This is Deliverance Videocast, episode 12,
Hello everybody,
and welcome to this episode of Deliverance Ministry Dot FM, where we give you proven
insights about the demonic realm and deliverance ministry so you can wage spiritual warfare
more effectively.
My name is Dr Don Ibbitson and I'm here with my co-host and colleague Dr Phyllis Tarbox,
and today we're going to address the topic of deliverance ministry for children and will
be sharing our experience in that realm.
Phyllis is going to do most of the sharing because that's really the area that she's
focused on and we're going to tell you and share with you what the Lord has shown us
about dealing with his precious little ones.
Before we get into it though, I want to just mention a couple of a few handouts that we
have on the deliverance ministry websites.
They're really downloads if there's the three that I want to really highlight very briefly.
One manual or handlout, if you like, is called 10 facts
Every Christian should know about deliverance ministry.
OK, concise to the point things that every believer really should understand about driving
demons out of people.
Second Handout, it's 7 keys to becoming a successful deliverance.
Minister, I know there's some people in this to this podcast who are listening who you
and there's something stirring in your time.
At the time said, man, I think I'd like to learn more about ministering deliverance.
This is a handout you want to get an a.
finally and other key thing, our book that we have for you, a little ebook is called
seven questions to answer before becoming a Christian counselor.
Once again, Christian counseling, deliverance ministry, it's all part of helping people
and I know there's people out there because that's the path that phyllis and I have come
down or deliverance ministries, but we're also a Christian counselors and then these
two totally free.
Just put your email in.
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new articles, podcasts, and videos, so totally free, no obligation, no anything.
We won't spam you, we promise, and finally stay tuned.
At the end, we'd like to get you a copy of our free or we're not a copy of our free.
I would like to get you a copy of complimentary copy of a manual that we sell in our store.
It's called Deliverance Ministry, plain and simple, and I'll tell you how you can get
your hands on them.
All right.
Let's move into today's main topic.
Ministering deliverance to children.
Now, if you.
You're familiar with the, through the website or some of the other podcasts.
We talked a lot about topics generally about ministering deliverance typically for adults,
you know, and then we talk about all sorts of open doors, generational sins and curses.
There's cultic can, there's sexual sin, soul ties, and we've been doing this for a long
We'd been in delivering.
We've been around as a center since 2008 and I've been in deliverance ministry since 1998.
Myself and ministered to a lot of folks in my focus, quite frankly, has been on adults,
but some number of years back.
I can't remember exactly when Phyllis, but the Lord started bringing us, we get calls
from parents to bring their children in for help and finally I went to her.
One day is here on God's Phyllis, you, you'd like to have an interest in learning how to
Minister to children?
And she said, yeah, I'll take a look at that.
So, uh, what exactly did you do?
Stop by our relative to some of the, the Patriarchs of the faith in this, which was frank and
it may Hammond and a lot of you are familiar with them.
They're the book on pigs in the parlor, but they also wrote a book on children's deliverance
and when I read that and I went through it, they laid it out for me in a very easily understandable
and fashion that I could kind of modify it to our approach and how we pray deliverance.
And as soon as I got through going through that and really just praying a lot with the
Lord through it and developed a very simple, um, attempted entering into it, I got our
first phone call.
I mean, it was almost within the week.
Yeah, and so I knew that was the Lord just starting because you hear it all the time,
you know, we know, but we can't find anybody to pray for our children in.
One of the things that Jesus said was suffer the little children, let them come to me.
And so when the parents were saying, I need somebody to help me with my children, you
know, I felt bad that needed to be part of what we were going to do.
So we entered in and we began to start to go over it.
So we, we formed a bit of a process and it has some commonality with what we do as here
in our ministry.
Um, would with some differences obviously because the children have to have it adapted
and we've broken it into two separate agents
Maybe I should, maybe we'll actually do is just give it a highlight of how we do it with
the adults and then you can tweak it from there because do think that's an important
We had to tweak the process, a five step process that we take people through the first sessions
in the interview or you get some background and understand a person's background issues
that they're dealing with, and then we do a teaching too is on open doors.
Demons can't jump on people.
They needed an open door so we do a teaching on that.
The person has some homework to do and prepare.
Session three is a teaching on basically how to close the doors or take away the spirits
legal rights to be there.
Once again, the person receiving ministry, they have some homework to do.
They're actively involved in the process.
The fourth session is the deliverance ministry session.
It's a two hour session and happens right here in our offices, but quiet and gentle
when we talked about before, but it's a two hour session and then the fifth session typically
a few days to a week later is the follow-up where we show them how to stay free or walk
and stay on if you like, the narrow road to life and to walk out there deliberate.
So that's our process for adults and for kids though, we had to tweak it some
so we modified it for the children, but the first most important thing is we want at least
one of the parents have gone through either our deliverance ministry, um, to form or someone
else's that is similar to ours because to take a child through deliverance and deliver
them back into a home where there's no understanding of warfare, spiritual warfare, then that's
not a wise thing to do.
So, you know, either through us or one similar spiritual, spiritual, right.
That plays a huge.
Because once the spirits are delivered from the children, they, it's the parents that
really have to prevent that from coming back.
So, and the other thing too that I like to say up front is there's gotta be some strong
discipline in the home is in regards to this because as the spirits will use the children
to play the parents and try to get them to be vague on their yeses or their nose.
And uh, you know, there's gotta be you gotta be able to have good discipline in place first.
If you don't have control of your children because of your own discipline problems, I
want to say deliverance is not gonna be an easy fix.
You're going to end up right back in the same, same position as you were before.
So keep that in mind.
But we did.
We did break this into two groups because we felt that there was a different learning
curve with them so that we have a group that we have tailored this for three to eight year
Um, and then the second group would be the nine to 12 year olds for the children's deliverance.
After 12 years old, we pretty much teach cheats them like an adult.
Um, they're able to do most of their homework, but as they come in the very first session,
oftentimes even before that is a phone contact and so on, or an email phone, email contact
about the children's deliverance ministry.
So what I do is I will send all the paperwork out in that email contact along with the journal
for the parents to be able to journal some of the things that the child has gone through
up to this point.
So that I have it on file and it's right in front of me and parents are very good at documenting
and getting it all in place because the first session when they bring the child in, I don't
want them talking about the child in front of the child.
I don't care how old the child is.
You talk about demonic activity in front of a child.
The demons are going to manifest in that child and it just becomes a train wreck.
So a lot with the journaling upfront.
And then the first session is an interview session much the same way, 30 minutes with
the child.
Just me kind of watching them and how they respond to some easy questions and in our
environment and then 30 minutes with just the parents so that I can get the rest of
the interview that's not on that journal sheets.
So if it's a one parent household than a lot of times that that can be done on the telephone
or you know, come to the two parents.
The second, the second session is, is actually for the three to eight year old is the, is
the prayer, you know, and we don't, we don't, we don't keep it long with that age group.
It could be 15 to 20 minutes, maybe a little bit longer towards the eight, eight year old
and a bit, but you know, we don't want to keep the child along and we always keep the
parents in the room with that age group and generally will have another intercessor.
And then also there is a follow-up session on how to keep the children free.
We have tailored our prayers and our forms and our everything for the children.
So it's, you know, similar but different.
And then the nine year old, nine to 12 year old group, we've built in an extra, an extra
So with the three to eight, there's three sessions with the nine to 12, there's four.
Um, and the extra session that's involved with the nine to 12 year old is that we take
them through an actual teaching on deliverance, on forgiveness judgments, soul ties.
We get them more proactive and a lot of their homework, you know, predominantly the younger
ones, the parents are going to do all the work, all the homework, but in the older group
we, you know, get hands on and we began to work with them with that.
So that's just a little bit about how we do it.
Um, so four sessions for the [inaudible] for the [inaudible] and, and it's modified for
All right.
We want to get to understand the process and the background because I appreciate that everybody
does just do it differently.
A lot of places don't necessarily merit minister to children and so far and it's, it's all
a work in progress to be sure it all is everything in deliverance, but this seems to be working
in and, and helpful.
And so that's just important.
You understand the process that we use to administer deliverance to children.
So that's a little bit of that.
In terms of the background, let's get into the kind of the main points of discussion
and I think most of our listeners are going to be interested in this or listening to this
or a parent of a child.
How can a parent tell?
What can they be looking at to help them determine if their child does in fact need deliverance
Well, anything that's becoming excessive.
Anything that you notice, it's out of the ordinary, like excessive fear, excessive anger,
a sudden onset of continued sadness, sensitivity, nightmares, anything that that that can be
exaggerated with that and in that in that first email that I send out to the parents
before they come in.
I include a child's issue history form so they can go through it and get an idea of
where some of these things have come in and identify a familiar generational things that
may have opened a door with a cult.
Practices and things like that, and we'll get into that in a minute, but some.
Some of the influences that have been over the children, whether whether it was a phobic
fear that came in with the with the dark.
Something with nightmares or animals or the children were left alone.
Maybe it was something that happened in a hospital or a doctor visit that that could've
It could've established fear in the child.
So basically you're looking for the parents supposed to pick up on something that say
this isn't normal,
this isn't normal.
It's something that's exaggerated.
Know I know
that room mother one time and talking about her kids brought in here for anger.
I mean parents understand temper tantrums, but I think mothers, especially many times
the fathers to.
I'm not leaving them out, they just don't say this is more than a temper tantrum.
They can discern something so you keep using the word excessive.
Anything that's just doesn't sit right.
Anger, fear, nightmare, torment.
That would be.
That would be an audit.
That would be a clearly a thing that would happen.
Had that with our son when he was about nine years old.
He ma'am, just horrific nightmares and my wife, we weren't just did deliverance on one
night in the room there and called out a spirit and as nightmares went away.
You can do that over the little ones.
So yeah, I'd looked in his eyes and I remember looking in his eyes and call.
You could just see he was there but he wasn't there.
And so that was a nightmare thing and that's one of those things.
So that's.
So you're keeping say anything that's excessive or just a parent, you know, it's many times
it's not a flashing neon sign right here.
Just takes some discernment that something's not, you know, something's amiss here
like you mentioned with even with anger.
I mean, you know, parents have brought their children and because the children are are,
are threatening to kill them.
That's not normal.
That's not normal.
That would not be normal or trying to hurt themselves or kill themselves.
That sort of thing.
And what I tell the parents will oftentimes is if you try binding up that spirit specifically
binding it with the blood of Jesus Christ and you see it right, and you see that, that
behavior stop and then you loose the fruit of the Holy Spirit on them.
If you get results from doing the binding and losing, then you probably are dealing
with with a with a demonic spirit, because I've had the children in the office were beginning.
The parent would sit there and explain the torment that the child was going through and
then the child will start to manifest and we would begin to bind it up and watch it
stop, and then we knew we were dealing with the demon and
so that's matthew.
Just again in case you don't just want to emphasize that scripture and that's a big
one we use in our ministry here and telling people is Matthew Sixteen, 19 where Jesus
says, I give you authority to bind on Earth, which has been bound and have him buying up
the demon and loose on earth, loosed in heaven.
So we lose the Holy Spirit on people on.
Generally with adults, we you do that.
We'd like to look in their eyes as we're doing that, if we can and bind up the spirits and
people that you do that with kids too or does it?
No, we definitely look at their attention and get them in the office.
So those would be an indicator.
Now you started talking to me.
I guess we can.
When did that more depth and people ask, well, you know, these, these spirits, I mean we
teach demons just can't jump on a person.
They can't, you know, not like some of them, Hollywood movies out there that, you know,
people, you can't catch a demon from somebody either just by like you catch a cold, but
there are open doors for tournaments.
So what are the common or the open doors that you've seen working children to be tormented
by demonic spirits?
Well, for the children we have a, what they call an open doors list for the parents to
go through and it's the generational, just the same as it was, is with ours generational
word curses.
Um, anything that they've noticed that's been repeating down the family bloodline wore,
that's been spoken over their child, uh, we, you know, word curses, have power, could be
things that were said over them that they were stupid or they weren't wanted or they
were rejected the same as what we deal.
It could be also any words that may have been spoken over the wound while the mother was
pregnant while they were carrying the child.
So we have them identify anything repetitious.
It's coming down through the blood line and any type of word curse that may have been
spoken over this child.
So that's an open door, generational curses and workers.
Your number one.
Number two, we have, we take a look at unforgiveness again, any it, how would the older group I
have the children write down the people that they know, they've had some ots with some
unforgiveness for, um, but generally resentment for people whether they are no longer alive
or whether they're dead or alive or dead and have them write down those people's names.
Now, for the little ones, of course the parents will do that.
There's been any things that's gone on in the family bloodline, so any unforgiveness,
a number three would be a colt and open doors,
like for kids, that's trickier, right?
Because I've been involved in the typically like,
well, and that, that would come in through like games, like toys, like a [inaudible]
board or a mystical toy or if they've gotten a lot into some of the Harry pottery sorcery
games or they learned the spells on, on, um, the, the website, um, movies certainly that
they've seen or any types of computer games.
A lot of these video games have gotten a very heavy demonic overtone or an anger over tone.
I'm not good at anything that involves magic, wizardry curses.
Hex is spells, you know, and a lot of the toys, I mean, I didn't recognize it back from
when my kids were little, but my little ponies all done in magic.
And casting spells, um, rainbow Brite, any TV show, some of the new ones, the other ciders,
the wizards of waverly place, medium charmed, ghost whisperer.
Any clothes that represents demonic emblems, any types of hypnosis, horoscope, new age,
superstition, anything that they'd been involved with.
Even martial arts, we take a look at it.
A lot of that.
It's just going to laugh.
Some of it because they just don't see the problem with some of these things like Harry
I just don't see an issue with these things or some of these games.
I mean, what do you, what do you tell parents who can have that kind of attitude?
bear is because the way good and evil is presented in this good, good and evil.
Evil is evil, but the good is based on access for a new age type of power or mystical power
doesn't have anything to do with the Holy Spirit has to do with accessing a new age
And, and you know why a lot of people discount this don is because we have been very desensitized
to it.
We had things like casper the friendly ghost and be witched when we were young and they
were like a good witches.
And so, you know, we've been walked into this one step at a time so that now we're in that
we're getting into some of this real dark stuff where these kids are learning how to
cast spells on some of these websites and the books are out out now for all the spells
and things with even the Disney channel.
Um, we're getting in a little deeper.
And so the parents need to be aware that this is real.
It's not a game.
So that would be the cult open door.
People perishing for lack of knowledge and other open door will be sexual abuse.
If the child had been a victim of rape or incest or any molestation, that would certainly
be an open door for torment.
And then the last, one of the last ones that we go through is any type of soul tie people
dead or alive that have had ungodly influence over your child.
Um, you know, with family members, oftentimes there's control.
We don't have a lot of filter when it comes to our own family.
We can have good godly soul ties with a mother and a father based on love, but there can
be ungodly soul ties there between a mother and a father based on impatience or anger
and control and things like that.
So we have them list that plus teachers.
Maybe there has been some babysitters that haven't been good or some on godly friends
or different situations that have been left bad influences
for the children.
Yeah, well that.
Absolutely I have, I've, I've seen, I've seen that one of the first ones that we had come
in, um, had some oxygen deprivation because of choking through an umbilical cord.
And so we had to help him through some of that.
I've also seen birth traumas were the drugs that had been used, like pitocin have actually
affected the central nervous system of the child.
And if there was anything unusual going on in the birthing room, like high trauma, like
there was with one of ours, the birth wife, the birth mother, mother, the grandmother,
the grandmother was present in the room while the mother was giving birth and the mother
passed out because of a blood pressure issue and she thought her daughter had died.
So she was hysterical.
Here comes this little boy on pitocin nervous as, and he really suffered with a spirit of
fear that was, he was very jumpy, a little rabbit all the time.
Um, so birthing traumas, premature births, Cesarean birth, I'm prolonged labor or any
kind of words that were spoken over the child, like they, they are going to die in birth
or we may lose them.
I'm, I'm one of the things.
My sister, she had the cord wrapped around her neck and we're not really sure what happened,
but I'm sure the doctor said probably we may lose this child on his birthday because my
sister died of strangulation one year later on her birthday.
So that word curse was out.
Then that was the devil's carry that out.
Um, also, yeah, we look at a lot of different things, school, certainly any open doors or
problems with school, fear of teachers, fear of tasks, failure.
Um, I have a lot of little girls that come in because they're, they want to be perfect
and so they've got this striving and anytime they're corrected then that, that there's
a high sensitivity there.
They've been embarrassed, um, or there could be like competition or even bullies on the
playground where the children have now become, you know, they've been bullied.
They, they can be bullies, you know, cause they, they turn into that.
And certainly that's one of the stories that we tell often about the little boy that had
that bullying problem of murder and violence that, that manifested in his life.
So you can, you can see a lot of also had children with the, with the video games that
have come in.
Um, they have been so involved and so wrapped in these video games.
They actually at, you know, five and six years old, it's become their reality because they're
not old enough to be able to tell the difference of what's real and what's not real.
And one little boy almost like Jumanji got lost in the game.
His whole life was circling around that game.
So we had to break that and call that wandering, lost spirit out and he is just his alert.
Find a secret.
Did you relate to parents should understand that the bottle makes it very clear.
So like the eyes are the windows of the soul.
So stuff we listened to yours as well.
I mean the things we see is just a.
That sounds like that's what happened.
These little kids and their filter isn't that good and it's not that good with adults and
people were like, and listen to this music, it doesn't bother me.
I can watch this.
It doesn't bother me.
I think that's just a great deception with kids.
They don't have anything natural like that.
They don't have very little in the way of natural mechanisms right there.
Just like little sponges.
So, so these things look
at different things to like hospital stays that could be very traumatic for children
where they're left in the hospital, like if they've had some kind of surgery and their
parents are not there, I left them overnight.
It often opens up a band in mint issues.
Um, if there's, if there's, um, prenatal issues that happened with the mother and the father
while the child was in the mother's womb, like there was a lot of bickering in the home
or quarrelling or negative things that were going on between the parents, then that can
affect the child as well.
Um, you know, so well a lot of, a lot of this stuff that we take a look at, um, one of the
little boys that we had that we prayed for, I know when we're praying for him, one of
our intercessors picked up on something cold that she felt a coldness over home and she
couldn't figure out what it was.
And so she asked him, did you ever touch anything cold in Awe?
Because we were praying actually for a spirit of death at the time.
And we couldn't figure out what it was and the little boy said, well, I went to my uncle's
funeral and I touched his body and his body was really cold and what we had ascertained
after that was that spirit of death kind of followed him if it bothered him, you know,
at tormented him because he hadn't been in that position before.
And so we were able to break that fear of death and that sort of thing off of him when
he was in, he was free.
So dramatic, traumatic, very traumatic.
So we know, you know, we have to take a look at a lot of different things, generational
And we talked about that too.
The three to eight year old group, the parents do almost all of the homework and, and quite
frankly the parents do most of the homework and the nine to 12 year old group with the
exception of the forgiveness.
I think it's very important for the children to go through and release forgiveness based
on their own issues that they've had with children in class or family members or the
common open doors.
I'm sure there are others as well, but we're going through this.
You gotta hear God's got to speak, reveal things
to the parents.
It was a cookbook, like you bake a chocolate cake this way.
It'd be easy, but it's not.
It's you have the knowledge, have the experience, but man, God speaks as you go through this
and reveals things and so it's very much a learning process for everyone.
There's homework, so those were.
But those are some of the common open doors.
Now, what do you know?
Some people are concerned about.
The kids are going to be afraid.
You know, children, they don't want to hear about demons.
Gus Demons when become scared.
Dolts truth be known.
And how do you deal with that with dealing this whole realm of the demonic realm?
Aren't children prone to be afraid when you start talking about demons?
When I talk to children, I mean I don't want get into demons.
I get into, I teach them in a method that they can really understand because it's not.
Most of these kids know there's something wrong with the anxiety and the fear or the
anger they know.
I haven't had any of them come in and say, I don't know why I'm here.
I mean generally they know something's wrong because they feel the switch to that one minute.
They're one way.
And women, if they're not, I mean, especially the little boy that said, I don't like being
a bad boy midst fellas, you know, I want to be a good boy.
So yeah.
So I explained it to them in a method that is like their little house, you know, we talk
about us as adults that were at temple and that, you know, we have windows that are our
eyes and doors that are mouth and there are sometimes there are things that get into our
house that do not belong there.
And one of the most excellent books I think that we've used with the children is the little
skunk by Psu banks because it's age appropriate for these younger ones and it takes it.
It explains deliverance so beautifully in a very non-threatening way about things stick
out into the house and they call them things like anger, things like fear, things like
ungodly sensitivity, you know, that sort of stuff.
Things that they understand, we don't need to call them demons, we call them how they're
acting in their lab scans, what little are right, stink, they stink.
And then that's how the book explains that these stinky things got into your house and
you don't want this stinky stuff living with you.
So when I called them out, I just command them by their names, like fear or anxiety
or anger to come out of their house and to release them in the name of Jesus Christ.
And they're all on board.
I mean, they're so cute.
They'll just sit right up in their chairs.
They want to be good.
They don't like acting like this.
Um, and you know, we'll call them out and they'll go and the kids see them go.
I mean, it's so cute.
Couple of them we've had, they've just gone and yarn and yarn and yon and the one little
boy at the end, he looks at me and he goes, Ms Phyllis, I'm really sorry.
I don't mean to fall asleep on you, but I just can't stop yawning.
And I'm thinking, that's OK.
Your House is getting clean.
Is that a pretty common.
What are the ame comment?
What are the most common manifestations with children?
They're adults.
They wring their hands a lot.
They rub their feet a lot.
They yawn.
Um, sometimes they'll tear up a little bit, but not too much.
I think most of it is yawning, sometimes coughing.
Um, but it's not exaggerated so much with that.
what do you feel like you generally can tell me?
Can you discern most times when they, if they are free of something or is it.
Yeah, with the little ones, it's real obvious.
So you can see it in their eyes.
Um, even the other day we were praying for a little girl and we could just see her eyes
just like click.
It's like they locked on and then we were able to call that out and it had to go, but
with anger you'll see it manifest or eyes will get real red or like they'll get real
Um, and we can call those things out, but you know, we handle it in a really, in a very
gentle manner with the little ones.
Well, you do the session, you do that deliverance session.
He can say it could be anywhere from 20 minutes to maybe maybe a little bit longer for the
older ones, but at the conclusion of what I mean, and they'd done what, what about a
follow-up session?
What do you do with the parents or the child after the deliverance?
Well, I have a follow-up session that I bring them in and we talk about what they've kind
of walked through in the time I'd scheduled it about a week out from the regular deliverance
What things have happened, what they've done.
I teach them about, um, how to, how to take authority over certain situations when those
spirits try to come back with thoughts for the children, how to pray over the children.
We have daytime and evening prayers for the children that are set up for them to begin
to pray so that they, they're not afraid of that and we just teach them how to keep, you
know, things, things out.
And really it's very much the same as the way we teach the adults because the parents
are going to have to exact that spiritual warfare in that covering over the children.
So the children have a part to play.
They need to, we give them cues, um, things that the parents can cue the children with
when they begin to notice that they're starting to move in that type of behavior to help them
stop it short.
So we have like a whole different kind of a setup that's gentle that teaches them how
to do spiritual warfare.
And with the older ones, how f, how for them to be aware and to move with it.
And also we have some, some binding prayers and some leucine prayers and some prayers
that help them call the person back by name so those spirits cannot really begin to torment
them if they begin to manifest like with a temper tantrum or that sort of thing.
We have ways to stop that before it gets into a full blown situations.
So yeah, that discipline has got to be in there because, you know, we've seen, you know,
we've, I've good heart and we've had people come in for prayer and brought their children
in and then just gone home and figured it would be a quick fix and they weren't going
to have to deal with it and they didn't really follow up with, you know, how to, how to war
for the children.
And they were weak in the areas of discipline.
And they've called me and said their children are worse because now they're really taken
advantage of them.
And so I'm very careful, you know, and it's, I think it's difficult when the parents, um,
don't have that set up because, you know, those spirits will come back, they'll torment
the parents, the battery them into submission, you know, and then they're coming right back.
So really the parent does have to be the front line on that and it's, they've got to have
that in place or the caregivers.
And that's going to bring up another question right away to I bet you any money is that,
well, what if we're separated in, I take my child through deliverance and then I have
to send them over to my, the steps or the, you know, the father's house.
Maybe there's a step parent involved with it.
And how do I do when I, can I take them through deliverance that they have two homes in that,
regarding the answer to that is yes, because we will teach you how to war over your child
while they're over there as well.
So, you know, even with split homes, it's doable, but one parent has to be on board
and it, the primary parent would be the one.
All right.
Well we've covered a lot of ground today.
Kind of touched on a lot of things quickly and hope, uh, you were, it was interesting
for you and I guess as we begin to conclude your fellowships, any one concluding statement
or a thought that you'd like to, to leave with the folks?
Your children can be set free.
You don't have to wait for these things to manifest into full-blown demonic torment in
teenage years where you're not going to be able to handle it.
There is easy, easy ways to handle it when they were little and there and get rid of
a lot of this stuff before it manifests into really bigger problems when they get older.
Well, we don't typically these podcasts, we don't usually talk about our products too
much, but I just feel it.
I would just want to mention that in this room of training, we train and teach the adults
in our bootcamp, but that's a product that we have on dilemmas training bootcamp, but
we also have a product for counselors for deliverance ministry, people interested in
ministry to deliverance, administering deliverance to children, rather children's deliverance
ministry training product.
It's really put together by Phyllis.
It encapsulates aren't entitled process with the handouts and everything in the powerpoints
that we do with the parents and the children, so just didn't want to make you aware of that.
Hope you enjoyed this podcast.
It's a topic I'm very near and dear to people's hearts because it involves children and nothing
is more precious to us and our children.
And, uh, we, we'd love to hear from you.
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Love to hear a few minutes.
I say especially you've got podcasts, ideas.
We want it.
We want to come out with things that are important to you when you're doing, you know, articles
and different things and videos at the time, but when we put a lot of effort into these
podcasts and we want them to be fruitful, want to hear from you, and we appreciate very
much the time you take to listen to this.
We hope you were blessed by it.
And, uh, we wanna we want to bless you and thank you very much for listening.
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