[alarm blaring]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[siren blaring]
Luke: I do remember when 9/11 happened.
I was in high school at the time,
and seeing first responders searching for people
and how it impacted firefighters
but also how they came together through it all...
that really struck me as, "Wow, this is a community
and a family that I would love to be a part of."
I'm Luke.
I'm a firefighter for the city of Rockford.
[soft music]
I moved to Rockford when I got hired
on the fire department almost ten years ago.
We work long hours and long shifts with sometimes no sleep,
so coffee is an essential at the fire station.
I met my wife, Kate, while she was working at a coffee shop.
Kate: He was one of the types of people
that just wanted coffee to taste like coffee.
Luke: She would point out different flavor profiles
and really opened my eyes to high-quality coffee.
Kate: I don't want to take the credit. [laughs]
Both of us decided that we wanted to be a part of the process of coffee.
Luke: We bought a coffee roaster and jumped right in.
Kate: It was a lot of trial and error.
Luke: We had to pay for our education through a lot of wasted batches.
Kate and I roasted coffee for a year before we were...
Kate: Willing to give it to anyone. Luke: Yeah.
[both laugh]
Since I'm a firefighter,
we wanted to do something that tied in with the fire service,
so we did a fire department blend,
and we donated a portion of the proceeds to a burn camp in Illinois.
That fire department blend sold out.
[upbeat piano music]
We wanted to build on that,
so we started Fire Department Coffee to support my brothers and sisters.
At first, we didn't have a business plan,
and we didn't know how we were gonna grow our company.
Kate: We decided we would build a website
so that we could reach more people.
Luke: We learned to make the site our storefront.
That's when things really started taking off.
When people are searching for coffee,
there are so many websites to choose from,
so those positive online reviews help people find us.
99% of our sales come through online,
and about a third of those come through Google.
In the last year, we've doubled our production,
and we employ seven people from our community,
half of which are firefighters or veterans.
Dave's our coffee roaster, and he's a retired captain.
Dave: I drank coffee my whole firefighting career,
maybe 20 cups a day.
Is that too many? [laughs]
Fire departments are buying the coffee, so I like to put little notes on there,
sign 'em, and let 'em know that, you know,
it's a firefighter out there making your coffee.
Luke: We launched Fire Department Coffee two years ago,
and we've donated over $50,000 to different charities.
man: Thanks for everything you do.
Luke: And now we're starting our own charitable foundation
to help injured firefighters and first responders.
[stirring music]
Damien Pereira is a firefighter who was injured in the line of duty.
He had a tree fall on him,
and the doctors told him that he would likely never walk again.
There's very little out there
to help injured firefighters and first responders.
Damien's role in our charitable foundation
is to make sure that our resources are being spent
where they will have the greatest impact.
Damien: PTSD, counseling, medical supplies.
Luke: Firefighters serve their communities.
People that are having the worst day of their life are calling us,
so it wouldn't make sense being Fire Department Coffee
and not doing something bigger or greater with it
and give back.
[light piano music]
For more infomation >> Fire Dept. Coffee: Serving our heroes - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
Echolox - Weights 【Single Out Now】 --- epilepsy warning - Duration: 4:12.
[Lyrics in subtitles]
[ [ [ [[ Epilepsy warning ]] ] ] ]
You can always
Say you remember
When the time is right
You can always
Kill the contender
In an unfair fight
So they wait and they wait and they never will
Always stopped by misplaced feelings
But the last thing you would do
Tell anyone at all
But it weighs and it weighs and your body screams
For the only shameful healing
Save your breath for the afterlife
If there's any one at all
failed to
weights pull me
Can't keep
the balance
I try
I try
I try!
You can always
Stay a pretender
In your public life
Never cave in
Never surrender
To the other side
But it weighs and it weighs on your body still
Every heartbeat sends you reeling
Couldn't wait for an honest turn
So many years ago
It's too late it's too late now you never will
As your debts rise to the ceiling
Playing house of cards instead
With everyone you know
failed to
weights pull me
Can't keep
the balance
I tried
I tried
I tried
Weights, out now as a Single + B-Side
Available on echolox.bandcamp.com or Spotify, iTunes, Google Play Music etc.
Coming soon: Honesty EP 5-Track Indietronica
Pre-oder on echolox.bandcamp.com and get the song "Lives" right now!
Subscribe for more music
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Will Keeps a Secret from Natalie - Chicago Med (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:04.
Trailer Park Fire - Chicago Fire (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:04.
Bob Ruzek Shot in Action - Chicago PD (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:40.
NEW Jack-Jack POWERS + Incredibles 2 DELETED SCENES Revealed! - Duration: 11:05.
Jack-Jack crashing Edna's fashion show, the return of Kari the babysitter, and the reveal
of Frozone's wife are just some of the amazing scenes cut from Pixar's Incredibles 2.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and in this video I'll be revealing and explaining
five Incredibles 2 deleted scenes that you probably wish Pixar had included in the movie.
Plus keep watching to the end for an extra Edna and Jack-Jack clip where I'll reveal
two new Jack-Jack powers we never saw in the main movie.
If this is your first time here, I do regular deep dives into your favourite Pixar, Disney
and superhero movies so tap the bell to keep up to date with all my new videos.
"FROZONE: Honey?"
"FROZONE: Where's my supersuit?"
"I had to..
I'm washing it!"
"FROZONE: Don't lie to me!
I keep that suit spotless!"
"FROZONE: And you better not be trying to hide it on me!"
"It.. it was filthy!"
"FROZONE: It was next to godliness clean and ready for action!"
"I'm not playing with you."
"It was filthy!"
"How dare you?!"
"How dare you.."
"Lucius don't you think you can get away from me!"
Now, I really wish this scene had been in the movie.
It's a wonderful callback to that hilarious scene in the first Incredibles where Frozone
goes searching for his supersuit after looking out the window and seeing Syndrome's Omnidroid
wreaking havoc on the city.
"Where is my supersuit?"
"HONEY: I put it away."
This time around it's Honey who spots the Underminer's enormous drilling machine causing
chaos and who then hilariously and frantically tries to find somewhere to hide Frozone's
I think it would have been nice to see the woman behind the voice especially as she was
such huge hit with fans in the first movie.
Incredibles 2 director Brad Bird has said this original scene took too much momentum
away from the Underminer action sequence at the beginning of the movie and he felt that,
in the end, Honey was funnier as a voice as that way everyone who watches the film can
have their own idea of what she looks like.
Although I can see Bird's perspective up to a point and I enjoyed Incredibles 2, I can't
help but think this extra scene with Honey would have just been fantastic.
Fun fact: The design for Honey in this deleted clip was actually reused later in the movie
for one of the other supers who assemble on the Deavor's yacht.
Edna and Jack-Jack's scenes together are some of the funniest in Incredibles 2 and there's
some amazing bonus material on the Blu-ray which reveals some great extra scenes with
the two characters.
The first is a deleted scene where Edna is hosting her own fashion show which Jack-Jack
accidentally and amusingly interrupts.
"E, I'm operating on no sleep."
"I'm telling you this baby is freaking me out!"
"I don't know where he's gonna be, I don't know what he's gonna be."
"Anything can happen and I've got to respond."
"What, what?"
"The baby is gone."
"What is it Humphrey?"
"They're going crazy, they want you to take a bow."
"And they want the glitter baby."
"No glitter baby!"
"First the team will bow, then the junior designers, then I will come."
"No glitter baby."
This is a great scene that I'm sure many fans would have loved to have seen in the final
It shows how Edna's real passion is designing outfits for Supers, but because they're illegal
she has to work with supermodels who we already know that Edna has very little regard for:
"Nothing super about them."
"Spoiled, stupid little stick-figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves."
Plus, seeing Jack-Jack turn into a "Glitter Baby" would have been really fun and I wonder
if it's supposed to be an additional power we didn't see in the movie.
We did see Jack-Jack's mimicry powers when he transforms his appearance into a reflection
of Edna, but this feels like it might be a kind of adaptive or camouflaging-type power.
Incredibles 2 is Pixar's longest film to date and I suspect this scene was cut because the
movie was pretty packed.
Although we do get some fantastic moments with Edna and Jack-Jack in the final film,
it's always great to see more!
By the way, the clothes in Edna's fashion line "Mode" were worn by models but still
drew inspiration from the powers of Edna's favourite clients: Superheroes.
For example, the see-through chiffon around this model's head was inspired by the look
of a force field.
Next up is a deleted scene that's perhaps a bit dark where we discover what happened
to Kari the Babysitter after the first movie.
"Hi Nancy!"
"Oh, Helen, Bob!"
"I hope we're not interrupting dinner."
"Actually, we'd like to talk to Kari about.."
"We thought it might be best if we just dropped by."
"You were supposed to be back late in the evening.
You left her in charge of your baby overnight and into the next day."
"Well I'm sorry about that.
That was not planned."
"The er..
The kids kind of surprised me."
"That took us by surprise as well.
A baby's a lot of responsibility for a teenager and I think Kari got a bit overwhelmed."
"She was hysterical."
"She calmed down."
"She's been twitchy ever since."
"Hello Mr and Mrs Parr."
"Kari, just the girl I wanted to see.
We were talking about when you were babysitting for us.
Did you notice anything odd about Jack-Jack?"
"Not that I remember.
It's a blank."
"But all those phone messages you left us."
"Phone messages?"
"You don't remember?"
"No, oh op."
"Was that no?"
"Ha, ha!"
"That's what I'm talking about, twitchy!"
Kari's role in the first Incredibles movie was expanded when she featured in the short
film Jack-Jack Attack which showed her discovering baby Parr's superpowers and then having her
memory wiped by Rick Dicker.
This deleted scene from Incredibles 2 is pretty dark because it looks like Dicker's memory
erasing might have really messed Kari up.
Kari's obviously a fan favourite character especially since appearing in the Jack-Jack
short so I think many Pixar fans would have liked a chance to catch up and find out what
happened to her.
However, the answer is a little unsettling to say the least and given this scene was
one of the filmmakers' options for opening the movie, I can see why Pixar ended up scrapping
There's an interesting action scene cut out of the final movie where Edna's high-tech
systems [at her home] begin attacking her and Mr Incredible.
"I've lost control of my security system!"
The theme that Bird wanted to explore in this deleted scene was the idea of artificial intelligence
systems turning against their human creators.
If you feel this sounds familiar, you're right because it's pretty much what happened when
Syndrome's Omnidroid turned against him in The Incredibles.
Initially, this artificial intelligence theme was actually the main story for the sequel.
In this cut scene, Bird wanted to show what could happen if high tech systems like the
ones Edna has became corrupted.
This idea of corrupted A.I. was eventually abandoned though in favour of the Screenslaver
villain plot, perhaps because it might have felt too similar to the Omnidroid twist from
the first movie.
This action scene, which has vibes of James Bond about it, does look pretty cool though,
and Bird has said he might still explore the A.I. idea in another movie.
Incredibles 2 opens at a very fast pace, pretty much picking up with the Parr's facing off
against the Underminer.
However, originally, Bird planned to kick the movie off at the Parr family home and
remind us of how it was destroyed during the battle with Syndrome.
"I hate to cut short a tender moment, but unless you wanna explain this to a crowd?"
"Come on!"
"When they notice I'm gone, just say I went to call Dicker, OK?"
"Hmm, OK."
"Hmm, Dicker."
"Mr Dicker, it's me, Violet, Violet Parr.
You know how you just drove us to our house and my parents are superheroes?"
"Sure kid."
"Yes, yes!
The extraction point.
They'll know where that is."
Although it's a fun clip, it's not as good as the action-packed opening scene we did
get, especially as it doesn't tie in so well with the very end of the first movie where
the Underminer suddenly popped up.
And here's the bonus Edna and Jack-Jack scene from the Auntie Edna short which shows what
happened the night after Bob left Jack-Jack with Edna while he got some sleep.
"OK, come out and show me."
"Walk it, yes.
There it is.
The room is yours."
"They are lucky to be in your presence."
"Now the turn.
You are a tiny god!"
"Dada is here.
Let's show him how fabulous you look."
That turn Edna gets Jack-Jack to do is just adorable and when she calls him a "tiny god",
it's a call-back to the first movie where Edna was frustrated with not being able to
legally design for supers anymore.
I used to design for gods."
Also, notice in this scene how Edna has been making a list of all of Jack-Jack's powers.
The movie revealed at the end that Jack-Jack has a total of 17 powers and, so far Edna
seems to have 14 of them on her list, but intriguingly there's two new ones listed under
Edna's "Elemental Shift" category called "Smoke" and "Liquid".
A promo spot for the Blu-ray release shows what these look like.
It appears that Jack-Jack can turn into smoke allowing a ball that Edna tosses at him to
pass right through him.
Then there's a shot of Jack-Jack where it looks like he can even turn into a literal
water baby.
These two powers didn't show up in Incredibles 2, but if you'd like a full breakdown of all
of Jack-Jack's other 17 powers, tap here to watch my Jack-Jack Powers Explained video
or click the link in the video description below.
Now, do you wish any of these deleted scenes had been included in the movie?
Let me know what you think of them in the comments below!
Tap left to check out all my other Incredibles 2 and Pixar videos or tap right for another
video you're sure to like!
And if you enjoyed this, a thumbs-up and a share would be fantastic.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers!
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Our Ultimate Twist Review - Duration: 12:19.
Hello everyone and welcome to the Keep Productive YouTube channel on today's
video we are looking into Twist, the team communication tool developed by Doist
We're going to be looking into the features the thoughts on the
application from using it for about two or three months now and also looking
into the pricing and information that you need to know to make that decision
- whether this is your team communication tool so guys let's dive in
so guys today's video we are looking into twist this is twist in front of us
Twist touts fewer notifications now what twist does aside from some of
the other applications is to improve team communication by reducing it
actually making it more precise precisely at the word precise and
meaningful so what I will be doing in this review is kicking things off with
the features I think some of the features are pretty impressive I'll be
giving you my thoughts on each of the features and how we've used them in
practice and hopefully that should give you a nice outline so the first of those
features is threads now threads essentially is the way to communicate
inside of twist so you do have channels on this left-hand side but channels act
almost as topic so for example if we clicked on general we'd see all of the
threads that were started inside of general the same with the podcast the
things that are relevant to here too and also YouTube these are the areas that we
work on at the moment now if I go up to inbox essentially inbox is where any new
threads are coming in so that you can almost keep a tap on what you need to
reply to and it's quite a nice way to actually view all of your threads and I
found it a good way on mobile especially to view all of that there now you do
have start in case you have any conversations that specifically need to
be favorited or important and you can do that by going to the top right hand
corner and starring it and a star will appear on that left hand side now
threads are really easy to start so for example what we do in our team is we
start a thread pretty much whenever there's a new article to be created and
what makes that different from our experience on slack is that when we were
creating articles on smack we're just chatting about it in a group but whereas
with this we've actually so for example we're doing a feature on to do as karma
explained Alice is writing this one when we post that title in the thread we are
actually being a bit more definitive and what we're talking about in this
conversation although this conversation did spiral into talking about whether
we're working at the weekend but you can see what we've done here the goal is to
be a bit more clear and focused on what
we're actually writing about and the issue at hand so that's one of the ways
that it differs from slack if I press start a new thread up here you can see
that I can choose the actual channel that I post in so I can go to podcast or
YouTube in this case I'll go YouTube and you can see that it brings you to that
channel in case and you can invite team members specifically to those channels
so they don't get the notifications but you can see here that when you're about
to post you get to choose who you notify in this case I might just notified Diana
if I press ENTER she will be the only one notified so that Alice won't get any
of those too many messages or threads in her inbox now it's very similar to
creating an email inside of twist all you do is give it a title so for example
you could say thumbnail for video on bullet journal so and then you can start
composing your message below now there are a few obviously a media attachments
you can use at the bottom you can attach anything there that's relevant you can
add any markdown as well so markdown is available there and any emojis that you
see fit in the conversation and so for example I'm going to say could we put
together a thumbnail for the boo Joe feature on that notion and what I'll do
I'm all for writing if I click post thread and once that's posted you can
see a conversation has been started now you can obviously comment and once you
comment what's quite exciting is if you wanted to bring in someone else to a
conversation say for example I'm like okay Alice is now needs to be involved
in this conversation you can do that or and you can even delete the original
person so that you're notifying only the people that matter and that will really
produce better results so you can see here that if I go on to each of the
posts I have you can add a reaction message you can see who that who's been
notified per one and you can even edit it there in the top right hand corner
you can mark as unread you can star a thread
you can edit the thread title if you want to if that changes you can even add
two todoist we're doing a feature on that tomorrow or Sunday I think it is
and you can get these read by email you can copy a link to the thread and move
it to another area if you wanted so for example if we're like ok actually this
is more suitable for the website you can drag that thread into the website area
and at the top that shall appear so it's quite a nice way of being able to
interact and the great thing is I will be able to see all of Diana's or Alice's
messages below here so the only other thing to note is that you've got the
ability to edit the channel you can get email to this channel and copy the link
to the channel as well as leave and archive it and if you want to find any
archived channels you can find them here we don't have any at the moment because
we've only been using it for two or three months now now one of my favorite
things I would say is composing those threads because they're very clear and
focused whereas previously we didn't like we were just more chatting about it
and you know we can close a thread once each piece had been done which is quite
nice so the other thing you've got is messages up here messages are a way to
organize your conversations individually so if I wanted to start a message with
Alice you could see that I started this conversation here and that's synchronous
so you can see when people were typing and you can see that inside of threads
too but that's a good way if you want to have a if we want to have a direct
conversation now also you've got team so you can see who's in our team and their
status so for example I've put a vacation reminder here on four until
Monday so I'll be off from Monday but this is a good way in actually seeing
what the statuses of all the team Alice is on a break to but she should have put
it on there which I'll tell her to do but worry a small team so we pretty much
remember all this stuff so that's how to view the team and search is quite
accessible and you can go really into detail if you want to just search
threads only and from specific people like I could search thread only from
Alice to me or Francesco and with the jacked off Trello for example and if I
search that they're obviously no terms for that at the moment so if I go back
to the threads here that's it's pretty much the outline of the experience it's
really optimized for remote teams and that's one of the benefits of using it
it tries to keep asynchronous communication as the sort of pinpoint so
that you don't all have to be bombarded with messages now I will show you a few
of the future sense that they've got so your features over here you can see your
account information as well as add a lovely photo you can access your
password as well as notification settings what appears on your mobile and
email I know that if I'm away from twist it will email me now with any threads or
messages if I've missed any which is quite nice I quite like that because I
know that I'm gonna get an email with anything I missed and it reminds me to
check it now the great thing it's not a twist is you've got the ability to
access time off you can schedule time off and you can even edit it if you're
on sick leave or paid leave or whatever so it's it's good if you've got a big
team you can go to that team area and see visually exactly who's on break soon
and it gives you a bit of sort of pre warning to some extent about what's
coming up so from using this application maybe for the last two three months I
would say that it's been pretty impressive we have been I would say a
lot calmer in our communication in terms of like when we're doing this daily
we're not just like bombing messages on slack we're very clear and concise about
what we're talking about which is quite nice and when we're working on pieces
for example if we leave those article titles up there we can go back to them
and just start that conversation again now the things I would like to see some
additional things is the ability to press enter on when you type in one here
I think that's probably accessible in settings somewhere but for example when
I'm typing a message just press ENTER and it posts that comment I don't think
that's available now also text formatting you've got only if you
obviously got a sort of key down here of be able to see the markdown and you can
learn markdown pretty fast I know it but I would like to see some sort of text
formatting added that I think this application will be
great for internal wiki's internal wiki's are getting more popular and this
left-hand side I reckon it'd be cool to be able to see posts on all of the stuff
that you need to know so when you're joining twist you actually see all the
information you need to know at a glance onboarding for employees etc but again
these are just feature requests and things that I've noticed but I really
have enjoyed the experience so far and I know that Alison and Diana have felt the
same in terms of being a bit more freer with their communication on here so as
you can imagine pricing let's give you a bit of an outline on pricing pricing is
for example we're using the free plan which is zero dollars forever
you've got search for up to one month you've got the up to five integrations
so we can connect out we've got to do is connecting up and you've also got five
gigabytes of total storage we've got custom channels and also guest access as
well as all of the access so for example on Mac Windows iOS Android and web to
access twist which is good now there is a $5 annual fee if you want to go to
unlimited so you can get unlimited search unlimited integrations I think I
will post all of the information here and that's per user per month if you go
for the annual fee you get two months free so it's $60 for the year if you go
for the monthly one per user it's six dollars per month now of course you can
if you went from unlimited free you would get history all stored so that
won't go away and you can have guest access via the free plan so guys
hopefully I give you a nice outline to twist again will probably be reviewing
it in the next couple of months giving you a bit of an outline to how we've
developed with the application a couple of recommended resources twists have a
couple of useful articles that might help you with team communication on
their blog on duyst blog and also Mike said Pierre Pierre has a great feature
here on YouTube that Dan's outlined the application if you want a
bit more details than just what I gave anyway guys hopefully that gave you a
nice insight to this application this video was commissioned mine doest just
to let you know they have sponsored this month here
the key productive YouTube channel and it's great to have them but again all of
these thoughts are my own so I just wanted to share some of my opinions on
Twist so far and we're going is a huge thank you for stopping by today I hope
you enjoyed this video leave a like if you enjoyed it subscribe if you're brand
new comment with any thoughts on team communication applications at the moment
and the guys pew thanks and I'll see you guys very soon
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Giltress Street, Rollington Town, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 3:50.
Driving north on Portland Road
Turn onto Giltress Street
<<< St James Road >>>
<<< Carnavon Street
<<< Johnson Terrace
<<< Montague Street
<<< Milk Avenue - Jackson Road >>>
Rollington Town Police Station >>>
<<< Leaneral Street
<<< Rollington Avenue
Giltress Street ends
<<< Waterloo Road >>>
Japanese Prime Minister Abe in China for first time in 7 years to forge closer ties with Beijing - Duration: 0:46.
it is day two of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s visit to China and a Friday
he and President Xi Jinping held their summit President Xi said that the
international situation is changing and emphasized that the two countries are
increasingly dependent on one another Abbott said he hopes to use his visit as
an opportunity to boost ties between the two countries and enter a new phase of
relations moving from competition to cooperation Abba met earlier Friday with
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and signed a broad range of agreements including a 30
billion US dollar currency swap pact this is the first time in seven years
that a Japanese leader has visited Beijing as ties between the two became
frosty due to their dispute over the Senkaku Islands known as no.1 in China
as do we
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