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New Lego Jurassic World Raptor Rampage 75917 Stop Motion Speed Build Vs Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys - Duration: 15:38.New Lego Jurassic World Raptor Rampage 75917 Stop Motion Speed Build Vs Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys
up five nine one seven from Lego this is an awesome set keep watching
Oh guys it's great to see you again we're going to have an awesome show
today today we have a new Lego set from Jurassic world this is the Raptor
rampage it has 324 pieces it has two Raptors
which are blue and Delta and it also has three exclusive minifigures which are
clear and hcu guy and Owen I have all the other traffic world LEGO sets so if
you want to check my playlist I'm going to have them all on there but they are
lots of fun let's check out the back
Wow look at these different options you have on there looks like that requires a
missile there you got the Velociraptor chasing Oh in there they're trying to
train the Velociraptor here it looks like the Velociraptor is trying to pack
Owen and here's the whole set all set up Wow let's open this up and have some fun
okay let's see what was in the box we've got one big bag of Legos we've got a
raptor than two another big bag of Legos three another big bag poor and then the
other Raptor so that's qui Wow why bags and Legos and it's setlist
stickers over here and Wow here's the instruction books two instruction books
they look awesome guys boy we're going to have a lot of fun and look here's all
the other many figures you could buy with these sets Wow let's put this
together have some fun
okay guys let's take a closer look at these these reactors are really cool
with this like I don't know this it almost looks like a camera system or
something or maybe it's to control them I did not see drastic world so I'm not
really sure if you know leave it in the comments down below but their coloring
is really cool these the dark green one that has a lighter green one with the
same camera system on it and their arms have full movement their legs a full
movement they've got the Lego blocks on top so you can put like characters on
top of them to ride them or you could build like some type of like a battle
system up there which would be really cool okay then let's let's take a look
at the minifigures first of all we have öand which he comes with the knife and
he has two expressions here a happy one here an angry one with his angry face
forward if he's going to attack the dinosaurs and then here we got Claire
we've got like looks like some type of fan held computer system and she also
has two faces one like a serious face one's like a happy face got her little
pet uniform on and then we have an ACU guide with full battle uniform on his
uniform does come off you have to pull off his head to get to it when you pull
it off and he has like a printed shirt underneath which is cool he comes it's
like the tranquilizer gun - and then let's take a look at the main thing
which is the truck actually before we do let's take a look at the motorcycle it
is a really cool looking motorcycle it's got a nice dark green color and there we
go it does fit right on here just hold on to the knife so the in the nice thing
is for a motorcycle it stands up by itself if you just put it down there
it's been mostly lego motorcycles you get you put down as soon as you put it
down it'll fall over okay let's take a look at this truck this truck looks
really cool too I've got like big rubber tires you've
got the stickers here on the side over here it says that or unit got a little
grab bar here there's it doesn't open or anything but it is a grab bar and here
you've got lights you've got like the blue and red lights
like a police truck here get lights on the bumper you got the drastic world
sticker on the front here the mirrors move in and out which is a nice feature
it almost looks like it should have winch but it doesn't come with one then
the other side the stickers are pretty much the same it says that unit and does
open up here you can just pop this piece off as you can see from inside it's only
met for all one figure so you can't look
you could probably squeeze two in there but you want it seated for realism one
figure a little steering wheel there the doors open and close which is kind of
cool because we're so small doors you would think they would go okay then you
pop that back up then this comes with like a tranquilizer at shooting gun on
top it's got like a little handle here to hold on it's got two missiles one
working missile the other ones more for show and this is like if it's on a
turret on top so you could swing it all around and shoot moving targets and then
let's take a look at the back the backs got some cool stickers it's got like
rips and tears here like a dinosaur attacked it it's got the lights in the
back here the doors do swing open and this is this is this goes to the like
the missile firing system on top it's supposed to be like some type of like a
big missile I just I'm going to fire it off and then the top actually comes off
if you want to see the inside the inside looks really cool too here you got two
computers for like diagnosing like what's wrong with dinosaurs and here you
got like cabinets with like medical equipment to open the doors and let's
say one of the raptors was sick you'd have to fit and then there to like run
the Diagnostics on him to see what's wrong with them I mean he doesn't quite
fit well actually if he claps his legs he fits in almost all the way but he
does look a little funny on the backside and then that's pretty much all the
features of the truck this this is a really cool set I really like it oh one
other thing is this thing is made to fit inside so if you take the guy off it has
like a rail system here and it's got like rails in here so if you put it in
here it slides right in there for easier transport and then they can take it off
set it up top if there's danger it is it does roll really nice and freely too
with those big wheels I mean it really helps with how it rolls as you can see
the bottom here another neat feature is this whole back will slide right off so
if you want to like drop it in the field make you like do their medical research
in the field and then they'll come back they'll pick it up and it is a little
empty in there and then once they're done with your medical research so just
go ahead and lower the back slide this thing right back on there
and they're ready to go okay that is cool
Oh ed calling Owen just calling him on a portable called her portable computer
you got a sick Raptor here he's down on the ground I don't know what's wrong
with him but I'm scared to get close to him
a while let's go ahead and get this guy in here let's go ahead and get him
skinned gotta open the back you're going to put them in there
let's see what's wrong with this guy
something's going on out here on in I don't know what that is but it doesn't
sound good no something must sense then one of the dinosaurs is weak and easy
prey oh no the indominus rex he's headed for
the Raptor
quickly Owen jumps on the radio and calls for backup
oh no he's got the rafter Owens like not my Raptor you're not going to take my
guys why he's got it what's that oh here comes the helicopter fire missile fire
this fire one missile boy not going down he is angry now fire missile to glam
play on boy there he shot him with four tranquilizer missiles they're going to
try to get him with the net oh the net misfires quick call for more
what who is it he was able to turn the missile Wow he's firing away playing I
am Who I am boy this guy started to feel woozy oh he dropped the Raptor oh oh no
he's gonna fly right on the ATU good oh he's down for what a mess he called wow
this is gonna take a lot of time to clean up here wow that was a lot of fun
and if you enjoyed the video make sure you click subscribe and thumbs up button
down below the video in today's secret word is the word go ahead put that in
the comment section down below the video on those you remember my club go to the
video ends there's an awesome and curved awkward one for you and I
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Ashton Kutcher Rescued 6000 Sex Trafficking Victims. Almost All Of Them Had Something In Common… - Duration: 4:14.Actor, activist and businessman Ashton Kutcher visited "The Today Show" this week to
speak with hosts Kathie Lee and Hoda about the new season of his Netflix original series,
"The Ranch."
But what he was most interested in talking about was his organization's work to end
human sex trafficking and child pornography.
In the interview, Kutcher tells the hosts about Thorn, the organization he began with
his ex-wife, actress Demi Moore, in 2008.
Through his work with Thorn, Kutcher has learned that almost all sex trafficking victims have
one thing in common—they're targeted online:
"We're building digital tools to fight human trafficking.
Basically, the purchase and commerce for human trafficking is happening online, just like
everything else now, and so we're building digital tools to fight back against it."
Thorn's self-described mission is "to drive tech innovation in the fight against
On the organization's website, it explains just how it goes about its work:
"We partner across the tech industry, government and NGOs and leverage technology to combat
predatory behavior, rescue victims, and protect vulnerable children.
The site also lists 20 members of what it calls The Thorn Technology Task Force, comprised
of technology companies that lend their knowledge, time and resources to the work that we do.
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Adobe are listed among the names who are helping
Thorn's cause."
So far, Thorn has been a quiet success, with some impressive, real-world numbers to back
up its mission statement, as Kutcher explains:
We've built a tool to help law enforcement prioritize their caseload and recover victims
and find traffickers.
And we've found and identified and recovered over 6,000 trafficking victims this year.
And we've found, identified, and recovered 2,000 traffickers."
Our next battle, my next commitment…I'm going to make a pledge that I'm going to
eliminate child pornography from the internet."
Thorn's approach — using internet technology to find victims and their captors — is apt,
because the major threat to victims isn't white vans parked on corners with kidnappers
awaiting passersby: it's online.
Disturbing data which the organization compiled shows that everyday sites like Craigslist
are frequently used as a means of doing business in the illegal sex industry.
Even more terrifying is that in 2015, 75% of child sex trafficking survivors Thorn surveyed
weresold online at some point.
Asia, a survivor who spoke to Thorn during last year's survey, told the organization:
"People are posted and sold online multiple times a day.
As far as the ad that was posted up [for me], there was a girl who eerily looked like me…just
[like] you can go find a car, there was a picture, and a description, and a price."
Anti-human trafficking group Polaris reports that The International Labor Organization
estimates 4.5 million people are currently working against their will for sex traffickers.
And the underground sex economy in 2014 was worth $290 million in Atlanta, Georgia, alone,
according to an Urban Institute study.
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