Hello my dearest and cannabis loving audience. My name is Micha.
Before we get started I would like to recommend to you
this app from our sponsor Weedmaps who make it possible
for us to broadcast our show. Big up to weedmaps and their app!
Today I will talk about medicinal cannabis in Germany. We want to introduce the new strains from the pharmacy to you.
In addition we will focus on the discussion about cannabis in parliament. Currently two patients have the right to grow their own
We want to present the ICBC to you, the International Cannabis Business Conference from Vancouver, that we will bring to Berlin.
Last but not least we have some give-aways for you to win and some weird news:
The Geissen family smoked weed. I will do the same right now.
I smoke Bedrocan from a German pharmacy.
What else can you get there, we'll find out in a minute...
What's new in the pharmacy: Bedrocan which is a pure Jack Herer genetic.
That was available from the beginning. It's my favorite strain. 22% THC, 1 % CBD.
It works best for me as a patient with chronic pain.
Then there is Bedrobinol. That's a Jack Herer/Afghan genetics,
very tasty but for me it doesn't work as well as Bedrocan.
Same with Bedica which is a little more of an Indica. It's an Afghan x Herijuana genetics.
Then there is Bediol and Bedrolite which are both high in CBD.
The Dutch say that their strains are a well kept secret.
By now there is also Princeton which is a Ghost Train Haze of Tweet from Canada.
It works fine for me. Some patients prefer this strain.
Very high on THC. 14 % THC, up to 1% CBD.
For patients who need CBD there is Argyle,
which is Nordle and contains 6/6.5% and 6%.
It tastes and smells very good, better than Bedrocan's CBD strains I think.
However I hardly need CBD strains so I don't usually buy them.
Additionally there will be two other Tweed strains available in Germany:
Houndstooth which is a super Lemon Haze and Penelope which is a CBD Skunk Haze.
Also from Canada, the company Pedanios will soon offer two varieties .
One is Pedanios 20:1, a strain high on THC.
The genetics is a company secret. The other one they will offer is called Pedanios 14:1.
We don't know the strain yet but we have some great pictures from it's cultivation by Peace Naturals who is producing this for Pedanios.
As soon as I have my special approval I can properly test and present them to you.
For the moment they are now accessible in Germany and I have to update my special approval for medical cannabis first.
Therefore we'll come back to that.
Now we will talk about the two patients who successfully fought for their right to grow cannabis.
One fought in court for 16 years. It took a long time and does not have anything to do with the new law concerning medical cannabis.
Michael F. from Mannheim is growing 20 Jorge's Diamonds. I was talking to his wife.
His harvest is just enough and his growing permit is limited in time.
The permit is only temporary because the law that will probably be passed one week from now shall guarantee the supply and cover the costs.
Then patients do not have a reason to grow their own according to lawmakers.
So far nobody knows what the supply will look like but it is certain that the individual growing of cannabis is not wanted.
Therefore the new law will not only regulate the supply for patients but will also ban the possibility for people to grow their own
rather than buying it from the pharmacy – which would be much cheaper by the way.
In Canada the regulations are way better. There, patients get a permit to grow a lot easier.
That's why we attended the ICBC – the International Cannabis Business Conference which will also take place in Berlin soon.
We are proud that we were able to bring this event to Berlin and we want to show you what happens during a conference like this.
This a totally different story than our trade shows.
Meanwhile I'll take my medicine. See you in a bit.
Hey guys. This is Alex who organizes the congress.
Thank you Alex for the invitation. How is it going so far?
A: It's going fantastic! Many great people. That's quality.
Yeah, one can see, that they are ahead of us here.
That was ICBC in Canada, really a great event.
Two days packed with knowledge and information.
Something totally different than a trade show.
I would be happy to welcome you to Berlin on April 11-12th.
I will be a host and give a presentation.
Hopefully you can make it. Invite your friends and share the event on Facebook.
It will be a great event for medical cannabis and the cannabis industry.
Quite unique. Just come and see for yourself.
I have promised to tell you something about my own situation.
I have been gone for almost a year.
I had to stop my old show back then and was not able to do a last episode to say goodbye.
I don't really want to go into the details why.
The most important thing is that there is a new show now called "Der Micha".
We will broadcast regularly with reports from Germany and the USA.
We will talk about the latest events and politics. Of course, we will travel to Amsterdam and Barcelona.
There we will have a closer look at Cannabis Social Clubs and coffee shops and we will also go back to the States.
On this trip we also met our sponsor Weedmaps. They are really cool guys.
Take a look at how the evening went, where we met the founder of Weedmaps.
I will continue to take my medicine and then continue with the give aways and some funny news.
This was our meeting with Weedmaps. It was a very easy going night.
And today you have the opportunity to win a Weedmaps shirt, if you leave a comment.
The first 30 participants will take part in a draw for one of three weedmaps shirts.
We will announce the winners on the next show.
Now as promised I have some quite odd news from the cannabis world for you.
And if you know of any oddities concerning cannabis, please let us know.
What I found this week: "The Geissens" smoke weed. (Translation of headline: This is how the Geissens educate: "Children! I have brought you a joint")
It ´s the TV-family that owns a big boat. They bought some weed and let their daughters smell it.
The dad then had a puff of his joint, he did not even inhale.
Again the daughters had to smell while he didn't stop telling the children some terrible things about cannabis.
He seemed to believe that this will keep them from ever trying a joint in their life.
If it was that simple to prevent children from taking drugs you just need to buy a bottle of liqueur,
let them smell, chug a glass, spit it out and there you are:
Your children will never ever try alcohol. I promise you, this will work for sure
Congratulations to family Geissen´s innovative approach.
You get full score for this move in Jamaica.
What else has happened?
"Krehl starts with Cannabis"
This was a headline in the sports section. I thought: They caught somebody smoking weed
– a doping issue or something like that.
But no! There is a show jumper, who called his horse....
"Cannabis". And sometimes he starts or even wins... on "Cannabis".
Perhaps someday someone is going to call his horse ecstasy, crystal meth or cocaine.
Then we would have the complete collection.
Well, I think it´s funny to call a horse Cannabis.
Shamed be he who thinks evil of it.
If you come across funny news like this please let us know,
who knows maybe they will be a part of our new episode.
We collect these oddities.
The "Hollyweed" sign is definitely one of them. The Hollywood sign has been redesigned over night.
It's true the Joke is a little dated but it's still pretty funny.
When we were on our US tour we passed the sign with our cameraman and also tried to reach the spot.
That's why I say... "respect" to the people who managed to climb that far without getting caught.
It wasn't easy for sure. That's why we say thumbs up, 5 Stars from us!
Last but not least we have news for you that is not funny at all but still very odd from the US.
The DEA classified CBD as a Schedule-1 drug.
As you may know CBD does not have any psychoactive effect.
It only has a medicinal potential which still needs to be examined.
This will be a lot more difficult now since CBD was classified as Schedule-1.
That is absurd. So far there have not been any legal consequences.
I hope Trump will stop the DEA.
He's known to be full of suprises.
In his Cabinet there are both cannabis advocates and opponents.
So we can await a few surprises concerning cannabis.
Of course we hope for the best now that nine states have legalized cannabis completely.
That's it for today.
Stay tuned, like us, comment on us and spread the word via social media.
We depend on you to fight for our cause.
I wish you a relaxed weekend.
We will see each other soon with a new episode from Canada and the USA.
See you!
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