Chinese philosopher Confucius once said,
"The vices come as passengers.
They visit us as guests... and stay as masters."
Hello and welcome to<i> Case Closed.</i>
Confucius was far from confused.
He seemed to have a clear notion of things.
Let's see how his quote relates to our first case of the day.
Please bring out the litigants.
Your life can be over in a second.
Especially if you're irresponsible.
In life, there are accidents that can change your life.
Good afternoon and welcome.
Nestor, you're suing Jenny.
Tell me what your relationship to her his,
why you're suing her,
and what you demand to settle this case.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
I'm here to sue Jenny, my ex-wife.
She's also the mother of my son.
I demand full custody of my son.
We met each other in rehab.
We both have a history of drug abuse and addiction.
In light of all that, we had a child together.
We promised we'd never do drugs again...
but the very opposite has happened.
That's why I'm also demanding that she attend rehab.
Let's see.
You managed to condense your whole case into a few sentences.
I have a myriad of questions for you.
So you two met in rehab.
That is, you had a drug and/or alcohol problem.
We were both drug addicts, ma'am.
So you're drug addicts.
I assume alcohol was a given as well.
What kind of drugs are we talking about, here?
Everything, ma'am.
I did whatever was put before me.
It seemed like fun at the time.
I'd get high with my friends.
I was young and wild.
I thought I was invincible.
Okay, so you did all kinds of drugs.
So you both met at rehab and started dating.
How old is your son?
He's eight years old, ma'am.
So your son is about as old as your marriage.
That is, he's as old as your marriage lasted.
Well, we've been together for nine years.
We've known each other for ten years
and were married for nine.
You divorced each other a year ago.
Why'd you two divorce?
You know how things are, ma'am.
I stopped having feelings for her.
Because we have a child and that will always unite us,
we are still friends.
However, the love just isn't there anymore.
After you got divorced,
what form of custody was established?
We currently have joint custody.
Up until now, everything's been fine.
Does that mean he spends time with each of you?
Yes, ma'am.
So one week with her, and one week with you.
Now you want full custody of your son
while she goes off to rehab.
That's right, ma'am.
Okay, why is that? What happened?
Two weeks ago, my son called me up, crying.
He said that his mother Jenny had been burned
and wouldn't come to.
When I got to her house,
that's exactly what had happened.
Her hand was burnt, her parts were burnt...
and she had a vibrator next to her.
I didn't understand what was going on.
By parts, do you mean her vagina?
Her vagina was burnt to a crisp, ma'am.
So her hand was burned, her vagina was burned...
And she had her vibrator next to her.
Is that a photo of her vibrator?
That was the gadget she was using.
Well, what happened?
I tried to ask her what had happened,
but she wouldn't come to.
I assumed she was drunk or high or something.
However, her breath didn't smell like alcohol at all.
I took her to the hospital,
and at the hospital, they told me to call her mother.
I called up her mother and she also came to the hospital.
Once she arrived, the doctors gave her the test results.
Apparently, she ingested alcohol.
I wasn't exactly sure how.
Her mother then told me
that she had inserted tampons soaked in alcohol
into her vagina.
She said that made her feel the effects of the alcohol.
Our son could've died from the incident.
No way.
Of course he could've died!
What an embarrassing and shameful display.
We overcame our addiction problems
in order to start a family.
When we got married,
we promised to never do in drugs again.
She forgot all about our eight-year-old son
and started doing all these unspeakable things.
What if the mattress had caught fire?
The house would've burned up and our son could've died!
I don't want to hurt her because she's my son's mother,
but I demand full custody of our son,
at least until she's clean again.
I brought evidence of her blood alcohol levels
as well as the bottle of alcohol.
She clearly didn't take just a swig.
Is this the bottle she had in her room
when you came to her rescue?
After I took her to the hospital,
I went back to her house in search of any drugs.
She drank all of that.
Well, she didn't drink it.
She ingested it somehow.
That's not true.
Right, because she didn't drink it.
Her drug test came back negative...
except for alcohol.
Her blood alcohol level was .25.
That's high.
These are your divorce papers and the custody statement.
Okay, understood.
How do you respond, Jenny?
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Good afternoon.
Things aren't what they seem.
I'm really depressed, ma'am.
It's been a year since he left me
and I haven't consumed drugs or alcohol since.
I suffer from depression.
I feel like dying.
My son is all I have.
He wants to take him from me because of this one mistake.
I didn't take in all that alcohol.
I only did it once.
I kept seeing the bottle and getting the urge to drink,
but I resisted.
Why do you have alcohol in your house
if you're still battling addiction?
Some friends of mine brought that over and left it behind.
I don't keep any other bottles of alcohol at home.
You can search my house.
My son doesn't think ill of me.
I take good care of him, too.
So what happened?
I'm depressed, ma'am.
I'm sad.
I love him.
He's the man of my life, but he doesn't want to be with me.
My son is my only family now,
and he wants to take him from me.
My friends from work told me
that inserting an alcohol-soaked tampon into my vagina
could get me just as drunk as drinking.
I decided to try it out since I didn't want to drink.
I kept soaking it and tossing it out, over and over again.
That's why the bottle's gotten so low.
I never do that, really. It was just this one time.
Two weeks ago, I couldn't handle the depression anymore.
I inserted the tampon.
Turns out I got super drunk.
Then I remembered I had a vibrator.
I haven't had sex in nearly a year.
I don't hook up.
I haven't been with anyone since he left.
So, I started pleasuring myself.
You're a woman, ma'am.
You know we have needs.
So I started pleasuring myself with my vibrator.
It's not a battery-powered one.
It plugs into an outlet.
Turns out I ended up burning the s--- out of my hand.
My p---y was also burnt to a crisp.
Now he wants to take my son away.
Didn't you realize your hand was burning?
It exploded, ma'am!
It short-circuited.
So it exploded.
The electricity shocked me and electrocuted me.
It destroyed my nether region!
What if she had done that in a bathtub?
She never would've used her vibrator in the tub.
Of course not.
I brought evidence of how my hands ended up.
My parts are charred, ma'am.
They're burnt to a crisp!
Yes, I know.
There's no need to repeat yourself endlessly.
I understood perfectly.
Besides, there are better terms out there
to describe your particular injuries.
There's the photo of her burned hand.
My goodness.
Electronics keep exploding these days.
Exploding cell phones, exploding vibrators...
What's going on here?
He wants to take my son.
Why's he doing this to me? It was just one time!
I take good care of my son.
I take him to school...
But you do realize why he's worried, right?
I know, ma'am. It was just that one time.
You do realize your son must've been scared
after witnessing what he did.
My mother was an alcoholic as well, ma'am.
I still haven't been able to forget
certain incidents in my life.
Things I'd rather not talk about now.
That's probably what's going through his mind now.
He's never going to forget this incident.
I still haven't gotten past my own trauma.
Tell me something.
Does your son know you both struggle with addiction?
He doesn't know, ma'am.
He's just eight years old.
I don't understand why she relapsed.
We've been sober for eight years now.
You've been fully sober.
Fully sober.
We'd go out with friends and never feel the need to drink.
I don't know why she's taken up alcohol again.
I was sad and depressed.
Drug abuse is certainly a worldwide pandemic.
Parents showing up overdosed
with their kids still in the backseat.
We don't know what to expect from people anymore.
Who brought a witness?
Good afternoon, Ms. Polo.
What's your name?
Welcome, Dinora.
I'm aware you're Jenny's mother.
Ma'am, I'm here in support of my daughter.
It's true.
She did battle with addiction many years ago,
but she attended rehab and got sober.
Due to the amount of stress she's been put under,
she ended up drinking alcohol that day.
She didn't drink it.
No, she inserted it into her body.
You're her son's grandmother.
Yes, ma'am.
Is she a good mother?
She's a good mother and he's a good father, as well.
They're both good people.
So they're good parents.
Yes, they're good parents.
So you're saying I should give her a chance.
This isn't going to happen again.
It isn't going to happen again.
How can we be so sure?
I'll keep a close eye on her.
I assure you, it won't happen again.
If they take her son away from her...
He's all I have, ma'am.
Do you have a job?
No, ma'am.
Why not?
I don't have a job.
A job would do you good.
You should look for a job. That'd be great.
Is it alright if...?
Well, I assume you're okay with bringing out your son.
You brought him as your witness.
-Is it okay if...? -Yes, ma'am.
Let's bring out their son
alongside Dr. Madeline Hernandez,
Dr. Moises Irizarry, and behavioral analyst Mery Cruz.
Their son is named Alain.
-Hey, Alain! -Hi.
Come here and say hi.
I should take a seat. You're really tall!
Hello. How about a kiss?
Alright... so are your parents good parents?
They are?
-Do you love them? -Yes.
How's it going at school?
Everything good?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
-I wanna be a vet. -A veterinarian?
That's great.
I'll be your client. I have four dogs.
So what happened the day you called Daddy?
My mom screamed,
so I went to her room and noticed she'd been burned.
I called my dad and he took her to the doctor.
I haven't been able to see her in a while.
I miss her. I want to live with her.
So you do miss her a lot.
Anything else you'd like to add?
That's it?
Thank you very much.
You can go now.
Go with Roberto.
There he goes.
How long were you sober before the incident?
Eight years, ma'am.
So you've been fully sober.
Fully sober. I swear, ma'am.
It was just this once.
Let's talk about her burns.
These are severe burns, Doctor.
Yes, she suffered second- and third-degree burns
on different parts of her body.
Burning your vagina must be awful.
It's very fragile tissue.
Did the alcohol contribute to the severity of the burns?
She did insert alcohol-soaked tampons in to her vagina.
Yes, of course. Alcohol is highly flammable.
Now, I wanted to mention something important.
Despite having inserted an alcohol-soaked tampon
into her vagina,
she actually ended up absorbing very little of it,
about a shot's worth of alcohol.
She must've ingested alcohol in some other way
in order for her blood alcohol levels to be that high.
Let me read the tests again, just in case.
Her blood alcohol came in at .25.
That's 0.25%.
Right next to it, it says 0.08.
That's for reference.
Oh, okay.
So she had ingested lots of alcohol.
Way more than she could've absorbed from a tampon.
So it wasn't just one tampon.
Let's be real.
It was more than one tampon.
I'd let it absorb the alcohol and insert it.
I didn't drink it, though.
You must've inserted it multiple times.
I'd dip it in the alcohol, insert it, remove it,
and repeat the process.
So she must've absorbed seven shots' worth.
I didn't drink it, ma'am.
I inserted it inside me.
It's the same thing.
Don't worry. It's the same as drinking.
You knew that... otherwise, you wouldn't have done it.
You knew you could get drunk off of it.
I didn't know for sure.
I heard about it, so I tried it.
How do I know she hasn't done this before, ma'am?
I've never done this before.
We don't know for sure.
We do know...
I mean, they have a good record.
She was sober for eight years.
That's a positive sign... especially for an alcoholic.
Alcoholism is truly an illness.
As we can decipher from her behavior,
we can see she relapsed.
It's the same as drinking.
She has a problem and she needs therapy.
She resorted to alternative methods,
but her behavior is still worrisome.
She needs medical attention.
Their divorce has obviously affected her differently.
She doesn't know how to deal with it now.
This was her means of coping.
Yes. She decided to self-medicate.
That's a coping mechanism.
Mrs. Cruz, do you think this incident will repeat itself?
I think it's possible.
There's a high chance it will.
Alcoholism can be kept in check for some time,
but once you relapse, you have to start from scratch.
She'd have to undergo the whole process again.
I suggest she seek therapy and get a job.
Don't take my son.
Now, just because she has to start over again
doesn't mean her eight years of sobriety were worthless.
That counts, but she still needs to start over again
because she's bound to relapse again.
She sought an alternative form of imbibing,
but the result was the same.
Alcohol in her system, which is what she wanted all along.
She wanted to get drunk off alcohol either way.
I'm hesitant to take her child from her
because he already misses her.
Here's what we're going to do.
I want you to seek rehabilitation immediately.
If you have to attend meetings, so be it.
You're to report to me with your progress.
Let me know once you start and inform me of every meeting.
Attend as many meetings as necessary.
Whenever you have a meeting to attend, call his father.
If you have custody that week, ask his father to watch him.
Let him babysit for a while.
Thankfully, that's an option available to you.
I'm not going to take him from you.
Thank you, ma'am.
It'd have a negative effect on your son.
You shouldn't be mad at him
or resentful towards him.
What he's done is an act of love towards you and your son.
I love him, ma'am.
I know that... but you love him romantically.
Learn to love him the way he loves you.
We're going to let this one slide.
Well, not exactly.
She's to begin therapy
and report back to me on her progress.
Once you've fulfilled the requirements
set by your therapist,
bring me a certificate of sobriety.
I'd like to know how long you've been sober,
be it six months or a year.
If you don't show me that certificate,
I will take your son from you,
because that'd be like telling me you don't care.
I wish you the best of luck.
It's final. Case closed!
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