Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 27 2018

so many people don't have this financial education right when I was growing up

the only way that I could think of money was cash right and I would hear about

Bill Gates and you know how he has like 50 60 billion back then I was thinking

oh this guy must have so much money into the bank right into public savings

account or I don't know where does he hold so much money but the problem is

that all of the richest people they most of them they don't have cash right they

probably have around 0.5% of their wealth into cash and why is that because

cash is a very very bad way to hold your money right so how do these people get

so rich and how do they keep their wealth and how over time they get

wealthier and wealthier now that happens is because the biggest part of their net

worth comes from shares and equity in companies and real estate and that's the

truth let's look at Wikipedia the world's billionaires index and for 2018

right we have Jeff Bezos at one hundred and twelve billion dollars right but

source of wealth is Amazon right and how does that happen well he has a big

percentage of the shares of Amazon and Jeff Bezos last year was on third place

and had seventy two point eight billion and we can see that for a year from

seventy two he has gone up to hunt one hundred and twelve and the way that

happens is because when we look at the Amazon stock price in one year it has

gone up 96 percent and of course since he is invested into Amazon his net worth

skyrockets so that's how all the richest people's held their money right and we

can see Bill Gates source of wealth Microsoft Warren Buffett Berkshire

Hathaway but not all nodes LVMH which is basically a lot of brands

including rivet on Mark Zuckerberg Facebook

Amancio tag Zehra and so on and so forth so why is

investing and having equity so important because if the alternatives are really

bad right what are the main two alternatives cash and charging your

money into a savings account into a bank so first I want to discuss cash and why

holding cash is actually quite bad because cash by design is inflationary

object cash is made so that there is inflation and then there is amazing

video by the amazing vitaly oh that explains how economy works in about 30

minutes it's very easy to understand it's brilliant I'll put a link into the

description of this video and you can go watch it and understand how economy

works so you know in order for economy to grow you need inflation and when the

inflation is controlled is actually very good and I'm gonna read a bit about that

what's behind inflation that's on investopedia inflation comes about this

demand for goods and services grows in an economy as the money supply in the

economy Rises there is likely to be more demand from customers looking to buy

various goods the rising demand creates a pressure on prices and a rise as more

people are willing to pay for these Goods sales hiked up their prices

another situation that could lead to inflation is when there is an increase

in the cost of production so overall growing economy having more

money means that there is inflation but let's look at the effect of inflation

let's say you have $100 into a savings account that pays a 1% interest rate

after a year you have 101 dollars into your account during this period if

inflation runs 2% you would have to have 102 dollars to make up the impact of the

higher prices since you have 101 though that means that you have actually lost

1% of your purchasing power which means that if you hold cash you are vulnerable

to inflation if hold cash overtime even though that the

number of how much money you have doesn't change your actual buying power

decreases over time you lose your buying power another thing that's very

important about cash is that you are subjected to swings into the price

compared to other currencies because when you have cash you probably have

mainly one currency let's look at the pound against the door into a period of

what four years the pound has lost over twenty four even over twenty five

percent of its value which means that people that had thousands of pounds you

know back in 2014 now even though this you have these thousand pounds they're

buying power against the door is 25 percent lower in the same time remember

that inflation is also compounding it around one to two percent per year which

means that these thousand pounds if they want to buy something from America now

can buy them probably somewhere around thirty five to forty percent less than

what they could buy just four years ago so they these people lost more than 30%

of their buying power in a short span of four or four years so in short if you're

holding cash over time you are losing buying power because of inflation and

compound it with that you lose power because it's very probable that your

currency might lose value against other currencies

what about savings accounts right this is the second option which a lot of

people go about and you know this was my mindset in the problem with that and why

this video is so important is because if you don't have someone that's you know

doing finance or business or entrepreneur into your family around you

it's very hard to get out of this mine said I didn't talk anything about net

worth about shares about equity you know how inflation affects you and

you know how you can make use of that then turn your money to work for you

instead of you losing your bank power the second thing that gets so many

people is savings accounts and we know that banks these some of the highest

rates of savings account received around 1.8 percent per year but if we look at

the actual inflation per year we can see that in u.s. it is between 2 to 2.8

percent in the last two three years which means that if you hold your money

into a savings account used you lose buying power because of inflation the

second thing is you still subjected to swings into currencies and the third

thing is most banks will not let you actually withdraw money or you know

handle your money which means that you don't even have access you know to your

own funds let's talk about why investing is so good so this is a chart of the S&P

500 index which basically tracks the 500 biggest companies in u.s. which are

basically some of the biggest companies in the world overall which means that it

is a quite good indicator what the stock market overall is doing so we can see

here I've opened the all-time chart of the S&P 500 and what we could observe is

that at any period over 15 years the stock market is higher than where it was

before that and into a very big percentage of the time in every period

of 5 to 10 years the stock market is high and it was and you know we can

follow that from 1950 to 2018 if you invest into the S&P 500 which means that

it's super simple right you invest into index you don't have to choose companies

don't implant the stand companies you just invest into the economy right

because these basically tracks the economy if you invest introduced the

economy into an index let's see what happens so if I opened here a kind of

reverse compound calculator and here have calculated the interest rate that

you would gain if you get invested in s AP 500 back in 1950 when it began so I

want to see how much on all the data that we have over time how much is the

interest rate and we can see that back in from 1950 basis the ACP started at

around sixteen point nine and now in 2018 it is a two thousand eight hundred

fifty this is sixty eight point six years and

we are calculating the annual interest rate and we can see that we get an

annual appreciation of seven point seven six percent seven point seven six

percent with inflation we said at around two percent at the moment right so okay

but let's look at some more interesting stuff okay let's look at if you invested

exactly at the best possible time at the downturn in through the 2008 crisis if

we look at this back in 2008 GAAP was around 683 and now as we said this at

two thousand eight hundred fifty and that's it into a time frame of nine and

a half years we can see that this is again of sixteen point three percent per

year with a savings account giving you one point eight and with cash giving you

zero right so we can see the difference and you would say yes but nobody can

time the market right that's what you say all the time like you know nobody

can invest the best time and I say okay let's look what if you invest at the

worst time okay if you invested exactly at the top before the crisis and you

never sold stayed invested into the index let's see what happens

okay the peak here before the crisis is around 1550 60 and as we said now we had

two thousand eight hundred fifty and that's almost eleven years what we get

is again if we invested at the worst time in the last ten years you still get

five point seven compounded interest rate per year five point seven which

means that you cover your inflation rate in you still get three point seven

percent gain of buying power per year what is even better is that stocks have

something called dividend yield which means that stocks give you back money

just to hold them and on average the SI p 500 companies which is what you'll be

invested in you have a dividend yield as we see in the last twenty years around

two percent over all over time it's been actually much higher but let's take the

last two percent which means that on top of this five point seven percent

compound interest rate when you put two percent up you get seven point seven

right this is the worst time if we to which we take the seven point seven

percent which is on the all-time average interest rate and you put 2% that's nine

point seven percent historically on average you would get as a game if we

invested just into basically the economic of United States and here I

have opened a very simple compound interest calculator

and what if you started right now with zero dollars you get your nine point

seven percent annual rate because you invest in the S&P 500 use a new safe

five hundred dollars per month for 30 years and the numbers that we get

actually really really interesting into the first ten years starting from zero

in investing into the SA P 500 you have $100,000 in 20 years you have

$368 and into 30 years you have over a million safe that's how all the rich

people have money that's how they become richer and that's why over time the

richer become richer because they invest their money they don't call them cash

they don't spend them on stupid stuff that loses value they invest them thank

you for listening I hope you enjoyed this video comment on anything you want

to down into the comments and also consider checking out my patreon page

which is on slash in travursel where you can support the

channel so I can create more and also access quite interesting content about

investing technology mindset and anything else thank you for listening

see you next time

For more infomation >> How The RICH Make MONEY & How To Build WEALTH. Can You Become A Millionaire With $500/Month? - Duration: 14:25.


Why You Should Choose a UL Listed Type 1 Baffle Grease Hood Filter - Duration: 1:24.

When choosing a hood filter there are several things you want to consider before picking out what's going to work for you.

However, the most important aspect of a filter is that it's actually UL listed. According to fire code

it has to be UL listed meaning it's been tested to do it what it's actually supposed to do and

most likely your insurance policy is going to require that you use UL listed filters as they usually follow fire code.

This is a filter that's very common. It's very inexpensive.

It's a good looking filter. It's stainless steel which is which is ideal

However, it is not UL listed and therefore will not meet fire code or insurance requirements.

One of the easiest ways to identify

one of these filters is it has a flat baffle as opposed to a rounded and if you look on the frame on the edge

you will not find that UL logo that we've seen on all the products from plumbing to electric.

What you want to make sure and get is a filter that looks more like this.

This is a Kleen Gard UL listed stainless steel filter and the way you can identify this it has a

rounded baffle and it's actually more efficient that way as well.

But again, it's UL listed and it's going to meet all fire code and insurance requirements.

For more infomation >> Why You Should Choose a UL Listed Type 1 Baffle Grease Hood Filter - Duration: 1:24.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:40.


Sad Whatsapp Status Video - Love Breakup Status - New WhatsApp Status 2018 - Duration: 2:30.

New sad whatsapp status

For more infomation >> Sad Whatsapp Status Video - Love Breakup Status - New WhatsApp Status 2018 - Duration: 2:30.


Write a book and publish it 📖🔥 - Duration: 2:40.

Hello, Elites! I'm Lenus and this is a new course.

In this course we'll learn to write and publish our first book using free tools.

I was developing this course at the same time that

I was writing and publishing one of my latest books.

So, you're going to see all the problems that I faced and how I solved those problems

so that you too can have that perspective of everything I did

for everything that I went through

so that you too can overcome it and also have the same result as me

which is to have my own book published on platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books,

Scribd, and many other platforms.

And all of that I'm going to teach you here.

If you are ready to publish your first book then what are you waiting for?

Let's start at once with this course.

And to start taking the course, there are two options available.

The first one is called Udemy.

Where you simply have to go to [] or just click here.

Now, on the Udemy page you can see all the information of the course,

when you sign up, you get a discount like 60 or 70% so you can buy the course

you can also see all available classes and you can take for free the first 6 classes

so you can see if it's worth it or not, I recommend that too.

The second option is called Skillshare.

And to start you can go directly to the site [] or by clicking here.

The benefit or difference that there are with Skillshare and Udemy

is that in Udemy you buy the course but with Skillshare you pay a subscription

that monthly is $15 dollars

although if you pay all year round, it costs you just 8 dollars a month.

Although with the link that I'm going to share, actually, that I already shared with you

you can have two months for free to try it all, absolutely all of the courses

that are available on Skillshare, including mine.

So, take advantage of that link to have 2 months free of Premium Membership

I recommend it for you to enter and take advantage

of all available courses with the link that I just shared

To conclude, click on this video that I chose especially for you according to your interests

I also recommend you to click on this playlist called business development so you can see other videos

and recommendations that also they will be very useful for you

and also click on the channel icon to subscribe and activate the bell.

Finally, don't forget to take care of your health and to subscribe.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Write a book and publish it 📖🔥 - Duration: 2:40.


The History of Fornost - LOTR History and Lore - Duration: 5:42.

Greetings everyone. How is it going? Welcome to the history of Fornost. I'm really excited to be doing this

So let's get right into it. So Fornost was founded in in the year

3320 of the Second Age now, it was a military fortress built in a strategic position

between the North Downs and the

Weather Hills now it was built to guard this gap which was in between these two places against incursions by

Rhudaur and/or Angmar now Angmar which is going to be very important to the history of

Fornost, and we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit, but they were a kingdom from the north led by the Witch-king

now Fornost was the capital city of the

Dúnedain kingdom of Arthedain and possibly the capital of the kingdom of Arnor now the kingdom of

Arnor came first, but after King Eärendur's death the

Kingdom of Arnor was split into three kingdoms Arthedain, Cardolan,

and Rhudaur, now Fornost remained an important city as a capital of Arthedain after.

Fornost was probably the capital of Arnor but this isn't like

specified 100 percent but it was a very big city. It was very important

So it probably was

now in the third in

1974 of the Third Age the Witch-king of Angmar

Led his forces to invade these three kingdoms of Arnor

Now a long story short, it didn't really go well for Arthedain or the two other kingdoms

Now the Witch-king was ruthless and he actually even used the Dúnedain dead in the war now

what he did is he went to the Barrow Downs, and he actually raised the the

Dúnedain dead to join his army

Which would not only lower the morale of the Dúnedain fighting him

But would also bolster his own forces, which was very smart

but obviously very ruthless now the last king of Arthedian Arvedui, or


didn't give up without a fight and actually

resisted for a time after the two other kingdoms fell so Arthedain was the last to survive


he held at the

North Downs, however

he eventually just couldn't keep fighting and he fled into the

northern wastes and was lost in the Ice-Bay of Forochel

Now Fornost was the last city of the once great kingdom of Arthedain and Arnor

So if the Witch-king was able to conquer this, he would have effectively won the war which he did

after last King

Arvedui died the Witch-king occupied Fornost and began to populate it with evil folk most likely those of his army

It didn't last for more than a year and Gondor led by Eärnur comes to Fornost

rescue in the next year with allies from Lindon, Rivendell, and the former territories of Arnor

Now the the Witch-king was defeated, his army destroyed. However, he

escaped as he did appear in The Lord of the Rings films

so even though the force the

forces of Angmar were pushed back the Dúnedain population was decimated and it was and they were too few to

Rebuild the once great during Dúnedain people



wasn't completely destroyed. It wasn't burned to the ground. It became a ruin and it was not resettled

Yeah, and it gradually fell in

into ruin, however, the Dúnedain kept going and they became known as the

Rangers and were wandering Guardians and Aragorn was one of them and he obviously held the blood of the


broken kings of

Gondor so very important and a cool fact is that the Dúnedain were descended from the

Númenóreans, which were the greatest

race of men in


so only the Dúnedain would a visit Fornost

But most others steered clear as it became known as the Deadmen's Dike and many believed it was haunted

Fornost's History

does not end actually there, it was rebuilt in the fourth age after the War of the Rings which is the

Which is the events that take place in the Lord of the Rings

So yeah, it was rebuilt in the fourth age by King Elessar

so that brings us to the end of the history of Fornost and the great thing about this is that

The story doesn't have to end there you can take it in whichever way you want

Does it become the capital of great Kingdom once again, or does it become abandoned?

It's all up to you, but I really enjoyed

Making this video. Thank you so much for watching guys

let me know down below what you guys think about this great city and just about the

Lord of the Rings world in general, but yeah, thank you so much for watching guys

Feel free to subscribe and hop on our discord. Lots of great people over there having some good

Conversations. But yeah, I will see you guys soon. Thank you so much for watching


For more infomation >> The History of Fornost - LOTR History and Lore - Duration: 5:42.


Vines That Keep Me Alive Reaction - Duration: 13:38.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

What's up guys still crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to

Vine stat keep me alive

so I

Hope the guys enjoyed the video drop a like if guys did calm down below your

thoughts in your opinions about this video and

my reaction

So, yeah

make sure to LIKE comment subscribe turn oppose communications and let's begin 3 2 1

Let's go

No man funny already



Get to Del Taco they got a new thing called for Joffrey shabak ado I

Got no the Grinch

Thank you, thank you murder Judith no

I'm Liberian Oh

Could be next


God Rana McDonald's is taking over the world

There is only one thing

Boom a child no, oh my god

This is why mom doesn't like you


No way ABC 7 would you not eat my pants? Oh

My god

That's actually my shirt so two

Three four how many are in my story? No yours nearly

Haha. Hey, it's your boy

Skin event and one two

You stop dropping that okay, sweetie, I

Love that


I thought she was gonna slip. Oh my god. I don't know what's worse than that, but whatever

That's a salvage key right there man

Be honest that looks kind of fun

Why does she scream like that


It seems like you just activated the bomb

Or the grenade, oh my god seems like that he got

Going on



Oh my god, no way no way. Oh my god. I cannot imagine that

What road range with the dog man I could imagine that in so many ways oh

My god, oh my shoulders I spelled lipstick in your Valentino bag

Did you like after that like every kind of day

Is that actually a feature that

I saw this I saw oh god. I can't stop looking at that


Are you a smoke detector? That's what I thought shut up

God for some reason I scared me and Oh

Oh no, oh my god

Oh my god, that's so annoying

When your pizza rolls are done



So all that guys, I hope the guys didn't enjoy

This was quite funny in so many ways

And it lacked it was funny and weird in so many ways, I can't even describe it it was

Really weird and slightly funny, so I still enjoyed. Anyway, hope you guys did enjoy my reaction in the original video

Itself as well. So well that guys make sure to LIKE comment

But down below subscribe to the channel and turn opalsen occasions other than guys

I hope you guys enjoy and I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye, everyone

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