hello friends my name is vishal
and i welcome you all to our youtube channel earndroid with vishal
today i'm gonna tell you about google pay's
new offer, in which you
can earn upto 10 scratch card
to avail this offer you must have
files go app and google pay too
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if you don't have account in google pay i provide you the link to download the app
in the description too
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to claim this offer first of all
open the files go app
click on the continue
and then allow
after allowing
first of all here
click on tap to set your name
set your name
my name is vishal so i'm setting it as vishal
after setting name
click on the share option given below
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which must be registered in google pay
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after linking see here
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who have
files go app , with him
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after clicking on it
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after clicking on that you will be redirected to your google pay account
if you
earn any scratch card it will shown here
see here the three scratch cards
19,31 and 42 rupee
which i earned through files go
i will show it by clicking on it, earned by sharing files in files go
on this also see, earned by sharing files in files go
see i will click on it also, earned by sharing
files in files go like this only you can
send to 10 different friends
to get 10 scratch cards
thank you
please like and share this video and subscribe to my channel
so that i can create more earning related videos
For more infomation >> Earn upto 10 scratch card without transferring money in google pay $$ each worth rs 1000 $$ - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
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কুঁড়িতেই বুড়ি হতে না চাইলে নিয়মিত খেতে হবে যে ১২টি খাবার, Health tips bangla video - Duration: 6:20.
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Cómo ajustar el sistema remoto Grip de una horquilla FOX - Duration: 6:19.
Again we have convinced David of FOX to come to our studio to
explain us super FOX techniques that only he knows how to explain them well.
What are you not going to explain today, David? Hello Jesus! Well, we have many inquiries
about GRIP remote systems, about how to adjust them correctly and even
many people believe that they have problems in your blocks when
it's simply a matter of adjustment, and today, let's explain with two small
tricks, how to do it correctly. Very well! Well, I leave you with David, who is
the best person to explain all the technical situations of FOX.
As we have seen in the introduction, we explain that for GRIP cartridges
that come installed on the forks Performance and Rhythm range too, there's
many people who have problems of adjustment of the controls to the handlebar and create
that the fork does not work correctly because it does not block.
It's simply a matter of adjustment, in this video we are going to do and we are going to
teach the little tricks so that do correctly the adjustment of
our remote GRIP systems, too we are going to explain to you that you have to
do, because we also have enough issues, if we have a fork with
a non-remote GRIP cartridge, what do we have what to do to turn it into a remote one.
Many people who think that only replacing this dial with the
remote dial we will do it, but Unfortunately, this is not the case. We will have
replace the entire top of the cartridge that we call TOP CAP, is this one
here, which is the one that goes here introduced. This substitution unfortunately not the
we can do at home because we need a special tool and
exclusively a FOX technical service authorized,
or the FOXMax technical service of BiciMax will be able to do it, and in any, of course, the
Mammoth workshops, it will be possible to do this conversion. So you see
the difference of one TOPCAP to another, comes in the length of the rod ... Let's
disassemble this dial so you can see the difference. As you can see, the original rod
of non-remote systems is colored aluminum, it is silver; While
the one of the remote systems is of color black. If we compare them one is longer
than another, that's why it's not possible to change the dials only, for
transform them into the remote system this complete piece will have to be changed.
As we have talked, now we are going to make the correct adjustment of the system of
Remote GRIP parts in the fork that we have here. But first,
before this, let's see if the hairpin blocks perfectly. How
are we going to check? In a very simple. This rod, which is the rod of
the compression, we have to be careful that if we turn to the opposite direction
clockwise, it could come out and with it, something could come off
oil, let's turn it on with your own fingers to the sense of the needles of the clock,
and once you make the stop, let's go down the bike to the ground.
We have the rod completely closed and we check that the fork
blocks perfectly now we are going to make the adjustment again in the Mighty Portro.
We continue with the fork totally blocked, we will install
the parts of the remote system, the first we will place the dock, it does not matter in the
position because they are exactly the same on one side that by
the other, directly in the single hole what do you have for the installation ...
Once placed, the screw that tightens the cable what
we will have to match with this little dot that is near the exit of
the cover on the black piece, and here what we will have prepared to go to the
fork. Now with the fork ready, that the
rod is blocked and the kit prepared, we will install it on the
fork. The orientation? we will choose the orientation of the sleeve that
officially FOX only allows it to be. Towards one o'clock, or towards seven o'clock
behind the tube. We this time we choose at one.
We will connect the dial on the rod and
we will tighten nothing more than half the tighten the screw, why? ... because now
we must, in the opposite sense to clockwise,
take a full 360 degree turn,
tighten the central screw completely. A) Yes we have managed to unlock the
fork and have it fully prepared for the cable connection. The first
step for connecting the cable to the hairpin, it will take a lot of attention in
the command, what we have to do is press and leave it in the position of
blocking. Both in this foxx command of two positions as if we had one of 3
positions. The second step of the cable connection
it will be ... pass it ...
We see that they connect all the covers in place ... and very important! As
we have the command blocked, now of what it is about blocking also the
fork, and in addition to pre-loading the dock. With this key, we are turning it to
clockwise, we are blocking the fork and giving it
tension to the dock. We will put the screw to finish fixing the cable. There is
Sometimes in this operation it would be good for someone to help us.
If we have done correctly all the steps, by pressing the handlebar button,
the control of the handlebar and the fork are going to backtrack perfectly the system
remote and it will work perfectly. Only
we will cut the excess
and put a terminal to avoid
that is damaged in the case.
Thanks a lot, David! It's nice to see how you explain everything. You are an authentic
specialist! Thank you Jesus And nothing more We hope to have you in more videos, and many
Thanks for listening and see you in the next video!
Wheel making is busy! Removal of runout! Center adjustment! tension! Wow! ! - Duration: 28:50.
Hi YouTube 皆さんこんにちはAnimal Landにようこそ。
あのですね 今こちらの上にぶら下がっている
マウンテン ちょっと見えないかな
はい これですね、これもうリアタイヤ 外して今こういう状態です
まず ハブなんですけど、ハブが
今まで付いてたのがこちら これ鉄製です
だいぶ錆びているので 変えてしまいます
ねぇ この間グリスアップしたんですけど
ちょっとこれももうねえっ サビサビ欄であとねスポーク
9 これわかるかなぁ
サビのある程度少ないタイプもあったんだけどこれもこんな感じで サビサビです
まあ赤いでしょ なんで
変えちゃおうと思います はいえっ
まずねー このハブ交換ししたんち雪するんですけど
こちらの 新しい羽生所行ってくっていうところの8つですねこれをつけてみようと思います
サイズは a 男子タイプです9ね この幅ここに穴いっぱいあるんですけどこの幅と
この新しい方のこの一緒なんで あとね長さも同じタイプを購入しました
ここの値幅もこの幅も同じです なんで同様にしてくっつけることができます
あともう一つ こちらのスポークなんですけど
コーディン公認なんでね 左右長さが微妙に違います
えっとこっちがおこう合わせて 明るとちょっとしたでアップさせようかな
しっ はいこんな感じでこちらを合わせて
こう一番こっち見てみると わかるかな
本当に3ミリ4ミリぐらいしか変わらないんですけど これあのこれでねだいぶ差が出ます
だから 通常は短い方がね
この チェーンが全然げあがある方につきます
で長い方が落ち着きますなんでね少しこういうふうに酔ってる感じでつくんです 大げさにちょっとやっています
こんな風につくんでこの長さがこっちが短くてこっちがないっていう風な仕組みになっ ています
これねあのほとんど ほとんどの
ノードバイクとかマウンテンこうなってんじゃないかな はい
まあこれ何でこういうことをしなくちゃいけないかというとこの実際のね a 9幅って
これえっと この幅の真ん中に
9ホイールが必ず来るようになっています ってことはこっちね色々くっついてるんで
まあねギアがくっついてるんでちょっとここよりもこっちに寄せて上げないといけない です
ですね なんでこのトークの長さが違います
はーいでは じゃあねこのスポーツ僕じゃないハブ
このハブを 新しいのに替えるんですけどこれアルミのやつに変えました
ん 2
はい地としてアルミの方 アルミの方は打つ虫に測った多いんかな
ん これだけだと
3205ちょっと小さくまあこれはこっちね フォルトついてないんでまぁそのおっと思ってくださいピットですね
320これぐらいですもうねこれで100g 軽くなっています
past 新しいスポーク こういう感じで
a こっちが26433ミリ違いですね 購入してますこんな感じでこっちの箱を見てもらったをかけるものだろう
で購入しています amazon とかでわね大附に売ってないんで本当はほとんどね ちょっとしかねその太郎だともう
各サイズもう何ミリたいんでずっと言う揃えているので購入しました でこれが
あっています 8ねー
549円36本いいねぇ この2つ for new していますはい
でこちらはねぇ amazon なんですけどこれがね1570
でねこれあのグディスちょっと足りないかなと思ったんでもうすでにグリスアップはし てあります
はいえーではね取り付けしていくんですけどこれ 義務にまずあのいるんじゃない
あのハブにまずすごくを全部通してあげないといけません 8全部でね19 gk で36個あります
これをね全部通してありますもうね組み始めてから投手ともう 通してから紘己ないと全部いてないんで向きを変え90度変えないといけないのでそれ
で いないんで先に全部やらないといけないです
はい ではまず通していこうと思いますでこっちが短くてこっちが長いですはい
では 2つ長い航海とかな
264 入れていきます
はいえーではですねこちらにへ 穴にスポー好走していきます
な感じ ここにスポットでこの時反対側に差さないようにねこれだけ
でこういうふうに通しますはいであのひとつ開けてね 同じタイプの物をどんどん通していきます
はいえーこれでね今 一つおおきに全部こっち茎の奴が通りました
辞書 そしたら次は今度
下側通します 下側通すときに
えっとねー甲府に見て まったくましたにはないんですよねこれもう一つの雨はこれをもう一つ
時計回りっていうんですかねこれ今だと溶けもあり自分からミュート1個左側のところ に通します
ここですね このところに今度は短いやつ
短いほうか こちらはです
はいこれで 従わず
入る半分入りましたそしたらね今度これウラっ返して へ
反対岸をやります がっ返す時にバラバラ開けてないよね
あと恨ん返すときこれ 女に刺さないに気を付けて下さい
ぐさっていきそうだもんねこれ じゃないですか
では裏返して今度 長い方が下になるんで
長い方をすたる 優していきます
長いって号刺します 2
いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい はい
今下側の方 全部刺さりました今度ね上の方にさせている
はいこれで今全部スポークが刺さった状態です はいはい7
であのただねちょっと色々細かいとこがあるんですけど このね義務って
これ後ろから見てますけど 右へによってたり左によってたり穴がね交互になってるでしょ
うん これの場合はどっちから見ても右より左よっている方向は一緒なんですよね
あのロードとかだと ほとんど真ん中こっちから見ると
このね内側から見るとほとんど全部真ん中なんだけど こっちから見ると右によってた一打によっていたいというタイプがあります
それとはねちょっと考え方は違うんでそこはちょっと今日はやらないですがこういった ね
薄いタイプの ホイールのパフいいとかジムの場合は
右によっているのが右側左に寄っているのが左側っていうふうに a
覚えてくださいこういうふうにリブが付きます ありメジャーにスポークがこういうふうにつきます
ではねえ取り付けていこうと思います9 スポークのスコープ内で
8丸武の穴が開いているところここですね ここのところにせていきます
今からやるのは6本組って言われてるやつで 6本組って
このね とます
9 アブ肉ついているスポークの
これが13市7 6本ですね6本1
6本六法を開けて a 6本空けた分後ずつ好クロスさせるって言うんですか
こういう感じの造りになって月 こういう混乱が見たことあるでしょこういう家こういうにクロスしてるやつね
執行癒す6本空けて 6本6本次っていうのかな
のやつを交差させず村仕組みでやります その組み方ですねでまずはシェイ
この任務のこの上の段と下の段てありますけど 上の段の
これを 9この部分
に入れる感じになりますで さらに12車
c 4
ノック広告ノッポン次のやつ こいつを
こんな感じ これこの子
下に入っしたしたから出てですねハグの下から出てるやつを ここで上側に交差させて上から出てるやつをしたくガーに交差させ
でもさらに交差させるって勝ちかなギフト 高校ではなくて
上から期待値としたから来た奴がこういうふうに来させる です
イメージです それでん
4にし 池津します
ピックを開けたとこ こことっ
こことここに入れます こんな勝ちっ
はいそしたら 8
ん を知っ
ここはねあのにぷるー スポンッ入れてってますけどちょっと g ですよ
全部出すっていうで反対側入らなくなっちゃうんで あの家族入れるだけです
そんな感じでやっ で8ですねつぎなんですけど次は先ほど
取り付けたのが 水かなぁこれねー線がいっぱいですごい醜いと思うんだけど
すごい醜いと思うかちょっと手術きますねあの最初につけてつかどれだよっていうのを こいつて違う再生につけたのがこれね
こいつ ん
最初につけましたでその ana で言うとスタッツ
diga は今からね時計の反対回りにつけす行こうと思うんで
時計の反対回りに2つ隣の糸を取り出しますこれがいい これとと同じようにこの
下から出てきてる奴の時計と反対周りの 二つ目
でこれをまた先と同じようにクロスさせます てクロスさせたら今度ここ
同じように お久しています
ですよね kotoko こっちの遠い方から来ているのが
こっちの下から来てる奴がこっちな感じで 取り付けます
re up
ん 4
うって me
はいえーこれでいい こちらはこっちがはすべて
装着しましたこんな感じですはい切ってんどくっついたところです 必ず猫の下から来てる奴が飢えるを通ってるかどうかちょっと確認してみてください
これがね反対になってたそこでだんだ命令なんで そんな感じですはい
はいではこれでええこっちは終わりなんで反対雰囲気にします るっとはいえーとですね裏返たとこなんですけど今度ねー
また9バルブのとこから順番にハメていくんですがここって 先ほどのね反対向きになっているのでちょっとやり方を反対にしないといけない部分が
あります それは何かというとさっきは上から
このね上から出てねやつをとっ 下から6番目の下から出ています
を クロスさせて
下から出てるやつをここに1番目のところをつけてたんですけどこれをしてしまうと実 は
長さが合わなくなります なんで
あとねー あの
何17校 タイヤが回転ししていく
中で 公務気になってる奴を外に持ってこないといけないっていうかそういうそうするといい
よっていうのがあるんですよね その辺を考慮していくと
多くはこことこここのに しっ
下から出てる奴と上から出てるやつ さっきと反対でそれを
まあ黄砂のさっさとは一緒ですしたのやつを上に から酵素
上熱をしたからこそしていこうととここにつけます このね下から持ってくる上から持ってくるってこのこれだけがちょっと違うところです
これがね間違えてしまうと最後までこうねあの 組んだときにおれっ
まぁ実際ね声だとスポークのサイズおかしくなるんで締めることができなくなるんで 多分そこで気付くと思います
ハイシティ でどうぞ
これで まあ1個ね一番こっちがわかっちゃえばもうこの後ずーっと一緒なんでぐるっと
を作っていきます サード入っちゃいましょうえっ
骨本数多いんで高齢をやる作業が 大変ですよね
はいえーこれで組み上がりましたはい ぐにゃぐにゃはスポークが出来上がりました
パイプ これでねちょっと乗ってみたい気もしますけど
まあ とんでもないですよね怖いっ
振れ取り台の登場面です ですねっ
ん ていた
くるくるー もうにゃ組はですねとーま当然ですけどねまだ全然しまってないんで
にゃぐにゃ状態です はいここからねある程度これ全部ね締めていくんですけど
締め方なんですが このように
孤高ニップルレンチでいちいちしめてるとこれねニップルレンチって意外と使いにくい んですよ
ちっちゃい子なんでこういう時はドライバー マイナスドライバーでここ-機でてるでしょこういうふうに
でこういうところをマイナスドライバーで くるくろくろくろうっと
黒々とこんな感じで どんどん締めて言っちゃいますで
閉めるときに だいたい目安にしてほしいんですけど
目安としては どっ
ここ 見えますかここねー
ネジが切れてるんですけどでニップルおこう 入れていくとネジが
隠れていきますけどだいたいちょうど隠れるぐらいのところまで全部持ってていいと 思います
それで大体全部同じくらいの 締め具合っていうか
まずはねあのそこまで 全部閉めていくといいと思います
硬いところはねドライバーであるんですけどまだね かなり緩いところはもう手でグループ回しちゃいます
はいこれでねあの今 みんなネジが核でネジ山がね隠れるぐらいのところまで進めました
えーとこれから締めていくんですけどだいたい テンションの方を
そうですねぇ 6060くらいに合わせようかなん
ん ん
ん んん
あっはい である程度ねあのー
ある程度 a 触れが取れたところでセンター出し
センターを見ようと思いますセンター見てあげないと あのう
本当にネすっごいブラグレーなので行っ ああ完成させちゃっても
a すでに遅しって言うまあ遅いってことはないんだけどあの
ん なんかも全然すでに違うことになっちゃってるといけないんで
ここでねセンター出しをします ん
はい今現在 a
ここで センターになるまでポンプの音張りを調整できます
はっはっは おっん
ん tan
のっ センターでました
センターでましたではまた 振れ取りの4していきます
8ここでねー フレット利用してまたセンター出しをしてフレ取りをして
センター出しをしてっていうのを繰り返していきます 結構地ながら作業になるば
はい f れトレッタ感じこんな感じですねー
わかります もうほぼほぼっていうかほとんども触れが取れています
ね微妙に縦ブレが少し残るんですけど 残ってる感じですけど多分これは気にならないかな
特にねオフロード走行ばっかりなんで まぁこれはいいかなと
レベルー 本当にこの子のほんのちょっとっていうのはもうこの辺は妥協ですよねー
本当にねあのやってていつも思うんですけどどこで妥協するかっていうところが微妙な ところです
はいそんな感じで やればいいのかなぁといつも思ってやっています
はいえー センターもあったしフレームを撮りました縦振れもよコフレもね
取れましたこれでねええ 新しく生まれ変わった感じなんですかねぇ
だいぶ軽いです 軽くなりましたねやっぱりネコが鉄じゃない分ね
このスポークは鉄なんですけどねあの ここが
羽生が鉄じゃないんで軽くなりました あとはねバンドをつけて大屋根
た山の新しいのもう購入してるんで振る奴もね あの子日はレバーありあり場になっている
交換して装着しようと思います 今回はねこれで終わろうと思います a
今回の動画ねえおいしよかったなあ参考になったなぁという方ぜひ good マークの方よろしくお願いしますチャンネル登録まだの方チャンネル登録
ぜひ宜しく しますでは
アニマルランドでは他にもいろんな動画こんなのやこんなの配信してますぜひ見て くださいね
✅ Россия и Запад: как нужно с ними разговаривать. - Duration: 10:03.
6 Quick and Easy Salads|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:42.
6 Quick and Easy Salads
These recipes are made with healthy ingredients that provide nutrients and minerals, as well as plenty of benefits for the proper functioning of your body.
If you're planning to improve your eating habits, start by having healthy and easy salads at least once a day.
There are thousands of recipes made with nutritious and healthy ingredients.
Today, we'll share a few of them with you.
In addition to their many benefits, you can also make them in a short amount of time.
1-Mango dressing salad.
Mango is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, and more.
This fruit is great for your body because it contains antioxidants and fights cancer, while also serving as a stimulant to boost your immune system.
Lettuce (250 g) ½ tablespoon of mayonnaise ½ tablespoon of sugar Half and half (50 ml) A ripe mango (250 g) A large onion (75 g) 1 tablespoon of vinegar (75 g) Salt (2 g).
First, chop the mango into cubes and slice the onion and lettuce.
In a bowl, mix the sugar, salt, vinegar, mayonnaise, and half and half to make a delicious vinaigrette.
Add the mango, onion, and lettuce to a large bowl and toss with the vinaigrette.
2-Carrot, apple, and lettuce salad.
Carrots provide the body with essential nutrients, such as sodium, chlorine, and iodine.
They're good for fighting discomfort due to digestive disorders, the flu, stress, loss of appetite, and anemia.
A carrot (100 g) An apple (150 g) Lettuce (250 g) 1 cup of Greek yogurt 1 red onion (75 g) ½ tablespoon of vinegar ½ tablespoon of sugar Salt (2 g) ½ tablespoon of mustard.
First, slice the carrot and onion, cube the apple, and chop the lettuce.
Then, mix the yogurt and mustard together with the vinegar and sugar.
After, add all ingredients to a bowl and toss with the salad dressing.
Add salt to taste. 3-Sweet corn salad.
Corn is excellent for boosting your metabolism.
It's a significant source of antioxidants that promotes the functioning of your nervous system.
In addition, it's also rich in minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, which make it a great choice for preventing anemia and improving heart health.
Lettuce (250 g) A can of sweet corn (220 g) A green apple (150 g) 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese A small, ripe mango (200 g) 1 tablespoon of honey (75 gr).
First, chop the lettuce, peel the fruit, and chop the fruit into cubes.
Then, add the fruit, lettuce, and corn to a bowl and drizzle with honey.
Finally, add the Parmesan cheese before serving.
4-Pineapple and lettuce salad.
Pineapple has a lot of nutrients: it's rich in vitamin C, potassium, iodine, zinc, iron, and fiber.
This fruit is excellent for your digestive system because it contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibiotic properties.
Pineapple also works as a diuretic to alleviate any digestive system disorders and help prevent the formation of blood clots.
1 slice of pineapple Lettuce The juice from ½ lemon 1 pinch of ground pepper Vinaigrette (75 g).
First, chop the lettuce and pineapple.
Then, add both ingredients to a bowl and stir in the ground pepper, lemon juice, and vinaigrette.
Serve and enjoy!. 5-Green apple salad.
In addition to being delicious, green apples have a lot of properties that make them ideal for improving your health.
They're an excellent source of calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.
Thanks to their fiber content, green apple helps regulate your digestive system, decreases cholesterol levels, and benefits your skin.
Lettuce 1 green apple ¼ cup of half and half.
First, chop the lettuce and cut the apple into cubes.
Then, place all ingredients in a bowl and add the half and half.
6-Tomato salad.
Tomatoes are among the most-used ingredients in the kitchen.
With that in mind, you shouldn't forget them when it comes to making salads.
They contain large amounts of vitamins A, B, and C, along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
Plus, tomatoes also contain antioxidants and fiber, and they stimulate the proper function of your digestive system.
1 tomato (100 g) A can of tuna Lettuce (250 g) ½ onion (35 g) 1 pinch of ground pepper (to taste) Vinaigrette (75 g) Salt (2 g).
First, chop the lettuce, slice the tomato, and chop the onion.
Then, place the above ingredients into a bowl and add the tuna.
Mix well and pour the vinaigrette over the salad, along with a pinch of ground pepper and salt.
TALKING TOM water PARK #61 NEW LEVELS cartoon game for kids Video for kids - Duration: 11:02.
7 Jenis Ikan Hias Cichlid yang Mudah Dipelihara Untuk Pemula - Duration: 2:06.
RAPANIZZE` & SP0KE - БЕЛЕЗИ - Duration: 3:51.
How to Beat Your Food Addiction Before Dieting|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:44.
How to Beat Your Food Addiction Before Dieting
One of the most difficult things in regard to starting a diet is giving up certain foods.
Sticking to a diet is especially difficult at first. Here are some methods to help you get over your food addiction, so you can start dieting.
Don't follow "miracle diets".
These types of diets promise extraordinary results in a short amount of time and with very little effort.
They're usual during the beginning of summer in order to get that infamous "bikini body".
Of course, most advice coming from these diets are false and are even harmful to your health.
Examples of miracle diets:.
The Hay diet: This diet was published in the 1920s and advised not mixing proteins and carbohydrates in a single meal.
This is an example of false information with harmless consequences.
Atkins diet: This diet is intended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates from cereals, milk, legumes, and sugar products as much as possible.
Although a healthy diet shouldn't have too many carbs, they're essential nutrients which shouldn't be excluded from your diet.
The Dukan diet: This is a protein based diet of foods such as meat, fish, and eggs.
It's very imbalanced and it can cause health problems.
In general, "miracle diets" cause the body to store fat in large quantities when you change your diet, along with the "yo-yo effect".
This is your body's way of compensating for the food deficit it experiences during the diet.
Don't skip breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is a common mistake many people do when dieting.
If you want to lose weight and properly monitor your diet, it's important not to skip the first meal of the day.
Otherwise, the only outcome you'll get is a huge appetite and cravings before lunch, which makes it difficult to control your food consumption.
That's why, instead of eliminating or reducing your breakfast, you should substitute saturated fats like butter and pastries for fruits or grains.
Doing so will help you stick to a more balanced and nutritious diet.
See also: 6 Key Vitamins for Hair Growth.
Eat five meals a day.
A food addiction is especially hard to overcome when you're hungry.
Therefore, you should eat more meals throughout the day, eat three heavy meals and two lighter ones.
Doing so will have your meals more spread out during the day, which in turn reduces hunger and food cravings between meals.
In order to get the best results, it's best to adjust your schedule so you can eat five meals.
Don't have forbidden foods.
Excluding certain foods from your diet will only make you become obsessed.
You shouldn't exclude anything out your diet unless you're vegetarian, vegan, or don't eat certain foods due to ethical reasons.
You should simply reduce your consumption of unhealthy products like candy, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, etc.
A good way to eat that specific food you're trying not to eat so much, is by eating it on a certain day of the week.
You can considered it a reward for your efforts throughout the week.
Eat at the table, in a plate, and slowly.
Eating while sitting at a table with a plate will help you keep track of how much you're eating.
Serving food on plates lets you estimate your portions in order for you to know if you are eating too much or not enough.
At the same time, eating slowly while being seated can help you feel fuller faster. Eating too quickly can cause you to overeat.
If you're someone who's very hungry during lunchtime, than this step can help you to control your diet.
省錢DIY「椰油-雙層卸妝液」Dual Phase Make Up Remover 【SMF護膚保養品DIY】 - Duration: 2:22.
CSS filter Effect: Insert Image into Web page - Duration: 10:04.
Hello and welcome to another new episode of Learning Simplified.
In this tutorial we are going to learn about CSS filter effects.
In our previous tutorial we had learnt about how to blend images.
In that essence we had learnt about how to blend between a base color and a particular
image, and another thing that we had learnt about how to blend between two images; but
these things are all based upon some kind of background images; that means, in case
of blending two images we had introduced a background image and then we have blended
it with respect to another base color, or with respect to another image.
But, in case of CSS filter effects, we need to import our images as an image source and
then we need to create all those CSS filter effects, we need to impose all those filter
effects in order to get the desired result.
But, what is the basic difference between a background image and an image source? we
can see that in case of our previous tutorial, we had used this particular class here, this
image_blender, and in this particular div we have imported all those particular images
as a background image and then we have used them against it.
that means, if we get back to index.html, we can see that this is a div class image_blender
and there's nothing at all inside it.
If we put something like this one 'Hello World'; then if we press CTRL + S, get back to our
project and reload; we can see that here comes the text and it is practically imposing on
the background image.
That means, in this particular case, the image is acting as a background.
But in case, while we are using a particular image as an image source here; It is practically
a different image tag that we would be using something like this one.
This is an image tag and if we bring on an image here, for say, this one... we need to
provide an alt tag; so this is an alt tag that will be acting as a placeholder.
In case if your image doesn't load into the user's machine, the text which is attributed
against this alt tag, that will be shown in that place.
So we are providing this alt tag here as nature and we are providing a title which we will
be terming as, nature.
And another thing, this image source, this image tag, it is practically an open tag or
empty tag.
That means it has a definite starting, but it has no ending.
Something like this one, as we have seen in our previous cases - it doesn't end like this,
but instead, sorry; it does not end like this one but instead it ends as it is being shown
over here.
So this is the first thing that in case of background image we need to rely on div and
there's no additional modification we have to make in our main html page; but in case
of an image source we need to provide a separate URL; provide a separate relative path for
that particular image and it should be called in to our main .html page.
In the second case, if we look into stylesheet.css, it practically relies on the div and that
is why it practically depends on the available height in that particular div.
No positive dimension specification can be made in case of a background image.
That means we have to provide additional height or additional padding thing in order to make
a particular image visible into that particular div.
But in case of a particular image source, we need to provide a particular image into
our index.html or any HTML page and that is why we can mention a particular dimension
into that particular div element.
That means we can specify a particular dimension to that particular image whenever you may
apply it.
You can provide it over here; such as this one; if we provide here this particular width
attribute; or if we provide here a particular height attribute; anything can be attributed
in the index.html page; it is possible both over here; or, instead, we may get back to
stylesheet.css and we may specify it over here.
Both of them will be discussed; but first of all, all we need to do, we need to press
CTRL + S, get back to our project and reload; and we can see that the image source is right
now present into our HTML page but it is far way wider than the browser itself.
So, why it is?
Let's try to find out this problem into our image source.
we can see actually that this is the image source; this is the nature.jpg and if we hover
our mouse over here, we can see that this is the dimension of 1920 X 1080px.
That means this image is practically 1920px wider and 1080px in height.
And, we never mention any kind of dimension over here; so that is why we will be getting
this kind of output; but if we want to restrict this particular image into a particular definition
then all we need to do we need to get back to our project and here, either in this index.html
where we are currently working, we can specify this particular width to be of 1000px; and
the height, it should be restricted within 500px.
Now if we press CTRL + S and get back to our project and reload, we can see that 1000px
is the width which is still wider than the mother container that is currently wrapping
all the elements inside; so in that particular case all we need to do, we need to restrict
it within this 900px; Reload and we can see right now that the image is practically residing
into our div element.
On the other hand if we wish that we do not like to provide any kind of dimension specification
into this particular index.html; instead, all we can do, we can get back to stylesheet.css;
first of all, reload and you can see that the image is restored its original dimension,
its original width and height into this image-holder; All we are going to do.... we will be creating
this particular syntax over here; it is practically representing that the image tag, which is
present inside this particular selector name image-holder; it will be having these following
properties: such as, it will be having a width of 900px; It will be having a height of auto;
it will be float in...you may keep it afloat in the left side or in the right side; or
you may choose this particular none; so if we choose none; and up to this, if we get
back to our project and reload, we can see that this will be the result.
That means, we can customize an image source both in .HTML page, and in case of a CSS page.
If we do not wish to provide any kind of margin over here, then let's get back to our image-holder,
this main parent div over here and here we can provide the text-alignment, which should
be, center.
Get back to your project, reload and you can see that the image is actually residing into
the central position.
So these are the two points that we need to know about; the basic difference between a
particular image source and a particular background image.
So, in case of background image, we can put an image as a background of a particular div
element and in that case it will be relying entirely upon the properties of that particular
div and the height and the width - dimensional attributes of that particular div.
But in case of an image source we can define this particular dimension anywhere either
in the index.html page or any kind of HTML page where we are practically using this image;
or, we can define that particular dimension into the css page of that concerning parent
So this is the thing in the first case.
We have now successfully introduced an image into a particular div element; the next thing
is, applying some kind of CSS filter effects, such as this contrast, hue-rotation, saturate,
or sepia tone, or just adjusting the brightness or lightness........
5 Herbal Treatments for Cystitis|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:43.
5 Herbal Treatments for Cystitis
To alleviate the discomfort of cystitis, try taking advantage of the antibacterial properties of certain herbs that help cleanse your bladder, reduce inflammation, and relieve any burning sensations.
Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder.
It's a condition that is usually caused by a bacterial infection, but it also originates as a reaction to certain irritants. In this article, we'll share 5 herbal treatments for cystitis.
Cystitis often affects women because they have a shorter urethra, which facilitates the introduction of microorganisms.
To a lesser extent, however, it can affect men.
The symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on how severe the case is.
In general, cystitis is accompanied by a burning sensation while urinating and pain in the lower abdomen.
The infection is mild and typically heals in a short time, even without medication.
In spite of this, it's important to pay attention to it because it can become a very serious problem if the infection spreads to your kidneys.
In addition to treatment with conventional antibiotics, there are some natural treatments that can help you control cystitis effectively.
In today's article, we want to share five herbal solutions with you so you'll try them the next time you notice the first symptoms of cystitis.
Echinacea is a plant that has antibiotic and analgesic properties, both of which can help treat urinary tract infections.
It increases your body's defense against bacteria and speeds your recover process.
1 teaspoon of echinacea (5 g) A cup of water (250 ml).
Add one teaspoon of echinacea to a cup of water and bring to a boil.
After it boils, remove from heat and let it steep for 10 minutes before straining.
Mode of consumption.
Drink two to three cups of Echinacea tea per day.
Repeat until your cystitis is cured.
Note: don't mix this beverage with caffeine.
Avoid drinking too much, as it can trigger an allergic reaction.
Dandelion tea is a natural remedy for cystitis and will alleviate the painful urination that accompanies it.
Its diuretic properties increase your production of urine and also help eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract.
1 teaspoon of dandelion (5 g) A cup of water (250 ml).
Add a teaspoon of dandelion to a cup of boiling water.
Cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain the liquid.
Mode of consumption.
Drink two cups of this tea a day until your symptoms are relieved.
Marjoram contains a compound known as hydroquinone, which has antibiotic effects that fight urinary infections.
This compound, in addition to antioxidants, helps cleanse your bladder and reduces inflammation.
1 teaspoon of marjoram (5 g) A cup of water (250 ml).
Add the marjoram to a cup of boiling water and cover.
Allow it to steep for 10 minutes and strain the liquid.
Mode of consumption.
Drink this tea at the first signs of cystitis.
Repeat two to three times a day. 4-Thyme.
Thyme is a therapeutic herb with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help cleanse the bladder when you have cystitis.
Its compounds reduce the growth of bacteria and help minimize burning and discomfort associated with urination.
1 teaspoon of thyme (5 g) A cup of water (250 ml).
Add a teaspoon of thyme to a cup of water and bring to a boil.
Remove from heat, cover, and let it steep for 10 minutes.
After this time, strain and serve the tea.
Mode of consumption.
Drink this tea at the first sign of infection.
Repeat twice a day.
Note: Avoid this remedy if you have irritable bowel syndrome or if you are pregnant.
Mallow is a plant that's rich in tannins and anthocyanins, compounds that help reduce inflammation of the bladder when you have an infection.
These substances can calm the discomfort that cystitis causes when urinating and bring you relief in a short time.
1 teaspoon of dried mallow flowers (5 g) A cup of water (250 ml).
Add the dried flowers to a cup of water and bring it to a boil.
Reduce the heat to low and simmer for three to five minutes.
Remove from heat, cover, and let it steep for 10 minutes more.
Mode of consumption.
Strain the liquid and drink this tea twice a day.
Do you feel the constant need to go to the bathroom? Do you urinate in small amounts and experience a burning sensation? These are common symptoms of cystitis.
Try one of the herbal treatments we mentioned here and give it a try before you experience more discomfort.
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