Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 25 2017

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

the Meek Mill and Safaree Samuels altercation that happened this weekend seems to have brought

out two sides from celebrity spectators.

On one hand, no one wants to get involved and would rather dissolve the situation, and

on the other, why not have the two settle this feud one-on-one?

Someone who is all for a face to face throwdown is The Game.

After BET's Celebrity Basketball Game on Saturday The Game was asked about his thoughts on the

beef between Meek and Safaree.

"Why not meet up and fight one-on-one?

You know what I'm saying?

It's only fair."

One artist that was seen in the footage of the altercation was DJ Self.

While he would certainly like to see the two move past this feud, he's aiming for a more

peaceful approach than what The Game had in mind.

In order to clear rumors of his involvement DJ Self took to instagram to share his message

of moving on and emphasizing on the fact that everyone there was in a place at the wrong


As for Meek, he's continuing to appear unbothered by everything and staying focused on his music.

On Saturday Meek shared a powerful music video for "YBA" which portrays Meek advising young,

black Americans to be cautious in their decision-making, and to remember their actions can have life-altering


He captioned it with, QUOTE IG--"Stop paying attention to stupid

shit and catch a real message"

TMZ also caught Meek in Los Angeles Saturday night and when asked about a one-on-one fight

he simply said, he's a Don and Don's don't fight.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex On YouTube.

For more infomation >> The Game Thinks Meek Mill and Safaree Need to Fight One-on-One - Duration: 1:47.


15 Most Shocking Things Found In X-Rays! - Duration: 10:09.

15 most shocking things found in xrays

For more infomation >> 15 Most Shocking Things Found In X-Rays! - Duration: 10:09.


US Plans Military Space Corps To 'Keep Americans Safe' - Duration: 3:43.

American lawmakers drafted legislation on Tuesday to establish a 'Space Corps' within

the United States Air Force.

The new branch of the U.S. military will make sure that the country can wage war in space.

Sputnik reports:

Two top lawmakers in Washington DC have added a line item to the 2018 National Defense Authorization

Act (NDAA) that would create a brand new Space Corps military branch to specifically address

the needs of warfare beyond the atmosphere of Earth.

The proposed legislation would create a Space Corps, to be folded into the the military

as part of "a separate military service within the Department of the Air Force,"

according to the proposal.

The US already has an Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marine Corps.

US Representatives with the Strategic Forces Subcommittee — a group in charge of Pentagon

operations in space working under the aegis of the House Armed Services Committee — Mike

Rogers (R-AL) and Jim Cooper (D-TN), on Tuesday introduced legislation that would create a

US Space Corps.

In announcing the move, the two lawmakers stated: "There is bipartisan acknowledgement

that the strategic advantages we derive from our national security space systems are eroding."

"We are convinced that the Department of Defense is unable to take the measures necessary

to address these challenges effectively and decisively," Rogers and Cooper said, "or

even recognize the nature and scale of its problems," cited by

Included in the legislation is the acknowledgment that the Space Corps would be under the direction

of the US Air Force, similar to how the Marines are under the direction of the US Navy.

Unlike the Marines, however, the proposed US Space Corps would have a leader equal to

the Air Force Chief of Staff, and also have a seat with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

A spokesman for the US Air Force responded to the proposed legislation by downplaying

the idea, however, arguing that coordination between the military branches is more important

than creating new separate entities with the Pentagon.

"We think right now it's important to take the capabilities and the resources that

we have," said the Air Force spokesperson, "and focus on implementation and integration

with the broader force, versus creating a separate service."

The secretary or the Air Force, Heather Wilson, bolstered that sentiment on Wednesday, saying,

"The Pentagon is complicated enough.

This will make it more complex, add more boxes to the organization chart, and cost more money."

"And if I had more money, I would put it into lethality, not bureaucracy…

I don't need another chief of staff and another six deputy chiefs of staff, " she

added, according to Anti-Media.

Many levels of legislative bureaucracy must sign on before a Space Corps can see its first

space cadets, however, and the House Armed Services Committee must first unanimously

approve its subcommittee's addition to the NDAA.

The creation of a Space Corps would then move to the House floor for an early July vote.

Forward-thinking military futurists, including current Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work,

an Obama appointee, are supportive of moving the jurisdiction of the Pentagon into space.

In 2015, Work asserted that extraterrestrial domains, including the near-Earth planets,

the asteroid belt, the gas giants and even the reaches of outer space must "be considered

a contested operational domain in ways that we haven't had to think about in the past."

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and tell us what you think!

For more infomation >> US Plans Military Space Corps To 'Keep Americans Safe' - Duration: 3:43.


BREAKING: Tillerson and Mattis Team Up To Kill Obama's 'Pet Project' - Duration: 2:33.

Two juggernauts of the Trump administration are teaming up to eliminate the waste left

behind by former President Obama.

Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, have teamed up to

eliminate the position of special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan — a post created

by former President Obama.

(via Washington Examiner).

Laurel Miller was forced to step down as the special representative for Afghanistan and

Pakistan, as the Trump administration seeks to eliminate waste in the State Department.

Instead, the duties of the special representative will return to the South and Central Asian

Affairs Bureau, allowing for a broader approach to the problems in the Middle East.

The special representative position was created by Obama in 2009 to deal with the problems

in Pakistan and Afghanistan as independent and isolated issues.

The envoy position was widely considered to be redundant, as the South and Central Asian

Affairs Bureau was already responsible for leading missions in the region.

The post was eliminated because Rex Tillerson is attempting to reduce the budget of the

State Department by 32 percent, in accordance with President Trump's cost-saving initiative.

The decision was made as James Mattis planned to deliver 5000 more troops to Afghanistan

to train locals in the fight against the growing Taliban insurgency.

President Trump is committed to eliminating the wasteful positions created by Barack H.

Obama to reward his wealthy donors.

The duties of the special envoy will be consolidated into the broader State Department, thus saving

money, and increasing coordination across the Middle East.

The swamp continues to drain, as Obama officials are forced to step down.

Laurel Miller, who was recently fired, is planning to return to her post at the Rand

Corporation — a public policy think tank that receives its funding from private businesses,

and the United States Armed Force.

The effort by Mattis and Tillerson is part of the major change in strategy deployed by

President Trump.

Funding is being spent on troops, instead of special envoys.

Obama was the president of rhetoric, while Trump is the president of action.

Instead of talking to the Taliban President, Trump is bringing the fight directly to their

door step.

What do you think we need to win the War in Afghanistan?

Please share this news and tell us what you think!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Tillerson and Mattis Team Up To Kill Obama's 'Pet Project' - Duration: 2:33.


OG ana • Shadow Fiend • 10k Race — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 40:22.

OG ana • Shadow Fiend • 10k Race — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

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