Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 31 2018

-Guys, everyone is asking,

"What is it like to have Kiss on the show tonight?"

It is insane.

They've been trucking in equipment all day.

We have lasers. We have pyro.

There's a bunch of 8-foot-tall monsters

walking around the hall.

Let's go see them right now. Oh, my goodness.

The one and only Kiss, ladies and gentlemen.


Rock-'n'-roll legends Kiss.

Guys, the End of the Road tour is happening in January.

Gene, what can you tell us about that?

-We start in January. Vancouver. Tickets on sale Friday.

This is the last time we're gonna see you kids.

We love you so much.

We want to make sure you know how much.

We're gonna bring the whole kit and kaboodle to you,

the mother of all Kiss shows, starting 2019, January.

-Whoa. Be careful with that. [ Laughs ]

Last time you were here, you showed me

this guitar-pick flick thing, and I was just wondering,

could you try to maybe -- I'll clear --

Can you get it into this Jack-o'-lantern right here?

-Okay. You know the way they say "don't try this at home"?

You can try this at home. Take the pick like this.

Go ahead.

-Oh! Right there! Right there! Kiss!

We'll be right back with more of "The Tonight Show," everybody!

Rock on! Kiss! Stick around!


For more infomation >> KISS Practices Pick-Throwing with Jimmy Backstage - Duration: 1:30.


Abbi Jacobson Reveals the Broad City Cameo Sarah Jessica Parker Kept Refusing - Duration: 3:39.

-Last time you were here, do you remember who was on the show?

-Mike Myers. -Mike Myers was here.

-Yeah, I remember him very well.

-And he did Dr. Evil, and it was unbelievable.

And you were geeking out 'cause you were like,

"Dude, I stole your act growing up.

That's all I did as a kid."

And you did Linda Richman.

-Yeah, I mean, I didn't go up to him.

-You didn't? -No.

-You didn't say hello?

-I was too scared, and I didn't want to like ruin it, you know?

-Well, he was right here. He's the nicest guy.

-I know, I just didn't, and then

he wrote me a hand-written note and sent it to me.

-Did he really? -Yeah.

-He's the best dude. -He's the best.

-Isn't that awesome?

-It was awe-- It's in my office.

It's like -- I just wave at it.

-You actually wrote a letter to Lorne Michaels

saying that you were gonna be on "Saturday Night Live."

This is a picture of you in eighth grade

as Mary Katherine Gallagher. -Yes.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Mary Katherine Gallagher.

Dude, you did all the "SNL" bits.

You just love --

-It was like my -- yeah, I've -- I think if you talk to anyone

I went to high school with, they were like,

"Yep, that's Abbi's thing."

-Really? -Yeah, this was Halloween.

I often did it for Halloween.

Not just any old day of the week.

[ Laughter ] But good timing.

But, yeah, I wrote a letter to Lorne.

It was -- I wrote about it in the book.

It was kind of, like, threatening.

It was like, "You better watch out

'cause I'm gonna be on the show!"

-But it was a little kid writing it.

-I was like -- yeah, I was probably 11.

-But that's not threatening.

"You better watch out, here I come."

-It was. It was. But like who knows.

-It wasn't creepy like Redrum. [ Laughter ]

"You better watch out."

-I don't know if I said how old I was,

but I made a bet with my brother

that by the time I turned 20, I would be in the cast,

and I'd owe him $100.

-Yeah, so did you pay up?

-I mean, when I turn 20, I'll figure out if I owe.

[ Laughter ]

-No, I haven't paid him yet. -Oh, please.

-I should pay him.

-You've done so many great things.

I got to say "Broad City"

is one of our favorites here on the show.

Definitely mine. [ Cheers and applause ]

You and Ilana Glazer, I mean, you guys are wrapping it up.

This is the final --

-Yeah, we've wrapped production shooting on Friday.

Last Friday. It's Tuesday. Yeah.

I haven't really processed it.

-I know. -It was so bittersweet.

I'm so happy with the way that we ended it.

It feels really right, but it was really sad.

-Is there any cameo that you wanted to have on the show

that you could never kind of get?

-Yeah, we've had so many incredible people.

There's one that we really --

we tried to get her almost every season.

Sarah Jessica Parker.

I'm going to say this bit because we wrapped it,

and we can't -- there's no more seasons left.

We were gonna just -- the camera was going to be following SJP

through the West Village

on, like, you know how she kind of like runs with the heels.

[ Laughter ]

And it was gonna be like book shop, baguette, coffee stand,

and it was just gonna be our audio being like...

♪ Da-da-da-da, da-da, da-da-na-na ♪

♪ I'm only allowed to sing it for 20 seconds ♪

-Oh, really? -I know how much music costs.

[ Laughter ]

-You're saving us money on "The Tonight Show," yeah.

-Listen. I know how much music costs.

-Thank you, yes.

So you were going to be singing the song --

-We were going to be singing, and then, it was gonna end with

her approaching a police officer, and being like,

"There are these two women that are following me."

[ Laughter ]

I thought we literally pitched to her seasons two through five.

-And she's the most fun person. She would totally --

-I know. -Ah, well.

-Too late, SJP! [ Laughter ]

-The reunion episode. The reunion episode.

For more infomation >> Abbi Jacobson Reveals the Broad City Cameo Sarah Jessica Parker Kept Refusing - Duration: 3:39.


Donna's Sympathy Only Goes So Far 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:31.

I just don't think that she needs to be here.

Hey, what y'all out here talking about?

The team building.

The team building weekend.

Yeah, what happened with Toky and her bro?

Like, that was crazy!

Yeah, listen. I talked to Mel and Sky.

They talked to Toky, then they came and talked to me about it.

It was kinda like she got set off by somebody called her

who sexually assaulted her.

Wait. What?

Yeah. It's kinda crazy she going through this [bleep] right now.

That's crazy. I didn't know all that.

I know we talk

[bleep] guys, but I didn't know

she was really going through something like that.

Yeah. That's some bug out [bleep].

Like, I couldn't imagine no [bleep] like that.

I don't have any words right now.

That [bleep] is terrible,

and I don't blame her for flipping out

'cause clearly it's a sign of PTSD.

I just hope Toky feels better at some point.

I know we don't know her or nothing

and we really don't owe her nothing,

but at the end of the day,

we really gotta have some type of compassion for Toky

'cause she's really going through it y'all.

Well, I'm sympathetic to the story,

but I still don't wanna work with that girl.

I don't feel like she's safe.

I feel like she's a danger to the shop.

Donna. Come on. That's taking it a little too far.

What? I am serious.

If she's that volatile where she could get a phone call

and then be around us and make people feel endangered,

like I don't really see why she needs to work here.

Like you said, we don't owe her nothing.

Yeah. You used to be a liability too,

but Toky works here now. Period.

It's a billion people to be a receptionist.

Jadah asked.

Who just went through a traumatic experience herself

and is pregnant on top of that and wants her job.

Like, why would we sacrifice everybody's safety

for somebody that we don't even know,

and like you said, we don't owe her nothing.

Look, I'm sympathetic to what happened to Toky,

but I do have an issue with her erratic behavior,

especially when Jadah who's never had a mental breakdown

in the shop needs a job,

and she's been here for longer than a minute.

I thought we were family.

Look, [bleep] talking about Jadah.

We fired her back in New Orleans.

- Why you so... - And you told her in New Jersey

that she could have her job back.

No, I said, we're cool.

She could come around with her pregnant ass,

but I was just being cool.

And when the [bleep] you become HR Black Ink?

You're really being irresponsible if you hire her.

For more infomation >> Donna's Sympathy Only Goes So Far 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:31.


Wendy Williams Explains Why She Never Checks Her Luggage - Duration: 5:30.

-You went on vacation to --

Where do you go and where do you like to go?

-Anyplace that's warm.


-And I like ideally a four- to seven-hour flight, no more.


-I love flying because it's very peaceful.

-It is peaceful.

-I have all of my magazines and reading material.

"The Enquirer," "The Star," "The Globe."

-You still read a hard-copy magazine?

-Yes. -Okay.

I didn't mean to offend you. -You are.

[ Laughter ]

Because sometimes they don't have a TV in there.


-You can't count on a plane for a TV.

-No, absolutely not.

-So you have to bring your own entertainment.


-But I sit back, I relax.

I can hold my bladder for a good five hours.

-Wow. [ Laughter ]

-Look, I'm not going in that room.


You won't -- You won't use an airport bathroom

or an airplane bathroom?

-Nope. -Really?

-Nope. -Wow.

I mean, I get it, but I feel like --

-They're too small and germy.

-They are that, but then again,

like, there's not a better option.

[ Laughter ]

-I know, but I time my waters. -Oh, wow.

You are quite a traveler. -Yes, I time everything.

-And is it true that you will not check a bag?

-I haven't checked a bag in at least 30 years.

-Really? -No.

-Why? -Thievery.

-Okay. [ Laughter ]

-I don't want people stealing my good clothes

or my, you know, shoes, which, you know, as a woman

with a particular size foot -- -Right.

-They are very, very exclusive to me.

I wear a size 11/a size 12.

-Don't you feel like if they were stealing shoes,

they'd see those and think, "What am I gonna do with these?"

[ Laughter ]

-Everybody knows somebody with grizzly feet.

-Okay, gotcha. [ Laughter ]

-Everybody. [ Applause ]

-My grandmother had that embroidered on a pillow.

[ Laughter ]

-And then, it's the wigs and the bras.

-Yeah. -Don't go through my stuff.

-But so, if you take -- have you ever taken a long trip?

How do you check --

how do you not check when you take a long trip?

-Yeah, we've been everywhere.

We've been to Hawaii and Germany and Japan and stuff.

And I tuck and roll. -Okay.

-Matte jersey is the best thing ever.

Like, I wouldn't bring this.

This would be a wrinkled mess. -Gotcha.

-But matte jersey.

You tuck -- I was a Girl Scout. -Okay.

-So you tuck and you roll and you put a dress there.

That bathing suit, near next to nothing.

-Yeah. -I'm on vacation.

-When you get somewhere and you open your luggage,

is it like a Jack-in-the-box

where everything just starts flying?

[ Laughter ]

-Pretty much.

We've told our son to do the same thing,

and he tucks and rolls, and he knows the score.

-I love it.

You have fun, but you also take time to focus on

things that are more important, more serious.

Tell us a little bit about the Hunter Foundation.

-The Hunter Foundation is for the good of the people, Seth.


-You know, it started out -- you know, my husband, my son and I,

where we just want -- Wendy Williams-Hunter.

I'm a Hunter.

-Yeah. -Okay.

So we started this foundation just to give back to people,

us ourselves, like whatever we have.

You know, sending kids to camp

or, you know, feeding people who need and things like that.

Then life got real and this K2 jumped on the scene.

And these kids are out here.

-This is a -- K2 is a drug. -Yes.

It looks like a Pop Rock. -Uh-huh.

-Real cheap, and they're zombieing out.

So, you know, K2 as well as you know what?

There's a whole stigma with substance abuse that --

Have you ever substance abused?

-I have a little, yeah.

[ Laughter ]

I mean, I don't know if it was quite abuse, but --

-It was hell. -It was...

[ Laughter ]

It was once and I hated it and I never did it again.

[ Laughter ]

-But we've all been there. -Yeah, we've been there.

-At some point.

And so, you know, I would like to take the stigma off of that.

And so, the Hunter Foundation now has

And if you go there, there are telephone numbers of places

where you can call and at least get on your giddy-up.

A lot of people don't even want help.

I'm like, be here as in be here for your next birthday,

be here for Christmas.

-Well, I'm so glad you're doing that.

Congratulations on 10 years. I absolutely --

-Are you kicking me out? -I am, and --

-Wait, I brought you a piece of candy.

-You did bring me a piece of candy?

-Yeah. You didn't ask me.

-That is -- Why would I have asked you?

-Well... [ Laughter ]

-You think in this day and age, I'm gonna be like,

"You got any candy in there for me?"

[ Laughter ]

-Because my tongue is so blue, I apologize.

-Oh, is it? Oh, it is blue. Oh, my God.

Show camera one.

There you go.

-Blue Jolly Rancher. I love Jolly Ranchers.

I know it's Mischief Night.

I've got to get home to protect my home.

-Okay, well -- -I have no idea.

Did you go out for Mischief Night?

-I did not go out for Mischief Night.

-Who are you? -I don't know.

I like that we're finding out more about each other

at every turn. [ Laughter ]

-Wait, you've never toilet-papered trees?

-No, I was a good kid, yeah.

I stayed at home and waited for the other kids

to do it to my house. [ Laughter ]

-And then, would you open the door and say get away?

-No, I'd wait until the morning

and then just sadly go out and take it out of the tree.

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, Seth.

-Oh, Wendy. Thank you for being here.

For more infomation >> Wendy Williams Explains Why She Never Checks Her Luggage - Duration: 5:30.


Abbi Jacobson Confesses to an Elaborate Lie About Elijah Wood - Duration: 4:56.

-Let's talk about the book.

When did you write this,

and what inspired you to write this?

-I wrote this --

So, after season four edit wrapped,

I was in a place where I was feeling really lost.

I work kind of constantly, which I think you can relate to,

and I was really, really heartbroken.

I'd never fallen in love before, and I did,

and then I was completely heartbroken.

And we wrapped season four,

and I had to be in L.A. in three weeks,

and I was like, "I got to just get out.

I got to get out of my life."

And so, I drove from here to L.A.

in my Mini Cooper that I hardly ever drove here.

-Wow. And I got to say, because I once --

I had a Mini Cooper once. I owned one.

[ Laughter ]

I rented one for like a month or something like that.

[ Laughter ]

They're very small.

-But mine was, like, the four-door.

-I was like this. -That is so funny.

-"I'm cool, right?" I'm like, "Is this working?"

Like it's convertible, dudes. Like, "Yeah, we don't care."

-It actually isn't like -- -It's frightening.

-When you think about road trip, you're not like, "Mini Cooper!"

But I -- It fit me. I fit in it.

-Yeah, of course. -Yeah.

Yeah, and I wanted to go by myself

and just kind of get to have the space

to feel all the things.

-That's good to go on a little road trip, and just get --

-Yeah. -Did you listen to any music?

-I listened to so much music.

So a lot of it is in --

So, there are all these illustrations.

My previous books have only been illustrations,

and this is way more writing, and there's still illustrations,

but most of it is my soundtrack and podcast,

so albums, podcasts, stuff I bought, stuff I ate.

-Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings right there.

-Yep. -Yeah, we love that.

[ Cheers and applause ]

There's also a great story in here

about your big lie that you told,

and I hate to bring it up, because this is --

Look how upset you're getting.

This is something that's haunted you.

-You mean the --

[ Laughter ]

-It really made me laugh because it's not that big of a deal.

-Are you talking about Elijah Wood?

-Yes, of course I am.

Why would you even bring -- -I don't know.

-Why did it bother you so much?

-So part -- One of the essays

are these minor regrets,

because when you're driving by yourself

for like eight hours a day, your mind goes.

And so, a lot of the book is, like, these lists

of certain, like, categories that I was thinking about.

One is my minor regrets, and one of the things

was that I -- as a kid, I convinced all these people

that I -- these kids that I rode to school with on the bus

that Elijah Wood was my cousin.

[ Laughter ]

-What? -There's no endgame.

-But why Elijah Wood? -I had a crush on him.

I don't know, but I cut out his photo

from, like, a "Bop" magazine and put it in a picture frame,

and then -- This is, like --

I don't understand why I did this.

Then, put another picture of my actual cousin Corey

as, like, a young boy behind it.

'Cause you know how, like, parents put, like,

as the kid ages, they get older in the frame.

-Oh, my gosh! -Elaborate.


And it worked, and, like, they bought it, and then, that's it.

This is, like -- I guess this is the end game here right now.

-Yeah. Exactly. -Yeah!

-No, no, wait! -He's not my cousin, fools!

-No -- Not -- That's not --

That's not the endgame -- "He's not my cousin, fools!"

-Now they know. -No, they always probably knew.

-I know. -But I just think it's great

that it bothered you so much that you created this lie.

-Well, you know, when you think back, you're like,

you think about these things, you're like,

"Why did I do that?" -Yeah, yeah.

Well, good, you explained yourself,

and now you can live guilt-free for the rest of your life.

-Finally, it's off my chest.

-Now you have to do press, obviously,

when these books come out, "I Might Regret This."

You said, "Great, I want to do a video,"

like a commercial promo,

and your publisher was like, "Yeah, no."

-Yeah, they were like, "Um, what?"

-Yeah, it's like, "We can't afford music and things."

No, and this is -- But you made one anyway.

-Yeah, so when I drove, you know,

I was a responsible driver,

and I had my phone in, like, a suction thing for the map.

-Of course. I know the thing, yeah.

-You know, I'm doing. And I just filmed it

'cause the phone was, like, right here,

and so I would film a lot of the road.

So I had this time lapse.

-Well I figured, what better place to show it

than "The Tonight Show." -There is no better place.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Here's Abbi Jacobson's homemade book promo video.

Take a look at this!


♪ Driving cross the country from New York City

♪ To Los Angeles ♪

♪ There's no money in the budget for music ♪

♪ 'Cause music is very expensive ♪

♪ Oh, don't worry ♪

♪ I'm not driving this fast ♪

♪ I sped it up on my computer ♪

♪ In a very cheap editing program ♪

♪ That came with my laptop ♪

♪ Baby, bew bew bew ♪

♪ Yow yow, yow ♪

-Abbi Jacobson, everybody!

"I Might Regret This" is available now.

For more infomation >> Abbi Jacobson Confesses to an Elaborate Lie About Elijah Wood - Duration: 4:56.


Wendy Williams Shares the Lessons Her Mother Taught Her - Duration: 4:50.

-You look amazing. -Thank you.

-This is an incredible outfit.

-Well, I wore it for you. -Thank you.

-I like a pant suit, but I don't like it to look so manly.

-Yeah, well, this is not that. -Thank you.

[ Laughter ] Thank you, Seth.

-This is not -- no one would say that about that.

-Thank you. -Hey, I want to say

congratulations. You -- this is your 10th year

of your television show. Congratulations.

[ Cheers and applause ] It's amazing.

-I got to tell you,

I never thought we would make it this this far.

-Uh-huh. -You know, when we first

got started, I said, "All right, if I'm just on for three years,

you know, I will mind my own business

and go on about my life."

But it takes so much. You know, you've been on for years.

-Yeah. But less than you, I am four years.

-Yeah, but you're a white man. -Thank you.

[ Laughter ] -Okay.

-I feel like nobody ever mentions that, and thank you.

-Well, the world is built for you.

-It is, yes. -Plus, you're very civilized.

-Yeah, I try to be, yeah. -And I have my ways about me.

-That are maybe less?

-Well, I'm from Jersey. -Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-[ Laughs ] -Well, I will say,

and I've done your show, and it was a delight to be there.

You very much do things your own way.

I mean, not feel as though it reminded me

of anything else being there.

-I can't be anything but me.

-Yes, I believe that.

-And the idea that the people have kept me here

for ten years, I'm like, "Thank you, people."

You know, thank you. -Well, your audience,

and I mentioned this last time you were here, it is a party.

It is filmed in the morning,

and I was in my dressing room and I felt like

I was above the hottest nightclub in New York City.

-Yep. That's how we get down.

-Yeah, everybody really gets down.

And I know you actually went --

you traveled around to celebrate ten years.

-Yeah. -Where did you go?

-I still like doing market visits, you know what I mean?

-So you go to the places where the people

are watching your shows? -Touch the people

and see the people and, you know,

go on the local radio shows and local television shows.

And then, we have a venue and I do an evening with Wendy,

which is full of salty jokes and "Ask Wendy"s and stuff.

But I love to go where the food is.

-Oh, gotcha. So when you plan a trip,

do you plan it around -- is that fish?

Oh, okay. Or are you just miming what it's like when you eat?

-My mouth is watering. -Oh, it's watering.

[ Laughter ]

-Here's the thing.

When you go to Atlanta,

you know the collard greens are going to be excellent.

-Gotcha. -You see?

And I like collard greens, but I don't like the vein.


-So you have to go to the correct spot.

-Oh, because some places will devein

the collared greens for you? -Well, like, do you like

a Caesar salad? -Sure.

-Do you like the vein, that big fat piece in the middle?

-No, but I didn't know there was a world

where I couldn't get that.

[ Laughter ]

-You have to meticulously take your time.

-But you're not -- you're too busy.

You're not taking out the vein

in your own collared greens, right?

You have somebody else doing that for you.

-No! -Really?

-Who do you think I am?!

[ Laughter ]

-Don't take this the wrong way.

You're dressed like a woman

who does not deal with her own deveining of collared greens.

[ Laughter ]

-I devein my own collared greens.

-Okay. -I will not complain.

-Oh, wow, great. -The same thing with cabbage.

I don't like the vein. Do you like the vein?

-Again, I'm with you 100 percent on this.

You don't have to ask for every type of lettuce.

[ Laughter ]

-Well I learned these little tricks

many, many moons ago when I was a little girl.

You know, when we'd shop for fruit during the summer,

and my mother taught me how to --

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughter ]

-I got to be honest, based on the setup of this story,

I have no idea what's making you laugh.

[ Laughter ]

-Well, devein the collared greens.

-Okay. -While she's over, picking

the stems off of the cherries.

-Why wouldn't you -- she would do that at the --

-I come from working class. Stems cost.

Who eats that? -Oh, you mean,

because they weigh the stem?

-They weigh the whole cherry.

-Oh, so your mom was taking the stems off

because she didn't want to pay

for an inedible part of the cherry?

-Right, and I'm over here with the collared greens saying,

and we don't want to eat veins. -Wow.

-Yep. -So --

[ Cheers and applause ]

So if I go to the grocery store after the Williams family,

I'm just like, "There's stems everywhere."

-I've been there. -You are of course now --

you're different, congratulations.

Obviously, you're in a different life right now,

living your best life. You take vacations.

-I buy the stems and everything. -You buy the stems.

That's great. -I can't.

And I pick my own and devein at home.

-That's nice of you now. You're paying it forward.

For more infomation >> Wendy Williams Shares the Lessons Her Mother Taught Her - Duration: 4:50.


Ancient Aliens: Tablet of Shamash (Season 12, Episode 15) | History - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Ancient Aliens: Tablet of Shamash (Season 12, Episode 15) | History - Duration: 2:57.


Knights, robots and lasers helps make all-new Focus safest yet - Duration: 2:30.

Forged In Flames

Forging the armour of the all-new Ford Focus

The story of how ...

an ancient craft

Used by knights of legend

Has found new life ...

in an advanced new Ford facility.

Creating car parts ...

strong as armour.

Made with boron steel,

the strongest steel used in the auto industry.

Made stronger and formed ...

... with fire.

Heated in a ...

40 metre long furnace.

The process is fully automated.

Each part is heated to ...

almost 1000 degrees centigrade.

Heat resistant robots move the heated steel.

To a 1,250 tonne press

The steel is shaped and cooled in less than 3 seconds.

The process gives the metal super strength.

3 times stronger than conventional steels.

And can only be cut with lasers.

Forming a safety cage around the car.

Made to protect.

A suit of armour.

For more infomation >> Knights, robots and lasers helps make all-new Focus safest yet - Duration: 2:30.


★THE MANNEQUIN★ Horror Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> ★THE MANNEQUIN★ Horror Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 10:36.


Taipei travel 2018 EXPO Farmer's Market | Gobby Hong - Duration: 6:23.

Where are we going today?

For more infomation >> Taipei travel 2018 EXPO Farmer's Market | Gobby Hong - Duration: 6:23.


Halloween Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Videos by Speedies - Duration: 10:23.

There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin

The moon is turning All white

Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull

The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright

The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers

The ghouls behind you Right

The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...

The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...

For more infomation >> Halloween Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Videos by Speedies - Duration: 10:23.


Play Doh DIY A Funny Face Cream Dog - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Play Doh DIY A Funny Face Cream Dog - Duration: 3:46.


★「애니」로만 일본어를 공부한 사람이 있다!? 쀼슝삐슝뺘슝 【일본어 공부 쉽게하는 법】 - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> ★「애니」로만 일본어를 공부한 사람이 있다!? 쀼슝삐슝뺘슝 【일본어 공부 쉽게하는 법】 - Duration: 6:21.


"Salman Khan" Ke Sath Kaam Karne Par Aaya "Sapna Choudhary" Ka Bada Reaction | Dosti Ke Side Effects - Duration: 1:27.

"Salman Khan" Ke Sath Kaam Karne Par Aaya "Sapna Choudhary" Ka Bada Reaction | Dosti Ke Side Effects

For more infomation >> "Salman Khan" Ke Sath Kaam Karne Par Aaya "Sapna Choudhary" Ka Bada Reaction | Dosti Ke Side Effects - Duration: 1:27.


Idle Fishing Clicker - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:59.

Idle Fishing Clicker - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> Idle Fishing Clicker - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 3:59.


CH- 如何截取iPhone x - Duration: 0:45.

How to take a screenshot on your iPhone X .

Press and hold the Side button on the right side of your device.Immediately click the Volume up button on the left side, then release the buttons.

A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device. or press and hold the thumbnail to share the screenshot.

Swipe left on the thumbnail to dismiss it.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CH- 如何截取iPhone x - Duration: 0:45.


Razor Blade WEAPONS vs Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 8:28.

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