hi YouTube okay today I wanted to show
you guys about a trend that I just found
interesting and this is the Cassini
spacecraft this is a trend okay I'm on
the Google Trends I'm going to go down
here and show you guys where you can
find it right here cassini-huygens NASA
and you can see how in the past 24 hours
it's picked up a lot of steam here from
the 25th and it says after 13 years at
Saturn NASA's Cassini spacecraft is
ready for its grand finale and I think
that is going between the Rings I don't
know if it's going to crash it might
crash into there I don't know but these
are the news articles the most relevant
news articles this one's from Los
Angeles Times two hours ago in grand
finale nasa's cassini saturn probe flies
between the planet let's let's do a
little click on here and it's rings oh I
think that will be exciting to see what
happens and then we've got Cassini probe
gives its swan song with final Saturn
mission that's kind of sad to think
about something that's lasted that long
but I'm sure they learned a lot of
science and information from that time
here are the trending queries on on
Google Trends earth Cassini spacecraft
Titan Google doodle what is Cassini
Cassini Cassini probe images win was
Cassini Cassini launched and Cassini
images Earth from Saturn and Cassini
probe okay and so down here is some
related topics NASA cassini-huygens
which is a space mission
I hope I said that right Huygens Saturn
a topic of image and spacecraft so I
want to go over here to youtube I'm
going to put in the Cassini huygens so
I'm just going to copy and paste okay I
want to see where it is a trend s i n i
I okay okay so we've got Cassini Saturn
video Cassini grand finale is number two
Cassini mission is number three Cassini
spacecraft is number four Cassini Saturn
is number five Cassini documentary
is number six Cassini launches seven
cassini-huygens is eight Cassini
spacecraft doodle is nine and Cassini
probe is number ten so yeah that's what
we have today for the search popularity
in terms related to science and I
thought this was kind of something that
would be kind of fun to share with you
guys so thank you so much for watching
please subscribe and ring my bell ring
my bell ring my bell to follow me that's
the to receive the little
notifications an email for every time
that I upload videos here on YouTube I
want to thank you guys so much for
watching share this video with your
friends leave comments suggestions ideas
and I'll see you soon peace love and
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