymnastics | TODAY - Duration: 6:40.
How Seasonal Changes Affect Chronic Pain - Duration: 3:07.
(upbeat r&b)
- Hi everyone.
Welcome back to Doctor Ho's Healthy Living Vlog.
We are outdoors today enjoying the beautiful fall colors.
I've got Eveline Pang from Cachet Rehab Aurora with me.
Now, Eveline, one of the great things about being outside
this time of year is that it's really beautiful,
but, as the weather gets colder,
I know I certainly a lot more aches and pains in my body.
Is this you're seeing a lot in your practice?
- Absolutely.
A lot of my patients come in this time
of the year complaining
of stiffer joints, stiffer muscles,
feeling that they have lost their range of motion,
more pain, and so it's all to do with
this weather change and the pressure in the air,
just the cold weather making our joints stiffer.
So, what to do with that, is that often,
time you'll wanna heat it up if it's not swollen.
So, heating it up using either a heat pad or exercising.
So, exercising will help to keep your joints lubricated,
your muscles warmed up,
so you can still go on with your daily activities.
You're not gonna hurt yourself when your muscles
and your body is all warmed up.
So, that's how you would protect yourself
and preventing injuries.
- Okay, that's great.
So, let's say we're outside going for a walk,
I know that's one form of exercise we can do
while we're enjoying the weather.
What is something else that we can kind of do
to stay warm and to keep moving?
- That's right, so in the morning or when you're out
and about here enjoying the weather,
you can do some exercises.
For example, very simple,
you can even do something like this,
rotating your wrist, and then bending your elbows,
lifting it up.
You can combine everything together
with your fingers opening up
and also moving your neck side to side, turning.
Just make sure you're starting off gentle
and then you progress a little bit further
as your body warms up and then you can,
of course enjoying this weather, by walking.
Walking is the greatest thing,
and you combine everything together into your routine,
and you have to do it daily.
Best to do it in the morning,
so your body's all warmed up
and ready to go for the day to go.
- That is a great tip.
Okay, Eveline, thank you so much for educating us on,
yes we can still enjoy movement;
we can go out and enjoy the outdoors.
We just need to warm up first.
So, shall we go take a walk?
- Yes, let's go.
- alright, bye everyone. We'll see you next time.
Do the arm thing?
- And then maybe high knees.
- Here we go.
(upbeat r&b)
Giant Paper Flower How To | Michaels - Duration: 5:54.
- My fascination with paper and paper flowers
all started because of a wedding.
I was asked by one of my clients,
to create something for behind her cake.
Often the cake gets kind of shoved in a corner,
put in the dark, and isn't the center of attention
that it needs to be.
So, I thought, what's light, bright,
and would bring life to that area of the room.
I went home, and I created this ball of flowers for her.
And, it really gave her this wow moment
at her wedding that it needed.
I'm Kristen Johnson, and this is my maker story.
I'm gonna show you one of my favorite paper flowers.
All you'll need is eight pieces of 12x12 inch paper.
I've used papers from the Martha Stewart collection,
because I just kinda like how this ombre effect goes.
Going from darkest to lightest.
But, you can choose whatever colors you want.
Especially to tie in the event that you're going to,
or hosting, whatever this project is for.
To make this paper flower, all you're going to do
is cut five different circles for this project.
From largest to smallest.
Let's start with our largest circle.
You're gonna need six of these,
and you can comfortably fit four on each 12x12.
Some of you are gonna wanna go run and get a bowl,
and trace it, feel free to do that.
I like to eyeball it.
Remember, the more organic it is,
the more realistic your flower is.
So, taking your paper and your scissors,
be sure just to use that quarter of the sheet.
Nothing in nature is perfect, and that's the beauty of it.
We are going to add a slit at the bottom.
And I'll tell you more about that in a little bit.
Now that my largest petals are done,
you can see they're not all perfect,
and they're not all the same size.
For our next petal, we need to go down
about a half an inch to an inch.
And then, cut six more of those.
You're going to do the exact same thing
for your other three petals.
You just need six of each.
All of our petals are now cut.
We're ready to go into the next step,
which is to make them into cones.
Looking at the flower, you'll see that
the sides open up more and close as they go in.
Using that slit we cut earlier,
we're going to create this effect.
So, using your hot glue, you'll put a dab,
and just ever so slightly overlap it, hold it in place.
For the next size down, you're just gonna overlap it
a little bit more than you did the last time.
For the next size down, you do it even more.
For the smallest petal, you're going to pull it in
farther than you did for any of the petals,
because this is the center of your flower.
Our petals are now finished,
and now it's time to assemble the flower.
The first thing we'll do, is we'll take our large petals,
and I like to do two at a time,
and you're going to overlap them.
Hold them first before you glue them
to make sure you like how that looks.
You're gonna wanna try to imagine a few steps ahead
where it's gonna go all the way around.
I'm seeing as I'm putting these petals together
that it might look better with five.
Don't worry if you have extras,
just do what looks best.
Our flower's taking shape.
And it looks great.
What we're gonna do, is we're gonna go down a size.
And fill in where the negative space is.
What I mean, is where these petals meet and come down,
it creates kind of a hollow point.
Use your petal, the next size down, and fill it in.
This creates a layered look that you're gonna love
when your flower is complete.
Just simply keep adding the same way you have been,
with all those petals that you created.
We've come to the center.
Starting with your first one, go ahead and just put that
right in that negative space that we talked about.
Your next one, and go inside that other petal.
Hold it into place.
And, we're ready for our last one.
And, we're gonna tuck it right in between those two.
And, our flower is complete.
If you have a Cricut, you can easily design
the circle templates in the different sizes,
and let the Cricut do all the cutting for you.
So, to create a circle, you need to open your design space.
Click over on the left hand bar, where you see shapes.
Click on your circle.
And, once it's in your design space,
you'll see the measurements.
Going to the top of the page, you see width and height.
If you want to do a five and half inch circle,
just simply highlight it, put in the size that you desire,
and it will automatically do it for you.
Next, we're gonna add a cut,
that little slit we talked about.
We're gonna do this by adding a square.
And, that sounds weird, but what you're going to do
is you're going to click on your square,
unlock it, so that you can make it a tiny cut,
just like that.
Once that's all finished, take that,
and put it right at the bottom
of your circle, where you want your slit.
Once that's in place, go ahead and highlight both,
and simply attach on the bottom right.
Your circle's ready to go.
With the shape highlighted, go ahead
and go to the upper right, and you'll see duplicate,
and hit that three times to make four.
One, two, three.
Simply go up to the right hand corner, and make.
It's all ready to go,
and now it's time to load up our Cricut.
Load your paper, and cut.
Remove your paper from your mat.
And, use all the same steps to assemble your paper flower.
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