Welcome back to another episode today I'm going to show you how to create a contact
form for your WordPress powered website now obviously you want your website visitors to
communicate with you either through social media or through a contact form but by default
WordPress does not have a contact from built in but we can use a plugin for that functionality
so we're going to go to the dashboard we're going to go to plugins and add new and then
in the search field we'll type out contact form seven press return or enter and then
we will see we have the contact forms seven plugin right here is active in over 1 million
WordPress installations has a lot of good reviews recently updated if you want to view
more details you can click here but were going to install the plugin now then when activate
it once you activate it you will see you have this other contact link over hear this admin
sidebar so by default it comes with one contact form already created for you so if you just
wanted to use the one that comes by default you can just copy the Shortcode very simple
to do just copy that and we're going to go to the front of our website and I'm going
to go to this contact page here going to edit it and then I will paste that Shortcode right
there I will update the page and then review the page and now you see we have the contact
forms we have the your name field your email subject your message in the send button this
will work for the vast majority people it's a very simple to use out-of-the-box because
of the default Shortcode that you can use for your contact forms but if you want to
customize it and if you want to add some additional fields that's also very easy to do so you
go back to the dashboard will go back to that contact form right there we can either create
a new contact form by clicking here or here or we can just edit the one that we just pasted
there but I'm going to add a new contact form I'm going to call this one contact form two
alright, let's look at the options it has in this section here we have four tabs the
first one is for form itself if you look at the HTML here this is what a regular HTML
form would look like you have your label opening and closing tags you have the text is presented
in the contact form itself at the required and then we have this right here is that this
is identifying the field and we have the same thing for email same thing for the subject
and for your message but let's say you also wanted to have a telephone number we can copy
this whole entire snippet from there some space paste it we're going to now title this
your telephone number and then were going to want to delete this information here because
now we are adding the telephone option right here but you want to leave your cursor in
that location you click on telephone you can choose to make required or not this is the
name of the field itself given the default value if you want i'm going to insert the
tag i'm going to save this now and will move onto the next section which is the mail section
now this is where it's going to go into your email address whatever your admin email address
is from the individual that put in their name here and in the subject any additional headers
you want to use and then the message from the person themselves from your name the person's
name email address subject your subject and in the message body itself but now we also
have to add the telephone parameter you see here the contact forms seven plugin highlights
this in a darker format these are greyed out and this one is the one we have to now copy
that and i'm going to paste it right here underneath your message paste it and then
now will be able to get that filled out as well, save that option and that is done so
now we have all the fields are filled out properly you see that now this is greyed out
as we have included in the message body itself and the same can be done for any of these
other options you just highlight on one of these are snippets here example snippets your
pasted wherever you wanted to come in the order and then you would choose you have the
cursor located right in between these opening closing label tags and you choose whichever
option you want then you would save it and go to the mail section and make sure you included
inside the message body and these are messages that a person will receive based on the situation
of them filling out the contact form so if they are successful they'll get this message
if the message failed they'll get this message right here and then there's some other messages
as well there's a lot of them so just take a moment take a look at it and if you want
to change the language here you can do that just by typing in the information then save
at the bottom if you want to add additional settings you can do that here you can go to
their additional settings page and and these are the options you have so just save everything
any changes you made to save them and then save the form itself and then now you have
the Shortcode right here you can just click on it and then copy we're going to go back
to that same contact page edit the page now removed that Shortcode and pasting the new
Shortcode update the page view it and now we see that we have it here okay so we have
the your name email address telephone number subject your message and the send button right
there so that's really a simple way to create a contact form for your WordPress powered
website just go to plugins add a new plugin choose the contact forms seven and then if
you want to customize them or if you want to use the default one you have that option
right here you can always just take the information and then use the snippets of code and have
these options here if you notice we did have it required for the telephone number so we're
going to take this out save it and then let's go back to the front-end go to the contact
form and now it's not required so that's pretty much it this is a very good plugin to use
very popular very effective it's customizable you can create as many contact forms as you
want and it just works it's one of the most well reviewed plugins and there's a lot of
documentation about it and as you can see it's nice easy way to create a contact form
for your WordPress powered website hopefully you enjoyed this episode where I demonstrated
how to use the contact forms seven plugin to create a very easy to use contact form
for your WordPress website if you enjoyed the video give us a thumbs up and don't forget
to subscribe because I'll be giving you more tips and tricks on how to manage your WordPress
powered website thanks for watching take care.
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