"Autistic people have difficulty
understanding what their social gestures mean."
Hello and welcome to another episode of "Case Closed."
We've been airing for 15 years now
and hope to continue.
Autism cases are interesting.
We're just now discovering...
First of all, we're defining what the illness truly means.
Or rather, is it a condition?
We see more and more people
suffering from this condition.
We kind of have to navigate...
these certain acts committed by autistic people.
We cannot judge them as we judge others
of different mental capacity.
Let's see what this case is all about.
Please bring out the litigants.
My son needs to be controlled by his father.
I don't want him getting arrested.
This kid is just as perverted and sick as his mother.
He could end up raping my daughters for all we know!
Good afternoon and welcome.
Good afternoon.
Elizabeth, you're suing Omar.
Tell me why you're suing him
and what you demand to settle this case.
Good afternoon, Ms. Polo.
I'm suing him because I have an autistic son
and he's been having lots of problems.
I can't handle it anymore.
Is he his biological father?
He is.
-Were you married once? -Never.
But he took responsibility for his son, right?
He gave him his name
and has provided child support all these years.
So you're here asking him to control your child
by acquiring physical custody of him.
Yes. I want him to stay with him.
Your son is now 17 and you can't handle it anymore.
I can't keep up.
Lately he's uncontrollable.
He has sex problems.
It's all because of his father.
It's your fault.
He used to help me out occasionally.
My son started exhibiting heightened aggression
around the house.
Aggressive in what sense? Is he violent?
He's violent and tends to lock himself up often.
His father gave him an iPad
and he's since grown addicted.
Okay, so his father gave him an iPad on one of his visits.
He came back from his dad's house with an iPad.
He'd spend the entire day on his iPad.
That's when I noticed his behavior changing.
He started having...
Well, I ended up finding out
after I took his iPad from him.
I found pictures of naked little boys and girls on it.
Child pornography?
You found that on your son's iPad?
Yes, on the iPad he gave him.
Don't blame me!
Wait a minute.
What happened after you found that?
Well, at first I was in shock.
I decided to call the police because he'd given it to him,
and handed the iPad to them.
They went through his entire library.
Since he's autistic,
they called in psychologists as well as cops.
They also started an investigation
to prove that he wasn't some pervert.
He's just autistic.
However, it is his fault.
He gave him that iPad.
Have you given him an IQ exam?
What's his intelligence quotient?
Yes, ma'am.
-What was his score? -75.
75. That's fairly low.
But even then... he knows how to use an iPad?
Yes, but it's his fault...
For giving him access.
He gave him a tablet
and didn't go on to supervise his activity.
He has Wi-Fi at his house, but not at my house.
When I uncovered all that pornography,
my first reaction was to think he'd given it to him.
She blames me for it! She claims I did it.
Yes, she assumed you did it.
I understand.
She assumed you did it.
She didn't think her son had the capacity
to do such a thing.
Was anyone arrested?
No one was arrested.
No arrests.
Why wasn't your son arrested?
They weren't able to charge him with anything
because he's autistic.
Why do you want to hand him over to his father?
I can't handle him anymore.
The moment he doesn't have his iPad
or doesn't see his father anywhere,
he goes into violent fits of rage.
He's hit me before.
What about that bruise on your arm?
That was one of his recent punches.
I don't have access to an iPad
and I can't give him one, either.
I just recently got a job.
That's another reason
I can't have him around anymore.
I'm starting up a nursery at home.
There are five children signed up already.
So you're going to be taking care of small children.
You can't have your son around
while he's undergoing this period of sexual maturity.
He's also autistic and you can't keep him under control.
Yes, ma'am.
I can't keep him under control.
He's out of control.
She raised him that way!
I don't want him in my house. She made him a sicko.
She wants me to care for him now that he's damaged.
and how did she make your son sick?
Go ahead and explain.
Ma'am, when I met her, I was just 19.
She was 29 at the time.
She likes young boys.
As he grew up, she'd never let him be around other girls
or play with other kids.
This sicko would masturbate him!
I didn't masturbate him.
She would masturbate him!
She turned him into a sicko...
and now she wants to toss him over to me?
Is that true?
I wouldn't masturbate him.
I'd just help him.
She'd help him? Get a load of that!
You would teach him?
It was a way to calm him.
He didn't have access to girls, obviously.
He can't go near women.
She wouldn't let him! She locked him up!
I'd just help him.
That's why I asked him for help.
We'll talk that over with the psychologists
once they enter the room.
Why did you give your son a tablet?
All parents give their kids tablets!
He'd just walk around in circles doing nothing all day.
He really likes his tablet.
Tell me something.
Don't you think that your son would benefit
from spending time with a man like his father?
He needs care and guidance.
You'd be giving her a breather
after 17 years of raising this boy.
I told her to abort.
You told her to abort, but since she didn't,
now you're punishing her.
She did drugs while was pregnant.
That's in the past.
So you're just blaming each other
for your son's autism.
I never wanted that baby. I told her.
She just had him to ensnare me.
Who brought witnesses?
-I did. -I did too, ma'am.
Bring out the defendant's witness, please.
He's lucky he wasn't arrested.
She should've gotten arrested for masturbating the kid!
Crazy bitch!
-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon, ma'am.
What's your name?
Who are you, Estella?
I'm Omar's wife.
What's your statement?
Look, ma'am.
I'm afraid of this boy.
He's done some pretty strange things.
I'm scared because I have two daughters.
How old are your daughters?
One is 10 and the other is 11.
I can't handle this situation anymore.
I found something.
I need to give it to you.
I found it amongst his things.
He masturbates using my daughter's panties.
So this is a pair of your daughters' underwear.
It's worrisome.
We'd have to send this off to a lab,
confirm that there are traces of semen on it,
and then prove whether it's this boy's semen or not.
So this evidence can't really be used.
It's her fault!
It is concerning, though.
No doubt about that.
He needs Good afternoon, sir.
What's your name?
Fernando. Good afternoon, ma'am.
Good afternoon.
Who are you?
I'm Elizabeth's husband.
What's your stance on this situation?
Ma'am, I don't want that boy in my house anymore.
You neither.
Nope. He's too much trouble.
How so?
He doesn't know anything.
In the six months he's been visiting his father,
he's changed far too much.
I don't want him around anymore.
See all those bruises on my wife's arms?
You see? He needs to be arrested!
Ma'am, I demand that he be arrested.
He's a danger to society.
He's turning 18 in six months.
He's going to be out on the streets
and he's bound to attack someone.
Did you hear his father's solution?
"Arrest him."
You're not fit to be anyone's father.
Here's what we're going to do.
I'm going to speak with this boy.
What's his name? Fidel?
I'm going to speak to him off-camera.
I don't want his identity revealed.
I want to protect him because he's a minor.
I just want to get to know him.
Bring out the experts. I want them here.
Mr. Williams Lucena, sexologist,
and Dr. Geysha Menendez, psychologist.
I want them to be here while I speak to this boy.
Perhaps then we can discuss possible solutions.
With parents like these,
I don't think there are many viable solutions.
-Hello! -Hi.
Silence in the courtroom!
I need total silence.
What's your name?
What is your name?
Look at me, Fidel.
Can you please look at me?
Can I ask you a question?
Do you know why the police showed up at your house?
Because I like girls.
Because you like girls?
Little girls.
What do you have there?
Can I see it?
They're my drawings.
May I see them?
Will you show them to me?
I like drawings.
My dad has my iPad.
Your dad has your iPad. I know.
You draw well.
Do you like them?
Well, they are... different.
They're not appropriate, though.
Do you know what appropriate means?
They're just playing.
They're just playing. Right.
They're cute. Can I have them?
Can I borrow them?
Will you give them back?
I sure will.
Let me ask you another question.
Who would you rather live with?
With your mother or your father?
With my father.
You'd rather live with your father.
Why is that?
My mom...
Her too?
My dad has my iPad.
Your dad has your iPad.
What about your mom?
She doesn't let me.
My dad has my iPad.
I don't have the damn iPad!
He's sick!
Arrest him! That criminal!
Thank you!
Close the door, please.
He needs to be arrested, ma'am!
If he hurts someone out on the streets, it's his fault.
I'm telling you, ma'am. He needs to be arrested.
Just take care of him.
He can't be free to roam.
Did you see his drawings?
I pity your two daughters.
I feel sorry for them.
The only mentally disabled person here is you.
I never wanted that child!
Well, too bad! He's your kid!
You can't get rid of him.
See why he needs extra supervision?
He's sick!
These are his drawings.
He got it from his mother!
They're sexually explicit.
To him, they're playing.
He obviously doesn't even realize...
He says one thing, then contradicts himself.
"Who would you rather live with?
With my father because he has my iPad...
but with my mom too."
He's really not...
Here's what I want to discuss with you.
Oh, be quiet.
You people are some of the rudest people
I've ever met in my life!
You're here to resolve a problem
you weren't capable of handling!
You've been talking non-stop nonsense ever since.
There are professionals in your midst.
They can guide you and help you.
They can give you advice on what to do...
yet you two won't stop bickering back and forth.
He should get arrested, right?
What's an autistic boy's sense of sexuality like?
It's fairly primitive.
As we know, within the autism spectrum,
people don't have the capacity
to interact with others.
That's why their sexuality is so primitive.
That aspect of themselves hasn't been developed.
In autistic people,
you have to teach them about body awareness part by part.
Then you ease them into the sexuality side of things.
His father claims his mother would masturbate him
or teach him how to masturbate.
Something like that.
Is that inappropriate?
Totally inappropriate.
It could be deemed as somewhat perverted.
She never should've touched or stimulated
her son's genitals.
Especially considering the fact
that he has a mental disability like autism.
It's totally inappropriate.
What does having an IQ of 75 generally imply?
What kind of category is that?
It's considered a low average.
It's just average.
Well, it's borderline.
It's not quite at the level
of what we used to call mental retardation.
Would you say that an autistic person with a low IQ
could potentially become a pedophile?
In other words, would he be aware
that he's committing an illicit crime?
I don't think so, ma'am.
I don't think he'll come to realize
the seriousness of his actions.
He doesn't even realize what he's doing is inappropriate.
He knows something's wrong,
but he's inconsistent about it.
If you ask him multiple times about it...
He'll respond differently each time.
This is quite interesting.
There's a similar case in Florida.
It's a federal case.
In this boy's case,
they decided against arresting him.
These kinds of cases continue popping up.
The police are going to keep investigating
and determining on a case-by-case basis
whether or not to arrest these people.
So in this case, there's also an autistic boy
faced with charges of child pornography.
The judge in this case ruled
that for someone to be charged with a crime,
they have to be able to fully grasp the charges.
The law responds to changes in society.
Once all these criminal cases surrounding autistic people
started popping up everywhere,
legislators took a stand in order to know what to do
in cases like these.
Things don't just happen.
So neither parent wants their son.
What do we do in cases like these?
Should we call Child Services to take him in?
Should they opt for an institution?
They have two options.
They can apply for a Medicaid waiver
and have a team of specialists
analyze his behavior and find the root of said behavior.
Shut up, you idiot!
Be quiet.
They go in and analyze the boy
and then two specialists are assigned to him
to take care of him throughout the week
for about three to four hours a week.
They'll teach him how to behave
depending on what he has issues with.
If it's a serious case,
there are housing options for him.
These are all steps that must be done through Medicaid.
I order you both... to do as Mr. Lucena says.
Call whoever you have to call.
Have him evaluated.
Depending on the evaluation,
if you can't handle him anymore,
you're to pay for appropriate housing for the boy.
There he'll receive all the supervision he needs.
Especially since you both want to wash your hands
of the situation.
It's final. Case closed.
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