Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 24 2017

Dear brothers and sisters and and humanity at Salaam alaykum

warahmatullahi wabarakatuh may the peace the mercy and the blessings of allah

subhanho wa taala be upon all of you welcome to the show Ramadan a date with

dr. Zakia I am your host use of chambers and today we're discussing the topic

ehtekaf salam o alikum warahmatu allahi wa barakaatuh dr. zakir while ago when

I'm working with a layover together well dr. Zakia we've been together for

at least 20 days now alhamdulillah and we discussed many issues but one of the

most I think perhaps misunderstood areas of the practices and the worship

of Muslims during the month of Ramadan is it Acuff could you firstly explain

the term it akov and could you also as by way of confirming for the Muslims out

there whether they should be doing this or not um is it compulsory for all

Muslims to do it alhamdulillah what salat wa salam ala rasulillah Wael Ali

Rezai read me am i bad I was below him in the shaytani regime

bismillah ar-rahman rahim submission is Adri Vasily mb1 under to me lasagna

scoff calmly the word ehtekaf is derived from the Arabic root word akava which

means to adhere to cling to stick it means to keep and it means to engage or

devote something to another thing which may be good or bad an expression the

Quran in surah mb a-- chapter number 21 verse number 52 whenever i'm in islam he

speaks to a father and his people saying that the images which you devote those

who do idol worship etc he say another image which you devote and the word uses

a key phone which you so devote literally attached to which are clinging

to it he refused in the wrong sense in any defense

they're also both in the hanami the positive sense in surah Baqarah chapter

2 verse 1 25 surah bakra jeopardy was 97 according to listen Arab the word

ehtekaf means to fully attached oneself to something it means when someone happy

takes the mosque and you worship finit in the islamic sharia the word ehtekaf

means to engage and retreat in the mosque and to stay in the mosque seeking

nearness to allah subhanaw taala and seeking his reward

as far as ruling apotheca is concerned with this complicity or it refer na

ehtekaf is generally assumed now it's not complicity it only becomes complicit

in certain cases if someone makes about or las manos allah' that he will do

ehtekaf if his vicious fulfil for example someone and say that I will do

Attica for two days if my speculative is cured or and we do Attica for three days

if a person examination so if someone vows for la subhana WA Ta'ala for the

fulfillment of the desire then at the coffers complicity whatever the person

has vowed yes to fulfill it otherwise Attica for the funa but it is a Sunnah

at the market that are very highly recommended for now as it's mentioned in

the hadith of a Bihari worm number eight in the book of oats and walls hadith

number six six nine six where the messenger of allah so allah said that

anyone who promises to obey allah subhanaw taala

he should obey him and anyone who promises disobedience or loves - allah

he should not disobey him and the hadith Allah dahmer

male I believe isn't mentioned say Bihari wore number eight in the book of

oats and mauls hadith number six six nine seven mahalo tomorrow may Allah be

pleased with him he says to the messenger flossman

Abdallah that I had vowed in the days of ignorance before you embrace Islam that

he will do at the cup for one night in masjid-e-haram to the Prophet said that

fulfil alone because of all was good Oh being a las manos nonprofit resources

and there are various verses in the Quran we speak for aitikaf Allah says in

surah bakra chap number two was the 125 he tells to abraham le salaam and wish -

Salam that Ibrahim and Ismail may peace be upon them do sanctify the garb of

Allah - Allah does of allah subhanaw taala because people circumambulate on

the Kaaba and they stay they do ehtekaf the retreat in the mosque and some of

the believers they bow and the prostrate while worshiping allah subhana allah

near the word ehtekaf retreat is used it's further missions for a battle i

chapter number 2 was Nome 187 that do not associate with your wives when you

retreat in the mosque maybe the aitikaf in the mosque and

there are fellows did shocked America including say Bihari Valle number three

in the back of aitikaf Hadid number to zero to six as I sha Mel IP deter all

the wife of the Prophet ahead that the Prophet used to do Attica for the last

10 days in the month of Ramadan and after he died the wives of the Prophet

used to continue the practice so ethica unless bored its complicity otherwise

generally excess una but highly recommended son well I'm rather glad

you've cause have confirmed the details soon otherwise I would have had to have

gone back 16 years and repeated my Ramadan and I'll have ten days

well doctors Winchell after hearing the goodness of aitikaf and it together

inshallah start doing it in life in the shelves on that I change Allah may Allah

make it easy for all of us indeed to perform this is a kid could you possibly

explain to us what are the fundamental goals of

decaf the basic goal the basic aim of Ithaca is to figure together and the

hadith mentioned in say Muslim more in number two in the book of fasting hadith

number two six to seven where it says the Prophet Musa al-salaam here the calf

for the first 10 days of Hamelin then it says the Prophet with aitikaf for the

middle 10 days of Ramadan and in a Turkish tent and there was a mat hanging

and after that the prophet takes head out of the tent and he says that I have

just been informed by the angels that the night there delays recovered is in

the last 10 months comes on so we want to control the Ithaca with me they can

continue so based on this hadith we come to know that the main reason for at the

curve is to figure it together and I will officially Allah says in the Quran

in surah club chapter number 97 verse number 3 there is recorded tyramine

alpha char which means that layer color is better than a thousand months

that means the goodness the power is much more than a thousand months and if

you worship in this night of layers together it is better than worshipping

four thousand months and if you divide by twelve comes to more than 83 years

that means if you worship that one night of life together it is better than

worshipping more than 83 years you know it is much more than average less than a

few in me so the main aim is to seek life together and further from the

hadith I quoted of say Muslim become to know that prophet Musa Dagh solemn in

order to seek legs together here at the calf for the full month the first ten

days in the middle ten days in the last ten days and then it was told them the

dangers that they're together within the last ten days and we also come to know

that this sahabas before the Prophet died from the

beginning of the month of am none the and that was the devotion the fire had

to animals and solemn and it's again mentioned in the hadith of Sai Muslim

one number two in the book of fasting hadith number two six two five that the

partial muscle entails to the Saba that those who want to continue doing at the

graphic we can continue even make it come to study and those wanted to Ithaca

they can do it at the place not nice it deaf to beauty so here we show the

compassion of the Prophet toward the Saba

so the basic aim is to figure is look at it beside that there are various other

objectives number one besides speaking later together it is

coming via allah subhanaw taala and cutting off yourself from the other

people number two it is rejuvenating their spirituality and spiritually

coming closer to las manos ala number three and you cut a vessel from other

people and from the worldly affairs it gives you an opportunity to promote

allah subhanaw taala often a vassal to supplicate or last

minute Allah to ask forgiveness to the vicar and that bring the qalam in much

higher furthermore it helps you in performing the fast much better but

normally when we fast there are times that you may not follow the minut saunas

and there are chances you may give you a ten your desires may be there so it

gives you a chance to follow even the Sunnah of the fasting in in aitikaf and

lastly when we get the cup you agree to give up the worldly pleasures which you

are allowed otherwise the many teams which are loud the

numbers drummed on but but in ehtekaf you give up the worldly pledging and

reserved just for sake of allah SWA okay well thank you very much doctor to the

answer regarding the condition of the person who's performing ehtekaf is he or

she allowed to leave the confines of the mosque normally while doing it the caf a

person should not leave the mosque if you leave the mosque he breaks the

principle of aitikaf and at the gotham elevated

but in case of emergency if there is a need then you can leave for example if a

person wants to go for call of nature we want to go to relieve themselves or if

you want to do wudu or do Google or they have a bath or washing cells or if there

is no one who can get food for them in the mosque and if you have to go to eat

you are allowed to go to get food so unless it's a basic necessity it's a

need as if mentioned in say Bihari volume number three in the baka petaca

added number to zero to nine the other - I'm in live visitor

she says the Prophet while doing at the CAF never entered the house unless it

was for a need so if it's necessary is allowed otherwise and the normal

circumstances you should not leave the mosque and if you have to leave for a

basic necessity you have to come back fast as soon as possible but nowadays I

am the little mini mosque for most of the mosque they have a toilet attached

to the mosque they have a bathroom attached to it and the Buddha is inside

the mall so the left requirement to go out of the mosque and furthermore the

rifle profit how do I shall mail a visitor

she said it's mentioned in soon and about volume number two in the book of

fasting hadith number two four six seven that a person who does aitikaf it is a

Sunnah of ehtekaf that he should not visit a patient or attend a funeral or

embrace device or high relationship with the wife and should not leave the mosque

on left for basic necessity here we come to know that valuing ehtekaf it is not a

Sunnah it's not allowed that it should visit a personal sect or visit a

relative or golf or family needs all four earning money offer a funeral next

up for a basic meet you should not leave the mosque okay that seems to be quite

clear in terms of the the basic requirements of aitikaf perhaps you

could enlighten us with some of the things which break it's a

some of the acts which are not allowed during Etica the things that invalidate

the cuff number one is leaving the mosque without a valid reason as I

mentioned in my answer unless it be for relieving oneself or to go for call of

nature for urination or fortification or for doing would do or having a bath or

Google or if it no one can get food and access to go to get food these are the

only conditions at the last resort it's allowed so unless it's for a valid

reason a person cannot leave the mosque as I mention earlier but nowadays

alhamdulillah since there are toilets and bathrooms

attached to the mosque this requirement cells is the rare occasion so number one

is if a person leave the mosque without a valid even the aitikaf invalidity

number two if a person has sexual intercourse the device ever lessons in

the Quran in surah Baqarah chap number two was the mighty seven that do not

associate with your wives while you are in retreat in the mosque while doing it

occur from the mosque do not so sit with your wife

so all just cause minimal agree that if you have a sexual relationship with your

wife there the calf is invalidity but if the wife touches you just normally maybe

should come to give your food and status then it's no problem at all

but if your wife's touch it with passion or you touch her with passion o you

embrace or kiss all those cousins will agree that it is makrooh it is

detestable some scholars say that it will break petaca invalid Etica so here

the difference of opinion and whether embracing or rather touching with

passion in very ecstatic ass or not because this verse of surah Baqarah

chapter 2 verse number 187 the word moba Chava that do not associate the device

your honor if the specific meaning that so it means only sexual relationship so

those callers will say that it does not invalidate Acuff they take it in the

specific sense only sexual relationship but touching with passion and kissing

and embracing it is makrooh it detestable but are not

invalid later cast but those who take this word as general so they say that

besides sex relationship even embracing the wife or touching with passion it

invalidates the ehtekaf Allah Allah Allah no service the third thing that

invalidate occur it is menstruation and postnatal bleeding post childbirth

bidding the fourth thing that invalidate a calf it is committing any major sin

the fifth is infinity whether the Infinity is due to madness they are

taking any drugs or medicine or it is due to alcohol taking Macomber

any intoxication because the avada should always be done insanity it should

be done when the person is sane if it's done infinity then the bada is not valid

and the last thing which invalidates the Atika it is apostasy as allah says in

the quran in surah az-zumar chap numbers had nine verse number 52 so they assume

or capital name was from 65 that it was revealed to you as it was revealed to

people that came before you that if you join in worship God besides Allah then

all your fruits will be useless it will be fruitless and in the hereafter you

will not get reward for all the spirituality therefore if anyone does

shirk or turn the way the scope or the apostasy then there take a fit in melody

so these are the fixed thing which invalidate occur may Allah protect us

from falling into these errors and may our if you have accepted by Allah

subhanAllah so let's look at the flip side of the coin which are the acts

which are allowed during a take-off the acts which are permitted during ehtekaf

if a need arises

can go to the mosque as mentioned earlier to relieve himself or to wash or

whistle or to the wudu or if there's no food etcetera as the hadith of a shampoo

like periods of water back from the Prophet he says in sale Buhari one

number three in the book of Ithaca I did number to zero to nine that the Prophet

while doing at the calf never entered the house unless there was a need the

things which are otherwise permitted bring it the cast is a person can eat

and drink and sleep in the mosque you can eat and drink and sleep in the

mosque but should be careful that she maintain the sanctity and maintain the

cleanliness of the mosque because it's a place of worship a person can even come

the head he can I live here he can remove the unwanted hair from the body

he can cut his nails he can do he can wash you can have a bath he can wear new

clothes can perfume these things up omitted I just mentioned in the hadith

of say Bihari world number three in the book of petaca hadith number two zero

two eight that has - Amal our visitor she saved that while doing a takeoff

the prophet from the mosque he put the head into the house and though she was

during minstrel cycles she combed the hair of the Prophet and

put oil in the head it's also mentioned in the next hadith of a book Hadi one

number three in the book of ehtekaf I did number 2 3 - 9 - am unlikely today

she says that while doing an takeoff and the Prophet is in the mosque used to put

in head into the house and she used to comb the hair and oil there and the

Prophet nervous to enter the house unless they also need fur it means that

you can comb the hair you can all there and the other thing which I mentioned

further it's also allowed to pitch a tent in the mosque or in the background

of the mosque exhibition in saleable Hadi

well number three in the book of aitikaf have these number two zero three four

Hauser - I'm in love you if that the prophet used to do Attica

for the last ten days of from Don and shear to pitch a tent for him and after

a free Pfizer fella he used to come at the place of ehtekaf and into the tent

it mention it's a Muslim model number two in the book of fasting had it number

264 one the Prophet did I pick up in the last ten days of combat and after

offering for Salah he came at the place of Ithaca and ordered attends to be

pitched and a tent was fished very unethical further it's also allowed for

your wife to come and talk to you and speak to you while doing at the CAF she

entered the mosque and explanation is a Bihari worm number three in the book of

Ithaca hadith number two zero three five that sofia millilitre all the wife of

the Prophet while the pasta bring ehtekaf she entered the mosque and she

came and she spoke to him and after a while when she was leaving the Prophet a

complete her to the gate of the mosque the Gator for miss Alma and to unfurl

men they entered the mosque and they wished the preferred Salam and then the

Prophet said they don't run away she is my wife Sofia meant a hue so that once I

said Subhan Allah or fool Allah that means how could we think such a

thing and they felt a bit hurt and hope would the Prophet thing that we are

doubting the Prophet so in the Prophet replies and it says the Satan runs in

the body and can reach any part of the body like the blood can reach any part

of the body and I was afraid left some evil thought may come into your mind

that is the reason I care to file the sheet my wife so that gives us a guide

in that then we had public and someone doubts her to clarify and even the

Prophet did that alhamdulillah so we come to know that the wife of the

posting at the cap can enter the mosque and for this mission inside Buhari worm

number three in the book of ehtekaf and it's number two zero three seven

that holiday sheesha malaria so she says that one of the wives of the Prophet did

attic after the Prophet and further is mentioned in cyber Holly from nuuma 3 in

the book of ehtekaf I did number to 0 to 6 the Prophet used to do epic ass in the

mosque for the last 10 days of Ramadan and after expired his wife continued

with the practice so during it the girl also Lord speak to the wife epidemic

like Allah heavy or answer how there any recommended acts that you can enlighten

us with during aitikaf viewing it the caf

- leader recommended is number one they do offer the Salah witness is

recommended Salah the prescribed fella it's a fault besides that the support

guitry the no official a' as much as you pray it is preferable and no office to

sadhna as much as you can it is preferred during the attack of number

three is to offer supplication the las manos Allah make du'a de la semana as

Modell's again number four ask for forgiveness summer las manos allah and

the took after the time men in sha allah subhana Allah will accept the

forgiveness number five that do dhikr of Allah subhanAllah subhanAllah

ah so alhamdulillah glory be to Allah praise be to Allah

number six you can see the takbir and the Calma the lower part number seven

send your blessings and salutations to the last and final messenger prophet

musa alehsalaam number eight recite as much as warrens possible and then my

nine that beside you in the quran in arabic you can even read at a facet you

can even read the translation of the Quran for those pillars and Arabic

language you can read the translation so that you can implement all the games for

la semana Tala you can either the facet of the Quran in

the language understand the best you can eat the books of deed of the Prophet you

can lead a life and the fear of the Prophet so these are the things which

are recommended and you should not do thing

which extreme as it has been mentioned say Bihari world number eight in the

book of oats and Vols hadith number six seven zero for that

one's when the Prophet Allah confirming he saw a man standing and the Prophet

said what is a matter the people said he is abu israel and he has vowed he will

Stanley will not sit he will not go into the shade he will not talk he will not

speak and he was fast the Prophet says that tell him that he should speak and

bring him into the shade and ask him to sit and complete his fast then let's

take after the thing which recommended thing is offer Salah but don't do I will

not speak I will not shed an unwanted shade so the thing that I recommended as

I mentioned is Salah do I ask forgiveness doing bicker with the Quran

indeed except exact Allah head of the zakat so we'll move on to the next

question dr zakir could you tell us the

prerequisites for aitikaf and is indeed one of the prerequisites fasting as far

as the prerequisite for doing a together is concerned but nothing the bottom

should be Muslim it should be same should have reached puberty and he

should not be in the state of janaba ceremonial impurity he should not be

sexually defiled person should not be in the state of ministration or post trial

birth bleeding and the person should be are welding Attica and besides these

there are two pillars ascetic ass number one that is the intention his Nia

should be seeking nearness to allah subhana wa ta'ala and seeking his reward

number two is it should be done in a mosque as allah says in surah Baqarah

chap number two most than one eighty seven that associate not with your wife

when you repeat in the mosque so what natural welding at the gas you should

not associate the device whatever sexual issues with the discussion

and number two it should be done in a mosque and people differ the some of the

people say it can be any mosque but the majority of the scholars say that it

should not be any money should be a mosque in which congregation salah are

offered and it should also be in a mosque in which the masala is offered

because of congruence Allah is not offered and her person is doing Attica

for the mosque its leader mean that he's not offering Celyn congregation which is

not correct or he may be going out to another mosque that defeats the purpose

of Ithaca so but natural most of the scholars agree that it should be in a

mosque which has regular ungreased salah and preferably even jus masala should be

offended mosque and this a pre-requisite as its mentioned Mary - I mean like

visitor yellow and huh in Sunan Abu Daoud world number two in the book of

fasting I did number two four six seven that externa for ma Turkish person does

ehtekaf that he should not visit a patient or attend a funeral or embrace

life also sit advise and should not leave the mosque except if there is a

basic necessity or basic need as far as the fasting is complicity or not

exhibition Allah - am I like visitor in the same hadith of Sunan Abu Daoud Ward

number two in the book of fasting and hit number two four six seven - a man

loves me to the face it there's no ehtekaf without fasting that help you

but if you'd say Bihari or in number eight in the book of words involves

hadith number six six nine seven which record earlier Altamont malai pleaded

him he said that in the days of ignorance

yayayaya before he accepted Islam he had vowed that he will do ethica for one

night in most of the harem and the preferred fulfill yoga and there is no

fasting during night so by this permission of the Prophet it is

understood that fasting not fat but it is must stop it is a recommendation now

that if you fast it's preferable it sort of follows too

fast valving Attica Dracula hey doctor could you explain for the benefit of the

viewers what is the exact correct time to begin and end the Isikoff

particularly pertaining to the last 10 days of Ramadan as fired as beginning of

every car for the last ten days of Manas confront there is a difference of

opinion between the scholars one group of scholars will be like al awzai

people like Alto D or e marmalade molarity with them all they see that

ehtekaf should begin after the father fella on the 21st night based on a deed

which is mentioned in say Bihari world number 3 in the book vantika a big

number two zero three four ever less to zero for one that has a sham and lobby

visitor she said that the Prophet you should do a sticker for the last ten

days are from Nana and I used to push the tint for him and after Fidel Allah

is to come at the place of aitikaf and into the tint so based on this hadith

that the prophet musa los alamos problem faded fella is to come at the place of

ehtekaf an intermittent these colors they say the reticle should start after

for the salah this is the view of sheikh bin but also men like mercy on him when

he was asked that venture Attica start he said I should start after for the

Salah of the 21st day of Ramadan if you're the fashion last in this based on

the same hadith offers a similar visitor but the majority of the scholars the

other scholars including all the famous marble Hanifa Imam Malik Imam Shafi

Imam amudhan humble and most of the scholars they say that if you don't

prepare to go up in the last 10 days of Ramadan the aitikaf should start before

the sunset of the 21st night because the day starts with the sunset so because of

their takeoff in last 10 days if we're to guard before sunset and they see

because the main aim objective of a the calf is to see glance recover and

ledge recover is in the night if you wake up in the last ten nights it

includes the 21st night also and since the Prophet said as we discussed

yesterday that figlia it will cover on the odd nights of the last ten nights

which includes the ridiculous night if you start from Pfizer you're missing the

21st night therefore most of the scholars agree that aitikaf should start

before sunset of the 21st night and in reply the Hadees of Hashem unlikely

deter of joy behar e1 number three in the prophetic are these number two zero

three four and on December 2 0 for one that prophet musa alehsalaam used to do

Attica in the last 10 differ from them and I have to pitch the tent for him and

each to offer the frigid Salah and after offering fridge' Salah is to come at the

place of Ithaca so what the scholars say this hadith never says that prophet

started ehtekaf after Fidesz Allah it says the Prophet came from the place of

Ithaca came to his tent because he wanted seclusion from the other people

after fajr salah what they say even here it actually indicates that a prophet has

to get the night of 21st he started at the car before sunset so the prophet

entered the mosque before sunset of the 21st night so that the curve starts

before sunset but he prayed in the mosque and he came to the place of

Ithaca that is this tent because they wanted seclusion from the other people

after fajr salah so according to the correct view upon a major of colors

better calf starts before the sunset of from the first night that is before

breaking the fast of the 20th day when we fast for the 28th day or from that

before you break the fire before sunset you study at the car and when she Hotei

me may allah have mercy on him when he was asked when today take a start for

the last 10 days you get the same reply for the major group of scholars it

should start before sunset of the 21st night that is before breaking the fast

128 D and the reason we give this it as far as engineer the calf is

concerned major scholars agree that the ehtekaf should end after sunset of the

last night of am done if someone is of 29 days then after the sunset of the

29th day that is after the folder shall start should end ethica if with 30 days

then after the 30th fast is over after sunset

later Gaskin end but also scholars a green animus Li also that it is mu stab

as some of the Saba's they did continue even in the night till each prayer so

based on this some of the scholars say it is most the hub it's encouraged that

it should stay even of the night before eat that is the first deaf Shabbat and

continue at the cap of a fiber Fela and offer the each Salah and then go back

your family if you have to offer Easter line somewhere else in some other place

at late guard you can have a bath go there and then go and meet your family

this is preferable but otherwise all the stores agree that the ethic of can end

after sunset after the month of Ramadan ends with age 29 or 30 today jazakallah

here once again doctor for the answer something which sometimes comes up

question which comes up regarding whether or not if a calf is something

which is solely a practice during the last 10 days of Ramadan or not is it as

far as ehtekaf being done only in the last end of the from done it is not a

must since at the calf as I mentioned is

voluntary and listen we call it's a full now it can be done in any day of the

year but around Romano v he says the best ehtekaf is then your fasting that's

the month of Ramadan and the best in the month of Ramadan is the lasting days but

the best personal days are the last 10 days of Ramadan but we can do any other

day from than any other day of the year and winching after the Rabbani without

this question that can Ithaca be done any way or only in last 10 days of

none here the same reply that it is frivolous table it's encouraged you go

ahead take up in the last 10 days or from times because of secant let's look

at it otherwise it can be done any day or from none any day of the year

its mission is a bihari or enumerate in the book of words involves hadid number

six six nine seven house department like visiting Indonesia fingerings in German

Julia before accept Islam he had vowed that he would do ehtekaf for one night

in the most of the harem and the Prophet said fulfil a wall that means how does

the one melody with him diddle Attica in one of the nights in the end of the year

it further mentioned in say Muslim world number two in the book of fasting added

number 264 one that the Prophet that the calf for the first 10 days of shawol

it's mentioning say Muslim world number 2 in the book of fasting Hadid number

267 that the Prophet did ehtekaf for the full month of Ramadan the first 10 days

of Ramadan then the middle 10 days in the last 10 days it's further mentioned

in say Bihari volume number 3 in the book of attica added number 2 0 4 4 that

the Prophet did at the calf for 20 days in the month of Ramadan before today

that means the last time you did the calf just before he died last on none of

their life it is Attica for the last 20 days and it's mention about that because

Archangel Gabriel he D host with him the Quran twice definitely wouldn't be this

and it's mention in fable Heidi was number three in the book of aitikaf add

Heat number two zero six that the Prophet used to do Attica for the last

10 days of Ramadan and after he died his wife continued with the practice so it

indicates that doing Attica in the last 10 days it's preferable it's the best

otherwise we can write it off in any other day of Ramadan any other day of

the year Saahil ahead of her and my last question

in this interview phase gumming the topic it's a tough could you

explain the reward for it Acuff as far as the reward practical fifth concern

abroad mental emissary he asked Imam amid the members men lab mesangium that

what are the warts I'tikaf so he said that I don't know if any except some

hadith the disease it's mentioned the mesial of a doubt and there are many is

a hadith talking about the wars for aitikaf for example it's mentioned in

one of the very fatty death mention in well Bonnie him demise away fatty the

venom idea that anyone who does ehtekaf and who seeks the reward and does not do

anything it is as though he will get the reward of all the good deeds that he has

done this is classified that they special money in every major then other

hadith which is also days we shave that anyone who does Attica for one day

fixing the faithful as Muhammad Allah Allah will make for himself

three ditches between himself and the fire each ditch will have the blood of

east and west of the world little castle red that they may check out money

another hadith which is talking about the rewards of ethical is also days in

which it says that anyone who does Attica for a day with sincerity and

seeking the reward will have all the sins forgiven so this is the if I did in

fact that hadith they say he which is mentioning say Bihari volume number

three the book of laser cutter hadith the MU 2 0 1 4 that anyone who prays

during the night of cutter with sincerity seeking Allah the word always

passengers forgiven so if you do at the graph and if it falls on the track other

than insha'Allah but just for aitikaf there's nobody telling that all your

sins be forgiven there's another hadith which is classified as Madhu magical

Bonnie that anymore does that occur for the last 10 days in the month of

Ramadhan is equivalent to hutch and tumulus they

specified as model fabricated bicycle money but there's no particular hadith

which is for he which talks about the reward Fanta curve but there are general

hadith the original habit mentioned in say Bihari volume number eight

hundred-number fix 5:02 talking generally about the rewards

for nawafil for super guilty teeth and says that anyone who offers the feride

and does nawafil allah says he will come closer to me and now I shall includes

supplication ask me forgiveness nawafil Salah including ehtekaf somewhere with

no vassal Allah says according to the portion of so seldom that he come closer

to me and I become his sense of hearing 3G hears his sense of seeing so much he

sees his hands from which he gives his legs three walks and whatever they ask I

will fulfill so generally about now a filbert Naturals that have made its

rewards but specific paragraph then an which I know is mentioned this a hundred

well may allah subhanaw taala encourages all and allow us all to do it took off

in the last 10 days of Ramadan shala meal of panatela benefit us all

by doing that righteous action in the last 10 days of Ramadan dr. zakir we

have reached the time when the interview phase is over and we will be inviting

questions from our viewers of which of course you know very well better than I

do you are receiving thousands and

thousands of them and it's unfortunately difficult for us to answer them all

individually and personally however we will be answering lots and lots of

questions which we've deemed to be the most popular amongst the emails that

we've received so doctor we've got a number of questions which should be

input to us by our viewers the first of them one of viewers says that there's a

certain hadith and he refers to it the hadith says there's no it

except in three mosque famous mosque in mecca famous one in Medina and of course

Jerusalem is this Asahi hadith as far as the Hadid what the viewer dust is I had

it Hadid Oh Becky baka fasting hadith number eight five seven four which is

classified as a by sheikh nerudin bunny that the deed is narrated by who their

family visiting and he says of the Lebanon a food mill acquitted him that I

have seen people doing Attica from your house to the house of AB Musa Mela visit

him in the mosque in between your house and house of Moosa but I heard the

Prophet saying that they know ehtekaf except in the three mosque the

masjid-e-haram multi the nabhi and most lefse so based on this I did there are a

few scholars who do say that at the calf should only be performed in this three

month but the majority scholars don't agree with that they say that offering

in these three mosque is preferable we get most of our because I just

mentioned that if your friend watches a harem in Makkah is equal to one hundred

thousand so up if you'd imagine a bit and house and so on and the third mosque

is Mustafa so it will be much more pressure but the general ruling is based

on the quranic verse of surah bakra chapter two verse number 187 they do not

associate with the voice when you retreat in the mosque will get the calf

in the Moscow is talking about general mosque the world is masajid

so you can do ethic of in any masajid one group of scholars any Mossad is even

if there's no congregation Salah which most of the scholars would agree

most of scholars including mom a mad man Larry kid with him he said that it

should be in a mosque by Congress in saliva offered and he muscled and

offered and men share with Damien check national ban you enough that is it true

that you can offer only in these three mosque we said it is preferable to offer

industry mosque where is not a fun ethical can be done any mosque as long

as there is congregation Salah and you must align it but offering in these

three mosque is preferable and Ranjit bill marvelous

the question and again these colors decode the verse of surah bakra chapter

187 that the verdict is general mosque it doesn't restrict only a three mosque

man when sheikh bin baz was asked he get the same answer that at the calf can't

get in any mosque as long as the community salah but if someone vows to

do in this three mosque then its complicity should otherwise at the

general ruling it can be done any mosque where Congress allows offered the masala

dosa that's comforting to know thank you next question can we observe it a curve

for a short period of time there's no limit as far as the period of aitikaf is

concerned you can offer at the cap for the short period of a long period for

the short while the measure is called a degree it can even run for a short while

even for wanna I didn't have them main lobby period and you said that it took

of cambrian for one hour but there are certain scores I said that a tick off

should be done minimum for one day or four days and this is this one hour is

actually a period doesn't it for two a day but the majority scholars agree it

can be there for a short time for one now for a day for a few days for a week

for 10 days for a month it depends upon the person

there's no limitation as part of the deal if innocent yes I have a higher

doctor next question um are women allowed to observe

it's a cough in their houses as far as a big office concern according the worst

docudrama surah bakra chapter 2 verse and we're determined we save they do not

associate with your wife and do ehtekaf to retreat in the mosque so since the

world is specific the ruling even the mosque as its ruling for the gents that

they should read to govern them off the same ruling applies even for the woman

there are a few scholars who do say their takeoff can be done in the home

where the woman plays based on how did that praying in a room is better than

playing in the outer room in the house playing in the house better in the

courtyard in the core Debra's in the mosque but this doesn't mean must did

literally means a place where you do salute it's more of a word where you do

food but technically the word massage is used in surah bakra April 27th means the

proper must it not very diffuse because in the inner room a person changes

clothes and a person in the state you know fashion impaired etc so the

ruling for the woman as far as the major scholars are concerned if they want to

do they should do in the mosque and that's what mentioned several hadith

including Hadees of Bukhari volume number three in the book of Ithaca

hadith humble - zo - sister - I'm and I repeated that she says but the profit

rate occurs in the last 10 days or from man and after he died his vice continued

with the practice so the wives of the Prophet did I'tikaf in the mosque and

there's no evidence to show that Dever did in the house okay good

that's very good Chanel and next question from the next year is there any

redemption on a person who breaks the aitikaf voluntarily as far as Cafaro f

concern or redemption is concerned since their takeoff is voluntary if you break

a volunteer at the calf there is no compensation especially if you want you

can again to do it but if a person keeps a complicity at the calf if he vows that

he want to keep for two days if you pass an exam list for them if you breaks it

then he has to do it some other time because it's evolved it's a fart Attica

I filed warrant it is concerned it's not complicity but even if he breaks a

volunteer tika if it does it some other time is preferable but it's not

compositing okay next question dr. Zakir does a husband have the right to prevent

his wife from doing it eikhoff and they pick off is voluntary and when a lady

that the car when she goes to the mosque but natural it infringes on the rights

of the husband so but naturally she has to do a takashi actually deform machine

on that but because some of his rights would be lost and if he is published in

here that I'd even to call her back if required unless is she doing an

obligatory etic officiate loud and when she starts then the husband goes you

should continue whatever fun otherwise in volunteer at the coughs you should be

the functional husband and husband have the right to call a bike if you request

okay well I'm afraid this is going to be the last question today dr. zakir

is it correct to teach somebody or give a lecture during it was performing it

across as a mission early the recommended acts while being at the car

is to offer fallar to do no office a lot too

supplication to us or forgiveness to be bigger and read the Quran so it's

special to do that but if someone really wants to learn something specially of

Islam and if you teach there's no problem or if you give a lecture or you

give a lesson to someone especially regarding the ruling of Islam it's

permitted fine because you are teaching someone getting closer to last man adult

well just like ilaha dr zakir that's unfortunately all we've got time for

today but thank you very much may allah spano Otello reward you and me and all

the viewers for watching and attending this session on ehtekaf is a Calaca

brothers and sisters i hope that you have enjoyed and benefited from the show

today and that you will take lesson take heed of all the answers that dr. Zakir

Naik has given today on the subject of it akov tomorrow we will be discussing

Ramadan the month of self-improvement and miss la so please do join us then

Salam alaikum warahmatullah


For more infomation >> Dr Zakir Naik Ramadan Special || Ietikaf in Ramadan || virtue and blessings _ Episode 21 - Duration: 50:40.


The Lord of the Skies 5 | Episode 04 | Telemundo English - Duration: 20:25.




-Son! -Mom!

Know who saved my life?

Aurelio Casillas.

You're still with her?

She will betray you, Aurelio.


You know I'm always right about these things.

When I have a bad feeling about someone,

I'm always proven right.

You're so f---ing ungrateful!

If you came back just to talk nonsense...


You can't talk to her like that.

You're just upsetting her.

It's okay, honey.

I won't die. I'm fine.

I love you.

Get out of here! She needs to rest.

-Right. Let's go, babe. -Aurelio!

I said it... when I thought I was about to die...

and I'll say it again.

For our son's sake... watch your back.

-Listen, you! -Enough!

Let's go.

Mrs. Alba... you're back!


We all missed you... so much.

I hope you'll be able...

to knock some sense into your son now that you're back.


Where was your sense when you started dating Victor?

My son and him are going to kill each other.

And look at you!

You paid dearly.

You were in a coma for three months.

Good Lord.


These f---ing Russians are great.

I told you.

They do whatever they want with the guys.

The men love them, too.

Look at them!

I can't keep track of all this eye candy.

I feel like they're all staring on me.

Let's sit.

Zopi, find out what kind of security they have here.

Sure, boss. I'm on it.

Okay. - DALE.

You wouldn't think it, but you have great taste, Filemon.

The babes are hot, but they're too tall.


As long as everything's where it's supposed to be,

we're all equals in the horizontal mambo.

What? You're a poet too?

Luzma sent her designs last week

and I need pictures of them.

I needed them yesterday!

Quit playing the blame game and get it done!


Thank you. - GRACIAS.

You couldn't have called before you and your guard dogs

invaded my office?

I've tried to stay away, but I can't help myself.

I'm not well, Rutila.

I need someone to talk to. Someone I can be candid with.

Let me stay.


What we had wasn't going anywhere.

Let's just drop it.

No, Rutila.

This is over when I say it's over!

Your f---ing cousin Victor tried to kill me!

We need to have a serious chat, Rutila.

What? What are you talking about?

You heard me.

Even your father knows. Ask him.

Come on, Mr. Ambassador!

Sorry. Special Agent.

You have narcos to capture!

Why worry about someone with such a small amount

for personal use.

It's not a small amount.

It's enough to detain you and interrogate you.

-Take him away. -No! Wait!

I have direct access to the president.

You don't want him to find out about this, do you?

Let go!

Are you threatening us?


Feel free to waste your only call on Omar Teran.

Hold on, bud.

Can't we settle this like civilized people?

We're not buds! Understood?

You said you had direct access to the president.

Go ahead. Call him. Maybe he can bail you out.

I don't think I worded that correctly.

I work with someone close to the president.

She was his lover. Let's not make a scene.

Take him away!

Hold on.

He could prove useful.

Take him to our field office.

-Go. -Please!

What are you up to, Salazar?

What are you hoping to gain?

I just had an idea.

I think it could prove to be useful.


Yes. Of course.

They're kicking me out, but I love Mexico.

I'm going back home because I miss it.

I hope to never see you again.

Tell them the truth, Felina. You're being extradited.

That means she's being sent back

to the hole she crawled out from.

She's never coming back.

It's nice, isn't it?

It's nice to know we'll never have...

this honorable lady set foot in Mexico again.

How patriotic of you!

You keep coming for me and I'm not even putting up a fight.

I didn't want to knock your teeth out, but oh well.

I take responsibility for whatever happens.

I've been dying to beat this bitch up.

It's okay. I'll handle, Mrs. Rambo.

-Let's see what happens. -Come at me.

Let's get to it, babe. Let me take off my...

Yeah! Get her!

Come on! Stand up!

What you feel towards Aurelio's new girlfriend... is jealousy.

If one thing's allowed me to survive this damned business

it's my instincts, Mrs. Alba.

You know that.

Maybe so.

But it seems to me that was your ninth life.

There's something about that woman...

I don't like one bit.

My son is here, too.

With her.

That worries me more than anything.

You've changed so much.

Women change for our children, don't we?

Make that your motivation.

Get out of this bed so you can look after your son.

He is so cute!

He's precious.

Get her out of here, Aurelio.

She's awake!

That's great and I'm thrilled, but if she doesn't leave,

we'll end up coming to blows.


I wouldn't miss that.

I'd give my fortune away just to watch the show.

Enough, Aurelio! This isn't a joke.

Yes, she's the mother of your child and you two dated,

but why should I let her fill your head with lies?

Enough! Calm down.

Leave my son out of it.

You don't have to be so mean to her, either.

Much less in front of Isidro. You'll traumatize him.

She's the one who picked a fight the moment she opened her eyes.

Relax, sweetie. Sit.

She's just bitter, babe. She's jealous.

She can't stand to see us together.

Forget about that crazy broad. She'll get over it.

She needs to get over it. If she doesn't, we'll make her.

-No. -Yes!

She obviously expected you to be at her beck and call

once she woke up, didn't she?

Listen, hon.

Retroactive jealousy isn't a thing.

Besides, if you weren't around, it's not your problem.

Don't make this about you.

-Stop it. -I'm not in the mood.

What's wrong? Why are you pouting?

Are you upset or do you want a kiss?

I think you want something else.


What is it? Come here.

Mrs. Alba... where have you been?

I wanted to get away from so much wickedness,

but I don't think I can.

Evil is everywhere.

I don't plan on staying for long.

I can deal with the world falling apart out there,

but I can't with the fact that my son

and grandchildren are responsible for it.

That breaks my heart.

I'm going to say my goodbyes.

I'll see them, I'll hug them tightly

and I'll go somewhere far away.

It's sad to know that everything wrong in this country

can be traced back to my family.

I'm upsetting you, aren't I?

Please protect us both...


Oh, it's you, Counselor.

Any news?

At 8AM she'll be transferred to the airport's military annex.

I'll send you the route they'll use.

Very well.

I'll be waiting for it. Thank you.

The attorney called. Are your men ready?

Yes, but they're few and they're all newbies.

All the good ones are on Victor Casillas' payroll.

Just get the job done. We need to do this.

Emiliana will call you tomorrow to finalize the details.

She's being transferred to the airport's military annex at 8AM.

Do whatever you have to do.

What's up, Mrs. Rambo?

I thought you had military training, you Navy c--t.

-You can do better than that! -Shut up, bitch!

You're on your way out.

Luckily for you.

If I were staying, you'd be dead!

Come here, bitch!

Die, bitch!

Let her go! You're going to kill her!



You're finally leaving Mexico, you f---ing trafficker!

Rot in hell!

Let's go, girls.


That's what happened.

My infection was treated and I was able to give Dad my kidney.

As you can see, he's alive and kicking.

You can say that again.

Only the good die young.

What's up, Mom?

What's up, you bastard? I was worried sick about you!

Were you responsible for the attack on the president?

Mom, please mind your own business.

I have some good news, though.

Guess who I met?

My grandmother!

Mrs. Alba?

She finally turned up.

Please tell her that I love her and send my regards.

Oh, honey.

You just sent me down memory lane.

She sends her regards.


Tell her I'm glad she's alive.

She's happy to know you're well.

I have to go. I'll call you later.

I'll call you later, Mom!

"I'll call you later."

You're all the same.

I'm glad... I'm glad we met.

I disagree, actually.

Now I'll worry about you too.

I noticed how easy you took to the biz.

You remind me of Chacorta. He was Aurelio's fool.

As was Heriberto, Victor... and now you.

History repeats itself.

How can I be glad?

Why would I allow myself to grow fond of you?

It's his turn now.

We need our fun too, right?

Have your fun and I'll hold down the fort.

No. Hold on.

I'll do whatever you want, babe.

Hold up.

I'm working.

We'll have fun later.

Go on.


Here's a little something for you.

Let everyone see it.

Here you go.


You think these girls are working here as slaves?

No, boss.

Their passports are taken from them so they won't split.

Look into it, anyway.

-Go. -Okay.

You look mighty happy, Zopi.

I have bad news for you, though.

These girls are a hit

and their bosses won't let them leave early.

And I'm hungry and in the mood for take out,

but I don't feel like paying the bill.

I'll tell you the plan after we toast.


Just like I promised. This is Justin.

Hi, Justin!

Hold him!

Ramon... who's been treating me?

Several doctors, ma'am.

Mr. Aurelio hired some of them. I hired one, too.

They know we know everything about their families.

No one knows I'm alive?

No one, ma'am. Don't worry.

Not even Victor?

Not even the president himself.

We haven't left this ranch since the incident.

Mr. Aurelio has been very nice.

Keep those comments to yourself, Ramon.

I learned to swim. Dad taught me.


Are you happy?

I am now that you're awake and that we get to talk.

Oh, honey.

Tell me everything will change.

Promise it will.

What has to change?

Drop the act.

I'm talking about Monica.

We're comfortable and relaxed, so why are you bringing her up?

Why do you do that?

That's not true.

She's always present.

This situation is affecting me deeply.

I just hope that because of how much we love each other,

you'll make the right choice.


For more infomation >> The Lord of the Skies 5 | Episode 04 | Telemundo English - Duration: 20:25.


Fire Truck | Formation and Uses 3D | Learn Vehicle for Toddlers| Cartoon Cars for Children|BinBin Tv - Duration: 2:58.

Fire Truck | Formation and Uses 3D | Learn Vehicle for Toddlers| Cartoon Cars for Children|BinBin Tv

For more infomation >> Fire Truck | Formation and Uses 3D | Learn Vehicle for Toddlers| Cartoon Cars for Children|BinBin Tv - Duration: 2:58.


機票 住宿 自己來 初學者的日本自由行 實用網站推薦!(cc字幕) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 機票 住宿 自己來 初學者的日本自由行 實用網站推薦!(cc字幕) - Duration: 5:01.


Киндер Сюрприз Щенячий патруль новые серии Мультики про Paw Patrol Kinder Surprise Eggs - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Киндер Сюрприз Щенячий патруль новые серии Мультики про Paw Patrol Kinder Surprise Eggs - Duration: 9:54.


La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 69 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:14.





I still find it strange that you betrayed Centaur.

It's not that I don't trust you...

but you know how working with drug traffickers is.

You can't just ditch them and go along your merry way.

And think of all the money I'm missing out on.

These guys are offering a lot of money for your head.

Centaur's offering ten times his usual rate

to the guy who kills you.

Gee, what an honor.

Deep down, I think Benedicto's afraid of you.

Yeah, right. - ¡NO M----!

Seriously. - ¡NO, NETA!

You've become a legend of sorts.

Think of all the guys you've managed to escape from.

You got away from me

after shooting me in the hand and leg.

Heck, I feel like taking a selfie with you

and sending it to Centaur.

Come on.

I thought that girl hadn't gone to the university.

She didn't come with us.

She knew because Rafael told her.

That's how she recognized the professor's name.

Why doesn't that professor want to help you?

I don't know.

He probably backed out.

He must've gotten spooked after what Erica told him.

I don't blame him.

What now?

Now... I'll never know what he found out.

Who knows if he reached any conclusions?

I also wanted to transition to new pills.

I'm running out of the ones I have.


Hey. Can I use the other bathroom?

This one's occupied.

-The one down the hall? -Yeah.

Just make sure you dry it.

That's the Father's shower.

Alright. Thanks.

Don't forget!

I don't think I like her.

And it's not because of what you told me.

Home wrecker.

Alright, General.

Up you go. Nice and straight.

Yes, sir!

Here. I brought you coffee.

-Thanks. -You're welcome.

Hey, son. I've been thinking.

How long has it been since I last gave you a present?

And I mean a really nice present,

not some rinky-dink crap.

That's not necessary.

An "I'm sorry for crossing the line" will suffice.


Another good one would be,

"Sorry I'm idiot who doesn't value others' hard work."

We'll save the idiot one for later.

Thanks for the coffee, though.

It's really good.

Coming from you, that's saying a lot.

Emilio... look.

I've been thinking.

I don't like this whole hiding situation.

It's not good for either of us.

So why don't we put that matter aside for now.

-Alright. -Cool.

I was up all night thinking about that Ana chick.


I'd never heard anyone mention her before,

but knowing my uncle, he probably had her hidden away.

Surgeon did have his ways.


I remember he'd always disappear for a few days

each October for what he called a "spiritual retreat."


He'd go sans bodyguards during that time.

No one knew where he went those three, four days.

He was probably visiting Ana.

Or his boyfriend.

Just kidding.


-You know what worries me? -What?

I'm worried one of the Atencios is nearby.

I understand.

I'd like to think I'm the last of them.

So would I.

-Know what we're going to do? -What?

We're going to have the cops investigate Ana.

We need to find out who she really is.

I agree.

-Ready? -Yup.

Let's go.

It's a long trip, and we have a few things to buy.

Careful out there.


Don't worry, though. We aren't on Jackal turf.

-It's nice, right? -Yeah.

- SÍ.

Take care.

See you around.

Let's go.

This is mine! You stole it!

What are you doing?

I lost my earring.

Where'd it fall? - ¿Y DÓNDE CAYÓ, O QUÉ?

I don't know. It must've fallen around here.

What's it look like?

It has little diamonds.

Found it!

How silly of me.

I mean, it's not that I don't believe in God...

but there are times I think

He's watching over a different planet, a different country.

No offense, Father.

None taken.

It's good to doubt at times.

Yeah, it's just that things haven't exactly gone

the way I want them to.

I've had it pretty rough.

I lived on the streets, you know.

For a while, too.

Tell me something.

What are you doing now?

Helping you out with something to make money.

Looking at that picture over there.

Folding clothes.

Right, clothes we're donating to the homeless.

That's nice, but so what?

Can't you see?

You're already living the other side of that story.

You said you lived in Toronto after Gerardo adopted you.


You sure we don't just blame God when things go awry

and forget to thank Him when things start looking up.

Yeah, maybe.

You were right, sis.

Yolanda tried to check out the picture.

She played it off so I wouldn't notice.

I hope swapping the pictures worked.


Besides, the first time she saw it was during an episode.

I don't think that's quite enough.

We need to do something about this.

Like what?

I don't know, like speeding up the process of nature.

You mean kill her?


Those pills are killing her

together with the injections Centaur gave her.

So what are you trying to say?

I don't know.

We need to let nature take its course...

if not move it along a bit.

Those pills are clearly tampering with her health.

They're like poison. That isn't medicine.

And you think Gerardo's going to come running back to you

if you kill Yolanda?

That's my problem.

It's my problem, too.

I always end up getting dragged into your problems.

Leave me alone already, will you?

Damn it, Ana.

Can't you see that's never going to happen?


For more infomation >> La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 69 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:14.


La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Avance Exclusivo 70 | Telemundo - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Avance Exclusivo 70 | Telemundo - Duration: 1:48.


Мультики для Детей. Софи и Сокровища Пиратов.Развивающие Мультфильмы 2017. Обучающее Видео для Детей - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Мультики для Детей. Софи и Сокровища Пиратов.Развивающие Мультфильмы 2017. Обучающее Видео для Детей - Duration: 3:28.


Kinh Phật _Kinh Ái Sanh - Kinh Trung Bộ (Majjhima Nikaya).Kinh Phật Hay Nhất - Duration: 14:24.

For more infomation >> Kinh Phật _Kinh Ái Sanh - Kinh Trung Bộ (Majjhima Nikaya).Kinh Phật Hay Nhất - Duration: 14:24.


Review - Lego Friends: Emma's Creative Workshop (41115) - Duration: 5:57.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with Emma's Creative Workshop

by Lego Friends.

Set number 41115.

Contains 108 pieces.

Recommended building ages are 5 through 12.

So here we have Emma in her studio.

I'm hoping these are not stickers.

I bet they are.

Nice colorful box art.

Well it's going to be tough to open up.

Let's do it!

Emma's putting up with a fight.


Well it does have stickers.

Three bags of bricks and plates

and a folded instruction manual.

The box wasn't packed too sloppy.

That's a good sign.

Let's take a closer look at Emma's Creative Workshop

after it has been assembled.

Here is Emma's Creative Workshop all assembled.

This is a fast quick build.

Off to the left we have Emma,

and easel with a lamp,

a computer desk,

and a sewing machine.

Let's take a loser look.

Here is Emma.

She is holding a camera

and a pair of scissors.

Her torso is printed.

Nice hairpiece.

It is slotted on the top

and in the back for a hair accessory.

On the left, we have a easel.

These two tiles are printed.

These look like notes.

On the right, we have a nice floor lamp.

The easel is simple construction

with a friction plate

and a few basic plates.

Here we have a small computer desk.

The screen on the computer is a sticker.

Yes, I actually put a sticker on a piece.

We have a vase in the back

with some flowers.

I like the use of the hair ribbons for decorations.

Nice color scheme with light purple,


dark blue, and white.

Nice large window

to let light inside the studio.

Finally we have a sewing workstation.

The desk does have a few drawers that do open up.

The drawers do have a 1 by 2 flat tile in each.

Possibly a piece of fabric.

On the right, we have a chair.

This is a bit of a goofy looking chair.

Looks rather blocky and square.

This is a nice sewing machine.

We have a nose cone for some thread.

There is a 1 by 1 flat tile that is printed.

We have a bow underneath the sewing machine.

This does raise up.

On the back of the desk,

we have a holder for some thread.

This is one nice build.

Very well thought out.

On the left, we have a set of stickers.

I wish the graphics were printed on the bricks.

On the right we have various tiles,

hair ribbons,


and other various bricks

which may come in handy to enhance Emma's Creative Workshop

or for other Lego creations.

This concludes the review for Emma's Creative Workshop

by Lego Friends.

Set number 41115.

Honestly this is one nice adorable set.

It is easy to construct.

We do get Emma

as well as various accessories.

This set will be perfect for any Lego Friends theme

or as a source for spare parts.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Review - Lego Friends: Emma's Creative Workshop (41115) - Duration: 5:57.


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Car accident! Car accident !

Call the ambulance!

Space please! Space please!

Can you hear me?!

Are you the injured's relative?

He is in critical condition!

Hey guys! They have requested blood doners!

OK, let's Donate!

No, 10 donors are needed!

So, what are we gonna do?!

Let's spread the news all over!

After 6 Hours

Have you found any?

Only 2, I'm still searching

(We need blood donors..)

After 12 Hours

Doctor!! What has happened?!

Another scenario

There is an application called your blood can save life

I already installed it on my mobile

Hurry up! Apply the request to the application.

( 4789615 needs blood donation..)

Sorry! didn't see you forgive me pal!

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John cena wife | John cena with Her wife John cena wife John cena wife - John cena with Her wife John Cena Family – Parents - Wife - Brothers – Ex Wife - John Cena And Nikki Bella WWE John Cena Family With Parents, Wife Nikki Bella, and Brothers Photos superstar John Cena jumped in the ring - not to take on an opponent - but to take longtime wrestler girlfriend Nikki Bella as his wife. The power couple had just won a couples' tag-team match against The Miz and his wife Maryse at Sunday's WrestleMania 33 when Cena drjohn cena, nikki bella, opped down to one knee and proposed to Bella, his girlfriend of more than three years. Video source :- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Template by MAX PATCHS MAX PATCHS Channel : MAX PATCHS Network : Please Subscribe our channel for more videos Join us on twitter :- Join us on pinterest :- Join us on Blog :- Join us on facebook :- Join us on Google Plus :-

John cena wife | John cena with Her wife John cena wife John cena wife - John cena with Her wife John Cena Family – Parents - Wife - Brothers – Ex Wife - John Cena And Nikki Bella WWE John Cena Family With Parents, Wife Nikki Bella, and Brothers Photos superstar John Cena jumped in the ring - not to take on an opponent - but to take longtime wrestler girlfriend Nikki Bella as his wife. The power couple had just won a couples' tag-team match against The Miz and his wife Maryse at Sunday's WrestleMania 33 when Cena drjohn cena, nikki bella, opped down to one knee and proposed to Bella, his girlfriend of more than three years. Video source :- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Template by MAX PATCHS MAX PATCHS Channel : MAX PATCHS Network : Please Subscribe our channel for more videos Join us on twitter :- Join us on pinterest :- Join us on Blog :- Join us on facebook :- Join us on Google Plus :-

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