Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 23 2018

I'm gonna tell you about five keyword research mistakes that you should avoid

I've made most of these mistakes so I can tell you with personal experience

how to avoid them and I'm also going to cover one bonus mistake that people make

it's not directly related to the keyword research but it is related to the

content which is obviously just as important as the keyword my name is Doug

Pennington I talk about Amazon affiliate sites and project management so have a

look around the channel and if you like what you see please subscribe the first

mistake is selecting keywords that just aren't profitable you should have a

blend i say about 50/50 of buyers type keywords and more information or how-to

content but the fact is if you base your site on keywords where you're not going

to be able to monetize effectively then you're gonna have a hard time so I did

this with my very first site I found smart passive income in 2013 and I

launched a site within five six weeks or so I didn't really understand what I was

doing at all I know how to use the keyword research tools I didn't know

WordPress I didn't know anything about hosting and I set up a site basically

all around a keyword where I could never make any money I was able to get traffic

to the site you know a couple hundred people a day but you know I couldn't

monetize it very well because there were no products to sell around it and it was

kind of a small amount of traffic so you know if I was getting a few thousand

people a day maybe I could put some sort of ads up there but just a few hundred a

day I wasn't able to do anything with it make sure that you're going after some

buyers keywords so that you could actually monetize in some fashion

the second big mistake is going after keywords that are too competitive and

basically just being greedy after I made the first mistake going

after keywords that I couldn't monetize I went after extremely monetizable

keywords and high search volume so I was like I made this mistake before and I

swung in the other direction and then I went after stuff that was like way too

competitive the search volumes were too high and essentially what happens when

you do that is there are people in the industry already that are ahead of you

and reinvesting their money so they make it

much harder to compete if you're just getting started so make sure you don't

go after anything like way too competitive for me I like to focus on

very low competition even now when I have more experience I go after a

keyword golden ratio compliant keywords now if you're unfamiliar with the

keyword golden ratio put a link so you check out the video and get an

understanding on what it is but essentially it's a data-driven way to

find keywords that are underserved on the internet so really powerful and what

it really means is you could publish content that no one else is really

targeting online and then rank your post without any backlinks number three is

not understanding the data that you get from the keyword research tools and/or

not understanding how to use the tools in general when I got started I didn't

know what I was doing right so I already mentioned that I gladly admit I didn't

know what I was doing I got my feet wet and I quickly learned that I didn't know

how to use the tools the mistake that I made is I saw the competition level

listed and the Google Keyword planner and other tools and the competition said

lo well in that particular tool competition is competition around ads so

people that use that tool are advertisers so when they see low

competition it means not that many people are running ads on that keyword

and what that means is it's not a very profitable keyword most of the time

because if it was profitable people would run ads and they would make money

on the other side so when you see low competition in the Google Keyword

planner that is directed towards advertisers so you have to understand

your tools there are other tools that have a keyword difficulty score or a

competitiveness number now those have their own pitfalls but you know just

make sure you understand what those values mean what any of the metrics mean

whatever tool you're using so there are a lot of different tools you could use

just make sure you understand the data that is coming out of those tools

number four is singular versus plural or bad grammar and what we're talking about

here you know you see a keyword let's say

it's a ballpoint pen and then you get some search volume and you think hey

that's too competitive but then if you search for ballpoint pens you see it is

still a high search volume but way less competition and then you think why I

found a loophole many go after the plural versus the singular or maybe you

find a keyword that is sort of a longer phrase and poorer grammar is used like

incorrect grammar words are out of order and it doesn't make sense right so if

you find anything like that usually at this point in time then 2018 Google

understands how to spell words correctly so if you type something in wrong

they'll fix it for you if you put in singular they understand singular and

plural they're almost equivalent unless it's some greater context like other

words in the search phrase further if you're using bad grammar well that

doesn't really make that much sense so if you're using poor grammar and you're

trying to target something using incorrect grammar that's not a good

thing right Google would prefer to have proper

grammar and generally they're going to sort it out and provide the search

results with proper grammar so the point is if you think you found like some

loophole where you could target singular or plural and get around any sort of you

know other competition you'd be wrong and don't make that mistake because

Google's so smart at this point they will fix errors that we make and take

care of them number five is putting too much value into the keyword

competitiveness score the keyword difficulty score or whatever it is now

there are a few tools out there actually a lot of tools do provide some you know

what they call a difficulty score they use different terms for each of the

different tools but basically most of the time those are estimations those are

good guesses based on metrics that come from other tools that are also

estimations on how hard it is to rank for something so the problem arises when

we hear people say the keyword competitiveness score is the number that

I look at and if it's anything under 30 then I know I can go for it and that's

just bad advice and there was a day when those tools were a little more accurate

but nowadays it's like that data is of a well for everyone and if the algorithm

isn't tight right like the keyword competitive in the score then it doesn't

really matter right so I've seen so many people just look at that one number they

get a false sense of security that they're gonna be able to rank without

any backlinks without doing any additional work and just publish average

to subpar content and then rank and that's just not gonna work and I've seen

it time and time again in fact if you have done that let me know in the

comments let me know if you thought the keyword competitiveness score was like

the number to look at and then you publish content and it didn't actually

work conversely if it worked for you let me know basically at this point in time

those values are interesting I'm studying them more really I'm

comparing them to the keyword golden ratio and maybe I'll get the keyword

golden ratio values and then I'll look at the keyword difficulty score to sort

and maybe prioritize but if it fits the kgr I know that's a pretty good keyword

any of the other competitiveness numbers or difficulty scores are just

interesting just because a tool says it's easy to rank for something doesn't

necessarily mean it is there are so many factors out there that the tools may not

be taking into account so unless you know the algorithm that they're using

you may not have a good handle on how difficult it is to actually rank for a

keyword here's the bonus keyword density then I get this question basically five

times a week people are constantly asking me well how many times should I

use a keyword in my post the answer is always I have no idea I don't know the

answer to that because it varies it depends on the length of the keyword it

depends on you know the other competitors and here's what you can do

though right so I don't know the answer because I can't tell you some percentage

which is what people want to know I don't know the percentage but here's how

you find it go and get this tool called SEO quake SEO quake is a free extension

for Chrome I think they're loosely connected with semrush but basically you

can get the keyword density for post right you can go to a site and then

click the little button you get the keyword density and you're good to go

the reason why you're gonna do that is because you need to analyze the

competition and that's why I can't tell you some percentage because it always

varies based on the competition what you can do is go find your you know your top

three to five competitor or something like that analyze the data right go look

how many times they use certain keywords you can see how many times they use a

keyword and a subheading h2 h3 tag you can see how they're using the words

right and once you get that value you understand exactly what Google wants

right you're looking at the results you're looking at the data and again

you're using data to make your decisions not some generic percentage if I told

you 2% it'd be wrong most of the time you have to go and do the research you

have to analyze the competition and then figure out what the key word ratio

should be the keyword density should be on your post for that particular phrase

right it varies for every single phrase so those are the five mistakes that you

should avoid plus one bonus make sure you do your research on the keyword

density a sub bonus point here most of the time using a keyword fewer times is

better than using it too much if you use it too much you're probably not going to

rank at all and if your light-handed you know you're probably gonna rank for

that keyword and a few others maybe not as high as you once you right off the

bat but you could tweak it after that so less is more don't forget if you're new

to the channel have a look around and if you like what you see please subscribe


For more infomation >> 5 Keyword Research Mistakes (Avoid these!) - Duration: 10:21.


Crazy Rich Asians Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:50.

In terms of representation

there's a lot riding on this movie!

For more infomation >> Crazy Rich Asians Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:50.


Goofy Relationship Goals Are Lit - Best Love Videos 2018 Compilation #INSTAGRAM - Duration: 3:05.

Goofy Relationship Goals Are Lit - Best Love Videos 2018 Compilation #INSTAGRAM

For more infomation >> Goofy Relationship Goals Are Lit - Best Love Videos 2018 Compilation #INSTAGRAM - Duration: 3:05.


Sacramento Regional Transit looking to re-design system - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Sacramento Regional Transit looking to re-design system - Duration: 1:05.


Cut 1 Lemon In 4 Parts, Put Some Salt On It And Put It In The Middle Of The Kitchen - Boost Immune - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Cut 1 Lemon In 4 Parts, Put Some Salt On It And Put It In The Middle Of The Kitchen - Boost Immune - Duration: 3:22.


Child hit by bus in Elizabethtown - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Child hit by bus in Elizabethtown - Duration: 1:20.


Comm Ave bridge project to begin in July - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Comm Ave bridge project to begin in July - Duration: 1:22.



HEY TRIPPSTERS breaking Taylor Swift news oh my god this woman cannot catch a

break okay there was a stalker in one of her homes

okay wait this is a huge deal not just because

it's Taylor Swift and not just because she's famous it is a huge deal because

this is the third time listen carefully the third time this month that stalkers

have been caught relating to Taylor Swift okay and I have the article and I

will link to it in the description below in case you guys want to read this for

yourselves but here it is okay a 22 year old man who's accused of

stalking Taylor Swift and multiple other crimes was arrested inside her New York

townhouse on Friday April 20th after breaking in according to The Hollywood

Reporter police found this guy asleep in the superstars home when they responded

to reports of a break-in he who lives in Florida was arrested and charged with

stalking burglary criminal mischief and trespassing Swift was not home at the

time of the incident okay he was previously arrested at the same address

on February 13th after breaking the front door with a shovel

holy crap wait there's more oh my god I'm telling you this girl

can't catch a break now this was in April okay just a few days ago okay and

the article goes on to say Swift has had multiple problems with stalkers and

intruders at different homes that she owns on both coasts over the years

police arrested a Colorado man outside her home in Beverly Hills on April 14th

okay and the authorities said that when the man was apprehended he had a knife a

rope and ammunition oh my god wait one more here we go at the beginning of

April another man who was accused of multiple incidents of stalking and

harassing Swift over a period of years was sentenced to ten years of probation

he pled guilty to repeatedly violating a restraining order Swift had against him

and he is required to stay at least one mile away from Swift and her family as

well as being tracked by GPS for one year he also agreed to undergo

psychological testing and submit to random drug test takes substance abuse

classes and relinquish all firearms no that was at the beginning of April okay

guys I think this guy may have been the one that we knew so much about over the

past couple of years that had been stalking her because he is honestly the

only one I ever remember Taylor having to take out a restraining order against

okay this woman cannot catch a break people needs crazy people need to leave

her the hell alone and I know Tyler will never see this but Taylor honey if you

ever should see this or anybody that is with Taylor oh my god please tell her to

surround herself with bodyguards at all times oh my god this woman can't catch a

break holy crap I know she's famous and rich and unbelievably talented but crazy

people seem to just be attracted to her like magnets oh my god somebody needs to

be watching her back big time okay and it it's just it's insane that she's

having to deal with this I know famous people throughout the

years have had to deal with crazies after them but oh my god three times in

one month holy crap oh my god people need to leave her alone

crazy people need to leave her alone I hope for Taylor's sake that she has

absolutely the best security surrounding her at all times and I'm starting to

think she may need better security at all of her homes wherever they are okay

because if these people are breaking in that easily

she needs better security she needs security guards posted at all times at

all of her homes oh my god that is scary as shit okay

holy crap are you believing this oh my god okay I was blown away

when I read this article it just oh my god okay and like I said or maybe I

didn't say it I don't remember I'm satara I will post the link to this

article in the description below in case you want to read the article yourself

but holy crap this girl is yes I know she's rich and

she's famous but she is having to deal with shit she should not be having to

deal with nor should any other famous person have to deal with okay because

famous people just happen to be famous but on any other level they're just like

you and me they are just normal everyday people they just happen to be famous

okay and people need to leave them alone and let them live their live their lives

and stop stalking them oh my god it's insane it's just insane oh my god I'm

terrible but this is I'm total pieces and scared for Taylor oh okay oh my god

it's insane it just is okay but guys that is the latest breaking news on

Taylor Swift but I think that is going to do it for now should I get any

updates on any of this I will let you guys know okay but that is going to do

it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out

For more infomation >> BREAKING TAYLOR NEWS ANOTHER STALKER CAUGHT - Duration: 6:19.


BREAKING: 3 Dead/Wounded In Targeted BOMB BLAST - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 3 Dead/Wounded In Targeted BOMB BLAST - Duration: 5:02.


Detroit: Become Human - interview | - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Detroit: Become Human - interview | - Duration: 10:18.


One person dead after fire in Harrisburg - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> One person dead after fire in Harrisburg - Duration: 1:23.


Authorities engaged in standoff in Keene - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Authorities engaged in standoff in Keene - Duration: 1:10.


Movie Review: I Feel Pretty, interview with Amy Schumer - Duration: 19:35.

For more infomation >> Movie Review: I Feel Pretty, interview with Amy Schumer - Duration: 19:35.


Doctor on explains bunion treatment options - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Doctor on explains bunion treatment options - Duration: 1:55.


Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Hi-lift Jack Mounting Bracket (2007-2018 JK & JL) Review - Duration: 3:54.

The Rugged Ridge Hi-lift Jack Mounting Bracket is for those of you that have a 2007 and up

JK that are looking for a nice, easy bolt-on bracket that will allow you to hold a farm

style or a hi-lift style jack on the exterior of your Jeep.

Those jacks can come in handy when you're on the trail for getting you out of a sticky

situation, but they come in a couple of different lengths, and some of the bigger ones can be

a little bit tough to store on the inside of your Jeep.

So if you're looking to free up a little bit of space on the interior, mounting on the

exterior is a great idea, and this bracket makes it very, very easy.

This is going to be a one out of three wrench installation.

This won't take you more than an hour to get bolted onto your Jeep, maybe even a little

bit less than that, and we'll walk you through the installation in just a second.

So if you are mounting your jack on the exterior of your Jeep, you do have to make sure that

you maintain it.

If you leave it out in the weather, especially if you live in the Rust Belt, like we do,

the jack isn't going to work for you when you need it.

You need to make sure that you keep it greased up, keep it lubricated, so it is going to

work for you.

That being said, mounting on the outside is going to free up a lot of space on the interior

of your Jeep, and again, if you're looking for an exterior bracket, I love the fact that

this one is completely bolt-on and fairly priced.

This is going to be a steel bracket covered in a textured powder coat finish that's going

to help it resist any sort of rust or corrosion.

It is drilled and designed to work directly with that factory tailgate and your factory

tailgate hinges and bolt directly up without the need to drilling holes in your Jeep.

So that is going to make install very, very simple.

Once you have this bolted down, you have an area here with this large thumbscrew up top

that will clamp the top part of the jack in place.

Down here, you have another thumbscrew that will hold the foot in place so it's not going

to vibrate and move around.

You have a hole drilled up here so that you can use a padlock or a cable lock, even if

you wanted to, to ensure that nobody's going to walk away with your jack.

So this is just a very well thought out, very well engineered piece.

So like I said, one out of three wrenches here for the installation, right around an


This is going to be a bolt-on installation in the fact that you don't have to drill any

holes in the body of your Jeep.

However, there is a plastic cover over your factory hinge that will need a couple of holes

drilled in it.

There is a very convenient template that comes right in the install instructions for this

mounting bracket that makes drilling those holes very, very easy.

I don't think many of you will have an issue drilling those holes right in your driveway.

So what you're going to do is attach the template onto that plastic cover, drill those holes,

pop the cover off, get it out of the way.

You're going to have to remove a couple of torques bolts that are in the hinge holding

the tailgate to the hinge.

Before you do that, you'll want to support the other end of your tailgate, make sure

nothing's going to move, and everything is going to line up very nicely for you once

you're finished.

Then, you'll attach a mounting bracket first, and then finally, your larger mounting bracket,

the part that actually holds the jack into place, tightening down all of your hardware.

Then you can get your actual jack attached onto the mounting bracket.

As with anything else, you'll want to go back and re-torque all of your hardware after you've

driven for about 500 miles or so, and keep an eye on things after your first off-roading


We all know you can induce a lot of vibrations when you're off-road, and you want to make

sure nothing's going to vibrate loose.

This hi-lift mounting bracket comes in at right around $100.

I do think that's a pretty fair deal for what you're getting here.

I think there was a lot of thought and a lot of engineering that went into this product

to make it very, very user-friendly.

I also think that it is built very strong.

It's going to hold up to the abuse that it's going to take holding that heavy jack and

bouncing around on the road and on the trail.

So overall, I think this is a good buy.

So if you're looking for a bolt-on bracket to mount your hi-lift jack on the exterior

of your Jeep, I definitely recommend taking a look at this bracket from Rugged Ridge,

and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Hi-lift Jack Mounting Bracket (2007-2018 JK & JL) Review - Duration: 3:54.


Ice Eating ASMR - SPOON (Soft & Crunchy) Ice Eating / Chewing - Duration: 3:06.

Ice Eating ASMR - SPOON (Soft & Crunchy) Ice Eating / Chewing

For more infomation >> Ice Eating ASMR - SPOON (Soft & Crunchy) Ice Eating / Chewing - Duration: 3:06.


Westworld Season 2 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:32.


Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Fire Extinguisher Holder (1987-2018 YJ, TJ, JK & JL) Review & Install - Duration: 2:42.

This Rugged Ridge black sport bar fire extinguisher holder is for those of you that have a 1987

and up Wrangler, that are looking for a way to hold a 3-pound fire extinguisher in your

Jeep, where it's going to be secure and also up out of the way.

This is going to install very easily, with just some Velcro straps onto your sport cage.

Definitely a one-out-of-three-wrench installation, less than 15 minutes to get it done, and we'll

talk more about that in just a second.

So there are gonna be a couple of different reasons you may want to keep a fire extinguisher

in your Jeep, just as you would in any other vehicle.

Whether you have an incident, or you just have it on hand to help somebody else out

in their time of need, having a fire extinguisher is never a bad idea.

But you certainly don't want it taking up valuable cargo space in the Jeep or rolling

around in the back cargo area or on the floor somewhere.

So being able to strap it up on the sport cage, where it's not only out of the way but

also secure, is going to be a great way to carry that fire extinguisher.

And by using a holder like this, you're going to have all of that in a nice, neat little

package and for a very affordable price.

This fire extinguisher holder is going to be made out of a nylon material that has a

couple of plastic buckles on it.

And the main retention mechanism is going to be Velcro.

So you're gonna be able to wrap this around your sport cage nice and tight and then slide

that fire extinguisher in there, again, holding it nice and secure and up out of the way.

So as far as the installation goes, again, one out of three wrenches, less than 15 minutes.

You just have to figure out where you wanna put this on your sport cage.

I would probably recommend that rear area, that very far back pillar of your sport cage,

depending on what year Jeep you have, what body style you have.

If you have a newer JK, that could mean different things, but all the way in the back corner

is probably gonna be the best spot to put this thing.

You'll go ahead and strap it around the sport cage.

Make sure it's nice and tight.

Slide your 3-pound fire extinguisher in there and you're done.

This fire extinguisher holder's gonna run you right around 30 bucks, which I do think

is gonna be pretty affordable.

Now, there are going to be some fancier fire extinguisher holders out there.

There are going to be some aluminum ones that are quick-draw.

There are going to be some fancier options.

Those are, of course, going to be more expensive.

But if you're just looking for something that's gonna do its job, that's gonna hold that fire

extinguisher securely up out of the way and is gonna save you some money, I think this

is gonna be a good option.

So if you're looking for a secure way to carry a 3-pound fire extinguisher in your Jeep,

I definitely recommend this holder from Rugged Ridge and you can find it right here at

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